Where is the ellipsis placed? What does the ellipsis mean in different cases?

An ellipsis is a punctuation mark in the form of three dots placed side by side, indicating reticence and the possibility of continuing the text. In the old days, this sign was called “ottochie”. What cases of using ellipses do I find in the text?

Firstly, in sentences 18 “The Germans, emboldened, run towards him screaming.” and 26 “The fighters realized how the communication line was restored.” this sign denotes understatement, the possibility of continuing the text.

Secondly, in sentence 17 “Just don’t unclench.” ellipsis is used to indicate reticence: “What if he unclenched his teeth? Communication would not have been restored and the offensive would have been disrupted.”

Thus, I can conclude that the ellipsis, along with the general separating function, has a number of specific, varied meanings, which most often reflect the emotional coloring of speech. 110 words.

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Let's start with what an ellipsis is. Ellipsis is a punctuation mark used in Russian to indicate pauses or incompleteness. It is important for any person to know why ellipsis is needed in order to understand what the interlocutor or author meant literary work and so that he himself can use it correctly in writing. What is the ellipsis used for?

Rules for using ellipses

Schoolchildren are often asked to write an essay about why ellipsis is needed. You can easily write an argumentative essay on this topic once you know all the cases in which ellipsis is used. This is exactly what we will talk about now.

An ellipsis is used in a sentence to indicate incompleteness, interruption of a thought caused by external interference or excitement: “He was beautiful... But I can’t understand how such a person could beautiful person do such disgusting things..."; “It might be worse for everyone, but I can’t just leave and I can’t just forget...”

Also, ellipses are used to indicate the continuation of an interrupted story or the missing beginning of a text or sentence: “Listening to him was incredibly boring, and I was distracted all the time, but he did not react and continued his story: “... but these obstacles did not stop us, we must were to reach the finals at any cost.”

Ellipsis can also be used to indicate pauses during a sharp transition from one action or event to another, when changing thoughts, decisions, or unexpected conclusions: “The sun was shining calmly and joyfully, framed by approaching clouds, it was warm and quiet outside... Suddenly , the sky became dark in an instant, it got dark and thunder struck.”

If you are writing an essay about why ellipsis is needed, you can indicate that it is used in working with quotations. Using separate offer or a fragment of it, an ellipsis indicates the use of only part of the text: “An ellipsis is not just a sign that we use without realizing it, without noticing, it is traces of words that have escaped from a sentence, tiptoed out of it” - “An ellipsis is not just a sign... these are traces of words that have escaped from the sentence, tiptoed out of it.” To indicate the omission of an entire sentence or several sentences, an ellipsis with angle brackets is used, which is placed in the place of the omitted sentences.

Also, ellipsis is used to indicate the intervals “5...8 months”, “expected temperature +20...25 degrees”

Why do you need ellipsis in essays and exams? Tests your knowledge of why ellipses are needed, GIA (state final certification). Therefore, it can be useful to use ellipsis along with other punctuation marks in the exam; it is especially important to be able to use it correctly when working with quotations.

If you are writing an essay for an exam about why ellipsis is needed in the State Examination Test, you can use it to emphasize unexpected moments, add mystery and sophistication, without stating obvious things and conclusions, but replacing them with ellipsis, which gives the reader some freedom in interpreting what they read, and also pausing before dramatic moments.

Now you know why you need an ellipsis, how and for what it can be used. Use it correctly, write correctly and get high grades.

The text will become impoverished and crumble into phrases that express nothing. And periods and commas are natural barriers, without which it is impossible to come up with a single sentence.

There is one more sign that deserves attention - the ellipsis. What does it mean and where is it used? How not to overdo it with periods, is it appropriate to insert them to make the text more emotional? Find out in this article.

What is an ellipsis?

The ellipsis is in the text. Depending on the language, it consists of three dots (Russian, English) or six (Chinese). Also, the ellipsis can be horizontal or vertical.

It is interesting that ellipses are used not only in writing, but also in mathematics, for example, when compiling number series: 1, 2, 3, 4...100.

In this case, the ellipsis means that numbers that can be inferred logically are skipped. There are too many of them to write everything down, so they put several points to replace them.

History of the sign

Can't be named the exact date the appearance of an ellipsis, which means its undoubted antiquity.

One of the first cases of using this punctuation mark can be considered treatises Ancient Greece. In them, the ellipsis replaced the semantic part of the sentence, which was already clear to everyone. For example, “Mind your own business, otherwise you will get hurt!” could have been written as "Don't interfere, otherwise..."

In Greece and Rome, ellipses in sentences meant incompleteness of thought. The sign was also used in Latin records.

