Perth and Fevronia. The Tale of Peter and Fevronia

The life of Peter and Fevronia of Murom is the ideal of marriage in Christ, true and sacrificial love. They should offer prayers for blessings on marriage and family happiness to be sent down from Heaven, for strengthening relationships, and for admonishing spouses.

Biography of the saints

One day, the family of Prince Pavel, the Murom autocrat, was visited by grief: a snake began to come to his wife, taking the form of her husband. When the devilish deception was revealed, she told her husband about everything. Paul ordered her to use cunning to find out the secret of the snake's death. It turned out that the snake was destined to die “from Peter’s shoulder and Agrikov’s sword.”

Peter and Fevronia of Murom

Peter, having prayed, found out where the sword was kept and plunged it into the serpent. During the battle, the devil's blood splashed on Peter, and immediately his body was defiled with ulcers and scabs.

Many doctors and healers tried unsuccessfully to cure the prince. Surrendering to the Will of God, the prince sent his servant to search for a doctor. The young man accidentally ended up in the house where the girl Fevronia lived. She was the daughter of a tree frog, knew the properties of medicinal plants and understood the language of animals, and had the gift of insight and healing. Having learned about the prince's grief, the girl ordered the servant to bring the prince to her.

Arriving in the village, Fevronia examined the sufferer and promised to cure him. As payment for treatment, she wished to marry Peter. The prince promised to take her as his wife.

In 2012, in St. Petersburg, another piece of relics was shamelessly stolen from a church, brought for veneration by Orthodox pilgrims.

What can you ask from the holy couple?

For a long time, the couple was the patroness of the home. Therefore, first of all, miracle workers are approached with requests for true and pure love. The saints are asked for protection from demonic attacks, from the influence evil people, capable of destroying family idyll.

Saints icon

Those who have not yet found their soul mate pray to the princes to tell them where to find theirs. only love, with whom you are destined to live hand in hand all your life.

Read about Orthodoxy and family life:

Couples who dream of children can pray at the relics for the conception of a healthy child. Although the saints did not have children of their own, they loved and love other people’s children very much.

In front of the icon and the relics of the Murom couple, they pray for healing from ailments, even the most severe and terrible, hopeless ones. After all, during her lifetime the princess was a great healer of human ailments.

Peter is often asked for the gift of courage and bravery, for protection from injustice and evil. It was these qualities that were inherent in him during his earthly life.

Wonders of our time

  • One of the sponsors helping to restore the monastery long lamented the infertility of his wife. When the woman turned 43 years old, through the prayers of the sisters of the monastery and her husband, she gave birth to a beautiful daughter.
  • There was a scandal in the family of the parishioners and the couple filed for divorce. In secret from her husband, the wife came to the relics and begged Peter and Fevronia not to allow a divorce. Through the intercession of the holy princes, the Lord granted the couple family happiness, and the family was restored.

Saints Peter and Fevronia of Murom

  • The girl, a student at a theological seminary, begged to be given a pious husband. Soon she married a seminarian and became a mother.
  • A strange lady visited the Orthodox club for a long time. She looked to be about 40 years old. She was insecure, downtrodden and very shy. After praying to the reverend princes, to the surprise of the club members, she looked younger, her face shone with happiness. Thanks to her strong faith and prayers, she met loving man and “bloomed” with heart and soul, acquired a second youth.
  • Two unmarried girls who were unlucky in love affairs came to Murom to venerate the holy relics. They meekly stood in a huge line, each one asking for the long-awaited female happiness. Very little time passed, the friends found worthy life partners, registered their marriage and got married.
  • One 39-year-old lady tried extremely unsuccessfully to start a family. One day she met a man and decided that he was hers.” last chance" She didn't have feelings for him, so she was worried that family life it may not work out.

Deciding to ask Peter and Fevronia for help, she went to the relics, prayed, and upon returning home a strong quarrel occurred between the future spouses. The wedding did not take place. The disappointed lady decided to devote herself to monasticism and went to the monastery to find out what was required for tonsure as a monk. On the way she came across serious accident. It turned out that the driver of the second car was a deeply religious, church-going man. A relationship began between a man and a woman, they communicated and were friends, and after 7 months they got married. After some time, the woman found out that her ex-fiance in fact, he is a gambler and a heavy alcoholic.

It turns out that Peter and Fevronia saved the prayer book from making a mistake and gave her the opportunity to meet a worthy man.

