Energy causes of diseases. Cheers! Health problems are solved here

Your negative beliefs are blocking the FLOW OF POWER in your body...

Your BODY is a magnificent self-healing, self-regenerating system, a LIVING MIRACLE that you should truly cherish and appreciate.

Very often, your beliefs block the flow of Power... They disrupt the functioning of the energy centers of your body.
Every illness has a purpose and meaning, as does the pain that can accompany illness.
Remember, the BODY is only a REFLECTION OF YOUR BELIEFS and all the energy processes of your aura as a whole.

Causes of diseases at the energy level

Now everyone already knows that physical body human is only a material substance, a cocoon of our main structure - the Soul. The soul is the energetic essence. Everything that happens to us in this physical world initially manifested in the world of energies - in the Spiritual.

Why does a person get sick?

It turns out that the Spiritual world has its own Laws. These Universal Laws are the same for people of all nationalities, nations, regardless of religion and skin color.

These are energy Laws in accordance with which all life on our planet is built. But there are also individual Codes of Fate for each person.

The cause of many diseases are energy disorders that arise in the human body as a result of his violation of the Universal Laws and lack of contact with his Soul. They know this, but they still do not know how to apply it to themselves - to change, to follow the Universal Laws.

I will tell you in detail what diseases occur as a result of violation of what Universal Laws.

Together with you, we will now trace in which organs there will be disorders and diseases due to disruption of energy exchange in the chakras, as a result of a person’s violation of the Universal Laws, loss of connection with the Creator, refusal to follow the path spiritual development.

CERVICAL SPINE— Violations in the energy of Sahasrara, Ajna, Vishuddhi.

Violations in energy occur as a result of a person’s loss of connection with the Creator, a person’s closeness to the Higher Energies, non-compliance with the Universal Laws, and a lack of understanding of the Unity of all things. Such a person has a sense of self-importance, exorbitant pride and ambition, and endless selfishness. Such a person is overly demanding and dissatisfied with himself and others. Usually these people blindly follow social accepted facts, dogma. They have a lot of false beliefs and beliefs. Their mind exercises control over everything. They are used to evaluating and comparing everything. All this suppresses the voice of their Soul. There is a conflict between the Soul and the ego.

In all aspects there is spiritual blindness and deafness: they do not hear, do not understand, do not accept the voice of the Soul and the will of the Creator. The result is a misunderstanding of life, dissatisfaction with life, a feeling that the world around us is hostile towards a person. This gives rise to aggression, resistance, the desire to achieve one’s goal at all costs, by any means. Such an unbalanced relationship with life and inflexibility, in turn, brings fear, confusion, and suppressed anger to a person. Man's conservatism and his persistence in ignorance ultimately lead to hatred of everyone and everything, which subsequently leads man to destructive activities. For many, this is expressed only in thoughts. But, as we already know, thought is material. Such thoughts carry powerful destructive energy blows to the Energy Information Field and return back to their creator. Completely distorting the energy of the chakras and subsequently affecting the organs. This type of people has an aggressive and controlling orientation. They tend to impose their will on other people, the desire to dictate everything to everyone (dictatorship). Of course, these qualities can manifest themselves to a very small extent, but nevertheless their destructive impact does not decrease.

There is another type of people whose channels of communication with the Higher Powers are also blocked. These people also do not understand their unity with the Creator and do not observe the Universal Laws. They also blindly follow generally accepted norms and have a lot of false beliefs. But they tend to deny themselves, reject their own personality. These people are afraid of life and feel very insecure in this world. The world for them it is also perceived as hostile, but unlike the “dictators”, as a result they begin to experience despair and fear of the surrounding reality. They are experiencing rejection outside world. At the same time, they see no place for themselves in this cruel world. Uncertainty, fear and confusion are their constant companions. They lack creativity and purpose in life. It's by nature indecisive people who do not believe in themselves, in their strength. Despair, grief, and resentment are their constant companions. They do not hear the voice of their Soul. They are lost and alone in this world. Due to the lack of Love energy, they look for emotional doping and find it in sweets, alcohol, drugs, food, etc. These people tend to feel guilty, take on the blame for other people, and suffer martyrdom. They are characterized by such qualities as fear of ridicule and humiliation. And yet, they suffer the maximum amount of ridicule and humiliation. They are afraid, cannot and do not want to express themselves. They are often helpless and pitiful. But all this is hidden deep under the mask. People are afraid to show their true colors. They hide their fears and psychological traumas very deeply, primarily from themselves. After all, it is morally very difficult to admit to yourself that you are a pathetic, insecure person. So this mental pain is hidden under the mask of feigned bravado and indifference. A person, who is essentially a dictator and controller, represents all these qualities for himself as a desire for perfection and concern for the surrounding well-being and order. That is, each type of person turns out to have its own psychological maneuvers that blind the person to his true essence. Although everyone around her sees her clearly. That's why it's so difficult to understand yourself.

