Grigory Shavrin is the son of Ekaterina Shavrina. Shavrina Ekaterina: biography and personal life

- Ekaterina Feoktistovna, your main hits - “Fate-Sudbinushka”, “Molodushki, Molodki” were sung by everyone in the early 1990s. Last year you celebrated your 70th birthday. How do you live now? IN Lately I haven't heard anything from you...

I live touring activities. Concerts, of course, exhaust me to the point of exhaustion. I have to fly a lot, and I’m not young anymore. At times I feel like I'm tired of this. But if there is no performance for a week, then that’s it, it seems to me that I’m dead.

- You lost your parents early. Why was Lyudmila Zykina considered their godmother?

But because I entered the school named after Ippolitov-Ivanov under her patronage. At that time, when she was old, she studied there herself. Young artists from villages come to the capital and think that they will catch God by the beard. That's exactly how I was. An impenetrable provincial, she couldn’t put two words together: she said “ruble, instead of ruble, come on, what do you want?” She was such a Chukchi from the Urals. And she fell in love with me, took me by the hand, brought me to the director of the school and said: “Mummy, (she called her that) we need to help this illiterate woman.”

I knew singers who came to Zykina for help, and she kicked them out. Although she could say to her face: “Come on, I’ll help you!” One day I became hoarse, and she made me sing a difficult piece. Our common teacher played this song for me, but I feel like it’s not right. And so Lyudmila Georgievna comes to us for classes a month later and says in front of everyone: “Get up and sing this song to me.” I sang as the teacher ordered, Zykina listened attentively and said: “What the hell is this...? Where is Shavrina, why can’t I hear her?” I'm silent. And she put me in her car and said: “Well, I didn’t expect it from you! Where is your face?" I burst into tears and said that the teacher told me to sing like that.

Zykina did not calm down on this, when we arrived at her home, she sat me down at the table. We are eating potatoes and cabbage, and suddenly that same teacher calls, and Zykina tells her: “Mommy, I beg you, don’t do this again. To teach Shavrin is only to spoil it.” She always quietly, gradually helped me. I didn’t tell her about my feelings to her face, but in my heart I rejoiced that I had Zykina.

- How did she save you from your annoying husband?

My first husband, composer Grigory Ponomarenko, did not let me live. When I married him, I was an 18-year-old child, and he was 24 years older than me. Soon we had a son. And when my son Grisha turned three years old, I was disappointed in him. I developed, moved forward, and he remained Ponomarenko. He only allowed me to sing my own songs. Even folk repertoire forbidden to perform. We have had scandals over this.

Best of the day

And then one day I complained to Zykina about my family life. And she says: “You know, you little green brat, she married him, so live like a person and don’t pretend to be an artist!” And I shut up. And she called my husband to visit her and said: “Leave her alone, let her leave you. She's just a child. You took her whole life." Zykina herself never told me about this. Ponomarenko told this before our divorce.

- And you also studied at the school with Alla Pugacheva. Which one in ordinary life Was there a “woman who sings” then?

We were very friends in those years. We celebrated sessions with our course by gathering at someone’s house, and if that didn’t work out, we went to a restaurant. Once Alla and I even went to the Metropol together to celebrate such an event. We did not discuss gentlemen - in those years it was not accepted, but we did talk about dogs. She has a dog, so do I. We never argued with her. I believe that Pugacheva is a “donkey” who has worked hard all her life, and she has only calmed down now.

- There have always been many fans near you. How did you fight them off?

The one who was more persistent ended up with me (laughs). I myself did not show any initiative in this matter. I’m so afraid of gentlemen that I don’t want any more: since I was young, I’ve carried these men in my arms, done everything for them, cooked them three dishes a day. Enough, I'm tired already! Without a man, someone may be sad, but not me. Believe me, if I needed it, I would find it myself. But why ruin your life and sell your freedom, for what? For washing panties or ironing trousers? No man is worth a woman's fingernail. Out of a thousand, there will be one Decembrist. And so I am amazed at women who are sure that the main thing is to get married.

- You were left an orphan at an early age and raised your younger brothers and sisters yourself. How did you survive in those years?

