List of authors who wrote stories about animals. For our children about animals Children's books about animals in the Fiction Department

Books about animals are of constant interest to children of all ages - from kindergarten to teenagers. Such literature is not only fascinating and educational reading, it teaches kindness, mercy, love for nature and our little brothers. Our article contains a selection of books about animals, which offers both time-tested works and new items on the book market.

Books about animals for preschoolers

The youngest readers, preschoolers, will be interested in funny poetic works, tales about animals and short stories classics of children's literature - Vladimir Suteev, Mikhail Plyatskovsky and others.

Samuel Marshak

    Collection of poems “Children in a Cage”

Rudyard Kinpling

    "Fairy tales and stories about animals"

Vladimir Suteev

    "Christmas tree";

    "Fisher Cat";

    "A bag of apples";


    “What kind of bird is this?”;

    “Who said “meow”?”;

    "Under the mushroom";

    "Rooster and Paints";

    "Mouse and Pencil";

    "Different wheels";



    "Three kittens";

    "Chick and Duckling" (and others).

Mikhail Plyatskovsky

    “Little Mouse Goes Out on the Ice”;

    "Bouncing House";

    "Angry Dog Bull";


    “Umka wants to fly”;


    “How two foxes shared a hole”;

    "Cloud in a Trough";

    “How Chernoburchik played football”;

    "Song for the Carnival";

    “The Fountain That Could Float”;

    “Sunshine for memory”;

    "The most interesting word»;

    "The Tale of the Upside-Down Turtle";

    "Zhuzhulya" (and others).

Boris Zhitkov

    "Tales of Animals"

Vitaly Bianki

    "Forest houses"

Kerr Judith

    "Abstract Meowley";

    “What Meowly Did” and other stories about a restless cat and her adventures will definitely appeal to kids.

Maria Vago

    "Notes of a Black Cat"

Books for children 7-10 years old

Vitaly Bianki

    “Lesnaya Gazeta” is a unique collection-almanac, a real encyclopedia living nature, written in lively and vibrant language.

Evgeny Charushin

    “Tupa, Tomka and Magpie” are wonderful, kindness-filled stories about animals that are accompanied by the author’s illustrations.

Olga Perovskaya

    “Guys and Animals” is a collection of stories about the forester’s children and their many pets. These stories, which have raised more than one generation of children, teach love, care and mercy.

Holly Webb

    “Good stories about animals” - puppy Harry, kitten Smoky, puppy Alfie, kitten Millie - these and many others furry heroes Holly Webb's books will make you smile, feel sad and think about kindness and loyalty.

Vladimir Durov

    "My animals";

    “My Home on Wheels” - stories about the artists of the Moscow animal theater “Durov’s Corner”, written by its founder, the famous trainer Vladimir Durov.

Eduard Uspensky

    "Incredible stories about your favorite pets"

Victor Lunin

    "My beast"

Vera Chaplina

    "Pets of the Zoo"

Vyacheslav Chirkin

    "Toshka, son of a dog"

Eduard Topol

    “I’m riding a donkey!” and other funny stories"

Yuri Dmitriev

    "Forest Mysteries"

Nikolay Sladkov

    "Forest hiding places"

Yuri Dmitriev

    "Tales about Mushonok and his friends"

Felix Salten


Books about animals for children in grades 5-8

Daniel Pennac

    "Dog Dog" - book French writer, a touching and funny story about a dog who “raised” its owner;

    “The Eye of the Wolf” is a fascinating story about a wolf locked in a cage in a Paris zoo, angry at all people, and an amazing boy named Africa, who made him look at the world differently.

Dowdy Smith

    “The One Hundred and One Dalmatians” is a well-known but no less fascinating book about adorable dogs, their owners and incredible adventures.

Gabriel Troepolsky

    "White Bim black ear"is a sad, heart-warming story about the setter Bim, about human cruelty and dog loyalty.

Katie Appelt

    “Under the Porch” is a book about the strong friendship of a dog, a cat and her kittens, and also about the fact that in the human world, as in the animal world, there is always a place for fidelity, love and happiness.

Nina Gernet, Grigory Yagfeld

    “Stupid Shershilina, or the dragon has disappeared”;

    “Katya and the Crocodile” - funny and kind stories about the adventures of the girl Katya and her friends

Yuri Koval

    “Shamayka” is a book about an intelligent and independent cat named Shamayka, who emerges with honor from various, often tragic situations of a yard cat’s life;

    “Under Sand” is a story about an arctic fox named Napoleon the Third, who dreams of freedom, his friends and adventures;

    Cycles of stories and miniatures “Butterflies”, “Spring Sky”, “Foal”, “Cranes”.

Yuri Yakovlev

    "A man must have a dog."

Rudyard Kipling


Vasily Belov

    "Stories about all living creatures"

Vadim Chernyshev

    "River of Childhood"

Books for high school students

Ernest Seton-Thompson

    "All about dogs";

    "Mustang pacer";


    "Stories about animals."

Books by the English naturalist and animal artist Ernest Setton-Thompson, the founder of literary genre about animals will not leave any reader indifferent, since they are filled with genuine love for our smaller brothers, subtle humor and deep knowledge of life.

James Herriot

    “God created them all”;

    "About all creatures - beautiful and intelligent."

James Herriot, a veterinarian, in his books shares with readers interesting episodes from his practice, and at the same time - his attitude towards four-legged patients and their owners, sometimes warm and lyrical, sometimes sarcastic, very subtly conveying all this with great humanity and humor.

Gerald Durrell

    “My Family and Other Animals” is a humorous saga about J. Durrell’s childhood, spent on a Greek island surrounded by his family and four-legged household members, the number of which was steadily increasing. Fun adventures and dramatic events, new discoveries and funny incidents - this was the beginning creative path future famous zoologist and writer.

Farley Mowat

    "The Dog Who Wouldn't Be Just a Dog" is a fascinating story about a dog named Mutt, who became a worthy and full-fledged member of the Mowat family.

Conrad Lawrence

    “A Man Finds a Friend” is a popular science book that tells the story of how cats and dogs were domesticated in human history, and about this largely mysterious connection between people and animals.

John Grogan

    “Marley and Me” is a story about the most obnoxious dog in the world, Labrador Marley, who managed to teach his owners to be a real family. Touching and good story about loyalty, friendship and all-conquering love. A film was made based on the book.

Joy Adamson

    "Born Free"

    "Living Free";

    "Free forever."

This trilogy tells the story of the amazing fate of the African lioness Elsa, who was left an orphan as a kitten and lived for three years on the Adamson estate as a family member.

Charles Roberts

    "Red fox"

Paul Gallico


    Eric Knight


Jack London

    "White Fang"

Works of Russian classics about animals

Alexander Kuprin

    "White Poodle"

Anton Chekhov


Dmitry Mamin-Sibiryak

    "Gray Neck"

Ivan Sokolov-Mikitov

    "Autumn in the Forest"

Lev Tolstoy

    "About Animals and Birds"

Mikhail Prishvin


Konstantin Ushinsky

    "Blind Horse"

Sergey Aksakov

    "Nature Stories"

Nikolay Nekrasov

    "Grandfather Mazai and the Hares"

Victor Astafiev

    "Horse with a pink mane"

Ivan Turgenev

    "Mu Mu"

Pavel Bazhov

  • "Silver Hoof"

Books about nature and animals
Adults and children love to read.
Sometimes we feel sad together
Sometimes we laugh heartily.

Books about nature and animals are always loved by children. Animals by their nature are close to children: they are sweet, spontaneous, they are a reflection of nature itself. That is why these books resonate in the hearts of young readers. Books about animals teach children kindness, care, and form an idea of ​​the world, its integrity and at the same time fragility. No matter how trivial it may sound, they teach to take care of nature, love and respect it.

Stories about nature and animals for children (for example, by such famous authors as V. Bianki, M. Prishvin) are very interesting, they are read in one breath. Books about birds, fish and insects will expand children's performance about the world around us.

From the books presented in this list, the child will learn a lot of new things about the animal world and will be able to find answers to his questions about different topics, be it wild, domestic or sea animals, forest animals, desert or taiga animals, animals of Australia or Africa.

Collections, fascinating atlases and encyclopedias about nature and animals, various books will tell about the life of birds, insects, fish; here the child will find pictures of animals and read poems about animals.

Encyclopedias and reference books

Akimushkin, I. I. Animal world. Mammals, or Animals / I. I. Akimushkin. - M.: Mysl, 1988. - 445 p.: ill.

Akimushkin, I. I. Animal world. Insects. Spiders. Pets / I. I. Akimushkin. - M.: Mysl, 1990. - 462 p.: ill.

Akimushkin, I. I. Animal world. Birds. Fish, amphibians and reptiles / I. I. Akimushkin. - M.: Mysl, 1989. - 463 p.: ill.

Akimushkin, I. I. Animal world. Invertebrates. Fossil animals / I. I. Akimushkin. - M.: Mysl, 1992. - 383 p.: ill.

Igor Akimushkin himself called his books “reference books.” To tell the truth, an exact definition for this genre has not yet been invented. What can you call a thick book where scientific information mixed with anecdotes, stories about sensational discoveries And exciting stories. An entertainment encyclopedia? A reference book for reading? However, is all this so important if Akimushkin’s “reference” books make us amazed, worried, laugh and be upset when reading about four-legged, winged and all sorts of other animals that inhabit and have inhabited our planet!

I explore the world: Animal behavior. - M.: AST, 2000. - 448 p.: ill.

I explore the world: Insects. - M.: AST, 1998. - 352 p.: ill.

I explore the world: Animal migrations. - M.: AST, 1999. - 464 p.: ill.

I explore the world: Animals. - M.: AST, 2000. - 544 p.: ill.

I explore the world: Amphibians. - M.: AST, 1998, - 480 pp.: ill.

I explore the world: Mysterious animals. - M.: AST, 2000. - 400 pp.: ill.

Of course, the encyclopedia “I Explore the World” is not only about animals. They were “given” only a few volumes, the most interesting of which is “Mysterious Animals”. We are talking about cryptozoology here. The word "crypto" comes from Greek and means "mystery". Cryptozoologists believe that Tyanitolkai and unicorns live on earth, and that behind the heroes of many legends are hidden zoological objects - “cryptozoans”. And they invite you to the “land of unprecedented animals.” Some of them were actually discovered by scientists, such as the lobe-finned fish coelacanth.