The holy noble princes were canonized in 1547. Their memory is celebrated from century to century on July 8.

Video about the life of saints Prince Peter and Princess Fevronia of Murom, miracle workers.

The life of Peter and Fevronia of Murom - history eternal love, loyalty and sacrifice. Under Tsar Ivan the Terrible, the couple were canonized for their piety and exemplary observance of marital vows. Their relics are the main shrine of Murom, to which many pilgrims flock. Among them simple people, and Russian tsars.

Their magical love story came to light in 1547, being told by the monk Erasmus and then recorded in “The Tale of Peter and Fevronia.” This work is one of the outstanding examples of literature of the 16th century. Favorite themes are intertwined in the plot folk art: the tale of the wise maiden(as in the tales of Vasilisa the Wise) and the story of the vile snake.


Peter was the brother of Murom Prince Pavel. One day, grief happened in the family. A demon in the guise of her husband began going on dates with Paul’s wife. The woman suffered from obsession for a long time, and told everything to her husband. Paul had to protect his family, but the snake is not so easy to kill. For this, Agrikov’s sword turned out to be needed.

The prince shared his grief with his brother, and he began to look for weapons. He went to church for help and turned to God in prayer. Some time later, a boy appeared in front of him and pointed out that the sword Peter so needed lay in the wall right next to the altar. Delighted Peter took the weapon and first told everything to Pavel, and then went to his wife. Imagine his surprise when he saw his brother in his daughter-in-law’s chambers. Since the prince could not be in two places at the same time, Peter pierced the devil's messenger with a sword. The enemy took on his real form and died, but his poisonous blood fell on the body of the winner, covering it with ulcers and scabs. Not a single doctor was able to help.


Fevronia was the daughter of a beekeeper. Extraordinarily beautiful, smart and kind, since childhood she had healing powers and insight, studied herbs, and got along with animals.

When Peter had a vision in a dream that the beekeeper’s daughter could help him, he had already come to terms with his misfortune. But the servants searched all over the world for a doctor for him. One of the boys ended up in the Ryazan village of Laskovo. Something attracted him to the peasant's house, and he entered the upper room without being greeted by anyone. There he saw a girl who had not expected his arrival and was upset that there were no ears or eyes in the house. She meant a dog that would warn about a guest by barking, and a child that would tell who was coming to them. But the boy did not understand her and asked a question about where the household members were. The answer was even more florid. They say that the parents went to cry on loan, and the brother went to look into the eyes of death.

The guest, despairing of understanding her, asked for an explanation. It turned out that the father and mother went to the funeral, so that later they would come to their grave, and the brother went to climb dangerously tall trees for honey. The young man was impressed by the hostess’s speech. After talking, he learned that her name was Fevronia, and told her about the prince’s illness. After listening carefully to the story, the girl said that she could help.


By the time they found Fevronia, Peter was already so sick that he could not get up on his own. When he was taken to the girl, he promised a generous reward for treatment, but she needed a special reward. Fevronia promised to help only if he marries her. The young man did not intend to do this, but promised for the sake of a chance for healing. Then she blew on the leaven and ordered that after the bath all the wounds except one should be smeared with it.

The prince agreed, but decided to play a trick on the girl, telling her to weave a scarf and a shirt for him from a small bunch of flax while he washed. Fevronia responded by passing a piece of wood through the servant with a request to make a machine out of it so that she could complete the assignment. Peter replied that this was impossible. To this she said that his request was the same. The prince was pleasantly surprised by her intelligence.


The prince followed Fevronia's advice and as soon as he did everything she told him, his skin cleared up and the pain went away.

But it was no coincidence that Fevronia ordered to leave one ulcer untouched. She knew that Peter was planning a deception and treated his body, trying to heal his soul. The bath symbolized the rite of baptism, and the treatment was supposed to save the prince not only from leprosy, but also from pride. After all, although the prince was grateful for the miraculous recovery, he refused to marry a commoner, deciding that rich gifts would be enough for the girl. Fevronia did not accept such gratitude, and Peter, who returned home, again began to be covered with scabs, multiplying from the ulcer left behind.

Peter had no choice but to return to the healer. He was afraid of her anger and resentment, but they were not there, she only asked that the promise be fulfilled. Peter sincerely said that this time he would not deceive. Fevronia repeated the treatment, and the prince became healthy again. He returned to Murom with the future princess, Fevronia, whom he later fell in love with very much, just as she loved him.

