How to choose a nickname for yourself. The shortest encyclopedia of pseudonyms

What is a pseudonym? Many people have probably heard this word, but imagine its meaning, meaning, origin and others interesting features only in general outline. In the article we will get acquainted with this concept in more detail, and you will find out what a pseudonym is and what it is used with.


A pseudonym is a fictitious, unreal name that a person uses in order not to reveal real data recorded in documents.

Foreign and Russian pseudonyms are equally good, but some people (both “ours” and foreign ones) deliberately use foreign letters so that the finished new name looks as original as possible. U famous personalities, “glowing” on the screens, there is a more complete name: an artistic pseudonym or, as it is called differently, a stage name.

Synonyms for nickname. They don't always mean the same thing, but they can be said to be closest to the concept being discussed.


Despite the similarity of the concepts of “nickname” and “pseudonym,” they are still slightly different. At least because the nicknames appeared earlier. What is a pseudonym? Fictitious name. A nickname is also a name, but most often given to a person by other people for some of his traits and characteristics.

The origin of pseudonyms can be traced back even before the appearance of book production, but the roots come precisely from the ranks of writers. It was the authors who first began to use fictitious names. True, even earlier people began to use nicknames, as mentioned above. It’s just that one day a new name was “stuck” on a person, ridiculing his shortcomings or emphasizing his merits, as a result of which the real data was completely forgotten. Then the more active use of both nicknames and pseudonyms began, and now they are unlikely to ever be abandoned.

Why use pseudonyms

The reasons may vary. The most common ones are listed below:

1. Reluctance to show real data to the public. Again, this has its own ramifications. Reluctance may be caused by:

  • Fear of persecution. People don’t always write or present to the public court something that everyone will like. Sometimes real data is revealed, for example, about criminals, which means that someone may want to find the writer and take revenge. It is much easier to track down a person with a real name than someone hiding behind a pseudonym.
  • Insufficient status. This was especially true previous centuries. People from may not have been taken seriously by the people just because of their origin. This is unfair and offensive, so the authors had to hide their family name.
  • Fear of screwing up. Beginning authors never know exactly how critics and critics will react to their work. ordinary people- success or failure awaits them, so pseudonyms inspired more confidence: if the “first pancake” is unsuccessful, you can try again, and no one will be biased because of a previous mistake.
  • Natural modesty. Not everyone becomes famous people for the sake of fame; for some it happens almost by accident. To protect strangers from themselves at least a little, modest people take pseudonyms.

2. Dislike for real name. Due to the fact that a person does not like the real name given by his parents, but for personal reasons he does not want to change it officially (for example, because of paperwork with documents), the author can make his dreams of a new name come true in a different way.

3. Unrespectable real name. A real name can be incredibly banal and mediocre, which is why its owner has to come up with a creative pseudonym that can really please the public. This applies both to all singers and musicians, and to more highly specialized people such as fortune tellers, cooks and local (urban, rural, roadside) “stars”.

4. Entertaining nature of the new name. This may manifest itself in:
  • A mysterious pseudonym. People are trying to unravel the mystery of what is hidden behind the unusual and strange name, trying to understand why the author chose such a nickname, etc.
  • Associations. The author deliberately creates a pseudonym for himself, which most people will involuntarily associate and/or identify with someone/something.
  • Curiosity. The author carefully hides, leaving behind only a pseudonym, which is why people become incredibly interested in who is behind this or that nickname, what kind of person he is, what kind of person he is, etc.

5. “Automatic” nickname. This option applies to those who do not invent their own nickname. Serial killers, such as known thieves or other people who acquire an alias through the public and media, fall into this category.

Who has the most common nicknames?


As soon as one person gave a fictitious name, others began to repeat after him. Most often, pseudonyms were used by public figures who are constantly visible and whom people know. These could be writers who do not want to show their real data on the covers of books, singers who simply cannot perform with the name Ivan Ivanov, because it is too banal and ordinary, artists and other people creative professions who became world-famous criminals (take the same Jack the Ripper), as well as politicians(for example, Lenin).


Certainly, modern writers and people in art and other fields continue to use pseudonyms, as before, since this will never go out of fashion among stars, but another category of people has been added who almost have to use this method of concealment real name. Almost every more or less active Internet user uses pseudonyms: nicknames that regularly need to be invented during numerous registrations are the same pseudonyms.

How to come up with a nickname?