Books by famous authors

Almost each of these naturalist writers left behind at least a few books. And you can choose any one - rest assured, you won’t go wrong.

Bianki, V. Forest newspaper for every year / V. Bianki. - M.: Pravda, 1986. - 479 p.: ill.

There was no other book like it. All the most interesting things that happen in nature every month and day found their way onto its pages. Here you can find a message about the first “peek-a-boo” sounded in the park, find an advertisement for starlings “We are looking for apartments”, find out whether the chicken is breathing in the egg. The book has been reprinted countless times and translated into many languages ​​around the world.

Prishvin, M. Gray Owl / M. Prishvin. — M.: Det. lit., 1971. - 175 pp.: ill.

Strictly speaking, this is the autobiography of an Indian named Gray Owl, retold from English by Prishvin.

The Gray Owl tribe has hunted beavers for centuries. Followed steadily ancient tradition and the hero of this book himself. But then one day he suddenly felt that he could no longer kill a single beaver. And... he became the caretaker of the state beaver reserve. Perhaps this book is not a masterpiece in literary terms, but the fate of its hero is absolutely unique.

Seton-Thompson, E. Stories about animals / E. Seton-Thompson; lane from English ; preface and comment. E. E. Syroechkovsky and E. V. Rogacheva. - M.: Knowledge, 1984. - 175 p. : ill.

The white arctic fox Katug was hungry, and the smell of seal meat was so tantalizing that even the presence of large and strange creatures with long flippers (people) and wolf-like animals (dogs) did not stop him. The wolfhound noticed the little brave man, the chase began and, despite the cunning, the arctic fox died in a fight with the dogs. This story was told by the author in the story “Katug - Child of the Snows”. The book contains previously unpublished or almost forgotten stories about animal behavior that have not been published in Russian.

Dmitriev, Yu. Forest mysteries: stories / Yu. Dmitriev; artist E. Podkolzin. - M.: Strekoza-Press, 2005. - 63 p. : ill.

The collection of the famous naturalist writer Yuri Dmitriev includes fairy tales and stories about those who live in the forest and what grows in the forest. The book will help the young reader discover a lot of new things in the natural world. Dmitriev's works are used in lessons extracurricular reading in the lower grades.

Sladkov, N. I. Conversations about animals; Bureau of Forest Services / N. I. Sladkov; artist S. Bordyug. - M.: Strekoza-Press, 2005. - 159 p.

How birds and animals live in the ice of the white Arctic, in the tundra, green forests, steppes, deserts and mountains.

Chaplina, V. Zoo pets / V. Chaplina. - M.: NTR "Riperox", 1997. - 301 p.: ill.

Vera Chaplina gave her entire life to the Moscow Zoo. She could stay overnight at work if one of the pets was unwell, she could run all over the city in search of an escaped monkey, she could bring a newborn lion cub into her communal apartment, which had to be fed by the hour. In a word, Vera Chaplin was an obsessed person and she knew how to convey this obsession to her readers. Moreover, everyone - from before school age and older. The story about the lion cub Threw was perhaps one of the most powerful experiences of my childhood. In 1935, a newborn lioness appeared in the apartment of a Moscow zoo employee and was given the telling name Kinuli.

Vera Chaplina, for a long time who worked as the manager of the young animals' area of ​​the Moscow Zoo, wrote many kind and funny stories about his pupils: about a fox cub and a cat, about the friendship of a bear and a dog, about a wolverine, about a white bear cub:

“They sent me for Fomka. When I arrived, Fomka was sleeping. He was lying on the floor, in the middle of a large office. All four of his paws were spread out in different directions, and he looked like a small rug. Fomka slept so soundly that he didn’t even wake up, when I took him in my arms, he woke up already downstairs, on the street, from the cry of some old woman: “Fathers, no way, they’re dragging a bear!”

Fomka barked, broke free and... rushed into someone's car parked near the sidewalk. He probably mistook it for an airplane. He grabbed the door with his paws, pulled, and there were passengers sitting there. They saw a polar bear crawling towards them, they got scared, jumped out the other door and started screaming. Here Fomka became even more frightened. How it will roar! Yes, he will pull the handle! The door could not withstand the pressure and opened. Before I even had time to gasp, he was already in the car, on the seat. He sat down and calmed down immediately."

Charushin, E.I. Tyupa, Tomka and the Magpie: [stories] / E.I. Charushin; rice. author. - M.: Books "Seeker", 2007. - 63 p. : ill.

“When Tyupa is very surprised or sees something incomprehensible and interesting, he moves his lips and tymps: “Tyup-tyup-tyup-tyup...” The grass moved in the wind, a bird flew by, a butterfly fluttered, - Tyupa crawls, creeps closer and tymps: "Tup-tup-tup-tup... I'll grab it!" I'll catch it! I'll catch you! I’ll play!” That’s why Tyupa was nicknamed Tyupa.”

Evgeny Charushin is one of the most beloved writers by children. His books cause genuine delight in both children and adults. Probably because Charushin not only described his heroes, but also drew them. He was an incredibly talented animal painter. Being an artist by training (St. Petersburg Academy of Arts VHUTEIN), Evgeniy Ivanovich only began writing stories in 1930, inspired by Marshak’s reviews.

It is difficult to say what is more important in Charushin’s books—the text or the drawings. However, no, of course, drawings. These fluffy, warm, cute little animals that the artist loved and painted since childhood. And for which, in the end, he received a Gold Medal at the International Children's Book Exhibition in Leipzig. The collection includes touching and very funny stories about the antics of animals: a puppy, bear cubs, a kitten, fox cubs and magpies.

You can borrow these and many other books about nature, animals and birds from the school library.

Come! Choose! Read!

Wild animals and their young. Preparing animals for winter. Preparatory group for school

Subject: Wild animals and their young. Preparing animals for winter.

    I. Sokolov - Mikitov “White”, “Hedgehog”, “Fox Hole”, “Lynx”, “Bears”, “Little Lynx”.

    V. Oseeva “Ezhinka”

    G. Skrebitsky “In a forest clearing. Winter. Spring”, “Thorny-Thorny”.

    V. Bianchi “Bathing bear cubs.”

    E. Charushin “Little Wolf” (Wolf).

    N. Sladkov “How the bear scared itself”, “Forest rustles”, “Topic and Katya”, “How the bear was turned over”, “Naughty kids”, “A hedgehog ran along the path”, “Heart of the forest”, “Mysterious beast”, “Dancer”, “How long is the hare?” "Desperate Bunny"

    R.s.s. "Tails"

    V. A. Sukhomlinsky. How the Hedgehog prepared for winter", "How the Hamster prepared for winter"

    I.I. Akimushkin “Once upon a time there was a bear”

    A. Barkov “Blue Animal”

    R.n. With. "Two Little Bears"

    Y. Kushak “Post history”

    A. Barkov “Squirrel”

Ivan Sergeevich Sokolov – Mikitov

Valentina Aleksandrovna Oseeva


In a deep cool hollow,
Where the summer grass is fresh,
Ezhinka lives happily,
Hedgehog's only granddaughter.
She plays quietly all day long,
Last year's leaves rustle
Throws fir cones
And dozes in the shade under a bush.
One day a cloud came
The wind began to shake the trees,
And Hedgehog beloved granddaughter
He carefully went out to meet him.
And suddenly, out of breath, Bunny
He runs, scared to tears:
- Quicker! Some boy
He took the hedgehog away in a basket!

Birches and fir trees flashed by,
Green bush and rye.
Raising needles like weapons,
Hedgehog ran, bristling!
In the cool dust on the road
He was looking for the boy's trail.
He ran through the forest in anxiety
And he called his granddaughter by name!

It got dark... And the rain started dripping,
You won't find a living trace.
Fell under a pine tree and cried
Exhausted grandfather Hedgehog!
And my grandfather’s granddaughter was sitting
Behind the closet, curled up in a ball.
She didn't even want to look
On a saucer with fresh milk!
And in the morning to the green hollow
Children came from the city,
And grandfather's granddaughter Ezhinka
They brought it back in a basket.
They let us onto the soft grass:
– Will you find your way home?
- He will find it! - shouted from the groove
Hedgehog in an excited voice.

"In a forest clearing"


Winter. Forest clearing covered in white fluffy snow. Now it is quiet and empty, not like in the summer. It seems that no one lives in the clearing in winter. But that's just how it seems.
Near the bush, an old, rotten stump sticks out from under the snow. This is not just a stump, but a real mansion. There are many cozy winter apartments for various forest inhabitants.
Small insects hid under the bark from the cold, and immediately settled down
the mustachioed woodcutter beetle hibernates. And in a hole between the roots, curled up in a tight ring, a nimble lizard lay down. Everyone climbed into the old stump, each took a tiny bedroom in it, and slept in it for the whole long winter.
...At the very edge of the clearing, in a ditch, under fallen leaves, under the snow, as if under a thick blanket, frogs are sleeping. They sleep and don’t know that right there, nearby, under a pile of brushwood, curled up in a ball, their worst enemy, a hedgehog, fell asleep.
Quiet and empty in winter in a forest clearing. Only occasionally will a flock of goldfinches or tits fly over it, or a woodpecker, sitting on a tree, will begin to knock out delicious seeds from a cone with its beak.
And sometimes a white fluffy hare will jump out into the clearing. He will jump out, stand in a column, listen to see if everything is calm around him, look, and then run further into the forest.


The spring sun has warmed up. The snow began to melt in the forest clearing. And another day passed, then another - and there was none left at all.
A cheerful stream ran from a hillock along a hollow, filled a large, deep puddle to the brim, overflowed and ran further into the forest.
The winter apartments in the old stump were empty. Bugs and insects crawled out from under the bark, spread their wings and flew in all directions. A long-tailed newt crawled out of the dust. The lizard woke up, climbed out of the hole onto the tree stump, and sat down in the sun to bask. And frogs too winter sleep They woke up, jumped to the puddle - and splashed straight into the water.
Suddenly, under a pile of brushwood, something rustled and moved, and a hedgehog crawled out. He came out sleepy and disheveled. On the needles there is dry grass and leaves. The hedgehog climbed out onto a hillock, yawned, stretched and began to clean the rubbish from the thorns with his paw. It’s difficult for him to do this: his legs are short, they can’t reach his back. He cleaned himself a little, then sat down more comfortably and began to lick the belly with his tongue. The hedgehog washed himself, cleaned himself up, and ran across the clearing to look for food. Now he, beetles, worms and frogs, better not get caught: now the hedgehog is hungry, he will immediately catch and eat.
Came to life under the warm spring sun and a huge forest house - an anthill. From dawn to dark the ants are busy, dragging a blade of grass or a pine needle into the anthill.
Instead of winter apartments, new ones have now appeared in the clearing - spring ones. Two small gray birds flew to the old stump. They began to look around everything. Then one of them flew down to the ground, grabbed a dry blade of grass in its beak and put it in a hole near the stump. And another bird also flew up to her, and they began to build a nest together.

