The labor market is a set of economic and legal procedures during which people can exchange their labor services for wages. Man on the labor market

Everyone knows about the concept of “good work.” It’s like a myth, like a dream, it’s there somewhere, sometimes it’s almost within reach. Some lucky people have it, and many people want it. She is welcome in any family, she fills life with happiness. She is a magical vessel in which the well-being of us and our children is hidden. She is an absolute creation, she is the “fifth element”, she is ideal and she is individual, she is different and unique for everyone. We dream of it, we invent it ourselves again and again, because after a while even the most “good work” loses its irresistible features and becomes commonplace. Sounds familiar, doesn't it?
So what’s the matter, how to get to this wonderful country, what kind of bait do you need to put on to catch a goldfish? Who is this happy owner of a “good job” and how to become one? Let's try to figure it out and get as close as possible to the desired splendor, which is almost guaranteed to fall on you along with your “GOOD JOB”.
So, step number 1
If you already have a job and it suits you, well, not that much, but still a kind of “okay” job. You need to urgently want, first of all, to want, to have a “magic vessel”.
For example: I am a civil engineer, and after about 5 years of working on various sites, I began to realize that something was wrong. That is, everything was fine and the salary was paid, the team was good and the management was supportive. Thanks to them all, but:
I wanted more salary.
I wanted to climb the career ladder.
I wanted to build something special, and preferably more sophisticated.
I told myself: “I will be ready to do everything in my power to get my then dream, my “magic vessel”.” I wanted it so much that everything else faded into the background, I couldn’t help but think about her, I saw myself as the owner of this “good job.” Now I understand that I didn’t want so much, but then I really, really wanted to achieve a new job and certainly a good one.
Most people think about changing jobs only when “clouds appear on the horizon.” Our task is to always wish for a better place. This desire should become your life habit.
I have a friend who follows this path with his head held high, he made the catchphrase “only the brave conquer the seas” as his motto, working in different positions, he is constantly searching for a “better life.” Over the past 4 years of our acquaintance, he found 4 new places with “good work”, improving his salary indicators from time to time. Now he is “on horseback” again, his job allows him to work on a schedule of a month of work followed by a month of rest and at the same time have a stable monthly income of 60,000 rubles. He started out as a master builder and now works in the oil and gas industry. A conscious need turned into a habit of life is a great power.
Step #2.
Imagine a person, the best specialist in your profession, an outstanding worker. He has control over any labor resources; there are no tasks that are impossible for him. He glows with energy that overwhelms him, he has thousands of brilliant ideas. Now imagine that this hero of labor is YOU. In order to have a “good job”, your self-esteem must be high, otherwise you will remain a dreamer. You should not treat this stage of implementing the plan to capture a “valuable trophy” as a formality; it is directly related to the most difficult and responsible next step.
Step #3.
The leopard reaches a speed of about 120 km/h in pursuit of prey, in order to feast on a juicy insect, the chameleon throws out its tongue, increasing its length by 20 times, the snake lies in ambush for days waiting for its prey. The laws of nature are inexorable; in order to achieve something, you need to move in the intended direction, be patient and act, act.
Example from life: My wife is a cashier. 7 years of experience. Then the birth of a child, already 2 years of isolation from the changing labor market. One day we talked and I asked: “What do you want to do in the near future? And what kind of job is it?” You know the answer: “The work must be good!” We talked a little more and now a list has emerged of what the minimum needs to be done and what to possess in order to meet the requirements of employers for this position. How to achieve all this, how to meet this new level of requirements? Strive, learn, achieve. Advanced training courses, training courses for 3 months, cost 10-12 rubles, but if you look for it you can get it for free. You come to the labor exchange, fill out all the documents and receive unemployment benefits, free consultations with lawyers on the rights of the unemployed, help from a psychologist and the opportunity to take the courses you need so much, followed by employment in a new specialty. The main thing is to tell everyone that you only need a new “good job.” There is no good job yet, but there is a certificate of completion of specialized courses, and there will be an entry in the work book, and an extra plus on your resume.
I received my driver’s license even earlier, studied and passed the exams while having a baby.
It improves computer literacy; by the way, they also helped me get a job at the labor exchange, because if you don’t watch endless TV series, you have enough time for many useful things.
Look around you, there are plenty of opportunities to take care of yourself in terms of professional development and acquiring new skills, and not all of them are so expensive. Having before your eyes a list of “feats” that need to be accomplished to realize your dream of a good job, and by taking action, you can advance very significantly along this path and almost “reach for the stars.”
So, you have already turned into a hunter for a “valuable trophy”; your equipment is being improved thanks to the effective actions you have taken. You are a pearl fisher, and therefore you know that every new attempt to plunge into the world of learning will make you richer both professionally and personally. Call your friends from your previous jobs and tell them about your unshakable intention to get a “good job”, tell them about your achievements, report on the actions taken and in no case listen to “well-wishers” who preach their fatal attitude towards life and justify their laziness the proverb “You can’t jump higher than your head.” The purpose of these calls is to find out if there is a person in your immediate environment who already has the job you want. If you are lucky and find such a person, then in conversations with him you will be able to find out all the nuances of your future “acquisition” and perhaps even an ally and mentor in matters of finding a “good job”.
Next stage, step number 4.
The times when the issue of hiring a new specialist was decided in the HR department of an enterprise have sunk into oblivion. The industrial age has given way to the information age, the Internet works tirelessly for our benefit, regardless of the time of day and time zones. The online labor market is truly limitless, endless rows of virtual vacancies are replaced by orderly rows of resumes. By typing “required...” into the search engine and following the links you will find and see that there is a “good job”, that there are vacancies, read the requirements for the applicant. Compare the list of requirements with your list of achievements, analyze the difference, and if the differences are not critical, then you at least meet the standard requirements of this “good job” and have every moral and professional right to bring in the “heavy artillery.”
Compose a resume and post it on employment sites and pages of recruitment agencies. Spend your time creating a competent resume; if you cannot print and save it electronically, ask your friends and family for help. Contact the recruitment agencies in your city, these are, without exaggeration, great helpers in finding a “good job”, here you will receive help and advice on professional resume writing completely free of charge. Understand that a good resume is as important as a good car on the race track; it is an indispensable companion of a successful specialist, it is the key to success in the fight for the best vacancy. Once compiled and periodically adjusted, it will reveal your personal and professional qualities and tell employers about your aspirations and potential capabilities. It is you, it attracts the attention of employers and recruitment agencies. It is a free advertising agent, tirelessly presenting your persona and providing objective information about you. Help him, send him to all corners of the vast labor market, sow the seeds, send your resume to recruitment agencies and post it on the most popular employment sites. Tell the whole world about yourself, reap your “minutes of fame”, all employers should have the opportunity to get to know you through your resume.
. Many thanks to this portal for tirelessly caring about me and my well-being. Just think about it, without making a single visit, I visited 516 people and told them about myself, if all these acquaintances took place in reality, I would probably be exhausted from endless visits, stories about myself and periodic refusals. My gatekeeper did all the grunt work for me, my resume, and the job offers that came in were extremely consistent with my wishes and ideas of a “good job.”
Finding a “good job” is, without a doubt, also work, and if you approach this activity responsibly and professionally, then success is inevitable. I can tell you with full responsibility that there is such a profession as “a successful person in the labor market.” There are thousands of them, and probably hundreds of thousands of these free workers, independently mastering new areas of knowledge, analyzing labor markets, working with vacancy databases, and engaging in PR promotion of their own person. In the past, present and future tense, they are the happy owners of the valuable prize of “good work”. And as their professional qualities grow, I mean, the qualities of a “successful person on the labor market”, they receive an increasingly perfect result of their work - a “good job”, and with it family well-being, personal and professional development, an increase in the level of well-being, career advancement, respect from friends and colleagues.
This is a very good profession, and if each of us takes a closer look at it and tries to learn the professional skills that correspond to a “successful person in the labor market,” then finding a good job will be as easy and familiar as completing a daily task at our main place of work. Changes are for the better, in order for life to change it needs to be changed, take care of yourself, take care of your work, find a “good job” and be happy.

