Bachelor of the week: Main Stage winner Sardor Milano. Who is Sardor Milano? Biography, songs, photos? Singer Sardor Milano personal biography

The singer revealed to a Sputnik correspondent the main intrigue that has excited the imagination of his fans for several months. The fact is that the Uzbek media not so long ago spread the news about his first solo concert, which will take place in Tashkent. But no one has yet announced a specific date.

Surprise everyone

We hasten to announce that the concert will take place November 27 at the Istiklol Palace, accompanied by Molodezhny symphony orchestra Uzbekistan. Here's what Sardor told Sputnik about this and much more.

— What are you preparing for the concert?

— The program will be very diverse, I want to surprise everyone. Of course, this is mostly neoclassical. I'm very glad that I will be one of the first contemporary performers, which will give this amazing style of performance to my compatriots and guests of Uzbekistan. So, hurry up to the concert. I promise, he will not leave anyone indifferent.

Photo from personal archive singer

— Previously, you were often called “Jamaica” because of the excellent performance of the song of the same name. Will you sing it on the Istiklol stage?

— I don’t know, maybe I’ll sing if my longtime fans ask me. After all, the story with this composition has been going on for many years, since the time of my studies at the Aladdin school-studio. The song performed by Robertino Loretti is also my separate chapter in musical career. God, it was 15 years ago when I first performed it.

Early glory

— You started playing music very early - from the age of six in the Aladdin studio. You had virtually no real childhood. Do you regret it?

— I spent my entire childhood studying. Seven-year-old Sardor's schedule was as follows: school in the morning, then School of Music piano class, then the show group "Aladdin", vocal lessons, choreography, acting. In addition, intensive lessons in English. And on top of all this, it’s wide concert activity, as a child, I already performed at high-level events in Tashkent, toured the republic, and even visited abroad. The days were literally scheduled by the hour.

My grandmother brought me to Rustam Hamrakulov’s studio. And we can say that while I was studying there, she studied with me. My parents were far from music; my mother worked in those years tax office, and my father taught Russian for foreigners at one of the Tashkent universities.

My parents have exceptional taste in music. We always had music in our house. And in the late nineties, my mother and father bought music Center. At the time, of course, they had no idea that they had not purchased it for themselves. As soon as I got my hands on a microphone, from then on the room where it stood turned into my personal concert hall.

Indeed, many people say that I had no childhood, but I believe that this was my happy childhood, I enjoyed such a schedule. There was no time to think about how to fill the free minutes. I've always been dedicated to music.

By the way, it was with the performance of “Jamaica,” which I sang at the age of 9, that I began to become widely known in Tashkent. And at the age of 12 he won the first Grand Prix at an international competition in Almaty. After that, I was invited to work in Kazakhstan. And our whole family moved there to live.

- Work on something like this high level at 12 years old, I can’t wrap my head around it...

— Yes, I was lucky enough to work on stage with such famous Kazakh performers as Roza Rymbaeva and Bibigul Tulegenova. In total, our family lived in Almaty for six years.

But I was mentally prepared for this. Thanks to my parents, they explained everything in time and prepared me for this. Then classical music saved me, which I went to study at College of Music named after Tchaikovsky.

I remember that evening when our whole family gathered at the table and asked the question, what next? My parents always supported me, so then we all decided together that I would continue my academic music studies in piano. After graduating from college, I returned to Tashkent.

Classical music saved me

— Sardor, you learned what recognition and success are at an early age. Then we lost our voice and had to radically change our plans. But did you still have hope? How did you find the strength to develop your singing talent again?

- You know, for some period I managed to stop thinking about singing. I was so immersed in Shestakovich, Tchaikovsky, Rachmaninov that I hoped to reach heights here too. But, alas, the miracle did not happen. My time was lost, I need to study music from early childhood, develop technique. And when I graduated from college, the question arose again, what to do next? After all, until I was 18, starting from the age of six, my life was devoted to music.

