The meaning of the surname Nazarov. Nazarov - meaning and origin of the surname

The surname Nazarov refers to patronymic hereditary names formed from the personal name of the father. Before the advent of surnames, patronymics in the possessive form were used to indicate a specific person. Thus, Nazar’s children were called “Nazarov’s son” or “Nazarov’s daughter,” which is where the Nazarov surname originates.

Interpretation of the surname

The meaning of the surname Nazarov depends on how the name Nazar itself is interpreted. According to one version, Nazar - short form the canonical name Nazarius, which appeared in Rus' along with the spread of Christianity. Nazarius is translated from Hebrew as “dedicated himself to God.” The name also has an additional connotation - “sprout”, “truth”. And the Latin interpretation of this name “originally from Nazareth” is often used in Christianity.

According to another version, the family name Nazarov has eastern roots and goes back to Arabic name Nazar with several meanings - “look”, “far-sighted”, “seeing good”, “close gaze”, “sharp-sighted”. This explains some of the prevalence of the surname Nazarov in the Tatar, Bashkir, Mordovian, and Buryat environments.

Family history

In the Russian name book, the name Nazariy was at first used by representatives of the clergy, but gradually it began to be used in others social layers. Sometimes it took various “domestic” forms, as evidenced by early mentions in historical documents - the Pskov elder Nazary Onisimov son of Glazatoy (1531), the Olonets wonderworker Nazary, who founded the Forerunner Monastery (1492), the peasant Nazarik Zhelnin (14895). ), peasant Nazarets Kiyka (1564), Moscow clerk Nazar Afonasyev, son of Shchelkunov (1684). TO XVI century refers to appearance in written sources surname Nazarov - in the archival documents of the Moscow order of 1562, it is said about the Pereslavl fisherman Konyai Nazarov. Known ancient noble family Nazarovs, which goes back to the Georgian prince Davyd Nazarov (Nazarishvili-Tumanishvili), a comrade-in-arms of King Vakhtang.

Another version of the origin of the surname

Currently, it is not always possible to establish with accuracy what the surname Nazarov means in a particular case. Information about the life of your ancestor will help open new pages of family history. It is possible that the origin of the Nazarov surname is connected with the place of birth or permanent residence its first bearer. IN late XIX century, all residents of Russia were obliged to have family names, and many people in choosing a surname were based on the name of their small homeland. Yes, residents settlements Nazarovka and Nazarovo could well have been recorded in official documents as Nazarovs.

For several months, society has been discussing the case of the “drunk” boy. Six-year-old Alyosha Shimko died under the wheels of a car while playing in the courtyard of a house in Balashikha near Moscow. The examination showed that 2.7 ppm of alcohol was found in the child’s blood. The baby's father is trying to get justice.

Mikhail Kleimenov appeared in the studio of the “Let Them Talk” program. It is his signature that appears on the conclusion drawn up by the experts. The man said that he is now under pressure from society. Some people accuse him of falsification, but, according to him, no one has any basis for this.

“Why should I be an outcast from society for no reason?” - said the expert.

He brought a magazine to the studio, which contained statistical data - out of 365 in 50 cases of child mortality, the reason was the concentration of alcohol in the blood. Mikhail emphasized that Alyosha Shimko could have drunk an alcoholic cocktail.

“We need to speak from the standpoint of mathematics, based on its weight, concentration is determined,” Kleimenov said.

After these words, experts in the studio began to doubt the words of Roman Shimko, who insisted that the boy could not taste alcoholic beverages.

“There are no secrets or professional confusion, I hoped that Mikhail would come to repent and tell what really happened. We see another round of sets beautiful phrases, scientifically proven for an unprepared audience, the magazine appeared. Behind every word there is nonsense. I have read other conclusions. He is ignorant, he doesn’t know basic things, he has several people on his conscience who were imprisoned for no reason,” forensic expert Viktor Kolkutin accused Kleimenov.

Roman Shimko appeared in the Let Them Talk studio and was surprised why Mikhail was talking about acetaldehyde if it had not been discovered. The man also asked why her number changed during the examination, which lasted four days. Also, the father of the deceased child remembered the mistakes that the specialist made over the years of his work.

“Your 46 mistakes do not interest me,” Kleimenov replied. - Are you an expert now more than I am an expert? I have certificates, I work hard.”

Lawyer and human rights activist Nazar Nazarov stood up for Mikhail. The man thought that Roman was “promoting” his son’s death. The entire studio was outraged by such words, which were considered unacceptable and disrespectful towards the parents in whose family grief had occurred.

“I apologize that I lost my temper and, you know, how I expressed my condolences on the last program, excuse me,” Nazar admitted.

Nevertheless, Nazarov believes that Roman is deliberately attracting public attention to this story. In his opinion, the man is simply afraid that checks will begin, as a result of which his second son will be taken away. Talk show host Dmitry Borisov said that in tomorrow’s episode of the program the grandfather of the deceased Alyosha will appear, as well as the sister of Olga Alisova, who hit the boy.