  1. Own qualities. Smart guy, daredevil, hero, fool, etc. - all these words characterize a person. By identifying your strengths or weaknesses - for those who are no strangers to self-irony - you can come up with any nicknames and concepts close to them.
  2. Compiling new names/aliases from existing ones. Marilyn Manson, for example, took his name from the singer Marilyn Monroe - a sex symbol, singer and actress - and the surname of Charles Manson, a once famous murderer.
  3. Anagrams. Using this, that is, by rearranging syllables, sounds or letters, you can create an incredible number of new, unusual, but at the same time mysterious pseudonyms. A sniper can turn into a Nisper, Truth into a Warp Hell, etc. Sometimes it is almost impossible to recognize an old word in a new word.

Writers (and poets) using pseudonyms

It is most common for writers to sign books with a name other than their own. But since these people are associated with literature, they get really interesting nicknames. Writers' pseudonyms are often well remembered and sound original. But not so much as to shock the reader, and therefore it is not always immediately clear whether the name in front of us is fake or real.

So, most known aliases writers:
  • Agatha Christie.
  • Andrey Bely.
  • Anna Akhmatova.
  • Arkady Gaidar.
  • Boris Akunin.
  • Voltaire.
  • Demyan Bedny.
  • Jack London.
  • Igor Severyanin;
  • Lewis Carroll.
  • Max Fry.
  • Maksim Gorky.
  • Mark Twain.
  • O.Henry.
  • Richard Bachman.
  • Sasha Cherny.

Actors and TV presenters using pseudonyms

This includes everyone who shines on screens or in theaters. By the way, the modern world allows us to offer you not only cinema and/or theater actors or TV presenters, but also video bloggers.

So, well-known “on-screen” personalities using pseudonyms:
  • Antonio Banderas.
  • Bruce Lee.
  • Demmy Moor.
  • Jackie Chan.
  • Jodie Foster.
  • Ilya Maddison.
  • Kate Clapp.
  • Marilyn Monroe.
  • Nicolas Cage.
  • Roma Acorn.
  • Sophia Loren.

Singers and musicians using pseudonyms

Of course, in addition to writers and TV stars, singers, of whom there are also many, also use fictitious names. The most famous:

  • Alena Apina.
  • Bono.
  • Vera Brezhneva.
  • Dima Bilan.
  • Zhanna Friske.
  • Masha Rasputina.
  • Giacomo Meyerbeer.
  • Marilyn Monroe.
  • Marilyn Manson.
  • Tina Karol.
  • Freddie Mercury.
  • Elton John.

Other figures

Others are everyone else: criminals, politicians, circus performers, etc.

So, the most famous and best pseudonyms of people not related to literature, music and cinema:

  • Jack the Ripper.
  • Joseph Stalin.
  • Konstantin Stanislavsky.
  • Leon Trotsky.
  • Lenin.
  • Paracelsus.
  • Pele.
  • Sandro Botticelli.
  • Student.
  • Tintoretto.


Now you know what a pseudonym is, moreover, you can come up with your own. The main thing is not to be afraid to show your imagination - and then something new fictitious name will become truly attractive, interesting and memorable.

Every person understands perfectly well that if you call it by its name, this gives him a certain sense of self that has a very strong influence on his daily actions and choices made in life, which lead to movement either in the most best scenario either according to a better scenario or according to a worse one. And this is clear to anyone.

Also, any person can conduct an experiment and for some time ask to be called by a different name, and compare his internal state when he is called by one or another name.

If you are an adult and your life is not going the way you want, then it is never too late to change it, because the wrong name is like a backpack with bricks that you carry on yourself. It's never too late to change your name. And even more so, take a creative pseudonym or the correct nickname.

Find out 5 reasons why it is critical to call a person by the correct name and how to enhance the desired qualities in yourself with the help of a pseudonym

Welcome to my name selection site. I, a practicing parapsychologist, Sergei Bobyr, have been involved in activities for the harmonious development of people since 1995. Since 2003, I began to study the topic of the influence of a name on a person’s fate and character; During this time, hundreds of people, with my help, named their children, changed their names and chose pseudonyms for themselves that enhanced the desired qualities in them. I help in choosing names for both newborns and adults who want to adjust their destiny line.

1. Name and destiny. In the beginning there was a word

One of my acquaintances asked me: “Why is it so important to give a child a name at birth not in honor of one of the relatives or famous people or as the parents want, but it is necessary to approach this issue very carefully, preferably with serious specialist(astrologer, psychologist, elder, etc.)?”

Most of us know widely famous expression “whatever you call the ship, that’s how it will sail”, but most people don't attach much importance to this. In this case, many people understand from the example of a ship that the total thoughts and ideas about this ship, their associations and emotional state, starting from its name, will either strengthen this ship and create a positive atmosphere and aura around this object or will not do this.

