Best scripts February 23. Scenarios for the Defender of the Fatherland Day holiday for adults

this work is a detailed script, including dance, instrumental, vocal numbers and competitions for the holiday on February 23. As a rule, I write such scenarios for students in grades 1-11 secondary school. This work contains competitions of varying complexity that are suitable for both the youngest defenders of the fatherland and school graduates. The script may be suitable for " Happy Starts"or for class time.

Goals: To intensify the moral, aesthetic, emotional and patriotic experiences of students on the basis of patriotic songs, dances and competitions.
1. Educational: Formation of patriotic feelings for the feat of Russian soldiers.
2. Educational: Introduction to patriotic material. (songs about war, competitions on military themes)
3. Developmental: Developing the ability to think and analyze about the heroic deeds through music and painting.
Good afternoon dear friends! In a few days, our country will celebrate one of the main holidays in its history, “Defender of the Fatherland Day, or as it used to be called Soviet army And navy" Dear guys, as future defenders of our Motherland, you must cultivate in yourself such qualities as courage, masculinity, kindness and nobility. What our army will be like in the future depends on each of you.
Well, we are starting our holiday program.
You are invited to the stage Ensemble junior classes
"Patriots". Soloist Eva Oganesyan.
(Boys Ensemble and Eva - Song “Crew, One Family.”)

Looking at such young defenders, we can say with confidence that nothing threatens our country.

Now, I would like to invite the youngest participants of today's holiday to this stage. (Students of grades 0-1). Dear guys, every sniper should be able to hit the target the first time. Since you are still very young, you are given 4 attempts to hit the target. (Competition with Rings)

Every soldier must have good ingenuity and a sharp mind in order to quickly find solutions in the most difficult situations.
Competition (questions)
1. Village set for seven minors. (Benches)
2. The main weapon of the Nightingale the Robber. (whistling)
3. Container for miracles (sieve)
4. Who is not a warrior in the field. (one)
5. Royal head honor (Crown)
6. Bogatyr Number (three or 33)
7. Minimum measurements per cut (7)
8. Not alone in the field (warrior)
9. Headgear designed for a fool (cap)
10. Robber's number (forty)
11. “Unclean” dozen (Thirteen)

12. Witchplane (broomstick)
13. Serpent according to the priest. (Gorynych)

Dear friends, 2nd grade students rush to congratulate our defenders on the holiday. Let's support them.

The time of heroes, usually you seem to be in the past:
The main battles come from books and movies,
The main dates are cast in newspaper lines,
The main destinies became history long ago.
The time of heroes, by the highest right,
You gave to distant and close years
Valor, and glory, and longevity good memory.
Time of heroes, what have you left us?
You left us the clear sky of the Fatherland,
Home, and road, and tender bread on the table,
You left us the most important thing in life -
The joy of working in a peaceful, happy land.

There is no family in Russia where its hero is unmemorable. And indeed, on this day one cannot help but remember our veterans, who, defending the country at the cost of their lives, gave us a peaceful sky above our heads.
Song – “Great Grandfather” (Eva, Dasha, Nastya)

On any field campaign, each soldier is required to have with him a number of necessary equipment, which are located in his duffel bag. Now we will hold a competition that will show your readiness for military service.
Competition-stuff bag.

A good memory is essential for any soldier. A message has been received from the signalman. Each team takes turns reading their words, and after a while the participants must remember and reproduce them. (Signalman Competition).
1st team (lieutenant, artillery, grenade, raincoat - tent, sapper, tank, paramedic, infantry, battalion, fatherland)
2nd team (marshal, machine gun, cheers, patriot, trenches, plane, scout, Katyusha, machine gun, courage).

The next song will be performed as a gift to our defenders, performed by Anna Kuzyura.
“One way ticket”

Thank you for the wonderful song, and our holiday program continues.
(Nurse Competition).
At the front, you constantly have to provide assistance to the wounded, and a person’s life often depends on the speed of the medical staff. For the next competition we will need gauze bandages. Players need to bandage the wounded (leg, arm). The quality and speed of the work done is assessed.

Important Intelligence is part of the structure of the Russian army. And every intelligence officer must be able to decipher an intercepted message or solve a puzzle. Each team is given a card with an encryption and a key. In the allotted time, whoever deciphers it faster and more correctly wins.
Competition (cipherer)
Card 1. The headquarters is in the forest, to the left of the mountains, guarded by two guns and one tank.
Card 2. Guarding the bridge - two tanks across the river on the left, one tank in the ravine.

