The love story of the most beautiful couple in the “dancing” show: Max and Katya about the wedding because of their foreign passport and career. Katya Reshetnikova: dancing, biography, personal life and interesting facts Elle Girl: What exercises will help you keep fit

October 1, 2016 no comments yet

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The project of the TNT channel Dancing has gained crazy popularity in Russia, giving viewers not only a special vision of movements to music, but also new idols. Now, more than half of the country actively monitors the achievements of ex-participants, paying attention to their personal lives.

One of the most mysterious and discussed was a simple, at first glance, guy, clearly modest, not a standard of male beauty, but at the same time charming, ambitious and purposeful.

At the selections, his efforts were repeatedly criticized by the judges, but in the selection of 24 participants he still beat his brother, who also showed himself brilliantly at the casting.

Concerts with performances followed, and each time Max's ratings were high. Outside the show, on social networks, it was not his talents that were actively discussed, but the intrigue with, the choreographer of Miguel’s team. It was rumored that their relationship was invented specifically for the “promotion” of Nesterovich, for his victory.

Start of a relationship

In fact, their love story began a long time ago, 9 years ago. Their meeting took place in dance studio, where both came to study. Theoretically, the guys would hardly have crossed paths, since Max’s classes were during the day, and Katya’s in the evening. But at some point, Max needed additional hours for rehearsals, and he persuaded the team leader to allow him to study in the evenings.

On the very first day, Katya and Max met, she was attracted by the striped jumper, and he was attracted by her and her friend, also Katya. Max immediately liked both of them, but their communication did not go any further.

After some time, Reshetnikova and Nesterovich crossed paths again, but this was already participation in the new composition of dance studio groups. From that moment on, the guys began dating - at first they were friendly dates, in which there was a place for joint jokes and studying each other, and later the young people realized that they had fallen in love.

Against the backdrop of relations, the creative activity both- talented dancers took part in various competitions and festivals, both were choreographers of the “Star Factory”, performed with Russian stars at concerts, starred in their videos.

Having survived several major quarrels, the couple realized that if this continues, they will not succeed, and they will have to forget about respect for each other forever.

At a certain stage, Katya and Max realized that they needed a joint dance project, with the help of which they will be able to fully realize their personal ambitions, ideas and achievements. This is how the Loony Band appeared - the name was invented by Katya, and the logo for it was created by Max.

Now the two of them are working as part of the “Camp PRO|DANCE” project, where they are trying to convey to people that dancing is not just movements to music, but something more.

Reshetnikova and Nesterovich never sought to create pathos out of their relationship, raise ratings using feelings. Before the “Dancing on TNT” project, they did not post joint photos on their pages on social networks and blogs, not considering the need to make the relationship a commercially profitable project.

Even on Loony Band tours, young people stayed in different rooms, preventing the staff from spreading rumors.

Nesterovich's victory in the Dancing show

To say that dancing together to Yuliana Karaulova’s song helped Max win the loudest dance show It will be wrong for Russia.

Of course, his ratings immediately “soared”; subscribers literally flooded him with comments, and more than half were happy that their suspicions and hopes were justified. And the idea to declare their love to the whole country belonged to the show’s mentor, Miguel - it was he who advised the guys to take off their masks, thus stopping rumors about affairs, PR and profit.

Looking at the performance of the dance of Reshetnikova and Nesterovich, there remains no doubt- young people really love each other, and no victories or projects can be higher than their feelings.

In the finale of the show, Max still beat all the participants, receiving the maximum votes from the audience. Feeling emotional, Nesterovich decided to take a responsible and important step - he invited Katya on stage and proposed to her in front of the whole country.

This act discouraged Reshetnikova, and not because she did not feel his intentions, but because he did it in front of witnesses, because Max was always distinguished by modesty.

The proposal was followed by preparations for the wedding, and in this matter the young people did not change their principles - they celebrated the celebration in a narrow circle, with a minimum of pathos and without the presence of journalists. You can read more about the wedding of Nesterovich and Reshetnikova, photos from the wedding are also posted there.

The dancers fulfilled their dream by making the wedding not a traditional celebration, but a cool party where the guests had a blast and had fun.

Did Reshetnikova and Nesterovich break up?

Reshetnikova and Nesterovich broke up - all information sites are full of such headlines today. In 2019, it became known that the young people broke up. The marriage of Reshetnikova and Nesterovich lasted two years.

Each participant in the show “DANCES” on TNT has his own story, which the viewer gets to know on air by watching his profile. If you were a participant and not a choreographer, what would you tell us about your life?