By nature I am a perfectionist, sometimes I myself suffer from setting high goals, but it is this quality of character that makes me get up after failures and move on. And this feeling that I should be someone in music gave me the idea of ​​becoming a conductor.

I thought I had high growth, long arms, there is a special musical education, you can go study at the State Conservatory of Uzbekistan! Then having all this seemed enough to become an orchestra conductor. But this is truly difficult work, and only over time I realized that this was really not my thing.

But since I was used to setting a goal and going towards it, I began to prepare to enter the Conservatory for a conducting class. The head of the department worked with me, who patiently studied me for exactly two months and intensively prepared me for the entrance exams. But she looked at everything that was happening as if it were an adventure, laughing, and every time she said: “Lord, what are you doing? Why? It’s obvious that this is a dubious matter.”

In addition to conducting, this program also included vocal lessons, meaning I still had to sing. And she sent me to the conservatory’s vocal professor, saying sternly that I should still start singing, even if I didn’t want to do it.

I remember the moment when I came to Professor Tamara Mamikonyan’s office, having not sung at all for two years. She began to play notes and said “sing.” Imagine my amazement when, after singing a couple of chords, she pronounced a verdict: “You have a mature baritone. Moreover, there is a shortage of baritones now. You need to start practicing vocals.”

Less than two months had passed since the start of our classes, and Tamara Abramovna told me that I needed to go to Moscow.

— In Belokamennaya, did you first go to the Gnessin Academy of Music?

— When my teacher recommended that I continue my studies in Moscow, I initially decided that I would enter this university. And my parents also pushed me to this, who, having heard that I should go to Moscow to study, said that I should go to the best institution. Later I understood why they asked this high bar, they didn’t want to leave Tashkent, and hoped that I would fail. But I got in and was fourth on the list of applicants.

Photo from the singer’s personal archive

When I returned to Tashkent with this great news, everyone congratulated me, my parents did not. They didn’t say anything, but packed their things and moved with me to live in Russia.

Conquest of the Mother See

— In Moscow you discovered music TV shows. “Main Stage” was not the first attempt to break into the world Russian show business?

— In Moscow, I discovered the opportunity to participate in various castings, but thanks to only one TV show, where I was noticed and appreciated, I was able to show what I was capable of. Unfortunately, it was up to " Main stage"and the experience of unsuccessful participation in other castings, I will not list them all now. There is no point. They did not understand me there. And at some point I was so tired of “No, you are not suitable for us” that I bought a ticket to Tashkent, thrown in the middle school year Moscow and came home. It was a breakdown, and only in Tashkent was I able to find the strength to continue along the chosen path.

You know, I do this often. It is here in Tashkent that I am able to truly relax, calm down and think sensibly after the troubles in life. The city has a special aura, perhaps because the pace of life is different here. And one more thing - the sun is always warm here, and this is important for internal recharging.

That evening, when I returned to my Moscow apartment, I turned on the TV, and there was just an advertisement about the next casting on the Russia 1 TV channel. And I again succumbed to emotions and the desire to try my hand again.

And then the day of the audition came. I stood in line for eight hours straight, and went to see the jury members late in the evening. All day I watched either happy faces or tears of despair.

When my turn came, I realized that firstly, I need to stop being disingenuous, I need to be very honest, many performers fill themselves with cliches, maybe they watch on TV how their idols behave and think that they need to repeat themselves. But this is a mistaken opinion. It's important to be sincere. Show yourself.

I just came out and said: “Hello, my name is Sardor. I’m from Uzbekistan,” and only managed to sing one verse when they stopped me, saying that they were hiring me for the project.

Filming began two months later. On day X, I was told that there would be four jury members and four producers. I was dumbfounded when I heard their names. Such responsibility, my knees were shaking like never before.

Then I realized that this was very important, why? Sitting best producers Russia, people to whom I tried to show myself, but could not, because you just can’t knock on their door, but here in one fell swoop you can declare yourself to everyone.

— In one of your interviews, you admitted that there was a period when you drank a lot of valerian? Is this while participating in the "Main Stage"?

