Outdoor games for Easter. Easter games and fun



A “yes” or “no” game is a great way to warm up. Good game for children to test their knowledge of what Easter cakes are made of. They shout "Yes!" loudly if they think that Easter cake You can add this ingredient. If it’s impossible, then they shout “No!” even louder:

I put cinnamon in the cake,
Honey will flow there too,
Vanillin powder
and a big bag of oats,

I'll pour some cucumbers.
And here is my grandmother
I poured flour there,
The eggs will be at the top.

Easter cake needs water,
They always put rum there
And also raisins, candied fruits,
Nails, hammers, shovels,

Cottage cheese, butter, yogurt,
And also our prayer,
Salt and sugar and cement.
And the cake is ready in no time!


Competitions can be held both between children and adults. On command, children or adults simultaneously spin their painted Easter eggs. And we look... Whose Easter Egg spins longer, he becomes the winner and receives a small prize.


A very simple, but familiar and beloved game from our childhood. Goals of the game: keep your Easter egg intact for as long as possible in egg battles.

The broken egg is given to the winner to eat. The winning teams fight among themselves. Most main winner the one who was able to keep his Easter egg intact until the end of the game.


Also a very simple and familiar game. The first player hides his Easter egg and the second player's Easter egg in his hands behind his back. Certainly. Easter eggs should vary in color or pattern.

The second player needs to guess which hand the first player has his Easter Egg in. If he guesses correctly, he takes both Easter eggs, if not, he gives away his Easter egg.


A well-known children's game. You can play it without leaving festive table. Considering that we are celebrating the Holy Holiday of Easter, we will make words on the appropriate theme that characterizes the history or traditions of Easter.

The presenter thinks of a word, quickly and barely audibly pronounces it in the ear of the first player, this player passes the word he heard to the next one, and so on until the turn reaches the last player.

The last player loudly says the word that came to him, and the leader calls original word. The result is simply stunning.


For this game, a prize is prepared in advance, which is wrapped in several layers of paper (for example, 10 or 15). On each layer of paper you need to write a riddle that matches the theme.

A mysterious prize is awarded to the first participant. The player unwraps the first “clothes” and “silently” reads the written riddle. If the player knows the answer, then he names it and continues his research further, unfolding the next “clothes”. And so on, how many “clothes” the prize has, so many answers he must name.

If the player does not know the answer to the next riddle, then he reads it out loud; whoever finds the correct answer faster will continue the game.

Only the winner will be able to reach the “prize”. Having unrolled the last paper layer, he receives his rightful “prize” - an Easter gift, and what kind of gift it will be - you will come up with it yourself.



The Easter game “Egg Rolling” has always been a favorite game on the Easter holiday in Rus'. Especially for this game, adults made an Easter slide with sides on which Easter eggs were rolled.

A slide or “groove” can be built from wood or cardboard, and to make it inclined, make a stand on one side of the slide. The slide is installed on a flat, preferably smooth, surface.

Each player is given a painted Easter egg with which he will take part in the game. The participants in the game approached the slide one by one and each rolled up their own Easter egg. The one whose Easter egg rolls the furthest wins.


Just like the Egg Roll game, a slide or chute is used along which players take turns rolling their Easter eggs. Only around the slide, on a flat, empty surface, were painted eggs, small souvenirs or toys laid out.

Participants in the game took turns approaching the slide, aimed at the desired prize (turning the slide so that the egg rolled towards the “prize”) and rolled their Easter egg down the slide.

The player's "prize" was the souvenir that touched his Easter egg. The trajectory of the eggs rolling is set by the player by turning the slide.


One of the players is selected to be the “catcher”. He sits at a distance of 4-5 meters facing the rest of the players. In his hands he has a plastic cup or cup with which he must catch an Easter egg.

In the hands of the other players are strings with Easter eggs attached to the ends. The Easter eggs themselves are placed not far from the “catcher”.

The “catcher” counts down three and tries to catch one of the Easter eggs while other participants in the game pull their strings.

The player whose Easter egg the “catcher” caught is eliminated from the game.


This game is suitable for playing in an apartment, at a summer cottage or in a forest clearing. You will need colored Easter eggs and small surprises: candies, small toys, stickers, etc. You can also use Kinder Surprises that children love.

Hide Easter eggs and prizes in different places in advance, and children or guests will have to find them during the allotted time for the game. Guests and children take the surprises they find for themselves. Show your imagination when choosing hiding places for surprises: stick it with tape under a table or chair, hide it in your paws soft toy, hang it on strings from the ceiling, etc.

Of course, it will be great if every child finds something and takes it with them. You can come up with various incentive prizes for those guys who didn’t find anything during the game.


If there are not many children, then you can use this version of the game with the search for Easter eggs and surprises, but it is a little more complicated. Tie thick ropes of different colors to surprises hidden in secret places. Walk with each of the ropes around the apartment, entangling various objects along the way.

Each child finds the end of a string of their own color and, winding it into a ball, reaches the prize.


Another version of the game to find Easter eggs or prizes. In this version, children find hidden surprises and Easter eggs using arrows of different colors, which indicate the path to the “treasure”.


You can come up with a lot different options game "Search for Easter Eggs", we offer you another interesting option, when children find the “Easter Treasure” using a series of notes. If there are several children, then for each child the series of notes should have a different color.

