The image of a rooster is symbolic of the New Year. DIY cockerel for the New Year

Loud children's laughter, elegant Christmas trees in shop windows, hurrying townspeople with full bags of gifts - all these pictures involuntarily hint that the most important day of the year is just around the corner. It's time to hurry: thoroughly clean the house, decorate the holiday decor, hang shiny balls on spruce branches, decorate the window panes and draw another magical picture for the New Year of the Rooster 2017. For an adult this is a great opportunity plunge into childhood and break away from the bustle of everyday life. For a child, this is a good chance to take part in the creative process and create something beautiful with their own hands, in order to ultimately show off their talent at a competition in kindergarten or at school. Bright and colorful step-by-step drawings of the Rooster, Santa Claus, Snowman, Christmas tree, winter landscapes will not only strengthen home comfort for the New Year 2017, but will also remain a memorable item for beloved parents about their little children.

Step-by-step pencil drawing of a Rooster for New Year 2017

Sometimes pencil drawing it turns out to be more expressive and elegant than something painted with paints. Especially if it is dedicated joyful event or important character. In our case - the symbol of the New Year 2017 - the Fire Rooster. Such a drawing is associated with deep childhood, when with unimaginable pleasure we depicted our festive emotions and magical fantasies on white sheets of paper. Now it’s time to involve your own children in the creative process and teach them how to draw a Rooster with a pencil for the New Year 2017 step by step. Your favorite New Year’s story, framed in an elegant frame or glued to a window glass, will imbue you with the atmosphere of the main thing. winter holiday all House.

Necessary materials

  • sheet of white A4 paper
  • sharpened pencil
  • eraser

Step-by-step instruction

Children's drawing for kindergarten for the New Year of the Rooster 2017

Burning with the desire to draw a children's drawing for kindergarten for the New Year, kids often cannot decide on a theme. The choice is simply incredible! Can be depicted good grandfather Frost, a long-eared bunny, a lush green spruce, a scarlet bag with shiny gift boxes. Or you can draw everyone’s favorite and adored snowman. This amazing character symbolizes the snowy winter, magical holiday, funny children's games.

Necessary materials

  • thick paper or white cardboard
  • simple pencil
  • eraser
  • set of painting brushes
  • water and container for it

Step-by-step instruction

Drawing “Santa Claus” with pencil and paints with your own hands for the New Year 2017

On the eve of the New Year holidays, we see images of Grandfather Frost everywhere: on bright postcards, on concert posters, on sweets. gift sets and everywhere you look. Once you look at such beauty, you’ll want to draw it yourself. But first, it’s worth thinking about what a real Grandfather Frost should be like.

Firstly, the country's most important grandfather has a luxurious white beard, lush sideburns, fluffy eyebrows and a head of hair slightly longer than shoulder level. Secondly, Santa Claus always has the following magical attributes with him: a long shiny staff and a red bag with gifts. Thirdly, Moroz Ivanovich is most often dressed in a velvet fur coat with frosty patterns, a hat and mittens with fur cuffs, as well as warm, warm felt boots. And finally, the character's face. It deserves special attention. Santa Claus always has kind, cheerful eyes, a sincere smile, a potato nose, funny wrinkles and rosy cheeks. Remember all these subtleties, and your drawing of “Santa Claus” with pencil and paints with your own hands for the New Year 2017 will turn out just perfect.

Necessary materials

  • sheet of thick white paper
  • sharp pencil
  • eraser
  • set of brushes of different thicknesses
  • watercolor or gouache paints

Step-by-step instruction

  1. Place a white sheet of paper vertically. At the top, draw the circumference of the head. Below, mark with dashes 5 more segments of the same size.

  2. Draw a hat for grandfather on the circle. And then draw the top line of the mustache.

  3. Sketch the smile of Santa Claus. Carefully draw a wavy beard. You can draw it short or long (below the waist). Also draw a line for the eyes and a transverse auxiliary line for the face.

