Timati's wife: photo, name, biography and interesting facts. Timur Yunusov: biography

Timati (Timur Ildarovich Yunusov) - Russian singer, music producer, Honored Artist Chechen Republic(2014), entrepreneur.

Timati's childhood and education

Timur Yunusov (Timati) was born on August 15, 1983 in Moscow on Mira Avenue. The future rapper also spent his childhood in Moscow.

Timati's father, Ildar Vakhitovich Yunusov (b. 1960), is a businessman. Mother - Simona Yakovlevna Yunusova ( maiden name Chervomorskaya, born in 1959). Timati has a younger brother Artem.

Timur often said in interviews that he had wealthy parents. And he added: “My father raised me in such a way that I should achieve everything myself.”

Timati as a child (Photo: vikistars.com)

Timati grew up as a musical and creatively developed boy. But he didn’t show much interest in school. Then his parents sent him to music school teach playing the violin. Timur Yunusov devoted 4 years to this instrument, but he did this at the request of his mother, who had many musicians in her family. Even as a child, Timati was involved in swimming and figure skating. And at the age of 13, the father sent his son to Los Angeles, where young Timati (by the way, it was in America that he got this pseudonym) studied hip-hop culture. Ildar Yunusov, Timur’s father, hoped in vain that his son would miss his studies - this did not happen.

After graduating high school, Timati entered the Higher School of Economics in Moscow, but studied there for only six months.

Career in show business, albums and songs of Timati

Not wanting to receive higher education, young Timur Yunusov went to work. Timur earned his first money at McDonald's, and Timati was proud of this episode in his biography.

In 1998, Timati (then Timothy) and a friend organized his first rap group VIP77. In 1999, Timur Yunusov worked as a backing MC for Decl, who was then at the peak of his popularity. Together with Decl, Timati attended a breakdancing school.

Rap artist, soloist music group“Gang” Timati (Photo: Alena Kalita/Russian Look/Global Look Press)

In 2004, VIP77 disbanded. A year later, the group was revived with a new lineup: Timati, Pasha, Deema, Walter and Yulia Vashchekina. At the same time, Timati, together with Dominic Joker, Ratmir Shishkov and Nastya Kochetkova, passed the casting of the musical reality show “Star Factory-4”. Under the leadership of producer Igor Krutoy, the young people who formed the Banda group recorded songs, were trained by the best teachers in Russia, and became more and more popular with each reporting concert.

In 2006, Timati released his first solo album, Black Star, recorded in the styles of Hip-Hop and R’n’B. For the cover, Yunusov took the same photo as on 2Pac’s posthumous album – Until the End of Time.

Together with Timati, such famous show business figures as Ksenia Sobchak (song “Dance”), Fyodor Bondarchuk (“Heat”), Igor Krutoy (“Black Star”), Uma2rman (“Wait”) were guests on the album.

Timati and Ksenia Sobchak during the filming of a video, 2007 (Photo: Dmitriy Purtov/Russian Look/Global Look Press)

Soon the production center Black Star Inc. was organized.

Timati collaborated with many musicians. In 2007, the track “Dirty Sluts” was released, together with Bogdan Titomir and Dzhigan (ghostwriter - Misha Krupin). In the same year the first solo concert Timati at the Zhara club, organized by Phlatline. In 2007, Timati began recording with Western stars of the hip-hop scene - Fat Joe, Nox and Xzibit. The collaboration resulted in the songs “Get Money” and “Put U Take It.”

In 2008, Timati made a remix of the song DJ Smash Moscow Never Sleeps. Then he recorded the song Forever with Mario Winans. Timati Rezo Gigineishvili made videos for these songs, and Konstantin Cherepkov made a video for the song “Don’t go crazy.”

In 2009 he released his second solo studio album Timati The Boss, who became a breakthrough in the singer’s biography. According to the ambitious concept, top American performers and producers were involved in the recording of the album. In particular, the song “Groove On” was recorded with the participation of Snoop Dogg'A.

Singer Timati (left) and American rapper, producer, actor Snoop Dogg (Photo: Pravda Komsomolskaya/Russian Look/Global Look Press)

At the same time, Timur Yunusov was engaged in business. Together with the Sprandi company, the first line of sportswear “TS Timati for Sprandi” was released. Previously, the clothing collection “Black Star Inc TIMATI” appeared. In 2010, on June 1, the first clothing store from Timati opened. Timur Yunusov even became a character mobile game"The whole world is against Timati."