Georgy Alekseevich Skrebitsky

"Zlyuchka - Thorn"

Artist V. Trofimov

Vitaly Valentinovich Bianki

"Bathing bear cubs"

Our familiar hunter was walking along the bank of a forest river and suddenly heard a loud cracking of branches. He got scared and climbed a tree. A large brown bear came ashore from the thicket, with her two cheerful bear cubs and a nurse - her one-year-old son, the bear's nanny. The bear sat down. Pestun grabbed one bear cub by the collar with his teeth and started dipping it into the river. The little bear squealed and floundered, but the nurse did not let him go until he had thoroughly rinsed him in the water. Another bear cub was frightened by the cold bath and started to run away into the forest. Pestun caught up with him, slapped him, and then - into the water, like the first. He rinsed and rinsed it - and accidentally dropped it into the water. The little bear is screaming! Then, in an instant, the bear jumped up, pulled her little son to the shore, and gave the nurse such a splash that he, poor thing, howled.

Evgeniy Ivanovich Charushin

"Teen Wolf"

A little wolf lived in the forest with his mother.

One day my mother went hunting.

And a man caught the wolf, put it in a bag and brought it to the city. He placed the bag in the middle of the room.

The bag did not move for a long time. Then the little wolf wallowed in it and got out. He looked in one direction and was scared: a man was sitting, looking at him.

I looked in the other direction - the black cat was snorting, puffing up, twice his size, barely standing. And next to him the dog bares his teeth.

The little wolf was completely afraid. I reached back into the bag, but I couldn’t fit in - the empty bag lay on the floor like a rag.

And the cat puffed up, puffed up and hissed! He jumped on the table and knocked over the saucer. The saucer broke.

The dog barked.

The man shouted loudly: “Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha!"

The little wolf hid under a chair and began to live and tremble there.

There is a chair in the middle of the room.

The cat looks down from the back of the chair.

The dog is running around the chair.

A man sits in a chair and smokes.

And the little wolf is barely alive under the chair.

At night the man fell asleep, and the dog fell asleep, and the cat closed his eyes.

Cats - they don’t sleep, they only doze.

The little wolf came out to look around.

He walked around, walked around, sniffed, and then sat down and howled.

The dog barked.

The cat jumped on the table.

The man on the bed sat up. He waved his arms and shouted. And the little wolf crawled under the chair again. I began to live there quietly.

In the morning the man left. He poured milk into a bowl. The cat and dog began to lap up milk.

The little wolf crawled out from under the chair, crawled to the door, and the door was open!

From the door to the stairs, from the stairs to the street, from the street across the bridge, from the bridge to the garden, from the garden to the field.

And behind the field there is a forest.

And in the forest there is a mother wolf.

They sniffed, were delighted and then ran through the forest.

And now the little wolf has become a wolf.

Nikolai Ivanovich Sladkov

"How the bear scared itself"

A bear entered the dark forest - crunched underfallen tree with a heavy paw. The squirrel on the tree got scared and dropped the pine cone from its paws.
A cone fell and hit the hare on the forehead.
The hare broke from his bed and ran into the thicket.
He ran into a brood of grouse and alarmed everyone to death. I scared the jay out from under the bushes. The magpie caught his eye - she screamed throughout the forest.
Moose have sensitive ears, they can hear: a magpie is chirping! Not otherwise, he sees the hunters. The moose went through the forest to break the bushes!
The cranes in the swamp were frightened - they began to purr. The curlews circled and whistled sadly.
The bear stopped and pricked up his ears.
Bad things are happening in the forest: a squirrel is chirping, a magpie and a jay are chattering, moose are breaking down bushes, wading birds are screaming in alarm. And someone is stomping behind!
Shouldn't I leave in good health?
The bear barked, laid his ears back and let it run!
Oh, if only he knew that behind him was a hare stomping, the same one that the squirrel hit in the forehead with a bump.
So the bear scared himself, out of himself dark forest kicked out. Only footprints remained in the dirt.

"How a bear was turned over"

The birds and animals have suffered through a hard winter. Every day there is a snowstorm, every night there is frost. Winter has no end in sight. The Bear fell asleep in his den. He probably forgot that it was time for him to turn over to the other side.
There is a forest sign: as the Bear turns over on its other side, the sun will turn towards summer.
The birds and animals have run out of patience. Let's go wake up the Bear:
- Hey, Bear, it's time! Everyone is tired of winter! We miss the sun. Roll over, roll over, maybe you'll get bed sores?
The bear didn’t answer at all: he didn’t move, he didn’t move. Know he's snoring.
- Eh, I should hit him in the back of the head! - exclaimed the Woodpecker. - I suppose he would move right away!
“No,” mumbled Elk, “you have to be respectful and respectful with him.” Hey, Mikhailo Potapych! Hear us, we tearfully ask and beg you: turn over, at least slowly, on the other side! Life is not sweet. We, elk, stand in the aspen forest like cows in a stall: we cannot take a step to the side. There's a lot of snow in the forest! It will be a disaster if the wolves get wind of us.

The bear moved his ear and grumbled through his teeth:
- What do I care about you moose! Deep snow is good for me: it’s warm and I sleep peacefully.
Here the White Partridge began to lament:
- Aren’t you ashamed, Bear? The snow covered all the berries, all the bushes with buds - what do you want us to peck? Well, why should you turn over on the other side and hurry up the winter? Hop - and you're done!
And the Bear has his:
- Even funny! You're tired of winter, but I'm turning over from side to side! Well, what do I care about buds and berries? I have a reserve of lard under my skin.
The squirrel endured and endured, but could not bear it:
- Oh, you shaggy mattress, he’s too lazy to turn over, you see! But you would jump on the branches with ice cream, and skin your paws until they bleed, like me!.. Turn over, couch potato, I count to three: one, two, three!
- Four five six! - the Bear taunts. - That scared me! Well - shoot off! You're preventing me from sleeping.

The animals tucked their tails, the birds hung their noses, and began to disperse. And then a Mouse suddenly poked its head out of the snow and squeaked:
- They’re so big, but you’re scared? Is it really necessary to talk to him, the bobtail, like that? He doesn’t understand either for good or for bad. You have to deal with him like us, like a mouse. You ask me - I will turn it over in an instant!
- Are you a Bear?! - the animals gasped.
- With one left paw! - the Mouse boasts.
The Mouse darted into the den - let's tickle the Bear.
Runs all over it, scratches it with its claws, bites it with its teeth. The Bear twitched, squealed like a pig, and kicked his legs.
- Oh, I can’t! - howls. - Oh, I’ll roll over, just don’t tickle me! Oh-ho-ho-ho! A-ha-ha-ha!
And the steam from the den is like smoke from a chimney.
The mouse stuck out and squeaked:
- He turned over like a little darling! They would have told me a long time ago.
Well, as soon as the Bear turned over on the other side, the sun immediately turned to summer. Every day the sun is higher, every day spring is closer. Every day is brighter and more fun in the forest!

"Forest rustles"

Perch and Burbot
Where's the place under the ice? All the fish are sleepy - you are the only one, Burbot, cheerful and playful. What's the matter with you, huh?
- And the fact that for all fish in winter it’s winter, but for me, Burbot, in winter it’s summer! You perches are dozing, and we burbots are playing weddings, swording caviar, rejoicing and having fun!
- Come on, brother perches, to Burbot for the wedding! Let’s wake up our sleep, have some fun, snack on burbot caviar...
Otter and Raven
- Tell me, Raven, wise bird, why do people burn a fire in the forest?
- I didn’t expect such a question from you, Otter. We got wet in the stream and froze, so we lit a fire. They warm themselves by the fire.
- Strange... But in winter I always warm myself in water. There is never frost in the water!
Hare and Vole
- Frost and blizzard, snow and cold. If you want to smell the green grass, nibble on the juicy leaves, wait until spring. Where else is that spring - beyond the mountains and beyond the seas...
- Not beyond the seas, Hare, spring is just around the corner, but under your feet! Dig the snow down to the ground - there are green lingonberries, mantleberries, strawberries, and dandelions. And you smell it, and you get full.
Badger and Bear
- What, Bear, are you still sleeping?
- I'm sleeping, Badger, I'm sleeping. That's it, brother, I got into gear - it's been five months without waking up. All sides have rested!
- Or maybe, Bear, it’s time for us to get up?
- It's not time. Sleep some more.

- Won't you and I sleep through the spring after the start?
- Don't be afraid! She, brother, will wake you up.
- What if she knocks on our door, sings a song, or maybe tickles our heels? I, Misha, fear is so hard to rise!
- Wow! You'll probably jump up! She, Borya, will give you a bucket of water under your sides - I bet you won’t stay too long! Sleep while you're dry.
Magpie and Dipper
- Oh-oh, Olyapka, you don’t even think about swimming in the ice hole?!
- And swim and dive!

- Will you freeze?
- My pen is warm!
- Will you get wet?
- My pen is water-repellent!
- Will you drown?
- I can swim!
- A... ah... will you get hungry after swimming?
- That’s why I dive, to eat a water bug!

