Analysis of the story white beam black ear. Essay on the story White Bim Black Ear

When an exam is just around the corner, it is important to devote time, attention and effort to preparing for it. Sample essays that will be required for the OGE will help you with this difficult task. Here we wrote all three essays based on Troepolsky’s text “White Bim, Black Ear.”

Assignment: Write an essay based on a quote from V.G. Korolenko: “The Russian language... has all the means to express the most subtle feelings and shades of thought.”

(93 words)

I agree with the words of the great Russian writer V.G. Korolenko that all half-tones of feelings and emotions can be expressed through our great and powerful language.

Our native speech is complex, multifaceted and beautiful. Thus, in sentence 34, with the words “headlong” and “floundering,” the reader is quite clearly presented with a picture of Bim running merrily across the field, frolicking, and the form of the name in sentence 25 gives us an idea of ​​the owner’s love for the animal, expressed in affectionate address.

Thus, our Russian language is a universal means of expression for any purpose of expression. It is not only multifunctional, but also beautiful in its diversity.

Essay-reasoning 15.2 based on a quote from Troepolsky

Assignment: How do you understand the meaning of the ending: “So warm friendship and devotion became happiness, because everyone understood each other and each did not demand from the other more than what he could give. This is the basis, the salt of friendship.”

(97 words)

I am convinced that without mutual understanding there can be no friendship, because only it gives the interlocutors topics for conversation and the tact to remain silent at the right moment.

I find confirmation of my words in the text of G.N. Troepolsky. The person realizes that the puppy is sad without its mother and “gives sad concerts” for a reason. The owner is not angry with him, but instead shows affection that comforts his friend. Therefore, in sentences 9-10, 16, 27 we see Bim’s gratitude and devotion to his friend. Mutual understanding brought them closer together forever.

The salt and basis of friendship lies in the fact that comrades understand and accept each other.

Essay-reasoning 15.3 “What is friendship” based on the text by Troepolsky

(96 words)

The word “friend” means mutual assistance, understanding and sympathy that people selflessly show to each other.

The same definition certainly applies to a person's feelings towards a dog. The affection of Ivan Ivanovich and Bim is obvious (sentences 17, 22, 26-27). The owner is affectionate and caring with the dog, and the dog responds with devotion. They understand each other well.

I can say the same about my cat Syoma. He always feels when I feel bad and caresses me to calm me down. I also try to be a good housewife for him.

Friendship has great value in our lives, because we can always rely on it in difficult times.

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Nina Shilova
Review of the read story by Troepolsky “White Bim - Black Ear” for students in grades 5–6

I I read a sad story. Troepolsky« White Bim Black Ear» .This book is not only about the faithful and completely devoted setter Bim, but also about kind and evil people, oh relationship between man and nature.

The main character is the hunting dog Bim, he white with black ear and black paw, his other ear is red, kind and smart eyes. Became its owner good Ivan Ivanovich was a participant in the war, he lived with a shrapnel in his chest. When he became very ill, he went to the hospital. From that time on, Bim's troubles began.

It is a pity that the dog could not understand the meaning of the man’s farewell words. Bim did not know where his good friend had gone; he could only wait for him. But he was very bored by the parting and decided to go in search of his beloved owner. It was a dangerous journey, in which the dog learned that there are not only good people in the world, but also bad ones. The bad ones are Aunt, Klim, Sery, Semyon Petrovich and others. Kind and responsive people – Tolik, Stepanovna, Lyusya, Dasha, Petrovna, Alyosha; they helped Bim in some way on his the hard way To dear friend, although the dog's owner was not found. Bim continued to look for Ivan Ivanovich. During the search the dog became disabled: his paw was pinched on the arrow. Through the efforts good people Bim recovered. His new friend Tolik walked him, but his parents were against such communication. The evil guy hit the dog on the head and posted a notice that Bim was mad. He was injured by Klim, he even groaned like a man. .The nasty aunt sent good dog to the slaughterhouse. In their last minutes life he scratched at the door of the van for a long, long time, until his last breath. Bim died from long torment and longing for my beloved Ivan Ivanovich.

But Bim’s life was not meaningless, it reflected good on many destinies - it made Tolik and Alyosha friends, Tolik’s parents changed their attitude towards Bim and allowed their son to keep a dog at home, helped Ivan Ivanovich find new acquaintances.

