“Weighted and happy” at home. Weighted and happy

"Weighted and happy" is the Ukrainian version of the popular American project "The Biggest Loser"(The one who lost the most). The essence of the project is that participants suffering from excess weight, not just “lose weight in live", but they are also trying to win a prize of 250 thousand UAH. (about 30 thousand dollars)!

Premiere of the project " Weighted and happy" took place on September 1, 2011 on the STB channel.

20 project participants " Weighted and happy" are divided into two teams, each of which is trained by a professional trainer for 5 months. Under the careful supervision of trainers and nutritionists, the participants will have to go through physical tests, diets, temptations and weigh-ins. They will have high-quality sports equipment at their disposal. It depends only on the participants, how they do and what they eat in the absence of trainers!

At the end of each week, teams weigh-in to determine the total weight lost. The team that loses the least weight must vote to determine which of the participants will go home, since they did not allow the team to win. The winner will be the participant who lost the most weight during the project.

The host of the show Weighted and happy" - Lyubava Greshnova. This is her first experience working on a national channel as a TV presenter.

When I was 18, I had to lose 12 kilograms in a month for the role,” Lyubava admits. - The funny thing is that the project never took place, but my life changed dramatically after that! I became much more confident in myself, and this was reflected in my career, which rapidly took off after losing weight. The project in which I act as a presenter is really close to me.

Train teams Anita Lutsenko And Igor Obukhovsky.

Anita Lutsenko- master of sports and silver European champion in sports aerobics, multiple champion of Ukraine in aerobics and fitness, certified Pilates specialist, teacher at a training center in the field of fitness. Her mottos: “No pain - no result!”, “Don’t try to do something, just do it!”, “The body’s reserves are limitless!”

The problems of the show participants arose due to excess weight, I don’t feel sorry for them, I help them get rid of their problems. I think their perception of life is changing. My task is to bring them to the end, to the desired form. Anita Lutsenko.

Igor Obukhovsky- teacher (presenter) of the NIKE International Fitness Conferences, winner of the Ukrainian fitness instructor competition in 2008, winner of the Crimean karate championships, winner of the Ukrainian Funk Aerobics Cup in 2003, teacher of international fitness conferences, winner of the fitness competition instructors of Ukraine in 2008, winner of the Ukrainian Cup in funk aerobics in 2003. His motto: “You want it! You can! You do!”

I hope the project will help not bring our country to a state of global obesity. Igor Obukhovsky.

After every episode of the show" Weighted and happy"The post-show is presented to the attention of the audience. The post-show is hosted by Natalya Bochkareva. Together with a nutritionist and psychologist in the studio, Natalya helps TV viewers, using the example of project participants, to understand the problem of excess weight. Each broadcast of the post-show is thematic. Not without guests in the studio, they were celebrities who in their lives faced the problem of excess weight.

The topic of losing weight in Ukraine has never been presented in the form of a show. These were always some kind of programs from the series useful tips. They were quite boring and uninteresting to watch, especially for prime time. Project manager Alexey Gladushevsky.

“Weighted and happy” at home

You can always look at fire, water and how others work...

...or lose weight, to paraphrase famous saying. It is on this principle that the show “Weighted and Happy” is built - the Ukrainian version of the famous “The Biggest Loser”.

The point is this: a group of people with large excess weight gathers (from 92 to 213 in last season), which is located at the sports base for several months. Professional trainers, nutritionists and a psychologist work with the participants. In addition, they participate in various competitions, where victory or defeat makes staying on the project easier or harder, respectively.

Once a week there is a weigh-in, and one of the participants who lost the least weight drops out of the project. All action is accompanied by emotions, superhuman efforts, grievances, friendship, necessary and not so self-sacrifice or cunning strategies. Some people try very hard, but the weight doesn’t come off, others, on the contrary, are more lazy, but at the same time never make it into the relegation contenders... And, rooting for the most attractive participants, you never know what will happen in the end, your favorite will win or go home, you will disappoint him or you will begin to respect him even more.

I'll be honest: I really love this show.