Miguel invited me to the show specifically as a choreographer, and there was no time to think about “what if” along the way. I admit, at that time I was as scared as I was happy - after all, becoming a mentor on such a large-scale project means taking on great responsibility. And to become a member... When it comes to issues like this, I'm a coward. I probably wouldn’t even have passed the casting. But if suddenly this happened, she said that she grew up in an ordinary family and danced constantly. In general, it turns out to be boring. I think everyone took exactly their place on the project, which is why I am more interesting to the audience as a choreographer.

What dance styles do young people prefer most often?

Contemporary and Hip-Hop do not disappear anywhere in various forms. Last season there were many participants representing Vogue, but this season there are slightly fewer of them. Girls often prefer Strip directions, which, in my opinion, is both good and bad at the same time. It’s good because the body becomes more flexible and stretched, which is important for women. However, many pay too much attention to this, focusing on the technical component and forgetting that even a glance can cause goosebumps in the viewer. It is important that the living passion does not disappear.

What is it like to be a girl who received a marriage proposal on air popular show? How do you combine work and family life?

This was very unexpected, especially since I was sure that Maxim would not dare to propose from the stage. It seemed to me that he, like many men, was afraid of the topic of marriage in principle, but here he took such a step in front of a huge number of people! I was wrong. It was indeed difficult during the project, but in our eleven years together we learned to separate career and home.

Show "DANCING" on TNT. Tell us about the project: what are your responsibilities? What kind of relationships developed between the participants?

Undoubtedly, this is the best dance project in Russia. At first he was the only one, then someone tried to do something similar. The result is the victory of the “DANCE” project by an indecent margin. I am part of Miguel’s team, and if we talk about relationships in the team, we always have love. Miguel, Lesha Karpenko and I promise ourselves every time to stop dissolving in people so much that we then worry for weeks and shed tears when they leave. By the way, I am also responsible for the buckets of tears. In general, we try to make sure that the participants - and everything connected with them - do not sit in our heads around the clock. But so far the mission has failed successfully, and as soon as the “DANCES” begin, there is nothing in my head but them!

But nevertheless, the “PROTANCE KIDS” project has now begun to take up your time. for children 8-13 years old. How did the idea of ​​its creation come about? Why are parents in a hurry to send their children to you? Tell us about your students.

Yes, recently I have been teaching dance to children. At the dance center “PROTANCES” we held a casting, selected the children and are now trying to “pump up” them as much as possible different directions: Contemporary, Hip-Hop, House, UK Jazz, Popping - this is where we started. Children demand to add Vogue, I don't mind. I, as a group mentor, gathered the best, in my opinion, teachers, and the guys from PROKIDS have the opportunity to study with them five times a week. While we are not making loud statements about our team, we are now focused on teaching children to be attentive to music and their bodies. In general, everything has its time.

I think it’s especially important to explain that it’s impossible to dance for a month, two, or even a year, and then go out and immediately “break” everyone. Most often you cannot do without being “torn” several times. The guys seem to believe me. Children really need the support of their parents, try traveling like this for five days! Also, I'm sure the guys need to communicate outside the dance hall. For example, I really enjoy just chatting with them about all sorts of nonsense and spending time together. We recently went to the HHI-2017 Russian Hip-Hop Championship, the children were so impressed! And the very next day I noticed that they began to work more actively in the gym, and some began to develop their own style - this is cool! We are planning to visit a dog shelter together, I think this will unite us even more. And the main event of the summer, of course, will be a trip to a summer dance camp in Sochi. Honestly, I can’t wait!

Can any child be taught to move and dance beautifully?

I cannot answer this question specifically. But I can say with confidence that you can teach a child to believe in himself and not be afraid to be unique, and most importantly, to get a kick out of it! And here it is fundamentally important to ask the question - who is the teacher?

Ekaterina Reshetnikova was born in Russian city Novosibirsk November 1, 1982. From the early childhood Katya loved dancing and was distinguished by her mobility and flexibility. She took her first steps in this direction at a dance school, where she studied sports aerobics. Already at the age of 13, she began to successfully participate in competitions, including international ones.

Ekaterina decided to get a higher education close to her interests and hobbies: she entered the Faculty of Physical Education at the Novosibirsk Pedagogical University, which she graduated in 2003.

Choreographer's Star Trek

After graduation, Ekaterina Reshetnikova moved to Moscow, where her dancing talents helped her make bright career. Some time after moving from Novosibirsk, the young dancer appeared on the MTV channel in the then popular project “Dance Floor Star”. She was able to pass a serious casting and was noticed by the host of the television project Sergei Mandrik, who invited her to his dance group “Street Jazz”. Thanks to her talent, Katya soon became a show ballet soloist and also began working as a dance teacher.