  4. Draw the eyes, marking the inner corners slightly higher than the outer ones. Make Moroz Ivanovich’s nose a “hook” and draw the mustache more clearly. Start outlining the hands.

  5. Add details to your face. Draw the nose with nostrils in more detail. Add wide eyebrows - and Santa Claus will immediately become prettier. Draw lines along the direction of the beard hair growth. Draw the hem of the fur coat just below the arms. Clothes should reach almost to the very bottom.

  6. Following the illustration, draw gloves for the character. Please note that your palms should be slightly bent. One will contain a staff, the other a bag. Start drawing one hand.

  7. Draw the second hand. Draw the staff in the form of an ordinary straight stick, and carefully throw the bag over your shoulder.

  8. It's time to draw Santa Claus with a belt tied in a thick knot and a fur frill on his fur coat. The hem of the fur coat can be made thicker and more massive.

  9. Decorate the staff with any in a suitable manner: detail snow pattern, sharpen the tip, add a sun, star, etc. at the end. Don’t forget to decorate your fur coat, gloves and felt boots with a beautiful ornament.

  10. Start drawing the character. For the face, spread a flesh color on the palette. To highlight the cheeks, add a little red. For wrinkles under the eyes and shadows on the forehead, use a little brown.

  11. Use whitewash to cover the mustache, beard, eyebrows and hair of Santa Claus that comes out from under the hat.

  12. To make the character's eyes look alive, first draw a gray iris, then a black pupil and small white highlights. Gray Draw the ridges, eyebrow and beard growth lines. For the latter, mix white with light gray paint. Make the ends of your beard a little darker.

  13. Start coloring the fur coat. Use blue to paint one half. Then lighten the paint a little and paint the other half. The one on the side of which the imaginary light source will be located.

  14. Mix a darker blue color and use it to draw all the folds on Santa Claus' fur coat. Then make the paint even darker and paint the most shaded areas.

  15. Similarly, color the hat according to the “light-dark-shadow” principle. You can paint the gloves in a different color so that they don’t blend in with the fur coat.

  16. Start painting the bag. Use a lighter red-burgundy mixture first, then a darker one in areas where shadow is obvious. Don't forget to leave a light reflection from the bag on the fur coat, and blue reflections from the fur coat on the bag.

  17. Paint the staff in walnut color and add burgundy ribbons to match the bag. Remember the reflection of the staff on the fur coat and beard.

  18. At the last stage, add whitewash to the boots, fur on the fur coat, blue patterns on clothes and small, small fur fibers wherever they should be. The most delightful drawing of “Santa Claus” in pencil and paint for the New Year 2017 is finished. You can frame it and hang it in a place of honor.

Step-by-step drawing “Snowman” for school for the New Year of the Rooster 2017

Winter is the most magical period of the year, shrouded in an atmosphere of goodness, fairy tales, New Year's miracles and magic. A positive holiday mood can be conveyed not only through images of Santa Claus, a Christmas tree and gifts, but also through delightful drawings of a mysterious winter landscape. Such artistic experiments are possible even for beginning painters, regardless of gender, age and experience. Step by step drawing“Snowman” for school for the New Year of the Rooster 2017 will be an excellent classroom decoration or addition holiday exhibition.

Necessary materials

  • sheet of thick white paper
  • simple pencil
  • colour pencils
  • eraser

Step-by-step instruction

Children's drawing competition for the New Year 2017 at school and kindergarten

the main task New Year's drawings– create a festive mood, engage children and adults with exciting creativity, decorate bright exhibitions and competitions in schools and kindergartens. Invite your child to draw Santa Claus, Rooster, Snowman or another picture in the cells using a pencil or paints with your own hands. And ours step-by-step master classes will help you cope with difficult times creative process and direct your imagination into the right direction. Children's drawing for New Year 2017 - the best craft, filled with the soul of the author and the warmth of his small palms.

