The titular people - Encyclopedia on Putin. Non-titular nation What is a titular nation in geography

Titular people, titular nation: in international law, the people in whose honor the state they inhabit is named. For example, in Uzbekistan the Uzbeks are considered the titular nation, in Russia - Russians.”

Putin called Jews the titular nation in Russia

Having distorted the question about the place of Russians on their land, Putin answered: -

The guarantor of the Constitution of the Russian Federation cooperative written by the Americans is Putin, for catchphrase- “Russians visiting the lands of the Jews” awarded Solovyov the “Order of Honor”

Putin has not ignored the main “titular” citizen of Russia, Berl Lazar. His broad chest as a “defender of the Russian people” was decorated with the Order “For Services to the Fatherland”, IV degree.” And Putin doesn’t care that the fatherland of his personal rabbi is in distant Italy.

Receiving the next award from the hands of the guarantor, Berl Lazar assured his spiritual son is that his half-child arrived in Crimea for permanent residence with his family to establish his titular nation among the Tatars and Germans.

The family of Yehezkel Lazar intends to remain in Simferopol until the coming of the Messiah. Photo from personal archive Yehezkel Lazar.

I really want to acquaint the dishonest, idiots and provocateurs of all ranks with the truth.

State-forming nation

The indigenous people in Russia - the Russian People, and each of its representatives, do not have Russian Federation national, both federal and constitutional rights, i.e. discriminated against based on nationality. According to UN criteria, a state is considered mono-ethnic if more than 2/3 of its population belongs to the same ethnic group. That is more than 67%. The share of the indigenous Russian people in the population of Russia is 79.83%. And at the same time, in UN documents Russia is designated as a multinational state. What's the secret? Who benefits from eliminating the concept of “state-forming nation” from our vocabulary? Who are the Russians interfering with? Who is trying to blur our role in the life of Russia?

Russia has always stood apart in world politics. We have always had our own opinion, our own point of view. Even if we entered into any alliances, it was only in leading roles. Just 24 years ago, it never occurred to anyone to declare that such a nation as the Russians did not exist. And now not only foreign, but also our native politicians, artists and even deputies are talking about this. Probably overseas they still remember the Russian threat and are trying in every possible way to block it. But there is no threat. We do not lay claim to other people's lands. We just want to live peacefully on our land and raise our children the way we want. In the 90s of the last century, Russia underwent intervention. Foreign culture, foreign capital, foreign life values. They hit us mainly, the Indigenous Russian people, the majority. We were poisoned, corrupted, soldered, killed, evicted; there is no mention of the Russian people even in the Russian Constitution. But we survived. Even though we lost a lot. Now they are simply trying to technically erase us. How unnecessary file from the computer's memory. And it’s a shame that this is done mainly by the hands of our own compatriots. They even took away our right to emphasize our nationality in identity documents. But we live and continue to be the majority in this beautiful and great country. Despite everything.

Bottom Line

Improving the living conditions of the indigenous Russian People, growth national identity and national self-determination of the indigenous Russian People and small indigenous peoples of Russia.


Legislative consolidation of the status of “Indigenous Russian people - state-forming people” in all regulatory legal acts.

On the fields;

Art. 3 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation - that's it:

1. The bearer of sovereignty and the only source of power in the Russian Federation is its multinational people.

Art. 3 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation - it should be like this:

1. The bearer of sovereignty and the only source of power in the Russian Federation is its multinational, multi-confessional, fraternal, ROOT people of Russia

2. The people exercise their power directly, as well as through organs state power and local governments.

3. The highest direct expression of the power of the people is a referendum and free elections.

4. No one can appropriate power in the Russian Federation. Seizure of power or misappropriation of power is punishable under federal law.

This is how it has been on Russian soil since ancient times, is and will be!

Olezhek also tried to argue with fate, but fate is inevitable!

Titular people

Dictionary of sociolinguistic terms. - M.: Russian Academy Sci. Institute of Linguistics. Russian Academy of Linguistic Sciences. Responsible editor: Doctor of Philology V.Yu. Mikhalchenko. 2006 .