— Yes, at first I felt very nervous. At the first stages there was a lot of valerian. After the project everything changed. Similar projects are good school, a tremendous experience for singers. Now nothing scares me anymore.

—Has your fear of dentists disappeared?

- Oh, you know about that too. We prepared well for the interview. I really still have a jitters in front of dentists, although now, due to my chosen profession, I have to visit them often.

And my fear of these doctors appeared in my childhood, at the age of six. The fact is that my dad loved watching thrillers and once watched a film, I don’t remember its name, in the plot of which a dentist went crazy and pulled out all his wife’s teeth. But the whole intrigue is that literally a week after watching this film I had to go to the doctor and have a tooth pulled out. When I got there, my attending physician looked exactly like a character from a thriller. The fear remained for the rest of my life. But I'm fighting it.

—What else do you have to struggle with in life?

- With many. There was a period when it was necessary to prove that neoclassicism had the right to be on stage in the CIS countries. Thank God it happened. Now we have to work hard so as not to disappoint the audience.

— How was your relationship with Konstantin Meladze?

“Everything is fine with Konstantin. I am grateful to him, it was his support that brought me victory, he believed in me, wrote the composition Grazie for me, the poems for which were written by the famous poetess Liliya Vinogradova, who writes to Lara Fabian in Italian.

Photo from the singer’s personal archive

Konstantin Meladze presents Sardor Milano with the prize of the TV project "Main Stage"

I had a dream, and after the project I realized that they were coming true. I dreamed of working with Konstantin Meladze, singing his songs. And he wrote me this song of my dreams.

— After the “Main Stage”, another thing happened to you an important event, I'm talking about a trip to America.

— After the show, I was actually invited to America. The meeting took place with one of the creators of the Backstreet Boys and 'N Sync, producer Tim Koons. He had a creative break, which he devoted entirely to his family. Almost 20 years later, Tim Koons decided to return to American show business. Somehow by chance he On the Internet, as he admitted, he came across my speeches. He listened to them and was surprised. In general, we had a meeting this summer. I was even lucky enough to give an interview to the NBC television channel.

Mom is my talisman

— Sardor, you have an amazing relationship with your parents. They are all over creative path support you. You once admitted that your mother is your best friend today.

- This is true. Mom devoted herself entirely to my upbringing, having once abandoned her career. For this I am very grateful to her today. After all, without this sacrifice of hers there would be no me as a singer.

— I can’t help but ask you about your famous grandfather, the Uzbek director Elier Ishmukhamedov, whose last name you bore from birth until one day you became Milano?

— My last name is, indeed, Ishmukhamedov. Milano is a pseudonym that came from the abbreviated surname of her grandmother (Milovanova) and her great love for Milan and Italy in general.

We maintain friendly relations with my grandfather. I believe that he is one of the outstanding film directors of Uzbekistan. You can say that I was not brought up with him, because he went to Moscow when I was born and made films there. I saw him very rarely as a child. From there there are some fragmentary memories when he came to Tashkent, always with his cameraman Vadim Alisov.

Then, when I grew up and came to Moscow, we began to communicate differently with my grandfather. I remember how he told me that it was important to develop spiritually and read certain literature. He saw the potential of a director in me and said that if I wanted to develop myself in this area, he would help. When I was 15, no one believed in me as a singer, and he didn’t see it either. But I am grateful for his support, because then I lost my voice. And he supported as best he could. I remembered this; it was valuable to me that my grandfather responded.

Perfectionist plans

— You once admitted that happy people are those who translate their plans into reality.

- Yes it is. I am now completely happy, I have many plans realized, and many things that I only quietly dreamed about to myself have already happened to me in reality.

True, there are still thoughts. What would it be like without them? This is how we live and move forward.

- Then what else do you dream about?

— I want to sing at La Scala, this is still mine unrealized dream. I’m sure everything is ahead, don’t forget - I’m a perfectionist.

I would also really like to create an international organization to support adults and children who have been subjected to moral violence. I have been concerned about this problem for a long time. I often came across such children, I wanted to support them, give them faith.