Firstly, it is highly motivating. It is very difficult to lie on the couch when so many people, through sweat, tears, and overcoming themselves, become better, healthier, more beautiful. The transformation from a helpless creature into a beautiful trained person charges you with the desire to immediately start training, pick up dumbbells or go to the pool.
Secondly, human passions - this is a terribly fascinating thing, like any peeking through windows. How they manifest themselves in different difficult situations participants, how their relationships develop, how they step over themselves - shown “excellent”.
Thirdly, even despite the fact that the director’s goals for the show come first, the patterns of life of overweight people and the psychological changes that lead to weight loss are clearly visible.
We do not participate in the show and live in Russia, but can we lose weight as effectively and efficiently as the participants in “Weighted and Happy”? Yes, we can. Let's decide what changes participants go through and what they can do on their own.

1) Reasons for weight gain.

There are different cases weight gain, but most often there are two reasons:

  • a stressful situation that was very actively “eating” (one of the participants had a divorce and loss of business, another had the death of a loved one);
  • And family style nutrition (2 brothers participated in the third season, each of whom weighed more than 200 kilograms at the start of the training.)

If you treat only the symptoms, the disease will recur. It is very important to analyze and determine the cause of excess weight gain so that the weight does not return in the near future.
If your reason is emotional overeating, learn to find pleasure in other ways; if these are incorrect eating habits, learn not to overeat or snack, the predominance of fatty and unhealthy foods - find a healthier, but no less tasty alternative.

2) Pity and treating yourself as weak.
It is very difficult, almost impossible to walk when you weigh 170 kg. Then one of the participants in the third season found a solution - she simply stopped walking, instead of this one of the few available activities, she hired a driver and began going to work.
And, of course, the hostility of others towards full body does not add joy to life and does not make it easier. But the position “I am weak” is initially a failure, because constant self-indulgence does not make you strong, only weaker.

What you can do yourself:

Replace pity with self-care, recognition of the need to devote time, effort, and money to your body.

3) Acknowledgment of the problem and responsibility.

Many fat people don't think they have problems. Yes, overweight, big deal.
“There must be a lot of good people”, “Men are not dogs, they don’t throw themselves at bones”, “we all have a heavy bone in our family”, “it’s genes” and other, other excuses. You cannot change a situation without recognizing that it exists. You can't become slim without recognizing your fullness. Often it is the recognition of the fact of excess weight that becomes the impetus for losing weight.
In “Weighted and Happy” this moment is shown very clearly and even cruelly. Participants of the second season were exhibited in a transparent cube in the center of Kyiv and asked the opinion of passers-by about their figure. The third season participants weighed themselves in a large circle of people.

What you can do yourself:
Weigh yourself, calculate your body mass index, calculate your body fat percentage. There is a percentage of fat or excess weight above normal - acknowledge this fact. This will give you the opportunity to change and make your life better.

4) Changing relationships with others.
Body changes cannot but affect relationships with others. Increasing attractiveness and self-confidence gives the person losing weight the opportunity to communicate more, find compromises, and change habitual behavior strategies. Some of the participants learn to be more open and trusting, some learn to cooperate and make friends, some become more mature and independent. Changing appearance affects change inner world or vice versa? We can say that changes work both ways.

What you can do yourself:

work on yourself, become better, move forward. Don't put off life until later. Resolving habitual conflicts can give you the strength to change your lifestyle and your body.

Are you familiar with the program “Weighted and Happy”? How was it useful to you?

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The show Weighted and Happy thundered throughout the CIS. Despite no longer new format program, each of its releases attracts thousands to TV screens! The main goal of the whole action is to show people what it is healthy image life and how it works, what can be done with excess weight. Recommendations and advice from mentors can help everyone build their body!

How to lose weight Weighted and happy: diet

The main question that almost all people are interested in is what Weighted and Happy ate on the program. Meals were organized by experienced nutritionists based on the health status of the participants and their weight. Basic tips on how to lose weight with the help of proper nutrition can be divided into 7 rules. Stick to them - and you will notice the result soon!

5 principles of nutrition:

1. The diet must be balanced, containing fats, proteins, carbohydrates, vitamins, minerals and other compounds.
2. Calorie intake should be kept at the minimum level. This is about 1400 kcal.
3. Diet makes the difference! There should be 4 mandatory meals a day, with breakfast being the largest.
4. The interval between the last meal and sleep should be on average 3-4 hours.
5. Should not be allowed strong feeling hunger or overeating.

