Other types of industry with installation. Code "OKVED section c" - manufacturing industries

Manufacturing industry

Manufacturing industry - industries involved in the processing or processing of raw materials and semi-finished products obtained from raw materials. The main enterprises of the manufacturing industry are plants and factories.
The most important branches of the manufacturing industry are: mechanical engineering, metalworking, ferrous and non-ferrous metallurgy, oil refining, chemical, forest chemical and woodworking industries, production of various building materials from mineral raw materials and wood, paper, textiles, clothing, footwear, food, etc.

In English: Manufacturing industry

Finam Financial Dictionary.

See what "Manufacturing industry" is in other dictionaries:

    A set of industries involved in the processing or processing of raw materials (obtained from mining, agriculture, fishing, hunting) and semi-finished products. The most important branches of the manufacturing industry: ... ... Big Encyclopedic Dictionary

    manufacturing industry- - [A.S. Goldberg. English-Russian energy dictionary. 2006] Energy industry topics in general EN manufactureman ...

    manufacturing industry- Industries involved in the processing or processing of raw materials and semi-finished products... Dictionary of Geography

    A set of industries involved in the processing or processing of raw materials (obtained in mining, agriculture, industrial enterprises, etc.) and semi-finished products. The most important manufacturing industries... ... encyclopedic Dictionary

    A set of industries involved in the processing or processing of raw materials (products of mining, agriculture, forestry, etc.). The most important branches of the manufacturing industry are... ... Geographical encyclopedia

    Industries involved in the processing or processing of industrial products. and s. X. raw materials. Unlike the extractive industry (See Extractive industry), which finds its subject of labor in nature, industrial production deals with objects... ... Great Soviet Encyclopedia

    manufacturing industry- The general name for industries involved in the processing of raw materials and the manufacture of products (as opposed to the mining industry) ... Dictionary of many expressions

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    food processing industry- — EN food processing industry A commercial establishment in which food is manufactured or packaged for human consumption. (Source: KOREN)… … Technical Translator's Guide

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Industrial enterprises

Industry is a set of enterprises (plants, factories, mines, mines, power plants) engaged in the production of tools (both for other sectors of the national economy and for industry itself), the extraction of raw materials, materials, fuel, energy production and further processing of products obtained in industry or produced in agriculture - by the production of consumer goods.

Industry is the most important sector of the national economy, which has a decisive impact on the level of development of the productive forces of society.

Industrial enterprises are divided into two large groups industries: mining and manufacturing.

Extractive industry.

The mining industry includes enterprises for the extraction of mining chemical raw materials, ores of ferrous and non-ferrous metals and non-metallic raw materials for metallurgy, non-metallic ores, oil, gas, coal, peat, shale, salt, non-metallic building materials, light natural aggregates and limestone, as well as hydroelectric power stations, water pipelines, forest exploitation enterprises, fishing and seafood production.

Manufacturing industry.

The manufacturing industry includes mechanical engineering enterprises, enterprises producing ferrous and non-ferrous metals, rolled metal, chemical and petrochemical products, machinery and equipment, wood products and the pulp and paper industry, cement and other building materials, light and food industry products, local industry, as well as enterprises for the repair of industrial products (steam locomotive repair, locomotive repair) and thermal power plants, the film industry (film industry).

An industrial sector is an objectively isolated part of the industry, uniting enterprises producing homogeneous, specific products, having the same type of technology and a limited circle of consumers.

OKONH distinguished the following enlarged industries: electric power, fuel industry, ferrous metallurgy, non-ferrous metallurgy, chemical and petrochemical industry, mechanical engineering and metalworking, forestry, woodworking and pulp and paper industries, building materials industry, glass and porcelain-faience industry, light industry, food industry, microbiological industry, flour-grinding and feed industry, medical industry, printing industry and other industrial productions.

2. agricultural enterprises

Agricultural enterprises can be classified in many ways. From the point of view of the organizational and production form, they are divided into three types: family, collective and entrepreneurial (entrepreneurial).

A family business, it is predominantly managed by one family. Colon farms belong to this type Ancient Rome, peasant farms of the past, modern family farms.

Collective enterprises involve joint ownership by workers of the means of production and shared management farming Collective communal clan farms were the first forms of farming in human history. But even today they persist in some places, although in most cases they are of a marginal nature.

Entrepreneurial enterprises are, as a rule, large agricultural enterprises, the owner of which most often does not personally participate in production, but organizes management and attracts hired labor on a significant scale. This form can, with a certain degree of convention, include slave-owning plantations, feudal estates, and cadet farms.