In this case, the first note shows the child where the second note is hidden, the second one directs him to the third note, etc. The last note tells you where the Easter Treasure is.

You can also use puzzles, riddles or small tasks in your notes. The answer to each rebus or riddle must contain the place where the next note is hidden.


Players place their caps on their heads and make a hole in the top into which they place their Easter egg. In the center of the room, chairs are placed in a circle, the number of which is 1 less than the number of players.

All participants in the game begin to dance to the music, trying not to drop the egg from their heads. The host suddenly turns off the music, the task of the participants is to have time to take a chair without losing their Easter egg.

Anyone who doesn't have enough chair or drops an egg is out of the game. Music sounds again, and the number of chairs is 1 less than those dancing... And so on until one of the players wins.



This game requires a large space, so it is best played on the street, lawn or clearing. The first player takes specific place, from which he should not move yet and observes. The second player at this time moves away to a distance of 15-20 steps and places the egg on the ground.

The first player, watching the actions of the second, tries to approximately determine the distance to the Easter egg and estimate how many steps it will take him to cover this distance. Then he is blindfolded and, blindfolded, he must walk to the Easter egg, guided by his preliminary calculation of the steps.

When the required distance has been covered, the blindfold is removed and the player needs to reach the egg. At the same time, you cannot move from your spot, take steps to the side, lean your hands on the ground or lie down. If the player reaches, the egg is his; if he couldn’t reach, he gives away his Easter egg.


All participants in the game are divided into 2 teams. The essence of the game, as in any relay race, is that the players must run to the finish line and return back, passing the baton to the next player. Only as a relay baton we use the spoon in which the Easter egg is placed.

You can diversify and complicate the game by holding the spoon in your mouth rather than in your hands.

All team members must take turns running with the egg in a spoon to the finish line and back, trying not to drop or break the Easter egg.

The winner is the team that completes the task faster and with the least losses, with fewer eggs falling to the ground.


To play, you need to draw a circle with an egg in the center. It is better if this egg is different from other Easter eggs, for example, you can take a simple white hard-boiled egg.

Players are given Easter eggs in equal quantities, but of different colors, i.e. every player has balls a certain color or coloring books.

Now players from the same distance try to roll their Easter egg as close as possible to the white egg in the center, while trying not to touch it with their egg.

The winner is the one whose Easter egg is closest to white.

We hope that we will help make this bright holiday special for you and your family - kind, unforgettable, and equally exciting not only for kids, but also for adults.

And it is customary to celebrate it with close people. And if there are children in the family, they are of little interest to the feast. For them, games, fun, and competitions are more important.
Therefore, today we decided to describe interesting Easter games for children, fun competitions and fun.

So, Easter games for children:

1. Paint fight

This is not just a game, but an entire Easter tradition in which eggs are tested for strength. Two people are required to participate. Krashenki need to be hit against one another, either side can be, but the same for both participants.

Most often in the game they hit the eggs with the sharp sides. The participant whose egg remains intact wins.

2. Whose egg takes longer to spin?

If you feel sorry for breaking colored eggs, you can play another game. Check whose egg will spin longer. Several people can take part in this game. They must simultaneously spin the eggs on a flat surface. The winner is the one whose egg spins the longest.

3. Easter relay

4. Hot egg

Children should stand in a circle, and adults should turn on music. The essence of the game is this: while the music is playing, children must pass the eggs around in a circle. When the music stops, the player holding the egg leaves the circle. The player who is left alone at the end of the game wins.

5. Easter egg hunt

You need to hide the eggs in different places and give the children the task of finding them. The one who finds more eggs wins.

6. Easter mini-quest

Children need to be divided into two teams, and the eggs should be hidden in different places, as in the previous game. Each team needs to be given a hint note that hints at where the egg can be found. Along with the egg, players receive the following note, etc. The team that collects all the Easter eggs the fastest wins.

7. Easter Cossack Robbers

Again you need to hide the eggs, and the path to them can be drawn using arrows.

8. “Rolling” eggs

You need to spread an oilcloth on the floor, and place toys, souvenirs, and surprises along its edge. Children take turns rolling the egg towards a certain object and receive it as a gift if the egg touches it.

9. In which hand

This is a simple game that everyone knows. One child hides his Easter egg and the egg of the second child in his hands behind his back. And he must guess which hand his egg is in. If he guesses correctly, he takes both for himself, if not, he gives his own.

10. Damaged phone

This is for everyone famous game. But you need to think of words that correspond to the theme and characterize the tradition, the history of Easter.

The essence of the game is that the presenter thinks of a word, quietly and quickly pronounces it in the ear of the first player, and he passes on what he heard next. And so on, along the chain, until it’s the last player’s turn. And he must say out loud the word he heard. The result is usually funny and unusual.

11. Game of riddles

To play, you need to prepare a prize, which is wrapped in several layers of paper. On each layer write a riddle that matches the Easter theme. If the child, while unwrapping the prize, knows the answer, names it and continues further; if not, the one who guessed reads aloud and continues to unwrap the prize.

Only by solving the last riddle can you reach the prize.