Photo from the singer’s personal archive

I don't want to spend my money on business, for now anyway, maybe that will come later, I don't know. Now my goal is to create this organization. I even came up with a logo for it - it will be dolphins, messengers of good. By the way, they also sing and make high-pitched sounds, just like me (laughs).

In general, my goal in life is to share goodness with people, all my creativity is also aimed at this. Hence the desire to sing to the people of not just one specific country, but to all of humanity. Globally? But that’s all I am, I set only such goals.

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Sardor Milano- (real name - Sardor Ishmukhamedov) was born on September 14, 1991 in Tashkent, Republic of Uzbekistan. Currently lives in Moscow. Sardor Milano is the winner of the musical talent show “Main Stage” and a finalist of the “Voice” program on Channel 1 TV. The owner of a voice with a range of three and a half octaves. I tried to get on “The Voice” four times.

Sardor Milano
Sardor Ishmuxamedov
Full name Sardor Milano
Date of Birth September 14(1991-09-14 ) (27 years)
Place of Birth Tashkent
A country Uzbekistan Uzbekistan
Professions Singer-performer, musician
Years of activity - present tense
Tools piano
Genres Neoclassical
Nicknames Sardor


Sardor Milano was born on September 1991 in Tashkent. Real name singer from Uzbekistan - Ishmukhamedov. Parents had nothing to do with music: grandfather, Uzbek film director Elyer Ishmukhamedov, father - a teacher of the Russian language at a university. His musical talent manifested itself at a very early age. From the age of 6, Sardor studied vocals and performed in the children's show group “Aladdin”. When the young singer was ten years old, he was entrusted with one of the leading roles in the production - the musical “Island of Dreams”. The boy became a laureate four times music festival Umid Yulduzlari in Tashkent. In 2004 (12 years old) he took part in the international competition “BOZTORGAI” in Kazakhstan, Almaty and won the highest Grand Prix award. In the same year, he became a laureate of the Uzbek competition “Yangi Avlod”. At the age of 12, after moving with his parents to Almaty, Sardor performed in Kazakhstan on stage together with famous Kazakh performers (Roza Rymbaeva, Bibigul Tulegenova). At the age of 15, my voice began to break down. He fell silent for two years, and then he had to learn to sing again. Here he graduated from a theater college with a degree in piano, preparing for a career as a pianist. After this, the family returned to Tashkent. Having received a certificate of completed school education, Sardor went to Moscow in 2010. On his first attempt, he managed to enter the Gnessin Russian Academy of Music, becoming an applicant to its pop and jazz department. Sardor Milano graduated from the Gnessin Academy in 2015 in the class of pop-jazz vocals with honors.

Professional activity

His grandmother (Milovanova) had a great influence on his musical tastes, who revealed to her grandson the works of Alla Pugacheva, Svyatoslav Belza and Elena Obraztsova, Michael Jackson and George Michael. In 2004, Sardor Milano received the Grand Prix at the Yalta Star Crimea competition, and a year later he won Grand Prize festival "Shining of Stars" in St. Petersburg. While still at school (2007), the musician released his first English-language solo album entitled All I wish. Released in 2011 debut video to the song Stop. In 2012, a video for the song was released Believe, written specifically for the qualifying round of the Eurovision Song Contest, with this composition Sardor Milano reached the final round of selection. Sardor Ishmukhamedov was a diploma holder international competition performers of the pop song “Vitebsk-2013” ​​(Belarus), where on the first day he performed the national song “Hay yor-yor”, and on the second day he performed famous song singer Muslim Magomayev “Give me back the music”. At the beginning of 2015, the Russian talent show of young musicians “Main Stage” started, where, under the leadership of Konstantin Meladze, he won the main prize - a tour throughout the country. In 2015, the singer gave an interview on NBC in the USA and participated in a creative meeting in Tashkent together with Sabina Mustaeva as part of the IV National Information and Library Week “Infolib-2015” at the National Library of Uzbekistan named after Alisher Navoi. In January 2016 in Tashkent, on the stage of the Istiklol Palace of Arts, Sardor Milano participated in New Year's musical based on the fairy tale “The Snow Queen” by Hans Christian Andersen. In 2016, Sardor Milano was cast for the popular Voice (TV show, Russia) on Channel One. On September 30, 2016, Channel One aired the next episode of “blind auditions” for the fifth season of the show “The Voice,” in which Sardor performed Cherubino’s aria from the opera