7.1. Choosing a profession and searching for a job are important stages in a person’s social realization.

7.1.1. Education is the basis of professionalization and a social guarantee.

7.1.2. Taking into account inclinations and abilities when choosing a profession and work.

7.1.3. Self-marketing.

7.3. Preparation and presentation of information about yourself on the labor market. Writing a professional resume.

7.4. Labor career: concept, meaning, types, planning and implementation.

7.5. Labor contract: advantages, structure, significance in social and labor relations.

Terms and concepts.

Questions and tasks for individual work.

Literature for in-depth study of the topic.

In previous chapters, we studied the labor market and employment from a macroeconomic point of view as generalized, abstract socio-economic phenomena. At the same time, these generalized macroeconomic phenomena are concretely embodied in the specific actions of specific people, primarily employers and employees, including you and me. We must know the laws governing employment and the labor market in order to effectively use this knowledge in specific actions to form our human capital, choose a profession and find a suitable job, plan and implement our work career, conclude and implement labor agreements, etc. , in general - for successful social and labor implementation in your life.

The materials in this chapter are primarily aimed at developing the student’s skills of rational behavior in the external and internal labor market. After studying them, you should be able to determine your professional inclinations and abilities, correctly present information about yourself on the labor market, purposefully search for and find suitable work, plan and implement your work career, enter into an employment contract, and consciously seek to realize your interests in social and labor relations.

Choosing a profession and searching for a job are important stages in a person’s social realization

Education is the basis of professionalization! Social guarantee

From Chapter 4, you are already well aware of the great importance of education and training in ensuring a high quality workforce and worker competitiveness in the labor market. You also know that modern conditions of socio-economic development form new requirements for the quality of the workforce, compliance with which determines the competitiveness of the employee in the external and internal labor markets.

Since you are currently studying at a university, you undoubtedly highly value the importance of higher education for success in later life (otherwise you would not spend time, effort and money investing in human capital). Therefore, you not only correctly assess and understand the importance of obtaining a high level of education, but are also actively working in the right direction to build up your own human capital. It remains only to determine the significance of education as a basis for professionalization and social guarantee.

The higher the level of education a person has, the more he knows and the better he can learn, the faster (other things being equal) he can learn additional professional skills, master a new profession, navigate changing situations, make the right decision, etc. Then In modern rapidly changing economic and technological conditions, a high level of education means, first of all, the readiness of people for a dynamic professional life, which is the basis of competitiveness. This explains why we call education the basis of professionalization.