These are the types of Easter games we suggest using for children during the holidays. The kids will be happy and busy, and parents will be able to enjoy the feast and relaxation.


Deflating an egg.

You need to prepare an egg for the game. To do this, punch a small hole in a raw egg and pour out the contents. We wash the shell from the inside. It will be great if the egg is painted or painted, as it should be for a real Easter attribute!

Place the empty egg in the center of the table. All guests - children and adults - sit around the table as close to each other as possible, dividing into two teams. On the count of three or four, one of the teams begins to blow on the egg. Each player tries to blow it to the opposite end of the table so that it eventually falls to the floor. The second team must resist and blow the egg towards their opponents with all their might.
Who will manage to blow the egg off the table?

Egg collectors

While you are preparing for the arrival of guests, you can entertain the kids by offering them this game. We cut out 12 eggs from white thick cardboard and draw bright spring flowers from one to twelve on them. To enhance the educational effect of the game, you can depict different flowers and sign their names.

The eggs are laid out on the table, flowers side down. Each player takes turns taking one egg. The one who has more flowers painted on the egg keeps the “trophy” for himself. The opponent places the egg with fewer flowers back on the table and shuffles the card eggs.
Who will collect the most flower eggs?

Chasing two birds with one stone

For this game we will need 3 wooden eggs (colored eggs).

We put two dyes next to each other. You need to hit the third one so that they roll in different directions. Whoever succeeds in this will receive some kind of prize.


Skating Game

For centuries, a favorite Easter game in Rus' was egg rolling. This game was arranged like this: they installed a wooden or cardboard “skating rink” and cleared a flat area around it, on which they laid out colored eggs, toys, and simple souvenirs. The playing children approached the “skating rink” one by one and each rolled their own egg. The prize was the object that the egg touched.

Egg hunt

Adults hide Easter eggs in the room or among bushes and trees. Children look for them and put them in baskets. Who will collect the most eggs? You can hide cardboard, paper or plastic surprise eggs. To get a surprise, you need to find the egg.

Clinking eggs.

This is also an old Russian game: by hitting an opponent’s egg with the blunt or sharp end of a colored egg, a person tries to win as many whole eggs as possible. If the egg cracks, you lose!


A leader is chosen, all players turn away. The presenter hides the egg under one of the hats. Players take turns trying to guess which one. The presenter lifts the hat that the player points to; The one who guesses becomes the leader.

When older children finish playing these games and move on to active tasks, you can invite the kids to roll eggs. Before this, you need to lay out toys for babies on the mat.

Egg race (simplified version, for kids)

To play you need 2 hard-boiled eggs, 2 tablespoons.

Players are divided into 2 teams. Each team receives a tablespoon on which a colored egg is placed. The goal is to run a certain distance (marked by a flag or pin), turn around and pass the spoon to the next participant without dropping the egg. You can make the task more difficult by holding the spoon in your mouth instead of your hand! The team whose players complete the task faster wins. Chocolate eggs can be prepared as prizes for the winners.

Egg relay (complicated version, for older children and adults)

To play you need 2 hard-boiled eggs; additionally: 2 long-stemmed flowers (or 2 wooden pencils).

Players are divided into 2 teams. Each team receives a colored egg, which is placed on the player’s palm. The goal is to run a certain distance (marked by a flag or pin), turn around and pass the egg to the next participant without dropping it.

To make the race more difficult, you can build some kind of obstacle along the distance or give players additional tasks. For example, turn three times around your axis at a designated place. Or run a distance not only with an egg, but also with a flower (pencil) placed behind the ear or squeezed between the nose and upper lip. The additional item cannot be dropped and must be passed along with the egg to the next player.

Other games


To play "Geese", two lines are drawn on the court at a distance of 10-15 meters from each other - two "houses". In one there are geese, in the other - their owner. Between the “houses under the mountain” lives a “wolf” - a leader. The owner and the geese conduct a dialogue with each other, known to everyone from early childhood:
- Geese, geese!
- Ha-ha-ga.
- Do you want to eat?
- Yes Yes Yes.
- So fly!
- We are not allowed.
Gray wolf under the mountain
won't let us go home.

After these words, the “geese” try to run over to the “master”, and the “wolf” catches them. The caught "goose" becomes a "wolf".


One of the players is chosen as the driver, he goes on a journey, and all the players ask him to bring them from different cities present. They name the cities, but don’t name the gifts - they don’t yet know what their “relatives” will “send” to them.

It is better to name cities that are well-known and preferably different letters. The driver accepts all requests, says goodbye and goes on a journey, i.e. leaves the room.

The journey lasts no more than five minutes - during this time the driver must figure out who to bring what to. The name of the gift must begin with the same letter as the name of the city mentioned by each player. So, for example, someone who named the city Kaluga can bring a basket, a cat, a trough, a hoof, a wheel, cabbage, etc., and someone who named Stavropol can bring boots, a samovar, soup, a chest, etc.

The funnier the gift, the better. The driver’s main task is to remember who named which city, and it’s not difficult to come up with a gift for the corresponding letter.
The journey is over. Everyone congratulates the traveler on his safe arrival. The distribution of gifts begins.
“I visited your grandfather,” the driver addresses the one who named the city of Omsk, “he sent you a collar.”