Dmitry Nazarov, theater and film actor

The history of the Nazarov surname says that in ancient times there were two names from which it could come (and eventually came) modern surname Nazarov. This is the secular name Nazar, and the Hebrew name Nazarius. The latter means “dedicated to God.” History says that the basis for the Russian surname Nazarov was the everyday secular form of the name, and not at all the Jewish one.

As for the ancient Jewish name Nazariy, then the history of the Nazarov surname says that it was formed from no less ancient word nasar, which is precisely translated as “dedicated to God.”

It is reliably known that during the reign of Emperor Nero given name was worn by one of the Christians, whose name was Nazarius, and his life, according to the narratives, was devoted exclusively to worship.

From history it is clear that the Nazarov surname is very old. Today there are also many people with this surname. For example, many Kuban Cossacks wear it.

What do others think about the Nazarovs?

People who receive the surname Nazarov at birth are most often perceived by others as taciturn individuals. In addition, they are to a small extent characterized by such qualities as shyness, elegance, and frankness. It’s quite possible to say about a person with the surname Nazarov that he is versatile, active and cheerful.

Another of their qualities is what is best described by the term “fantastic”. And besides, the origin of the Nazarov surname is such that these people are sensitive, changeable, passionate and lucky.

All this together makes them extremely interesting people- such a set of qualities provides excellent potential for creative development.

Famous bearers of the surname

For many people modern generation one of the most famous Nazarovs is Dmitry Yuryevich. This famous TV presenter, who became famous in last decade on television, since until 2008 he hosted popular show entitled " Culinary duel».

And it must be said that this is not his first and not his last role as a TV presenter. In 2013, Dmitry Nazarov hosted the show “The Hunger Games” on the Friday TV channel, and a year later he became the face of the “Recipe for a Million” project on STS.

During his life, he managed not only to play at the Maly Theater, Theater Russian Army, Sphere and even the Moscow Art Theater. Chekhov, but also get “Crystal Turandot” - theater award. Dmitry Nazarov was awarded this award for the role of Satin in the production of “At the Lower Depths” by the TsATRA Theater.

On television, Dmitry Nazarov also performed main role Viktor Barinov in the television series “Kitchen” (continuing his “culinary” role, he played a chef here). And in the mystical project “Challenge”, Dmitry entered the role of the head of a group named Khromov, who was investigating mysterious crimes. Nazarov also did his best for children’s audiences, taking part in the voice acting of the animated series “DuckTales” in 1992 and 1994.

Also, one cannot help but remember the hero Soviet Union Alexandra Alexandrovich Nazarov, who was a platoon commander with the rank of junior lieutenant. He entered the active army in 1943 and served as a platoon commander in the 243rd Infantry Regiment.

On February 7, 1945, Komsomol member Alexander Nazarov, together with his fellow soldiers, had the opportunity to repel several enemy attacks. He personally knocked out an enemy tank and two self-propelled guns. Nazarov's death was truly heroic - he threw himself with grenades under an enemy tank at the most critical moment, blew up the car, paying for victory in the battle at the cost of his life. On June 27, 1945, he was awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union. A monument to Nazarov was erected near the school where he studied in the city of Kaspiysk.

DOB: 1937-05-05

Soviet and Russian actor theater and cinema, People's Artist of Russia

Version 1. What does the name Nazarov mean?

Jesus of Nazareth was the first bearer of the surname Nazarov

Version 2. History of the origin of the Nazarov surname

The surname Nazarov comes from Tatar name Nazar, because surnames and names in ancient times strong meaning did not have, and in the settlements people were often called by nicknames, then the surnames were formed as follows (accept “who is this coming?” “Ivanov”, i.e. it meant Ivan’s son was coming, etc.). The name Nazar translated from Tatar means “getting up very early at dawn.” Those. This nickname was used to call a person who got up very early, which then apparently grew into the name we are familiar with.
The surname Nazarov is very common and old surname, which is worn by a very large number of people. There are a very large number of Kuban Cossacks with this surname.

Version 3

From the baptismal name Nazar - dedicated to God (Old Hebrew)- more surnames appeared: Nazartsev, Nazaryev, Nazaryev.
Nazarov Elizvoy Semenovich (1747-1822) - architect, representative of classicism. Originally from serfs, he reached the heights of his art. He participated in the construction of the Hospice House (now the Sklifosovsky Institute), built the church of the Lazarevsky Cemetery and the Znamenskaya of the Novospassky Monastery in Moscow.

Version 4

The patronymic from the church canonical name Nazariy (in Hebrew it meant 'dedicated himself to God') in its Russian everyday form Nazar. The name has fallen out of use almost completely. (N). Nazarevs. Read about surnames in -y/them here. This surname is usually from the name Nazar, however in in some cases goes back to the Turkic nazar Arabic. nazar 'look'. (N). Nazarenko - Ukrainian surnames. Nazar, perhaps too, because... For the Russian language, surnames formed from given names without special suffixes are very rare. And in Ukrainian onomastics such surnames are more common.