In his stories the author shows great friendship and mutual understanding between man and dog, as well as kindness, devotion and humanity. A person should always remain a kind person, capable of compassion. By humanizing the suffering animal, the dog Bim, the author shows people who have lost their humanity. .The writer revealed to me inner world dogs with all their experiences, joys and made me think about many things, about man’s friend - a dog that is ready to serve faithfully, going through troubles and misfortunes. He calls on me and all people to love, take care of, and not betray them. This is what attracted me to this work.

I loved it story G. Troepolsky, it deeply touched my soul - it was sad and sorrowful, and there were tears in my eyes. I realized that in life you need to be a kind, fair and merciful person, like Ivan Ivanovich. People, please be like this!

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Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Tatarstan

Education Department of the Executive Committee

Tukaevsky municipal district

XIV Republican Scientific and Practical Conference of Schoolchildren named after L.N. Tolstoy

Section " Creative works dedicated to anniversary books"

Essay “Book of Humanity”

(based on the story by G. Troepolsky “White Bim” black ear»)

9th grade student's work

MBOU "Yana Bulyakskaya secondary school"

WITH Tatar language training

Kharisova Aizili Raushanovna

Head: Russian teacher

Language and literature

Salakhova Flyura Rafkhatovna

T. 89625718625


There are books that accompany us throughout our lives. “White Bim Black Ear” is my favorite book.This is a story that glorified the Voronezh writer Gabriel Troepolsky. Written in 1971 and dedicated to A.T. Tvardovsky, it became a success immediately after its publication.

The book has gone through a large number of reprints and has been translated more thaninto 15 languages ​​of the world. In 1975, for the story, the writer was awarded State Prize THE USSR. In 1977, based on the book of the same name by Gabriel Troepolsky, director Stanislav Rostotsky filmed a two-part series Feature Film"White Bim Black Ear"

I read it for the first time in third grade, and then opened it six or seven more times. This book attracts attention interesting name, and when you read the first lines, you won’t be able to put it down.

The writer himself defined the purpose of his work as follows: “In my book, the only goal is to talk about kindness, trust, sincerity, and devotion.”

I want to quote the words of the writer that touched me to the core and made me read this book: “Not a single dog in the world considers ordinary devotion to be something extraordinary. But people came up with the idea of ​​extolling this feeling of a dog as a feat only because not all of them, and not so often, have devotion to a friend and loyalty to duty so much that this is the root of life, the natural basis of the being itself, when the nobility of the soul is a self-evident state ... " .
This story is a sentimental story loyal dog who suddenly got into trouble. The Scottish setter Bim, endowed with a white color from birth that does not meet the breed standards, lives with his owner, a lonely pensioner Ivan Ivanovich, who loves his dog and systematically takes it out hunting in the forest.The owner and the dog develop a touching relationship of mutual respect and understanding.“... Warm friendship and devotion became happiness, because everyone understood each other and each did not demand from the other more than what he could give. This is the basis, the salt of friendship.”

One day Ivan Ivanovich ended up in the hospital, and Bim, having lost his owner, due to an oversight by a neighbor, jumps out of the apartment. Traveling without supervision, Bim meets many people - good and bad, old and young. We see all of them through the eyes of a dog. Bim exposed different attitude: from pity and attempts to help to cruelty.

Bim's friends are those kind and sympathetic people who in some way helped Bim on his difficult path to his dear friend. They feel sorry for Bim and see that the dog is in trouble. They talk to him as if he were a person, pour out their souls to him. They all love animals, sympathize with them, this is a trait of a good person.

Bim's enemies - These are the people who do not love animals, they are incapable of mercy and compassion, they are cruel and indifferent to the misfortune of others, they live only by their own interests and needs.
The author does not give names to Bim's ill-wishers. They don't deserve this. Bim's enemies only have nicknames.

After going through many tests and almost waiting for the owner, during the catching of dogs, Bim ends up in a shelter. But the owner finds only Bim’s body in place. “... Ivan Ivanovich put his hand on Bim’s head - faithful, devoted, loving friend. A rare snow fluttered. Two snowflakes fell on Bim’s nose and... did not melt..."

Ivan Ivanovich was worried: after all, the dog had become a part of his soul, brightened up his loneliness.
Every animal lover has a very hard time being separated from their pet. When we return home, we expect that when we open the door, the one for whom we vouched at one time will run out to meet us. The one to whom we promised to always love him, take care of him, protect him with all our might. Not a single animal can deceive, be hypocritical or betray. These qualities are inherent only to people, but, fortunately, not to everyone.