It was difficult. I found out where there are jobs where they give out clothes. For example, guards were then given overalls. Our neighbor in the Urals said: “Girls, you need to go to the police!” My sisters went to the police, they had rations, they had work clothes. Then they graduated from the police academy and retired, one as a captain, the other as a colonel. This is how we lived our lives. Now my sisters live better than me - they are hard workers. One worked for Boris Yeltsin in finance for seven years.

-You don't look your age. I know that at the age of 38 you decided to plastic surgery. Have you done any more experiments like this?

I can’t do it anymore - my heart is playing tricks. And now there are so many tricks. In Essentuki they make me a miracle placenta cream to order. It's expensive, but it's worth it. I’m already so used to it that if I don’t use it for a long time, my skin becomes dry, and when I apply the cream, I just start glowing with life. You can say that I was hooked on this cream like I was hooked on drugs. I know that every great artist has a person who makes such creams. Alla Pugacheva has had her own industry for a long time.

Rada Tuneva cannot forgive the People's Artist for the terrible accident that happened three years ago. Shavrina was driving a foreign car when the car collided with another car; as a result of the accident, the singer’s younger sister Tatyana died.

30.11.2017 22:00

// Photo: Vladimir Andreev /

In March 2014, Ekaterina Shavrina and her two sisters Rada and Tatyana were driving along the highway. The singer made a sharp maneuver and crossed two solid lines. The artist did not notice the oncoming car and a collision occurred. As a result of the accident, one of Shavrina’s relatives died on the spot, the other in serious condition was taken to the hospital.

For three years now, the Rada has been demanding repentance from Catherine. According to the woman, the singer stopped communicating with relatives and refuses to help her miraculously surviving sister.

Tuneva came to the studio of the “Actually” program with Dmitry Shepelev to prove the guilt of the famous sister and call Shavrina to account.

“I have a memory and I’m not crazy. We were returning from the Moscow region, from Podolsk at twenty minutes to eight in the evening. She and Tanya call me: “I’m glad we’ll pick you up now.” Tanya said that she was afraid to stay at home alone. I sat down with them in the front seat of the car. We were driving, there was a continuous stream, then I just turned to Tanya to say that I needed to buy groceries at the store. I never allowed Ekaterina to turn through two solid lines,” Rada told the talk show experts.

According to Tuneva, she remembers the moment of the collision with another car. After the blow, the woman lost consciousness, then woke up on the slate. Rada said that when she came to her senses, she saw Shavrina being taken away by an ambulance, and her younger sister Tanya lying dead on the road.

According to Rada, the police who arrived at the scene of the accident thought that two sisters had died. When Tuneva began to show signs of life, law enforcement officers called an ambulance.

“They took me out of the car, there were two policemen near me, they laid me near the slate fence. I was passed out. I couldn’t understand why I was lying in the mud on the side of the road. I woke up to the fact that I was completely frozen,” Tuneva shared.

Experts checked the woman's words. All her answers turned out to be true. The talk show was also visited by Evgeniy Kordilevsky, the man was the driver of the car that Shavrina collided with. “We are driving in traffic, I was the first to stand and do not reach the stop, a car pulls out very close,” Evgeniy shared. Then there was a collision. Kordilevsky noted that Shavrina was immediately taken away by ambulance. He could not remember what happened to the other two women in the car.

The Rada accuses the People's Artist of not helping her and not asking for forgiveness for her death younger sister Tatiana. According to Tuneva, the singer often drove recklessly on the roads and could break the rules. However, as Rada noted, Ekaterina never drove drunk.

Ekaterina Feoktistovna Shavrina was born in 1948 in the village. Pyshma Sverdlovsk region. Father - Shavrin Feoktist Evstigneevich, driver. Mother - Mostovshchikova Feodosia Evgenievna, housewife. Has two twin daughters - Zhanna and Ella, and a son - Gregory.

Ekaterina Shavrina spent her childhood and youth in Perm. Almost up four years Katya could not speak. The parents did not immediately understand what was happening; a serious operation was needed. To obtain funds for treatment, the parents had to sell the cow. The doctor, an old professor, whom they found, performed the operation and did not take any money. After that, Katya began to sing and speak at the same time. Her parents died early and she was left in her care with five sisters and a brother, they had to be fed and she was forced to look for income. I had to add a little age, because at that time children were forbidden to work. First she worked as a cleaner in the Sverdlov House of Culture, as evidenced by the Board of Honor of those times, then from the age of 14 as a controller in the “Dynamics” workshop at the Perm Telephone Plant. At the age of 16, she entered the State Volga Folk Choir in Kuibyshev (now Samara).

