T kilan personal life. Singer Tequila: biography, personal life, creative achievements

Alexander Tarasov (25), better known as T-Killah, releases his new album“Puzzle”, and on March 25 its big one will take place for the first time solo concert in Moscow at the “16 tons” club. About the birth of a new album, theft in show business and what kind of girls Sasha likes - read in exclusive interview for PEOPLETALK.
  • I didn't plan to sing and play music. It all started unexpectedly. At the age of 16, I dated a girl named Danya. We had a very creative relationship, since she herself was very unusual. For her birthday, I gave her a song, very symbolic, understandable only to the two of us. This was my first vocal experience. Danya was so moved that she burst into tears. She posted this song on her blog on the then popular social network “Lady”, and everyone just listened to it.
Strellson suit and shirt, Baldinini boots
  • When Danya and I broke up, I for a long time I didn’t understand what was happening and tried to distract myself. At the age of 17, I hung out in all kinds of clubs, talked to different people. A year later, I realized that it would be great to write a song about this period of my life, and that’s how “To the Bottom” appeared. It was a more professional song, very competent people helped me with it. I posted the composition on my Vkontakte, and it spread so much that a couple of days later they called me and offered to perform in Switzerland at an event with this song. I treated it as a joke, did not perform and did not even associate myself with the stage. But when a colonel came up to me at the academy and said: “Come on, perform at our Police Day!”, I was more than surprised. Still, the text was not at all for officers. (Laughs).
  • My dad is quite conservative and very strict. He saw how I was changing, and not in better side. I studied at a private Moscow economic school(MES), and there many people fell under bad influence. Dad then told me: “Son, you won’t go to either Moscow State University or MGIMO. You will go to the Academy of Economic Security under the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation.” The first thing they did there was shave me and take me to the barracks. Now I am incredibly grateful to my father. This really hardened me. And if it weren’t for the Academy, I would still be lost.
Trousers and jacket Dirk Bikkembergs
  • At the end of the fourth year, I released a song with Nastya Kochetkova (26) “Above the Ground.” It became a hit. A million people watched it on YouTube. At the Academy I became almost a superstar. This, of course, helped me a lot in my studies; teachers sometimes even took my autograph. I don’t forget any of my teachers or classmates, I try to maintain relationships with them.
  • Almost no one believed in my success. There were those who especially disliked me, but then I saw them too at my concerts. And I'm fine with that.
  • Once I passed by a hotel somewhere in Europe and met Sergei Lazarev (31) with Lera Kudryavtseva (43). When I caught up with them, Sergei began to sing my song “Above the Ground.” I was not yet familiar with them then. I was very pleased!
  • In show business, I only manage to be friends with adult artists. It is almost impossible to be friends with young musicians. At one time I talked with a young artist from our show business, but in the end he began to openly steal my ideas. There are also cases when people from your team are poached by other artists. This happens quite often, so it is very difficult to be friends with the same young artists.
  • I am a sports guy, and many of my friends are from sports: hockey player Sasha Ovechkin (29), football player Dima Tarasov (27), basketball player Vitaly Fridzon (29). For me, close communication and friendship is when you meet a person and discuss not work, not music, but something personal.
  • I don't believe in friendship between a man and a woman.
Joop shirt, Strellson pants
  • My last relationship lasted more than four years, it can even be called a civil marriage. Olya was my director and manager. We combined work and personal life. This, of course, had its difficulties, some disagreements constantly arose. When something doesn’t work out for you in a relationship, you make up for it with work, put yourself out there more, or, conversely, after failure in creativity, you draw strength from relationships. We didn’t have such an opportunity; every difficulty in one area spilled over and only increased into another. For three and a half years everything was fine with us, but in the last six months our relationship began to fall apart at the seams.