The player must accept the gift, but if the driver made a mistake and did not name such a city, the gift is rejected. When more than five people are playing, one mistake is not taken into account, but for two mistakes the driver is fined - he is obliged to give away his forfeit.

Who is the presenter?

The game must involve at least six players; one of the players leaves the room. At this time, the rest sit in a circle and choose a leader. The presenter does simple moves, for example, clapping his hands, shaking his head, shaking his fists in the air, etc. The remaining players must repeat the leader's movements and perform new movements after him as quickly as possible.

Now the player who went out the door returns and stands in the center of the circle. His job is to discover who is leading. This is not at all easy, because while he is looking at the leader, he will not make new movements. When a leader is found, he must leave the room and the players choose a new leader.

Find the whistle.

You will need a whistle, a pin and a thread about 20 cm long.

Take three people out of the room who have never played this game. The remaining players sit on chairs in a tight circle facing inward. Now you invite one of those outside the door. He stands in a circle, and while you are blindfolding him, one of the players carefully pins a thread with a whistle on his back so that he does not notice it. Then you say that one of the players sitting around him has stolen a magic whistle and he needs to find the culprit. At this time, one of the players blows the whistle and carefully releases it.

It can take a very long time for a blindfolded player, turning to listen to the whistle each time, to realize that the magic whistle is tied to his own back! Then they also call another of the three who were taken out of the room.


Usually, if you don’t come up with them in advance, forfeits are quite monotonous: sing a song, read a poem, dance, tell a joke. But if you prepare in advance, you can come up with a lot of interesting things: dramatize the trainer and the trained animal, depict some familiar picture with your own figure, compose a ditty about today’s evening, use pantomime to talk about an event known to everyone present, etc.

Tongue Twisters.

The presenter invites the players to compare their strength in tongue twisters; he distributes cards to everyone with one tongue twister printed on them. Then he calls the competitors. First, each of the players reads the words of the text slowly and loudly so that its meaning is clear to everyone, after which, at the command of the leader, he pronounces the tongue twister at a fast pace. The winner is the one who did not blurt out the words and did not make a single mistake.

Tongue twisters can be anything. Depending on the age of the children, you should choose simple or complex, long or short tongue twisters. You will bring special joy to children if you select tongue twisters that mention their names.

Here are some examples:

Granny bought beads for Marusya.

Bory has a screw. Vitya has a bandage.

Valerik ate dumplings,
And Valyushka - cheesecake.

Grandfather Danil divided the melon,
A slice for Dima, a slice for Dina.

Klava put the onion on the shelf,
Nikolka called to her.

Roofer Kirill fixed the roof crookedly.
Grisha was invited to re-roof.

Senya is carrying Sanya and Sonya on a sled.
Sledge jump, Senya off his feet, Sanya in the side,
Sonya in the forehead, with the sled all in a snowdrift.

Here are some other tongue twister options:

Greek rode across the river,
The Greek sees a cancer in the river,
The Greek put his hand in the river,
Cancer by the hand of the Greek DAC.

In the garden, Fekla gasped and groaned,
The beets were not born in the garden - about.
I feel sorry for Fekla’s beets, I feel sorry for Fekla’s beets,
Fekla complained: “The beets got lost!”

You even stained your neck, even your ears with black mascara.
Get in the shower quickly. Rinse the mascara off your ears in the shower.
Rinse off the mascara from your neck in the shower. After your shower, dry yourself off.
Dry your neck, dry your ears, and don’t touch the carcass anymore.

Forty mice walked, carrying forty pennies,
Two smaller mice carried two pennies each.

A cap is sewn, a cap is knitted, but not in the Kolpakov style,
The bell is poured, the bell is forged, but not like a bell,
It is necessary to re-cap and re-cap.
The bell needs to be re-belled and re-belled.

Senka is carrying Sanka and Sonya on a sled,
He’s lucky, and he spits out tongue twisters like this:
they say, a black grouse was sitting on a tree, from the tree there was a shadow of a black grouse;
they say, don’t look for a goose’s mustache - you won’t find it;
they say, such is Savva, such is the glory...

They dance in tongue twisters like crucian carp in a frying pan.
You can’t talk through all the tongue twisters, you can’t talk through all the tongue twisters quickly.

You can buy various gifts for family, friends, and children in the Easter Gifts section of our children's online store Scientist Cat. There are Easter games here, good books, wooden toys from domestic manufacturers and other pleasant and beautiful things.

I wish you a happy Easter holiday! Christ is Risen!

Municipal educational institution Sredneyakushkinskaya secondary school

Methodological development

Easter themed classes

for children primary classes

Easter games


primary school teacher

Municipal educational institution Sredneyakushkinskaya secondary school

Andreeva Lyubov Ivanovna


Target : developing interest in the history of the Orthodox culture of our Motherland.


1. Introduction to Easter games.

2. Development life experience students in the process of creative study of the past and present of their people in connection with universal human values.

3. Formation of a respectful attitude towards Russian customs and Orthodox holidays.

Type of lesson: combined.

Methods and forms of work: illustrated story, visually illustrated, conversation, a game.

Material for the lesson: phonogram, background music.

Plan class hour

    Organizing time.

    Communicate the purpose of the class.