Music has always helped raise the morale of our soldiers. Eva Oganesyan will perform a lyrical song for you musical composition"By a mountain stream"

On foot, it was customary to perform military drill songs that united the soldiers into one big and friendly family. Let's remember these songs.
Competition - guess the melody

In custody holiday program, I want to ask all the boys and young men present here, the future defenders of our Motherland, to come up to this stage.
Music is playing(boys go on stage).
This is how it has always been and will always be, again and again, young people with a warm heart, those who choose serving the fatherland as their destiny, will rise up to defend the country.
Military service has always, historically, been a pillar of Russian statehood.
The army and navy, airborne troops, unshakably guarded its national interests
When required, they stood firm and won.
All generations of warriors made their invaluable contribution to the defense of the Motherland.
Modern army and navy are developing the best traditions, among them fighting spirit, confidence in victory, understanding of a high purpose and moral values military labor. And today we pay tribute to the recognition of their resilience, dignity and loyalty to their homeland. Happy Holidays, Happy Defender of the Fatherland Day!

And at the end of our festive program, Dasha and Nastya will perform a song for us - “Oh, these clouds in blue.”

Presenter: Happy holiday, see you again!

Natalya Kovylina
Celebration scenario for February 23rd with competitions for orphanage pupils


Hello, dear friends!

Today we have gathered here to congratulate our boys and men on the upcoming holiday"Defender of the Fatherland Day". I would like to wish them health, success in their studies and work, good mood and victories in our competitions! And now our girls will congratulate you!

I. Congratulations from the girls


Today we sincerely congratulate you

We are with holiday all Russian soldiers!

Even though you are still boys, we wish you all

I wish you success, health, etc. awards!


You are growing up brave and strong,

Be worthy of your grandfather's names!

Be worthy of the Russian Army,

Her victories and regimental banners!


Well, in today's game we wish

You win and become a general!

And the main thing is not to become limp, not to be a coward,

Walk forward, fight, win!


A simple soldier is no worse than a general,

He will be the first to fight and carry out the order!

So that the country lives, lives and prospers.

He will give his life for his homeland!


And it’s okay that you are still boys -

Brave, stubborn, love to play pranks,

Now go all the way to the general -

In the game, learn how to be a soldier!

Presenter 2:

We know well that the peaceful sky above our heads, the peace of the country’s citizens, its honor and dignity are protected by the soldiers of the Russian Army: soldiers, pilots and tank crews, border guards and sailors.


Presenter 1:

Defenders of the Fatherland Day originated in 1918 as the birthday of the Red Army. (slide)

Defender of the Fatherland Day takes on special significance after the Victory in the Great Patriotic War. Patriotic War 1941 -1945 (slide)

There is not a single family in Russia that has not been affected by the war. For many, this is the greatest feat of the people ever world history, and at the same time, this is a tragedy that under no circumstances should be repeated.


Presenter 2:

Congratulations on this day deserve those who different years defended our Motherland, and those who are now protecting our restful sleep. (slide)

The main heroes of this day are military people. But according to established tradition, this day is also considered a holiday of real men!

Presenter 1:

And after graduation, our guys will go to fulfill their military duty in the ranks of the armed forces of the Russian Federation and in the future will become real defenders of the Fatherland.

But we decided to check how ready our soldiers are for military service today in our holiday program(together) "Soldiers of fortune!" Therefore, let us greet our future defenders of the Fatherland with your friendly applause! They will be represented by 2 teams of 5 people.

2 teams come out.


Leading: As it says folk wisdom"The bad soldier is the one who doesn't dream of becoming a general"

So we'll see which team deserves more stars while our program is going on. Every victory in competition will increase the number of stars. And, as expected, the General Staff - our jury - will evaluate the teams’ performance.

Leading: When there are intellectuals among the youth, there is no need to worry about the future of our army. So, to the left of me there will be a command - " ", to the right - " ". Let's welcome our participants!



And we’ll start, perhaps, with this. Any a real man, without hesitation, will answer how many stars on the shoulder straps of military personnel correspond to which rank. Do you know? Then attention!

1 CONTEST Questions for the teams one by one

1. (Junior officers)- who has one star on his shoulder straps?


2. Two stars?


3. Three stars?

(Senior lieutenant.)

4. Four stars?


5. One bigger star (senior officers?


6. Two bigger stars?

(Lieutenant colonel.)

7. Three stars?


8. One big star?

(Major General.)


As they say, whoever has not been in the army does not know life. And today we will try to plunge into the atmosphere of a soldier’s life. As you know, the first days in the army are the most difficult for the team. That’s right, “getting up”: you need to quickly jump out of bed, get dressed and line up.

Privates, task one: on my command, you take the uniform that the warrant officer gave you in the warehouse - your task is to get dressed, put your hand to the visor and say “I serve the Fatherland!”. Then they undress, putting their clothes on a chair, go back and pass the baton to the next one.