With some stretch, collective farms, state farms and state farms that existed within the framework of socialist economies can also be classified as entrepreneurial type. In this case, the entrepreneur (entrepreneur) was the state. Collective farms, which by law were cooperative enterprises, were in fact the property of the state.

Giving independence to agricultural enterprises and the widespread development of rental relations create opportunities in the future to purchase on a contractual basis those types of agricultural products and in the volumes that are necessary for the formation of the state food fund. Procurement discipline is closely linked to the fulfillment of mutual contractual obligations based on the economic responsibility of both product manufacturers and suppliers. After fulfilling the obligations under the contract, the manufacturer can sell the remaining part of the products at his choice.

Construction companies

The organizational structure of a construction organization enterprise, a company, is a set of departments and services involved in the creation and coordination of the functioning of a management system, development and implementation management decisions for the implementation of a given program (business plan). Modern organizational structures of enterprises in construction have many modifications depending on the volume of construction and installation work performed and geographically dispersed construction projects. They are classified according to the following criteria:

By the nature of the contractual relationship (contract) - general contractor and subcontractor;

By type of work performed - general construction, performing the main types of general construction work (earth, concrete, installation of structures, etc.), and specialized, performing one type or complex of homogeneous works (finishing, roofing, electrical installation, plumbing, etc.).

There are also construction organizations specialized in types of construction - industrial, housing and civil, transport, agricultural, etc.

According to the area of ​​activity, they function as site trusts, urban, territorial and federal. Site trusts are created to perform construction and installation work on large objects within the same construction site. They include construction sites. Construction organizations (enterprises) of urban and territorial (regional) type carry out work within one city or region. Federal construction organizations (enterprises) are specialized and carry out work in various regions of the country.

Organizational structures trusts also have different models. The trust is headed by a manager and is responsible for the results of production and economic activities. Depending on the volume of work of the trust, the manager may have, in addition to the first deputy, from 1 to 3 deputy chief engineers. Chief Engineer is responsible for the implementation of technical policy and the proper organization of construction production, for the implementation of achievements scientific and technological progress. Deputy trust managers are responsible for logistics, economic work in the trust and welfare provision for workers. The departments of the trust, implementing the relevant management functions, organize work to create conditions for fulfilling construction tasks.

Transport companies

Transport company - industrial enterprise, whose main task is to transport people and/or transport goods. Transport enterprises are divided into enterprises engaged in Passenger Transportation, implementing freight transportation, and mixed enterprises carrying out both freight and passenger transportation.

Related information.