"Topic and Katya"

The wild magpie was named Katya, and the domestic rabbit was named Topik. We planted the homemade Topik and wild Katya together.
Katya immediately pecked Topik in the eye, and he hit her with his paw. But soon they became friends and lived in perfect harmony: a bird soul and an animal soul. Two orphans began to learn from each other.
The top is cutting blades of grass, and Katya, looking at him, begins to pinch the blades of grass. It rests with its legs, shakes its head, and pulls with all its chick strength. Topik is digging a hole - Katya is spinning around, poking her nose into the ground, helping to dig.
But when Katya climbs into a bed with thick wet lettuce and begins to swim in it - fluttering and jumping - Topik hobbles to her for training. But he is a lazy student: dampness is not for him
he likes it, he doesn’t like to swim and so he just starts nibbling on the salad.
Katya taught Topik to steal strawberries from the garden beds. Looking at her, he began to eat ripe berries. But then we took a broom and drove them both away.
Katya and Topik loved to play catch-up. To begin with, Katya climbed onto Topeka’s back and began hitting him on the top of his head and pinching his ears. When Topik's patience ran out, he jumped up and tried to run away. With all her two legs, with a desperate cry, helping with her scanty wings, Katya set off in pursuit. Running and fussing began.
One day, while chasing Topik, Katya suddenly took off. So Topik taught Katya to fly. And then he himself learned from her such jumps that no dogs were afraid of him.
This is how Katya and Top lived. We played during the day and slept in the garden at night. The top is in dill, and Katya is in the onion bed. And they smelled so much of dill and onions that even the dogs sneezed when they looked at them.

"Naughty Kids"

The Bear was sitting in a clearing, crumbling a stump. The Hare galloped up and said:
- Troubles, Bear, in the forest. Little ones don't listen to old people. They completely escaped their clutches.

- How so?! - the Bear barked.
- Yes indeed! - answers the Hare. - They rebel, they snap. Everyone strives in their own way. They scatter in all directions.
- Or maybe they... grew up?
- Where are they: bare-bellied, short-tailed, yellow-mouthed!
- Or maybe let them run?
- Forest mothers are offended. The Hare had seven - not a single one remained. He shouts: “Where have you gone, you lop-eared ones, the fox will hear you!” And they responded: “And we ourselves have ears!”
“N-yes,” grumbled the Bear. - Well, Hare, let's go and see what's what.
The Bear and the Hare went through the forests, fields and swamps. As soon as they entered the dense forest, they heard:
- I left my grandmother, I left my grandfather, I left my mother, I left my father!
- What kind of bun showed up? - the Bear barked.
- And I’m not a bun at all! I am a respectable adult Little Squirrel.
- Why then is your tail short? Answer: how old are you?
- Don't be angry, Uncle Bear. I'm not even one year old yet. And it won’t be enough for six months. But you, bears, live sixty years, and we, squirrels, live at most ten. And it turns out that for me, six months old, on your
bearish count - exactly three years! Remember, Bear, yourself at three years old. I suppose you also got a streak from the she-bear?
- What's true is true! - growled the Bear. - For another year, I remember, I went to nurse-nannies, and then I ran away. Yes, to celebrate, I remember, I tore up the hive. Oh, and the bees rode on me then - now my sides are itching!

The Bear and the Hare walked further. They went out to the edge and heard:
- Of course, I’m smarter than everyone else. I'm digging a house between the roots!
- What kind of pig is this in the forest? - the Bear roared. - Give me this movie hero here!
- I, dear Bear, am not a piglet, I am an almost adult, independent Chipmunk. Don't be rude - I can bite!
- Answer me, Chipmunk, why did you run away from your mother?
- That’s why he ran away, because it’s time! Autumn is just around the corner, it’s time to think about the hole, about winter supplies. So you and the Hare dig a hole for me, fill the pantry with nuts, then I’ll be ready to hug my mother until the snow hits. You, Bear, have no worries in winter: you sleep and suck your paw!

- Even though I don’t suck a paw, it’s true! “I have few worries in winter,” muttered the Bear. - Let's go further, Hare.
The Bear and the Hare came to the swamp and heard:
- Although small, but brave, he swam across the channel. He settled with his aunt in the swamp.
- Do you hear how he boasts? - whispered the Hare. - He ran away from home and even sings songs!
The Bear roared:
- Why did you run away from home, why don’t you live with your mother?
- Don’t growl, Bear, first find out what’s what! I’m my mother’s first-born: I can’t live with her.
- How can you say it’s impossible? - the Bear does not calm down. - Mothers’ first-borns are always their first favorites; they worry about them the most!
- They're shaking, but not all of them! - Little Rat answers. - My mother, the old Water Rat, brought baby rats three times over the summer. There are already two dozen of us. If everyone lives together, there will not be enough space or food. Whether you like it or not, settle down. That's it, Bear!
The Bear scratched his cheek and looked at the Hare angrily:
- You tore me away, Hare, from a serious matter to no avail! I was alarmed in vain. Everything in the forest goes as it should: the old grow old, the young grow. Autumn, slanting, is just around the corner, it’s time for maturation and resettlement. And so be it!

“The Hedgehog ran along the path”

The Hedgehog ran along the path - only his heels flashed. I ran and thought: “My legs are fast, my thorns are sharp - I’ll live in the forest jokingly.” Met the Snail and said:
- Well, Snail, let's race. Whoever overtakes whom will eat him.
Stupid Snail says:
- Let's!
The Snail and the Hedgehog set off. Ulitka’s speed is known: seven steps per week. And the Hedgehog, with his legs thumping and thumping, his nose grunting and grunting, caught up with the Snail, crunched, and ate it.
He ran further - only his heels flashed. He met the Croaked Frog and said:
- That's it, goggle-eyed, let's race. Whoever overtakes whom will eat him.
The Frog and the Hedgehog set off. Jump-jump Frog, thump-thump-thump Hedgehog. He caught up with the frog, grabbed it by the leg and ate it.
He ate the Frog - then his heels flashed. He ran and ran and saw an eagle owl sitting on a stump, shifting from paw to paw and clicking its beak.
“It’s okay,” the Hedgehog thinks, “my legs are fast, my spines are sharp. I ate the Snail, I ate the Frog - now I’ll get to the Owl!”
The brave Hedgehog scratched his well-fed belly with his paw and said casually:
- Come on, Owl, race. And if I catch up, I’ll eat it!
The owl narrowed his eyes and answered:
- Boo-boo-have it your way!
The Owl and the Hedgehog set off.

The Hedgehog didn’t even have time to flash his heel when the Owl flew at him, beat him with his wide wings, and screamed in a bad voice.
“My wings,” he shouts, “are faster than your legs, my claws are longer than your thorns!” I’m not your Frog and Snail - now I’ll swallow it whole and spit out the thorns!
The Hedgehog was frightened, but did not lose his head: he shrank and rolled under the roots. I sat there until the morning.
No, you can’t live, apparently, joking in the forest. Jokes, jokes, and look!

"Heart of the Forest"

In the depths of this dark forest there is a bright lake. It’s only knee-deep, but some incomprehensible power is hidden in it.
From all sides there are paths leading to the lake. The paths were not made by people, and the footprints on them are not human. There are hoof and claw prints in the dirt. The lake attracts forest inhabitants like a magnet; everyone needs something from it. Whoever walks by will certainly stop and turn.
I also turned around. He perched himself under a tree, leaned his back more comfortably on the trunk - and turned into a scattering of shadows and highlights. Some eyes stick out from the tree, the tree looks through my eyes.
...A muskrat emerged from the reflected cloud and chased springy circles of water. Black bare fingers fumbled around his stubbled cheeks, hurriedly pushing something into his mouth. Here she swam to the edge of the cloud, dragging her wire mustache behind her. Yes - gurgle! - from the clouds into the blue abyss of the sky!
Along the shore - a green slippery edge - sit frogs. They sit and gossip in low voices. Yes, suddenly they zaar-r-r-rut, they swear. The black sandpiper looked at them thoughtfully and swayed on its long legs, as if on a swing.

The sports wagtail rushes as if on a children's bicycle - only the spoked legs flash. From acceleration, a musketeer lunge - and a fly in the beak, like on a sword!
With caution, the goldeneye ducklings brought the ducklings out to the water. Fluffy, white-cheeked, one after another - like kindergarten kids on a walk. The one in the back fell behind, waved his stumps and - run through the water! On water like dry land - splash, splash, splash!
A fox turned out of the forest, sat down in a column and hung out its tongue - the duck with its ducklings moved away to the other bank. And there the raccoon is already stepping from paw to paw! Duck - in the middle. And a kite hung from above, black, gloomy, hungry. I held my breath, and the ducklings gurgle, gurgle, gurgle! - and there is no one. Instead of ducklings, the kite sees itself in the water. He shouldn’t attack himself, he circled, circled and flew away with nothing.
One day a moose came out to the lake. She wandered up to her belly into the water and dipped her face up to her ears! I saw something at the bottom. She raised her head - there were water lily stems in her mouth. I came to graze in the underwater meadow.

And once, I remember, a bear rolled out to the lake! The frogs flopped into the water together - as if the bank had collapsed. The muskrat stopped chewing, the sandpiper flew up frantically, and the wagtail squeaked in fear. And something shook inside me.
The bear shook his head, catching the lake smells in flight, shook off the mosquitoes that had been sucking on his ears, and sipped the water in disbelief. Oho-ho - no fish, no shells - just frogs. And they jumped into the water...
Some people ate enough at the lake, some got drunk, but I had seen enough. A miracle lake, lost in the heart of the forest. Or maybe it is the heart itself? And what I hear is not the splash of the wave, but its shocks and blows? And everything that is around is not a simple accumulation of animals and birds, but the intense beating of the forest pulse! And the cuckoo doesn’t just cuckoo, but counts its heartbeats? And the woodpecker taps these blows on the birch tree?
May be…

"Mysterious Beast"

A cat catches mice, a seagull eats fish, a flycatcher eats flies. Tell me what you eat and I will tell you who you are. And I hear a voice:
- Guess who am I? I eat bugs and ants!
I thought and said firmly:
- Woodpecker!
- I didn’t guess right! I also eat wasps and bumblebees!
- Yeah! You're a buzzard!
- Don't be a buzzard! I also eat caterpillars and larvae.
- Blackbirds love caterpillars and larvae.
- I’m not a thrush! I also gnaw on the antlers shed by moose.
- Then you must be a wood mouse.
- And not a mouse at all. Sometimes I even eat mice myself!
- Mice? Then, of course, you are a cat.
- Either a mouse or a cat! And you didn't guess right at all.
- Show yourself! - I shouted. And he began to peer into the dark spruce, where the voice was heard.
- I'll show myself. Just admit yourself defeated.
- It's early! - I answered.
- Sometimes I eat lizards. And occasionally fish.
- Maybe you are a heron?
- Not a heron. I catch chicks and steal eggs from bird nests.
- It looks like you are a marten.
- Don't tell me about the marten. The marten is my old enemy. And I also eat kidneys, nuts, seeds of fir trees and pine trees, berries and mushrooms.
I got angry and shouted:
- Most likely you are a pig! You eat everything. You are a feral pig who stupidly climbed onto the tree!
-Are you giving up? - asked the voice.
The branches swayed, parted, and I saw... a squirrel!
- Remember! - she said. - Cats eat not only mice, seagulls catch not only fish, flycatchers swallow more than just flies. And squirrels gnaw not only nuts.