At the same time, education is now becoming an important social guarantee. Without the proper level of education, a person may not find a suitable job at all and may not be realized in his professional life. The higher the level of education a person has, the fewer competitors she has in the labor market, which means the wider her choice. An employee with a high level of education can apply for a job that requires high qualifications. At the same time, he may agree temporarily to a simple job if he is attracted by its other parameters (earnings, work hours, location, etc.). A person with a low level of education can only count on simple unskilled work, which is often hard, harmful, dangerous, unpleasant, etc. In other words, education expands a person’s choice in the labor market, increases her chances of successful employment and decent labor income and reduces the likelihood of being unemployed.

Thus, obtaining a high level of education becomes a necessary stage of successful professional implementation in modern conditions.

After graduating from college, you will all find yourself in the role of salespeople. True, the product that you will offer for sale will be of a special kind - this is your ability to work. This is what you will be selling all your life, trying to get the highest possible price.

Labor market- a set of economic and legal procedures that allow people to exchange their labor services for wages and other benefits that firms agree to provide them in exchange for these services.

Thus, the labor market connects people who want to sell their labor services and organizations that want to buy these services to carry out their activities. The latter are usually referred to as “employers” or “tenants”.

First of all, we note that the product sold here is labor services:

1) extremely diverse (the labor services of a waiter and the labor services of a banker are very different from each other);

2) does not exist separately from the people who provide these services.

Features of the functioning of the labor market:

1) the demand here is not for labor services in general, but for services of a certain type and complexity (for example, not for the services of drivers in general, but for the services of bus drivers with a certain level of qualifications and experience);

2) along with the national one, there are local labor markets (for example, the labor market of the Ivanovo region or the labor market of the Krasnodar Territory), in which the ratio of demand for labor services of the same type and their supply can differ significantly;

3) the supply of labor services may vary due to the fact that people are able to change professions by acquiring a different qualification.

Wage rate- an amount of money paid to an employee for labor services provided by him during a certain period of time (hour, shift or month) or necessary to perform a certain amount of work (for example, the manufacture of one part).

The productivity of demand in the labor market determines the dependence of the situation on it on the state of affairs on the commodity markets, i.e., it sets the framework within which market trading can develop here. Derived demand is the demand for factors of production generated by the need to use them to produce goods and services.

An employee’s salary cannot be higher than the amount that can be earned on the market for the products he produces.

The value of wages, as a rule, cannot grow faster than the productivity of labor for which they are paid.

The main incentive to work is the payment that can be received for it. It is the inevitability of spending one’s energy and time for the sake of receiving wages (without which one’s needs cannot be satisfied) that prompts a person to give up idleness and get hired. And the higher this payment, the more willingly a person takes on work. What price of choice do we pay when we go to work? This price is measured by the free time that we could use to do what we enjoy, but which we are now forced to give to work. Another factor that weakens people's interest in work is the burden of the duties themselves, which must be performed for pay. The more tiring a particular type of work is, the more effort it takes from a person, the more money people will demand for it. Finally, labor supply is affected by the complexity of the tasks that must be performed successfully in order for your labor efforts to be paid.

Pay differences are determined by four main factors:

1) complexity of work. Human capital is the knowledge and skills accumulated by a person as a result of training and previous work activity and influencing his employability and the level of salary received.

2) the burden of labor.

3) limited talents.

4) the degree of risk associated with this or that work.

The subsistence minimum is the amount of money necessary for a person to purchase a volume of food that is not below physiological standards, as well as to satisfy his needs for clothing, shoes, housing, transport services, sanitation and hygiene items at the minimum necessary level.

An employment contract is an agreement on the content and conditions of work, as well as on the amount of payment and other mutual obligations of the employer and employee, reached by them as a result of individual negotiations.

Wage. The most traditional forms of wages are time-based and piece-rate.

With time-based pay, an employee receives money for performing his duties for a certain time. And the amount of payment grows in direct proportion to this time. This system is used where it is difficult or impossible to measure the result of labor activity quantitatively (this is how the work of government officials, doctors, scientists, etc. is paid)

With piecework wages, the worker receives a certain amount of money for each product that leaves his hands or for each production operation he performs. The more he has done, the higher the amount he is paid. These systems are simple and therefore convenient, which is why they are widespread in many countries around the world.

However, today new methods for determining wages are becoming increasingly used in developed countries. They make a significant share of their earnings dependent on the success and income of the company as a whole. These new forms of remuneration are closely related to the desire of company managers to interest the employee as much as possible in the success of the entire enterprise as a whole.

