Easter game hot egg. Easter traditions

Avvakumova Natalya
Entertainment “Easter games and competitions”

Entertainment« Easter games and competitions» for children of different ages speech therapy group

Target: Introduce children to Russian traditions

national holiday "Light Easter» .

Tasks: Foster respect for Russian customs and Orthodox holidays. To instill a love for Russian folklore, Russian games and competitions. Arouse interest and desire to play and win. Develop Creative skills, thinking, attention, fine and general motor skills of children.

To the music of A. Ermolov “Spring is Red,” children enter the hall and sit on chairs.

The presenter enters the hall and greets children:

“Hello, girls and boys! Congratulations on the biggest Christian holiday. Of course, you know what holiday has arrived?

Holiday Easter!

Right. Easter called the holiday of holidays, a celebration of celebrations.

Tell me, guys, what kind of treats are traditionally prepared for Easter table? (answers children: Easter, Easter cakes, colored eggs)

This holiday is rich not only in delicious food, but also in customs and traditions. There is a belief that Easter sun plays. And many people used to try to watch for this moment: early in the morning we climbed onto the roofs of houses to see how the sun "will play", and the children addressed the sun with chants.

1. The sun is a bucket,

Look out the window!

Sunny, show yourself

Red, dress up!

2. Sunshine, warm up,

Have pity on the little children!

The kids will go out for a walk,

They will run and play.

Leading: Holiday Easter lasts a whole week. It is unlike any other of the year, and it is called Light. And no matter what the weather is these days yard: the warmth and the sun and even the rain glorify the resurrection of Jesus Christ.

On Bright Week, anyone who wishes can climb the church bell tower and ring the bells. The joyful ringing of bells is heard everywhere. This kind of ringing is called Easter good news.

And also on Easter in Rus' there were always funny children's games, come on, let's play with you!

1. Puzzle game "Cut Egg".

Children are divided into two teams. Cut out figures are placed in front of each team. The figurines are parts of eggs. The team's task is to collect the EGG as quickly as possible.

2. Game "Egg Rolling".

(Children take turns going up to the slide and rolling the egg; whoever knocks down the toy wins).

3. Game - relay race “Who can transfer an egg in a spoon faster?”.

(Children must carry the egg in a spoon from start to finish, passing the spoon to the next participant.)

4. Game "Who can collect the eggs faster"

(one child from the team needs to collect the eggs scattered around the hall into a basket as quickly as possible)

5. Racing Easter bunnies

(Whoever gallops in a sack to the finish line first is declared the fastest Easter bunny.)

6. Easter competition: "Bring Easter egg"

In that competition You will also need a pair of participants. All couples are given multi-colored air balloons. The ball needs to be pressed against each other by its sides and thus run from the start to the finish without losing the ball. Whichever pair is first wins.

7. Game: "Twisters"

Children spin their paints - the one who spins the longest wins.

8. Game: "Fight with paints"

The players shout out: "One two Three! My egg, get stronger! Ready to fight!" Players hit paints with any side, usually sharp. Whose egg breaks or cracks is the loser.

Leading:- So our holiday ends. Let's stand in a circle and all spin together in a festive round dance and sing a song "Christ is risen!"

Round dance "Christ is risen" words and music by N. Tananco.

And may good luck always accompany us, may a joyful mood remain in our souls!

As you know, Easter is preceded by a long fast, during which Christians must abstain from eating meat, milk and eggs. And if now the question is “to keep fasting or not?” a person decides for himself, then before this was a mandatory part way of life, which was facilitated by support from the state. For example, in pre-revolutionary Russia During the especially strict weeks of Lent - the first and last - drinking establishments were closed, meat trade ceased, balls and other entertainment were cancelled.