Diseases due to disturbances in Sahasrara, Ajna, Vishuddha:

(as a result of energy disorders in the cervical spine): headache, nervous disorders, neuritis, insomnia, high blood pressure, chronic fatigue, otitis media, dizziness, deafness, allergies, eye diseases, earaches, fainting, blindness, laryngitis, sore throat, runny nose, acne, acne, sinusitis, alcoholism, drug addiction, cerebral palsy, encephalitis, meningitis, brain tumor, schizophrenia, dementia, osteochondrosis , stiff neck, pain in the shoulders, in the upper arm, rheumatism, thyroid disease, disorders in the endocrine system,

stroke, heart attack.

Examples of diseases and their causes:

HYPERTENSION is a disease characteristic of people with a heightened sense of responsibility and a tendency to dramatize the situation. The intense mental activity of such people forces him to endlessly experience the same traumatic situations. These can be very sensitive people who want everyone around them to be happy. A person strives with all his might to achieve this. If it doesn’t work out, he gets very worried. This could also be a person who sets high goals for himself and strives with all his might to achieve them. This could also be a person with a penchant for leadership, dictatorship, who seeks to control everyone, to impose his will on everyone. The main thing that unites all such people is disbelief in the Higher Divine Power. Substitution of the Creator's will with personal will. Inability to perceive the flows of the Energy Information Field, the Energy of the Highest Wisdom and Love.

STROKE, INFARCTION - follow directly from a past disease. But in this case the situation is aggravated by the fact that the person has large Creative skills and stands at a high level of spiritual development. He realizes and understands a lot, but nevertheless he crushes people under him. He constantly shows irritation and anger (Energy of non-love). He is characterized by intolerance. There is less and less joy in his life. His heart hardens. Constant stress and overwork complete their work: all experiences of joy are completely forced out of the heart in favor of selfish interests. As a result, a breakdown occurs - the heart cannot stand it.

THORACIC SPINE - Anahata and Manipura.

The distortion of energy in Anahata primarily affects the ability and ability to absorb and radiate the Energy of Love. If this chakra is insufficiently supplied with energy, a person experiences an acute lack of love. He has no internal support and is trying to find it in the outside world. Often unsuccessful. A person must have his own core, support in his Soul. A person must himself be an emitter of the energy of Love. Then it is easy for him to find true friends and his own in life. the only Love. Otherwise, a person will only absorb energy from others, giving nothing in return, i.e. he turns into a vampire. In this case, everyone will try to avoid communicating with such a person. As a result, his situation will worsen even more. There is a disruption in interaction with the outside world. Insufficient internal resilience gives rise to fear of life, rejection of the outside world, and uncertainty about the future. Further, a person’s reaction can again develop in two ways. More weak people will be completely fenced off from the outside world, from life. Isolation from the world by false illusions is possible. After illusions do not justify themselves, disappointment in life. Accumulation of negative emotions. Inner chaos. Fear of the future. Resentment, bitterness. The feeling that life has betrayed you. Gradually, pain accumulates in the Soul. There is no joy in life. There is a feeling that you are a victim. Self-pity sets in. You have a low opinion of yourself. The result is a fear of relationships with people, especially those of the opposite sex. The person becomes inert. He is unable to understand and accept the aspirations of his Soul. Unable to fulfill his dreams and spiritual impulses. The result is a complete lack of will, inability to achieve one’s goals, and inability to creatively create new things. We see that energy distortions in Anahata inevitably lead to distortions in Manipur.