Participation in success. This is how we can formulate the main idea underlying the most modern methods of stimulating the work of hired workers. According to psychologists, for most people, growing wealth is not enough. A person wants to take an active part in the management of the enterprise, wants to feel like a co-owner, wants his opinion to be listened to and to be respected by others. This psychological coloring of labor relations turned out to be a very important reserve for increasing labor productivity and product quality. Naturally, entrepreneurs and business managers in many developed countries of the world immediately adopted it. Japan has been especially successful in this. But other countries are also trying to keep up with the Land of the Rising Sun in introducing “participation in success” systems. Today, the most widely used methods are those that ensure the participation of employees in the distribution of company profits. But more advanced forms of incentives have emerged. They are based on the fact that employees become co-owners of the enterprises in which they work. In many countries, laws even create incentives for companies to allow workers to become co-owners. For example, in the Chrysler automobile company, each worker owns a part of the capital of this company amounting to almost 6 thousand dollars. The shares of ownership that its best programmers own in the famous computer company Microsoft are also measured in millions of dollars. Is it any wonder that they work so hard for “their” company and this - along with a successful commercial policy - has made it one of the leaders in the global software market


The labor market is primarily a mechanism for coordinating the interests of employees and employers. In addition, the interests of the state appear in the labor market, determined by the need to manage social relations.

The labor market is no different from the commodity market: and on it some people, the owners of labor potential, offer, and if they succeed, sell their services, others ask the price of the product and, when suitable, buy. If demand exceeds labor supply, a labor shortage situation arises. The result of supply exceeding demand is unemployment. Neither the shortage nor the surplus of workers is absolute: the first is a lack of suitable labor potential, the second is a surplus of unsuitable labor (from the point of view of entrepreneurs). Such excess and such shortage can follow parallel courses, forming structural unemployment or structural deficit. For example, today in Russia more than 2 million unemployed are registered at the labor exchange, and from 300 to 500 thousand vacant positions are sought through the employment service for those willing to fill them.

The demand for labor depends on the economic situation, the degree of mechanization of labor, and the ratio of labor and equipment costs. The supply of labor is determined by labor potential (the size of the working population, its health, morality, activity, level of education, qualifications, mobility), possible wages, traditions and customs.

The result of the ongoing exchange each time is a synthesis of the ideas of both parties about labor in a new image of its quality and conditions, focusing on which the supply of “human capital” services and the demand for them in the future are formed. This can explain the observed changes in the structure of one (in terms of professional qualifications, level of intelligence, education, activity, discipline, etc.) and the other (in terms of subject focus, technology and technical equipment, forms of organization of production, remuneration) observed over time. labor services, etc.).

The scale and structure of supply in the labor market depend on the state and activities of many public institutions. This is the family, systems of education, education, vocational training and career guidance, religion, health care structures, etc. The supply of labor depends on the organization and functioning of passenger transport, the housing and other real estate market, consumer services to the population, and the military service system. It is influenced by the media, propaganda campaigns of political parties and social movements. To a large extent, the scale, territorial and professional structure of supply can change due to political processes that cause mass migrations. The state policy in the field of legislative consolidation and protection of human rights is significant.

The professional orientation of the population, especially young people, plays a major role in regulating supply. This is advisory and formative-educational activities on issues of choosing a profession and professional development, adaptation to work, changes in the direction of searching for an occupation. It involves familiarizing people with the current situation and projected future of various professions in the labor market (with the possibilities of supply and demand, their stability and mobility, payment terms, various risks, qualification requirements, etc.).

A person’s choice of profession, as a rule, occurs at the beginning of his working career: sometimes it happens by chance, but mostly consciously, and it is very important that the person takes into account his abilities and inclinations. In the process of working life, the development of abilities and inclinations often has a decisive influence on the success of a career, and vice versa - in the absence of inclinations and abilities for this type of work, a change of profession may be required. Many people spend years searching for their professional calling.


A person uses his labor power in the process of work. In a market economy, labor is considered as a commodity with all the concepts inherent in this category. Labor force is the physical and mental capabilities and skills that allow a person to perform certain types of work with the required level of labor productivity and quality of manufactured products (services). The term “labor force” is an economic category that characterizes the totality of human abilities necessary to carry out the labor process.

Although labor power is considered a commodity, unlike any other commodity it has two features:

− versatility - this means that a person capable of work can engage in various types of activities, i.e. his ability to work is universal. He can become a driver, a doctor or an artist, or he can engage in these activities at different times, based on his own needs or the needs of society. In market conditions, situations especially often arise when a person is forced to retrain or acquire a new profession that is more in demand at a given time. The versatility of the workforce helps him achieve this;

−the desire of labor owners for social justice. Man is a rational being, and this greatly affects the product “labor power”. A person has inherent feelings of justice, equality, brotherhood and humanity, so he will strive to defend them in his work activities. Trade unions serve this purpose by helping workers protect and defend their interests.

The economic nature of the market, in particular the labor market, often comes into conflict with the social nature of the “labor” product, resulting in conflicts. However, any conflict resolved within the framework of legal rules is dialectically viewed as a means of further progress.

The social aspect influences the harsh pressure of the market, but can distort the patterns of economic development. For example, at two enterprises, two turners with the same qualifications receive different wages, which at first glance may seem unfair. But at the first enterprise, as a result of successful activities, they receive good profits, and in accordance with the market mechanism, the wages of the workers of this enterprise should be higher than the market one. The second enterprise is unprofitable. Here, wages are set at the minimum level for a given profession. If an industry trade union demands equal wages and this demand is accepted by industry employers, then we should expect a distortion of the economic proportions of the market: high wages for a turner at a second enterprise will lead to high costs and bankruptcy.