Medical impressions from childhood apparently influenced Catherine’s choice. She entered medical school, but did not pass the first year exam because she could not fully master Latin; she had no time, since she was touring and performing at the same time as studying.

After leaving medical school, Ekaterina Shavrina graduated from the All-Russian Creative Workshop in Moscow pop art, then the School named after. Ippolitov-Ivanov and GITIS named after. A.V. Lunacharsky. She owes much of her development in the capital to Lyudmila Georgievna Zykina, who took her by the hand and led her to study at a music school, and the composer Grigory Fedorovich Ponomarenko contributed to the success of the young singer on the big stage. "It was amazing person“, I owe him a lot,” says E. Shavrina. G. F. Ponomarenko wrote the singer’s first songs - “Naryan-Mar”, “Bell” and “Topolya”, brought her to the stage for the first time, simply discovered her.

Ekaterina Shavrina has a trait that characterizes her as truly folk singer, - the ability to sing without musical accompaniment, sing as the soul feels, as nature created the song.

Ekaterina Shavrina has great respect for her colleagues with whom she works and never envy anyone. She has many fans, among the so-called, " powerful of the world this”, which she doesn’t like to talk about, although everyone knows about it. She can be sent a private plane or accompanied by an honorary escort of cars. With all this, she is always surrounded by friends.

Ekaterina Shavrina is a great car driver. He loves to build and considers himself almost a civil engineer, although his family perceives this hobby with a smile. Ekaterina Shavrina has the first youth category in skiing, skating, and acrobatics. He doesn’t drink, doesn’t smoke, and since his youth he can easily do the splits, stand on his head, and walk on his hands. Loves classical music, especially the works of Fryderyk Chopin, historical books. Favorite art form is ballet. Loves animals - dogs, horses. Has a beautiful blue mastino. As Ekaterina herself says, “if I had not become an artist, I would have chosen a profession related to the activities of a teacher kindergarten or associated with animals - a veterinarian." Ekaterina looks at everything in life with a smile, for her there are no idols, she values ​​only talent and hard work in people. Among such people are L. Zykina, M. Rostropovich, A. Schnittke, M. Plisetskaya , S. Dali.

Ekaterina Shavrina loves theater and cinema, her favorite artists are: Mikhail Ulyanov, Nonna Mordyukova, Evgeny Leonov, Faina Ranevskaya, Oleg Tabakov, Alexander Kalyagin, Marina Neelova.

Her favorite men in life are Antonio Banderas, Kevin Costner, Robert Hossein, but her most beloved is her son Grisha. He loves the work of outstanding foreign pop artists - Celine Dion, Whitney Houston, Mariah Carey, Barbra Streisand, Humperding, Frank Sinatra, Chris Rea, and the Queen group. She likes creativity modern groups and performers, especially Boris Grebenshchikov. In him she values ​​originality - the same thing that she has.

Russia has never been deprived of gifted singers and talents. In creativity People's Artist Russia Ekaterina Shavrina has the voice, talent, and genuine character of a Russian woman. What Ekaterina Shavrina does in art can be described as “Russian pop”. To this day, Ekaterina Shavrina is a soloist of the Mosconcert. Over many years creative life she visited concerts in every corner of our vast Russia. WITH great success Ekaterina Shavrina’s concerts are held abroad, including in Brazil, Greece, the USA, Germany, and Cuba.

The only Russian singer who performed twice (1981,1983) with solo concerts in the meeting room of the United Nations.

Her repertoire includes well-known hits loved by listeners: “I love you Russia”, “Topolya”, “Kolya - Nikolasha”, “Naryan-Mar”, “Accordion buttons”, “Looking into the blue lakes”, “Green eyes”, “ Oh, frost, frost”, “From the evening, from midnight”, “Young young people”, “Oh, why this night”, hundreds of other songs - it is difficult to list at least part of her repertoire.

Now the singer has several solo folklore, as well as modern variety programs with a Russian twist. Attraction to modern pop music appeared in the singer’s work relatively recently. She likes modern European hits with polyphonic overlays, complicated arrangements, and powerful instrumentals. At the same time, Ekaterina Shavrina always has a bouquet, a volley, fireworks from folk songs and ditties accompanied by an accordion, and here she is literally transformed.