The second path is for people who lack control over the manifestation of strong volitional aspects. Their inability to emit the Energy of Love and absorb it leads to lack of spirituality, dogmatism and selfishness, manifested in an aggressive form. Their rejection of the outside world manifests itself in the need to harm. Such people are characterized by arrogance, individualism, inability to communicate with people, envy, and bitterness. As a result, there is an accumulation of negative emotions, anger, etc. These people completely ignore the voice of the Soul and, as a result, evade the mission of incarnation. Their main meaning and purpose of life is the accumulation of material wealth. As we already know, this entails further growth aggression, discontent, malice, anger.

Diseases due to disturbances in Anahata and Manipur(disorders in the energy of the thoracic spine): headache, asthma, cough, bronchitis, pneumonia, pleurisy, flu, shortness of breath, pain in the arms, multiple sclerosis, osteochondrosis, alcoholism, drug addiction, heart disease, gall bladder disease, liver disease, low blood pressure, anemia, circulatory disorders, heartburn, dyspepsia, gastritis, stomach ulcers, cholecystitis, allergies, kidney disease, chronic fatigue, skin diseases, rheumatism, gout.

STONES IN THE GALL BLADDER AND DUCTS: The desire to accumulate material values. Excessive practicality, lust for material wealth (even mental). Constant irritation when what you want is impossible. The desire to keep your emotions to yourself, not to give vent to bitterness and irritation. The gallbladder is the embodiment of the energy of will. If Inner Strength is not enough to realize your will and aspirations, then anger and irritation develop. Stagnation of energy, spasms of the gallbladder. Stones.

RHINITIS: Self-isolation, focusing only on one’s personal problems. Self-pity. Rejection of the flows of the Creator - the Energy of Love, Divine Will and Wisdom. Feeling of lack of love. Internal crying.

DIABETES MELLITUS: Kind, impressionable people are prone to this disease. They strive and dream of happiness for people close to them and try in every possible way to realize their aspirations and dreams. They constantly think about how to realize their plans. But behind all these plans and desires lies a deep sadness caused by an unsatisfied thirst for tenderness and love. At the material level, this will emerge in the form of reproaches: “I bend over backwards for you, and you are ungrateful...”

A person’s resentment towards the world, towards his loved ones, towards life grows. There are growing accusations, misunderstanding of current events, rejection of this world and, as a result, cut off from the source of energy, a severance of the connection between the Soul and the personality.

DISEASES OF THE STOMACH The stomach at the energy level is responsible for assimilation of everything new: new thoughts, new ideas, new situations, new people. Stomach diseases are characteristic mainly of inflexible people who cling to established habits and dogmas. They usually do not like to change their place of residence, their usual social circle, or work. They are characterized by an inability to accept a new person or an unusual situation. Such a person experiences hostility and even fear towards what he does not like. He resists new ideas, especially those that do not come from him. He cannot adapt to a person or to a situation that is not consistent with his plans, habits or way of life. He has a highly developed inner critic.

A sick stomach tells you that you must let go of your desire to control everything. Start listening to other people's opinions. Start trusting other people. You don't have to tell your body how to function and digest food. In the same way, you should not dictate to the people around you, since each of them has their own opinion. The stomach is located next to the heart. We must accept with love the fact that everyone is different. Thoughts: “This isn’t fair.” “This is wrong”, “What stupidity” block the energy of the stomach. If you learn to be more tolerant of others, your stomach will become more tolerant of what you put into it. All this also applies to self-tolerance. People with a heightened sense of responsibility who show intolerance and anger, directed both at themselves and at other people, often develop gastritis.