Quintilianus, one of the ancient thinkers, urged his compatriots not to overuse ellipses, since they caused sentences to merge into one large piece of text that no one could understand. This cry has caused a lot of controversy: how to understand where it is “appropriate” to use a sign and where it is not needed? How to use ellipses correctly and what does having too many dots mean?

The use of ellipses in Russian literature began in the eighteenth century with light hand Karamzin. He entered the sign as artistic technique to enrich the text. In prose, ellipses denoted emotionality and incompleteness of thought.

After a while, this sign turned into ordinary life, the letters are full of dots, which means: the sign has taken root and “gone to the people.”

Ellipsis in literature

IN literary text You can find ellipses much more often than in non-fiction. The fact is that ellipses at the end of a sentence mean incompleteness and incompleteness of thought, which authors of scientific articles cannot afford. In addition, ellipsis in literature can:

  • Talk about the character's depression. If in the hero’s monologue there are an abundance of ellipses, then most likely he is saddened by something and speech is difficult for him.
  • Also, ellipses indicate thoughtfulness. Imagine: the hero mutters something, his speech is intermittent and incomprehensible. To accurately convey the sensations of such behavior, the author can write his speech in continuous text, separating words with ellipses.
  • Ellipses can be used to convey understatement, to maintain mystery, as in Greek manuscripts. This sign is able to hide behind itself what is already clear to everyone.
  • Ellipses are a sign of an open ending. If they are at the very end of the book, then the author allows the reader to come up with their own ending based on the information already learned.
  • In the speech of heroes, ellipses can also become a sign of intermittent breathing, difficulty speaking, and difficulties with pronunciation.

And that's not all. Since the eighteenth century, ellipses have become firmly established in Russian literature and acquired many meanings. Usually there is no need to explain the meaning of this punctuation mark. It becomes clear to the reader from the context what the ellipses at the end of sentences mean.

Terms of use

There are some rules for using this sign:

  1. When writing an ellipsis, it is separated from subsequent letters by a space. Moreover, it is adjacent to the closing word: she was... very beautiful.
  2. If the meaning of the ellipsis should be adjacent to the comma, then it will “eat” it: I loved her... but she was angry with me.
  3. If you want to write both an ellipsis and a question (exclamation) mark, then they are combined: really?.. Incredible!..
  4. It is interesting to write question and exclamation marks with ellipses: How dare you?!
  5. Direct speech, where there is a dash after the sign, if there is an ellipsis, is not separated by a space: “Did you know?” she asked.
  6. These punctuation marks remain in quotation marks when speaking directly: She said: “I’m not sure...”
  7. When using an ellipsis at the beginning of a sentence, it is not separated by a space: ...he came late in the autumn evening.
  8. In number series, ellipses are not separated by spaces: 1, 2, 3...7.
  9. When quoting an incomplete expression, the missing part is replaced with ellipses: at the beginning, in the middle or at the end of the quotation, depending on where the text was cut from.
  10. If a significant part of the quotation has been cut out, then the ellipses are framed by angle brackets on both sides.
  11. If the quotation ends with an ellipsis, then an additional period is placed after the brackets:

M.V. Lomonosov wrote that “the beauty, splendor, strength and richness of the Russian language is evident from books written in past centuries...”.

What does an ellipsis mean in correspondence?

Ellipses have passed not only into literature, but also into everyday correspondence. If your interlocutor sends you an SMS with a bunch of extra dots, then they want to tell you something.

So, what does the excess of ellipses in correspondence indicate:

  1. Your interlocutor is dissatisfied with you, your words or behavior. Perhaps they want to shame you with the help of dots.
  2. Too many ellipses may mean that the interlocutor is having a hard time collecting his thoughts; the topic of the correspondence has offended him.
  3. Your interlocutor wants his letter to be more mysterious and lengthy.
  4. A separate ellipsis sent may be a sign of confusion or unpleasant surprise.
  5. Another separate ellipsis can stand for “Are you serious?” or “I won’t even comment on this.”
  6. An ellipsis at the end of a message can be a sign of sadness. Pay attention to the overall tone of the letter.

When to put it on and when not to?

You should intuitively know when an ellipsis is appropriate and when it is not. In the same case, if you are not sure whether to use this sign, it is better to refrain from it.

Remember, punctuation marks are like spices in a dish. No one will like too much seasoning, everything should be in moderation!

IN oral speech we can convey our words using intonation. In one place we raise our voice, in another we lower it, somewhere we take a short pause to catch some air, and at certain moments we put long pauses so that our interlocutor can think and comprehend everything that was said to him earlier.