A set of uniforms is ready for each team on the chair. By command "Anxiety!" players run to the chair,

Leading: So, our honorable jury evaluates the second contest.

Leading: The winning team gets its star.


Leading: Comrade fighters! Now you have to fulfill next order. In one minute you need to assemble a Kalashnikov assault rifle. But the machine is not real, but only its mock-up. And not even a layout, but just an image of it. Surely all of you childhood I had to put together puzzles. So now you have to assemble a machine gun. It's clear? Time has passed!

Leading: So, the jury sums up the results. The winning team receives a star.


Leading: The team that answers the question first will receive the next star.


What are soldiers' socks called? (foot wraps)

Unexpected team? (anxiety)

News from a civilian? (letter)

Every soldier dreams of becoming one? (general)

Soldier's home? (barracks)

Stupid at war? (bullet)

Queen of the fields? (infantry)

Does it work with a key? (radio operator)

(For each correct answer a star is given)


Leading: Well, that's it competition you are strong, well done, and now we’ll find out how tough you are in battle? Only now you will fight with your intellect,

Contest savvy and resourceful

1. On the magnetic board the words - "caprice", "fun". Rearrange the letters to make a word related to the topic of our holiday. The team that completes the task faster wins. (It turns out words: "order", "infantry").

2. There are letters in two envelopes. The team captains come up and take the envelopes. With a clap, they take the letters out of the envelope and make up a word; there are no extra letters. The participant who completes the task faster wins. In the first envelope the letters t, o, l, d, s, a, in the second - e, l, g, r, a, n, e. (It turns out words: "soldier", "general").

Guys, do you know the proverb in which these words appear? (A bad soldier is one who does not dream of becoming a general).

Leading: The winning team receives a star.

In the meantime, the teams are completing the task, I have questions for our viewers

For viewers:

1. What is the name of the wooden part of the rifle? (butt)

2. Who obtains information about the enemy, about his location, numbers, weapons? (scout)

3. What is the name of a sailor’s summer headdress? (peakless cap)

4. Winter outerwear for soldiers? (overcoat, peacoat)

5. What does a tank use to move on the ground? (wheels and tracks)

6. What is it called? festive passage of all groups and branches of troops across Red Square? (parade)

7. Striped T-shirt for sailors? (vest)

8. What replaces socks for soldiers? (foot wraps)

9. What is the end of a soldier's service called? (demobilization or demobilization)

10. How many stars does a private have on his shoulder straps? (none)

You can give your star to your favorite team.

Leading: 6 CONTEST.

Well done - fighters! Now we need to test your attentiveness and endurance. And your task is this: the competition is to walk through a minefield. Participants are blindfolded, and skittles are laid out on the floor; they need to walk around the hall without touching any.

Leading: Now we need two people from each team. Each pair is given a ball. Players must place the ball between their backs. The players' task is to carry this ball between the backs to the finish line and back, without helping themselves with their hands. The winner is the couple that reaches their team the fastest.

Leading: The jury sums up the results. The winning team receives a star.


Leading: Well, our first day in the army continues. And now, fellow recruits, there is a new test, you must help the general get dressed. (Children take turns with eyes closed perform the task on whatman paper)

Leading: If the task is clear; let's get to work.

8 CONTEST. War is war, but lunch is on schedule. Well, what would it be like to be in the army without lunch? After getting up and a little mental exercise, where do we run? That's right, to the dining room, and the next one is ours contest.

"Army cuisine" Yours task: from the proposed food products, select everything necessary to prepare the indicated dishes (food items are printed on cards)

Receive a soldier's menu for lunch.

Menu for 1 team:

Boiled potatoes with fish

Menu for 2nd team:

Buckwheat porridge with cutlet

Carrots, bread, salt, sugar, potatoes, cabbage, buckwheat, water, beets, meat, onions, dried fruits, tea, fruit juice, starch, tomato, cucumber, dill, fish, chicken, apple, etc.)

For viewers:

In the meantime, the teams are completing the task, I have questions for our viewers, let's remember where our army began - that's right, with Russian heroes!

Name the most famous Russian heroes. (Ilya Muromets, Alyosha Popovich, Dobrynya Nikitich).

What animal should become the constant companion of every hero? (Heroic horse).

How did we learn about all the exploits of the heroes? (From epics).

Who is shown in the picture famous artist Vasnetsova. (Three heroes).

What is chain mail? (This is an iron shirt that warriors wore to protect themselves when attacked by enemies).

What is worn on the head of heroes. (Helmet).

What weapons did each hero have? (Sword).