At the blind auditions, a young man with an incredible voice immediately attracted the attention of not only the jury members, but also all the spectators. Unlike other contestants, the artist’s face was not even shown to the television audience. And only after the mentors turned to the singer, many recognized him as the winner of the “Main Stage” project, Sardor Milano.

After “Fights,” the performer changed his mentor - Dima Bilan gave preference to his rival, and Polina Gagarina took the 25-year-old artist into her team. However, in the quarterfinals, she was ready to say goodbye to Sardor, depriving him of the top score. But the audience gave Milano the largest number of votes. The semi-finalist spoke in an interview with StarHit about his feelings from participating in the project, personal life and plans for the future.

You said that you tried several times to get into the “Voice” project. What did you do this time to please the casting?

It so happened that in the first season I was not allowed to participate in the blind auditions. On next year tried again. I was supposed to appear before the mentors on the third day of selection, but shortly before I went on stage they announced to us that the teams had already been recruited and we were invited to the third season. There I reached the “blind auditions”, but no one turned to me. I think the choice of composition was unfortunate - I sang “ Eternal love" It seems to me now that this is not a mood that a young man can convey; the emotions of an older person who has lived enough are needed here. After the failure, I became depressed and started thinking about the future. I accidentally found out about the casting for the “Main Stage” project. But I went there skeptical. To my surprise, I passed the selection, everything went well on the show itself - and now I am the winner.

What did you do after winning the project?

I was noticed by producer Tim Koons, who introduced the Backstreet Boys to the world. I was invited to appear on NBC in the USA. Then I returned to Moscow, and I was still haunted by the failure in “The Voice”. I wanted to prove to myself that I could make my dream come true.

Changed your repertoire to impress your mentors?

I chose a rather complex composition - an aria by Mozart. But it came as a shock to me when I found out that this season there would be no Alexander Gradsky as a mentor. I thought: “Who can turn to me now, who will appreciate me?” All hope was in Dima Bilan, since he has a classical education. And so it happened. But when Leonid Agutin also chose me, it was happiness. I understand that “The Voice” is more of a pop project, but if you look at the chronology, those who perform Russian classics often win. I don't know what this is connected with. Maybe there isn’t much of this direction now, but people don’t have enough of it.

To be honest, I abstracted myself from the comments, it spoils my mood. But there is a close circle of people who keep abreast of what is written about me. It's nice when it's 70% positive feedback. Maybe I seem vain to some, but I am extremely honest with the audience. It seems to me that I am on “The Voice” in spite of everything. At first, Dima Bilan made a choice after the “Duel” that was not in my favor, after which Polina Gagarina took me in with her. At the quarterfinals she gave me less votes, but the audience saved me.

How was your relationship with Polina Gagarina after you joined her team?

It was emotionally difficult for me, but I pulled myself together. Of course, I chose Dima at the very beginning and wanted to go with him to the end of the project. I was worried about how I would be received in the new team. I’m glad that Polina and I managed to work together; we had more time to get to know each other. But, unfortunately, I didn’t get into Bilan, I just didn’t have time. By the way, I recently opened a photo where we were captured with Dima’s entire team, and realized that he had two rescued participants.

At the “Duels” with Oksana Kazakova, we sang a song that is atypical for me, which has nothing to do with the classics. I remember that one of the winners of “The Voice,” Sergei Volchkov, sang in the same manner, but still took first place. I can perform any music, I don’t limit myself to any particular genre.

How do you see your future? Do you dream of conquering opera stage or develop in a pop direction?

