Ivleva broke up with Arseny Borodin. Participant in the show “The Voice” Arseny Borodin: “After breaking up with my girlfriend, I didn’t cry into my pillow and didn’t write lyrical songs

Popular singer Arseny Borodin was born in the city of Barnaul on December 13, 1988, in the family of a once famous musician. It was the father who became the first mentor future star, having noticed from a very young age that his son had good vocal abilities.

The beginning of the way

At the age of 6, Senya’s parents brought her to the Accent song theater. This educational institution, where Arseny Borodin studied for 11 years, gave the guy a lot. So, in addition to vocals, he attended choreography and theater classes without missing a beat.

In his native Barnaul, Borodin often performed in nightclubs at various parties, events and holidays. He often participated in vocal competitions, often winning an honorable first place. His last award received on the local stage was “Mr. Hit 2005”.

Senya has a multifaceted musical talent, which in the future allowed him to become a composer and write songs for the Barnaul group “Ninth World”.

"Star Factory-6"

As a student in the 11th grade, Borodin decided to try his hand at the casting of “Star Factory-6” and went to the capital for the selection. Conquering the jury with his in a beautiful voice, charisma and the ability to move remarkably, Senya was successfully included in the number of factory owners of the 6th convocation.

During the project, he established himself as a bright, creative and very promising person. Teachers have repeatedly spoken about the enormous potential and real talent of Arseny Borodin. Senya, so beloved by millions of television viewers, was among the finalists. And according to the results audience choice became second at Star Factory-6.

Chelsea Group

The Chelsea group, of which Senya Borodin became a member, was created during the Star Factory-6. In addition to him, this team included Alexey Korzin and Roman Arkhipov. The highly successful boy band immediately gained a lot of fans.

Thanks to this, the group’s first hit, “Someone else’s Bride,” was able to reach the second line of the popular Golden Gramophone hit parade and stay there for over 20 weeks. The group is in great demand and gives about 300 concerts a year in various cities. In 2011, Chelsea took part in the Channel One project “Star Factory. Return”, during which she reached the finals and was awarded an honorable second place.

During its existence, the group was awarded the Golden Gramophone three times and was recognized twice best group annual hit parade "Sound Track". Despite such success, in the same 2011 he left the group and would soon build solo career Arseny Borodin also decided.

Solo singer

Today Senya Borodin is an independent artist. In search of “his” music, he went to Finland, where he met producers such as Milos Rosas and Toni Kimpimaki, known for their work with “Max C”, “Sunrise Avenue” and “The Rasmus”.

As a result collaboration Arseny Borodin’s first single “Deadman’s Kiss” was created, on which the first in the artist’s solo career was filmed in the summer of 2012 music video. Senya’s second song, called “If I...”, the author of which is himself and was performed for the first time at “New Wave 2013” ​​and brought the artist victory in the “Audience Award” nomination.

Personal life

In the starry house, Arseny Borodin, whose biography is bright and rich, truly fell in love. His chosen one was the charming Yulia Lysenko. The whole country watched their touching and incredibly beautiful romance.

However, Julia soon became one of the “elimination” nominees. And by decision of the residents of the star house, she left the project. But this did not stop the guys from maintaining their feelings. Having met after a long separation, Yulia and Senya only strengthened their relationship. A long tour lay ahead, where the guys did not leave each other a single step.

Soon they decided to live together. But after some time, the first quarrels appeared, which over time developed into serious scandals, mutual reproaches and misunderstandings. All this led to the fact that young people after two years life together decided to separate. A few months later, Arseny Borodin began dating Masha, Yulia Lysenko’s best friend, but this relationship did not last long.

Since then, Senya’s heart has been free for a long time new love. Arseny Borodin, whose life was very unsuccessful, was seen at New Wave 2013 in the company of a lovely German singer, Linda Teodosiu, who also participated in this competition.

The couple spent time on the Baltic coast, all the time hugging, kissing passionately and drinking. The young people were so carried away by each other’s company that the background beautiful landscape We not only saw off the sunset together, but even greeted the dawn. However, the relationship ended as suddenly as it began.

Arseny Borodin has a great future ahead of him. Dakota creates the musical repertoire for Senya, and warm support to a young performer provided by Philip Kirkorov himself.