And, of course, Orthodox people are looking forward to this Great holiday, starting to prepare for it in advance. During almost the entire Holy Week - from Monday to Thursday. On Monday-Tuesday they painted eggs, on Wednesday-Thursday they baked Easter cakes, made Easter, and on Saturday they blessed Easter dishes in the church. Dishes with blessed Easter cakes, Easter eggs, and eggs were always placed in the center festive table. Traditionally, the Easter table in Rus' is very hearty and plentiful. The testimony of the Easter feast of Prince Nikolai Vasilyevich Repnin, a nobleman of the era of Catherine II, has remained for centuries:

“...In the middle of the huge table lay a whole lamb, depicting the Lamb of God. Then stood four large boars, corresponding to the four seasons. Inside each boar were sausages, pieces of ham and piglets. Twelve deer with golden antlers, also roasted whole and stuffed with game, depicted the twelve months of the year; sometimes bison killed in Belovezhskaya Pushcha were also mixed in with the deer. Around these miracles of culinary art there were 365 Easter cakes; then mazurkas (something like sweet flatbreads), zhmud pies and flatbreads decorated with fruits dried in sugar. There are just as many women behind them; These women were decorated with monograms and inscriptions.” – (M. I. Pylyaev. “Old Life”)

Of course we painted the eggs! It was customary to paint eggs only red, but in our time the flight of fancy is not limited to this - perhaps because it is special, festive mood creates not only a dish with colorful eggs, but also the process of coloring them. Eggs painted in one color were called dyed eggs; if spots, stripes, or specks of a different color appeared on a general colored background, it was a speck. There were also pysanky - eggs hand-painted with plot or ornamental patterns.

Russian Easter is characterized by a number of customs that have entered everyday life as games and festive entertainment. Most people know the custom of beating eggs at Easter. The game is very simple: one holds an egg in his hand with its nose up, and the other hits it with the nose of another egg. The one whose egg remains intact continues the game with another participant. Here are some more interesting games:

Easter games

Egg rolling

A favorite Easter game in Rus' was egg rolling: a simple wooden or cardboard “skating rink” was made, and a flat, empty space was cleared around it, on which painted eggs, or small prizes, or toys were laid out. The players take turns approaching the skating rink and rolling their egg; The object that touches the egg is won.

Easter egg search

You can play the following game with children who come to visit: one of the elders hides eggs with surprises in different places in advance - cardboard, plastic, glued envelopes in the shape of eggs with small prizes (you can, of course, hide treats that are so popular among today's children with toy, like Kinder Surprise). If there are a lot of children, you can divide them into two teams, each of which will strive to win as many eggs as possible in the allotted time. Of course, we must try to ensure that each child finds at least one egg and takes it home as a prize.

Clinking eggs

This is also an old Russian game: by hitting the opponent’s egg with the blunt or sharp end of a colored egg, a person tries to win as many whole eggs as possible. If the egg cracks, you lose!

Egg relay

The players are divided into two teams and must run with an egg in a spoon to get to the finish line and return back to pass the egg to the next teammate. You can diversify the game and hold the spoon not in your hands, but in your mouth.

Find the thimble

This is a very old game, about five hundred years old. The players leave the room, and at this time the leader hides the thimble somewhere, but so that it is in the field of view of the players. Then the presenter invites everyone who came out into the room, and they begin to look for the thimble with their eyes. When the player discovers the thimble, he sits down silently. Anyone who does not find a thimble in five minutes pays a forfeit.


One of the players is chosen as the driver, he goes on a journey, and all the players ask him to bring them from different cities present. They name the cities, but do not name the gifts - they do not yet know what their “relatives” will “send” to them. It is better to name cities that are well-known and preferably different letters. The driver accepts all requests, says goodbye and goes on a journey, i.e. leaves the room. The “journey” lasts no more than five minutes - during this time the driver must figure out who to bring what to.

The name of the gift must begin with the same letter as the name of the city mentioned by each player. So, for example, someone who named the city Kaluga can bring a basket, a cat, a trough, a hoof, a wheel, cabbage, etc., and someone who named Stavropol can bring boots, a samovar, soup, a chest, etc. The funnier the gift, the better. The driver’s main task is to remember who named which city, and it’s not difficult to come up with a gift for the corresponding letter. The journey is over. Everyone congratulates the traveler on his safe arrival. The distribution of gifts begins.

“Your grandfather had it,” the driver addresses the one who named the city of Omsk, “he sent you a collar.” The player must accept the gift, but if the driver made a mistake and did not name such a city, the gift is rejected. When more than five people are playing, one mistake is not taken into account, but for two mistakes the driver is fined - he is obliged to give away his forfeit.

Who is the presenter?