Leading: And the last army competition for our teams


Leading: To be fair, Defender of the Fatherland Day - the holiday is not only for men. Who, if not women, during wars carried the wounded from the battlefield, worked tirelessly at defense factories, producing ammunition and weapons?

In the next competition Girls will take part with the fans. IN competition"Nurses" the task, one might say, is a combat one.

(A wounded fighter and a girl from the audience are selected from among the participants.)

Imagine that we have fighters (young men wounded in the head or arm, who urgently need a bandage. Our girls play the role "nurses".

(Participants are given dressing materials) Any lyrical military song can be heard. Girls bandaging "fighters". The winning pair will be awarded prizes.)

Leading: The jury sums up our army day and identifies the winning team. Accept musical congratulations.

(Awarding of participants)

Presenter 1:

Here's ours the holiday has come to an end. A few years will pass and our boys will grow up. Military service is a responsible matter. A lot of knowledge and skills must be acquired in order to serve with dignity. Therefore, do not waste time, study well and play sports!

Thank you for your support, to our fans for your applause, for your smiles!

Presenter 2: Once again, greetings everyone HOLIDAY!

And it will always be like this as long as the planet turns!

And we really can’t do it any other way!

Congratulations on the Day of Defenders of the Fatherland!

We wish you valor and glory, friends!

Scenario competitive program by February 23 “From the Life of a Soldier” is suitable for any company and venue; it does not require special preliminary preparation, but it perfectly supports the theme and creates a festive mood. (Thanks to the author of the idea D. Fedorov)

All competitions dedicated to different aspects of a soldier's life: training, nutrition, discharge - are easy and fun, and they can be part of any other scenario.

Presenter: Less than a year has passed since we again celebrate Defender of the Fatherland Day! This means that we have a whole evening of fun competitions and Have a good mood! They say that military service is difficult only for the first 25 years, do you agree? And for ours, I propose to start by thinking about what the word “service” itself means, and to do this, determine what quality each of the six letters of this word corresponds to? Let's start with the first letter of the word - “C”. I believe that this quality is courage. (Replicas come from the audience, the presenter comments on each of the mentioned qualities)

Presenter: So, with your help, now I have an idea military service. Service is: courage, dexterity, prowess, vitality, vigor, activity.

And we are starting our competitive program, which will take place in several rounds, after each round one of the participants will leave the playing field.

First round of the competition program: "Tactical training"

Presenter: More than once, ingenuity came to the rescue of a Russian soldier at critical moments. Even about this folk tales They say that a soldier’s strength does not lie in the gun! So let’s test your theoretical knowledge and train your ingenuity at the same time! The one who gives the correct answer takes a step forward and remains silent while others answer the questions. The one who does not give a single correct answer during the competition is eliminated!

1. The outcome of the struggle is in our favor (victory)

2. What a soldier thinks about and what he eats from ( bowler)

3. Big naval chief ( admiral)

4. Warship (cruiser)

5. “Bang, bang - and away” (milk)

6. War machine (tank)

7. Listener and informer in the army (radio operator)

8. One of the main weapons of a soldier (spoon)

The second round of the program by February 23: “Physical training.”

Presenter: As you understand, now we will strengthen the body! The best way to do this is physical exercise! Spread out! Now they will show you everything! The main thing is to carefully follow the movements of the instructor! I say: behind the movements! And not the instructor! (the last phrase sounds at the moment when a pretty girl instructor in a sexy tracksuit comes on stage; she shows intricate exercises that are difficult to repeat, so the presenter strictly monitors their implementation, always makes humorous remarks out loud, based on which the instructor takes away the himself the most clumsy of the “warriors”)

Third round: "Dining" competition.

Presenter: Have you practiced? You can also eat! Now let's check how ready you are to dress up in the kitchen! Now you have to implement folk proverb about cabbage soup and porridge - our food! Now cook some bacon for us! In front of each of you are the products that are supposedly necessary for cooking cabbage soup. You are given a minute to think and an empty pan - place in it what you think cabbage soup is made from! (the player who makes the most mistakes is eliminated).

To confuse the participants, you should add radishes, olives, various cereals, canned fish, stewed meat, and so on to the traditional cabbage, carrots, onions and tomatoes.

Fourth round - "Combat"

Presenter: Oh, this is my favorite moment - drill training: how beautifully men can walk in step, all toned and shaved - just a sight for sore eyes! Come on, let's practice! March on the spot! Left! Left! Ah, two, three! Align to the left! Step completed! One, two! All around! Attention! Is it hard to sing a song? Come out one at a time! (the player must march along the hall, singing a song out loud; the loser is determined by the most liquid applause).