LIVER DISEASES. The liver is closely related to the soul. All a person’s aspirations and dreams, all his deepest aspirations, all the most wonderful spiritual impulses - all this is directly related to the liver. If a person goes the right way throughout life, the path that his soul shows him, then he will have a completely healthy liver. Such a person feels his connection with the Creator. All his dreams and thoughts, thanks to his Inner Strength and the creative Energy of Love, are embodied in creativity on the earthly plane. A person who has lost his connection with the Higher Powers, who wanders through life as if through a dark forest, gradually receiving blows and kicks, does not coordinate what is happening in his life. He cannot realize any of his aspirations, any of his dreams. He lacks the Energy of Love and Creation, lacks Inner Strength. Bitterness and sadness accumulate in the soul of such a person. Liver disease indicates that the person is close to depression. In metaphysics, the liver is the organ in which repressed anger accumulates. Thus, liver problems arise in a person who does not let out his anger. Such a person always strives to be right. As a result, he develops a feeling of resentment.

GALL BLADDER. Closely connected with the liver, and therefore with all the aspirations of your Soul. The gallbladder represents the human will. His ability Inner Strength, intentions to achieve the tasks set for oneself. If you lack the will to carry out your plans, then your gallbladder will be sick. Due to spasms of the gallbladder, bile is not released, and it stagnates. As a result, gallstones form. The proverb “The road to hell is paved with good intentions” applies specifically to those people who plan and build “pink castles”, but do nothing to make their dreams come true. This causes feelings of dissatisfaction and aggression, which accumulate and intensify. As a result, gallstones form. Such a person needs to stop thinking and start boldly acting in accordance with his desires.

LUMBAR REGION- violations in Swadhistan.

Distortion in energy in this zone occurs as a result of a person’s strong attachment to the earthly. Typically, such people tend to misunderstand the essence of life, misunderstand the Universal Laws. Such people know only their own little world and desperately cling to it. They lack flexibility of thinking. It is difficult for them to realize the need for creativity in every person for the benefit of others. In their actions and deeds they are mainly guided by petty proprietary interests. Moreover, most of them have a very developed sense of responsibility. Many also have a false sense of duty. In their excessive efforts about arranging their little world, they are ready to put everything on their shoulders and pull this cart until last bit of strength. At the same time, they impose their rules of the game on everyone around them, control everyone and lead everyone. The desire to dominate and suppress others, combined with stubbornness and inflexibility, the use of creative energy to satisfy lower desires, the lack of a sense of proportion in food - all this greatly distorts the energy of the lumbar region.

At the same time, problems in this department can be significantly influenced by such characteristics of a person as a feeling of loneliness, dissatisfaction and desire for love, self-doubt, a feeling of inferiority, childhood grievances, fear of relationships, rejection of sexuality, grievances against a husband, a feeling of helplessness, insecurity, uncertainty in life, inability to have fun, financial instability and fear for one's career. Refusal to see goodness in the world around us and the highest purposefulness of all things gives rise to narrow-mindedness and aggressive thinking. And this, as we already know, leads to despair, helplessness, or to aggression and anger.

Diseases due to disturbances in Svadhisthana - appendicitis, diseases of the large intestine, genitourinary system, hemophilia, stroke, osteochondrosis, rheumatism, atherosclerosis, rheumatoid arthritis, varicose veins, thrombophlebitis

Examples of diseases and their causes.

PHLEBEURYSM. A person lives by narrow personal aspirations. He has many distorted mental concepts. There is no connection between the Soul and the personality. The ego completely controls the person - resulting in a distortion of the development program. A person does not hear the voice of the Soul, does not feel its connection with the Creator. On the contrary, he is characterized by a feeling of anxiety over every little thing, uncertainty in life and in the future.

PREGNANCY PATHALOGY, MISCARRIAGES, PREMERATE BIRTH, INTRAuterine DEATH. Infantility and selfishness of parents, lack of responsibility, conscious reluctance to overcome all the difficulties associated with the karmic task of giving birth and raising a new person, unconscious conception and gestation. It is necessary for the mother and father to understand the spiritual essence of bearing and giving birth to a child, the mission of motherhood and fatherhood

CYST. Consumer psychology contributes to this disease. Unconscious consumption of the matter of the surrounding world without the ability to spiritualize it. Inability to accept oneself and others, accumulation of grievances. Perception of the world as the source of one’s endless troubles, problems, and failures. The long-term accumulation of such negative experiences gives rise to a cyst. The body creates a cyst when a person perceives his life as an endless chain of life blows. A person with several cysts cannot get rid of a strong one heartache associated with any events in his past. It is necessary to forgive yourself or another person, and not reopen old wounds again and again. What you accumulate in yourself is harmful. You may think that some person has harmed you, but in reality it is your inner attitude that is making you suffer. The cyst, this ball of flesh, says that you should no longer create protection within yourself from the blows of fate and that it is time for you to forgive yourself and others.