The game must involve at least six players; one of the players leaves the room. At this time, the rest sit in a circle and choose a leader. The presenter does simple moves, for example, clapping his hands, shaking his head, shaking his fists in the air, etc. The remaining players must repeat the leader's movements and perform new movements after him as quickly as possible. Now the player who went out the door returns and stands in the center of the circle. His job is to discover who is leading. This is not at all easy, because while he is looking at the leader, he will not make new movements. When a leader is found, he must leave the room and the players choose a new leader.


Usually, if you don’t come up with them in advance, forfeits are quite monotonous: sing a song, read a poem, dance, tell a joke. But if you prepare in advance, you can come up with a lot of interesting things: dramatize the trainer and the trained animal, depict some familiar picture with your own figure, compose a ditty about today’s evening, use pantomime to talk about an event known to everyone present, etc.

Using materials from the site www.prazdnik.by

Easter is a holiday that is usually spent with family and friends at a set table. But Easter traditions include not only a festive meal, but also various games and entertainment - especially if there are children among those celebrating. What kind are there? Easter games for children?

Search for Easter eggs and surprises

This game can be organized both in an apartment, at a summer cottage or in the forest. It will be interesting to conduct it both with one child and with a group of children.

You will need colored eggs and small surprise prizes: candy, stickers, small toys, etc. An adult hides Easter eggs and prizes indoors or at a summer cottage in advance, and a child or group of children will have to find them. If there are a lot of children, you can divide them into two teams. Children take the surprises they find for themselves.

The simplest version of the game is to simply hide the gifts in different places. Unusual options for hiding places: stick with tape under the seat of a chair or put in the paws soft toy. Here's more complex options games?

Before putting the prize in the cache, tie a thick thread to it, then walk around the apartment with this thread, entangling it with various objects on your way. The child finds the end of the thread and, winding it into a ball, reaches the prize. Use threads of different colors.

You can borrow an idea from the game “Cossacks-Robbers” by marking the path to the surprise with arrows.

Most interesting option, when a child finds a surprise from a series of notes. Moreover, the first note indicates where the second is hidden, the second - where the third, etc. From the last note, the child learns where the cache with the prize is.

Egg rolling

A traditional Easter game is egg rolling. For these purposes, adults made a slide for children with sides on which eggs could be rolled. Small souvenirs and colored eggs were laid out around her on a flat surface. The playing children approached the slide one by one and each rolled their own egg. The winning item was the one the egg touched. The trajectory of the eggs is set by turning the slide.

An Easter slide for rolling eggs can be made from wood or regular cardboard, as in the picture below.

Easter catcher

One of the players is selected to be the “catcher”. He sits at a distance of 4-5 meters facing the rest of the players. In his hands he has a plastic cup or cup with which he must catch an Easter egg.
In the hands of the other players are strings with Easter eggs attached to the ends. The Easter eggs themselves are placed not far from the “catcher”.
The “catcher” counts down three and tries to catch one of the Easter eggs while other participants in the game pull their strings.
The player whose Easter egg the “catcher” caught is eliminated from the game.

Easter dance

Players place their caps on their heads and make a hole in the top into which they place their Easter egg. In the center of the room, chairs are placed in a circle, the number of which is 1 less than the number of players.
All participants in the game begin to dance to the music, trying not to drop the egg from their heads. The host suddenly turns off the music, the task of the participants is to have time to take a chair without losing their Easter egg.

What will we put in the Easter cake?

A “yes” or “no” game is a great way to warm up. Good game for children to test their knowledge of what Easter cakes are made of. They shout "Yes!" loudly if they think that Easter cake You can add this ingredient. If it’s impossible, then they shout “No!” even louder:
I put cinnamon in the cake,
Honey will flow there too,
Vanillin powder
and a big bag of oats,
I'll pour some cucumbers.
And here is my grandmother
I poured flour there,
The eggs will be at the top.
Easter cake needs water,
They always put rum there
And also raisins, candied fruits,
Nails, hammers, shovels,
Cottage cheese, butter, yogurt,
And also our prayer,
Salt and sugar and cement.
And the cake is ready in no time!

Spin the egg

Competitions can be held both between children and adults. On command, children or adults simultaneously spin their painted Easter eggs. And we look at whose egg spins the longest, he becomes the winner and receives a small prize.