Fifth round - "Dismissal"

Presenter: It’s great when the drill is behind you and dismissal looms ahead! Now, if only I could get some more money, because when you’re on leave, you want to have a more interesting vacation, and want to eat tastier! Do you know that in tsarist army the soldier was paid a ruble for a month of service, and he received separately for various reviews and parades - this was decided by the Sovereign Emperor. By the way, money could be stored in a special battery cash drawer and taken out when needed. Of course, I don’t promise you money, but I’ll test your ability to count. Here's a task for you - calculate from one to twenty, omitting all numbers that are divisible by three. Whoever makes the most mistakes is eliminated.

The sixth round is “Commander training”.

Presenter: Here they are - our three heroes, three little pigs, three brothers, three handsome summer months! They bloom and smell like three poplars on Plyushchikha! Why, you are commanders at three minutes! Do you know about this? Yes? How are you going to command? Your voice won't let you down?! Diction won't disgrace you?! Come on, let's train your speech apparatus! Receive envelopes with tongue twisters - they are different for everyone and you can open the envelopes only on my command. Having opened the envelope quickly, we read each of the written tongue twisters three times. The one whose speech apparatus works the worst will go home.

Tongue Twisters:

1. My spoon is curved.

2. The transformation of the losers after defeat is amazing.

3. There is a hill with sacks in a field. I’ll go out onto the hill and straighten the sack.

1. Intermediate obstacles are easy to overcome.

2. I drive through potholes, but I can’t get out of the potholes.

3. Portraits of proletarians clarify everything without comment.

1. My skirt is fashionable, of the fashionable ones, one is fashionable.

2. He reported, but didn’t report enough, began to report more, and then reported.

3. The weather outside has become very bad

Final round.

Presenter: What do we have? And we have two excellent warriors who can both sing and be able to whip up soup quickly. What's left to check? Yes, it’s very simple - undress, we’ll see how you know how to wash yourself in a soldier’s bathhouse! … Joke! The task is simpler: in two minutes you have to recruit a squad for yourself: you run up, touch a person with your hand, and he stands in your line. As soon as I say “stop!” - let's start counting the recruited soldiers. Let's start!

Naturally, the one who manages to assemble a larger team than his opponent wins. We present the winner with a very large medal, attach marshal epaulets and offer it to the audience to the shouts of “Hurray!” rock him in your arms.

Defender of the Fatherland Day is historically associated with honoring victorious soldiers, honorable veterans and military personnel. But you can be a defender not only with a weapon in your hands, and therefore we do not miss the opportunity to thank and congratulate all the dear men around us.

Not a single team misses the opportunity to praise the stronger sex on this day. A corporate party is becoming a tradition. At the same time, the scenario for February 23 can be very diverse: from fun in a cafe to an outing with the whole company.

If you are throwing a party in the office, spend some time preparing the event. In your plan-scenario for February 23rd for a corporate party, include items such as

  • themed decorations;
  • selection of “masculine” music;
  • a hearty feast;
  • toast tips;
  • competitions;
  • practical gifts;

This scenario is suitable for holding a party in a restaurant or an office conference room. Participants sit at festive tables, the corporate event is held by two presenters.

The room is decorated with balloons in green shades or camouflage colors. From balloons If desired, you can collect a figurine of a soldier or a tank. There are also small tricolor flags and paper airplanes hanging from the ceiling.

Leading: Dear, beloved men!
On this day filled with greatness,
We will honor and praise you
And observing all decency
Let's not forget to reward you with a gift!
You are all for us Defenders, soldiers,
But you better be in civilian clothes, you guys!
Let your uniform be only sports,
And your life is sunny and active!

And now we proclaim...

The words are interrupted by music from the film " star Wars"March of the Empire." The presenter falls silent. The military commander comes out.

Commander: A new crisis is brewing in the galactic republic! Dark side wins all battles. I, the official representative of the Galactic Empire, came to Earth to fulfill the prophecy and find (the number of men in the office) warriors who will save our Universe.
Recruits, before joining the ranks of the Galactic Army, you must undergo high-quality training. Get ready for difficult challenges!

The commander hands out lightsabers and cloaks.

Leading: But first, I order every recruit to take 100 grams for courage! And dear ladies support you and also fill their glasses. For men!

The presenter records the winners after each competition. All competitions are accompanied by music.

Agility test

Commander: We will begin the tests seriously,
And we will test the soldiers' dexterity.
As is known in space there is no gravity,
And those who are simple-minded do not survive!

When you go into battle,
There is no time, and you need to hurry.
Who will be the first to eat?
He will be known as the clever one.

A rope is pulled in front of the participants, to which bagels or donuts are tied on a string. The first one to eat the whole donut wins.

Leading: Each one shines with virtues,
Both honor and courage overflow!
To strengthen the strength and firmness of the fist
Among the battles there will be a place for a bivouac!