ORGAN FAILURE Increased emotional response to various, even minor, deviations from your established habits and views. An explosion of indignation over every minor issue. Increased demands on others to strictly follow the rules you have established. Intolerance, inflexibility. You need to learn to develop tolerance in yourself. You need to understand that every person has the right to their own opinion and own image life. Learn to live without judging, without controlling. Learn to live life experiences in love, giving freedom to your loved ones to choose life path. In choosing a way of thinking and habits.

URITHAL DISEASE Unspiritual accumulation of unused material values ​​and knowledge. Work for your own well-being. Greed. Egocentrism: everything that is done in life is only for the personal “I”. Fear of losing what you have accumulated. Jealousy. Petty feelings. Gourmet. Excessive consumption of food of animal origin.

SACRAL DEPARTMENT - changes in Muladhara.

Lack of connection with the Creator. Lack of understanding of the need for spirituality. Limited interests of a narrowly material, unspiritual orientation. Using creative energy to satisfy lower desires. Lack of sense of proportion in food. Misunderstanding of the process of nutrition as a creative act. Lack of connection between the Soul and personality. Disruption of the connection between Muladhara, Sahasrara and Anahata. As a result, the lack of ability to use the Highest Divine Energies - the Energy of Love and Creation, the inability to perceive and convey the impulse of the Creator into one’s life on the earthly plane.

Diseases due to disturbances in Muladhara.

Diseases of the rectum, hypotension, adnexitis, diseases of the sacroiliac joint, curvature of the spine.

Examples of diseases and their causes.

HEMORRHOIDS This disease speaks of emotional stress and fear, which a person does not want to show or discuss. These repressed emotions become a heavy burden. They appear in a person who constantly forces himself to do something, puts pressure on himself, especially in material sphere. A person voluntarily accepts an unbearable burden. He is too demanding of himself. As a result, claims may arise against the whole world regarding their lack of recognition. Emotional stress most often created by the desire to have something or someone, which in turn grows out of a feeling of material disadvantage. As a result, outbursts of anger, irritability, pettiness, vindictiveness. The more we feel insecure about ourselves and about the future, the more suffering hemorrhoids cause. You need to gain faith in this world. Rethink your life. Trust the Universe, trust our mother - planet Earth, who takes care of all her children.

Many serious and chronic diseases begin with a “broken” energy. Knowing real reasons diseases, you can get rid of them by restoring your energy field.

Each of us has been sick at least once in our lives. Understanding the cause of a common cold or flu is very easy, and the treatment process is usually not very difficult. However, there are diseases that completely change a person’s life and subjugate it.

Such diseases often originate in disturbed energy. Practitioners and esotericists directly associate some diseases with a particular problem in the energy zones of the human subtle body, called chakras.

First chakra: Muladhara

The chakras are counted from bottom to top. The first energy center is located in the leg area and on the subtle plane has a bright red color. This chakra is extremely important: it is responsible for choosing a life path and self-realization.

Weakening of Muladhara occurs if a person does not follow his destiny, his interests are suppressed, and his opinion is devalued. Fear of the future and lack of self-confidence lead to diseases of the knee and hip joints, complex fractures and permanent leg injuries.

Second chakra: Svadhisthana

The color of this energy center is orange. The chakra is located in the pelvic area and lower back. The energy flow of this area supports a person’s joy of life, confidence in his sexuality and attractiveness.

Depletion of the energy of the second chakra occurs if a person often does something that does not cause joy, has childhood psychological trauma, or experiences a constant feeling of guilt. Such circumstances lead to diseases of the kidneys and genitourinary system.

Third chakra: Manipura

Third energy center“responsible” for willpower, the ability to defend one’s interests and take responsibility for one’s choices. On a subtle level, the chakra looks like a clot of energy yellow color and is located in the solar plexus area.