The choreographer's career took off. The girl acted as a teacher on the show “Star Factory-6”, and was also a mentor in the television project “Another Life”, where she helped participants try a new profession. In addition, Ekaterina took part in many other TV shows, including “Song of the Year”, “Golden Gramophone”, “Old and New Songs about the Main Thing”, “Universal Artist”, “ Big change" and not only.

Ekaterina danced in many videos of Russian TV stars, and also acted as a choreographer for the Serebro group, singers Elka, Bianca and the Tootsie group. We also remember Reshetnikova in the “One to One” project and in the “Dancing” program on TNT.

By the way, Katya’s height is 165 cm.

Personal life of Katya Reshetnikova

The famous choreographer is not yet married and has no children. She is currently in a relationship with one of the participants in the “Dancing” project on TNT, Maxim Nesterovich.

Ekaterina Reshetnikova is a dancer, choreographer, concert director and sports aerobics and fitness coach. The project “Dance Floor Star” brought popularity to the girl. In addition to dance performances, Ekaterina is engaged in staging choreographic numbers in popular programs and in music videos. Russian musicians. Reshetnikova is a permanent choreographer for all seasons of the “Dancing” project.

Future choreographer Ekaterina Aleksandrovna Reshetnikova was born in Novosibirsk in 1982. Since childhood, Ekaterina grew up as an active and flexible child, so her parents took their daughter to the city dance school, where Katya enjoyed attending aerobics classes. The girl quickly received her first adult rank and at the age of 13 began participating in competitions and competitions, taking prizes. Soon Ekaterina Reshetnikova becomes a participant international competitions on fitness.

ABOUT future profession the girl practically didn’t think about it: Catherine knew that her future would be closely connected with sports and dancing. After graduation high school Reshetnikova becomes a student at the Faculty of Physical Education of the Pedagogical University of Novosibirsk.


In 2003, Ekaterina Reshetnikova graduated from university and set off to conquer the capital. Already in her second year in Moscow, Katya is participating in the MTV channel’s “Dance Floor Star” project. This brings the young dancer her first success. The country's first large-scale dance show begins creative biography Ekaterina Reshetnikova. Then, from 3.5 thousand participants, 80 of the most talented were selected, who had to compete for the prize and title of the best dancer in the country. This number included the Novosibirsk dancer.

Katya was noted by the host of the “Dance Floor Star” project, Sergei Mandrik, as one of the most promising and bright participants, and was invited to an internship in Mandryk’s team called “Street Jazz”. Just a few months later, Reshetnikova becomes a show ballet soloist. Ekaterina was also invited to teach at a dance school.

The year 2006 was extremely generous with pleasant events for Katya Reshetnikova. Ekaterina was invited to work as a teacher-tutor on the show “Star Factory-6”. In addition, in the same year, the choreographer was involved in the “Another Life” project. Within a month, 12 project participants had the opportunity to work in an industry in which they had never worked. Get comfortable in new profession The participants were helped by venerable mentors. One of the professional mentors was Ekaterina.

In the spring of the same 2006, Katya was invited to work as a choreographer in the group “Tutsi”, consisting of graduates of “Star Factory-3” and singer Tatyana Ovsienko. The choreographer also managed to work on the projects “Song of the Year”, “Golden Gramophone”, “Old and New Songs about the Main Thing”, “Two Stars” and others.

Ekaterina Reshetnikova can be seen in popular videos Russian stars stage. The dancer’s track record includes work on videos for the song “White Beach” by Bianca and Irakli, Elka “Throw Away”, Timur Rodriguez “Out in space”, the group “Silver” “Song #1” and many others.

Catherine’s career is not only about dancing. In 2012, Reshetnikova worked as a director concert program and choreographer of the Serebro group. She performed the same role for singers Yolka and Bianca. In the same year, Katya worked as an assistant to the director and choreographer on the popular projects “Universal Artist” (Channel One), “Big Change” (NTV), and the New Year’s show “Red Nick” at the Olimpiysky.

IN next year Ekaterina accepts an invitation from the leaders of the One to One project. At this show, participants tried on the images of musicians and performed cult hits. Here dance coach Reshetnikova worked together with the show director Miguel.

Nowadays, Ekaterina works in the Loony Band team, which has existed since 2010. Reshetnikova also works at the dance school “54 Dance Studio”.

Viewers watch the work of the Novosibirsk teacher on the TNT channel in the mega-popular project “Dancing”. Since October 2014, Ekaterina began working on preparing numbers for mentor Miguel’s wards.