I graduated from Gnesinka with a degree in pop-jazz vocals. It was only two years before I began to discover my potential in classical music. I often go to London, I have certain things to do there related to creativity. I understand the complexity of the genre in which I sing, and, unfortunately, it is not in demand. Maybe thanks to international experience I will be able to realize my dream.

You are originally from Tashkent, but during the blind audition you said that you are from Moscow. Do you feel like a Muscovite?

In reality, everything was not as it might seem. In my profile, which was supposed to be shown before the performance, I said that I was born in Uzbekistan. But the producers of the program decided to make a surprise for the audience, and did not show my face during the blind audition. Already on stage I indicated the location where I am and live on this moment. If we’re going to be so picky about the words, I didn’t say “from Moscow,” but simply “the city of Moscow.” Of course, those who dislike me used this against me, but all my friends and relatives did not attach any importance to this. The Uzbek diaspora supports, compatriots encourage those who are here in Russia to actively vote.

How long ago did you move to Moscow?

This happened seven years ago, I was going to enter Gnesinka. Literally two months before the entrance exams I decided to go. My parents didn’t believe me, they said: “Okay, go, try, you’ll come back anyway.” But to the surprise of my family, I was accepted, moreover, the head of the department accepted me into her class. Mom cried so much when she found out. And then it turned out that the whole family moved to Moscow. But I often come to Tashkent to give performances. I'm playing main role in the musical “The Snow Queen”, I’ll fly away immediately after the semi-final.

Where did your nickname "Milano" come from?

Sardor is my real name. And “Milano” came from my grandmother’s surname – Milovanov. It took me eight years to transform it a little and shorten it. Now I don’t even perceive it as a pseudonym, I’m so close to it. Moreover, I love the Italian city of Milan, my dream is to sing at La Scala.

    Uzbek singer Sardor Milano made it to the second round of the Main Stage project, which airs on Russia 1 channel.

    His real name is Ishmukhamedov, the grandson of director Elra Ishmukhamedov, born in Tashkent.

    He studies at the pop-jazz department of the Gnessin School. He is 23 years old. She dreams of going to America and continuing her musical studies.

    Sardor Milano is a talented X Factor contestant. Main stage. Sardor's birthplace is the city of Tashkent. Later he moved with his parents to the city of Alma-Ata. He loves music, as is known from early childhood. He took part in various competitions more than once and periodically won victories. As you know, he released his first album called All I WISH.

    Now Sardor, who is 25 years old, has become a participant in the show The Voice. But I remembered him when I saw him on the main stage of the country in the show, he became the winner there. But he got into The Voice only on his fifth attempt, this was the anniversary season, and he had not been able to do it before.

    He is a young guy, date of birth 09/14/1991. He is from the city of Tashkent, and in given time lives in Moscow. He is called the Uzbek Robertino, he has a very rare voice.

    He has an album, but he received success after participating in the Main Stage, he was even invited to America on TV. He works with Konstantin Meladze after this show, he has already had tours throughout Russia.

    Now Sardor Milano is already an accomplished singer.

    Winner of the show Main stage.

    Now Sardor Milano is taking part in the fifth season of the show The Voice.

    It is known about him that he is from Tashkent, now he is 25 years old (born 09/17/1991). Real name is Ishmukhamedov.

    As a child, he participated in the Umid Yulduzlari competition four times.

    He won the Star Crimea competitions in Yalta and the Shining of Stars in St. Petersburg.

    In 2012, he was one of the candidates for the Eurovision trip from Russia.

    Sardor calls his performance style Pop Opera.

    His grandfather was a famous Uzbek director.

    It is known about his personal life that he has a girlfriend, but he does not show their relationship to the public.

    25-year-old Sardor Milano is a participant in the fifth season of the Voice show on Channel One. He successfully passed the blind auditions, all four mentors turned to him, and he himself chose Dima Bilan.

    Sardor was born in 1991 on September 14 in the city of Tashkent, then he and his family moved to Kazakhstan. Now lives in Moscow.

    He has been studying music since early childhood and has repeatedly won various children's competitions. He was compared to Robertino Loretti. But then the mutation of his voice began and Sardor had to learn to sing again. Sardor Milano released his debut album entitled All I Wish in 2007.