What a great weather! Rain, slush, cold, just - brrrr!.. In such weather, a good owner will not let the dog out of the house.
I decided not to release mine either. Let him sit at home and warm himself. And he took the binoculars, dressed warmly, pulled the hood over his forehead - and went! It’s still interesting to see what the animal does in such bad weather.
And as soon as I left the outskirts, I saw a fox! Mouses - hunts for mice. It prowls through the stubble: its back is arched, its head and tail are towards the ground - well, a pure rocker.
She lay down on her belly, her ears upright, and crawled: apparently she heard the voles. Now they crawl out of their holes every now and then to collect grain for the winter.
Suddenly the fox jumped up in front, then fell with its front paws and nose to the ground, jerked - a black lump flew up. The fox opened its toothy mouth and caught the mouse in flight. And she swallowed it without even chewing it.
And suddenly she started dancing! Jumps on all four, as if on springs. Then suddenly he jumps on his hind legs like a circus dog: up and down, up and down! She wags her tail and sticks out her pink tongue with zeal.
I’ve been lying there for a long time, watching her through binoculars. My ear is close to the ground - I hear her paws stomping. He was covered in mud himself. I don’t understand why she’s dancing!
In this weather, just sit at home, in a warm, dry hole! And what kind of tricks does she pull out with her feet?
I got tired of getting wet - I jumped up to my full height. The fox saw it and barked in fright. Maybe she even bit her tongue. Get into the bushes - I was the only one who saw her!

I walked around the stubble and, like a fox, kept looking at my feet. Nothing remarkable: soil soaked from rain, rusty stems. Then I lay down like a fox on my stomach: wouldn’t I see something? I see: a lot of mouse holes. I hear mice squeaking in their holes. Then I jumped to my feet and let’s dance the fox dance! I jump up on the spot and stamp my feet.
Just then the frightened field mice will jump out of the ground! They move from side to side, bump into each other, squeak piercingly... Eh, if I were a fox, then...
What can I say: I realized what a hunt I had ruined for the fox.
She danced - she didn’t spoil her, she drove mice out of their holes... She would have had a feast here for the whole world!
It turns out what animal tricks you can recognize in this weather: fox dancing! I would spit on the rain and the cold, I would go to observe other animals, but I would feel sorry for my dog. It’s a shame I didn’t take it with me. He's bored, I guess, in the warmth under the roof.

Hare in pants

The white hare's hind legs have faded. There is no snow yet, but his legs have become white. It's like he's wearing white pants. Previously, no one noticed the brown hare in the clearing, but now it can be seen even behind the bush. Like an eyesore for everyone! He hid in a spruce forest - he saw the tits. Surrounded and let's squeak:

The fox will hear just that. The hare hobbled into the aspen grove. As soon as I lay down under the aspen tree, the magpies saw it! How they crack:
- Hare in pants, hare in pants!
The wolf will hear just that. A hare flashed into the thicket. There the tree was knocked down by a whirlwind. The top of the tree lay on the stump. She covered the stump like a hut. The white hare jumped onto a stump and became quiet. “Now,” he thinks, “now he’s hidden from everyone!”
A hunter was walking through the forest and saw: in the thickest part of the forest there seemed to be a peephole looking at the sky. What kind of sky is there if the forest is black behind? The hunter looked into the forest peephole - a hare! Yes, it’s close - you can poke it with a gun. The hunter gasped in a whisper. And the hare has nowhere to go - it runs straight towards the hunter!
The hunter stumbled back, got his feet entangled in dead wood and fell. And when he jumped up, only the white hare pants flashed in the distance.
Again the titmouse saw the hare and squealed:
- Hare in pants, hare in pants!
The magpies saw and began to chatter:
Hare in pants, hare in pants! And the hunter shouts:
- A hare in pants!
Here are the pants: no hiding, no changing, no discarding! If only it snowed soon, the worries would end.

“How long is the hare?”

How long is the hare? It depends. For a person - the size of a birch log. And for a fox or dog, a hare is two kilometers long. And even longer! Because for them, the hare begins not when they grab it or see it, but when they smell the hare’s trail. A short trail - two or three jumps - and the animal is small. And if the hare has managed to follow and loop, then it becomes longer than the longest animal on earth. Oh, how difficult it is for someone like that to hide in the forest!
The hare is trying with all his might to become shorter. Either it will drown the trail in the swamp, or with a jump it will tear it in two. The hare's dream is to finally become himself, the size of a birch log. He lives and dreams of how to gallop away from his trace, to hide, how to shorten, tear, and discard him, who is worthless.
The life of a hare is special. Rain and snowstorms bring little joy to everyone, but they are good for the hare: they wash away and cover the trail. And it’s worse for him when the weather is calm and warm: the trail is then hot and the smell lasts a long time. In such weather the hare is longest. No matter where you hide, there is no peace: maybe the fox, even though it’s still two kilometers away, is already holding you by the tail!
So it's hard to tell how long a hare is. In calm weather, a smart hare stretches, but in a snowstorm and downpour, a stupid one shortens.
Every day, the length of the hare is different.
And very rarely, when you are very lucky, there is a hare of the same length - as long as a birch log - as we see it. And everyone whose nose works better than their eyes knows about this. Dogs know. Foxes and wolves know. You too should know.

"Desperate Hare"

The white hare's hind legs have faded. There is no snow yet, but his legs have become white. It's like he's wearing white pants. Before, no one had noticed the gray hare in the clearing, but now he can be seen even behind the bush. Like an eyesore for everyone! He hid in a spruce forest - he saw the tits. Surrounded and let's squeak:

Just look, the fox will hear.

The hare hobbled into the aspen grove.

As soon as I lay down under the aspen tree, the magpies saw it! How they crack:

- Hare in pants, hare in pants!

Just look, the wolf will hear.

A hare flashed into the thicket. A whirlwind knocked down the tree there. The top of the tree lay on the stump. It covered the stump like a hut. The white hare jumped onto a stump and became quiet. “Now,” he thinks, “now he’s hidden from everyone!”

A hunter was walking through the forest and saw: in the very thick of it, there seemed to be a peephole looking at the sky. What kind of sky is there if there is a black forest behind! The hunter looked into the forest peephole - a hare! Yes, it’s close - you can poke it with a gun. The hunter gasped in a whisper. And the hare has nowhere to go - it runs straight towards the hunter!

The hunter stumbled back, got his feet entangled in dead wood and fell. And when he jumped up, only the white hare pants flashed in the distance.

Again the titmouse saw the hare and squealed:

- Hare in pants, hare in pants!

The magpies saw and began to chatter:

- Hare in pants, hare in pants!

And the hunter shouts:

- Hare in pants!

Here are the pants - no hiding, no changing, no shedding! If only it snowed soon, the worries would end.

Russian folk tale


P A rumor spread through the forest that tails would be distributed to all the animals. The crows flew in all directions through the forests and meadows and announced to everyone:
- Come, all the animals, tomorrow to the big clearing to get their tails!

The animals became agitated: “Tails? What tails? What are the tails for? Foxy sister says:
- Well, no matter what, but if they give it, you have to take it; Then we’ll figure out what they’re for!

In the morning, the animals flocked to the large clearing: some running, some leaping, some flying - everyone wanted a tail.

The bunny also got ready to go - he leaned out of his hole and saw that it was raining heavily, and it was lashing his face.
The bunny got scared: “The rain will beat me down!” - hid in a hole. He sits and hears: “toup-toup-toop!” The earth shakes, the trees crack. The bear is coming.
“Grandfather Bear,” the bunny asks, “they will give out tails there, please grab me a tail!”
“Okay,” says the bear, “if I don’t forget, I’ll grab it!”
The bear left, and the bunny began to think: “He’s an old man, he’ll forget about me!” We need to ask someone else!”
He hears: “thump-thump-thump!” - the wolf is running.
The bunny stuck out and said:

- Uncle wolf, if you get a tail for yourself, choose one for me too!
“Okay,” says the wolf, “I’ll bring it if there’s any left!” - And running.
A bunny sits in a hole, hears the grass rustling, rushes about - the fox runs.
“We need to ask her too!” - the bunny thinks.
- Little fox-sister, if you get a tail for yourself, bring me a tail too!
“Okay,” says the fox, “I’ll bring you a tail,” and ran away.
And many animals gathered in the clearing!
And there are tails hanging on large branches, and all sorts of them: fluffy, fluffy, like a fan, and a whisk, some are smooth, like a stick, some are pretzels, some are curled, some are long, some are short - well, all sorts of them!

The fox was the first to ripen, chose a fluffy, soft tail for herself, went home satisfied, twirls her tail, admires it.
The horse came running, chose its tail from long hair. What a tail!

He waves it - it's enough to reach your ear! It's good for them to ward off flies! The horse went away happy.
A cow came up and got a long tail, like a stick, with a panicle at the end. The cow is happy, waves at the sides, drives away the horse flies.
The squirrel jumped over heads, over shoulders, grabbed its fluffy, beautiful tail and galloped away.
The elephant trampled, trampled, trampled on everyone’s paws, crushed the hooves, and when he came up, all that was left was a tail, like a cord, with bristles at the end. The elephant didn’t like it, but there’s nothing you can do, there’s no other one!
The pig came up. She can’t lift her head up, she took out what was hanging lower - the tail is smooth, like a rope. She didn't like him at first. She curled it with a ring - it looked so beautiful - better than anyone else!
The bear was late - on the way to the bee yard - he came, but the tails were already gone! I found some piece of skin overgrown with hair and took it as a tail - good thing it’s black!

All the tails have been sorted out, the animals are going home.
The bunny is sitting in a hole, can’t wait for his tail to be brought to him, he hears a bear coming.

- Grandfather Bear, did you bring me a tail?
- Where is your tail? I got myself some scraps! - And left.
The bunny hears - the wolf is running.
- Uncle wolf, did you bring me a tail?
- There was no time for you there, oblique! I forcibly chose one that was thicker and fluffier,” said the wolf and ran away.
The fox is running.
- Little fox-sister, did you bring me a tail? - asks the bunny.
“I forgot,” says the fox. - Look what I chose for myself!
And the fox began to twirl its tail in all directions. The bunny felt offended! I almost cried.
Suddenly he hears noise, barking, squeaking! Looks like a cat and a dog are quarreling over who has the better tail. They argued, argued, and fought.
The dog bit off the tip of the cat's tail. The bunny picked it up, put it to himself like a tail and became pleased - even if it was small, it was still a tail!