And people don't realize how important this is for any physical things. Although already was experimentally proven using water as an example, What thoughts and words addressed to water structure it, make it work in the way that a person puts meaning into water.

Everyone is also well aware of the expression that “in the beginning was the word” (author’s note: the Bible), which structured the Universe and created it. We also know many examples in life when a particular name or symbol has a very powerful effect on its owner. But at the same time, people very often forget that the name can bring how do they like it Very great benefit (if given correctly), and very great harm.Wrong name can prevent a person from reaching their potential and achieving success in life. Of course, success is not only a name, but also energy, talent, education, work and luck.

From the point of view of parapsychological research, a person’s name determines (shapes) his life by an average of 20-30%. IN in some cases, if the name is given correctly, maybe remove up to 50% of all kinds of negativity in a person’s life.

It is not clear how people want to have good fate, with names taken it’s unclear how. It’s the same as installing software on a computer, choosing not by its semantic content and compatibility with this equipment and its functional tasks, but by the cover and packaging of this software product.

2. The benefits and harms of a name. Strengthen the best or create an imbalance.

Let's figure out how this happens. When a child is born, he is quite pure and not conditioned by this world. One of the first and most powerful programs that begins to program him is his name. Name may enter into its field or the right vibrations, which will strengthen the best in him, laid down by God (nature), or vice versa - go against with his life tasks and character, bring severe imbalance in his future fate, health, social realization etc., and in some cases even strengthen something bad what is in it.

In all cultures of the world the child's name was chosen by the wisest representatives of the locality or clergy, priests, and in addition to this there was another name, spiritual, which was supposed to contribute not only to the development of man not in society, but in spiritual world. As a rule, this name was secret, known only to that person and a small circle of his mentors or brothers in his spiritual aspirations.

How much? And then they are surprised... And the children themselves, as adults, are looking for a new name for themselves

3. How does a name, pseudonym, or nickname affect a person?

When we pronounce certain sounds (name), it creates vibration code, which affects not only the consciousness of the child, which is actively formed and connects the speech adopted here in this at this moment time, with the images that are in the parents’ heads, but also this affects his entire aura, field structure, character and shapes it, both on the physical and on more subtle planes.

Each name in world mythology and the information field of humanity has many images and
information strictly assigned to this name. Very often we do not know the full meaning that was and is put into this or that name that we call a child. At best, we evaluate whether it feels like it fits or doesn't fit.

So, when a name is given to a child, he begins to identify himself consciously and mostly unconsciously - at the subconscious level - with this entire volume of information embedded in the memory of humanity. Plus, all the people who call him by his name strengthen this program in every possible way and, in addition to all this information (which exists in humanity about the name), strengthen this program precisely with their attention and emotions.

Accordingly, if all these vibrations, information and emotions go in the right direction (the name is chosen correctly), the child receives strong support and him fate changes in better side (health, relationships with other people, etc.), negative generic programs are eliminated. Conversely, if all this force is directed incorrectly, then the wrong name kills people every year more and more.

We can find information about the importance of choosing the right name in astrology, in all religions and secret (esoteric) teachings. And no matter how different they are, at different times and eras anywhere on Earth, everywhere the selection of a name was given extremely important importance.

Because most people don't know this information or don't have it nearby wise man, most people have incorrect names that do not contribute to their development and good life.

4. A name is a powerful generator, but of what?

Let us once again consider the mechanism of the influence of a name on a person. At the physical level, our body perceives our name as a set of certain vibrations (code), influencing the brain through the eardrums, and through the brain - the entire physical body.

At the energy level, pronouncing this or that name, we like generators we vibrate and create a definitely directed wave (set of waves) affecting the person to whom given name belongs, enhancing certain waves in it.

On an emotional level each name also carries a number of associations and micro-emotions, which, as a rule, are not realized either by those who speak or by those who perceive, although in the subconscious of one and the other there is a certain block of information and emotions, automatically activated when pronouncing the name. Since a person at birth connected to the information field of the Earth, he is in the given place where he was born and is actively identified with culture, society, its conscious and unconscious, in order to master the language with which he will interact at a given time in a given society.

At the intellectual level, which is often minimal, the name also has some meaning, but the influence is much weaker on all of the above factors.

Based on all this, we understand that the name is like a powerful mantra, program, shapes a person like this in a way that is not even fully understood either by himself or by the one who called him that way (if they are not professionals). And, accordingly, it is not clear how people want to have good fate , with data names it is not clear how. It's the same as installing software on a computer, choosing not by semantic content and compatibility with this equipment and its functional tasks, but by the cover and packaging of this software product.