Thematic drawing for the New Year performs several important functions. For example, a New Year's pencil drawing can be the basis for a greeting card or poster. Great option it will also be used for an art competition on New Year's Eve in kindergarten or school. New Year's drawings can also be used for interior decoration. The most popular characters are creative works are traditional heroes: Santa Claus, Snow Maiden, snowflakes, Snowman, Christmas tree. In the New Year 2017, they will be joined by the symbol of the coming year - Fire Rooster. Several interesting step-by-step master classes on New Year-themed drawings with photos, as well as a selection original ideas For artistic creativity, are waiting for you further.

A simple pencil drawing for the New Year 2017 “Herringbone”, step by step with photos

First, we suggest you master a very simple drawing for the New Year 2017 “Christmas tree”, made with a regular pencil. This option is perfect for both very young children and older children. As the name implies, we will draw a Christmas tree with a simple pencil. But this does not mean that the end result should be left in black and white. A brightly colored simple drawing for the New Year 2017 in pencil “Herringbone” looks much more impressive.

Necessary materials for a simple pencil drawing for the New Year “Christmas tree”

  • paper
  • simple pencil
  • eraser
  • black marker
  • colored markers or paints

Instructions on how to draw a New Year's drawing "Christmas tree" with a simple pencil

Bright drawing “Rooster” for New Year 2017 in kindergarten, master class with photo

Since the symbol of the upcoming New Year 2017 is the Fire Rooster, this bright bird automatically becomes a popular character in drawings in kindergartens and schools. True, many people think that it is very difficult for small children to draw a cockerel with their own hands. Our next master class with step by step photos bright pattern“Rooster” for the New Year 2017 in kindergarten will convince you otherwise. This is such a simple master class that it is suitable even for the youngest kindergarten students.

Necessary materials for a bright cockerel for the New Year 2017 in kindergarten

  • black felt-tip pen
  • pencils
  • paper

Instructions on how to draw a bright cockerel for kindergarten

How to draw a rooster for New Year 2017, master class with photos for school

Of course, the first master class in drawing a cockerel for kindergarten is very simple and is not suitable for school. Therefore, we offer you a second option with step-by-step photos on how to draw a rooster for the New Year 2017 for school. Students are unlikely to master this option the first time. primary school, but it is perfect for competitions in middle classes. Read more about how to draw a rooster for school for the New Year 2017.

Necessary materials for drawing a rooster for school for the New Year 2017

  • paper
  • simple pencil
  • eraser

Step-by-step instructions on how to draw a rooster for New Year 2017 for school

DIY pencil drawing of Santa Claus for New Year 2017

Santa Claus is a constant hero of children's do-it-yourself pencil drawings for the New Year. His image adorns greeting cards, new year posters and wall newspapers, decorative elements. A do-it-yourself pencil drawing of Santa Claus for New Year 2017, a master class for which you will find below, is easy to reproduce. Therefore, students who are already in school will be able to master this technique. primary classes schools.

Necessary materials for drawing Santa Claus with a pencil with your own hands

  • paper
  • simple pencil
  • eraser
  • colour pencils

Instructions on how to draw Santa Claus with a pencil with your own hands

Ideas for a drawing competition for the New Year in school and kindergarten, photo

Do-it-yourself New Year's drawing is a popular theme for themed children's competitions. We hope that the above pencil lessons will inspire you to interesting ideas for a drawing competition for the New Year in kindergarten or school. In addition to these master classes, we also invite you to take a look at a selection of amazing works dedicated to Santa Claus and the New Year holidays. Perhaps these are the ideas for drawings for the New Year 2017 of the Fire Rooster that will be suitable for your competitions at school and kindergarten. Also below you will find several video tutorials on creating stunning New Year's drawings with your own hands. Don't be afraid to create, and let inspiration always accompany you!