Vasily Alexandrovich Sukhomlinsky

“How a hamster prepares for winter”

A gray hamster lives in a deep hole. His fur coat is soft and fluffy. The hamster works from morning to evening, preparing for winter. He runs from the hole into the field, looks for spikelets, threshes grain from them, and hides it in his mouth. It has grain sacs behind its cheeks. He will bring the grain into the hole and pour it out of the bags. Runs onto the field again. People left few spikelets; it is difficult for a hamster to prepare food.

The hamster filled the pantry full of grain. Now winter is not scary either.

“How the Hedgehog Prepared for Winter”

A Hedgehog lived in the forest.

He built himself a house in the hollow of an old linden tree.

It's warm and dry there. Autumn has come.

Yellow leaves are falling from the trees. Winter will come soon.

The Hedgehog began to prepare for winter.

He went into the forest and pinched dry leaves on his needles.

He brought it into his house, spread out the leaves, and it became even warmer.

The Hedgehog went into the forest again. I collected pears, apples, rose hips. He brought it to the house on needles and put it in a corner.

Once again the Hedgehog went into the forest. I found mushrooms, dried them and also put them in a corner.It’s warm and cozy for the Hedgehog, but it’s so sad to be alone. He wanted to find a friend.

I went into the forest and met a Bunny. The Bunny doesn’t want to go to the Hedgehog’s house. And the Gray Mouse doesn’t want to, and neither does the Gopher. Because they have their own holes.

Hedgehog met Cricket. The Cricket sits on a stalk, trembling from the cold.

- Come live with me, Cricket!

The Cricket jumped into the Hedgehog's house - he was very happy.

Winter came. The Hedgehog tells the Cricket a fairy tale, and the Cricket sings a song to the Hedgehog.

Igor Ivanovich Akimushkin

“Once upon a time there was a bear”

Illustrations by N. Kupriyanov.

A bear cub was born in winter in a den - a warm, cozy hole under an inverted spruce tree. The den was covered on all sides with coniferous branches and moss. The little bear cub was born - the size of a mitten, and weighed only half a kilogram.

The first thing he remembered was something wet, but warm, licking him. He crawled towards him. The heavy beast that was licking him turned so that the baby was directly in front of the nipple. The little bear clung to the nipple and, smacking with impatience, began to suck the milk. This is how the little bear lived: he ate, slept, sucked again, slept again in his mother’s warmth. He was still completely blind: his eyes opened only a month after birth. When the newborn cub became cold and began to tremble, the mother covered the baby with her front paws and began to breathe hotly on him to warm him up.

Three months passed quickly - spring approached. One day, waking up, the bear cub, to his surprise, discovered another animal in the den, similar to his mother, but smaller than her. It was his older sister. Last summer, the bear drove away all the grown cubs and kept only one with her. The two of them lay down in the den.
Why did you leave it?
And then, so that there is someone to help care for the cubs that will be born in the den in winter. The older bear cub is called a nurse. Because he cares for newborns, nurtures them, like a good nanny.

Spring is still early - April. There is still a lot of snow in the forest along the spruce forests, pine forests, and gullies. Raw, grainy, lies tightly.
When the mother bear smelled the smells of spring, she broke through the roof of her sleeping hole and climbed out into the light. And after the darkness of the den, the light struck her eyes with extraordinary brightness. With her sensitive nose, the bear sniffed the spirit from the damp earth, from the swollen buds, from the melted snow, from the pine trees that generously exuded resin.
It's time... It's time to leave the winter shelter. It's time to walk through the forest and collect food.
And so she went, collapsing immediately into a snowdrift that the blizzard had swept up during the winter near the turnout. The nurse immediately came out of the den behind her, and the little bear cub whined pitifully: he had not overcome the obstacle. Then the pestun returned to the pit and pulled him out by the collar with his teeth.
The spruce forest rustles with needles, the wind rustles in the branches. Our bears got out of the forest and into the black forest. The snow has almost completely melted here. The earth became foggy under the steamy warmth of the sun.
The mother bear was not idle, she was in charge everywhere: she would pull out snags, some stones, turn over slabs. The beast has great strength. The wind fell the tree to the ground, the bear walked around it, sniffed under the trunk what the earth smelled like there. Suddenly she grabbed a pine tree and moved it from its place like a light log. Now the nurse poked his nose into that bedsore and scraped the ground with his claws: maybe there was some small thing alive to eat. An example for the baby! He also began to dig the ground with his new claws.
The bear has lost weight over the winter, is hungry, chews and gnaws everything that is green, that is alive, scurrying around in the spring. The cubs keep up with her and imitate her in everything. Last year's pine nuts and acorns are being collected.
The anthill is a particularly pleasant find. They dug it all up and scattered it far around. The bear licked her paws, and the cubs, looking at her, did the same. Then they shoved their paws into the very vanity of the ants. Instantly, the paws turned black from the Ants, who rushed at them in crowds. Here the bears licked the Ants off their paws, ate them and reached for a new portion.
They ate a lot of Ants, but did not become full. The bear took the children to the moss swamps to pick cranberries.

They walked as usual: the mother was in front, the little bear cub was behind her, and the nurse was behind. The swamps have long since been freed from snow and are red with red berries - last year's cranberries. The mother bear and cubs raked up whole clumps with their paws and put them in their mouths, swallowed the juicy berries and threw away the moss. The sun had already risen high - the mother bear and her cubs went to rest: they climbed into the very thicket of the chapyga. We slept until late in the evening. The dawn was already fading in the west when the mother of her children led her children to a field at the edge of the forest: there the winter crops were growing green. They ate this greenery until the morning, grazing like cows in a meadow.
The pike went to the floods to spawn, and the bear went there too. She sat down by the water and looked at it. The cubs also lay down nearby and became quiet. How long did they wait - no one watched the clock; But the bear spotted a large fish not far from the shore and suddenly jumped on it with a noisy splash with all four paws, like a fox on a mouse. The pike did not escape from the bear's claws. The loot is important. The whole family feasted.

Alexander Barkov

"Blue Animal"

In the dense forest on the mountain it was as dark as under a roof. But then the moon came out from behind the clouds, and immediately the snowflakes sparkled and sparkled on the branches, on the spruce trees, on the pines, and the smooth trunk of the old aspen began to turn silver. At the top of it there was a black hole, a hollow.

Here, in the snow, with soft, silent jumps, a dark, long animal ran up to the aspen. He stopped, sniffed, and raised his sharp muzzle. The upper lip lifted, sharp, predatory teeth flashed.

This marten is the killer of all small forest animals. And now she, slightly rustling her claws, runs up the aspen tree.

At the top, a round, mustachioed head poked out of the hollow. A moment later, the blue animal was already running along the branch, shedding snow as it went, and easily jumped onto the branch of a neighboring pine tree.

But no matter how easily the blue animal jumped, the branch swayed, and the marten noticed. She bent into an arc, like a drawn bow, then straightened up and flew like an arrow onto a branch that was still swaying. The marten rushed up the pine tree to catch up with the animal.

There is no one in the forest more agile than a marten. Not even a squirrel can escape her.

The blue animal hears the chase, he has no time to look back: he must quickly, quickly escape. He jumped from a pine tree onto a spruce tree. In vain the animal is cunning, runs along the other side of the spruce, the marten gallops on its heels. The animal ran to the very end of the spruce paw, and the marten was already nearby, grabbing it with its teeth! But the animal managed to jump.

A blue animal and a marten rushed from tree to tree, like two birds among thick branches.

The blue animal will jump, the branch will bend, and the marten will follow it, not giving a moment’s respite.

And now the blue animal no longer has enough strength, its legs are already weakening; So he jumped and couldn’t resist falling down. No, I didn’t fall, I grabbed onto the lower branch along the way and forward, forward with my last strength.

And the marten is already running above and looking from the upper branches for the best way to rush down and grab it.

And then for a moment the blue animal stopped: the forest was interrupted by an abyss. The marten, too, at full gallop, stopped over the animal. And suddenly she rushed down.

Her jump was precisely calculated. She fell with all four paws to the place where the blue animal had stopped, but he had already jumped straight into the air and flew, slowly, smoothly flew through the air over the abyss, as if in a dream. But everything was in reality, under the bright moon.

It was a flying squirrel: it had loose skin stretched between its front and hind legs, which held it in the air like a parachute.

The marten did not jump after him: she cannot fly, she would have fallen into the abyss.

The flying squirrel turned its tail and, having beautifully rounded its flight, descended onto the tree on the other side of the abyss.

The marten clicked her teeth in anger and began to descend from the tree.

The blue animal escaped.

Russian folktale

"Two Little Bears"

On the other side of the glass mountains, behind the silk meadow, stood an untrodden, unprecedented dense forest. In an untrodden, unprecedented dense forest, in its very thicket, there lived an old she-bear. The old she-bear had two sons. When the cubs grew up, they decided to go around the world to seek happiness.

At first they went to their mother and, as expected, said goodbye to her. The old bear hugged her sons and told them never to part with each other.

The cubs promised to carry out their mother’s orders and set off on their way. First they walked along the edge of the forest, and from there into the field. We walked they walked. And the day went by, and the next went. Finally, all their supplies ran out. And there was nothing to get on the way.

The bear cubs wandered dejectedly side by side.

Eh, brother, how hungry I am! – the younger one complained.

And even worse for me! – the elder shook his head sadly.

So they kept walking and walking until they suddenly came across a large round head of cheese. They wanted to divide it fairly, equally, but failed.

Greed overcame the cubs; each was afraid that the other would get the larger half.

They argued, swore, growled, when suddenly a fox approached them.

What are you arguing about, young people? – asked the cheat.

The cubs told about their misfortune.

What kind of trouble is this? - said the fox. - It's no problem! Let me divide the cheese equally between you: the youngest and the oldest are all the same to me.

That is good! – the cubs exclaimed with joy. - Delhi!

The fox took the cheese and broke it in two. But the old cheat broke the head so that one piece was larger than the other. The cubs shouted at once:

This one is bigger! The fox reassured them:

Quiet, young people! And this trouble is not a problem. A little patience - I'll sort everything out now.