Handsome and talented singer Arseny Borodin, who unexpectedly became the winner of the “Main Stage” television project, in a frank conversation with ProZvezd, shared his views on music and family life, and also told why he broke up with his girlfriend and how personal experiences affected his work.
"I walked like a zombie"
– Arseny, in March it was 10 years since the “Star Factory” ended, which gave you your first popularity. Which are the most bright events occurred during this time in work and in personal life?
“On a personal level, nothing much happened.” In the sense that families and children did not appear. And what was there was not very bright. So I temporarily gave up on romance. For the sake of what I love, I devote 24 hours a day to it. When I went to the casting of “Factory”, I was 17 years old. Now I'm 27 and I'm a completely different person. I will never tire of saying thank you to Viktor Drobysh for coming up with the Chelsea boy band. We performed with the guys for seven years, but the contract ended and everyone went their own way. I almost immediately went to the New Wave 2013 competition. Everyone told me: why, what happened? But I've been waiting for a long time to show myself as solo artist. I always dreamed of doing rock music. And I wrote my first song myself. I returned from Volna on a high, with a great desire to work. But life is an unpredictable thing, and my movement was slowed down by a chain of terrible events.
-Tell me about it.
“I lost my beloved brother.” He was a musician, an excellent drummer. And I promised that when I start my solo career, we will play together. And then such a stab in the heart. I walked around like a zombie. They pushed me - let's work, but I couldn't. Such a state can only be understood by a person who has experienced such a thing, which I do not wish on anyone.
I wanted to leave the country. I found a job in a good recording studio in Germany. I didn’t care about popularity, I was already ready to settle in Berlin. I passed the casting for the German “The Voice”, the first round. But it all came down to ignorance of the language - I was required to learn German for the final selection. I was thinking about going to university to learn the language. But then I began to analyze everything that was happening. So I will become a participant in this show, my own audience will appear here, I will work steadily in the middle market... But is this what I really want? I always lacked the self-confidence to try to do something of my own. Why not? Moreover, I have accumulated a lot of experience, which was given to me by the same Drobysh, communication with journalists, with colleagues, with Alla Borisovna.

“I lost my beloved brother. He was a musician, an excellent drummer. And I promised that when I start my solo career, we will play together. And then there’s this stab in the heart.”

“Pugacheva was set as an example”
– I know, you gave a master class at her child development school.
- Yes, and she set me up as an example for the boys: “Here, kids, look how you can sing Russian music in English!” True, she noticed: “You like the same music as my grandson, which is not for sale!” But this music has its audience. During my travels, I realized that there are many myths in our show business, for example, that everyone in the world speaks English and loves English songs. This is not true, people don’t care, the main thing is that they like the music.
And I abandoned this idea of ​​moving and decided to create my own team. Radio acquaintances and friends convinced me that I was crazy, that in Russia only hits with two slams or three slams take root. But I answered: guys, I’m not interested. Let me big money I won’t make money, but I will have fun doing my project on good level, a kind of symbiosis of rock-pop-soul. And I started moving in this direction.
- How did you get to " Main stage»?
– There was such a story. I was not accepted for the first season, although I passed the casting. Well, if they don’t want to, that’s fine. And then they called me and invited me to the qualifying round for the second season. They didn’t know that I had already invested a lot of money and effort into a solo project, and they perceived me only as the lead singer of Chelsea. And then I come with the team. No, we are only interested in you, they tell me. But I insisted on performing with live musicians. As a result, all our broadcasts were live. And I know for sure that Diana Arbenina and Vladimir Presnyakov came to refereeing only under conditions of complete freedom of choice. Therefore, their assessment is doubly pleasant.

“They called me and invited me to the qualifying round for the second season. They didn’t know that I had already invested a lot of money and effort into a solo project, and they perceived me only as the lead singer of Chelsea. And then I come with the team.”