New Year 2017 is the year of the Red (Fire) Rooster, and the most popular gift will be its figurine or image. The Krestik needlewomen have good tradition: To New Year's holiday prepare thoroughly. And this year will be no exception. Many of us will make or are already making a rooster with our own hands, or even not one, but several at once! After all, you must definitely please your family and friends with a handmade symbol of the year, and yourself with the fascinating process of creating this very symbol in various techniques handmade.

Creating a kind of GUIDE TO MASTER CLASSES from the Internet is also a tradition of our handicraft site, which was born a year ago. For you, dear craftswomen, we have selected only the best master classes online. Admire, look closely, discuss and choose the most colorful rooster! And then sew/knit/draw/blind/weave it. So, what technology can you use on the eve of the New Year holiday?

If you don’t have time to work, it doesn’t matter. The article contains links to craftswomen who sell finished works.

Cockerels made of paper and on paper

Making cards with the kids

If you are not a professional cardmaker, then before you start creating cards, be sure to read our article “Learning to make New Year cards with your own hands using the Scrapbooking technique.” In it you will not only find many ideas, but also get acquainted with the basic rules for creating postcards.

Any cockerel drawn by your child can be placed on a postcard. If it’s difficult for your child to figure out how to draw a rooster with his own hands, then show him this step-by-step instructions:

And then, it’s a matter of technology. Cut out the cockerel and make it the centerpiece of the composition. For example, your card can be this simple but cute. Use in your work New Year's paper and a bright red ribbon, add snowflakes, twigs and other holiday paraphernalia. Once you have a basic idea, the process of creating a card becomes much easier!

Photo from the site

If your child likes to color black and white pictures, give him this opportunity. Print the card template with a cockerel on thick cardboard and let your child get to work. Next, by cutting out a ball blank, you can complement the card with voluminous snowflakes and adhesive half-beads that imitate christmas balls etc. etc. Give free rein to your imagination with your baby))


8 more templates for coloring, as well as 2 step by step instructions for drawing more realistic roosters you will find in the archive, which you can download quickly and for free!

Take note of the idea with a cockerel on a stick, like on Elena Yurchenko’s postcard. Her cockerels are cut out of felt, or you can cut them out of paper.

Roosters made of colored paper

An applique made of colored paper can also be placed on greeting card. But such an application can itself act as a postcard. To draw and carefully cut out all the details, children will need the help of their parents, but they can glue them themselves.

Olga-15 suggests making funny cockerels out of paper in her master class.

The Rooster blank is a rectangular sheet of flexible paper or thin cardboard, folded in half lengthwise. Its size is 13.5x10 cm. We make 7-10 inclined slits along the fold line (approximately every 1 cm). Their angle of inclination is 50-70 degrees, and their depth is ¾ of the height of the folded sheet.

Ekaterina Ivanova in her video tutorial shows how to make a red rooster using the Origami technique:

Roosters using Quilling technique

A very interesting idea is to lay out only a luxurious rooster tail from quilling paper. It's not as hassle as laying out a whole rooster, and it can turn out very impressive! Here is a rooster without a tail as a basis (see the photo below for how it looked in the original).

Print it on a color printer, and then fantasize about the tail. As an example, here is one such work (although the tail here is modest, but you will try, right?))

And if you are not afraid to make a whole rooster using the Quilling technique, then you can use this ready-made postcard as a basis:

Or this template:

A cheat sheet on the basic elements of Quilling to help you:

Button applique

And here are absolutely stunning handsome roosters, made of multi-colored buttons, half-beads, rhinestones and beads! You can take the contours of the cockerels from our archive as a basis (link just above).

Crochet cockerels

Many needlewomen are familiar with the crochet hook and will be happy to knit a cockerel from multi-colored threads. And Krestik will help you decide on a model and offer several master classes on this type of needlework.

You can also buy knitted cockerels from Svetlana.

Felt roosters

The fastest and not complex options creation of the symbol of 2017 - felt roosters. The material is easy to process, holds the shape of the toy well, and does not require processing of seams. On the contrary, hand stitches along the face of the product give it a special flavor and charm.