the physical and/or chemical processing of materials, substances or components with the aim of converting them into new products, although this cannot be used as a single universal criterion for defining production (see "waste recycling" below)
Materials, substances or transformed components are raw materials, i.e. products from agriculture, forestry, fisheries, rocks and minerals and other manufactured products. Significant periodic changes, updates or conversions of products are considered to be related to production.
The products produced may be ready for consumption or may be a semi-finished product for further processing. For example, the product of aluminum purification is used as a raw material for the primary production of aluminum products, such as aluminum wire, which in turn will be used in the necessary structures; production of machinery and equipment for which these spare parts and accessories are intended. The production of non-specialized components and parts of machinery and equipment, such as engines, pistons, electric motors, valves, gears, bearings, is classified in the appropriate grouping of Section C, Manufacturing, regardless of which machinery and equipment these items may include. However, the production of specialized components and accessories by casting/molding or stamping of plastic materials is included in Class 22.2. The assembly of components and parts is also classified as production. This section includes the assembly of complete structures from constituent components, produced independently or purchased. Waste recycling, i.e. processing of waste for the production of secondary raw materials is included in group 38.3 (activities for processing secondary raw materials). Although physical and chemical processing may occur, this is not considered part of manufacturing. The primary purpose of these activities is basic waste treatment or treatment, which is classified in section E (water supply; sewerage, waste management, pollution control activities). However, the production of new finished products(as opposed to products made from recycled materials) refers to the entire production as a whole, even if waste is used in these processes. For example, the production of silver from film waste is considered production process. Special maintenance and repair of industrial, commercial and similar machinery and equipment are generally included in group 33 (repair and installation of machinery and equipment). However, repair of computers and household devices is listed in group 95 (repair of computers, personal items and household items), while at the same time, car repair is described in group 45 (wholesale and retail and repair of motor vehicles and motorcycles). Installation of machinery and equipment as a highly specialized activity is classified in group 33.20
Note - The boundaries of manufacturing with other sections of this classifier may not have a clear, unambiguous specification. Typically, manufacturing involves the processing of materials to produce new products. Usually these are completely new products. However, determining what constitutes a new product can be somewhat subjective
Processing implies the following types of activities involved in production and defined in this classifier:
. processing of fresh fish (removing oysters from shells, filleting fish) not carried out on board a fishing vessel, see 10.20;
. pasteurization of milk and bottling, see 10.51;
. leather dressing, see 15.11;
. sawing and planing of wood; impregnation of wood, see 16.10;
. printing and related activities, see 18.1;
. tire retreading, see 22.11;
. production of ready-to-use concrete mixtures, see 23.63;
. electroplating, metallization and heat treatment of metal, see 25.61;
. mechanical equipment for repair or overhaul (e.g. automobile engines), see 29.10
There are also types of activities included in the processing process, which are reflected in other sections of the classifier, i.e. they are not classified as manufacturing industries.
These include:
. logging activities classified in Section A (AGRICULTURE, FORESTRY, HUNTING, FISHING AND FISH CULTURE);
. modification of agricultural products classified in section A;
. preparation food products for immediate consumption on premises, classified in group 56 (activities of public catering establishments and bars);
. beneficiation of ore and other minerals classified in section B (MINERAL MINING);
. construction and assembly work carried out on construction sites, classified in section F (CONSTRUCTION);
. activities related to the breakdown of large quantities of goods into small groups and secondary sales of more small batches, including packaging, repackaging or bottling products such as alcoholic beverages or chemicals;
. solid waste sorting;
. mixing paints according to the client's order;
. metal cutting according to customer's order;
. explanations for various goods classified under section G (WHOLESALE AND RETAIL TRADE; REPAIR OF MOTOR VEHICLES AND MOTORCYCLES)

The entry in the classifier with code C contains 24 clarifying (child) codes.

10 Food production
11 Beverage production
12 Production of tobacco products
13 Textile production
14 Manufacture of wearing apparel
15 Production of leather and leather products
16 Wood processing and production of wood and cork products, except furniture, production of straw products and wicker materials
17 Production of paper and paper products

Manufacturing industries include metallurgy, mechanical engineering, chemical industry, woodworking, cement, light, food and others.

Metallurgy: provides ferrous and non-ferrous metals. Despite declining competition from plastics, steel remains a key structural material in the global economy. World steel production is about 800 million tons annually. Developed countries account for about 80% of its production, developing countries – 20%. The main steel producers are Japan (more than 200 million tons), USA, Russia, Ukraine, China, Germany.

IN developed countries West in recent years go by reduction in steel production and consumption. Russia has also taken a course to reduce the metal consumption of products by saving metal. The proportion of scrap metal used is also lower. The main exporters of ore raw materials to foreign world– Brazil, India, Liberia, Australia, South Africa.

Largest supplier of iron ore - countries of Eastern Europe- Russia. In the USA and Germany, domestic centers of ferrous metal predominate. In the USA - near the Great Lakes (Chicago, Detroit area), Baltimore on the Atlantic coast, Los Angeles area on the Pacific coast. Germany is dominated by the Ruhr and Saar metallurgical regions. Among the developing countries for metal production: Brazil, India, Republic of Korea.

The world's non-ferrous metallurgy produces about 40 million tons of various metals per year. The main one is aluminum (17 million tons). Aluminum production: USA, Japan, Russia, Canada, Germany. In all these countries, production is carried out in areas of large hydroelectric power stations or in the nodes of powerful thermal power plants.

Copper ores – Chile, USA, Zambia. Refined copper – producers – USA, Russia, Japan, Germany. Mechanical engineering: The most complex and extensive branch of global industry. Energy, transport, agricultural, production of technological equipment for many industries, machine tool industry, etc. They are produced by everyone: the G7 countries, Russia, China. The countries of Western and Eastern Europe, as well as Brazil, India, Singapore, etc., specialize in certain types.

In most developing countries, there is not mechanical engineering, but metalworking, represented by repair shops. The main branch of mechanical engineering is automobile manufacturing. Approximately 50 million passenger cars and trucks. The largest manufacturers are Japan, the USA - more than 10 million cars.

Large automobile companies: General Motors, Ford, Krasler (USA), Toyota, Nissan, Honda (Japan), Volkswagen (Germany), Fiat (Italy), etc.