Beating eggs

In which hand

Also a very simple and familiar game. The first player hides his Easter egg and the second player's Easter egg in his hands behind his back. Certainly. Easter eggs should vary in color or pattern.
The second player needs to guess which hand the first player has his Easter Egg in. If he guesses correctly, he takes both Easter eggs, if not, he gives away his Easter egg.
Anyone who doesn't have enough chair or drops an egg is out of the game. Music sounds again, and the number of chairs is 1 less than those dancing... And so on until one of the players wins.

Reach for the egg

This game requires a large space, so it is best played on the street, lawn or clearing. The first player takes specific place, from which he should not move yet and observes. The second player at this time moves away to a distance of 15-20 steps and places the egg on the ground.
The first player, watching the actions of the second, tries to approximately determine the distance to the Easter egg and estimate how many steps it will take him to cover this distance. Then he is blindfolded and, blindfolded, he must walk to the Easter egg, guided by his preliminary calculation of the steps.
When the required distance has been covered, the blindfold is removed and the player needs to reach the egg. At the same time, you cannot move from your spot, take steps to the side, lean your hands on the ground or lie down. If the player reaches, the egg is his; if he couldn’t reach, he gives away his Easter egg.

Easter curling

To play, you need to draw a circle with an egg in the center. It is better if this egg is different from other Easter eggs, for example, you can take a simple white hard-boiled egg.
Players are given Easter eggs in equal quantities, but of different colors, i.e. every player has balls a certain color or coloring books.
Now players from the same distance try to roll their Easter egg as close as possible to the white egg in the center, while trying not to touch it with their egg.
The winner is the one whose Easter egg is closest to white.

Summary: Easter games. How to spend Easter with children. Easter holiday for children. Games for Easter. Competitions for Easter. Easter coloring pages.

Easter is a holiday that is usually spent with family and friends at a set table. But Easter traditions include not only a festive meal, but also various games and entertainment - especially if there are children among those celebrating. We will tell you about what Easter games there are for children. On our website you will find not only outdoor games for Easter, but also educational Easter-themed games: memories, mazes, Easter egg search games, Easter coloring books.

Search for Easter eggs and surprises

This game can be organized both in an apartment and at a summer cottage or in the forest. It will be interesting to conduct it both with one child and with a group of children.

You will need colored eggs and small surprise prizes: candy, stickers, small toys, etc. An adult hides Easter eggs and prizes indoors or at a summer cottage in advance, and a child or group of children will have to find them. If there are a lot of children, you can divide them into two teams. Children take the surprises they find for themselves.

The simplest version of the game is to simply hide the gifts in different places.

Unusual options for hiding places: stick it with tape under the seat of a chair or put it in the paws of a soft toy.

More difficult game options:

Before putting the prize in the cache, tie a thick thread to it, then walk around the apartment with this thread, entangling it with various objects on your way. The child finds the end of the thread and, winding it into a ball, reaches the prize. Use threads of different colors.

You can borrow an idea from the game “Cossacks-Robbers” by marking the path to the surprise with arrows.

Egg rolling

The most interesting option is when a child finds a surprise from a series of notes. Moreover, the first note indicates where the second is hidden, the second - where the third, etc. From the last note, the child learns where the cache with the prize is.

A traditional Easter game in Rus' is egg rolling. For these purposes, adults made a slide for children with sides on which eggs could be rolled. Small souvenirs and colored eggs were laid out around her on a flat surface. The playing children approached the slide one by one and each rolled their own egg. The winning item was the one the egg touched. The trajectory of the eggs is set by turning the slide.

An Easter slide for rolling eggs can be made from wood or regular cardboard, as in the photo below.

Competitions for Easter

How to spend Easter with children? Divide the kids into two teams and give them competitions and competitions for Easter.

Give each child a spoon and one egg (hard-boiled) for each team. Draw start and finish lines on the floor or ground.

Children line up one after another at the starting line. Everyone has their own spoon in their hand. The first competitors from each team must put the egg in a spoon and, with the spoon in hand (or in their teeth), run to the finish line and back, and then pass the egg to the next player. Thus, all team members in turn must run with an egg in a spoon from start to finish and back, trying not to drop the egg. The team that completes the task faster and with the fewest number of eggs falling to the ground wins.

Option 2.