    Real success came to him after winning the X Factor competition. Main stage. The prize was a tour around the country. His producer is Konstantin Meladze, which means you don’t have to worry about the guy’s future.

    Sardor Milano is a young talented singer who became noticeable at the X Factor competition. Main stage. He is 23 years old, he was born in 1991 (September 14) in the capital of Uzbekistan - sunny Tashkent, then the family moved to Kazakhstan.

    Now Sardor is studying at the Gnessin School, the pop-jazz department. But the singer says his love is a classic. He has wonderful vocal abilities, which have already been noted by everyone who follows the competition. I have no doubt that it will take its rightful place there. Or at least he will have a lot of fans and admirers - he already deserves it.

    But I hope that his career will take off - such talents should shine and delight fans around the world.

    Beautiful unusual appearance is another trump card young man. Apparently, he doesn't shy away from the fashion world. There are many photographs of the model plan on the Internet.

    A very beautiful performance on the Main Stage - from the movie Gladiator, singing in ancient Sumerian.

    Sardor's song Believe is known, which he prepared for Eurovision 2012.

    Born: September 14, 1991 Musician, X Factor participant. Main stage. Sardor Milano was born in Tashkent, from where his parents soon moved to Almaty. Started making music in early childhood. He repeatedly won talent competitions and amazed listeners with his vocals; his voice was similar to Robertino Loretti. But the inevitable happened, the boy began to undergo a mutation of his voice: One day I woke up in the morning and realized that I simply did not have a voice, says Sardor. Arriving in Moscow, Sardor Milano took up vocals again, almost from scratch: I learned to sing again, I just started with five notes. Well, now my range is 3.5 octaves. As a result, Sardor sings as both a counter-tenor and a baritone. In 2007, Sardor Milano released his debut album, All I Wish. In 2011, the debut video for the song Stop was released. In 2012, a video was released for the song Believe, written specifically for the qualifying round of the Eurovision Song Contest, with this composition Sardor Milano reached the final round of selection. Sardor studies at the Gnessin School in the pop-jazz department, but really loves the classics. After graduating from Gnesinka, Sardorr Milano would like to visit America and enroll in a master's program. In his competitive performance on the Main Stage project, Sardor Milano tried to show his entire range. This project a great opportunity for me to perform in this musical direction. I don't feel any kind of competitive atmosphere. Many participants are very bright, talented and original.

    Sardor Milano (real name - Ishmukhamedov) was born on September 14, 1991, in Tashkent, Uzbekistan,

    became famous thanks to his participation in the X Factor competition. The main stage where he took the octave, becoming a golden voice (team to Konstantin Meladze).

    And today, many viewers heard his performance on the Voice show, where he gave a stunning performance of Cherubino’s aria from the opera The Marriage of Figaro (Mozart), you can listen to it here. Here he sings with 2 voices and I think this is not the limit of his capabilities, he definitely has a voice range of 3.5 octaves. He graduated from the Gnessin School in the pop-jazz department, but his voice is definitely dramatic, I heard both the rare altino tenor and dramatic tenor. In general, he has a great future.

    All the jury members turned to appreciate his performance and, out of respect for his talent, clapped while standing.

    Milano - Grandmothers' competitor at Eurovision '12, participant in various music competitions, currently - the Main Stage, and simply a talented, successful 23-year-old (in September 2015 - will turn 24) musician who has already released an album with his works, starred in a video, and participated in musicals. Sardor Milano is distinguished by the breadth of his vocal range, which makes the singer unusual. Sardor's real name = Ishmukhamedov Sardor.

    Handsome, photogenic, talented and purposeful. There is no wife or children yet, so he has a lot of choice.

    Sardor Milano is a musician, born on September 14, 1991 in Tashkent, and soon moved to Almaty with his parents. His voice is compared to that of Robertino Loretti; Sardor has repeatedly won prizes in various music competitions. After losing his voice, the young man did not give up, he trained his cords, and now his range is -3.5 octaves. he is capable of singing as both a counter-tenor and a baritone.