  • I don’t know how Olya took our separation; immediately after that she flew to America for several months. It was very unusual for me to be alone. But love passed, and I did not want to torture myself and her. Although many of our mutual friends said that we needed to renew our relationship, move to the next stage: get married, have a child. Perhaps this step should have been taken when we still loved each other, but, probably, we overextended this moment and burned out. In my memory I left the warmest and brightest memories of her. If I see her with another man, I will only be glad that she has begun to build a new life
  • If I initially see interest in myself in a girl, it immediately repels me. I need to be pushed hard and for a long time. But don't go overboard with this. The harsher they treat me, the more interesting it is to me. But I love this attitude towards myself only at first. In the relationship itself, a girl should be very affectionate, gentle, decent and well-mannered - this is the most important thing for me. If I see even a drop of vulgarity, nothing serious will happen between us. I can have thirty of these girls in a couple of months, but all for one night.
  • I need a girl. This will calm me down a little, and I will deal with personal matters and not get involved in fights.
  • Hair color doesn't matter to me. I love refined facial features. I pay attention to the eyes, lips and hands. I love casual style in girls. If I like her in this style, then dressed in an evening dress, she will be incredibly beautiful.
  • Nowadays there is a lot on Instagram beautiful girls, but most are beautiful only on screen. You meet them in life and you no longer know how to escape as quickly as possible.
  • I can meet the girl of my dreams anywhere, but not on the Internet. I’ll just be ashamed to later tell my children that I met their mother on the Internet.
  • I can wear some awkward things, or, on the contrary, I can get confused about appearance. I don't have time to follow trends and go shopping. I order everything online. I love www.asos.com, they have fast delivery and there big choice. On vacation, of course, I will go shopping, but in Moscow there is simply no time for that.
  • I'm not looking for an idol. At some point I realized that this could simply prevent me from creating my own music. I love 30 Seconds to Mars, I go to their concerts, I stand in the crowd among the screaming girls, I really like Jared Leto’s vocals (43). I love different music: rock, pop, rap, dance music.
Windsor suit, Strellson turtleneck
  • I released my last album two years ago. And at some point my creativity stalled. But after breaking up, I recorded a whole record in just six months. For two months I literally spent all my time in the studio. And as a result, he recorded the album “Puzzles”, which is released on March 16th. There are many autobiographical songs in it. Even though I don't write music, I recorded some instruments myself: some drum sections and some piano parts. The album contains a lot of live music. You can order it now on iTunes.
Trench coat Dirk Bikkembergs
  • If I met myself as a child, I would go up to my parents and say: “Kick him in the music school!” Now I have a lot to catch up on, since I have already connected my life with music. There is a lot to figure out, and I spend a lot of time on it.
  • I am indifferent to awards. I just want to continue to enjoy the people, the music, and pack the halls. I don't set global goals. I had a goal - to record an album, and now I am incredibly happy, because there is not a single song in the new album that I would be ashamed of. This is a very personal, adult album, not only in content, but even in design.
  • My parents support me. But at first they didn’t know that I was so serious about music. One day a girl came up to my mom at the gym and said, “Are you T-Killah’s mom?” She didn't even realize who it was. (Laughs). And just a week before, I posted a photo with my mom on the Internet. After that, I sat down and talked to my parents. I had to explain for a long time why I am T-Killah. Mom asked: “Are you mentally okay?” (Laughs).
Trench coat, trousers, sneakers Dirk Bikkembergs
  • At the age of 14, my classmates and I started drinking too much tequila. My friend’s mother treated me in every possible way and tried to bring me to my senses. This story spread throughout the school, they started calling me “Teki”. Then it grew into Tequila.
  • I've been very lucky in life. Nobody abandoned me. And if someday this happens, I don’t even know how I will behave. Maybe I'll have to prove something to someone.