See what “Titular people” is in other dictionaries:

    titular people- Cm.: titular nation

    Titular people- See: Titular nation...

    titular language- 1) Language of the titular nation. A term used since the early 90s. 2) A language whose name coincides or correlates with the name of the ethnic group after which the national state or national territorial entity is named. For example:… … Dictionary of linguistic terms T.V. Foal

    - (Titular people) Nation (nationality), on whose ethnonym the name of the administrative-territorial entity is based. Usually it is socially dominant in this formation (Tatars in Tatarstan, Yakuts in Yakutia). See also Title... ... Dictionary of sociolinguistic terms

    titular nation Dictionary of linguistic terms T.V. Foal

    Titular nation- (titular people) A nation or nationality on whose ethnonyms the name of the administrative-territorial entity in which the titular nation is dominant is based... General linguistics. Sociolinguistics: Dictionary-reference book

    Population of Ukraine- ... Wikipedia

    Autonomous Region (PRC)- This term has other meanings, see. Autonomous Okrug. Administrative division People's Republic of China Supraprovincial level (6*) ... Wikipedia

"was first introduced by the famous French poet And politician nationalist movement by Maurice Barres in late XIX century. Barres understood it as the dominant ethnic group, whose language and culture become the basis for state system education. Barres contrasted titular nations with national minorities (representatives of the titular nation living outside its national state, for example, at that time the French in Alsace and Lorraine) and ethnic diasporas (ethnic groups within the territory of the nation state, for example, Jews and Armenians in France). Barres believed that a nation state can only be strong if two conditions are met: national minorities and ethnic diasporas must remain loyal to the state of the titular nation, and the titular nation must support “its” national minorities abroad. Barres developed this classification during the Dreyfus affair.

Titular nation in Russia

This concept and its definition are excluded from the legislation of the Russian Federation as having, in fact, a declarative nature and legally incorrect.



  • Sternhell Z. Maurice Barrès et le nationalisme francais. Bruxelles, 1985.

see also

Wikimedia Foundation.

  • 2010.
  • Kraniotis, Dimitris

Booth, John Wilkes

    See what “Titular nation” is in other dictionaries: TITLE NATION - TITLE NATION, part of the population (see POPULATION), the nationality of which determines the official name of the state. The concept of a "titular nation" was introduced by the French poet and politician Maurice Barrès at the end of the 19th century. IN… …

    See what “Titular nation” is in other dictionaries: encyclopedic Dictionary

    titular nation Dictionary of linguistic terms T.V. Foal

    Titular nation- (titular people) A nation or nationality on whose ethnonyms the name of the administrative-territorial entity in which the titular nation is dominant is based... General linguistics. Sociolinguistics: Dictionary-reference book

    Titular nation- (Titular people) Nation (nationality), on whose ethnonym the name of the administrative-territorial entity is based. Usually it is socially dominant in this formation (Tatars in Tatarstan, Yakuts in Yakutia). See also Title... ... Dictionary of sociolinguistic terms

    See what “Titular nation” is in other dictionaries:- used in the humanities, including constitutional law, a characteristic of a nation, by the name of which the corresponding state or national state entity is named. (S.A.) ...

    titular nation- part of the population of a state, whose nationality determines the official name of this state (Federal Law On the State Policy of the Russian Federation towards compatriots abroad dated May 24, 1999) ... Large legal dictionary

    Nation- (lat. natio people) a historically established form of community of people that arose on the basis of a common language, territory, economic life (I would say economic and political life V.G.) and mental makeup, manifested in the community of culture... ... Theoretical aspects and basics environmental problem: interpreter of words and ideomatic expressions

    Title nation- the nation that gave its name to the national state or national state formation within the Russian Federation. For example, in Chuvashia the titular nation is Chuvash, in Buryatia Buryat, etc. The term titular nation was introduced in... ... Human ecology

    INDIGENOUS NATION- a concept used in the humanities, including constitutional law, to designate the nation that is considered to have originally inhabited the relevant territory and therefore claims preferential rights in relation to this ... ... Encyclopedic Dictionary of Constitutional Law

Since the mid-90s, since the formation of sovereign states former USSR, issues related to national self-determination are increasingly arising. In this regard, media reports are filled with the concepts of “nation”, “titular nation”, “nationality”, “nationality”, “ indigenous people", "ethnic group", "ethnos". How can an ordinary person, without special sociological and ethnic knowledge, understand all this? And main question, is it the titular nation or citizenship?