Let us note a number of other features of the “labor” product. Unlike other goods, the product “labor power” is inseparable from its direct bearer - the employee and after sale comes only to the disposal of the employer. The product “labor power” has high maneuverability, which is characterized by the ability of its seller to move from one employer to another offering a higher price or better working conditions. As a result of this, migration (movement) of workers occurs between enterprises, industries, regions, countries, which causes a state of constant competition between buyers, i.e. employers. The movement of the product “labor power” allows you to create the necessary equilibrium in the market for this product.

An important characteristic of the labor force product is its effectiveness, which depends on factors such as:

1) capital - with significant investments in fixed capital in the form of machines, mechanisms and equipment, the share of materialized labor increases with constant costs of living labor, which affects the growth of labor productivity;

2) natural resources - the presence of fertile land, minerals, cheap raw materials and cheap energy sources, as well as a favorable climate have a positive effect on the use of labor;

3) technology of social development - the application of scientific and technological progress in the country leads to high labor productivity;

4) quality of labor - the productivity of workers largely depends on the state of health, level of education, attitude towards work, moral climate in the team and the stability of society.

Among the factors influencing labor productivity, one should also note the effectiveness of the applied labor motivation system, personnel management, the scale of the domestic market, etc.


The labor market, simply called the labor market, is an integral part of a market economy, which for normal functioning must also have a goods market and a securities market. Thus, a profitably operating enterprise attracts investors who lend it their capital in the form of securities for further development, which, as a rule, leads to an increase in the number of jobs and an increase in workers' earnings. A drop in demand for an enterprise's products scares off investors and leads to a narrowing of the enterprise's labor potential.

The labor market is a multifactorial mechanism that is formed under the influence of many economic and social factors and itself influences them. The labor market should be considered as a sphere of the economy where exchange relations arise between individuals who own labor power and employers who own the means of production. Employees and employers act in this market as its subjects: some – as sellers of goods, i.e. own labor force, others - as buyers of this product. Concluding a transaction means that a person gets the opportunity to work and produce consumer goods. The relations of these market subjects are subject to general market laws, in particular the laws of supply and demand.

The law of demand is based on the principle: the higher the price (wages) for labor, the less demand for it from employers (buyers). The law of supply is based on the principle: the higher the payment for the commodity “labor power,” the more sellers of labor power are willing to engage in this type of labor.

So in simple conditions, i.e. In the traditional market, the categories of supply and demand operate: the regulation of demand, supply and price of goods at any given moment in time occurs based on the prevailing circumstances. In accordance with the current laws, various factors will influence the position of the demand and supply curves in different ways: they will move either to the right or to the left, then up or down, at different angles to the coordinate axis. For example, an increase in the cost of education will move the supply curve upward, and an increase in demand following a recovery in the market will move the demand curve to the right. Factors such as migration of workers, expansion of social benefits, etc. will influence the relationship between supply and demand.

The role of the labor market is that it allows:

−effectively use the country’s labor potential;

− create competition for jobs;

− create a need to increase the qualifications of workers;

−reduce staff turnover and accordingly increase labor productivity;

− use various forms of employment, for example part-time or casual work, which gives the labor market greater stability and versatility, and also leads to the selection of the most effective business methods.

Market subjects are sovereign, i.e. independent. This means that, having opposing interests, each subject can defend its interests. A dialectical solution to the issue of contradictions in interests leads to the development of labor relations.

The state of the labor market is influenced by:

− the level of economic potential of the country: the higher it is, the more vibrant the labor market;

− national characteristics of the country: they may be associated with attitudes towards people of other nationalities, women, and the traditions of society, for example in the field of lifelong employment;

−phases of the economic cycle in the country (phases of recession and recovery).

The restraining influence on the state and development of the labor market is exerted by:

population size in society, including its labor resources;

−share of economically active population;

− fund of working hours of the year, quarter and month, which is influenced by state policy regulating the number of holidays, the length of the working week, vacation time, etc., as well as the provision of various benefits;

− qualifications of the employee (his education), level of well-being, which determines the average consumer budget, public institutions and the level of their development.

Depending on the scale, a distinction is made between the global and local labor markets. This division determines a different approach to markets, as there is a tendency to increase the role of local markets in economically developed countries. State policy on the labor market takes into account the peculiarities of the development of local markets within one country.

Each local labor market, which has common development features in the existing sectoral structure of the economy, the state of the socio-demographic situation and economic relations, is distinguished by population density and size and, among other things, historical development.


The source of labor is man. But not every person can be an employee. Labor resources are the part of the country's population that has the necessary physical development, mental abilities and knowledge for work. Children and elderly people are not included in the labor force. Also, people who have lost their ability to work or do not have it, for example, disabled people or sick people who have been undergoing treatment for a long time, are not considered labor resources. Therefore, the number of labor resources in a country is always less than the population. In Russia, for example, the labor force makes up about 58% of the country's population.

For a person, the opportunity to work is determined by various circumstances. The main one is working age, which has certain physiological boundaries. In Russia, the working age for men is set from 16 to 60 years, for women - from 16 to 55 years. The duration of working age can be influenced by the specifics of work, which reduces its upper limit, for example, for a ballerina, professional athlete or military man.

The labor force includes some people under 16 years of age and people of retirement age who practically work for hire or independently.

The population included in the labor force can be divided into two groups: the economically active population and the economically inactive population.

The economically active population covers all those actually employed in the national economy of the country. This population provides the labor supply in the society.