Table break.

Test of strength

Commander: Company, get into line!

All the men line up.

Commander: For the first or second, pay it off! The first - one step forward!

Leading: The first are skillful and brave,
Tell us about your strength!
Here in front of you is a seemingly funny thing - from match boxes,
Whoever can smash it with his fist, that guy is not a miss!

Each participant is given an empty matchbox. The box is placed on its edge on a flat surface. The task is to flatten it with a blow of the fist; usually it flies out from under the hand.

Commander: There is strength, but you don’t need intelligence!
Who was second - come out!
The test is no worse
You have to get around!
In front of you are shells for the gun,
You need to check their strength!
Your own forehead is the best conditions.
I warn you, one shell is raw inside!

A bowl of eggs is placed in front of the participants. They need to grab the “shell”, break it over their head and put it on their plate. The one with the most eggs wins. All eggs must be boiled, just don’t tell the participants about this!

You can put one ceramic egg as a joke, but this is at your discretion =)

Leading: Women raise their glasses to strong and fierce men!

A toast from the female half of the team. Table and dance break.

Speed ​​test

Commander: Well, recruits, get up! Let's test your coordination and teamwork!

Valor and honor paint a man,
And you won’t find any weak ones in our team!
Developed steely discipline within yourself
And they must win the race!

Commander: Attention, fighters! To react adequately in military operations, you need to be able to concentrate and develop great speed! Each of you is given a responsible task: to evacuate the residents! And we will train on straws.

Participants stand in a row and are given cocktail straws.

Commander: Using a straw, you need to transfer all objects strictly to your territory. The one who saves the most “population” wins the competition!

If there are a lot of men, then it is better to divide them into two teams (First and Second). Set up a large plate full of M&M candies; you need to pull the candy with a straw and transfer it to your plate.

Commander: I praise you, fighters,

You are hardly new recruits.

Leading: They are still excellent fathers for us,
Husbands, sons and simply brave men!
The male employees are top class!
I invite all ladies to sing for you!

Women sing a reworked song with congratulations for their colleagues.

Test of eloquence

Leading: Oh, what women, what women!

Meanwhile, the glasses are gathering dust! And to correct the mistake, we will triple the competition in eloquence! We fill our glasses, and the men take turns making toasts. Whose toast receives more applause wins!

Table break.

Accuracy test

Commander: Formation!
In difficult battle conditions
You need to remember about aesthetics.
Let's train your shaving skills,
There's no time to mess around in the army!
And this is your task.
I couldn't handle it, I admit it!
Gently and without trembling,
Shave your friend without any cuts!

Men are provided with razors and Balloons. Draw a face on the balls and cover them with shaving foam. Whoever can “shave his friend” (or at least swipe the blade three times without breaking the ball) wins.

Test of wits

Leading: Get your act together, guys!
You're not old yet!

Commander: Let's check how the idea works,
And the Internet is not your cheat sheet!
Feel free to answer my questions,
And I will ask you not to help!
And as they say, without a guess, intelligence is not worth a penny!


  1. Is it added during kneading? shortcrust pastry yeast? (No)
  2. Which Russian word has 40 vowels? (fourty A)
  3. What question can never be answered positively? (Are you sleeping?)
  4. Why does a woman, when her tights tear, start looking everywhere for nail polish? (To glue the tear area so they won’t tear further)
  5. Which 6-letter word has 1 letter “K” and as many as 3 letters “N”? ( TO A Ntri)
  6. The numbers 3 and 11 are amazing and special! What unique property do they differ in? (Three and eleven consist of 3 and 11 letters, respectively).
  7. It won't bite or bark, but it has the same name. (@)
  8. What was the tallest mountain on the planet before Everest was discovered? (The mountain remains the highest on Earth regardless of whether people discovered it or not. Answer: Everest)

Table break.

Ditties from women at the table with a chorus

Chorus: And once again, once again,
Many, many more times!

1. I am young and good,
And besides, she’s beautiful,
I really admire it at work
From a male perspective!

2. Our beloved boss
Tomorrow he will fly on vacation.
It means team
He can get some sleep during the break!

3. Oh, girls, I'm in love!
I can't tear myself away!
This is the third day I’ve been walking and leafing through
Accounting book!

4. Oh, dear colleagues,
I wish you now
A sea of ​​happiness, plenty of money,
Let the girls love you!

5. In honor of a big holiday
The director will be a bunny!
He will give us all a prize
And it will give you a raise!

6. Our team is very friendly,
What is there to talk about for a long time!
No staff turnover
Can't be seen in our office!

7. Men, congratulations!
We are talking after all.
We raise our glasses,

A toast to the young people!