    Identification of students' knowledge about the celebration of Easter.

    The teacher's story about the history of the origin of the holiday.

6. Introducing the meanings of egg colors.

Class progress

(The class is elegantly decorated, candles are burning, there are Easter cakes on the tables, eggs painted and painted by children. Bells are ringing.)

1 . Organizing time


Hello, good fellows!
Hello, beautiful girls!
Easter has come
Joy took over.
Jesus beloved,
Having suffered, he rose again.
Congratulations on your affection,
Happy God-given Easter -
A wonderful holiday,
Miracle of miracles.

Student 1: Drops are dripping loudly

Near our window

The birds sang merrily

Easter has come to visit us

Student 2: The gospel is buzzing everywhere

And people are tearing down all the churches

Dawn is already looking from the sky

Christ is risen! Christ is risen!!

Student 3: The earth is waking up

And the fields are getting dressed

Spring is coming full of wonders

Christ is risen! Christ is risen!

Teacher: Guys, let's listen to the poem own composition Dima Rodionov “Christ is Risen!”

The sun is shining brightly today

I rejoice in the purity of heaven.

The holiday rings loudly in every home

He says to everyone: “Christ is Risen!”

Streams overtaking each other,

They cheerfully carry the good news.

The ringing of bells fills the world,

Notifies everyone: “Christ is Risen!”

And my soul trembles more strongly,

Expecting the miracle of miracles.

Every Orthodox Christian applauds:

"Christ is risen! He is truly Risen!”

2.Communicate the purpose of the class hour.

3. Identification of students’ knowledge about the celebration of Easter.

What do you know about it Orthodox holiday?

How long have our ancestors celebrated this day as a great one? religious holiday?

What attributes did they use on this day?

What customs of this holiday do you know?

Guys, do you know how to celebrate this holiday correctly?

4. The teacher’s story about the history of the origin of the holiday.

And today in class we will learn a lot of new and interesting things about Easter traditions and its attributes.The holiday of Great Easter was established in the city of Nicaea in 325 AD. e. Easter is the celebration of the resurrection of Jesus Christ. Easter is celebrated only on Sunday, while Easter is always celebrated between March 22 and April 25, but never on the same date. I would like to note that Easter is preceded by Palm Sunday. After Palm Sunday, which is known for the fact that people, adults and children, go to church, carry willow branches, and consecrate them in churches. Palm Sunday reminds us that Jesus Christ entered the city of Jerusalem, which is now located on the territory of the state of Israel.Easter is the most important, most significant holiday; it is celebrated for 40 days. All this time, people go to visit each other, congratulate each other on the bright Sunday of Christ and rejoice that Jesus Christ opened the way to a bright life.

5 . The teacher's story about decorations and attributes of the holiday.

Now let’s take a closer look at the decorations and attributes of this holiday.On Easter Day, Christians all over the world remember and glorify the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead. Later, when many nomadic tribes took up farming, spring holiday Easter chose the cult of thanksgiving to the heavens for the fact that the sun shines from them, warms the earth after winter, receiving the seeds thrown by the hand of the sower. This is where the custom of baking Easter cakes comes from.

What do you think the Easter cake symbolizes? (children's answers).

To ancient man it seemed that the Easter cake was like the red sun on his table on holiday, and if you try it, it’s like touching the sun, absorbing its life-giving rays, and just as everything on earth comes to life in the spring under the sun, so a person acquires new strength. Our ancestors treated Easter with reverence. On this holiday, public institutions were closed, work was stopped, and school holidays were declared. Illuminations were arranged in churches and streets. Younger and older relatives, relatives, and friends gathered at a common table and sent each other congratulations and gave gifts. People of all classes united shared memory about the great suffering and miraculous resurrection of Christ.

What do you think was the main sign of the holiday? (children's answers) Of course, the main sign of the holiday was dyeing eggs. Both myths and legends tell about the egg, as the beginning of all living things: The world, which has the shape of an egg, consists of the upper part of the inner part - the yolk. The yolk is the world of all living things: people and animals. The bottom of the egg is the world dead people, night country. When it is night in a night country, it is day in our country. To get to the night country, you need to dig a well and a stone, if it falls into this well, it will fly for 12 days and nights. For the Easter holiday, chicken eggs were painted, and less often, goose eggs. It is not customary to paint eggs in dark, gloomy colors. As a rule, red and its shades predominate. The red egg has created around itself, among our people, many various kinds believe and superstition. And now I invite you to consider on the slide what color of the egg could mean what.

6. Introducing the meanings of egg colors.

Red color is a sign of happiness;: Yellow– sun sign;
Green color is a sign of life; Blue color is a sign of the sky;
Blue is the color of night and mystery; Brown color- the color of the earth.
The oldest pattern is geometric.
Triangles – unity of spirit, mind and body; unity of present, past and future; family unity - mother, father and child; the unity of earthly elements - earth, water, fire.
Cuckoo - this bird, according to legend, keeps the keys to heaven.
Oak leaves are a masculine sign (strength, beauty)
Asterisks – female sign(health, beauty)
Dots (tears) – tears of the Mother of God
The circle is a sign of infinity.

- That's how important it was to dye the eggs a certain color.