When the time came for Paul to go to God in 1203, Peter headed Murom. He was good ruler , but the residents did not like his choice of wife. The boyars slandered Fevronia, and when this did not help, they rebelled. Wanting to immediately get rid of the commoner, they ordered her to take everything she wanted, if only she would get away as soon as possible. The choice of the princess pleased the boyars who were aiming for the throne, because all she needed was Peter.


This state of affairs did not anger the Murom prince, because he could not part with his wife and betray his love. He voluntarily left all his wealth and power, going with his beloved wherever he looked.

That's how they got on the ship, where besides them there was also married couple. The young man looked at Fevronia, and she again showed her wisdom. She asked the man to scoop up two ladles river water on both sides of the ship and try them. He did not find a difference in taste and asked why such a request was made. The girl explained that female nature is also the same as this water, thereby forcing the would-be lover to repent.

When the journey ended, Peter despaired, and his wife could not console him. Then she decided to show him a miracle. Seeing a couple of broken trees, she blessed them, and by morning they turned into healthy ones.

Not even a day had passed before good news came from Murom. The boyars very much asked the spouses to return to reign, since they themselves only shed blood and could not share power. Peter and Fevronia accepted the request.

The further life of Peter and Fevronia

The 25-year reign of Peter and Fevronia was long and happy. They did good, helped those in need, and gave love and care to all residents. Their reign was not marred by either the thirst for money, or quarrels and discord. People loved and respected them very much for this. Shortly before their death, the couple took monasticism with the names David and Euphrosyne.

There is no reliable information about whether there were children from their love. According to the chronicles, David and Euphrosyne had three children: Svyatoslav, Yuri and Evdokia. They also had a grandson Oleg, but they all died before their parents. One way or another, all Murom residents can be considered their spiritual children.


The couple loved each other so much that they could not imagine life alone and prayed to God to let them die on the same day. The subjects were ordered to bury both in one coffin.

When he felt his death approaching, he sent a messenger for his wife. At this time, Euphrosyne was doing needlework for the temple and asked for time to finish the embroidery. The messenger was sent a second and third time until the wife had to quit her job and convey the news to her husband that she would not leave him. Last minutes Before their death, the couple spent time in prayer and passed away at the same time. This happened in 1228.

After life

When the couple was found dead, people disobeyed the request to bury them together. It was decided that since they took monastic vows, Peter, as a legitimate prince, would be buried in Murom, and Fevronia’s grave was to be in a monastery outside the city. Leaving a coffin for two, which had been prepared in advance, they made a separate one for each, and for the funeral service the deceased were in different churches.

Imagine the surprise of the people when the bodies of the dead were not found in the morning where they were left. They ended up in their common coffin. People were surprised, but again made an attempt to separate the spouses. However, in the morning the miracle of love repeated itself. After this, the will of the princes was fulfilled, and they are buried in a single coffin.

  • a song about the battle of Zigurd with the serpent Fafnar and the union of the hero with the things of the maiden;
  • the saga of Ragnar and Ladbrok;
  • the story of Tristan and Isolde.

Historical figures

Erasmus, who in worldly life bore the name of Ermolai the Sinful, was a biographer. The fact that his story was based on real events, there is no doubt. But about those who are known as Peter and Fevronia, is not known for certain. They could be the following people .


The grave was located near the Church of the Virgin Mary. At Soviet power were moved to the museum, and the Cathedral was destroyed. The shrine was returned to the Church in 1989. Now a particle of the relics, along with the icon, is in the Moscow Church of the Ascension. There are weekly services dedicated to these saints. Part was stolen in 2012. Another part is located in the Murom Monastery. The flow of pilgrims never stops there who ask for recovery and family well-being at Peter and Fevronia. The legend about their life still lives, although so many years have passed.

Peter and Fevronia Day

  • According to the old style, the holiday was celebrated on June 25.
  • Now, according to the new style, their memorial day is celebrated on July 8. It was then that their relics were transferred to the Nativity Cathedral, and the holy spouses died in April. For the Slavs, mowing and swimming began on July 8th. Before him, it was impossible to enter the water without looking back. It was believed that mermaids lived on the shore. Saints were already revered then, and due to the coincidence of the two holidays, the day was called Fevronia the Rusalnitsa.
  • September 19 is also considered their holiday in memory of the transfer of the relics in 1992. This holiday is intended for those who would like to get married on the day of these saints, since July 8 falls on Petrovsky, only engagements took place on this day.