"She said, 'This is bullshit!'
– You said that you spent all your money on this project. Do you have anything to live on?
- Fortunately, yes! (Smiles.) The point was that live music- a thankless task. A lot of money is wasted. And I want us to sound even better. Thanks to Grisha Leps for providing us with a studio for recording.
- And yet, let's talk about love. Is it hard without a girlfriend?
“It’s hard, but she’s not there not because I don’t need her.” But because it is very difficult to be with a person who does not look in your direction. When I say: “Here I am going there,” and she says, “Why?” It was like that for me.
– And you would like her to always follow and admire.
- Not at all. I don't even need her to be a fan of my music. But you need to understand what kind of person you want to connect your life with. That I am a musician, not a businessman.
– It feels like you had a negative experience.
- Certainly! The girl told me: “This is all bullshit, it’s not promising!”, “Look, dude, you have friends in the oil business...”
- You don’t earn money...
- Well, it depends on how much you need. I won’t buy a Bentley, of course, but I can feed my family! (Smiles.) You see, I don’t want to perform at funerals and weddings, I want to sing at my concerts...
- It's clear. But most successful people Personal life is not working out. Are you ready for this? Or will you take your wife and children on tour?
- Maybe you are right. Gradually a picture of my future family life looms. But for now this is a fantasy. I'm not at home all the time. No person can stand this. You seem to be close, but you seem not. I’m not even talking about the time when you can be alone, go to the theater... But I need to go to rehearsal.
“It’s wrong when exes communicate”
– What if she also becomes a singer?
- Well, that’s great! The main thing is to have common views on life. I'm not afraid of competition because I know exactly what I want.
– Are your songs autobiographical?
- Most of the compositions - yes, these are stories about what I myself experienced... Just the first song is my dialogue with a girl before breaking up. When I was going to Volna, I realized that I was going with a one-way ticket. I believe that there is no need to be selfish. It is important to talk about your desires in time so as not to waste time...
– Have you ever met on the Internet?
- I talked, I met. But in serious relationship it didn't spill out. And it seems to me that few people started a family after meeting each other like that. Still, I’m more accustomed to communicating in real life than online.
– Where can you most often be found?
– I spend most of my time at events related in one way or another to work. Well, in the gym.
- Everyone remembers yours beautiful story love with Yulia Lysenko. You are communcating?
- Of course not. She is married with two children. I think it's wrong for ex-loved ones to keep in touch. Because this is still not just friendship. It's like a joke. When the boy's dog died, he asked his parents to let it live a little longer.

The relationship between Yulia Lysenko and Arseny Borodin was shared by all fans of the “Star Factory”. Now they don't communicate.

-Thanks for straight Talk. And good luck to you!

Nastya Ivleva, whose biography is given in this article, is a popular video blogger. IN Lately she became famous as a presenter popular show"Heads and Tails". On the catwalk she is a spectacular model, and in communication she is an attractive and energetic girl. She has long had many fans, and after she arranged her personal life, their number only increased. The heroine of our article came to the show “Heads and Tails” in the 14th season. It received the title "Reboot". The idea was to film programs about several cities that had already been broadcast in a new way. She became the host together with Ukrainian DJ Anton Ptushkin.

Anastasia's childhood

Nastya Ivleva, whose biography you can read in this article, was born in 1991. She was born on a holiday for all representatives of the fair sex - March 8th.

Her school years and youth passed in St. Petersburg. After graduating from school, she received an education as a public relations specialist. True, in the future this profession never aroused any interest in her. After graduating from university, she decided to realize herself in other areas.

Soon she moved to Moscow. Since 2015, he has been permanently residing in the Russian capital. Here she decided to start developing her own television career, entered the Higher School of Television at Ostankino.

Popularity on the Internet

At first, the heroine of our article could not find a worthy occupation for herself for a long time. After all, it also had to correspond to her ambitions. Before becoming famous, she worked in several nightclubs, and for some time worked in a beauty salon as a manicurist.

In the capital, she decided to completely change her character and attitude towards life. In the biography of Nastya Ivleva she opened new page. She became seriously interested in blogging.

For quite a long time, the girl filmed small, usually comic videos and posted them online. Nastya looked very natural in the role of funny and funny characters. Due to this, she began to quickly gain popularity on the Internet. In this role, her creative and artistic talents were revealed.

She soon became famous and in demand thanks to these sketches. In a short period, her personal channel collected more than 150 thousand subscribers.