She took a good bite out of more than half and swallowed it. Now the smaller piece has become larger.

And so uneven! – the cubs became worried. The fox looked at them reproachfully.

Well, that's enough, that's enough! - she said. - I know my stuff!

And she took a big bite out of more than half of it. Now the larger piece has become smaller.

And so uneven! – the cubs cried out in alarm.

May it be for you! - said the fox, moving her tongue with difficulty, since her mouth was full of delicious cheese. - Just a little more - and it will be equal.

And so the division went. The cubs only led with their black nosesyes-here - from larger to smaller, from smaller to larger piece. Until the fox was satisfied, she divided and divided everything.

By the time the pieces were even, there was almost no cheese left for the cubs: two tiny crumbs!

“Well,” said the fox, “even if it’s little by little, but equally!” Bon appetit, cubs! – she giggled and, wagging her tail, ran away. This is what happens to those who are greedy.

Yuri Naumovich Kushak

"Postal History"

Alexander Sergeevich Barkov


The fidgety squirrel lives both in the taiga and in mixed forests, settling in large nests made of twigs or in tree hollows. Jumps along the branches of pines, cedars, spruces and gnaws resinous cones. In summer, the squirrel's fur is red and short, matching the color of the bark and leaves. In winter, she dresses up in a fluffy silver-blue “fur coat,” which saves her from the severe cold and camouflages her among the snow. The squirrel's ears are sharp, sensitive, with tufts at the ends. The tail is long and bushy.

In the fall, she stores nuts and acorns in hollows for the winter; dries, pricking on sharp twigs, mushrooms: boletus, boletus, russula. Sometimes there are lean years for nuts and acorns, then squirrels gather in flocks and migrate long distances in search of food: they swim across rivers, run across fields and meadows, and pass swamps. Squirrels visit villages and towns, and sometimes even crowded cities. Hungry furry animals knock with their paws on windows and vents: they ask for help good people, primarily in children.

"White Hare"

The white hare, unlike the hare, which lives in fields and meadows, lives only in forests. In winter, he is all white, like snow, only the tips of his ears are black. In summer, the white hare is reddish-brown. In this outfit it is easier for him to camouflage himself in the young green undergrowth. All day the hare sleeps somewhere under a bush. It feeds at night: it nibbles grass, gnaws on the bark and branches of trees.

He has plenty of enemies in the forest - owls, foxes, and wolves. The long-eared coward is very sensitive and fast. He will hear a noise from afar, press his ears to his back and rush through the deep snow on long legs, as if on skis, weaving, confusing his tracks. By winter, his paws are overgrown with fur, becoming fluffy and wide. It is not so easy to track down and catch up with the fleet-footed hare: he runs away from a toothy wolf, a cunning fox, and a sensitive hunting dog.


At dusk, a large wild boar pig with yellow fangs comes out to the edge of the forest with striped boars. The boars have light brown fur with dark stripes on the back. A family of wild boars wanders near old stumps, grunting. The formidable, bristly boar digs the ground with her hooves, uses her crooked sharp fangs, like an ax, to cut down the tight roots of trees, teaches the boars to look for worms, beetles, snails, and dig out mice and moles from holes.

To the delight of the hungry little boars, near the roots of the thick oak tree, under a fallen leaf there was a pile of last year’s acorns - a whole treasure! The baby boars kicked their hind legs, grunted joyfully, twirled their tails and began to gobble up their favorite dish with their mother.

The boar is a mighty beast. In the old days it was called a boar. When angry, a boar is scary not only to the wolf, but also to the bear. He has a large head, sensitive ears and sharp fangs. He is not afraid of either forest thickets, thorny bushes, or thickets of grass. In search of food, wild boars constantly roam. They freely swim across lakes and wide rivers. Their favorite places to live are marshy lands among mosses, reeds and bushes, as well as forest wilds. In winter, wild pigs live in herds. Only old, ferocious male loppers prefer solitude.


The sensitive and flexible otter likes to settle on forest rivers with clear spring water flowing through thickets of reeds and sedges. Her head is dark. The mustache is bristly. The paws are short and webbed. The tail is long and thick. From afar, the otter looks like a small seal. Its fur is highly valued.

On the bank of the river, the otter digs a hole in which it will give birth to its cubs. Moreover, the entrance to the hole is always under water, at a depth of no more than a meter.

The otter swims and dives excellently, and uses its tail as if it were a rudder. She hunts most often at night: she catches fish and crayfish.

In Karelia, one hunter had a tame otter. Her name was Drapka. In winter, Drapka deftly and funnyly slid down the ice slide, which greatly amused the village children. She dived into an ice hole on the lake and caught fish. Even experienced fishermen were amazed at the rich catch of the small “lake seal” Drapka.

According to statistics, books about animals for children are the most popular. Everyone loves them, starting from kindergarten age. These are books about rare and extinct animals, wild and domestic, living in zoos and natural parks, popular science, documentary, and fiction. They will talk about their habitat, habits, features that distinguish them from other species, methods of obtaining food and hunting. This is not only fascinating and educational literature, but also reading that calls for mercy, teaches us to love the living world that surrounds us and care for its inhabitants. As one of the heroes of books about animals for children said: “We are responsible for those we have tamed.”

The extraordinary adventures of Karik and Valya - Ian Larry
Ordinary curiosity led to very unusual consequences: Karik and Valya, having drunk an elixir without permission in the professor’s office, shrunk many times and accidentally ended up on the street - in a world inhabited by insects, where they had to endure many incredibly dangerous adventures.

Black Beauty - Anna Sewell
Black Handsome, a magnificent horse who remembers the joy of a free life, tells his story from the pages of this novel. Now he is forced to live in captivity and work hard. But no difficulties can break him and harden his noble heart.

My home on wheels - Natalya Durova
The book by People's Artist of the Soviet Union, famous trainer Durova will tell about her favorite artists: elephants, monkeys, dogs. The author will share the secrets of their training and stories (funny and not so funny) from the lives of animals and people who worked with them.

Stories about animals - Boris Zhitkov
Collection wonderful stories about animals, aimed at preschool children. Their heroes: a very brave stray cat, a small calf, an elephant who saved its owner, a wolf - with great love described by the author.

Lion and dog - L. N. Tolstoy
A story about the touching friendship of a huge lion and a tiny white dog, which was thrown into the cage of the king of animals as food. Contrary to people's expectations, they became friends, and when the dog got sick and died, the lion also died, refusing food.

Fox bread - M. Prishvin
The story of a passionate hunter, nature lover M. Prishvin about funny incident which happened one day after his return from the forest. The little girl was very surprised to see rye bread among the trophies he brought. The most delicious bread is chanterelle bread.

Stories and fairy tales - D. N. Mamin-Sibiryak
A collection of fairy tales and stories describing the author’s native Ural nature: taiga expanses, forests, deep lakes and fast rivers. He knows the habits of animals and birds very well and talks about their lives in his works.

White Bim Black Ear - Gabriel Troepolsky
A story about love and all-consuming devotion that forced Bim to go in search of his owner. A dog faced with indifference and cruelty towards himself from people to whom he did nothing wrong, to last minute I was waiting and hoping to meet the one I loved very much.

A year in the forest - I. S. Sokolov-Mikitov
The Russian forest and its inhabitants are the main characters of the stories in this collection. Each story is a short but surprisingly accurate sketch of their life: there is a bear family taking water treatments, a hedgehog rushing to its lair, and squirrels playing around in the branches.

White-fronted - Anton Chekhov
The old she-wolf's night foray ended in failure: instead of a lamb, she grabbed a stupid, good-natured puppy in the barn, which, even after she let him go, ran with her all the way to the lair. Having played enough with the wolf cubs, he went back and again accidentally interfered with her hunt.

Kashtanka - A. P. Chekhov
A story about the loyalty and friendship of a boy and a dog named Kashtanka, which Fedyushka’s grandfather once lost. She was picked up by a circus clown and taught to perform many tricks. One day, grandfather and Fedya came to the circus, and the boy recognized his dog.

White poodle – Alexander Kuprin
A friend cannot be sold, even for a lot of money, but not everyone understands this. The spoiled boy demands Artaud for himself. He needs a new toy. The organ grinder and his grandson refuse to sell the dog, so the janitor is ordered to steal the poodle from the intractable owners.

Gray Neck - Dmitry Mamin-Sibiryak
A broken wing in childhood prevented the duck from flying away with everyone else. And the fox, who had long dreamed of eating her, had to wait until the river froze... But her plans were not destined to come true. The gray neck was noticed and taken with him by an old hunter who decided to please his granddaughters.

Kusaka - Leonid Andreev
She has not trusted people for a long time and rushes, expecting another kick or stick from them. But Kusaka believed this family, her little heart melted. But in vain... The girl could not persuade her parents to take the dog. They betrayed Kusaka and left, leaving her alone.

Frog-traveler - Vsevolod Garshin
How she envied the ducks who went to distant lands every autumn! But she couldn’t fly with them - after all, frogs can’t fly. Then she came up with a way for her to see the world by going with the ducks. But the desire to show off confused all her plans.

Golden Meadow - M. Prishvin
A short, very warm story written by Prishvin from the perspective of a little boy who noticed an interesting feature of a dandelion. It turns out that he goes to bed, squeezing his petals, and wakes up, opening towards the sun's rays.

Lesnaya Gazeta – Vitaly Bianki
Collection of stories about nature. The author has been improving, supplementing and expanding the geography of the “newspaper” for thirty years. The book is made in the style of a news publication and will be of interest not only to young readers; even adults will be able to find a lot of interesting information in it.

Notes of a Hunter - I. S. Turgenev
A series of stories by the famous Russian writer I. S. Turgenev, a hunter and nature connoisseur. Magnificent landscape sketches, rich characters of peasants and landowners, scenes describing everyday work and holidays, create stunningly life-like pictures of Russian life.

Miracles: stories about birds - Nikolay Ledentsov
To find yourself in the extraordinary land of Wonders, you do not need to buy a train, plane or bus ticket. You just need to listen to the birds singing in your yard, forest or field. A collection of stories by N. Ledentsov will introduce you to different species of birds and teach you to understand their songs.

Fomka - polar bear - Vera Chaplina
V. Chaplina, who worked with baby animals at the zoo for many years, in her works talks about some of them (a monkey, a tiger cub, a bear cub and a wolf cub), their upbringing, taming and the trust in humans that arises in animals who are truly loved .