To see with your own eyes how to lose weight, real advice must be strictly followed. Don't allow yourself moments of weakness, snacking on buns or just one candy for today. Listen to the advice of nutritionists - because they give rules that really work! Also look at what we buy daily!

Advice from women and trainers who have lost weight: physical activity

As you know, it is impossible to lose weight without diet or physical activity. These two components are required for every person who wants to change their body. It's important to know everything. Our tips on how to lose weight properly also include general recommendations regarding training. Do you want to know how to lose weight quickly and improve your body shape? 5 basic rules will help you:

1. Training should be regular and orderly, at least 2 per week, normally 4.
2. The difficulty and weight of classes must be increased gradually. For example, to start, choose 2 kg dumbbells, then 3, 5, 7, and so on.
3. Alternate your activities. Supplement your running with cardio, strength training, aerobics and any other methods.
4. Don't be lazy. It’s always difficult to start, so when the next morning after your first workout you feel a hell of a strong feeling – don’t give up!
5. Always take control measurements and weighings, keep a diary, build diagrams. Create anything that will show the progress of your classes.

Knowing how to eat right to lose weight, it won’t be difficult for you to stay in shape! Do you think these recommendations are relevant to many people? Do you play sports, listen to the advice of nutritionist Svetlana Fus on how to lose weight with proper nutrition? Express your opinion in the comments and share this material with your friends on social networks! Read one more article for the summer about how to find out important tips in advance.

“Zvazheni i Shchaslivi” is the Ukrainian version of the popular American project “The Biggest Loser”. The essence of the project is that participants suffering from excess weight will lose weight, and even compete for a prize of 250 thousand UAH! 20 participants will be divided into two teams, each of which will be trained by a professional trainer for 5 months. Under the careful supervision of trainers and nutritionists, participants will have to go through physical tests, diets, temptations and weigh-ins. They will have high-quality sports equipment at their disposal. But it depends only on the participants how they do and what they eat in the absence of coaches! At the end of each week, the teams undergo a weigh-in, which will determine the total weight lost. The team that loses the least weight must vote to determine which of the participants will go home, since they did not allow the team to win. The winner will be the participant who lost the most weight during the project.

In September 2014, Ukrainian television pleased its viewers with the release fourth season"Weighted and happy." “Zvazheni i Shchaslivi” is a popular competitive television show in which overweight people from all over Ukraine participate.

Perhaps many of you are already familiar with the American progenitor of this kind of television show, “The Biggest Looser.” The bottom line is that participants who are overweight, in a reality format, get rid of extra pounds and compete for the main cash prize. Of course, they can’t do it without the help of professional trainers. In “Zvazhenі and Shchaslivi” the role of fitness mentors is:

  • Anita Lutsenko is a purposeful and bright, silver European champion and master of sports aerobics. Anita does not give her players a minute of rest if she sees that they are able to continue training;
  • Vyacheslav Uzelkov is a famous boxer who inspires participants with his sports results and does everything possible to accomplish the main task - weight loss for his players;
  • Vasily Virastyuk - “The Most strong man Ukraine" in 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2005;

The host of the TV show, the famous Ukrainian coach Miroslava Ulyanina, provides moral support to the participants. She herself faced the problem of excess weight, but pulled herself together and through exhausting diets brought herself to weigh 38 kilograms.

Every Thursday, television viewers watch the three teams train, after which the participants perform the competition program. Whoever copes with the task worst of all leaves the project and continues to lose excess weight on his own. And of course - where would we be without weekly weigh-ins!

Last year, 8 couples took part in the show. Let us remind you that in the sixth season the winner was the 28-year-old former athlete and champion of Ukraine in kickboxing Arkady Vasylishin, who lost 132 kilograms.

New items for season 8 of the show

On August 30, 2018, the 8th season of the show “Weighted and Happy” started on the STB channel. This season promises to be the hardest in every sense of the word. In the eighth season, the show's host changed. Vyacheslav Uzelkov and his wife Marina Borzhemskaya-Uzelkova remained as coaches, but they were joined by the strongest of the Ukrainians, Vasily Virastyuk. And Miroslava Ulyanina appeared in front of TV viewers as the new presenter.

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