7. Introducing students to Easter games.

Teacher: In ancient times, on the day of the Easter holiday, it was customary for the whole family to gather at the table, have leisurely conversations, and play games. And I invite you to Easter games.

1) Game “Roll, egg” You need to roll the egg along the chute so that it does not break and rolls as far as possible. If it breaks, you have to eat it. Who is faster? It helps to have a friend that the child chooses

2) Game “Take a seat”

One of the game participants is chosen as the driver. They give him a willow twig. The rest of the players, forming a circle, walk holding hands. The driver follows the circle in the opposite direction and says:

"With willow, with willow
I'm coming for you.
I'll touch you with willow
Run after me! Hop!

Having said “Hop,” the driver lightly hits one of the players on the back with a twig, the circle stops, and the one who was hit rushes from his place in the circle to meet the driver. The one who runs around the circle first takes a free place, and the remaining one becomes the driver.
We remind you: during the game, the circle must immediately stop at the word “Hop”; running is only allowed in the circle; without crossing it, while running you cannot touch those standing in the circle.

3) Game “Egg Rolling”

1. Arrange candies (6-7 pieces) in a row. The player, being at a distance of 1-1.5 m, rolls an egg towards the candies. If the egg touches the candy, he takes it away. The game continues with other players.

2.Pour an oblong hill of sand with gentle slopes. They pose many obstacles, for example,

4) Game “Who said “Egg”?

The host chooses a player. He must turn away so as not to see the rest of the players, and half of a peeled egg is placed under one of the players under his cheek, and he must say: “Egg, egg.” The first player must guess the speaker.

5) Game "Eggs in a Ditch" Pour an oblong hill of sand with gentle slopes. They pose many obstacles, for example,through which an egg can roll. At the foot of the slide, make a wide, shallow groove and place a painted Easter egg in it.
The first player rolls the egg down the slide, aiming precisely because the egg must overcome all obstacles and fall into the groove. If this is successful, the player can roll the second egg. If the player misses, he goes to the end of the line. The player who managed to roll into the groove greatest number eggs, becomes the winner and receives a prize.

6) Game “Name the Easter word”

The presenter offers to name all the Easter words. The last person to name the word receives a souvenir.

7) Game “Egg Battle”
One player holds the colored egg in his hand, the other hits it with both
ends of the egg. The egg is considered lost if both are broken.
2. Everyone is given 3 eggs, the players spin them and whose eggs spin the longest wins. The winner is awarded the “COOL” medal

8) Game “Dolbyanka”

Players knock with colored eggs; whose egg remains intact wins.

9) Game “Whose next”
You will need a meadow on the side of a hill. Mark a line below with branches or stones. All players line up on a hill and roll one egg down the mountain. The winner is the one whose egg rolls further. The one whose egg does not reach the line is out of the game.
10) The game “Whose egg will spin longer”
If you feel bad about breaking paints, you can check whose egg will spin longer. Players, at the command of the leader, must simultaneously spin the eggs on the surface. The participant whose egg spins the longest will win. As a prize, he takes his opponent's dye.
11) Game “Hot Egg”
For this game you will need an Easter egg. Children should sit in a circle. They need to turn on the music they like. While the melody is playing, you need to pass the egg around.When the music stops, the one with the egg leaves the circle. The game continues until the last player remains, who receives the winner's prize.

12) Game “Reach for the egg.” One of the players places the Easter egg on the ground and takes 5 steps. The other player was blindfolded, wrapped around himself three times and forced to take 5 steps. Then they opened their eyes, and he tried to reach the Easter egg with his hand. If he reached it, he took it for himself.

13) Game “Find the egg” " The player was taken far from the Easter egg, and he, covering his face with his hat, tried to approach it.

14) Game “Best Egg”. Players “knocked” Easter eggs. Whose one crashed, he lost.

15) Game “Throwing”. Two Easter eggs were placed so that the third egg could not roll between them. The player threw his Easter egg between the eggs, trying to break both eggs at once.

16) Game “White Egg”Each child is given a painted egg of a certain color. One egg should be white. A white egg is placed in the center of the room, after which each child must roll their egg once towards the white egg. The player whose egg is closest to the non-colored egg gets a point. The first one to score a certain number of points wins.

17) Game “Search for Easter eggs and surprises”

You will need colored eggs and small surprise prizes: candy, stickers, small toys, etc. An adult hides Easter eggs and prizes in the room in advance, and a child or group of children will have to find them. If there are a lot of children, you can divide them into two teams. Children take the surprises they find for themselves.

18) Game “Running with an egg in a spoon” Who can run around the chair the fastest without dropping the egg?

19) Game "Roll, roll egg"

Children stand in a circle. The driver gives one egg to the child in a circle.

With words, children pass the egg around in a circle in any direction.

"Roll, roll egg

In our circle

Find, find the egg

For myself, my friend"

WITH last words the passing of eggs in a circle ends

20) Game "Hats" The props for this Easter game for children are hats according to the number of players. We choose a leader, the rest of the players turn away. The presenter hides the egg under one of the hats. Players take turns guessing which hat the egg is under. The one who guesses becomes the leader.