The economically inactive population is people of working age who, for various reasons, are not employed in the national economy. These include pupils, students, listeners and cadets, full-time graduate students, persons receiving a survivor's pension, caring for children or sick relatives, persons without work, or those who do not need to work to provide for themselves. means of subsistence.

The economically active population may consist of hired workers and individuals who provide themselves with work, including employers.

Hired employees can be civilians and military personnel on active military service under conscription or contract. In addition, the economically active population is divided into employed and unemployed.

Employment is a term that characterizes the state of a person involved in socially useful activities related to the satisfaction of his personal and social needs, which do not contradict the legislation of the country and, as a rule, generate earnings (labor income). The number of employed includes persons of both sexes over 16 years of age, as well as those of younger ages who perform hired work for remuneration.

The employed population can work full-time or part-time. Full-time work describes work for the time established by labor legislation, but not more than 40 hours per week, and for some professions, such as teachers and doctors, 36 hours per week. Part-time work describes work of shorter duration than established by labor legislation. So, a woman with a small child can work not 8 hours, but only 3 or 4 hours a day. Accordingly, payment for her work will be made for the time worked or according to production.

In labor economics, the concept of “underemployment” is used. The reasons for underemployment are objective factors, for example, structural restructuring in the country or enterprise, lack of orders for production, technical progress. Under the influence of these reasons, the demand for labor changes and fewer workers are required. During the transition to market relations, many enterprises, not wanting to allow mass layoffs, resort to part-time employment and thereby provide their employees with certain social support. The action of the market mechanism is such that an enterprise whose products are not in demand must close. However, the current objectives of ensuring growth in the well-being of the population are often achieved by increasing employment.

The employed population includes persons temporarily absent from work due to illness, vacations, time off, strikes, days off, working on a family contract, etc. The employed population does not include the unemployed who perform public works, as well as students working on agricultural work in the areas of educational institutions.

In world practice, different models of employment management are used. Thus, the American model involves the creation of jobs with low labor productivity for a significant portion of able-bodied citizens. As a result, unemployment formally decreases, but a large class of “new poor” appears, that is, the working poor. The Scandinavian model focuses on providing employment for almost the entire workforce by creating jobs in the public sector with average, satisfactory working conditions and pay. The model is designed only for public funds, which, if limited, may result in a reduction in the number of jobs. The European model is based on a reduction in the number of employees while increasing labor productivity and, accordingly, increasing the income of the working part of the population. The model envisages the creation of a broad system of benefits for the increasing number of unemployed people requiring significant funds. The negative consequences of applying the European model may be long-term and persistent unemployment and a heavy burden of social and financial costs associated with it.

Public employment management in various countries is associated with the rate of economic growth, employment and the rate of growth of labor productivity, since when the rate of economic growth decreases, employment is affected by changes in labor productivity indicators in the country. It is believed, for example, that countries that by 1994–1995. established a low level of unemployment, achieved this through losses in labor productivity and, consequently, in the income of workers. There is a trend in various countries to increase underemployment and employment in the informal sector. The informal sector is the area of ​​work of a significant part of the population, which is not officially recognized and is not statistically taken into account. Those employed in this area are not covered by labor legislation, social protection measures and government guarantees. There are many examples of employment in the informal sector: self-employment in repair services, tourism, household work, etc.

In the context of developing competition and further scientific and technological progress, there is a natural tendency to increase the demand for qualified labor. The banking business, professional services, healthcare, education and other areas of labor application that require highly qualified specialists are actively developing.

Employment in the service industry is growing. Currently, in industrialized countries, almost 60% of all employees work in this area. There is a worldwide trend towards reducing the number of low-skilled labor force. It is aggravated by the new balance of power between industrialized and developing countries. Thus, the share of developing countries in global production is rapidly growing, and intense competition in the world market is forcing European companies to adopt programs to re-equip production, introduce new technologies and increase labor productivity. This, as a rule, leads to mass layoffs of low-skilled workers in traditional industries.

The dependence of unemployment on the level of education is visible. At the beginning of the 90s, the unemployment rate among persons with primary education was 10.9%, with education at the level of incomplete secondary school - 8.4, complete secondary school - 5.7, with higher education (excluding university) - 3.9 %.

In the future, there may be a serious threat to industrialized countries from the so-called newly industrialized countries with cheap labor: the influx of relatively cheap goods from developing countries is increasing, which affects employment. There may be an active movement of capital to countries with low costs, which will affect the dynamics of the number of jobs.

New approaches to the employment policy of developed countries, carried out at the macroeconomic level, are manifested in increasing the flexibility of the labor market, containing labor costs, which, in particular, leads to the curtailment of social programs at the state level. But incentives for an active employment policy remain in place by funding additional jobs and expanding training and retraining systems. Projects are emerging to reform unemployment insurance systems, providing for tougher conditions for payment of benefits.

The role of business in solving social problems, including employment problems, is changing. The governments of many European countries are encouraging private entrepreneurs not to limit themselves to allocating funds for social needs, but to more actively participate in the joint regulation of social problems.