Zodiac sign:

Eastern horoscope:

Place of Birth:

singer, musician

89 kg

192 cm

Biography of Alexander Tarasov (T-Killah)

T-Killah - famous Russian performer(real name – Alexander Tarasov). The main genres in which the singer works: rap, R’n’B and hip-hop.

Alexander Tarasov aka T-killah

Childhood of Alexander Tarasov

The future star of Russian hip-hop was born on April 30, 1989 in Moscow. Since childhood, Alexander has been involved in sports - basketball, volleyball, kickboxing. The guy’s education began at a school with an economic specialization, then continued at the Academy of Economic Security of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation. It seemed that the guy’s future was predetermined, and there was no place for music in it. However creativity took its toll, and Alexander decided to start a career in show business, despite the lack of musical education.

Alexander Tarasov supports Lokomotiv

The beginning of the career of Alexander Tarasov

In 2009, T-killah's efforts to break into big stage crowned with long-awaited success after the release of the composition “To the Bottom (Boss)”. The song spread across the Russian-language Internet and became one of the most listened to songs in social network"In contact with". A little later, a video of the same name appeared, which collected several million views on Youtube.

T-killah – “At the Bottom (Master)” (2009)

Tarasov managed to consolidate his success thanks to joint work with Nastya Kochetkova, a participant in the Star Factory. Their common video for the song “Above the Ground” literally “torn” radio stations and music channels. The song remained at the top of various charts for a long time. Another duet composition that finally won the hearts of T-killah fans, “Radio,” recorded together with Masha Malinovskaya, was released in 2010.

T-killah ft. Masha Malinovskaya - “Radio” (2010)

T-Killah's debut album

The performer prepared for the release of his first album for several years, and finally in 2013, T-Killah’s debut album entitled “Boom” was released.

First T-killah album called "Boom"

The album consisted mainly of joint work with other performers. In addition to Kochetkova and Malinovskaya, Tarasov recorded songs and videos with Dom-2 star Olga Buzova, “manufacturer” Victoria Daineko, singer Loya, actress and politician Maria Kozhevnikova, ex-tattoo Lena Katina, Junior Eurovision winner Nastya Petrik, Anastasia Stotskaya and other stars domestic stage.

T-killah ft. Nastya Kochetkova - “Above the Ground” (2010)

The scale of the artist’s collaboration amazed even DJ Smash, whom T-Killah also paid attention to by recording a cover of his composition “Best Songs.”

T-killah's clips are full of shocking

After the stunning success of the first album, T-killah hurried to release the next album, released in 2015 - “Puzzles”, which clearly demonstrated that the performer does not sit still, but is diligently developing creatively. The album finally included T-Killah's solo hits, but there were also joint recordings. Listeners especially loved the duets with Alexander Marshal and the Vintage group.

T-killah ft. Alexander Marshall - “I will remember” (2015)

After the release of the album, Alexander Tarasov pleased fans with a couple more new compositions: “Floors” (duet with Vera Brezhneva), “It’s Normal”, “ Good morning" and "Monkeys".

The shooting of the “Floors” video took place in extreme conditions

Social activities of Alexander Tarasov

Alexander Tarasov is distinguished by his active life position, so music is not all that this young man is interested in.

Having become the author of the project of the production company “Star Technology”, Tarasov gave a chance to many aspiring performers to realize their dream of the stage. Star Technology represents the interests of both newcomers in the field of music and such established celebrities as Lena Katina and members of the Romanian group Morandi.

T-killah helps homeless animals

Tarasov was successfully involved in charity work and social activities. He actively took part in the “Looking for a Home” charity project, helping homeless animals. T-killah is also passionate about Internet technologies and actively invests in various IT startups.

Personal life of T-Killah

The guy's first love, or rather its collapse, had a powerful influence on career T-killah. It was to the decline of this relationship that the rapper dedicated his debut successful work"At the bottom". Now the guy has firmly established the image of Casanova, which is supported by the media and Alexander Tarasov himself.

T-killah and Olga Buzova are just good friends

Journalists attributed the guy with affairs with almost all of his creative partners, including Olga Buzova, Lera Kudryavtseva and even an angel Victoria Secret- Ksenia Delhi. However, the rap artist prefers to keep the intrigue and not reveal the name of his chosen one - or chosen ones.

T-killah and Olga Rudenko broke up in 2014

However, despite the scandalous image, for several years the guy was in a relationship with the director of the T-killah project, Olya Rudenko. They met in 2010 at a party of mutual friends. The young people dated for 4 years, but Tarasov never proposed to his beloved. It is called one of the most probable reasons their breakup.

Model Katrin Grigorenko – new girl T-killah

In April 2016, T-killah was seen in the company of another beauty. This time, the winner of the Miss Kazakhstan 2016 beauty contest, Katrin Grigorenko, became the likely girlfriend of Alexander Tarasov.

Alexander Tarasov – T-Killah today

One of latest clips T-Killah – “Monkeys”, recorded with the participation of video blogger Amiran Saradov (runs a channel called “Diary of a Khach”).

T-killah & Diary of a Khach – “Monkeys”

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T-Killah is a famous Russian performer (real name is Alexander Tarasov). The main genres in which the singer works: rap, R’n’B and hip-hop.

Childhood of Alexander Tarasov

The future star of domestic hip-hop was born on April 30, 1989 in Moscow, in the family of Ivan and Elena Tarasov. His father was engaged in business in the construction industry, but always supported his son’s creative endeavors.