The singer's artistic debut took place at the age of 14 at the All-Union Amateur Show in Moscow. Then, Katya Shavrina was a soloist in the Osinsky Russian Folk Choir of the Perm Region. Then, having entered the State Volga Folk Choir in the city of Samara, Ekaterina Shavrina collaborates with composer Grigory Ponomarenko and records several of his songs on the record “Bell” (company “Melodiya”). In parallel with the saturated creative activity, Ekaterina Shavrina studies at the Moscow Music College. Ippolitova-Ivanov in vocal class and “VTMI” pop art studio.

Ekaterina Shavrina's calling card on long years becomes tender lyrical song, recorded in 1972, and which was performed behind the scenes in the film “Shadows disappear at noon” - I look into the blue lakes (music by L. Afanasyev, art. I. Shaferan).

Soon, Ekaterina Shavrina successfully graduates from GITIS in the directing class. And in the 90s, the singer dramatically changed her image. The most contrasting things appear in her repertoire - from the frankly urban mischievous song “Ponaroshku”, to the romances “Oh, why this night...”, “Holiday of Happiness”, and the beloved songs “Razlyuli - Malina”, “Fate - Fate”. Constantly improving and working on her repertoire, Ekaterina Shavrina collaborates with many modern authors, whose songs performed by the singer become national hits. “Humanless - Poor”, “Tender Man”, “Oh, Yes”, “Motherland” and many others are lovingly received by the public at concerts that to this day are sold out in Russia and abroad.

In the biography of the pop singer of folk songs Ekaterina Shavrina (photo below), children and husbands have always occupied important place. However, the main work of her whole life was and remains songs that help the artist at such an old age to have a positive attitude not only to the trials she has experienced, but also to the difficulties of the present time.

Today, Ekaterina Shavrina is the People’s Artist of Russia (see photo below), her well-deserved fame is shared by her children and husband, trying to support the singer at all stages creative biography. And few of the artist’s fans know that at one time she was considered deaf and dumb.

Born future star folk singing in the village of Pyshma, Sverdlovsk region in 1942. In addition to Catherine, 5 more children grew up in the family of Old Believers - 4 sisters and a brother. The upbringing was strict, the instructions of the father and mother were strictly followed household and restoring order in the hut.

Interesting fact: Old Believers are fanatical about cleanliness. The artist retained this craving for household sterility throughout her life - she still cannot drink or eat from someone else’s dishes until she washes them herself.

From birth until the age of 4, Ekaterina Shavrina did not utter a word. Frightened parents traveled with eldest daughter the entire district, listening to the stories of local healers about the family curse, the evil eye, damage and other various ways to ruin life small child. Magic rituals they didn’t help, so my father made the heroic decision to sell his only cow so that he would have enough money to travel to Yekaterinburg to see a specialist.

The medical luminary could not guarantee the success of the operation, but he took pity on the unfortunate people and did everything in his power to ensure that Shavrina could make at least some sounds. Fate took pity on the unfortunate child - after being discharged from the hospital, Catherine not only began to speak, but also began to sing.

The development of the future artist’s vocal abilities was involuntarily facilitated by her father’s passion for radio concerts. He demanded that the receiver always be on, and various music was constantly playing in the house.

At the age of 14, the girl was forced to look for work - the only breadwinner in the family died. Since the artist’s mother was always a housewife, there was nothing to raise children. Wanting to keep up with her older sisters, Ekaterina got a job as a technical worker at the local House of Culture and was even praised by management for her diligence - her skills showed homework to restore order.

At the age of 16, Shavrina was able to get to a Perm plant, where she worked in shifts assembling military radios. The girl did not stop her vocal lessons, regularly performing with the Russian folk choir at various events. The young artist’s life schedule was very busy, and besides, it was then that she fell in love for the first time.

Interesting fact: as the artist recalls, at that time she had to sleep only 4 hours a day.

First husband and the beginning of a creative path

The girl first became a wife at the age of 16. The young beauty’s chosen one was the composer Grigory Ponomarenko, who made the amateur artist incredibly popular. Exactly common law husband, who was 25 years older than Catherine, was able to write permanent hits that still evoke trembling feelings in the souls of the artist’s fans:

  • "Naryan-Mar";
  • "Bells";
  • "Poplars".