21) Game “Cool”. Each player is given 3 eggs, the players spin them and whose eggs spin the longest wins. The winner is awarded the “COOL” medal

22) Game “In which hand”

Also a very simple and familiar game. The first player hides his Easter egg and the second player's Easter egg in his hands behind his back. Certainly. Easter eggs should vary in color or pattern.

The second player needs to guess which hand the first player has his Easter Egg in. If he guesses correctly, he takes both Easter eggs, if not, he gives away his Easter egg.

23) Easter catcher game

One of the players is selected to be the “catcher”. He sits at a distance of 4-5 meters facing the rest of the players. In his hands he has a plastic cup or cup with which he must catch an Easter egg.

In the hands of the other players are strings with Easter eggs attached to the ends. The Easter eggs themselves are placed not far from the “catcher”.

The “catcher” counts down three and tries to catch one of the Easter eggs while other participants in the game pull their strings.

The player whose Easter egg the “catcher” caught is out of the game.

24) Game “Hiding Eggs”

The game requires ingenuity and the ability to navigate in space. The game is similar to blind man's buff.

How to play:

1. On the ground (or in modern version an egg is placed on the floor, on a table, on a chair.

2. One girl is blindfoldedand take her away from the place where the egg lies. The first time girls rarely remember the “road”, later they themselves figure out that they need to count steps and remember turns in order to understand where they took you and where the egg is from you.

3. A girl blindfolded goes to the egg. She walks until she decides that she has already approached the egg (no one tells her and no one stops her).

4. Having reached the right place (as she believes), she stops and removes the bandage.

5. Now she needs to get this egg and take it in her hands. If the girl has come to the right place, then this problem will be solved simply. What if it’s far away? You'll have to be creative to get the egg! If a girl managed to get an egg, she takes it for herself. It was believed that winning an egg brings happiness to the home, health and wealth!

25) Game "Rolling eggs towards"

Playing in pairs. Each player stands against the wall of the room. One says: “Christ is Risen!” The second one answers him: “Truly he is risen!” After this, the players roll the eggs along the floor towards each other. The goal is for the eggs to meet and collide. Whoever's egg breaks in this case gives it to the winner.

You can play this game and large group. Then one team stands at one wall, and the other at the other wall. Each pair rolls their eggs towards each other. The task is to roll so that the eggs meet. If this happens, the couple hugs.

8. Summing up the class hour.

What Easter traditions have you learned about?

What is the main signholiday?

Why are eggs the decoration of the Easter table?

What Easter games did you learn about during class?

Dear guys, may we meet many people on our way to whom we would like to say “Christ is risen!” and in response hear “He is truly risen!” Let the Easter holiday evoke only good memories for all people of our country and the world. May the festive Easter table always be generous, and the ringing of church bells be as joyful and solemn as the resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ.

Ours has come to an end Classroom hour about the celebration of Easter - the brightest and have a beautiful holiday Russia. Let's light small candles on the eve of this holiday,(candles are lit) , let's be silent, let's think about the good and bright, about the good things that we have ahead and about what we have to do to celebrate Easter with pure soul and an open heart.

List of used literature.

    “Education of Schoolchildren” No. 3, 2009, article by Ageeva E.S. “Easter Holiday”.

    Bible for kids”, JSC “Young Guard”, M., 1993.

    Medrigan E. V., Extracurricular activity on the topic “Easter holiday

    “Ped.council" No. 1, 2004

    Tabak Yu.“Gospel stories”, Russian Bible Society, M., 1995.

    Dear egg for Christ's day // Primary School. - № 2. – 2001.

7. Pankeev K.I. Russian holidays. - M., 1998.

8.Easter traditions of the Russian people //Elementary school. - No. 3 – 2005.

The Bright Resurrection of Christ is a family holiday and it is customary to celebrate it in family circle, along with all household members. Easter is also a reason to have a picnic in nature. And if for adults this is a reason to cook porridge over a fire, chat, breathe fresh air, then children prefer active leisure, so it’s worth thinking in advance what Easter games you can organize for children.

And to make this task easier for parents, we will give several examples of children's Easter fun - both traditional and new, original. Almost all of the competitions and games described below require a minimum of props, which means they are simple to prepare. And, to put it mildly, dragging a lot of things into the forest or to the river is not very convenient. But there are also those that are easier to organize at home - the choice is yours.

Everyone knows this fun and it’s hard to imagine Easter without it. The point of the game is to hit your opponent's egg with your egg so that yours remains intact, but the opponent's testicle cracks.

But you can diversify this game somewhat by, for example, assigning small prizes to the winners - then the kids will be more interested in the process itself and they will be interested in winning.

You can compete in such a fight either alone or in a group. For the company, they choose a driver who beats the eggs of other participants in turn until his testicle is broken on both sides, after which the driver becomes the one on whose testicle the previous driver broke his own. This continues until the eggs of all participants are broken, and the owner of the last intact Easter symbol receives a prize.


Another traditional fun. It will require a small gutter, which was previously made of wood, but in modern conditions it can be constructed from a piece of cardboard.

And the competition is held like this: small souvenirs, sweets, and toys are laid out on a flat surface. A trough is placed at a short distance, and the children take turns rolling their eggs along it. Whichever prize the egg catches, the child takes for himself.

Another variation of this fun is for children to roll eggs not for accuracy, as in the previous version, but for distance - whose egg rolled further wins.