Since childhood, Alexander has been involved in sports - basketball, volleyball, kickboxing. The guy’s education began at a school with an economic specialization, then continued at the Academy of Economic Security of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation.

It seemed that the guy’s future was predetermined, and there was no place for music in it. However, creativity took its toll, and Alexander decided to start a career in show business, despite the lack of musical education.

The beginning of the career of Alexander Tarasov

In 2009, T-killah’s efforts to break onto the big stage were crowned with long-awaited success after the release of the song “To the Bottom (Boss).” The song spread across the Russian-language Internet and became one of the most listened to songs on the VKontakte social network. A little later, a video of the same name appeared, which collected several million views on Youtube.

T-killah – “At the Bottom (Master)” (2009)

Tarasov managed to consolidate his success thanks to joint work with Nastya Kochetkova, a participant in the Star Factory. Their common video for the song “Above the Ground” literally “torn” radio stations and music channels. The song remained at the top of various charts for a long time. Another duet composition that finally won the hearts of T-killah fans, “Radio,” recorded together with Masha Malinovskaya, was released in 2010.

T-killah ft. Masha Malinovskaya - “Radio” (2010)

T-Killah's debut album

The performer prepared for the release of his first album for several years, and finally in 2013, T-Killah’s debut album entitled “Boom” was released.

The album consisted mainly of collaborations with other artists. In addition to Kochetkova and Malinovskaya, Tarasov recorded songs and videos with Dom-2 star Olga Buzova, “manufacturer” Victoria Daineko, singer Loya, actress and politician Maria Kozhevnikova, ex-tattoo Lena Katina, Junior Eurovision winner Nastya Petrik, Anastasia Stotskaya and other stars domestic stage.

T-killah ft. Nastya Kochetkova - “Above the Ground” (2010)

The scale of the artist’s joint work amazed even DJ Smash, whom T-Killah also did not deprive of attention, recording a cover of his composition “Best Songs”.

After the stunning success of the first album, T-killah hurried to release the next album, released in 2015 - “Puzzles”, which clearly demonstrated that the performer does not sit still, but is diligently developing creatively. The album finally included T-Killah's solo hits, but there were also joint recordings. Listeners especially loved the duets with Alexander Marshal and the Vintage group.

T-killah ft. Alexander Marshall - “I will remember” (2015)

After the release of the album, Alexander Tarasov pleased fans with a couple more new compositions: “Floors” (duet with Vera Brezhneva), “It’s Normal,” “Good Morning” and “Monkeys.”

One of the latest T-Killah videos is “Monkeys,” recorded with the participation of video blogger Amiran Sardarov (who runs a channel called “Diary of a Khach”).

T-killah & Diary of a Khach – “Monkeys”

Social activities of Alexander Tarasov

Alexander Tarasov has an active lifestyle, so music is not all that this young man is interested in.

Having become the author of the project of the production company “Star Technology”, Tarasov gave a chance to many aspiring performers to realize their dream of the stage. Star Technology represents the interests of both newcomers in the field of music and such established celebrities as Lena Katina and members of the Romanian group Morandi.

Tarasov was successfully involved in charity and social activities. He actively took part in the “Looking for a Home” charity project, helping homeless animals. T-killah is also passionate about Internet technologies and actively invests in various IT startups.

Personal life of T-Killah

The guy's first love, or rather its collapse, had a powerful impact on T-killah's career. It was to the decline of this relationship that the rapper dedicated his successful debut work, “At the Depths.” Now the guy has firmly established the image of Casanova, which is supported by the media and Alexander Tarasov himself.

Alexander Tarasov is a talented and attractive guy who performs under the creative pseudonym T-Killah. Do you want to know what kind of education he received? How did you get into show business? Does he have a girlfriend or legal wife? The article contains current and true information about this artist.

Alexander Tarasov: biography, parents

He was born in Moscow in 1989, on April 30. Our hero was brought up in a respected and wealthy family. Alexandra's mother received a higher education in economics. And his father, Ivan Alekseevich, held the position of director of a plant producing ZIL trucks in the 80s. Then the man became a successful businessman in the construction industry.

In 2011, Ivan Tarasov suffered his first stroke. Then he managed to recover and continue doing business. But at the end of June 2016, Alexander’s father died in the intensive care unit of one of the Moscow clinics. The cause of death of Tarasov (senior) was stroke.