Each child is given a painted egg of a certain color. One egg should be white. A white egg is placed in the center of the room, after which each child must roll their egg once towards the white egg. The player whose egg is closest to the non-colored egg gets a point. The first one to score a certain number of points wins.

You can also draw a playing field with chalk or stick it with electrical tape, and the player whose egg rolls out of the field receives a penalty point (-1 point).

Option 3.

There has long been a tradition of clinking eggs with each other.

The egg is picked up with the blunt or sharp end away from you and hit with it against the opponent’s egg. The winner is the one whose egg remains intact. The winner takes the loser's egg.

Easter coloring pages. Easter coloring pages

The same site contains a large number of educational Easter games for children >>>>

Memory game "Easter eggs" The game is designed to train visual memory. The set contains 16 cards with Easter eggs of different colors - two each with the same design. Two people play. Before starting the game, you need to lay out the cards face down on the table, and then turn them over two at a time. If they match, the player takes them and gets another turn. If not, the turn goes to another player. The task is to collect as many cards as possible.

Print out the form with Easter eggs from the link in duplicate. Before cutting out the eggs,

reverse side

Print out the “shirt” of each sheet (see the same link).

Cut out Easter eggs (8 pairs). Easter memory game is ready!

Another version of the Easter Memory game can be downloaded from the link >>>>

Educational Easter games for children cultural event, a reason for relatives to gather, chat with friends, cook traditional dishes, enjoy life, good weather and awaken bright feelings in yourself. One of the traditions has become Easter - the time when everyone congratulates each other, mothers bake delicious pies, sweet Easter cakes and many different dishes that can only be tasted on the holiday.

Easter is a joyful holiday that falls on the first truly warm days of spring. Many people go out into nature, taking a basket with dyes and pies. In the park, children play games of hide-and-seek and catch-up, and parents communicate, exposing their faces to the gentle sun, treating themselves to the delicacies they brought, praising the hero of the occasion.

On this topic, we suggest playing Easter games for girls, in which you will find:

  • Cooking
  • Lessons for coloring eggs
  • A fun search for colors
  • Puzzles
  • Coloring pages
  • Squeak of difference
  • Logic puzzles
  • Cleaning

How to color Easter eggs

Preparations for the holiday - no less fun activity than celebrating it. All games show easter eggs different ways drawing patterns and funny pictures. Little Hazel will be happy to show you how to turn a white shell into an elegant one. With her you will go from the farm to meeting with friends.

First, she must wait until the hen lays four eggs. To do this, she must first be fed grains and placed on a perch. And while Ryabushka is working, Hazel will play with her pets and draw a portrait of a rabbit.

When the eggs are in the basket, go to the kitchen, where you and the girl will boil them, and then paint each one in its own color and draw funny faces. Next, you need to make a composition out of them in a basket, lining the bottom with grass and placing your creation there. She will also make some toys to complement the still life.

Since the pets are going to go to the party with Hazel, they need to be dressed up too. There is a cute bow, collar and romper for everyone. She liked the cats and the rabbit in her outfits so much that she photographed them as a souvenir. Now everything is ready, and you can go to the park with your friends.

Fun games with Easter bunnies

The rabbit friends have started coloring the eggs, and you will help them do the job in at its best. Another Easter Bunny game invites you to help the side-eyed one, who is confused and doesn’t know where to start. He is frozen in front of his house, and you need to quickly prepare some paints for him so that he can take them to his friends.

Another little ear is jumping with a basket across the meadow, collecting carrots and painted eggs while jumping. For every achievement he gets, he gets points, but as soon as he thinks and encounters an obstacle, he falls and for a few moments loses his orientation, falls into a stupor, and freezes.

Continuing the rabbit theme, put together a puzzle to create a complete photo with fluffy rodents peacefully nibbling on grass.

Who wouldn't want an Easter adventure?

Go on a quest with Means easter eggs. You have to visit different places and complete tasks. Try all the proposed options, because any one can lead to the desired find. But no, you can just ride on the swings and slide down the slide.

Easter adventure games include escaping the room, cleaning and preparing the room for the holiday, a massive invasion of hares, and a bunny ride on a motorcycle. You can also come up with Easter makeup, find hidden numbers on bright pictures and find identical paints hanging on the tree.

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