    His debut album was released in 2007, and in 2012 Sardor reached the final of the Eurovision Song Contest with the song Believe. He loves very much classical music, graduated from Gnesinka.

    He also became famous thanks to the Main Stage competition, where he performed excellently.

    Sardor Milano is a participant in the X Factor project. Main stage. Born on September 14, 1991 in Tashkent. He studies music with early years. Its range is 3.5 octaves! Talented singer won various competitions more than once. In 2007 he released his debut album All I wish.It includes 11 compositions. In his performance on the Main Stage, Sardor tried to show his full range.

Currently lives in Moscow. Sardor Milano is the winner of the musical talent show “Main Stage” and a finalist of the “Voice” program on Channel 1 TV. The owner of a voice with a range of three and a half octaves. I tried to get on “The Voice” four times.

Encyclopedic YouTube

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    ✪ Main Stage - Sardor Milano (Tashkent, 23 years old)



Sardor Milano was born on September 1991 in Tashkent. The real name of the singer from Uzbekistan is Ishmukhamedov. My parents had nothing to do with music: my grandfather, Uzbek film director Elyer Ishmukhamedov, my father a teacher of the Russian language at a university. His musical talent manifested itself at a very early age. From the age of 6, Sardor studied vocals and performed in the children's show group “Aladdin”. When the young singer was ten years old, he was entrusted with one of the leading roles in the production - the musical “Island of Dreams”. Four times the boy became a laureate of the Umid Yulduzlari music festival in Tashkent. In 2004 (12 years old) he took part in the international competition “BOZTORGAI” in Kazakhstan, Almaty and won the highest Grand Prix award. In the same year, he became a laureate of the Uzbek competition “Yangi Avlod”. At the age of 12, after moving with his parents to Almaty, Sardor performed in Kazakhstan on stage together with famous Kazakh performers (Roza Rymbaeva, Bibigul Tulegenova). At the age of 15, my voice began to break down. He fell silent for two years, and then he had to learn to sing again. Here he graduated from a theater college with a degree in piano, preparing for a career as a pianist. After this, the family returned to Tashkent. Having received a certificate of completed school education, Sardor went to Moscow in 2010. On his first attempt, he managed to enter the Gnessin Russian Academy of Music, becoming an applicant to its pop and jazz department. Sardor Milano graduated from the Gnessin Academy in 2015 in the class of pop-jazz vocals with honors.

Professional activity

His grandmother (Milovanova) had a great influence on his musical tastes, who revealed to her grandson the works of Alla Pugacheva, Svyatoslav Belz and Elena Obraztsova, Michael Jackson and George Michael. In 2004, Sardor Milano received the Grand Prix at the Yalta Star Crimea competition, and a year later won the main prize at the Shining Stars festival in St. Petersburg. While still at school (2007), the musician released his first English-language solo album entitled All I wish. In 2011, the debut video for the song was released Stop. In 2012, a video for the song was released Believe, written specifically for the qualifying round of the Eurovision Song Contest, with this composition Sardor Milano reached the final round of selection. Sardor Ishmukhamedov was a diploma winner of the international competition of pop song performers “Vitebsk-2013” ​​(Belarus), where on the first day he performed the national song “Hay Yor-Yor”, and on the second day he performed the famous song of the singer Muslim Magomayev “Give me back the music”. At the beginning of 2015, the Russian talent show of young musicians “Main Stage” started, where, under the leadership of Konstantin Meladze, he won the main prize - a tour throughout the country. In 2015, the singer gave an interview on NBC in the USA and participated in a creative meeting in Tashkent together with Sabina Mustaeva as part of the IV National Information and Library Week “Infolib-2015” at the National Library of Uzbekistan named after Alisher Navoi. In January 2016, in Tashkent, on the stage of the Istiklol Palace of Arts, Sardor Milano participated in the New Year's musical based on the fairy tale by Hans Christian Andersen "The Snow Queen"

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