Fashion festival Timati 4 Sprandi; singer Timati and Sprandi founder Dinesh Sakhani (Photo: Anton Belitsky/Russian Look/Global Look Press)

In 2012, Timati’s third solo and first English-language studio album SWAGG was released, the main hit of which was the song “Welcome to Saint-Tropez,” which achieved success in the world charts. A video clip for this song, for the first time for Russian artist, has over 95 million views on YouTube.

On November 29, 2012, Timati gave a solo concert entitled “#Let's see each other” in Crocus City Hall (Moscow), with whom he summed up his 10 years on stage.

In 2013, the fourth album “13” was released. This time, Russian rock musicians Garik Sukachev and Sergey Mazaev recorded as guest artists.

Performers Timati, L"On, Sergey Mazaev and the A-Studio group at the Russian Music Awards RU.TV 2014 (Photo: Dmitry Golubovich/Russian Look/Global Look Press)

It is worth noting that Timati’s songs and albums attract a lot of criticism, in particular, accusations of imitating Western stars and plagiarizing them. Domestic rappers often speak out against Timati, criticizing show business as such.

Filmography Timati

Timati’s work also includes cinema. In 2006, Timur Yunusov starred with Rezo Gigineishvili in the title role in the film “Heat”. Subsequently, Timati played in episodes in the films “Love is not show business” and “Hitler kaput!” In 2012, Timati starred in a cameo in the film “Odnoklassniki.ru: CLICK Your Luck.” Timur Yunusov also voiced characters in the cartoons “Catch the Wave!” and "Arthur and the Minimoys."

Timati in the films “Heat” and “Hitler Kaput!”

Timati's conflict with Kirkorov

Philip Kirkorov and Timati quarreled in 2012 over a discussion of the Muz-TV award. Timati then responded to Alla Pugacheva’s ex-husband with a quote from the meme song “Goodbye!”, subsequently recording an entire video under that name and launching a similar hashtag directed against Philip Kirkorov.

Timati and Kirkorov reconciled only in 2016, as reported in the news, with the assistance of Grigory Leps. In 2017, the friendship between Timati and Kirkorov reached a new level. Timur Yunusov recorded a video in a duet with Philip Kirkorov. “If someone had told me seven years ago that I would record a song with Philip Kirkorov, I most likely would have laughed in his face. Today I present to you a joint video and song “Last Spring”, and I won’t lie, I don’t know a single artist who, in fact, would sing this chorus better! The moral here is simple: two accomplished, adult people with a decidedly complicated history of relationships considered creative part, more important aspect, today, than grievances, claims and claims that have expired,” wrote Timati. Timur Yunusov also noted that his mother praised him for such courageous act.

Timati's personal life

Timati dated Alena Shishkova (born November 12, 1992), 2nd Vice-Miss Russia 2012. Alena, as befits a modern beauty, constantly posts her photos from Instagram.

Timati and Shishkova have a daughter, Alisa (born March 19, 2014). Despite the fact that Timati and Alena broke up, Timur Yunusov actively participates in his daughter’s life and also supports Alena. The couple managed to maintain friendly relations.

As reported in the news, since 2015 Timati has been dating fashion model and 1st Vice-Miss Russia 2014 Anastasia Reshetova. You can also look at photos of this girl for a long time on her Instagram. In addition, there is a separate Instagram account dedicated to the relationship between Reshetova and Timati - timati_reshetova.

Model Anastasia Reshetova and singer Timati (Timur Yunusov) before the “Person of the Year” award ceremony according to GQ magazine (Photo: Dmitry Serebryakov/TASS)

Timati himself also has a popular Instagram account. There you can also see a photo of his daughter Alice.

In April 2017, due to a tight work schedule, Timur Yunusov was hospitalized. According to the Life portal, the singer came to one of the best private clinics in the capital for expensive car"Gelendvagen" accompanied by guards who did not leave his room.