Manipura is weakened by a dependent position on other people, laziness and constant violence against oneself. If you endure insults in silence and do not defend your freedom and personal opinion, then as a result of the depletion of the yellow chakra, ailments such as gastritis, stomach ulcers, and other diseases of the gastrointestinal tract appear.

It should be noted that excessive assertiveness, scandalousness and inability to listen and respect other people also lead to an imbalance of the third chakra and similar diseases.

Fourth Chakra: Anahata

Anahata is located in the human chest area and on a subtle level is “colored” in green color. This energy center is directly connected to the heart and the area of ​​feelings and emotions.

Violations in Anahata occur when a person for a long time suppresses both positive and negative feelings. Longing for a departed loved one, depression, resentment, difficult relationships with parents and lack of love lead to cardiovascular diseases and lung diseases.

Fifth chakra: Vishuddha

The fifth chakra is bright blue in color and is located in the neck area. Vishuddha conducts energy that helps creativity, the ability to communicate with people and lead.

Depletion of this chakra occurs due to the lack of a favorite activity, suppression of one’s natural creative talents and lack of faith in one’s own strength. This state of affairs leads to constant severe sore throats, loss of voice and disease of the vocal cords.

Sixth chakra: Ajna

Ajna has deep Blue colour and is located in the area of ​​a person’s “third eye” - at the point between the eyebrows. Intuition and wisdom originate from this energy center.

The weakening of the flow of energy in the blue chakra occurs due to the constant disagreement of elders with a person’s opinion, a large number of thinking stereotypes, the habit of “labeling” others and a lack of purpose in life. These factors lead to eye diseases, chronic migraines and cerebrovascular diseases.

Seventh chakra: Sahasrara

The seventh chakra is located in the parietal region and on the subtle plane looks like a weightless purple glow. This energy center is “responsible” for connection with the memory of generations, internal harmony and love for the world around us.

Cruelty, selfishness and isolation material benefits lead to overlap energy flow Sahasrara. Over time, this inevitably leads to brain diseases and mental disorders.

There are 7 main passions that lead to serious illnesses and illnesses and gradually destroy life. To avoid troubles, try to enjoy every new day and don’t be afraid to change what you don’t like or that depresses you. We wish you good health and happiness. Take care of yourself and don't forget to press the buttons and

A third of diseases are from humans, the other third from nature and another third from demons.

Tibetan treatise of Zhud-shi

A healthy Spirit means a healthy Body

Illness is not cruelty, and doctors’ mistakes are not God’s punishment, as most people are used to thinking. It is a correction and a tool that our soul uses to show us our mistakes, to prevent us from making even greater mistakes, to prevent us from doing more harm to ourselves, and to return us to the Path of Truth and Light. The Path of Truth and Light is always the Path to the knowledge and realization of the integrity of life, internal unity with all being. The symptom of the disease shows us in which area we have strayed from this path. If you think differently, that's your right. We don't insist. Everyone is free to gain their own experience and draw their own conclusions.

Sufi parable. Coming doomsday. A line of righteous and sinners, believers and unbelievers, passes by God at his feet. The all-merciful God directs everyone to heaven. Now it’s the turn of the doctor, who has devoted almost 50 years to healing the sick. And God commanded: “To his hell, to eternal torment.” The unfortunate doctor prayed: “Oh, God, why am I going to hell, when I worked for the good of people, tirelessly and without closing my eyes, to reduce their pain, get rid of suffering, to prolong their lives?” God answered him: “I sent illnesses to people to correct their mistakes and delusions, to enable them to correct themselves and become the right way, and every time you deprived them of this opportunity."

Healing and treatment are different concepts. The treatment process is passive, i.e. the patient transfers responsibility for his illness to the doctor and turns into a victim, suffering from a virus, microbe, or simply unfavorable circumstances. By receiving symptomatic treatment, he may get temporary relief. But, because the cause is not eliminated, after some time the ill health manifests itself with renewed vigor, perhaps with other symptoms.
Reiki– heals. Healing is an active process that involves the healer and the person seeking help. Thanks to joint efforts, a person becomes saturated energetically and realizes the root cause of the disease and, through changing patterns of behavior and thinking, recovers.