On August 23, 2015, the video for Apashe feat. Panther Matumona & Odalisk “No Twerk”. IN music video Miguel starred with the team of his charges from the first season and the choreographers of the “Dancing” project Ekaterina Reshetnikova, Alexey Karpenko and Natalya Tkachuk.

Personal life

Ekaterina has a memorable appearance; she dyes her hair either bright red or ash blonde. The choreographer loves to take pictures; there are 670 posts on Ekaterina’s Instagram. Reshetnikova’s publications are followed by 412 thousand subscribers.

Ekaterina is a perfectionist by nature. The dancer is responsible, sets challenging goals and is ready to defend her opinion. The girl is demanding of herself and those around her. The choreographer forces the dancers to work to the limit, which makes it difficult for people to work with Reshetnikova. But the result that Ekaterina produces makes the difficult preparation worth it.

Personal life of Ekaterina Reshetnikova for a long time was hidden from prying eyes.

In one of the episodes of the “Dancing” show, it became known that Katya Reshetnikova was dating one of the project participants, Maxim Nesterovich. During the finale of the second season, Maxim, who won the project, proposed to the girl. On April 7, 2016, the wedding of Nesterovich and Reshetnikova took place. After the wedding, Ekaterina took her husband’s surname and in subsequent projects introduced herself as Ekaterina Nesterovich.

Ekaterina Reshetnikova now

After the completion of the first season of “Dancing,” Reshetnikova remained in the project. The choreographer continued choreographing dance numbers in the show's second and third seasons, as well as in "Battle of the Seasons". In May 2016, Ekaterina Reshetnikova performed on the stage of the “Dancing” project in a joint performance with Vitaly Savchenko, who became one of the most striking on the project.

Pre-casting began in the spring of 2017 fourth season"Dancing." Ekaterina Reshetnikova will remain on Miguel’s choreography team.

Russian dancer, choreographer and stage director.

Biography of Ekaterina Reshetnikova

Ekaterina Reshetnikova I started doing choreography and sports as a child. My first dance experience was performing at a graduation ceremony in kindergarten. At the age of 13, the girl received the 1st adult category in sports aerobics. IN adolescence Ekaterina took part in international fitness competitions.

After graduating from school, Ekaterina entered the physical education department of the Novosibirsk Pedagogical University. In 2003, she graduated from university and moved to Moscow to pursue a career as a dancer.

Reshetnikova is a vegetarian, but eats fish.

Dance career of Ekaterina Reshetnikova

Reshetnikova first appeared on television in 2006, when she took part in the MTV dance show “ Dance floor star", where her main competitor was choreographer and dancer Ilshat Shabaev. Despite the fact that the girl did not win the competition, she was noticed by Sergei Mandrik and invited to join his Street Jazz team.

Ekaterina’s next work was staging dances on the projects “Golden Gramophone”, “Song of the Year”, “Two Stars”, “Slavic Bazaar” and “Muz TV Award”. She also starred in videos of Russian and foreign performers- Yulianna Karaulova, Bianchi and others.

In 2010, Reshetnikova began teaching in a Moscow studio 54Dance Studio. A year later, together with Maxim And Vlad Nesterovichi she founded dance group Loony band, whose members perform at concerts of such performers as Elka, Jennifer Lopez and others.

At the same time, she danced with the group Flyographers.

In 2014, the dancers took 3rd place at the Hip-Hop Dance Championchip competition in Las Vegas, and in 2015 they won the Hip-Hop International Russia Championship (MegaCrew nomination).

Ekaterina Reshetnikova's work on the Dancing show

In 2014, Ekaterina became the choreographer of the show “Dancing on TNT”, in which she works in Miguel’s team. Her wards included such artists as Ilya Klenin, Anya Tikhaya, Snezhana Kryukova, Elizaveta Druzhinina, Vitaly Savchenko, Anton Panufnik, Alisa Dotsenko, Yulia Samoilenko, Slava / Vyacheslav Petrenko and others.

Later Reshetnikova worked on next seasons project. In 2018, the 5th season of the show was released on TNT.

Personal life of Ekaterina Reshetnikova

Ekaterina dated for a long time with the participant and winner of the 2nd season of the show “Dancing” on TNT, Maxim Nesterovich. The young people met in 2006, but hid their relationship for a long time.

Ekaterina Reshetnikova: “Neither me nor Max, thank God, ever wanted to advertise our relationship, post joint photos on Instagram and the like. We are different. We both like not to show others that we are dating. For example, if we are going somewhere on vacation big company, then Max and I don’t stay in the same room - each with our own friends.”

After winning the show, Maxim proposed to the girl right on the “Dancing” stage, and she agreed. The couple got married in April 2016 in Moscow.

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