Interesting facts from the life of Timati

Rapper Timati, by his own admission, turned out to be unfit for military service due to an overabundance of tattoos on his body. They say that if 50% or more of the surface of a conscript’s body is covered with a tattoo, the guy is considered not quite mentally healthy and becomes unfit for service.

“I always considered the army unnecessary in my life. Having learned this decision of the medical board, I came home with a happy smile. And my mother told me: “You see, at least once your tattoos came in handy,” Timati said about this.

Tattoos by Timati (Photo: Anton Belitsky/Alexander Keltik/Russian Look/Global Look Press)

Timur Yunusov does not shy away from public life and even political activity. Timati appeared in a campaign video for Vladimir Putin in the 2012 presidential campaign. Yunusov became the ambassador of the 2013 Universiade in Kazan. In 2014, Timur Yunusov was awarded the title of Honored Artist of the Chechen Republic by decree of Ramzan Kadyrov.

In 2015, the then governor of the Odessa region, Mikheil Saakashvili, banned Timati’s concert at the Ibiza nightclub. “Is it even worth taking seriously the words of a politician who stole from his own country, is on the federal wanted list, and was expelled by his own people?! A real man does business, and doesn’t chew his tie,” Timati wrote in response on Instagram.

In 2016, Lithuania refused to accept Russian musician Timati because the lyrics of his songs allegedly contain “propaganda statements” and even mention the name of Russian President Vladimir Putin.

Rapper Timati in parallel with creative activity, releases tracks and videos for charity. He is also a co-founder of the Black Star company and intends to create a new football club in Moscow. The company sees development as one of its main goals football club according to market laws, without attracting and “laundering” public funds, writes TASS.

In 2016, Timati opened the Black Star Burger cafe.

Celebrities always attract public attention with their creativity. Often personal life stars remains a mystery, as they try to hide details from prying eyes. Brutal rapper Timati is an interesting object Russian show business. Most of all fans are interested in Timati's children.

Who is Timati?

Timur Ildarovich Yunusov is the real name of the famous performer. He was born on August 15, 1983 in Moscow. His parents (Ildar and Simone) are very wealthy people, since his father has been involved in business all his life. As children, Timur and his younger brother Artem, who is 3.5 years younger, did not need for anything. They had a very beautiful house and the best toys, but their father raised them to be real, unspoiled men. At the age of 13, young Tim moved to Los Angeles. The parents made this decision in order to develop a desire for learning in their son. But besides hip-hop, the purposeful guy was not interested in anything, except perhaps older girls. Therefore, studies quickly faded into the background, and all the time was devoted to fashionable parties and nightclubs.

Carier start

Life in America prompted Timur to take serious action. He decided to do what he loved no matter what. For this purpose, the group VIP77 was created in 1998, which did not receive worldwide fame, but helped the young talent to prove himself as a performer.

"Star Factory" and love on display

In 2004, the 4th season of “Star Factory” started on Channel One, where Timati and other guys won the love of the audience by performing songs and demonstrating their creative talents. On the project (under the leadership of the best vocal and dance teachers), Timati, Ratmir and Dominic Joker decided to create their own group called “Gang”. The audience simply adored the heroes of the project, so they automatically became very popular. At that time, for Timati, family and children were something very distant. But it was at the “Star Factory” that a bright relationship happened between Timati and Alexa. Millions of people followed the development of the couple’s relationship, since even after the end of the project they appeared together everywhere. But in 2007, the couple finally broke up.

Serious relationship

Timur had a relationship with Mila Volchek, a student at the VGIK directing department. The affair lasted 5 years, but did not end with a wedding. The couple's serious intentions were evident from their posts on social networks, where they shared sweet photos with clear overtones of readiness for a family. Timati has always been interested in children. He usually said that Mila was his woman, from whom he wanted to have heirs. He treats all children with special care. But the family didn’t work out, and the mother of the child, Timati, is a completely different woman. Little is known about the detailed details of the separation, but this does not matter, since everyone’s life continues in a better way.