“Nation” and “titular nation” - what are they?

Sociology interprets it as any ethnic group that has developed historically, develops and reproduces itself in a specific territory. A nation is a social and economic totality, including a common language, cultural traditions, economic relations, psychological characteristics and ethnic characteristics of the population.

It should not be confused with the concept of “nationality,” which includes representatives of an ethnic group throughout the entire planet.

The concept of “titular nation” appeared in sociology relatively recently - at the end of the 19th century. French politician Morris Barrens introduced the term "titular nation" in relation to the dominant ethnic group in a state, where it is the language of this nation that determines the education system and cultural traditions become the basis of statehood.

Indigenous nation - titular?

The term "indigenous nation" refers to the united indigenous peoples living in a specific territory. It is necessary to understand that an ethnos or ethnic group is an association of people closely related by long common residence and phylogenetic origin. Nation is a natural and social concept.

Only that nation, that ethnic group, which as an ethnonym is included in the name, is called titular public education, becomes the basis for civil statehood. It is worth noting that the titular nation is not a norm enshrined in law, but is often a social concept.

In the modern generalized understanding, the titular nation is an unfinished result of scientific and theoretical construction.


Sociologists and ethnographers often come to contradictions when discussing these concepts. A branch of sociology has been formed, called “ethnic sociology,” whose task is to study complex and often contradictory national-ethnic relationships. To understand the content of such relationships, in historical paths development, in the formation of ethnic self-awareness, the emergence of the national question and ways to solve it - this is a modest list of tasks of the young science.

Is the titular nation an indigenous people?

Various schools of enosociology, Western and post-Soviet, often use and apply these concepts not always in the same way. Most often, the terms “indigenous nation” and “indigenous peoples” are used interchangeably.

A nation living historically is considered indigenous long time in a given territory, for example, Armenians in Armenia, Ukrainians in Ukraine, Tatars in Tatarstan.

But the titular indigenous nation will become the primacy of its language in the general educational structure of public education. Be it an autonomous republic, a state or a district.

World examples

There are mono-ethnic and multi-ethnic states. Although this division is arbitrary and neither the UN nor UNESCO have issued any official regulatory documents. There are few mono-ethnic states in the world - those where 95% is the share of one ethnic group and the political borders are the same as the ethnic ones. Examples of such countries are Japan, Norway, Madagascar, Bangladesh, Egypt, South Korea, Somalia, Armenia, Albania, Greece, Italy, Denmark, North Korea, Malta, Poland and Portugal. The list does not claim to be completely reliable, since different sources different indicators are taken as the percentage of monoethnicity.

Definition problems

In the modern situation, with the multi-ethnic composition of the overwhelming majority of countries, the division of the country's citizens into titular and non-titled ones, with the provision of preferences and privileges to some over others, the problems of titular nations have become an issue in many states. Namely in the countries of the post-Soviet space, as well as Great Britain, Yugoslavia, Spain, Czechoslovakia. Example conflict situations When national differences are resolved, armed conflicts arise, generated by chauvinism and nationalism.

Titular nation of Russia

Russia is a multinational state. Today, its territory is home to 180 ethnic groups speaking 170 different languages. has 81% of the total population. The definition of the titular nation, it would seem, does not raise any questions - these are Russians. But the category of titular nation is not legally enshrined in any document; political scientists and legislators have not yet finished the debates and negotiations.

In one of his speeches, Russian President V. Putin named a list of titular nations: Russians, Tatars, Chechens, Bashkirs, Dagestanis, Jews, and so on.

In Russia, only in autonomous Dagestan, Kabardino-Balkaria and Tuva, the percentage of representatives of the titular nation is more than half of the total population. But in Chechnya there are only 2% Russians, and 98% are the indigenous population.

Ignoring national and religious characteristics, disrespect for the traditions of indigenous peoples as the titular nation of certain territories, chauvinistic conclusions of the “most Russians” in last years in Russia led to a certain tension regarding the issue of the titular nation being Russians. Human rights activists and legislators offer various regulations to consolidate the titular nation of the Russian Federation.

