Stefania Malikova: biography, hobbies and personal life. Stesha Malikova: biography of a young model Malikova’s daughter Stefania, how old is she?

“A lot has changed in my life with the birth of my son,” Dima smiles. “There are more responsibilities and worries, there is less free time. Even despite my age, I want to have time to raise my child. After all, when Stefania was born, I was 30 years old - I was at the peak of my career, I toured a lot and hardly saw my daughter. Now I’m trying to be more involved with the baby, not to miss anything important in his life. Although, of course, I’m not leaving my career - my 30th anniversary is coming. creative activity, on this occasion I will give big concert in the capital's Crocus.


“I have been waiting for a very long time to have another child, I have been striving for this for a long time and in every possible way encouraged my wife to do this,” the singer continues. “I’ll tell you more - it was actually my idea, and I managed to realize it. Daughter Stefania, of course, was dumbfounded by the news about the birth of the child and the appearance of her brother. We did not tell her about the pregnancy until now. last moment, although we didn’t expect any bad reaction. On the contrary, I really wanted her to be happy. And so it happened - Stefania began to cry. But these were tears of happiness."

“We thought for a long time about the name for the newborn,” says the artist. “Although I didn’t have a specific idea for which I would fight. Ultimately, my wife Elena became the “author.” She said that the name Mark is biblical, and international, because it doesn’t matter how the child’s fate turns out, what country he will live in... But the main thing, of course, is that he is healthy.”

“Today Lena spends a lot of time with Mark, Stesha and my younger sister Inna, when they have time,” the performer admitted. - But, naturally, we also have a nanny. We found her easily, because she was the one who raised Stefania at one time, so we have known and trusted her for a long time.”

Stefania Dmitrievna Malikova was born into an artistic family. Her father is popular singer, composer, musician and producer, People's Artist Russia Dmitry Malikov, grandfather - musician, composer, founder and leader of the legendary vocal and instrumental ensemble "Gems" Yuri Malikov, grandmother - Lyudmila Vyunkova, from 1984 to the early 1990s, soloist, and now director of Gems. Aunt Steshi, younger sister Dmitry Malikova Inna- singer, actress, TV presenter, producer and soloist of the New Gems group.

U Stephanie have a half-sister Olga Izakson. Olga- mother's daughter Steshi, Elena Malikova from his first marriage.

Modeling career of Stefania Malikova

Stesha Since childhood, I have been surrounded by an atmosphere of creativity. It is not surprising that the girl herself early years trying to realize himself in show business. The main direction of application of forces for Stephanie became the fashion industry. Already at the age of nine, in one of her interviews, she said that she dreamed of becoming a fashion designer, and in order to fulfill her dream, she needed to study to become a clothing designer in Florence, London or Paris.

For now Stephanie prefers to demonstrate the clothes of couturiers, whose names are known both in Russia and throughout the world. As a model Malikova has achieved impressive success.

At the age of 14, she participated in the show of a capsule collection of a famous Russian designer. Igor Chapurin Chapurin for Barbie, held as part of Mercedes-Benz Fashion Week. The collection, demonstrated in March 2014, was dedicated to the 55th anniversary of the Barbie doll, which has become a truly iconic toy throughout the world.

In October 2014, together with the singer’s daughter Valeria Anna Shulgina, son of a football player Alexey Smertin Vlad, actress Ekaterina Vilkova, finalist of the television competition " Voice. Children » Ragda Khanieva Stefania Malikova participated in the fashion show during Bosco Fashion Week (according to established tradition, non-professional models appear on the catwalk at Bosco Fashion Week shows).

Photos Stephanie published on the pages American edition Teen Vogue, young model graced the covers of glossy magazines Elle Girl, Tatler, Hello!, OK.

Parents future star catwalks approve of their daughter’s hobby modeling business and support him in every possible way - from the very beginning early childhood Stephanie along with Dmitry And Elena Malikov participated in various advertising campaigns and shoots for magazines, and then began to receive invitations to “solo” photo shoots.

Stefania Malikova - social media star

Participation in professional photo shoots and fashion shows Stephanie is not enough, and she actively uses the new communication opportunities provided by the Internet in order to express herself and practice her posing technique in front of the camera. The girl posts photo reports online every day, where she appears in a new image every time.

According to data for the spring of 2016, more than 330 thousand users subscribed to Stefania Malikova’s page on the media hosting Instagram.

The subject of discussion among the army of thousands of fans of the young Stephanie become her outfits, achievements in the field of fashion, travel and her appearance.

Stefania’s frequent publications of her photographs and communication on social networks are already causing concern for the girl’s father. Dmitry Malikov in one of his interviews he admitted that he was worried about his daughter, because he believed that such widespread popularity in such a at a young age fraught with unpredictable consequences. At the same time, the singer expressed his readiness, if necessary, to fight back against his daughter’s “pseudo-fans.”