Success on Social Media

But her real fame came on Instagram. Here she began regularly uploading fashionable beauty videos. Her account was primarily intended for a female audience. Today she already has about nine and a half million subscribers on this social network. According to this indicator, she is among the leaders among all domestic bloggers.

She managed to achieve such success due to her attractive appearance, as well as her universal style of presenting materials. All this makes any of her posts interesting and unique.

A remarkable fact in the biography of Nastya Ivleva is that she became the first person in Russia to receive work book official entry "blogger".

In her most popular and interesting beauty stories, Ivleva laughs at simple and ordinary situations, forcing viewers to look at them from an unexpected angle and with a fresh look. Shows how you can approach this situation in an unconventional format.

Television debut

On television, Nastya Ivleva, whose biography can be read in this article, first appeared in a reality show called “Everything is possible.” This happened in 2016.

The project aired on channel "Yu". She became a presenter along with Eldar Dzharakhov and Stas Davydov. In this show, 10 settled in the so-called blogodom. Their goal was to demonstrate what they are really capable of. At the same time, each of them maintains his own blog about what he likes most and what he is best versed in.

Every week, participants will have to pass three tests, which are written especially for them by their star mentors. As a result, the mentors, together with the audience, determine who was the best based on the results of the week. Losers leave the blog.

The star of the Instagram network Nastya Ivleva (the biography of the presenter is described in detail in this article) talks quite openly about her life on the network. This project was no exception.

"Heads and Tails"

In 2017, a new show appeared in the biography of Nastya Ivleva. She began to host “Heads and Tails” together with Anton Ptushkin. This is the 14th season of this travel project, in which the hosts visit the most attractive places on the planet, where one has to live for the weekend on $100, and the other has an unlimited gold credit card.

Ivleva and Ptushkin have already visited Bangkok, Paris, Vienna, Miami, and Amsterdam.

It is worth admitting that now she devotes less time to her blog on Instagram. New interests have appeared in the biography of Nastya Ivleva. Working on a project takes up all my free time.

The heroine of our article herself says that she was very happy when she won the selection. And when I went outside the country on my first business trip, I was shocked. Then she had to face the fact that travel shows are not easy work. Frequent changes of environment put strong psychological pressure on her.

Personal life of the presenter

In the biography of Nastya Ivleva an important event in his personal life took place back in 2011. It was then that she met a singer named. At that time, Ivleva worked as an administrator.

Borodin is an ex-member of the “Star Factory”, and at that time performed in the pop group “Chelsea”. Currently doing solo career. Arseny immediately saw great potential and natural beauty in the girl. I understood her problems - Nastya was living in St. Petersburg at that time.

He helped her move to the capital. In many ways, her blog on Instagram appeared with his help. Today he himself often participates in the filming of her videos.

Living together

Anastasia and Arseny have been living together for more than five years. It is known that Borodin is very jealous, because of this, lovers often quarrel. Nastya herself often throws herself into work, so she cannot always devote enough time and attention to her chosen one.

The biography of Nastya Ivleva is very rich! How old is this girl? Her fans often ask this question. She is 26 years old. She is a very advanced girl with modern views.

Leads active image life, plays a lot of sports. She even has her own trainer. On vacation, Nastya Ivleva, whose biography and personal life are described in detail in this article, prefers to go to exotic countries. Monotony disgusts her, for this reason she often changes her appearance.

Nastya constantly adheres to diets. That's why she is always slim and attractive. With a height of one meter 74 centimeters, her weight is only 56 kilograms.

Candid photo shoot

It is worth recognizing that sometimes Arseny has good reasons to be jealous. For example, in 2016 Nastya starred in candid photo shoot for Maxim magazine. In addition to nude photographs, the magazine also published a very frank interview.

The girl does not miss any opportunity to make her body even more attractive and unusual. She is not shy to show off her luxurious forms, which many of her fans dream of. Does tattoos. On her right thigh you can see a colorful flower arrangement.

In her numerous interviews, Nastya Ivleva repeatedly noted that modern girl should be able to do almost everything. On this issue she agrees with feminists. The TV presenter herself tries to match this image. She drives a car, shows maximum initiative in everything, and runs her own successful business.