Version 5

Orthodox name Nazar (translated from Hebrew - ‘he dedicated himself to God’) left its mark in the surnames Nazarievsky, Nazarin, Nazarkin, Nazarov, Nazarovsky, Nazartsev, Nazarev, Nazariev, Nazarenko. Some researchers, however, see in some cases the influence on the formation of these surnames of the Arabic nazar, which means ‘look’, and the meaning of some Turkic Russified surnames is explained as follows: Nazarbayev - ‘the look of the lord, the ruler, the rich man’; Nazarbekov – ‘the owner’s view’.

Every surname has its own origin. This is either a place of residence, or an occupation, or the name or nickname of a distant ancestor by male line. Nazarov is in 258th place in terms of prevalence. The origin of the surname has several theories, let's consider them.

Where did the surname come from?

According to one theory, the origin of the Nazarov surname is from the Jewish male name Nazar. The head of the family - father or grandfather - bore this name at the time of assignment of the family surname. Translated, the name means “detached”, “abstinent”. This surname can often be found among representatives of the Jewish community.

The Tatars also have the name Nazar, but it is translated as “getting up at dawn”, “getting up very early”. Initially, it was a nickname for a person, which grew into a name that is already familiar to us. Well, after a while the name Nazarov appeared. Origin of the surname:

Who is this coming to us?

Nazarov. (The answer implies that Nazar’s son is coming. This is the same principle for the appearance of all nominal surnames).

The surname itself is very common. 50% of people wearing it are Russian, about 5% have Ukrainian origin and 10 - Belarusian. 5% of surname bearers are Bulgarians or Serbs. The remaining 30% are representatives of small nationalities - Bashkirs, Buryats, Tatars, Mordovians, etc.

Many Kuban Cossacks today bear the surname Nazarov.

Religious theory

If we approach it from a religious point of view, then the surname Nazarov received its origin and meaning from the martyr Nazarius (translated as “devoted himself to God”). This holy Christian preached faith in One God during the reign of Nero. For his sermons he was sentenced to martyrdom by being torn to pieces by animals, but the predators did not touch Nazarius. Then the order came to drown him in the sea, but he began to simply walk on water. The Roman legionnaires who saw such miracles were so amazed that they converted to Christianity.

The city of Nazareth was named in honor of Saint Nazarius. According to biblical legends, Jesus was also a bearer of the surname Nazarov. The meaning of the surname in this case is born in Nazareth.

How other people see the Nazarovs

Most often these are people of few words. They tend to be modest but open. Love of life flows out of them like a fountain. Having set a goal, a person bearing this surname shows miracles of activity in order to achieve it. Lucky in life, in personal relationships they are passionate and sensual.

Considering all the listed qualities of people with the surname Nazarov, the origin of the surname and its meaning, it is not surprising that there are so many creative personalities among them.

Famous people

In Rus', the first namesakes are found in records of the 16th-17th centuries. These were important persons of the Murom clergy. During the reign of Ivan IV the Terrible, there was a register of respected families. They were given to subjects as a reward. These include Nazarov, the origin of the surname is unique for Russians.

One of the representatives is Elizvoy Semenovich, born in 1747. Although born into a family of serfs, he became a famous architect of the Classical era. From famous buildings which he built - Institute named after. Sklifosovsky (then it was called the Hospice House), the Church of the Descent of the Holy Spirit at the Lazarevskoye Cemetery (Moscow) and the construction of a church in honor of the Sign of the Mother of God in 1791 (the so-called Znamensky Church) instead of the dilapidated one. By the way, the architect himself is buried at the Lazarevskoye cemetery, next to his “brainchild”.

Born on May 5, 1937. Received the title People's Artist Russia. He starred in more than 150 films, including A. Tarkovsky’s film “Andrei Rublev.”

Another actor who is now quite famous is Dmitry Yuryevich Nazarov. Although many people know him better as the host of the TV show “Cooking Duel” and the actor who played the chef in the TV series “Kitchen.” But few people know that he participated in the voice acting of cartoons, for example, “DuckTales.”

Gennady Nazarov is another theater and film actor. He starred in such TV series as “Truckers” and “Taxi Driver.” All his roles turn out to be cheerful and mischievous, although the actor himself believes that he lacks a sense of humor. And few people realize that this actor has serious problems with kidneys.

Everyone loves the cartoon "Winnie the Pooh", but few people know that the production designer of this cartoon is Eduard Nazarov. The director of the television series “Don’t Be Born Beautiful” bears the same surname.

There are known people with the surname Nazarov who heroically gave their lives for their Motherland. One of them is Hero of the Soviet Union Alexander Alexandrovich Nazarov - with the rank of junior lieutenant, he became a platoon commander and blew himself up with a grenade along with a tank, thereby paying for the platoon’s victory in battle.

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