The author reveals to the reader the inner world of a dog with all its experiences, joys, questions and misfortunes, and again and again emphasizes the superiority of these animals: “And on the fallen yellow grass stood a dog - one of the best creations of nature and patient man.” Again, he points out that without these true friends, our life would be much more boring and aimless: “... split personality in long-term loneliness is to some extent inevitable. For centuries, a dog saved a person from this.”

“White Bim Black Ear” makes you think about a lot. For example, about the role of a dog in our life. Why was it given to man? So that a person has a devoted friend, ready to serve faithfully until the end of his days, going through all the troubles and misfortunes. Why are people sometimes so cruel to these beautiful animals? They probably just don’t understand that a dog is only an animal outwardly, but lives inside it human soul, and that this creature is very, very necessary for man, that without him our lives will change greatly. We must take care of them, love them and not betray them, because a dog would never do that - we need to learn something from them.

This story made an indelible impression on me. She proved to me once again that better friend than a dog, we humans will never find. The author showed us this using the example of Bim, the smartest creature, emphasizing that behind the image of Bim all dogs are hidden, regardless of breed, age and level of education, loving and devoted friends of humanity.

Although the story ends tragically, short life dogs have had a positive effect on many destinies. She melted the ice of egoism among Tolik’s father and mother, made Tolik and Alyosha become friends; young Ivan, one of the dog breeders, left his occupation forever. Ivan Ivanovich felt warmth within himself, in the emptiness that remained after the loss of his friend. These were two boys, Bim brought them to him. And they will come more than once.

The death of a dog is a reproach for everyone.

L.N. Tolstoy wrote: “Compassion for nature is so closely connected with kindness of character that we can say with confidence that someone who is cruel to animals cannot be kind.”

The cruelty of people comes from their indifference, and indifference is spiritual death; when the ability to sympathize and sympathize with the suffering of others is lost, a person ceases to be human.

Man always remains man, the son of nature and its protector. Autumn forest inimitable. He is a temple for reflection. “In the autumn sunny forest,” writes author - person it becomes cleaner." But does everyone? A person who comes to kill mercilessly will not be able to feel this.

Everyone who has read this book, according to the author, should look into themselves and ask: “Have I still lost my humanity, can I, as before, call myself a faithful son of my mother nature?”

There are works of not only Russian, but also Soviet literature, which not to read means to seriously deprive yourself. Such books must be read, more than once and in at different ages. They make you think about eternal truths and enduring human values.

"White Bim Black Ear": summary

In terms of plot, this is a very simple story. About smart dog, whom the writer and hunter took in, about his life with his beloved owner. The story is told as if from the perspective of three narrators: the owner, Bim himself and the author. Moreover, the author also conveys Bim’s impressions, but the style of narration changes radically. Childhood, hunting, communication with a wise and selflessly loved person - here happy life Bima before the owner's illness. This dog is White Bim Black Ear. The summary cannot give an idea of ​​Beam's perception human world, about all the dog’s experiences, about all the misadventures that befell him.

Bim is looking for his dear owner and dies literally a few hours before he is discharged from the hospital. If you don’t read the book “White Bim Black Ear”, the summary will not help you sympathize with Bim; he will remain one of the dogs who were simply unlucky.

A film was made based on the story, which currently known even better than the work itself. It must be admitted that the director repeatedly used common melodramatic techniques. The film is a heart-warming story, while the book, if you read it carefully, is also a story about Soviet society. There are many like this: they got lost, found themselves homeless, abandoned due to the death of their owners or due to their irresponsibility. Not all of the “lost ones,” of course, are as smart as Bim, they understand words, they are as intelligent, but they all look at the world with the same confidence as he does. In the book, Bim, of course, is strongly humanized; he thinks and acts not according to instincts, but like a person. This is what causes such a strong emotional reaction.

The film “White Bim Black Ear”, a brief summary of which can be summarized in two lines, is a two-part series. And all of this is Bim’s misadventures, which are watched in one breath.

But while sympathizing with Bim in the book, is everyone ready to behave the same way in life? The work “White Bim Black Ear” touches and makes you cry, but does it teach anything? Or do emotions remain on their own and do not influence actions? Is anyone ready to adopt a stray dog? There are a lot of these in our cities, but for almost all people they only cause irritation. The book “White Bim Black Ear,” the contents of which many knew from childhood, taught kindness to absolutely not everyone. Why is this happening? Why does the most wonderful literature, the most refined ones, not automatically change a person, simply because strong impression, which they produced? In order to become kinder, more humane, it is necessary to carry out enormous internal work. Every new generation should definitely read books like this in order to learn to be more attentive to those around them.