Nastya Ivleeva – Instagram star, blogger, host of the TV program “Heads and Tails Reboot” on the “Friday!” channel.

Childhood and youth

Nastya was born on March 8, 1991 in Leningrad. After graduating from school, the girl entered the university at the Faculty of Advertising and Public Relations. For some time the girl worked as a manicurist, and at the age of 21 she got a job as a hostess in night club.

At first, the girl really liked the job - it was easy money and an opportunity to make connections among influential people. But soon Ivleeva began to realize that she had no prospects in this area.

In 2015, Nastya decided to start life with clean slate and moved to Moscow. The girl did not have time to look for work - she had to pay for housing, so Ivleeva immediately got a job as a hostess in a restaurant. Over time, Nastya realized that she wanted to become a TV presenter. Two months after the move, the girl entered the Ostankino television school.

After some time, Ivleeva was offered a job with a high salary at a car dealership: the girl began to draw up documents for cars. Nastya admitted that this work was not easy for her. “I hate the 9 am to 6 pm schedule, for me it’s death. But I understood that in order to achieve my goals, I needed to be patient,” Ivleeva recalled. Nastya worked at the car dealership for six months until she finished studying at Ostankino.


Nastya’s friends advised her to start her own blog - it would be easier to get a job on television. Then Ivleeva shot her first humorous short video, in which she sits in a cafe and drinks from a large glass from two straws at once. Instagram users noticed the cheerful and beautiful girl and began to subscribe to her profile. A couple of weeks after this, Ivleeva quit her job at the car dealership.

Ivleeva’s account quickly gained popularity. Over 4 years, the number of Anastasia’s subscribers has grown to 3.5 million people. Creating mini-videos and short videos - vines - became Ivleeva’s main activity, and soon the girl began making videos with other famous bloggers: Eldar Dzharakhov, Ida Galich, Margarita Dirge and others.

Soon Nastya began to be offered filming in advertising: so the girl appeared in the Beeline video. Anastasia also starred for the men's magazine MAXIM. Later, Ivleeva said that she was offered to take photographs for MAXIM even before she became a famous blogger. Then the girl lived in St. Petersburg and one day posted her photographs on an actor selection site - that’s where publishers found Nastya. However, at that time the girl refused to shoot, so as not to spoil her future career.

In the fall of 2016, Ivleeva, blogger Eldar Dzhakharov and the host of the famous YouTube show “This is Good” Stas Davydov became hosts new program“Everything is possible” on the TV channel “Yu”. The hosts of the show selected 10 bloggers who moved into the “blog house” and began to actively win a new audience. Grand Prize According to the results of the competition, Pasha Anshukov, known under the nickname SuperPasha, received the show.

Nastya Ivleeva: parachute jump

In the spring of 2017, Ivleeva became the new presenter famous show“Heads and tails. Reboot” on the “Friday!” TV channel, replacing Regina Todorenko. Ukrainian DJ and showman Anton Ptushkin became Anastasia’s colleague.

Personal life of Nastya Ivleeva

In 2015, Nastya Ivleeva began dating Arseny Borodin, a singer and musician, lead singer of the Chelsea group, and a graduate of the sixth Star Factory.

The young people first met in 2011 in a St. Petersburg club, where Nastya worked at that moment. When Ivleeva moved to Moscow, relations between friends moved to a new level, and, in the end, Nastya and Arseny began to meet and live together.

Arseny often appeared in Anastasia’s films and often acts as a cameraman, and Ivleeva starred in the scandalous and frank video for the song “Native” by Borodin. It was Arseny who advised Nastya to go to study at the Ostankino school and then start blogging.

Arseny Bordin and Nastya Ivleeva – Rodnaya

But in October 2017 it became known that such a beautiful couple did not escape a sad fate and disintegrated. Nastya began dating singer Oleg Miami - apparently, feelings began while working together on Oleg’s video “If you are with me.”

But soon Oleg began to be noticed more often in the company of Olga Seryabkina, on the basis of which fans of Nastya Ivleeva concluded that nothing connects them with Miami anymore. Then rumors spread that Nastya and her co-host on “Reboot” Anton Ptushkin had more than a working relationship.

In the summer of 2018, information appeared that Nastya was dating rapper Eljay.