The role of Alena Shishkova in the life of Timati

Alena Shishkova is a young 24-year-old successful model from Tyumen. Long time lives in Moscow. She won prizes at regional beauty contests in hometown. Before conquering the capital, she corrected her appearance by having rhinoplasty and increasing the volume of her lips. Natural beauty, personal charm and professional work plastic surgeons brought her to second place in the Miss Russia 2012 competition. After this, the girl’s life changed dramatically. She was noticed eligible bachelors, A modeling agencies offered expensive contracts. Timati had to give Alena many bouquets of flowers and worthy gifts so that she would pay her attention to him. They met at the end of 2012 during the filming of a video. In the spring of 2013, Shishkova gave up and admitted that she was in love.

Child of Alena and Timati

Despite the touching relationship, there was no wedding. But on March 9, 2014, a daughter was born, and Alena Shishkova became her mother. Timati, whose child was born weighing 4 kg and 53 centimeters tall, was immensely happy. Hiding from prying eyes, pregnant Alena spent the entire period before giving birth in the Dominican Republic. Timati's mother Simona Yakovlevna was always with her. It seemed that Timati's children would be dark-haired, like dad. However, the newborn daughter Alice turned out to be a natural blonde. She adopted amazing facial expressions from her father. Finally, the intrigue is revealed. Timati's children are his one and only daughter, Alice.

Who does Alice live with?

During the birth in the Dominican Republic, Timur and Simone were next to Alena. The baby spent almost the entire first year of her life with her mother and grandmother on the seashore. Alena very quickly got into shape after the birth of her daughter and went to her favorite job. The girl spent most of her time with her grandmother Simona, since her parents’ tour schedule does not allow them to spend a lot of time with the baby. Timur and Alena no longer live as a family, each has their own life. But for the sake of their daughter, they maintain friendly relations and celebrate the baby’s birthdays together. In a Moscow apartment, Alice is looked after by her grandmother, but the parents spend all their free time from work with their daughter.

Raising Alice

Child Timati, whose photo is presented above, is precocious for his years. And all because grandmother Simona pays great attention to raising the baby, raising her to be a real housewife. She maintains her account on Instagram, which has almost 2 million subscribers. Many people ask the modern granny to write a book about raising children, since gaming methods training and development are really interesting to many mothers. She shares different stories from life that do not leave anyone indifferent. He believes that despite the amount of money, a girl should be able to cope with household chores and have a good education.

Timati - famous Russian performer in hip-hop style. Now he is also a successful mentor for beginners, restaurateur and entrepreneur. ProsTimati is a famous Russian hip-hop artist. Now he is also a successful mentor for beginners, restaurateur and entrepreneur. Timur Yunusov became famous thanks to the vocal project “Star Factory-4”.


Timati grew up in a wealthy family, his dad was a businessman, and it was from him that he adopted leadership and entrepreneurial qualities. The artist's mother's name is unusual - Simone. She has Jewish roots. Timur Yunusov also has a younger brother, Artem. The age difference between them is just over three years. In the field of show business, the young man is known under the creative pseudonym DJ Temniy.

Timati lived in the center of the Russian capital as a child. From a young age, the future artist began to think about the stage. His parents sent him to a music school, to a class where he learned to play the violin.

IN adolescence Timur Yunusov's father sent him to the USA. As you know, this is where the birthplace of world rap culture is. It was in America that Timati got his first tattoo in his life. She became Fire Dragon. Then dozens more drawings decorated his body.

In 1998, the future artist wanted to have his own group. Around the same time, Timati met Decl. Turns out. Yunusov helped the celebrity write some tracks.

After Timati graduated from school, the family council decided to enroll him in the Higher School of Economics. After studying for only one semester, the future artist stopped going to classes. It was difficult for him to combine them and the vibrant nightlife.

"Star Factory"

In 2004, the above-mentioned team, which Timati founded, ceased to exist. However, a year later it resumed. Soloist Yulia Vashchekina was added to them. In the same year, Yunusov, Anastasia Kochetkova and Dominic Joker successfully qualified for the acclaimed Star Factory project.

The producer of the fourth season was Igor Krutoy. At the show, the musicians formed the group “Banda”. The musicians practiced, recorded songs, and showed off their skills at weekly reporting concerts. There was no place for young artists in the finals.

However, the producers did not ignore “Gang”. They were given a unique opportunity to record a record in a professional studio and record a full-fledged video. After the project, all participants went on an all-Russian tour. Returning from it, Timati opened his first night club.