After the approval of a national holiday in honor of the saints, monuments are erected to them as a reminder of the example of an ideal marital relationship. They are often visited by those getting married. The opening of monuments usually occurs on July 8th. So many sculptures is not dedicated to any other Orthodox saint.

Relationship to history

In 2008, on the initiative of Murom residents with the assistance of Svetlana Medvedeva, the Day of Remembrance of Saints became an official national holiday. This holiday is a Russian alternative to Valentine's Day on February 14th. The symbol is chamomile - such a simple, sunny and beloved flower. Also, July 8 is Murom City Day.

Despite this, some believe history hypocritical and based on blackmail. But if you read it carefully, you can see that the Lord brought the paths of the saints together. Fevronia was a seer and knew that life with Peter was destined for her by God. And indeed, the saints lived pious lives, helped many people, and sincerely loved and supported each other. This is what should be the basis of any happy and strong family.

The history of Russia is rich in examples amazing life many Christian ascetics. One of the most revered are Peter and Fevronia of Murom, whose love story is known throughout the Orthodox world. Thousands of people flock to their miraculous relics every day with requests for help in arranging family life.

Few people do not know who Peter and Fevronia are. These are Russian Orthodox saints who ruled the city of Murom in the 13th century. The amazing life story of the prince and his wife has become a model of a Christian family, marriage and mutual understanding.

Currently, the relics of Peter and Fevronia rest in the Trinity Monastery of the city. IN Soviet period history, when Christians were persecuted, this shrine miraculously escaped desecration. Wanting to stop the constant pilgrimage to the miraculous relics of the prince and his wife, the authorities moved them to the local history museum, where they were located until the collapse of the USSR.

The holy saints Peter and Fevronia became famous not for any selfless actions, but for their ability to acquire the Grace of God through the virtues of humility, mercy and self-denial.

The story of the eternal love of the ruler of the city of Murom and his wife, which did not stop even after death, became a model for Christians. The spouses gained holiness not through exploits or childbearing, but through loyalty to each other throughout their lives.

The story of Peter and Fevronia

The story begins with a story about St. Peter's brother, Prince Paul. He then ruled Murom, and a prodigal snake-werewolf began to fly to his wife. The monster took on the face of a spouse, and in this image penetrated the woman.

She managed to find out that the snake would die “from Peter’s shoulder, from Agrikov’s sword.” The younger brother found a magic weapon and defeated the snake. But his blood got on the skin of the winner, causing Peter to become covered with ulcers and scabs.

He was healed by the wise maiden Fevronia from the village of Laskovo, having made the prince promise to take her as his wife. But he did not want to marry a commoner and decided to pay off the girl with expensive gifts. As a result, he fell ill again, returned to Fevronia, repented of his actions and married her.

The couple ruled Murom, but the local nobility was dissatisfied with the origins of the prince’s wife. They did not want to obey her and expelled her from the city. Her husband went with her. Without them, riots began in the city - the nobles squabbled over the right to rule Murom.

Having realized my mistake, local residents asked the spouses Peter and Fevronia to return to the city again. The narrative ends with the story of their death. They took monastic vows with the names David and Euphrosyne. They asked the Lord to let them die on the same day and hour, and they bequeathed to bury their bodies in a single coffin, which they had prepared while they were still alive.

The prince and his wife died at the same time, but the residents did not put them together. The next morning, their bodies miraculously ended up in a single coffin, but the townspeople separated them again. The same story repeated itself a second time. Then Peter and Fevronia were buried together, as they had bequeathed. Since then, they have been revered inseparably, and their relics still rest in a single shrine in the Trinity Monastery in the city of Murom.

Useful video: the story of the eternal love of Peter and Fevronia

Miracle Workers Remembrance Day

July 8 (June 25, old style) is a public holiday: Day of Family, Love and Fidelity. On the same day and hour, the holy righteous people, Peter and Fevronia of Murom, departed to the Lord on the same day and hour.

This day was also considered special among the pagan East Slavic peoples. After its arrival, hay harvesting began. In general, many significant Orthodox dates echo this calendar.

The holiday became a state holiday in 2008 on the initiative of the residents of Murom and with the support of Svetlana Medvedeva, the wife of the President of the Russian Federation. The symbol became a simple but beautiful field daisy, pictures of which can be seen everywhere on this day.