In the written word, we can replace intonation with punctuation marks. Enthusiastic statements are indicated exclamation point. It is customary to end a question we ask an interlocutor with a question mark. Each poet and writer had his own favorite punctuation marks in his work. You probably noticed while reading another work, that the great classic placed signs in it that do not correspond to the rules of the Russian language. Where you need to put a comma, there is a dash. And if the text simply requires quotation marks, they are missing. This was especially clear when we shave a book and begin to copy phrases written by someone from it into a notebook with an essay. As a result, having copied officially published information, we barely get a “C” for the essay.

Don't think that the great classics didn't know about the presence of rules in the Russian language. It’s just that in their works they placed more emphasis on intonation. They clearly knew where it was necessary to put a comma so that we could quickly skim through the list with our eyes, where there should be a dash, which, with a sinking heart, leads us from the beginning of an action to its rapid completion, or is a sign that the word will be followed by its explanation. The ellipsis seems to interrupt the phrase, leaving it unsaid by the author. This punctuation mark is indicated by three identical dots located at an equal, short distance from each other “...”. Karamzin introduced this punctuation mark into use. He loved to use it in his works. However, the ellipsis was originally called a “preventive sign.” Yes, this name fully reflects the meaning of these symbols. We say something to our interlocutor, but suddenly we cut off our thoughts mid-sentence and leave the phrase unsaid. After the ellipsis, as a rule, there is a long pause. Unlike a period, an ellipsis carries with it a certain semantic meaning that cannot be ignored while reading the work. The period reduces intonation to zero. After it, we immediately move on to reading the next sentence. After the ellipsis, we freeze in anticipation. It’s as if we want to hear what will happen next, how the sentence ends. However, we will not know the answer to this question.

We can also use an ellipsis to indicate missing words in the text. For example, if we decide to take a quote, but we absolutely do not need a certain number of words in it. These words can distract from the main idea and miss the point we want in the text. In this case, instead of missing words, we put an ellipsis. If words were omitted at the beginning, middle and end of a sentence, then an ellipsis is placed in each case. If we remove several sentences from the text, then we enclose the sign in angle brackets.

Let's start with what an ellipsis is. Ellipsis is a punctuation mark used in Russian to indicate pauses or incompleteness. It is important for any person to know why ellipsis is needed in order to understand what the interlocutor or the author of a literary work meant and so that he himself can use it correctly in writing. What is the ellipsis used for?

Rules for using ellipses

Schoolchildren are often asked to write an essay about why ellipsis is needed. You can easily write an argumentative essay on this topic once you know all the cases in which ellipsis is used. This is exactly what we will talk about now.

Ellipsis is used in a sentence to indicate incompleteness, interruption of thought caused by external interference or excitement: “He was beautiful... But I can’t understand how such a beautiful person could do such disgusting things...” - “Perhaps it will be so.” worse for everyone, but I can’t just leave and I can’t just forget...”

Also, ellipses are used to indicate the continuation of an interrupted story or the missing beginning of a text or sentence: “Listening to him was incredibly boring, and I was distracted all the time, but he did not react and continued his story: “... but these obstacles did not stop us, we must were to reach the finals at any cost.”

Ellipsis can also be used to indicate pauses during a sharp transition from one action or event to another, when changing thoughts, decisions, or unexpected conclusions: “The sun was shining calmly and joyfully, framed by approaching clouds, it was warm and quiet outside... Suddenly , the sky became dark in an instant, it got dark and thunder struck.”

If you are writing an essay about why ellipsis is needed, you can indicate that it is used in working with quotations. When using a separate sentence or its fragment, an ellipsis indicates the use of only part of the text: “An ellipsis is not just a sign that we use without realizing it, without noticing, it is traces of words that have escaped from a sentence, tiptoed out of it” - “ The ellipses are not just a sign... they are traces of words that have escaped from the sentence, tiptoed out of it.” To indicate the omission of an entire sentence or several sentences, an ellipsis with angle brackets is used, which is placed in the place of the omitted sentences.

Also, ellipsis is used to indicate the intervals “5...8 months”, “expected temperature +20...25 degrees”

Why do you need ellipsis in essays and exams? Tests your knowledge of why ellipses are needed, GIA (state final certification). Therefore, it can be useful to use ellipsis along with other punctuation marks in the exam; it is especially important to be able to use it correctly when working with quotations.

If you are writing an essay for an exam about why ellipsis is needed in the State Examination Test, you can use it to emphasize unexpected moments, add mystery and sophistication, without stating obvious things and conclusions, but replacing them with ellipsis, which gives the reader some freedom in interpreting what they read, and also pausing before dramatic moments.

Now you know why you need an ellipsis, how and for what it can be used. Use it correctly, write correctly and get high grades.

Attention, TODAY only!


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