Changes in intra-company employment policy are associated with rapid growth in labor costs. The economic recession has significantly accelerated this process. The policies of entrepreneurs are aimed at traditionally restraining wage growth, lengthening the working week, and increasing the use of part-time work and temporary work. Firms are seeing reductions in social insurance programs, including medical and supplementary pension insurance. At the same time, increasing requirements for the quality of the workforce are forcing firms to expand programs for vocational training, retraining and advanced training of workers. Entrepreneurs receive a kind of compensation by being flexible in hiring, firing and relocating workers, and applying different labor regimes in the interests of the company.

7) demand for workers who are able to adapt to new market conditions, especially in the field of financial and tax institutions, the system of customs authorities and social institutions;

8) strict limits in the choice of place of work and in the conditions for applying the abilities of workers.


The Russian labor market is characterized by intensive personnel movement. Up to 14 million people change jobs every year, or every fifth worker. The country's market is quite flexible even by international standards.

The demand for labor is expected to increase in the coming years. Enterprises will increase hiring due to the revival of the market and the normalization of the economic state of society.

It is expected that the number of economically active population will increase by approximately 700 thousand people due to refugees from neighboring countries and the labor supply will increase by reducing the size of the army by approximately 150 thousand people per year. The growth rate of unemployment will slow down somewhat, but the time it takes to find a job will increase, which now averages about 6 months. For full employment of the economically active population in the country there should be about 70 million jobs, but in fact there are only 66.5 million jobs.

There is an intensive change of place of work at one's own request. In addition, there is an indirect displacement of workers from enterprises experiencing financial difficulties.

The labor market is influenced by the quality of the working environment. A poor work environment reduces potential employment opportunities, resulting in unfilled vacancies. The presence of low-prestige jobs limits the choice of work for young people, leads to additional pressure on the labor market, increases unproductive compensation costs for medical rehabilitation of persons affected by work-related injuries, reduces the likelihood of their subsequent employment, and diverts budget funds necessary to expand the scope of employment.

As a result of changes in the labor market, the results of privatization in the country, the emergence of financial problems, delays in the payment of wages and low wages in a number of industries, there has been a significant diversification of types of employment. This contributes to the formation of a flexible labor market, which makes it possible to maintain incomes of the population, and in some cases makes it possible to preserve the core of labor collectives and prevent mass unemployment.

According to the forecast, there will be a reduction in the number of workers in the metalworking and engineering industries, textile workers, garment workers and shoe makers. But an increase in demand is expected for builders, workers in market infrastructure institutions, housing and communal services, consumer services and services, transport, education (primarily schools) and healthcare. There will be many vacancies for workers in professions that require lengthy special training. The need for engineering and technical workers is not expected to increase.

State policy on the labor market in Russia should be aimed at solving a set of interrelated problems:

−increasing investment activity through all sources of entrepreneurship development, adjusting economic decisions in terms of their impact on the labor market;

− consistent stabilization of living standards, improvement of social support for the population;

−development of a system of continuous education as the most progressive means of maintaining the quality of the workforce;

−improving the quality of the working environment by improving working conditions and the use of working time, organizing wages, stabilizing human resources;

−carrying out a balanced migration policy aimed at positive territorial movement of the population, settling migrants and protecting the internal labor market.


1. Vladimirova L.P. Labor Economics: Textbook - M.: Publishing House "Dashkov and K", 2000.

2. Zavelsky M.G. Economics and sociology of labor. – M.: Catallaxy, with the participation of KnoRus JSC, 2008.

3. Roshchin S.Yu., Razumova T.O. Labor Economics: Economic Theory of Labor: Textbook. – M.: INFRA-M, 2000.

4. Genkin B.M. Economics and sociology of labor. Textbook for universities. – M.: Publishing group “NORMA - INFRA – M.:, 2008.

5. Starovoitova L.I., Zolotareva T.F. Employment and its regulation: Proc. aid for students higher textbook Establishments. – M.: Publishing Center “Academy”, 2001.

Subject: A person on the labor market. Employment problems in the Southern Urals. (2 hours)

Target: Educational: Give the concept of the labor market, explain its signs, show the importance of knowledge, skills and professionalism in their field for a modern person. Remember such a phenomenon as unemployment, find out its impact on people’s behavior and lives. Consider the problem of employment in the Southern Urals.

Developmental: Development of logical thinking and speech of students through problem solving and problem-solving tasks.

Literature : Salygin E. N., G. Social science: people in society. Exp. textbook for 10th grade students. general education uchr. – M.: Venta-Grafor, 2001. § 23.

I. Social studies: textbook for grade 10. – M.: TID “Russian Word – RS”, 2001. – § 11.

V. Social studies: Textbook. manual for schoolchildren Art. class and entering universities / A. V. Klimenko, . – 3rd ed., rev. and additional – M.: Bustard, 2003. p. 190-196.

Krachenko in social studies. 10-11 grade. – M.: “Russian Word – RS”, 2000. p. 77, 91.

Kravchenko in social studies: grades 10-11. - M.: TID "Russian Word - RS", 2001.

“Teaching history and social studies at school” No. 3, 2004, p. 51.

Equipment: cards with tasks, test tasks, sheets with tables.

During the classes:

1) The concept of the labor market, its characteristics.

2) Requirements for a modern worker.

3) Employment and unemployment.

4) The problem of employment in the Russian Federation and the Southern Urals.