This is interesting! Every year on the day of Peter and Fevronia, solemn services are held in the city’s churches, and thousands of pilgrims from all over the country and neighboring countries flock to the relics of the noble princes in the Trinity Monastery. In the evening there is a concert on the embankment.

Researchers delving into historical details find some inconsistencies. The chronicles report that the prince and his wife went to the Lord on Easter week. There was no way it could have fallen on July 8th.

It is quite possible that this is the date of the transfer of the relics of Peter and Fevronia to the new Cathedral of the Nativity of the Virgin. The exact time of its construction is not known, but in the 16th century. it has already been erected. The shrine was located there before the arrival of Soviet power.

There is another day of Peter and Fevronia - September 19. On this day in 1992, their relics were transferred to the Holy Trinity Monastery. It is better to get married on this date, since July 8 falls on Peter's Fast.

The story has now been translated into modern language. The original was written in Old Russian. Detailed history You can read about the holy prince and his wife on the Internet on almost any Orthodox portal.

Those who prefer the paper version should try to find the book in a specialized store or go to the church shop of the nearest temple or monastery. Orthodox monasteries usually have a wide selection of literature, where you can learn in detail or briefly about the lives of all the righteous.

Wikipedia about the holy righteous

Wikipedia reports that reliable sources pointing to the story real prototypes no heroes found. Researchers have several opinions on this matter:

  1. Peter is Prince Davyd, and Fevronia is his wife Euphrosyne. He ruled the city at the beginning of the 13th century (1205–1228). Then he took monastic vows and received the name Peter. No reliable information was found about his wife. Considering that similar names are indicated in Yermolai’s story, we can assume that this version is most similar to the truth.
  2. Other scholars are inclined to believe that the holy princes are just folk characters. They were not related to any individuals in real story, but were created in the imagination of people over the centuries.

All information about the life of the righteous is based on information obtained from the legend of Ermolai.

Life history of the holy princes

The life of Saints Peter and Fevronia is an example for every person difficult relationship between a man and a woman who managed to overcome the difficulties of earthly life and maintain love even after death. The problems they faced in ancient times remain relevant today. A lot of controversy flares up around their lives.

Most likely, the monk Erasmus did not have accurate information about the events that preceded the marriage of the princes. Therefore, the beginning of the story is more like a fairy tale - it is built on folklore images and allegories.

Future life spouses is quite consistent with reality. There is nothing supernatural about it. Following the marriage is a completely logical discontent of the boyars. Peter did not try to suppress the rebellion by force, but simply followed the Christian laws of humility and mercy. He trusts in the will of God, and soon the situation is resolved successfully.

Informative! Strong prayer for successful trading

The last scene from the earthly life of the princes makes the greatest impression. Never parting, they departed to another world in the same way - at the same time.

The canonization of Peter and Fevronia took place in 1547, but they began to be venerated long before that time. In Murom it was passed down from mouth to mouth amazing story life of the prince and his wife. It was on the basis of these stories that “The Tale of Peter and Fevronia of Murom” was written in the middle of the 16th century. The compiler of the work was the church writer monk Erasmus (Ermolai the Sinner).

There are many images telling about the life of Peter and Fevronia. Hagiographic icons became especially widespread. In the center of the canvas is an image of the saint, and along the edges are the main moments of his life.

One of these images, which formerly hung over the tomb of the righteous, is now in local history museum cities. It tells about their life in chronological order in strict accordance with the story of the monk Erasmus:

Near the Spaso-Preobrazhensky Monastery in Murom, where it is believed that he completed his earthly path Prince Peter, a bas-relief was erected in memory of these saints. Behind him, on the fence, scenes from the lives of saints are also depicted.

This is how the St. Petersburg artist and icon painter Alexander Prostev depicted the miracle workers:

The story of Peter and Fevronia is adapted for children. But it is only presented in the form of a fairy tale. This interesting book, in which two storylines are intertwined:

  1. About a wise maiden from a simple family.
  2. About a terrible monster that was defeated by a brave hero.

This version of the work is included in school curriculum primary classes. Therefore, people learn about who Peter and Fevronia are from childhood. The story is accompanied by bright illustrations that allow kids to better understand the essence. Perhaps they will learn lessons from this tale that will influence their future lives.

Another look at the life of the righteous

Some people, far from Orthodoxy, hold a different point of view about the true circumstances of the life of these holy saints of God.