And after a while, a son, Grigory Grigorievich, appeared in the family. Shavrina initially decided to name her firstborn in honor of her husband, thanking the man for his love and support.

Interesting fact: The spouses were unable to sign; the registry office refused to register such an unequal relationship.

Realizing that little Samara will not be able to give the artist the necessary space to develop her career, Shavrina decides to move to the capital. Ponomarenko refused to go with his wife to Moscow, which is unfriendly to provincials. Then Shavrina took her son in her arms and, with her simple belongings, set off to conquer the capital without the support of her husband.

Rise in popularity

In the capital, Lyudmila Zykina liked the amateur singer. Famous singer helped Ekaterina Shavrina (see photo below) at the beginning of the formation of her creative biography, which became important point not only for the artist, but also for her future children and new husband. After all, the provincial folk singer met her next chosen one at a group concert, where she was invited at the insistence of her patroness.

Ekaterina’s new husband was musician Grigory Lazdin, whose marriage gave birth to the artist’s youngest daughters, Ella and Zhanna. Unfortunately, the marriage did not last long - Shavrina’s wife could not forgive the open betrayal even after 7 years life together filed for divorce. As the artist says, she was always too independent, so failures in her personal life did not break her.

Ekaterina Shavrina now

In August 2014, the singer was in an accident with her older sisters, as a result of which one of the relatives, Tatyana, died on the spot, and the second received serious injuries. Then a black streak began in the biography of Ekaterina Shavrina, in which she was supported by both her children and her niece, because shortly before this accident, her first husband Grigory Ponomarenko (photo) also died in an accident.

Adding to the gossip about the accident was a criminal case, which was reopened at the insistence of Rada Shavrina, the second sister who received significant injuries in the fatal accident. It was a terrible blow - Tatiana had recently been not only a concert director for the singer, but also a soul mate who always supported the artist.

Therefore, after the Rada’s speech in the “Let Them Talk” program and after a television lie detector test in one of the popular and scandalous shows, the artist refused to comment on the behavior of her closest relative. She's too tired of this kind of antics sister, so she left everything to the official bodies of justice, because the artist herself feels guilty for Tatyana’s death and without public censure.

On this moment The press knows that Ekaterina Shavrina satisfied the lawsuit, paying her sister 900,000 rubles as material and moral compensation. Whether the relatives communicate after that is unknown.

Shavrina Ekaterina Feoktistovna (b. 1942) – Soviet and Russian pop singer, performs folk compositions. Since 1983 she has had the title of Honored Artist of the RSFSR, since 1995 - People's Artist of Russia.

Shavrina is the only Soviet performer who has twice performed in the UN conference hall with solo concerts.


Katya was born on December 15, 1942 in small village Sverdlovsk region, which was then called Pyshma.

Katya's parents had interesting names. Dad, Shavrin Feoktist Evstigneevich, worked as a driver all his life. Mom, Feodosia Evgenievna ( maiden name Mostovshchikova), was a housewife. These names are Old Believers. The Shavrin family and their entire clan belonged to the Old Believers.

Although my mother in the distant past had noble roots, was very gentle, sophisticated and competent. But then she met Theoktista, fell in love and in her love became a submissive wife, accepted his Old Believer faith. Catherine also inherited these character traits from her mother: if she loves a person, then she submits to him and gives all of herself without reserve.
Katya also adopted a lot from this Old Believer family at the genetic level. For example, she is still terribly squeamish, she will never be able to drink from a glass from which someone has already drunk, or eat with a spoon that someone has eaten with before her. Although she understands that this is impossible and is very tormented by her disgust.

This is all due to the fact that the Old Believers put cleanliness first. Even now, she sometimes has to visit the houses of the Old Believers, and Catherine is always amazed at the sterility that reigns in their housing. In Old Believer families with early years The children were taught order and cleanliness.

This is exactly what her parents taught little Katya. Mom was very strict and demanding in matters of cleanliness, and God forbid if the children did not do what they were instructed to do. If they didn’t complete their mother’s tasks as expected, they would definitely redo them later to achieve the desired result. And now Ekaterina Shavrina’s home is as sterile as in an operating room. She has an au pair, but sometimes the singer has to do a lot of things herself.