My pets - Vera Chaplina
A collection of stories consisting of 2 sections. The first tells about animals from the zoo where the author worked, and the second talks about people who took care of abandoned, in trouble or sick animals and birds. Their feelings and great joy if the animal managed to be helped

Drifters of the North - James Curwood
In the far north, in the wild taiga forest, two unusual friends live: the puppy Miki and the orphaned bear cub Neeva. Their adventures, unexpected discoveries, true friendship and the dangers that await the kids are told in this wonderful book.

Belovezhskaya Pushcha - G. Skrebitsky, V. Chaplina
The book, aimed at children of primary school age, is a collection of wonderful essays by animal writers G. Skrebitsky and V. Chaplina, written after their trip to the Belarusian nature reserve and observing the life of its inhabitants.

Theme and the Bug - N. Garin-Mikhailovsky
To save your dog a little boy, risking falling at any moment, descends into the old well. All attempts to get her out by other means failed. But he could not leave the Bug there, doomed by some cruel person to a slow death.

Cat Thief - Konstantin Paustovsky
The always hungry feral red cat, a real bandit and thief, did not allow anyone to relax, until one day a way was found to force him to stop his raids. Fattened and grown up, he became an excellent guard and loyal friend.

A fly with whims - Jan Grabovsky
A collection of Polish writer Jan Grabowski, consisting of funny stories and stories about a dachshund named Mucha and her friends and neighbors. Their cute pranks and funny adventures, disputes and little secrets noticed by the author will definitely please your child.

Menagerie Manor - Gerald Durrell
A book by the famous traveler, naturalist, telling about the creation of a private zoo on the island of Jersey and about the animals that lived in it. The reader can expect humorous scenes, descriptions of unusual, even exotic animals, and the everyday life of ordinary workers of this unique estate.

Animal Stories - E. Seton-Thompson
A collection of stories and tales about nature. Their main characters - animals and birds - have extraordinary characters and remain in the memory of readers for a long time: the restless Chink, the brave Jack Rabbit, the wise Lobo, the proud cat, the resourceful and brave fox Domino.

White Fang. The Call of the Wild - Jack London
The book consists of 2 popular works D. London, talking about difficult fate and the dangerous adventures of a half-wolf and a dog living among people who pan for gold in Alaska. Each of them will choose their own path: the wolf will remain loyal to the man, and the dog will lead the wolf pack.

Childhood friends - Skrebitsky G.
A wonderful book about the world of wildlife, written in accessible language, suitable for preschoolers and primary school students. The author talks about animals, their lives and habits, so interestingly that the reader seems to be transported into this wonderful world and becomes part of it.

Peers - Marjorie Kinnan Rawlings
A story about an incredibly touching friendship between a teenager and a little deer. Beautiful landscapes, realistic descriptions of animals living in the forests around the farm, real male friendship father and son and love for all living things will not leave readers indifferent. Once upon a time there was a bear - Igor Akimushkin
A short story for children. Everything a child should know about the life of bears in the forest: hibernation, the birth of babies, their upbringing and training by a bear and a nanny (an older bear cub), nutrition and hunting, is told in an easy, accessible language.

The Dog Who Didn't Want to Be Just a Dog - Farley Mowat
Matt is an extraordinary dog ​​who accidentally appeared in their home. Actually, dad dreamed of a hunting dog, but mom, taking pity on the unfortunate puppy and at the same time saving $199.96, bought Matt, a mischievous, stubborn dog who became a member of their family.

Everything you ever wanted to know about insects - Julia Bruce
Children's illustrated guide telling about different types insects, their habitat, methods of adaptation to environment, nutrition and structural features. Together with the main character - a bumblebee - the child will go on an exciting journey into the world of insects.

Everything you wanted to know about sea animals - Bruce Julia
A short guide that will introduce the reader to the life of the inhabitants of the underwater depths: sharks, octopuses, turtles, dolphins, etc. Vivid illustrations, interesting facts and a narrative in the form of a journey make reading this book truly exciting.

On the threshold of spring - Georgy Skrebitsky
An unexpected meeting occurred with the author, who came to the forest to see the first signs of the approaching spring. He noticed a moose struggling through the trees, trying to get rid of its antlers. People say: “The elk takes off his winter hat and says hello to spring.”

Forest great-grandfather - G. Skrebitsky
Skrebitsky is a naturalist writer who very interestingly tells children about the life of the forest. The trees, wild animals and birds in his stories are individual. The books of this author teach children to be kind, compassionate, to love and protect wildlife.

Mukhtar - Israel Metter
It is not known how the fate of this intelligent, but very wayward dog would have turned out if he had not ended up serving in the police, and Lieutenant Glazychev had not become his guide, who believed that if you earn the love of a dog, then it will not only obey, but will become your most devoted friend.

In different parts - Gennady Snegirev
A book about the beauty and grandeur of nature in our big country. These are original notes from a traveler, admiring the magnificent landscapes and how many interesting animals and birds are found in the northern forests, tundra, on the southern shores and in central Russia.

Stories about Kapa - Yuri Khazanov
Funny, kind and instructive stories about the antics of Cap and his little master. Dogs are happiness! And eaten shoes, a destroyed apartment and puddles are a complete trifle! Vovka and Kap - a mischievous, cheerful spaniel - are inseparable friends. This means that all troubles, adventures and joys are divided in half.

My Mars - Ivan Shmelev
The trip on the ship almost ended tragically for the author’s beloved dog, the Irish setter Mars. His presence irritated the passengers, and the owner was constantly reprimanded. But when the dog was overboard, everyone began to ask the captain to reverse.

Our reserves - Georgy Skrebitsky
A collection of stories by naturalist writer Grigory Skrebitsky, introducing young readers to nature reserves located on the territory of our country, their flora and fauna, and the complex work of scientists trying to preserve endangered species and breed new valuable breeds

Lassie - Eric Knight
Lassie is the pride of her owners and the envy of everyone who has seen her at least once. Circumstances force Sam's parents to sell their dog. But there is such a strong attachment between her and the boy that even a distance of hundreds of kilometers does not stop Lassie. She's going home!

Unknown paths - G. Skrebitsky
While reading the book, the child will follow the author to go where no man has gone before, observe the life of forest animals, visit some forest families, take part in their daily activities, and, through empathy, will learn to take care of the world around him. .

Along the seas around the Earth - S. Sakharnov
Reading this book, the child will follow the author and go to trip around the world, during which he learns a lot of interesting things about the seas, their inhabitants, and famous travelers. Each article about a particular sea is accompanied by an anecdote, sea tale or stories from the life of the author.

In the world of the dolphin and the octopus - Svyatoslav Sakharnov
This book by a naval sailor, writer, participant in many expeditions will tell about the inhabitants of the underwater world, for example, octopuses, stingrays, sea urchins, fish and dolphins, as well as those land animals whose life is inextricably linked with the depths of the sea: seals, walruses, fur seals.

Scarlet - Yuri Koval
Scarlet is a border guard dog raised by instructor Koshkin, a simple, kind guy. They became a real team and detained many violators. And this time they pursued the enemy. The dog rushed. Shots rang out. And Koshkin could not believe that Scarlet was no more.

Silent Lake - Stanislav Romanovsky
A collection of amazingly poetic stories for children about the nature of the Kama region - a protected area, the birthplace of S. Romanovsky. Its main character is third-grader Alyosha, an inquisitive boy who often goes with his father to the forest and lakes, observing the life of animals, birds and insects.

About the elephant - Boris Zhitkov
In India, elephants are domestic animals, just like our dogs, cows and horses. Kind and very smart helpers, they sometimes get offended by the owners who love them and refuse to work. But owners are different: some do nothing to make their hard work easier.

How does a rabbit differ from a hare - Igor Akimushkin
Very often a wild rabbit is called a hare. But these are completely different animals! The author of this story, Igor Akimushkin, will tell you about their external differences, habitats, breeds, habits and food preferences in a language that a young reader can understand.

In a new place - Zverev M.
A short story about the adventures of a very unusual family in a new habitat, written by naturalist Maxim Zverev, a scientist, professor-zoologist, who founded a zoo and the first station for young naturalists in Siberia.

Hill Dwellers - Richard Adams
A novel about the incredible adventures of wild rabbits escaping from their colony. Nut's younger brother sees the future: soon they will all be destroyed. But no one listens to his words, so Nut convinces several friends to leave and found a colony elsewhere.

Little Fox Vuk - Istvan Fekete
There has been an addition to the fox family. The cubs have already grown up, and Yin and Kag can leave the hole together to find food. Soon they will begin teaching children to hunt on their own. Of course, you can also eat frogs, although the chickens that live with Man are much tastier. But it is very difficult to get them.

An Incredible Journey - Sheila Barnford
8 months ago, John Longridge got a Labrador, a Siamese cat and an old bull terrier - pets of the family of his friend, who left for England. The young dog never ceased to be bored, and when John was away, the trio went in search of their owners, going a long and dangerous way across the country

Zamarayka - Vladimir Stepanenko
The story is about a fox cub named Zamarayka, born in the harsh northern tundra, and a Nenets boy who, having met him, realized that the main task of man is to help animals and protect them. This changed his life, taught him to see the beauty of nature and sing it in poetry.

The Adventures of Prosha - Olga Pershina
Stories about the life and adventures of a little puppy named Prosha, calling on the little reader to be responsive, sensitive to the misfortune of others, forgive insults and love everything that surrounds him. Prosha always comes to the rescue, he is kind and faithful to his owners and friends.

Vitaly Bianchi. Russian fairy tales about nature - Vitaly Bianki
A collection of kind, funny and cautionary tales about the nature of one of the most beloved children's writers, Vitaly Bianchi. It contains his most famous works, some of which were filmed: \"Orange Neck\", \"Mouse Peak\", \"Adventures of a Little Ant\"

Animal life - A. Brem
An abridged edition of Brehm's multi-volume collection of animals, birds and insects. This is a reference book that describes most of the representatives of the animal world of our planet. The articles are arranged in alphabetical order and illustrated with Brehm's famous drawings.

White Kisya - Zakhoder G.
The book contains funny, sad, amusing, instructive, but always very bright stories for children by Galina Zakhoder about pets, their life among people, habits, characters. With their love they make us kinder, but we must not forget that an animal is not a toy.

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