In 2006, the public heard Timati’s first album, which was called “Black Star”. It consisted of 17 songs. Despite the fact that many appreciated the work of the aspiring artist, many accused him of plagiarism. All this time Timati devoted himself to business. The Black Star label was registered back in 2006.

The artist managed to prove himself in the kinsphere. In 2007, he got a full-fledged role in the comedy “Heat.” On one film set Timur Yunusov worked on a par with Alexey Chadov. Timati also had several works in voicing a number of objects.

A year later, the hit track Moscow Never Sleeps was launched. In the same year, the capital's stores were replenished with the first line of sportswear from Timati. It was presented as part of the capital's Fashion Week.

A few years later, the rapper surprised the public with an English-language album. It included 21 songs. Work on this record took place over three years.

This album helped Timati achieve recognition in the foreign market. Statistical information showed that in terms of rotation level, Europe is ahead of the CIS countries, including the Russian Federation. The song “Welcome to Saint-Tropez” was recognized as the most hit.

For next year the artist actively worked on the album in Russian. It was not possible to break the records of the previous record, but on the whole the Russian-speaking audience was satisfied.

In 2013, in Chechnya, Timati was awarded the honorary title “Honored Artist of Chechnya.” Until now, the performer maintains friendly relations with Ruslan Akhmadovich.

In the fall of 2016, Timur Yunusov decided to try himself as a restaurateur. Black Star Burger has opened in the center of Moscow. Customers were able to try a real black booger, and were asked to wear gloves to eat it.

Timati opened a second fast food restaurant in Grozny at the personal request of the head of the republic.

Personal life

The artist’s personal life was very turbulent at one time. At the same time, he always said that it was difficult for him to fall in love. First serious relationship Timur Yunusov’s incident took place at the Factory. They started dating a native of Donetsk, Alexa. The romance developing in the star's house only fueled public interest in this famous couple.

Alexa even invited her lover to star in her video for the song “Where are you.” The artist played the role of a romantic young man. A year later, the couple’s relationship ended, but resumed after a while. Timati came to Donetsk to pick up his beloved to take her to Moscow. Then the artists met for another two years. In 2007, a final point was made between them. The reason for the separation was not stated. Friends of the couple believed that they did not get along in character. In particular, Alexa loved noisy parties, and Timati preferred a homely environment.

Two years later, the celebrity was noticed in the company of model Sofia Rudneva. However, feelings for her quickly ended. Next in line was Mila Volchek.

In addition, he was seen more than once with Mila Jovovich, Mila Vovchek, and Victoria Lopyreva.

The celebrity lived with model Alena Shishkova for several years. After 2 years of relationship, their daughter Alice was born.

The child's parents separated when the baby was not even a year old. Yunusov’s next lover was model Anastasia Reshetova. On the last popular artist was going to get married, but it never came to a wedding.

Most main woman Timati still has a little daughter in her life. Since the star's parents are very busy, she is raised by her grandmother Simone. The child grows up to be a versatile personality.

The Yunusov family was already quite prosperous by the time their first son was born. It would seem that any child who is born to well-to-do parents will grow up as a spoiled “major,” but everything turned out wrong. The parents of the future star held somewhat conservative views on the issue of a person’s development as an individual, believing that everyone should achieve success in life on their own, as they themselves did. So, in Moscow on August 15, 1983, Timati was born into the family of Ildar Yunusov and Simona Yunusova (Chervomorskaya). The boy's nationality has since caused much controversy.

A star is born

As for him creativity, then parents noticed them in Timur’s early childhood. Therefore, while still a schoolboy, he also attended a music school, where he studied singing and violin. Despite the fact that the boy clearly showed success in vocals, he categorically did not want to take up the violin, but his mother, seeing the potential (plus musical roots in her line), continued to insist on mastering the voice and musical instrument. At that time, no one was interested in the question of what nationality Timati was. He was still unknown to anyone.

After receiving secondary education, he enters the Higher School of Economics, but after a short time Timur realizes that this is not his path and after 6 months he quits his studies.