As a child, Katya could not speak for a long time. Until the age of four, the child was silent, and the parents were very worried about this, they could not understand what was happening to the girl, they thought that she had been jinxed. They took Katya to various healers and fortune tellers, ill-wishers told them that this generational curse and the girl will remain deaf and dumb for the rest of her life. Parents panicked from such gloomy forecasts, until someone in the village told about a famous professor living in the city of Yekaterinburg, who treats similar ailments.

Mom and dad were very happy about the opportunity to save their girl, but the family had no money at all. And then they decided to sell the nurse - the cow. Using the funds received, the Shavrins and the baby went to the city to see the professor. However, after the examination, the doctor said that he doubted the positive outcome of the operation and it was unlikely that anyone would be able to help Katya. The father had no choice but to offer the professor all the money the family had. The doctor got angry and shouted, saying that he had never taken a bribe in his life, but then he took pity on the ordinary village people and decided to have an operation. Her outcome was successful, the girl began to speak, and soon began to sing.

Ekaterina still remembers how much her mom and dad were happy that their daughter started talking. She then realized that there is no other happiness for parents than to see their children healthy. And Katya began to sing early, because the radio was constantly on in the house, it worked from morning until night. If someone suddenly turned off the radio, my father would raise a scandal. So all six Shavrin children (Ekaterina had four more sisters and one brother) developed the habit from childhood that some kind of background music should always be playing in the house. Listening to music almost around the clock, Ekaterina began to sing herself.


Katya went to school in the city of Perm, where the family had moved by that time. In any competition, show or concert where singing was required, the girl took an active part. She did it so well that sometimes during breaks, the teacher asked her to perform something. In the teacher's room, the doors were closed, and Catherine sang, and the teachers listened to her enchanting voice and thus relaxed.

Shavrina had to start her career early. She was still a schoolgirl when her dad died. Mom was left alone with six children; she had to feed and educate everyone. The eldest daughters decided to get a job.

Katya followed their example, adding two years to her age. She was only 14 years old, and was hired at the age of 16. Accustomed from childhood to never be shy about any work, Ekaterina got a job at the Sverdlov House of Culture as a cleaner. By that time, she was singing and giving concerts in this House of Culture. In her work, Ekaterina was very responsible and scrubbed the floors so carefully that soon her photograph was on the honor board with the caption “Best cleaner Katya Shavrina.” But this title embarrassed the young singer a little, and she kept trying to steal the photo from the honor board.

Then Katya got a job at a telephone plant in the “Dynamics” workshop, where military radios were assembled. Here she worked as a controller, checking that signals were received correctly on the radio. In addition to work, she continued to perform at the House of Culture as a soloist of the Osinsk Folk Russian Choir of the Perm Region. She helped her family earn a living and remembers her youth as endless rehearsals, performances, household chores, shifts at the factory, sleeping for 3-4 hours and again the same circle. It was so hard that now she is amazed at how she was able to withstand such a pace.

From her childhood memories, the professor who gave her the opportunity to speak was very strongly imprinted in her memory. And, probably, on a subconscious level, Catherine was so grateful to him that at some point she decided to connect her life with medicine. She entered medical school. But, unfortunately, when the time came to study Latin, Katya was busy in three amateur clubs at the same time and she failed the first year session.

The love for music and singing turned out to be so strong that there was no place for any other activities in the life of Ekaterina Shavrina.

Creative path

At the age of 16, Ekaterina became a soloist of the State Volga folk choir in Samara (then this city was called Kuibyshev). Composer Grigory Ponomarenko wrote songs for her, after performing which Shavrina began to gain popularity:

  • "Polars";
  • "Bells";
  • "Naryan-Mar".

But the young singer did not have enough space; she understood that with her voice, talent and uncontrollable character she had to go to Moscow. In the capital, she studied at the All-Russian Creative Workshop of Pop Art. Then she graduated from the Ippolitov-Ivanov Music College and GITIS.

In Moscow, Lyudmila Zykina contributed greatly to Ekaterina’s development as a singer. Since 1964, Shavrina was hired as a soloist of the Mosconcert, where she still works.