Childhood and student life

Sasha grew up as an active and sociable boy. IN primary school he studied with B's and A's and was distinguished by exemplary behavior. But starting from the 5th grade, it was as if he had been replaced. Alexander Tarasov loved to pull girls' pigtails. During breaks he drew funny faces on the blackboard, and also ran along the corridor with other boys. One day Sasha threw firecrackers at the head teacher’s office. Our hero is still ashamed of this act.

From the age of 7, Alexander Tarasov played sports - volleyball and basketball. And in high school he became interested in kickboxing. Sasha graduated from school with a specialization in economics. Where did he go after receiving his certificate? The guy chose the Academy of Economic Security of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation. He managed to enter this university the first time.

It would seem that Sasha's future is predetermined. However, at some point the young man realized that he would not work in economics. He was seriously interested in these musical directions, like hip-hop, r'n'b and rap.

Creative activity

In 2009, Tarasov managed to break onto the big stage. This happened after the release of his composition “To the Bottom” (the second title is “Boss”). The song instantly spread throughout the Russian Internet and was liked by hundreds of thousands of users. A little later Alexander Tarasov (T-Killah) presented the video of the same name to the audience. In a short time, the video collected several million views on Youtube.

Collaboration with Star Factory-4 graduate Nastya Kochetkova allowed Sasha to consolidate her success. They recorded the song “Above the Ground” and shot a video for it. This song has long occupied a leading position in various charts in the country.

Further career development

In 2010, the general public was able to appreciate another duet composition by rapper T-Killah. This time Masha Malinovskaya participated in the recording of the track with him. Their composition “Radio” was appreciated by a huge army of fans.

Alexander Tarasov (T-Killah) has been preparing for the release of his debut disc for several years. And in 2013, his record called Boom went on sale. The album consisted of collaborations with others Russian stars- Nastya Stotskaya, Vika Daineko, singer Loya and others. Creation young rapper attracted DJ Smash. He recorded a carpet for Tarasov's composition - “The Best Songs”.

In 2015, our hero did a pleasant surprise to his fans - he released his second album “Puzzles”. Now Russian listeners could enjoy T-Killah's solo hits. But there were duets too. Sasha performed one song each with the group “Vintage” and Alexander Marshal. After the release of his second album, he recorded several tracks together with Vera Brezhneva. And a video was shot for their composition “Floors”.

Personal life

Alexander Tarasov, whose biography we are considering, never experienced a lack of female attention. And after he became famous performer, the number of his fans has increased.

IN different time V Russian media information appeared about rapper T-Killah’s romances with prominent representatives of show business. Among them are TV presenter Lera Kudryavtseva, model Ksenia Deli and Dom-2 star Olga Buzova. Alexander himself did not comment on such rumors.

In 2010, at one of the social parties, Tarasov met a charming brunette. It's about about model Olga Rudenko. From the first minutes of communication, the girl won the rapper’s heart. They started dating. Sasha even appointed Olga as the director of his T-Killah project. Unfortunately, their relationship never led to marriage and the creation of a family. In 2014, the couple announced their separation. Alexander continued to have affairs with the most beautiful girls Moscow, carefully hiding his personal life from strangers and journalists.

In April 2016, at one of the social events, rapper T-Killah appeared accompanied by an attractive brunette. As it turned out, his companion was Katrin Grigorenko, who won the title “Miss Kazakhstan 2016” at a local beauty contest. Will their relationship lead to marriage? Only time will tell.


Alexander Tarasov has such qualities as determination, openness and hard work. We wish him success in creative activity and simple human happiness!

Every year new luminaries light up in the horizon of Russian pop music. One of these supernovae is TARAS - a benchmark. Who he is interests everyone who loves his music.

Russian rap scene

Rap originated in the vastness of American soil as the protest music of blacks who glorified the life of criminal black ghettos. However, the musical techniques and styles that were invented by representatives of this movement turned out to be so popular that they crossed the borders of continents. Now French, German, and even Chinese performers can subscribe to the word “rap”.

The themes of the songs expanded significantly and began to concern primarily the problems that a person faces, as well as love and club themes.

It is safe to say that Russian hip-hop (or, what is the same, Russian rap) has a sufficient degree of originality to be considered independent musical genre, on a par with the creativity of blacks in the United States. Key Russian-speaking hip-hop artists - Decl, Kasta, Basta, Dolphin, Guf - occupy a prominent place in the world of Russian music.