I. In modern highly developed countries there is a variety of markets. Let's remember what markets you know.

(Student answers:

Stock market

Labor market

World market

Market of goods and services

Market of information

Today in the lesson we will talk about the labor market and people in the labor market.

(Teacher’s message about the topic and purpose of the lesson)

The labor market is an integral part of a market economy.

What is the labor market? What is bought and sold here? (Brainstorming method).

Labor market is a market in which labor is the object of free purchase and sale.

This means that in a market economy, labor power is a commodity.

What is labor? (Brainstorming method).

Work force– physical and mental capabilities, as well as skills that allow a person to perform a certain type of work.

For the sale of his labor power, the worker receives wages.

Wage- the amount of monetary remuneration that an employer pays to an employee for performing a certain amount of work or performing his official duties.

This means that the price of labor power is wages.

What determines the price of a product on the market? (Answer: the price of a product depends on supply and demand).

Thus, in the labor market, as in other markets, there is demand, supply and price, i.e., the labor market has the same characteristics as the goods market. (Write down 3 signs of the labor market in your notebook).

1) What happens if the demand for a product (labor) is lower than supply?

2) What will the salary be if the demand for the product (labor) is high?

Since the number of jobs offered by the employer is claimed by a significantly larger number of people seeking to fill them, competition arises between job seekers.

Who is more likely to find a job? Who is more competitive? (students' answers).

II. What should a modern employee be like?

Requirements for a modern worker (student answers):




Labor discipline



Professionalism– mastery, skill, and literacy in performing the labor functions of certain professions.

In the conditions of scientific and technical progress, much attention is paid to the qualifications of the employee.

Qualification– level of preparedness, degree of readiness for any type of work.

Qualification happens

It is easier for a qualified worker to find a good job. Everyone wants to send their children to a good teacher, to a good doctor, to a good hairdresser.

Each employee has a qualification assigned to him by official bodies and a certificate is issued (for example, mechanic of the 6th category, captain of the 2nd rank, candidate of pedagogical sciences, etc.).

So, labor is divided into skilled and unskilled.

Class assignments:

(Notes on the board:

Low-skilled manual labor

Low-skilled mental work

Highly skilled manual labor

Physically hard work

Highly qualified mental work)

1) Which of the types of work listed on the board include the following professions: plumber, secretary, electric train driver, janitor, steelmaker, fireman, sailor, officer, priest, loader, miner, salesman, driver, deputy, turner, cashier, designer, plumber , lawyer, doctor.

2) Distribute professions into 5 columns and write them down in your notebook.

The class is divided in advance into 3 groups, each of which receives a card with a problem task.

1 group. A. I. Kravchenko “Problem book on social studies, grades 10-11” P.91 No. 000.

2nd group. “Problem book on social studies for grades 10-11” p. 69, paragraph 76.

3rd group. “Teaching history and social studies at school” No. 3, 2004.

III. The totality of all workers in the labor market is called labor resources. Labor resources include the working population. In the Russian Federation, these are men aged 15-60 years and women aged 15-55 years.

There is also an international labor market.

“Problem book on social studies. 10-11 grade" No. 000, p. 98 (oral answer to a question)

As already noted, in the labor market, like in any other market, there is competition. That is, those who have been given the opportunity to work by their employers are called employed. That is, those who could not find a job are unemployed.

What is unemployment?

Unemployment- a situation in the economy in which some people who are capable and willing to work for hire cannot find work that matches their abilities.

There are several types of unemployment:

1) structural

2) friction

3) stagnant

4) hidden

(brief explanation by teacher of types of unemployment)

Group assignment:

1 group. Name the reasons for unemployment.

(excessive salary demands; low demand; inflexibility characteristic of the labor market)

2nd group. What are the consequences of unemployment.

(negative: a decrease in living conditions, a deterioration in the well-being of the unemployed. Positive: a small (natural) level of unemployment is useful. This helps to maintain the necessary competition in the labor market.

But, if unemployment in the country exceeds the natural level, it can cause serious social conflicts)

3rd group. How to solve the problem of unemployment?

(residence employment services, information services, geographic mobility have been created)

In the Russian Federation there is a system of employment authorities, which is headed by the Federal State Employment Service of the Russian Federation. The state guarantees the payment of unemployment benefits to the unemployed.

IV. The problem of unemployment exists in the Russian Federation and in the southern Urals.

Working with the source.

Students are given sheets with table No. 1 Dynamics of employment and unemployment indicators in the Russian Federation and table No. 2 Forecast of employment and unemployment indicators in the Russian Federation (data for 2000 and 2001).

Conclusions on the compilation of employment and unemployment in the Russian Federation.

Student message on the state of unemployment in the Chelyabinsk region.

V. Reflection.

Students are given sheets with test tasks (two-choice tests).

Judgments are given, if you agree with them, then put the “+” sign, if not, then put the “-” sign.

(Kravchenko in social studies: grades 10-11. - M.: TID "Russian Word - RS", 2001.)

Today in class we talked about the labor market and people in the labor market. The labor market, like other markets, has the same characteristics: demand, supply and price.

Lesson grades.


Textbook , Salygina. 10th grade, § 23.

Kravchenko 10th grade. §eleven.

Find the “Vacancies” section in local newspapers and find out which professions are most in demand in Chelyabinsk.

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