Photo from the site

Photo from the site

A rooster figurine carefully cut from thick felt will Christmas tree toy, and pendant.

Photo from the site

And if you decorate the felt cockerels with embroidery, flowers and other decorative elements, it will turn out incredibly beautiful!

Photo from the site

Roosters in Tilda style

Well, how can we manage now in our lives without the tilde-Rooster? On the ToySew website there is a master class on sewing this popular toy.

Master Vetic on her blog posted patterns for the Rooster and Chicken Peas based on the tilde pattern. An interesting couple will turn out if you put in the effort and patience!

And for inspiration:

Cockerel Yurik from Orange Toys

Maria Fedorova made a funny video about her tilda roosters (the link to the patterns is in the description of the video!):

Coffee cock toys

Aromatic, or coffee, toys compete with tildes in popularity. There are roosters using this technique.

A coffee cockerel can be like this:

Photo from the site

You can easily sew it yourself using one of the patterns suggested above. About all the intricacies of creation coffee toys“The Cross” was told in this master class.

If you think that you cannot cope with such work yourself, contact a specialist. Yulia Charikova made enough branded toys with the smell of coffee and put them up for sale at this address.

Fur interior toys

Oksana Svyatkovskaya will show her vision of a rooster and show how to sew it correctly using ready-made patterns. Her Rooster is made of faux fur, but who’s to say that it doesn’t happen or that it’s not good?)

In the workshop Everything for creativity (dljatvorchestva) there are a lot of blanks for painting and decoupage. Choose and create!

This is the beauty you can get:

If you don’t want to make a souvenir in the shape of a rooster, then you can decorate any wooden surface with an image of a rooster. The scope for creativity here is simply limitless!!! Here are just a few examples for inspiration:

Roosters felted from wool

Some craftswomen make wool toys that look like real ones! Let's admire and be inspired! And if you really want to buy one of these beauties, then look for them at the Masters Fair (the link is on each photo).

Elenia collected in one place many different Roosters felted from wool and suggested to MK how to create one of them. It turns out very cute!

Roosters embroidered with cross stitch, beads and ribbons

Perhaps you love embroidery more than other types of needlework. Then you can place the symbol of the year on a pillowcase, decorate it in the form of a panel, a picture in a frame or a brooch. The main thing is that the image of the Rooster warms your soul. And if you give away your work, find out the preferences of the recipient.

You will find more than 50 different patterns for embroidering roosters and cockerels in a special album

Necessary materials:

- a set of colored paper
- box
- PVA glue

Stages of work:

Prepare boxes of various sizes. Cut off the part that covers the box from the box, make cuts along the fold lines (they should be ½ the height of the box itself). Bend the parts of the box along the cuts. The two opposite parts will be the wings, and the rest will be the tail and head. Round the wings. Cut the tail down to the very base. Cut the head, moving from the top to the very base, to create a triangle shape. Decorate the craft: make earrings and a comb.

DIY cockerel craft

You will need:

Plastic bottle – 3 pcs.
- ball yellow color from a dry pool
- red and yellow plates
- red and yellow disposable cups
- black marker
- stapler
- simple tape
- double sided tape

Work process:

Cut off the top parts of 3 bottles and fasten them together with tape. Cut disposable cups along the edge. They must be attached to the rooster's neck using tape. Colors must be alternated. Cut off the edge of disposable plates, make cuts with inside. As a result, you have feathers. Gather the tail and feathers with a stapler. Insert the tail into the cut. Cover the connection area with wrapping paper. Wings also need to be cut from disposable plates. Attach the head with double-sided tape. Cut out the comb, beak and beard from red disposable plates. Insert the cut pieces into the cuts on the head. Eyes are also created from disposable plates.