Congratulation video

Show a presentation or video about the male half of the team. These can be photos with comments. Signatures can be associated with habits or hobbies, gastronomic tastes, or the employee’s favorite phrases.

Sword Challenge

Leading: Prepare your swords, but not for battle.
Whoever lasts the longest will make an impression
Let's start the coordination test.
Place the plate flat and support it with the sword.

Participants are given a paper plate. The winner is the one who managed to balance with the plate on the tip of the sword the longest.

Commander: I solemnly declare all tests passed! Such worthy men was not yet in the ranks of the Imperial Army!

The sound of a walkie-talkie turning on. The commander takes a toy walkie-talkie or telephone from his pocket. He puts it to his ear, listens, nods.

Commander: Report from the front line! I was informed that Dark forces The armies from Earth were afraid and retreated! You saved the entire Galaxy! Three times “Hurray” for the warriors of Light!

Leading: And we are convinced that our men are perfectly suitable for responsible service at work! Therefore, they are directed by the Imperial Council to work for the benefit of the company! Let's raise a glass to the brave and capable men team!

Presentation of memorable diplomas

Prepare your diplomas in advance; if possible, paste photos of men into them. Can be used as signatures by anyone famous phrases from films or songs. For example, “At the samovar, me and my Masha”, “Tsar, nice to meet you, Tsar”, “Giant of thought”, “I am an old soldier and I don’t know the words of love!” etc.

Or pick up beautiful aphorisms about men who are suitable for your colleagues.

At the same time, gifts are presented and competition winners are awarded. You can give memorable prizes or intangible, but humorous awards. For example, comic certificates: “The owner of this certificate can be 1 hour late for work any day without explanation,” “The right to a healthy afternoon nap for an hour. Bonus: prolonged snoring is allowed,” etc.

Birthday cake

Let the evening end with a sweet dish. You can prepare it yourself: a beautiful birthday cake or cupcakes with filling. Specially ordered cakes have gained great popularity at corporate events. This cake can be decorated as spaceship(on the theme of the script) or in the style of February 23.

Our evening was sparkling and bright
Fun and laughter
And also gifts
We generously gave to friends and ourselves!
In honor of you men, let the fireworks thunder,
And the music sounds rebellious.
You are worthy of the glory of this moment
We accompanied you on your journey!

Take care of yourself, play sports.
Eat healthy and have plenty of fun.
Be confident and courageous in yourself
Let the work proceed skillfully.
And may luck brighten every day,
Let your strong body be beautiful!
I didn’t dare say rude words to you,
And the ladies are speechless with admiration!


  1. Costume for the commander: cloak, belt, lightsaber, helmet or mask, a toy walkie-talkie in the pocket;
  2. Cloaks and lightsabers for all employees. Easy to make yourself: Flexible water aerobics sticks are wrapped with shiny adhesive tape at one end. Or buy toys at the store;
  3. Rope with tied donuts;
  4. Empty matchboxes, a bowl of boiled eggs;
  5. Cocktail straws, M&M bowl, party plates;
  6. Razors, balloons, markers, shaving foam;
  7. Paper plates;
  8. Memorable diplomas, gifts, prizes for competitions.

Easy entertaining script for a team or big company. Congratulations on February 23 in verse and prose, beautiful poems about defenders of the fatherland, fun competitions for men and couples. Characters: two presenters, a man and a woman. What is needed in preparation: props for competitions, prizes for winners, a beautifully decorated hall, musical accompaniment.

Scenario for February 23rd for primary school. Congratulations on February 23 in verse, beautiful poems about defenders of the fatherland. Characters: one adult - the presenter, several students reading poetry. What is needed in preparation: distribute poems to children and invitations to parents, a thematically decorated hall, musical accompaniment.

Interesting fairy tale scenario February 23 at kindergarten. Congratulations on February 23 to dads and grandfathers, beautiful poems about defenders of the fatherland. Characters: one adult presenter, 10-12 child participants. What is needed in preparation: special costumes of heroes, Baba Yaga and others fairy tale characters, props for scenes, musical accompaniment.

Interesting thematic script with competitions for boys. Congratulations on February 23 in poetry and prose, riddles about heroes, warriors and other defenders of the fatherland, fun competitions for boys. Characters: one presenter, a woman. What is needed in preparation: props for competitions, prizes for the winners, a beautifully decorated hall, musical accompaniment.

An interesting children's themed scenario for the youngest children in the form of a game. Congratulations on February 23 in verse, stories about heroes, warriors and other defenders of the fatherland, fun competitions. Characters: one presenter, a woman. What is needed in preparation: props for competitions, prizes for the winners, a beautifully decorated hall, musical accompaniment.