There is not only good in the world, but also evil. There are not only good people, but also evil ones. This is exactly what Troepolsky’s book “White Bim Black Ear” is about. Reviews of the story have never been indifferent. Neither in the early seventies, when the book was first published, nor today, more than twenty years after the death of the writer.

about the author

Before we talk about reviews of the work “White Bim Black Ear,” it is, of course, worth paying attention to the writer who created it. Gabriel Troepolsky composed a story that brings tears to readers regardless of age. A story the likes of which, unfortunately, take place in our cruel world.

The rest of Troepolsky's works are little known. However, even when we're talking about Many people remember the film adaptation by Stanislav Rostotsky, nominated for an Oscar, about “White Bim”. But the topic of today's article is not the film, but the literary source.

Gabriel Troepolsky was born in 1905 in Voronezh region. Started writing back in school years. In 1924 he graduated from the agricultural school, after which he worked as a teacher. And then he worked as an agronomist for many years. Literary creativity studied throughout his life, except for a short period after the publication of the first story. The author was quite critical of this work. Later, Gabriel Nikolaevich recalled that after reading his debut story, he decided that he would not become a writer.

However, Troepolsky was wrong. He became a writer. Moreover, one of the best Soviet prose writers who created works for young readers. Although the book “White Bim Black Ear”, about which there are only enthusiastic reviews, is read by both children and adults.

A book about devotion and compassion

Gabriel Troepolsky wrote such works as from “From the Notes of an Agronomist”, “Candidate of Sciences”, “Land and People”, “Chernozem”. He devoted most of his books to nature, native land. In 1971, Troepolsky wrote a touching story about devotion, love, and mercy.

Reviews and responses to the book “White Bim Black Ear” in the early seventies were not long in coming. Critics immediately responded to this work. Two years later, Rostotsky decided to make a film.

Alexander Tvardovsky did not leave a review of the book “White Bim Black Ear”. The writer, poet, journalist, chief editor of the famous literary magazine passed away in December 1971 and did not have time to read his friend’s work. But this story, as you know, is dedicated to Tvardovsky - the man thanks to whom the name of the author of the story “White Bim Black Ear” became known to Soviet readers back in the sixties.

Critics' reviews of Troepolsky's book were positive. This is evidenced by state award, which the author received in 1975. Literary figures appreciated artistic features works, its instructive and even, in some way, pedagogical value. But let's finally talk about reader reviews about the book “White Bim Black Ear”. What conquered ordinary people, far from art and literature, sad story about an English setter with a strange, atypical color?

Troepolsky's book shows ordinary world people through the eyes of a dog. The writer sacrificed his main character in order to show that evil sometimes outweighs good. The death of a sincere, kind, devoted creature at the hands of cruel, selfish people, of whom, according to the writer, there are more in this world than the kind and merciful - that is the whole plot of the story.


Ivan Ivanovich is an elderly, lonely man. He lost his son in the war. Then his wife passed away. Ivan Ivanovich got used to loneliness. He often talks with the portrait of his deceased wife, and these conversations seem to calm him down, soften the pain of loss.

One day he acquired a puppy - a thoroughbred, but with traces of degeneration. The puppy's parents were purebred English setters, and therefore he had to be black in color. But Bim was born white. Ivan Ivanovich chose a puppy with an atypical color - he liked the eyes, they were kind and smart. From that moment on, the friendship between man and dog began - sincere, selfless, devoted. One day, turning out of habit to the portrait of his wife hanging on the wall, Ivan Ivanovich said: “You see, now I’m not alone.”


One day Ivan Ivanovich fell seriously ill. The wound received during the war took its toll. The dog was waiting for him, looking for him. Much has been said about dog loyalty, but none of them literary works This topic is not addressed so touchingly. While waiting for the owner, Bim encounters different people: both good and evil. The cruel ones, unfortunately, turn out to be stronger. Bim dies.

The dog spends the last minutes of his life in the dog catchers' car. Returning from the hospital, Ivan Ivanovich finds his pet, but it is too late. He buries Bim, but doesn’t say anything about it to the boys who managed to fall in love with the smart, kind dog during his absence.

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