DIY Cockerel 2017

You will need:

Beads for eyes
- hot glue
- egg cartons
- primer
- acrylic paints
- balloon
- old newspapers
- scissors
- 2 beads
- PVA glue

How to do:

Cut two cones from the egg tray and cut one side of each cone. Connect the cut cones with the cuts facing down. You will end up with one large cone with 4 petals. To create the neck and head, connect 5 cones together. Towards the top they will expand and become larger in size. Cut a comb from the side of the tray. Cut out a beak from the lid, which will consist of two parts. Feathers are also created from cones. They are fixed on top of the cardboard with hot glue. The length of one wing is 15 cm. Make blanks for the tail in a similar way.

The next stage is creating the paws. Bend the shape of the legs from copper wire. In order to give the desired effect, twist the corrugated tube. Insert the remaining tail between the corrugated and metal tube. For strength, fill the lower part with glue. Cut the claws from the bottom. They should be long and narrow. They need to be secured with glue. Color the legs and body spray paint.

Prepare a utility knife and construction foam. All cuts should be neat and even. You can cut out the parts separately. Finally, glue them together with glue. You can bring it to the desired shape with sandpaper. Additionally, treat with acrylic putty, wait until it dries completely, plaster again and treat with PVA glue. This will allow the paint to adhere better.

Start coloring from the head. Glue the eyes on the head. To create a beautiful scallop, make a pattern on paper, transfer it to foam plastic, cut it out, glue it on appropriate place. Start preparing the mold for the wings. Leave the back open. Cover the upper part of the wings with feathers made from corrugated bottles. Fold the last row inside the wing. Paint over it, leave to dry, attach with perforated tape and a self-tapping screw. Make a tail. Take the mesh and bend it. Cut feathers from bottles. Paint them separately on both sides. Apply black first, and then a little blue. Attach the feathers with wire to the mesh. Once the paint has dried, cut the feathers into two more pieces to make the tail appear even fuller.

You will like it too.

For the back, cut feathers from a clear bottle. The width of one feather should be approximately 2-2.5 cm. Attach them to the back, 3-4 pieces at a time. Use self-tapping screws for fastening. When you fix the feathers on the neck, cut off the top part. Glue the last row of feathers to hide the screw heads. Glue smaller feathers in the back of the head and on the side of the crest. Cover all parts that you painted with construction tape and bags. Apply first yellow paint, dry it. Add a few orange stripes.

The finishing touch is blinders. Cut 2 strips, make a cut with a stationery knife. Insert them between the metal-plastic and corrugated pipe. Paint the craft with yacht varnish.

How to sew a cockerel with your own hands

You will need:

- threads, scissors
- orange, blue-green, black and white fabric
- tweezers
- cotton wool
- scotch
- glue
- colored paper

Stages of work:

Draw a sample of the toy on a piece of cardboard and cut it out. Draw the wing separately, cut it out, and see how they look. Cut the sample into separate parts so that it is more convenient for you to work further. Match each piece of the sample with a separate piece of fabric, cut out each piece in turn from the fabric. There should be 2 of each part. Cut out the head from white fabric, the upper part of the wing and body from blue-green fabric, and the lower part of the wing and tail from black fabric. Make the beard, paw, beak, comb and eyes from colored paper. Sew all the details for the head. Sewing the comb can be a little difficult. The fact is that it is wider than the head. It is better to sew it on the outside. Glue the eyes from colored paper.

DIY cockerel costume:

For the body, make allowances of 1.5 cm. Connect the parts from the inside. Sew the tip of the foot inside. Sew the wings on the outside, put soft filling inside. If you don't have it on hand, regular cardboard will do. Sew the bottom half from the outside, sew it to the body, and connect it through the cardboard with a seam. Try the torso to the head. Sew the neck to the body. Fill the connected parts with cotton wool. You need to fill it through the hole in the tail. The hole is very small, so you need to fill the craft with cotton wool in small portions. You may need to use tweezers. Sew the details of the tail using an outer seam and fill it with cotton wool.