A serious patriotic script for students. Congratulations on February 23 in verse, stories about the exploits of the defenders of the fatherland, beautiful poems about the Motherland, men, war heroes. Characters: one presenter, a student and a female student. What is needed in preparation: video and equipment for broadcasting on stage, a beautifully decorated hall, musical accompaniment.

An interesting thematic scenario with competitions for boys. Congratulations on February 23 in poetry and prose, riddles about heroes, warriors and other defenders of the fatherland, fun competitions for boys. Characters: presenter, participants - dads with children. What is needed in preparation: props for competitions, prizes for winners, musical accompaniment.

Sports scenario with competitions for teams. Congratulations on February 23 in verse, fun competitions for children and adults. Actors: presenter, jury, teams of participants. What you need in preparation: jump ropes, balls, hoops, balloons, 4 plywood boards, prizes for the winners, a themed hall, musical accompaniment.

Scenario with competitions for teams. Congratulations on February 23 in verse, interesting competitions for guys. Actors: presenter, jury, teams of participants. What is needed in preparation: props for competitions, posters with drawings, prizes for the winners, a thematically decorated hall, musical accompaniment.

Scenario for a corporate party on February 23 with competitions. Congratulations on February 23 in verse, beautiful poems about defenders of the fatherland. Characters: one presenter. What is needed in preparation: props: 5 self-knitting ties, 4 1000 ruble bills, 3 chairs, 2 boxes of matches, 2 potatoes, 2 ropes, 2 clothespins, a themed room, musical accompaniment.

Scenario February 23 for high school students with competitions. Congratulations on February 23 in verse, stories about historical figures - defenders of the fatherland. Characters: 4 presenters, jury. What is needed in preparation: decoration of the hall - holiday posters, exhibition of books “Your Defenders”, portraits of outstanding Russian commanders, prizes for the winners, musical accompaniment.

Thematic script for students, high school students or young groups. Beautiful congratulations from February 23, poetry. Characters: presenter in a hussar costume. What is needed in preparation: an image of a hussar, posters with the sayings: “If you want to be beautiful, join the hussars” by Kozma Prutkov and “Glory flees from those who seek it and follows those who neglect it” by Arthur Schopenhauer.

A competitive game program by February 23 for children 7-11 years old. There are 2 teams of 10 people participating, each participant has his own position. Each competition is intended for one team member. For correctly completed tasks, the team is awarded a starfish. Characters: presenter, players. What is needed in preparation: decorating the hall for nautical theme, prizes are stars.

Scenario February 23 with fabulous female characters. A script in verse about the search for a groom and men. Poems about men. Characters: presenter and 5 fairy-tale heroines. What you need in preparation: costumes for fairy-tale characters, musical accompaniment, a beautifully decorated hall.

Patriotic scenario about the defenders of the fatherland in the history of Russia: heroes, hussars, generals. Poems and congratulations on February 23, stories about defenders of the fatherland. Characters: presenter, heroes, hussars, warriors. What is needed in preparation: paintings by Vasnetsov, costumes of the heroes, musical accompaniment: marching music, famous melodies of the war years.

The scenario is designed for a team of 7 men. All of them will be involved in competitions. A lot of poems for February 23, congratulations to men in verse, fun interesting competitions for February 23. Characters: one presenter. What is needed in preparation: decoration of the hall in a military style, prizes for the winners.

Universal scenario for February 23 with competitions. Congratulations on February 23, interesting competitions for men on February 23. Characters: one presenter. What is needed in preparation: props for numerous competitions, a thematically decorated hall, musical accompaniment, various parts costumes - knight helmets, elements military uniform etc.

Scenario for February 23rd big amount competitions and games. Congratulations to men on February 23 in verse and prose, beautiful words about real men and defenders of the fatherland. Characters: one presenter. What is needed in preparation: gifts for men, food for a banquet, props for games and competitions, prizes.

A script specifically for teenagers, future warriors, defenders of the fatherland. Poems about the military, congratulations to men on February 23, competitions for guys. Characters: one presenter. What is needed in preparation: in the hall you can hang wall newspapers with photographs of young men, today’s and children’s, as well as photographs of school graduates who became military.

A funny scenario for a corporate party on February 23 for any team. The presenter does not engage the audience. Humor for February 23, congratulations to men on February 23. Characters: presenter, several heroes. What is needed in preparation: special costumes for the characters, gifts for men, a festively decorated room, musical accompaniment.

Concert script for men on February 23 with competitions for men. Congratulations to men on February 23, songs on February 23, concert for men, competitions on February 23. Characters: one presenter. What is needed in preparation: props for competitions, prizes for competition winners, a choir performing songs, a beautifully decorated hall, musical accompaniment.

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