Stefania Malikova today and tomorrow

Whatever profession Stesha would not choose for herself in the future, now, according to her own words and statements of her parents, her main priority is study.

Stephanie studies at the prestigious private gymnasium "Zhukovka", which is located in the same name locality in the Odintsovo district of the Moscow region near the Rublevo-Uspenskoe highway. Proximity educational institution from Rublyovka explains the fact that the children of many Russian celebrities studied and study there.

Bye Stephanie I haven’t decided what I want to become, but I’m thinking about entering MGIMO. Not long ago, in her blog, a girl talked about her passion for chemistry, the lessons of which she looked forward to at school, and then rumors appeared that Stephanie decided to become a doctor.

It's possible that Stesha decides to continue family tradition and devote himself to music. She has performed with her father on the stage of the State Kremlin Palace. In addition, the girl recorded a duet with Yuri Kiselev, known under the pseudonym YurKiss, the song “Don’t rush to marry us,” which was awarded the Golden Gramophone Award.

In free time from study Stephanie attends classes at dance studio, draws, learns to play piano and guitar, sings.

Our heroine today is Malikov’s daughter, Stefania. Do you want to know what the young beauty is interested in? Who is she dating? Then we recommend that you read this article as soon as possible.

Childhood and family

Stefania Malikova was born in Moscow in 2000, on February 13. Her father doesn't need special presentation. After all, this is the famous singer Dmitry Malikov in our country. Our heroine's mother's name is Elena. She has two degrees - artistic and directing. Currently engaged in business: in Italy he produces a line of beachwear. She also serves as executive producer for music center D. Malikova. Elena has an adult daughter (Olga) from her first marriage.

From an early age, Stesha attended a drawing club, a choreographic studio, music school(piano class). Her paternal grandparents and aunt want her to follow in their footsteps. However, at the age of 13, Stefania Malikova said: “I don’t really like singing. I like drawing and fashion design more.” Surely these words upset the senior representatives of the Malikov family.

In 2015, Stesha performed together with the young singer Yura Kiselyov, who took the creative pseudonym YurKiss. They performed the song “Don’t rush to marry us.” Station " Russian radio" awarded this duet with the Golden Gramophone award. Who knows, maybe the Malikov musical dynasty will continue after all. After all, not only our heroine’s dad performs on stage, but also her grandfather, Yuri Fedorovich (founder of the Gems group).


Stefania Malikova is short - 163 cm. However, this did not stop her from trying herself in the modeling industry. After all, the girl has a “doll” appearance. She has a slender body, a snow-white smile, a pretty face and thick blonde hair.

Our heroine participated in the filming of commercials and photo shoots for catalogs and glossy magazines. Stesha also appeared on the podium. For example, in Moscow she walked in outfits from designer A. Akhmadullina. This line of dresses was called Barbie. And indeed, Stefania looked like a beautiful doll in them.

Later, on the podium, Malikov’s daughter demonstrated an evening dress made of denim. This outfit was also created by Alena Akhmadullina.

Personal life

Some time ago Russian media reported that Stefania Malikova was dating Arseny Shulgin, youngest son singer Valeria. However, the young beauty has repeatedly stated that they are connected only by friendly relations.

In March 2017, our heroine, accompanied by a handsome young man appeared at the Moscow cinema at the premiere of the American film A Cure for Wellness. Who is he, her mysterious companion? This is 19-year-old Leonid Gruzdev.

The boy is not from an ordinary family. He is the son of billionaire Vladimir Gruzdev, who was governor Tula region. Lenya pleases her girlfriend with luxurious bouquets of flowers and expensive gifts.

Here are some interesting things about the daughter of Dmitry Malikov:

In conclusion

Openness, sociability and determination - Stefania Malikova possesses these qualities. Now you know how old she is. We also revealed details of the young beauty’s personal life. May all her dreams come true!

It is not for nothing that child psychologists from all over the world postulate that the family is an important factor in the development of a child’s personality. So this apple rolled not far from the parent tree. When you daughter of Dmitry Malikov and from an early age you are immersed in the atmosphere of show business, it is difficult not to start living it. She is young, talented, beautiful. I ask you to love and favor - Stefania Malikova.

The girl is a native Muscovite. Born into such a famous star family, she could not go unnoticed by the media. The public claims that the Malikov family has always been distinguished by harmony and beauty, as if they came out of postcards of the 60s about American dream. Stesha (as the girl’s family likes to affectionately call her) Not only child in the family, she has a sister on her mother's side. When Dmitry began a relationship with Stefania’s mother, Elena, she had already acquired a daughter, Olga, from her first marriage.

From an early age, Stesha Malikova was not left without parental affection, attention, and care. Dad was always an idol for her, and mom was a role model.