There is also an entertainment familiar from childhood, in which participants spin their paints - whose spin lasts longer wins.

Easter Quiz

Besides active competitions, it will be useful for children to compete in intellectual fun. Moreover, such a quiz will help them in game form assimilate .

For the quiz, you should prepare a list of questions in advance, as well as many small pleasant prizes. The prizes can be the paints themselves, as well as small cakes in the shape of Easter cakes, other sweets, small books, calendars, keychains and other little things.

And here is the list of questions for the quiz with answers:

  1. How do you greet each other on Easter? (Christ is risen!)
  2. How is it customary to respond to such a greeting? (Truly risen!)
  3. On what day after his death was Jesus resurrected? (on the third)
  4. Which of the disciples betrayed Christ? (Judas)
  5. What is the name of the mountain on which the Son of God was crucified? (Calvary)
  6. What does the Easter Easter symbol mean? (Body of Christ)
  7. What other symbols of the Resurrection of Christ are there? (eggs, cross, fire, rabbit, wreath and others)
  8. Who met women in the cave who came on the third day after death, see
    anoint Jesus' body with incense? (angel)
  9. What is customary to do in Maundy Thursday? (wash, clean the house)
  10. On what day of the week is Easter celebrated? (on Sunday).

Treasure Hunt

You can play this children's Easter game both at home and in the forest or near
rivers We hide eggs or toy bunnies in the area in advance - whoever finds the most is the winner.

The game can also be organized in the form of a mini-quest, drawing up a search plan and at each stage asking a riddle or giving some kind of task.

Another option is to unwind a ball of thread on the way to the “treasure”. It is better if the threads are thick and knitting so that they are less tangled. The child, gradually winding the thread into a ball, reaches the hidden egg or rabbit.

The most accurate

For this fun, it is better to take not real, but wooden or plastic eggs. Capsules from Kinder Surprise toys are perfect. You will also need any wide container - a basin or bucket. The participants' task is to throw eggs and hit maximum amount once on target. This competition will appeal to both kids and teenagers - depending on the age of the children, the competition can be simplified or complicated by changing the size of the target and the distance from the participant to the target.

Easter coloring pages

You need to prepare for this entertainment in advance by printing out coloring pages. Here are a few templates for Easter coloring pages (save to your computer and print):

You will also need to take pencils or markers with you. Each child is given a coloring book, and his task is to color it within the allotted time. The winner is determined by general voting. It is still better to organize such fun at home, although it is quite possible to carry it out in nature if you have a level table.

Easter relay

When organizing Easter competitions for children, do not forget about such popular entertainment as the relay race. There can be a lot of options for the Easter relay race, the main thing is that it includes eggs, Easter cakes, rabbits and other items associated with this bright day.

Here are some ways to run the Easter relay:

First- the participant is given a tablespoon containing paint. His task is to carry the spoon from start to finish and back without dropping the egg. If the valuable cargo still falls, the participant returns to the starting line and starts over.

Second- children roll the egg with their hand or spoon to the finish line and back.

Third— near the finish line we place a plate with chopped Easter cake. The child runs to the finish line and eats one piece. Here it is worth clarifying that the pieces should be small, and place a container of water or compote near the plate so that you can wash it down. Also, before the start, we instruct children not to run until they have chewed, otherwise they may choke.

Fourth- kids jump on one leg with an egg in a small basket or bowl. The task is to jump the distance without losing the load.

You can come up with a lot of similar relay races, based on the availability of the necessary props, as well as the age of the participants - easier for kids, more difficult for schoolchildren.

Let's color the egg together

Props: a paper egg template, the size of a regular plate, and pencils. In the absence of a template, it is quite possible to use a disposable cardboard plate, just draw on the reverse, non-laminated side. The first participant paints the top of the “pysanka” and bends it so that what is painted is not visible. Then he passes the template to the next one, who also paints the strip and folds it. So we pass the template around until it is completely colored.

Advice - take several templates at once, depending on the number of participants. Each participant begins to color his own template, and then the children exchange templates with each other and continue to color them. At the end of the process, we unfold the templates and vote for the best Easter egg. But since the work is joint, we declare all the kids winners.

Puzzle egg

This entertainment can be either an independent game or a continuation of the previous one. Its essence is that the painted Easter eggs templates are cut into several parts, and the parts are mixed together. The participants' task is to find all the parts of one Easter egg and assemble it. The competition is for speed - who can complete the puzzle the fastest. The only props for this competition you will need are scissors to cut the templates into pieces.

Mini golf

You will need several wooden Easter eggs and tablespoons. We dig holes in the ground, and the players' task will be to get the egg into these holes, pushing it with a tablespoon.

Why wooden eggs? Because it’s somehow inappropriate to roll a holiday symbol on the ground, and wooden Easter eggs are easier to direct towards the goal, it’s easier to set them the desired trajectory. For kids we organize a simplified version - we place the hole close, make it large, and for schoolchildren and teenagers we complicate the competition by digging a smaller hole and moving the starting line further away.

These are just a few options that can be used to entertain the kids on this bright day. Perhaps, using these ideas, you will come up with your own, no less exciting Easter game.

How do you spend your leisure time on this bright day? Share in the comments!

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