With concerts, Ekaterina traveled far and wide all over Soviet Union and many foreign countries. Her performances include not only folk songs, but also pop compositions and even ditties to the accordion. Her repertoire includes two folklore programs and three modern pop programs with a Russian twist.

In 1972, Ekaterina recorded a song specially created for her, “Looking into the Blue Lakes.” The lyrical and tender composition is heard in the famous serial television film “Shadows Disappear at Noon”; this song became business card Shavrina, not a single concert is complete without her performance.

Her voice is proud and bright, her beauty is primordially Russian and invincible - these are the qualities that fascinate admirers of her talent. She can easily sing without musical accompaniment, and then listeners feel her songs in their souls as nature created them:

  • “Oh, frost, frost...”;
  • "Young Young Ones";
  • "White bird cherry";
  • "Seryozha";
  • "Grass-ant";
  • “The month turned crimson”;
  • “Walks along the Don”;
  • “If we live, we will not die”;
  • "Women's happiness";
  • “I’ll go outside”;
  • "Tender man";
  • “Oh, why this night”;
  • “I believed, I believed, I believe”;
  • "Humanless";
  • "Nakurolesila";
  • “The lilac has bloomed”;
  • “He came to us”;
  • "Bitter Rowan";
  • "Chamomile Rus'".

For your creative achievements Catherine has awards - a small gold medal “Patron of the Century”, a gold order “Service to Art”, an order “For selfless work for the benefit of the Fatherland”; became a laureate of the Moscow Komsomol and Lenin Komsomol awards; is an honorary citizen of 11 Russian cities.

Personal life

At the State Volga Folk Choir in Samara, Ekaterina met the already famous composer Grigory Ponomarenko at that time. She was 16 years old, he was 41. At first it was simple collaboration, Shavrina could not have imagined that Grigory would become her main mentor in the art world, the first man and the father of her first child.

The relationship between them did not arise immediately. The age difference contributed to the fact that Grigory initially perceived Katya as a daughter; the young girl aroused paternal feelings in him. When Shavrina arrived in Samara, she had nowhere to live, and Ponomarenko gave up his apartment to the girl, and he moved in with a friend for a while.

Then, gradually looking more closely at the young singer, the composer realized that he had fallen in love. Catherine can say little about her feelings for him. She was still so young and inexperienced, and he was a celebrity on an all-Union scale. Grigory made a marriage proposal to Katya, she agreed. However, the registry office refused to register their marriage due to the large age difference.

Grigory and Ekaterina began to live in a civil marriage, and in 1963 their son Grisha was born.

Over time, Shavrina decided not to stay too long in provincial cities and musical groups, was getting ready to leave for Moscow. Ponomarenko did not want to go with her, Ekaterina went alone with her little son in her arms.

First, she rented a walk-through room and got a job at the housing office as an entrance cleaner. And at the same time I built my own musical career in the capital.

The second time Shavrina married musician Grigory Lazdin. In this marriage she gave birth to daughters Jeanne and Ella. Now Ekaterina is the grandmother of wonderful grandchildren, she loves when they gather with her on weekends.

I only really regret that the children and grandchildren have fled from their parents’ home and are living separately. She began to teach them to work early and never gave them pocket money. Son Grisha began earning money from an early age, demonstrating children's clothing on the catwalk. And from his fees, the mother bought the boy what he wanted - a bicycle, an aquarium or a tape recorder. Grigory learned from the famous Vyacheslav Zaitsev and is now studying modeling business.

Daughter Zhanna graduated from medical school. Now she is the owner of a beauty salon. The second daughter Ella studied in Australia, after which she returned to Russia and given time works in one of the Moscow branches of a foreign bank.

Catherine wants her children and grandchildren to always be there, she needs to take care of someone, give her kindness and affection. That is why Shavrina constantly has pets. Now her house is home to a British Fold cat and a Japanese Chin dog.

Shavrina is well over 70 years old, nevertheless she looks great, can do the splits, tries to find only positive things in everything, and looks at many things in life with a smile. What he values ​​most in people is hard work.

Ekaterina still lives the touring life. Concert performances sometimes bring her to the point of exhaustion. She has to fly a lot on planes, she gets very tired of it and sometimes she wants to give up music, the stage, and touring. But as soon as a week passes without performing, Catherine gets the impression that she has died. Still, Shavrina cannot live without music.

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