Separate and one of the most significant directions in Russian rap - the so-called gangsta(or “street”) rap, dedicated to the problems of ordinary guys from not always prosperous families. One of those who glorify their life is rapper TARAS.

Rapper TARAS: who is this?

Hiding under the pseudonym TARAS Krasnoyarsk musician Dmitry Tarasov, who performs in the genre of street rap. He quickly won the favor of the audience and all-Russian fame with his in simple texts, touching the soul and at the same time not hiding the “dirty” sides of life.

When working with fans, TARAS actively uses all the possibilities of the Internet:

  • His group VKontate numbers several tens of thousands of people;
  • In the iTunes online music store, it ranks top among representatives of the genre.

The performer’s popularity grew so quickly that in July 2016 he became a welcome guest on the “Morning Coffee” program of the local private TV channel “Afontovo”.

He is a fan of Krasnoyarsk football club"Yenisei".

Despite the harshness and frankness of the text, Taras does not hesitate to help society: in particular, in the summer of 2016, he, together with the public motorists “Antikop”, participated in an event to help an orphanage.

Album “In Airplane Mode”

In 2016, TARAS released his debut album, which was recorded with the participation of the following colleagues:

  • Cuban;
  • Andery Toronto;
  • Sergey Titov (made the remix);
  • Its.

Some tracks from the album were recorded long before its release. For example, the songs “Alive with Her” and “Naked High” made a lot of noise in RuNet. A video was then shot for the latter. The video was also made based on the song “Patriotic”.

Having conquered your hometown, Tarasov began a tour throughout Russia in May 2016 with a new album. According to the program, performances are planned in cities not only in Siberia, but also in Central Russia.

Comparison with the Caspian Cargo group

Another group reading texts in the genre of “street rap” was founded in Azerbaijan and soon became one of the most significant in its genre. The guys started creating at the beginning of the 2000s, but real fame came to them only after the attention of the largest Russian-speaking hip-hop artist, Alexey Dolmatov, known under the stage name “Guf”, drew attention to them. The latter offered to shoot a joint video, which became a hit in the Russian music industry.

The main theme of the songs is the life of people who find themselves in a rather difficult life situation, but getting out of the trap thanks to perseverance and willpower.

The group consists of two participants:

  1. Anar Zeynalov(also known as “Ves”) - was interested in rap culture from childhood, but was not only involved in listening to other people’s tracks. He studied in detail other people's performance style in order to develop own style. And his efforts were not in vain - the tracks that he posted on the Internet began to gain popularity;
  2. Timur Odilbekov(“Gross”) - somewhat younger than his partner. For the time being, his passion for music was limited to listening to compositions by popular groups.

The last member of the group, “Brutto,” is very similar in his performance style to the rapper TARAS. This is noted by fans of both performers. The similarities between the two rappers are so striking that it is often very difficult to blindly determine who performs a particular track. For example, the song “Naked High” was attributed to Brutto for a long time, until Dmitry Tarasov gained a significant army of fans.

Who else goes by the pseudonym Taras?

The pseudonym Taras (in the Latin version) belongs not only to the young Krasnoyarsk hip-hop star. Under this name appears a recognized master of the genre T-killah , known in the world as Alexander Ivanovich Tarasov. His songs also belong to the rap genre, but he won the love of the audience much earlier - in 2010, after recording the song “Above the Ground.”

Self name T-killah(“ti-killa”), is an allusion to the favorite drink of nightclub regulars - tequila. At the same time, the word killah in colloquial English is a truncated version of killer, that is, “killer”. The idea to take such a pseudonym was given to Alexander by his beloved girl, whom he dated back in his school years.

Alexander actively performed on television - on Channel One and on TNT, thanks to which he became known to the mass audience.

The portfolio of Moscow rapper Taras includes a couple of albums:

  1. Boom (“Boom”) - recorded in 2013;
  2. “Puzzles” came out two years later.

So, now you know that two whole performers are known under the name Taras rapper. Who it is depends on the way the creative pseudonym is recorded. If you type the name in capital letters - TARAS - then we will be talking about a young Krasnoyarsk star. If the name is written in lowercase letters (Taras), then, most likely, one of the nicknames of the singer T-killah is meant.

Video clip TARAS

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