We don't do treatment. Doctors provide treatment. We don't even use the words "patient", "treat". We are engaged spiritual healing . This means that we are trying to help you understand your problem - and perhaps help. It is impossible to solve a person’s problem for him. We won’t be able to make him healthy against his will; we won’t give him pills for stupidity, greed, etc. Even the healer in the advertisements in the newspaper with “a many-thousand-year history, in the 12th generation, who will remove hexes, damage, and at the same time cast a spell” - this is not all about us. We are learning understand this world and live in it correctly . About such people at all times there was such a word in the Russian language: RIGHTEOUS - KNOWING THE RIGHT. We will LEAD ourselves, we will be able to convey to others how people can find their way, how they can learn live in harmony with the world , and therefore be healthy. No one can make a person healthy except himself.

Most often, in our practice we notice that the disease is very beneficial to the patient. He uses it as a shield, as a deception, as a way to evoke pity from others, provoke them to take some action and gain some benefit. When a person says: “I’m so sick, no one can cure me...!” - the man is playing. When we put a mirror on him and it reflects back to him everything he does, he gets offended at us. There is a proverb for this case: “There’s no point in blaming the mirror...” Sometimes you have to be very tough. But! We do not seek to offend, we seek to open a person’s eyes to himself, to his relationship with the world.

Most often we deal with the lost souls or bodies abandoned to the mercy of fate: the body is doing one thing, the soul is doing something else. Such a person cannot be healthy. That is, it also happens that the fault is not always in the person. They often try to mislead us with phrases: “it’s our own fault,” “like for like,” “we created this problem ourselves and then got ourselves into it.” Is not a fact. Not everything is so simple. Of course, most often we ourselves are to blame for our troubles, but not always.

Do you think the broken bottle is to blame for being broken? Guilty because I got caught under the foot or under the arm. Does the bottle have freedom of choice? She can’t change anything, everything has been decided for her. Often people are an empty vessel (or not so empty), which some forces use as they wish. But that's a completely different topic. She is from the realm of manifestations dark worlds and their creators on our Earth. In order not to give them a lot of energy with our attention, today we will talk about the causes of diseases that a person creates for himself.

Emotions anger and hatred affect our liver and, as a result, our heart. Herbal COLLECTION OF THE HEART.

Grievances deposit stones in the liver, ducts and gall bladder, also affecting the heart at the same time. Sometimes the consequences of these destructions cannot be corrected. If a person is not ready to be offended and does not intend to do so, he will not be reached. The most best job with grievances - this meditation. Herbal LIVER COLLECTION.

Offense against a man in a woman, this is immediately the thyroid gland, mammary glands, and uterus. Most often, oncology. If there is no harmony in a relationship with a man, then these are also women’s diseases. Dear women, men just need to be loved! Don't judge, don't evaluate - just love. A man offends a woman when she does not give him love and confidence in a woman’s ability to love, in a woman’s charm, warmth and comfort. Herbal FEES FOR WOMEN'S DISEASES.

Feeling of guilt, sense of duty - load the bladder. There are people who deliberately try to offend and cause guilt. The so-called provocateurs. This must be monitored and not allow those who are pulling these people to pull you too.

Melancholy and despondency - reflect powerlessness Souls and her reluctance to change the situation. These emotions generally prevent efficient work with soul.

Fear- hits the kidneys, weakening the adrenal glands (the center of prenatal vital energy). In general, fear is a normal indicative reaction. But fear is manageable. The fear that hits the kidneys is panic fear, that is, fear that we could not cope with, and it turned into panic. Kidney herbal preparations.

These are all non-constructive emotions. There is only one way out: to take control of them and form constructive ones, such as: joy, self-confidence, in capabilities, satisfaction from participating in the business, receiving satisfaction from one’s actions. All this stabilizes internal rhythms, and also adjusts to external rhythms and prolongs life.

Causes of some diseases:

Myopia - immersion in your own world and closing in on yourself. No matter who you take with this diagnosis, everyone has this reason, to one degree or another.

Farsightedness - reluctance to see OBVIOUS things, what is “under one’s own nose” and to solve one’s own, albeit petty, problems.

Hypotension- weak vital energy transmitted from parents (prenatal vital energy).