About 2 million cars are produced in Russia per year. Shipbuilding - Japan and the Republic of Korea. Other branches of mechanical engineering are also developing: carriage building and aircraft manufacturing. Chemical industry: products produced by the chemical industry: acids, fertilizers, dyes, varnishes and paints, pesticides, fibers, rubber, plastics, etc. Accommodation chemical industry world depends on the following factors: natural, economic, historical, etc.

definition of production in manufacturing industry, manufacturing industry branch

Information on the definition of production in the manufacturing industry, manufacturing industry sector

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Manufacturing in the manufacturing industry is

Thus, the sector accounts for up to 90% of private investment in R&D, and its share in the global one reaches 70%. In developing countries, the manufacturing industry is the main engine of development, a lever for transforming poor countries into important ones in the global economy.

Currently, the global manufacturing sector faces a number of problems and challenges, from shifts towards developing countries to new restrictions in the use of key production factors such as energy and transport. Like other sectors of the economy, the manufacturing industry is experiencing a shortage of highly skilled workers. work force.

The evolving nature of the sector is often overlooked. Discussions about the relative importance of manufacturing versus services to the economy ignore the fact that the differences between the two sectors are blurring and the role of cleaner production in providing innovation and industrial capabilities is complex.

The manufacturing industry is extremely diverse in its composition. A unified industrial policy is practically impossible here. Success and efficiency are related to the characteristics of individual industries and even sub-industries.

The manufacturing industry currently accounts for 16% of world GNP, and the conditionally net output of this sector for 2000-2010. increased (in 2000) from 5.7 to 7.6 trillion dollars. At the same time, rapid growth was observed in both developed and developing countries.

In 2007 (before the start of the global financial and economic crisis), the produced conditionally net products of the manufacturing industry reached its historical maximum - including in such “post-industrial” countries as. Large developing countries, such as and Russia, grew the volumes of conditionally pure products most quickly.

Their share of the global manufacturing industry has grown over the decade from 21 to 39%. Over ten years, China moved from 4th to 2nd place in the world in this indicator, Brazil - from 12th to 6th, India - from 14th to 10th, Russia - from 21st to 11th -e, Indonesia - from 20th to 13th.

The relative importance of the manufacturing industry depends on many factors, among which the following should be noted: level economic development, demand for a given sector, the degree of individual elements of manufacturing chains in the service sector, the nature of incentives.

For example, the UK and US have large service sectors and relatively smaller specific gravity manufacturing sector in GNP compared to South Korea, where it is extremely favorable for the development of the latter. In addition, the development of the manufacturing industry is affected by the role natural resources in economics.

As a result of these factors, the share of manufacturing in the GNP of the world's largest countries in 2010 ranged from 10% in the UK to 33% in China.

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Sources and links

Sources of texts, pictures and videos

forexaw.com - information and analytical portal on financial

youtube.com - YouTube, the largest video hosting in the world

vuzlib.net - economics and law library

sites.google.com - theories of the origin of the state

bibliotekar.ru - digital library students

novchronic.ru - new chronicles, city information portal dedicated to politics and economics

sovet-naroda.ru - public Council of Civil Society

otherreferats.allbest.ru - collection of abstracts for students

kprf.org - forum for members of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation

studopedia.ru - studopedia. Your schoolpedia

gumer.info - library Gumer - philosophy

studfilosed.ru - MIP lectures on philosophy

interpretive.ru - national encyclopedic service

ponjatija.ru - auxiliary project of the CHRONOS portal

referatwork.ru is a single abstract center in Russia and

konspekty.net - abstracts of business books that develop

magref.ru - educational portal in economics

biofile.ru - scientific and information magazine on economics

f-mx.ru - science Library them. A. N. Ignatova

molomo.ru - free electronic library Myths or Reality

vestifinance.ru - economic magazine Vesti Economy

glossary.ru - glossary. RU

bse.sci-lib.com - large Soviet encyclopedia

ekoslovar.ru - short economic dictionary

perspektivy.info - online publication of the Research Center and the Historical Perspective Foundation

Links to Internet services

Google Inc. Inc.ru is the largest search engine in the world

Yandex.ru is the largest search engine in Russia

youtube.com - search for video materials on the largest portal in the world

images.Yandex.ru - search for images through the Yandex service

Article creator

ok.ru/svetlana.snezhkovacherkasova350113104174 - profile of the author of this article in Odnoklassniki

plus.Google.com/ - profile of the author of the material on Google+

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