Adolescence. The beginning of becoming a musician

In 1996, the then unknown person was sent to Los Angeles to see the world and, perhaps, to warm up his interest in studying. But his parents’ hopes were never fulfilled, and instead of pursuing his self-development and science, he pays more attention to hip-hop and club parties. It was this period in his life that became a turning point, when he decided exactly what he would do in the future. Therefore, after returning to the capital of Russia, he took up show business, which began with working in clubs. Moreover, these were quite well-known and popular establishments, such as “Marika”, “Most” and others.

The musician constantly visits gym and keeps himself in good condition physical fitness, but due to his daring character he gets into one of the brawls, where he gets 2 in the abdominal area, which are now reminiscent of scars. There are rumors that this happened precisely because of the question of what nationality Timati was among some “Slavic-oriented” groups. By the way, this topic was also mentioned in one of the films where the musician played himself.

Speaking of origins, there is a lot of debate on this topic; Timati’s nationality on his father’s side is Tatar, but his mother is Jewish, and the whole intrigue is that among the latter, a person’s nationality is determined solely by female line Thus, one can even argue that Timur is a Jew.

Musical future

Despite all the problems and difficulties, the future “star” shows himself from the very beginning. best sides, and thanks music education he is making every effort to achieve success in this direction. Timur loves rap culture very much and begins to little by little write songs on his own. As the musician himself said, in his work he was helped by a talisman in the form capital letters"T".

We can say that Timati’s nationality is Uzbek, at least that’s what some sources on the Internet say. In fact, there are as many rumors about his origin as there are about his entire creative path.

Biography of Timati: nationality

The official start of his career, or more precisely, attempts to start it, can be considered 1998. It was then that Timati’s first team was created, it was called VIP77, which meant “Very Important People 77 district of Moscow." There were only 7 people in the group, of whom only its founder became more or less popular. Despite the fact that all their work was well received at non-professional festivals and in some clubs, they never achieved success. However, a year before their official breakup, the group even managed to release their first album under called The Album. The biography of Timati, whose nationality still arouses interest among admirers of his work, has practically no blank spots. So, in 2000, Timur first appeared on the wide screen, thanks to Decl’s video “Party”.

The year 2004 was marked by the participation of Timati, Dominic Joker and television project"Star Factory-4". It was at this moment that the team was assembled, which was later named “The Gang”. The group failed to win the project then, but instead they managed to make themselves known, after which Igor Krutoy decided to take on their team. Soon the composition “Heaven is Crying” will be released into the media space. The song very quickly gained great popularity and was followed by the next hit - “New People”.

The next year (2005) gives Timati even more popularity, thanks to his video with Alexa “Where are you?” At the same time, the debut album “New People” was released. Alexa and Timati knew each other from “Factory”; the producers decided that it would be better for their image and popularity to create the illusion of love and a romantic relationship between them. Thus, in public they tried in every possible way to support their legend. In the same year, Timati starred in the movie “Male Season: The Velvet Revolution.”

Soon the whole team goes on a tour of Russia. Timur manages to participate in “Gang” and VIP77 at the same time. Naturally, their leader was Timati. The nationality of all the group members was different, but this did not at all prevent them from developing creatively and existing successfully. At the end of the tour, the Black club opens. At the same time, he quarrels with Alexa, who even begins a relationship with one of the businessmen in Donetsk for some time. But soon they were together again.

In 2006, the world saw the release of his first solo album called Black Star. His debut show “Yuppies in a Pickup Truck” is also starting. A hit was also recorded together with Alexa - “When you’re near.” This composition was so popular that it immediately topped the first lines of the music charts in Russia and the CIS.

2007 began with an official statement regarding the end of the relationship between Alexa and Timati. The nationality or the harsh character of the musician contributed to this decision - to this day. Now, not burdened with a serious relationship, the young artist plunges headlong into solo projects. And it begins active work not only in terms of music, but also in improving acting skills. the main role in the film “Heat”, dubbing the cartoon “Catch the Wave”, filming the videos “Don’t Go Crazy” and “Dance”.

In 2008, another composition was presented on the theme of the capital of Russia, in which Dj Smash took part - “My Moscow”. In the same year, production work was done on the video for Sergei Lazarev - Lazerboy.

In 2009, in November, the artist’s second solo album, entitled The Boss, was released. Also this year, there was a conscription into the Russian army, which included Timati. Nationality in this case did not matter at all, and the certificate issued by the doctors during the examination helped him get out of the situation; it stated that the artist was mentally unbalanced.