Darling musical style Nastya is rock: the girl loves the group “Nautilus Pompilius”, “The King and the Jester”, and also respects creativity

Nastya Ivleeva gained wide popularity after the airing of the travel show “Heads and Tails. Reboot". After this, many began to be interested in the girl’s personal life and her hobbies. Besides the fact that she is the presenter famous program, Nastya is a popular Internet blogger.

Many people have a question: who is Nastya Ivleeva’s boyfriend? And it’s hard to believe that this active girl has time for a romantic relationship. But, despite her busy schedule, her biography includes several high-profile novels.

First relationship

Nastya Ivleeva was born in St. Petersburg. After graduating from school, she entered a university and after graduation was supposed to receive a diploma in public relations management. The girl managed to combine her studies and work as a hostess in a nightclub.

During her work shift, Nastya met a young man. It was Arseny Borodin, lead singer of the Chelsea group. He happened to be passing through St. Petersburg and dropped in for a few hours at the nightclub where Nastya worked. The young people immediately liked each other, because they had a lot in common and were very purposeful.

At first, their relationship was friendly. They called each other, shared plans and asked each other for advice. When Nastya decided that she did not want to spend her whole life in public relations, it was Arseny who supported her and offered to move to Moscow with him.

At first, the young people lived separately. Nastya had to get an office job to pay for her housing. At this time, the girl graduated from the Ostankino school, and Arseny tried to “introduce” her into the world of show business. Constant communication yielded results. Soon the young people began to live together.

In fact, Nastya and Arseny began to live in a civil marriage. The girl took care of everyday life, Arseny was engaged in creativity and helped the girl realize her creative potential. In their interviews, the couple spoke more than once about marriage, but it never came to that. In 2017, the young people announced their separation. They did not give a reason for this.

And again the singer

Rumor has it that the reason for Nastya Ivleeva’s separation from Arseny Borodin was her passion for another man. It was singer Oleg Miami. In 2017, they crossed paths at work, and at the end of the same year they announced themselves as a couple.

For their whirlwind romance all of Nastya’s followers on Instagram observed. The couple did not hesitate to appear together at events or post joint photos on the Internet. But their romance ended quickly enough. Fans also learned about this from social networks. There was a photograph where Oleg was captured together with the lead singer of the Serebro group. From this it was concluded that the affair with Nastya was over, although neither party commented on this.

Interesting notes:

Later, Oleg Miami said in an interview that he had friendly and working relations with Nastya and Olga Serebriakina.

Chasing adventure

Nastya tries to constantly develop and learn something new. The next step for her was casting for the role of host of the travel show “Heads and Tails. Reboot". The girl successfully passed it and kept company with another presenter Anton Ptushkin.

Along with a new round in her career, the girl began a new romantic relationship. But it took some time for them to develop. It's about about relations with program partner Anton Ptushkin.

The couple does not comment on their relationship, but fans are sure that there is something between the young people. Anton himself said that his first impressions of Nastya were very negative. The girl constantly made fun of him both on camera and during breaks between filming. This irritated the guy very much.

But after that the young people were able to make friends. They posted photos of each other on their pages on social networks.

After this, fans decided that the relationship between Nastya and Anton had moved to a new level. While traveling, they spent a lot of time together and this could clearly become an impetus for the development of a romantic relationship.

One more love

Now there is news about Nastya’s affair with singer Eljay. They were provoked by the girl herself, who posted a photo of her tenderly hugging the singer. But again, Nastya did not directly talk about her new relationship.

Eljay said that he doesn't have time for a relationship. He devotes all his time to music and recording new songs. But a video of him passionately kissing a girl went viral. The girl was very reminiscent of Nastya Ivleeva.

Perhaps the couple prefers not to talk too much about their relationship yet which started quite recently. When they consider it necessary, they will definitely tell everyone about them. Of course, photos of them together appear on social networks, but many people think that this is just PR and not sincere feelings.

While Nastya continues to create intrigue around her personal life. But that’s not the only reason she’s interesting to fans. She was able to establish herself as a presenter, blogger and model and did so very successfully. Thus, everyone is waiting with interest to see what the next news from Nastya Ivleeva will be.

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