The multiethnic composition of most modern states represents a multifaceted national-ethnic system. Stockholm international institute published a study of global problems, which indicated that 78% of conflicts involving weapons since the mid-1990s are based on inter-ethnic differences. Issues of national self-determination and self-awareness are coming to the fore today. Tolerance and respect for people who are different from us in any way are the key to peace and prosperity of humanity on our planet.

There is an interesting post, which I quote verbatim (Remo).

In connection with the recent statement by the President of Russia (he is also a “guarantor” of something), I had two questions.

“But I would like for us, in Russia, to see, first of all, the birth rate increase due to the so-called titular nations: Russians, Tatars, Chechens, Bashkirs, Dagestanis, and so on.”

Interesting. What is a “titular nation”?

TITLE NATION, part of the population whose nationality determines the official name of the state. The concept of a "titular nation" was introduced by the French poet and politician Maurice Barrès at the end of the 19th century. In the national-state formations of the USSR, the titular nation was in a privileged position relative to other ethnic groups. A local nomenklatura was formed from representatives of the titular nation; they received benefits upon admission to educational establishments(“national personnel”), the language and culture of the titular nation were supported at the state level. The exception to this rule were the Russians in the RSFSR.
(Encyclopedic Dictionary. 2009.)

Someone might say that some dictionary is not an authoritative source. Okay, I’ll give a definition from the Law of the Russian Federation:

The titular nation is a part of the population of a state, the nationality of which determines the official name of this state (Federal Law “On the state policy of the Russian Federation in relation to compatriots abroad” dated May 24, 1999).

So in Russia, whether anyone wants it or not, there is only one titular nation - Russians!
Of course, there will be cretins who will howl that the Russian Federation is a multinational state. Firstly, in this issue the presence of other nationalities does not matter. And secondly, have you ever wondered how “multinational” our state is?

There are 111 million of the titular nation—Russians—in Russia. In second place are the Tatars - 3.5 million, but in reality - only half of this number, and the rest do not know the Tatar language, have mixed heavily with the Russians and define themselves as “Tatars” only because of the titanic efforts of Tatarstan. It should be taken into account that the so-called “Crimean” and “Kazan” Tatars are two completely different nations, with different history, culture, and absolutely different languages. In third place are Ukrainians - 2 million. In fourth place are the Bashkirs, 1.5 million, of which a little over a million live in Bashkortostan (29% of the population of the national republic, and Russians in Bashkortostan - 36.5%, we are the national majority in national republic Bashkir, yes). In fifth place are the Chuvash, 1.4 million (the decline is three times greater than that of other peoples. It is unlikely that the Chuvash are dying out en masse - rather, they are being rewritten as Russians). And only in sixth place are “the beauty and pride of the president of our Federation, the Chechens, about 1.4 million.

Quote (I don’t know how true the above conclusions are, but they were published on a serious resource):

So there can be no talk of any real “multinationality”; there are more than 80% Russians in the Russian Federation. And if we eliminate the federal division along national lines (introduced by the Bolsheviks), which is detrimental to the integrity of the country, then very many non-Russians will even “register” as Russians.

So, question one . Putin is not educated enough and does not know what a titular nation is, or is he deliberately insulting the Russian nation, equating it to the mythical non-existent “Dagestan nation” and others like them? (With the same success, one can declare “Volga region residents,” Sakhalin residents, and Muscovites a nation).

I would like to remind you that this is not the first time Putin insults Russians. In 2011, he was even tried by the tribunal of the All-Russian Officers' Assembly (in absentia, of course).

I consider it unacceptable nonsense when the president of the Russian country Russia openly displays Russophobia and insults the titular Russian people.

In this regard, I have second question . Why is everyone silent?

What I mean. There must be some kind of legal mechanism so that in cases of such anti-state behavior the head of state is held accountable. I don’t know how this should work - the prosecutor’s office, the constitutional court, the Duma. Public Chamber, or who else do we have? Or is everyone there just afraid?

Again, why are the leaders of officially registered patriotic and Russian national parties and movements silent, or their main activity is writing theoretical manuscripts about their personal great contribution to the cause of the national revival of Russia?

These are my two questions. Who knows the answer?

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