In 2010, the musician announced that he was going to release an English version of The Boss. But this process is delayed, and soon it is completely postponed. Happens in the summer Grand opening his store with his personal design line. In the same year, closer to its end, 2 more videos were released: “How much does love cost” and “Time”.

In 2011, Timati entered the arena of European nightclubs with a remix of the song Welcome to St. Tropez by DJ Antoine.

In 2012, the first English-language album by the artist SWAGG was presented.

In 2013, he took part in the election campaign of V.V. Putin and was later chosen as the ambassador of the Kazan Universiade.

Main achievements of the artist

Along with questions of interest to everyone about who Timati is, nationality, religion and what inspired all his works, we can note several of his most striking victories.

  • 3 solo album, the same number of joint ones and 1 collection.
  • Award RU TV-2011 and Muz-TV-2010, 2011.
  • Night Life Awards-2003, 2007.
  • World Fashion Awards-2007, 2008.
  • Golden Gramophone 2008, 2009.
  • RMA-2008.
  • IN DA AWARDS-2009.
  • Prize of the newspaper "Trud" - 2010

Musician's projects

  • VIP77 - which included Ulya, Timati, Deema, Walter and Pasha.
  • “Gang” - in which Timur, Ratmir Shishkov and Dominic Joker took part.
  • Blackclub is a nightclub for Timati and three other co-founders.
  • Blackoctober is an artist's restaurant.
  • Black star by TIMATI is its own clothing line.

Discography and filmography of Timati

  • 2004 - “Personal number”.
  • 2005 - Timati projects.
  • 2006 - VIP77.
  • 2006 - “Arthur and the Minimoys.”
  • 2006 - BlackStar by Timati.
  • 2006 - “Heat”.
  • 2007 — “Catch the Wave.”
  • 2007 - The Boss.
  • 2009 - “Hitler Kaput.”
  • 2009 - SWAGG.
  • 2013 - “Odnoklassniki.ru: call for luck.”

Our days

On this moment the artist actively works with many foreign rap artists, such as Snoop Dogg and P.Diddy. But, despite this, he positions himself more as a businessman than a musician under the pseudonym Timati. His autobiography (which does not touch on nationality) nevertheless speaks of him, first of all, as a very talented musician, who was able to make a revolution in Russian music.

Timati is a popular Russian rap and R’n’B artist. Mine Star Trek the guy started by participating in the Star Factory project. It was on that project that he assembled the first group “Banda”, but soon after the end of the project the gang broke up.

Musician career

Now Timati is very successful musician, founder of his own music label “Black Star Inc..” He also promotes many rap artists, plus he produces his own clothing line.

In 2016, the musician opened his own burger restaurant, Black Star Burger. There is still a lot of noise around this establishment. People from all over Russia come to enjoy the taste, despite the fact that this requires standing in a long line.

Alena Shishkova - Timati's wife

Timati recorded joint tracks with such famous performers, like Snoop Dogg or Busta Rhymes. At the age of 32, he became a quite successful businessman, musician, composer and performer. But Timur - this is the singer's real name - was successful not only in business, but also in family life.

Personal life

More recently, the Internet was full of news about Timati’s bride. She became a model from Tyumen - Alena Shishkova. She has repeatedly participated in local beauty contests and won prizes. Having matured a little, the girl moved to Moscow to continue conquering peaks. modeling business. Moreover, Alena has really achieved considerable success.

Soon Timati had a daughter. Star couple called her a wonderful name - Alice. Having published her photos a week after giving birth, Alena amazed everyone with her gorgeous figure. The girl herself is very proud that she managed to get into shape in a short time.

But after such a significant event, the relationship between the lovers did not become stronger, but on the contrary, they separated. Alena and Timur remained in good relations and see each other often thanks to their daughter. Now the musician’s mother manages her granddaughter’s Instagram. There she talks about her parenting method, shares tips and funny moments from Alice’s life.

Now Timati is credited with an affair with model Anastasia Reshetova. She starred in one of his videos and they are often seen together at social events. But in Lately fans came to the conclusion that this union had also broken up. Now everyone is a musician free time spends with daughter and ex-wife. Maybe this couple will pleasantly surprise us soon.

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