All episodes of this beautiful legend are criticized:

  1. The serpent who came to Paul’s wife was either very narrow-minded, or he himself staged the scene of his murder. The sword was found in a nearby temple, and main character story was the only one who could defeat him. But, most likely, this whole story is nothing more than a figment of the author’s fevered imagination.
  2. Fevronia is a cunning and selfish girl who wanted to become a noble person. No one but her could heal the sick prince. She took advantage of his helplessness and, through blackmail, forced him to take her as his wife.
  3. The prince is a weak-willed hypocrite. Having taken an unloved woman as his wife, all his life he imagined her as a dear wife.

How did such individuals manage to get on the lists of Orthodox saints? In 1547, when they were canonized, Ivan the Terrible led active work to transform Moscow into the Third Rome. But there were not enough native Russian Orthodox ascetics in the country at that time, so the autocrat issued a decree on the “search” for suitable candidates. The Russian Orthodox Church, trying to curry favor with the sovereign, even canonized fairy-tale characters.

Important! The righteous are prayed for help in family matters, ask for a successful marriage and love.

Useful video: history of the holiday of Peter and Fevronia Day


The lives of the holy righteous should not be taken literally. Is this true or just beautiful legend, everyone decides in their own way. This story is riddled with symbolism. It reflects the true purpose of the spouses - the fight against their own selfishness and harmony in marriage. The saints showed an example of love not only for God, but also for each other. Therefore, the story about their life has not lost its relevance for many centuries.

July 8 - Orthodox holiday family and marriage, the day of the blessed Prince Peter and Princess Fevronia of Murom, who are considered the patrons of the spouses. In Russia, in 2008, the all-Russian holiday “Day of Family, Love and Fidelity” was established, which received official status. Svetlana Medvedeva proposed making the chamomile its symbol. About the holiday loving friend people remember their friend more and more often. Will it become a counterbalance to the Catholic Valentine's Day? Will lovers give each other daisies instead of valentines?

The life and death of Peter and Fevronia

Peter was the second son of Prince Yuri Vladimirovich. He fell ill with leprosy, which no one could cure. One day, suffering Peter had a dream (according to other sources, there was a vision) that only a simple pious girl Fevronia, who lived in the village of Laskova near Ryazan, could help him. She knew how to heal with herbs. Her father collected honey from wild bees. Peter found Fevronia, who was able to help him. However, Peter soon fell ill again, as he did not fulfill his promise to marry Fevronia. The prince returned to the girl and asked her to forgive him. After Peter recovered, he took Fevronia as his wife. After some time, Peter, who inherited the reign of the Murom land, had to leave the city, because Fevronia was a commoner and did not fit into the boyars’ court. But turmoil began in Murom. The boyars turned to the prince with a request to return and rule the people. Peter returned with Fevronia, after which the unrest ceased, and the Murom land received a wise prince. In their old age, the couple took monastic vows and took the new names of Euphrosyne and David. However, they ended up in different monasteries and suffered greatly without each other. Peter and Fevronia constantly prayed to God to grant them death on the same day. On July 8 (June 25, old style) 1228 they died. They were placed in different coffins, because these people were monks. But miraculously the couple ended up in the same tomb. In 1547, Peter and Fevronia were canonized by the Orthodox Church.

Any Russian has undoubtedly heard about Saints Peter and Fevronia of Murom. These are miracle workers who have become examples married couple, who lived in love and fidelity for many years, a symbol of an ideal marital union....

Any Russian has undoubtedly heard about Saints Peter and Fevronia of Murom. These are miracle workers who have become an example of a married couple who have lived in love and fidelity for many years, a symbol of an ideal marital union. Humility, meekness and other Orthodox virtues were recognized through their example.

In 1547, Peter and Fevronia of Murom were canonized by representatives of the Christian Orthodox Church.

The story about them was written down on paper at the same time, in the 16th century.

The Murom prince Pavel, who ruled the city at that time, had a younger brother Peter.

One day, Prince Peter began to get sick, his body suddenly became covered in ulcers and boils. He sought salvation from an unknown disease from doctors in Rus' and overseas countries, but no one could help the noble man.

Then the prince sent messengers to all lands with a request to find someone who would heal him. And so the prince’s envoy stopped by a Russian village. There he met a girl who amazed him in conversation with her wise reasoning. The guy suggested that she try to heal the prince.