Ears, ear problems, ear plugs - unwillingness to listen, inability to hear another. A person hears only himself. As a rule, such people then go deaf in old age.

Throat, throat diseases - unexpressed emotions.

Spleen- responsible for self-love. You need to start by starting to generate the energy of love yourself.

Shoulders- collect energy for creation, implementation and materialization of plans. Because through our hands we then create our world and our lives.

Hands- are responsible for a person’s connection with the outside world. Through our hands we create crafts and our world.

Knees- interpersonal relationships with relatives and friends are not built. The right knee is relationships with men, the left knee is with women.

Ankles - projection of the new world, problems with deceased relatives, feelings of guilt and debt to them. Forget forever about the sense of duty. No one owes nothing to nobody. You came into this world to learn and not just to learn, but to learn to transform this world. Legs in general are a connection with Mother Earth, with the past (past incarnations) and with the Navi world.

Also, photographs of the deceased, hung throughout the house, can leak energy into the world of the dead and cause pain; injuries in the ankles can occur from this.

Oncology- on the physical plane - an organism completely populated by fungi. At the causal level, everyone has their own reason. But in most cases, these are deeply driven grievances.

Spine, scoliosis - assumed debts, obligations, someone else's burden. On the physical plane, this sometimes happens due to an injury to the coccyx.

Back in general - is responsible for counteracting darkness, this is the core of the Spirit. It’s not for nothing that we take the blows of fate on our backs, as well as those blows that we don’t expect. That's why there are so many spinal diseases. This is how the back signals people about their ability to “take punches.”

My feet are sweating- physical manifestation of energetic and karmic dirt. The purer a person is energetically, the finer the smell emanating from his body.

Lower back, pelvis, hips - resentment towards parents, problems in relationships with parents. Left-hand side- resentment towards mother, Right side- on dad.

Cold, runny nose - someone thinks that he has a cold - and this is the cause of the disease. People can think this way out of ignorance. A cold is already a consequence. On the physical plane, this is a weakened immune system. On the causal side - internal turmoil, accompanied by bouts of rage, strong emotions or a feeling of disappointment. There is no inner peace and contentment.

We are pleased to present you the first one on the Russian-language Internet social network supporters of a healthy lifestyle and a full-fledged platform for the exchange of experience and knowledge in everything related to the words “health” and “medicine”.

Our task is to create an atmosphere of positivity, kindness and health on the site, which will lift your spirits, improve your health and prevent you, because information and thoughts are transformed into material events! ;-)

We strive to create a highly moral portal in which it will be pleasant for the most different people. This is facilitated by the fact that we monitor the actions of all users. At the same time, we want the site to be fairly objective, open and democratic. Here everyone has the right to express their personal opinion, own assessment and commenting on any information. In addition, anyone can submit an article, news or any other material to most sections of the site.

Project “To your health!” is positioned as a portal about health, not medicine. In our opinion, medicine is the science of how to recover from a particular disease, and health is the result of a lifestyle in which you do not get sick. The healthier you are, the less likely you are to get sick. Our body is designed in such a way that with the right lifestyle we should not get sick at all. So let's improve our health instead of studying diseases. There are quite a lot of websites about medicine, but in our opinion, they are intended more for medical professionals than for ordinary people. We strive to talk to you about health. We don’t want to write a lot about diseases and methods of treating them - enough has already been written about this. Instead, we'll focus on how to avoid getting sick.

We are interested healthy image life, and we want to live happily ever after. We believe that you are also not indifferent to the topic of healthy longevity. Therefore, if you want to be surrounded by healthy people and those who strive for this, this site will help you solve this problem. Our plans include creating an active community of people leading a healthy lifestyle, and in this regard, we are pleased to offer you the following opportunities:

  • create your own page with personal photos, blog, forum, calendar and other sections
  • Do what you like, and we will try to provide you with everything you need to do it. We strive to make this site as comfortable as possible for you. There is still a lot of new and interesting things ahead.

    Register yourself and invite your colleagues, friends and loved ones to the site for constant contact with them and exchange experiences. Stay in touch, discussing all the news and interesting things in the field of health.

    Stay with us!

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