As for hobbies and favorite activities, the situation here is not entirely clear. It would seem that the girl grew up in a family famous singer, and where does she go? Well, of course, into music! But that was not the case! As Stephanie herself puts it, she "poisoned" music since childhood therefore, he does not see himself in this field of activity. Although in fairness it should be noted that the girl has musical talent: she sings well, masters playing the piano and guitar. Stefania takes great interest in dancing and drawing.

But the girl’s special hobby, undoubtedly, is modeling. . She shows great promise and has already signed a contract to collaborate with modeling agency . Apparently, this is Stefania’s long-standing dream, because even at the age of nine, in her interview, she said that she wanted to be a fashion designer and study abroad. Fashion design is already captivating the girl so much that she began working on the image of her dear father, advising him to dilute his classic formal suit with a T-shirt with a funny print.

Stefania is already working on her own trial collection, making sketches. She is confident that dad will provide her with every assistance and help her realize cherished dream. The family supports Stefania in her endeavors, but Dmitry treats his daughter’s wishes with due prudence. He believes that it is first necessary to invest a small amount and evaluate the success, and only then expand the project. On at the moment parents are more concerned about where their young beauty will continue her studies. Possible cities include Moscow, London, Milan or Paris.

Stephanie's flexibility

Stefania studies at the gymnasium "Zhukovka" on Rublyovka (tuition cost is about 80,000 rubles per month). She has many friends at school, the girl leads an active, rich teenage life. Junior Malikova is very close friends with Arseny Shulgin, Valeria’s son. Lots of them joint photos, which appeared on the Internet, gave rise to rumors about a possible romantic relationship between them. First love or strong friendship, who knows? One thing is for sure - teenagers enjoy each other's company. Stefania admires the way Arseny plays the piano (it’s really hard not to admire here, Arseny plays superbly), rejoices at his achievements at domestic and international competitions. They often call each other and text each other, and love to attend social events together.

Stefania refutes the theory that on children successful people nature is resting, in addition to beauty Stefania Malikova is pleasant to talk to, this is evident from her numerous correspondences in social networks and Instagram ( icon-instagram We also really liked the excerpt of her messages made by the portal (lifenews), where, compared to other children of rich parents, she looked simply “cute” =). Here are the sweet tips she gives to her subscribers:

Apparently, Stefania Malikova is not facing the sad fate of children of famous parents, she independently acquires greater fame than her star father. And we wish her good luck, and look forward to new successes, which, apparently, are just around the corner.

Singer Dmitry Malikov. IN lately her person arouses incredible interest. Do you know how old Stesha Malikova is? Do you know her date of birth? If not, we recommend that you read the contents of the article.

Biography: family

She was born on February 13, 2000. Her home and favorite city is Moscow. She's from a famous creative family. Stesha's father is the popular Malikov. He's in the daughter. Stefania has a mother. Dmitry accepted Elena's daughter from her first marriage into the family.

My grandparents and paternal aunt are musicians. They would like Stesha Malikova to follow in their footsteps. However, the girl does not have much interest in music. Despite this, our heroine attends a specialized school several times a week, where she learns to play the guitar and piano. She also enjoys dancing and drawing.

Modeling career

Stesha Malikova has a bright and attractive appearance. She has blue eyes and long blonde hair. Now, with a height of 163 cm, the girl weighs 50 kg.

The daughter of Dmitry Malikov actively uses social networks. Stefania regularly posts modeling photos on her Instagram page. Users never cease to admire her beauty and natural charm, as well as radiant smile. Stesha Malikova loves to pose for the camera and show off various outfits from her wardrobe.

Parents approve of their daughter's passion for modeling. In addition, from an early age Stefania participated with them in various advertising campaigns.

Future plans

IN recent years Stesha Malikova spends more and more time drawing. A girl sketches her first clothing collection. After graduation high school our heroine plans to enter a university at the design department. She wants to create bright and fashionable outfits, suitable for everyday wear. Stefania is confident that her beloved dad will help her in implementing such projects. Dmitry Malikov is ready to provide financial support to his daughter.

Personal life

Our heroine is a representative of the “golden” youth. She has everything you need modern girl: beautiful outfits, fashionable gadgets, personal driver and so on. At the same time, Stesha cannot be called a spoiled and capricious person.

She lives in Rublevka place with famous parents. The girl studies at a private lyceum called “Zhukovka”. IN free time Stefania plays sports, goes to the skating rink and hangs out with friends.

There are rumors that the daughter of Dmitry Malikov is dating the son of singer Valeria, Arseny Shulgin. However, the young beauty assures everyone that they are just good friends.

What kind of music does Stesha Malikova prefer? She likes the songs sung by her dad the most. The girl is also a fan of such a style as R&B.

In conclusion

We reviewed the biography of Stesha Malikova in detail. There is no doubt that this young beauty has a bright future ahead of her. The star dad will do everything to make his beloved daughter happy.

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