The girl asked the prince to come to their village, but warned that he could be cured if only he knew how to keep his word and was kind to others.

The girl's name was Fevronia. As a reward for healing the prince, she asked him to marry her.

When Prince Peter was brought to the village, the girl blew on the sourdough and ordered the prince to wash himself in the bathhouse and then spread the sourdough on all the ulcers and scabs, leaving one scab.

Peter followed all her instructions - he went to the bathhouse and, after washing there, smeared himself with the healing mixture, except for one scab. Immediately he felt relief, his skin cleared, there was no more pain.

However, a girl named Fevronia not only seemed, but was truly very wise. She understood that Prince Peter needed to first of all heal his soul, ridding it of vices, and only then would his body be healed. Fevronia remembered that the Lord sends illnesses as punishment for sins and therefore, foreseeing the possible deception of the prince due to baseness of thoughts, she ordered him to leave one scab.

Peter was amazed at such a quick recovery and richly rewarded the girl. However, he did not want to marry her, as he had previously promised, since she came from an ordinary family. Fevronia sent all the gifts back to the prince.

Peter returned to hometown full of strength and health, with only one remaining small sore. But after some time, from this last scab, ulcers and boils again spread across his body.

This time Peter pacified his pride and returned to the wise girl with the firm intention of keeping his word and taking her as his wife. The prince sent an envoy to her with pleas for forgiveness. Fevronia did not hold any grudges in her heart and agreed to heal the prince completely and become his betrothed.

In the same way, Fevronia blew on the leaven and gave it to the prince. Peter, this time finally cured, kept his word and made the girl a princess, taking her as his wife.

When Paul, who ruled in Murom, died, Peter began to reign in the city in his place. The boyars gladly accepted the new prince, but their noble wives plotted against the commoner Fevronia.

Tricked by their evil spouses, the boyars lied about the modest Fevronia and set the condition for the prince to expel the girl from the city. The prince obeyed and ordered her to leave, taking with her only one favorite thing. Fevronia said that she only wanted to take him, her beloved husband, with her.

Prince Peter remembered that the Lord commanded to be with his wife in sorrow and in joy and went into exile with his wife. They sailed from Murom on two ships.

At dusk they landed on land. The prince was very worried about them future fate. The wife reassured Peter, urging him to hope for God’s mercy.

And she was right. A day later, the boyars from Murom sent envoys, asking the princes to return, because after they sailed, the nobility could not choose another ruler, everyone fought and now they wanted calm and peace again.

The future saints did not become angry with the boyars who had offended them and returned. They ruled Murom wisely and fairly for many years, respecting God's commandments and sowing goodness around. They took care of the townspeople, provided assistance to the poor, were like loving parents for your own children.

Despite social status people, they gifted anyone with love and warmth, prevented evil deeds and cruelty, did not sweat over money, and loved and revered God. The townspeople appreciated and respected them, striving to help everyone, feed and clothe them, heal the sick and give instructions to the lost.

Having reached old age, Peter and Fevronia took monastic vows at the same time, taking the names David and Euphrosyne. They prayed to the Lord for the opportunity to die on one day and their subjects were ordered to rest them in one coffin, which had only a thin wall.

However, after their departure to God, the townspeople thought that since the couple had accepted monasticism, they could not be buried in the same coffin, as they requested.

They cut down two coffins and left the spouses for funeral services in different churches.

But in the morning the townspeople saw that the individual coffins were empty, and the bodies of the princes lay in a double coffin, carved from stone during their lifetime.

Not realizing the miracle that had happened, the dull townspeople again separated the spouses, but the next morning Peter and Fevronia rested in a common coffin.

After this, people finally understood that God wanted it this way and laid them to rest in a joint stone coffin, close to the church of the Holy Mother of God.

And to this day, people in need, sick and unhappy, make pilgrimages there. And if they come there with sincere faith and hope, then Saints Peter and Fevronia of Murom will grant them healing and family happiness. And the story about mutual love and the fidelity of spouses lives on for centuries.

In 1993, the relics of the holy princes of Murom were transported to the Trinity Cathedral of the Murom Holy Trinity Monastery.

In 2008, July 8, the Day of Family, Love and Fidelity, was recognized national holiday at the state level. IN Orthodox churches On this summer day, they hold a service in honor of Saints Peter and Fevronia of Murom and again tell the story of their love to grateful descendants.

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