The paws can be made from cardboard or a piece of fabric. Choose your fabric the right size and colors, make some square pieces. Trim the ends and sew the oblong legs. Fill with cotton wool. Sew the legs, wings, and tail to the body. Cut without touching the seams. The do-it-yourself cockerel toy is ready.

DIY paper cockerel.

This is the easiest way to create crafts. There are several ways. You can use origami, quilling, cutting with scissors, etc. techniques. Paper crafts can be placed or hung on a Christmas tree, glued to a window, or decorated festive table. An excellent solution is the decor of napkins. It will look quite restrained and at the same time original. If you use origami, then the napkin can be immediately folded into the shape of a cockerel. We will provide you with the diagrams.

DIY cockerel patterns.

Searchpictures Happy New Year 2017? Year of the Rooster, according to astrologers, will be truly epoch-making. You've come to exactly the right place. A selection of the most interesting, original, spectacular pictures, as well as facts about the coming year are waiting for you on the pages of our website right now. Let's read and get enlightened!

New Year's pictures: 2017 - year of the rooster

According to Eastern calendar, there are 12 patron animals that replace each other annually: Rat, Bull, Tiger, Rabbit (Cat), Dragon, Snake, Horse, Goat (Sheep), Monkey, Rooster, Dog, Pig.

In 2017 on Star Olympus The Fire Rooster will rise. It is believed that all 12 months will pass under the auspices of success, good luck and bright events. And this year will truly be special for those who were born under the banner of Fanfaron: 1945, 1957, 1969, 1981, 1993, 2005 and 2017.

Among all animals, the Rooster is a stronghold of brightness, sophistication and communication. He loves to attract the attention of others to his person and does it masterfully. Compliments, gifts, praise - this is what will melt the ice and win a person born under this sign of the Chinese calendar.

“Roosters” are characterized by selfishness and narcissism. They rarely share their feelings, sometimes becoming self-centered. But the opposite sex has no chance of resisting the spell of the Fiery Fanfaron. These are powerful, strong and stubborn people with a huge amount of enthusiasm and artistry, which clearly reflectspictures year of the rooster 2017.

Pomposity and callousness fade into the background, once you get to know the representatives of this sign better. Behind external aggression and narcissism hide very sensual people, open and even vulnerable.

“Roosters” are distinguished by leadership qualities, enterprise, erudition and intelligence. Despite all their self-sufficiency, they are absolutely incapable of living alone. People around them, colleagues, relatives and acquaintances help them fuel their confidence. Those very words of support, compliments and praise - these are the things without which not a single person born under the auspices of the Rooster will become successful.

What other features are endowed with the Roosters?

    Practicality and frugality.

    Ingenuity and observation.

    Attention to details.

    Hot temper and impulsiveness.

    Mystery, mystery.

    Stubbornness and determination.

The rooster is the symbol of 2017: can you draw it yourself?

You can draw an image and even need to, astrologers assure. In this simple way you will appease Fanfaron and attract his attention to your side.

    Christmas tree toys and garlands.

    Fridge magnets;

    Stickers for furniture or wallpaper.

You can please the Rooster by dressing up as brightly as possible on New Year's Eve: sparkles, red, yellow, orange colors in the wardrobe, gold jewelry, expressive makeup and an interesting hairstyle. But you should avoid animalistic predatory prints in clothes.

It is worth enlisting support for those who have coming year large-scale plans. Do you want to meet your soulmate or have a long-awaited wedding? Are you expecting a raise or starting your own business? Hungry for promotion career ladder or, on the contrary, do you need a rest? While the chimes are striking, mentally turn to the head of the Chinese calendar in 2017 - the Rooster and ask him for your cherished wish.

It is recommended to celebrate with friends and relatives. A noisy company, fun and dancing will win over the hero of the occasion. But don’t start “cockfights” - there is no need for conflicts! Celebrate and enjoy the New Year!

Download pictures of the year of the rooster

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