This example makes it very clear that even good computer(iron - genetics and the human body) will not work normally if a washing machine or vacuum cleaner program is loaded there and vice versa.

And how much absurdly most of us name our children. And then in adult life wonder why a person gets sick often, it doesn't work out for him personal life, the family is destroyed, no success in the professional field.

If the nickname is chosen correctly, it is not just corrects fate a person for the better through harmonization its character and field structure, it is powerful defense mechanism from external negative influences (negative influence of people, negative influence of space and external environment). The person, having repeated his pseudonym several times and at the same time relaxed, carries out powerful self-therapy and harmonization.

5. Nickname - cutting off tails

Changing a name has a strong therapeutic effect on an adult. You have new opportunities simply by throwing off the burden of restrictions. A person identified himself with a name as a certain sum of responsibilities, the rules of which must be met. This system of restrictions consumed a lot of energy, immobilized me, and did not allow me to go my own way.

The influence of the old name on character, choices and actions ceases.

A new name in itself does not change muscle memory, habits, or destiny. Only the right name can create a powerful impulse for change, and internally maintain this wave of cleansing relief every day.

Who and where can use a pseudonym?

Nickname for games - many young people spend time playing games on the Internet. The right nickname will help you not only have fun, but also improve your character. Using the results for life.

A creative pseudonym for a blogger or forum member will help close their weak spots and realize the strengths. The right pseudonym will give you the strength and inspiration so necessary to create interesting page in a saturated different projects Internet.

The correct name will help an artist, poet, singer, entertainer, or businessman develop sought-after positive character traits, generate a wave of stability, and protect against negativity.

There is no mysticism, the effect is achieved solely through the influence of the name (pseudonym) on the person’s unconscious.

There is a lot in history successful people who chose pseudonyms and achieved a lot, including due to increased inner strength, generated by the alias.

What criteria are used to select a pseudonym (nickname)?

If you have a specific request, for example, improve health, protect from birth problems, about which you know, then I will choose a pseudonym, the pronunciation of which in relation to its owner enhances the selected qualities. If you rely on my professionalism and cleanliness, then I independently look at the person’s aura weak and strengths and I select a name that maximally “covers” the weaknesses and protects against external negative influences and potential problems. It is important that when choosing a name you take into account purpose person and his place of residence.

The main goal that I set when choosing a pseudonym is to make a person’s life the most harmonious, protect him from suspected problems and help maximum unlock your potential.

The pseudonym selection method is a technology based on direct communication with subtle plans and analysis of a person’s individuality

My method differs from many other proposals available today in that when choosing a nickname, I do not rely on statistics or astrological forecasts, which do not give the required accuracy, without taking into account uniqueness different people, and on direct connection with subtle plans and the principle of individuality of each person.
Check quality my work is not as simple as if it were something you could “touch.” Here you have to rely a lot on your own intuition and feedback from other people. On the other hand, you can always conduct an experiment and find out whether your name suits you, and if not, change it and track changes. The last method is longer, but also more accurate.

Whatever decision you make after reading my site, I want to draw your attention to the importance of choosing a name that suits a person and encourage you to high level consciousness and responsibility in this matter. After all, a name, pseudonym, or nickname may not only to help, but also openly harm a person in case of incorrect selection. Therefore, in this important issue you need to turn only to professionals, trusting your intuition and reviews of other people.

The topic of today's article: “How to come up with a pseudonym.” We hasten to warn you that there are a huge number of original methods, but we will try to tell you all about them!

Everyone who is associated with a certain subculture or creativity would like to take a pseudonym. For what? There are many reasons for this. Firstly, if a person is a high figure in his field, then, of course, he wants to glorify his name.

But what to do if he is unlucky with the name or it sounds extremely unoriginal, for example Ivan Ivanov.

There is only one solution - choose a pseudonym. It is also used if a person wants to hide his real identity (often on various social networks). Dmitry Larin, a famous blogger on YouTube, also has a pseudonym. His real name is, but his last name is Utkin. Agree, “Larin” sounds much more aesthetically pleasing than “Utkin”.

How to come up with a nickname for yourself

What is a pseudonym? This is changing your name to a fictitious one in order to present yourself to the public in a different guise. You will be surprised, but the names of priests are also to some extent pseudonyms.

Firstly, first you need to look at the main mistakes when choosing a second “Alter Ego”. Please note that they occur frequently in life.

  • Never choose your nickname as your nickname. best friends. “Godfather”, “Sanek”, “Dimych” are no good! Moreover, it is unlikely that people will appreciate you with such a pseudonym.
  • Secondly, choose a name for yourself that can be pronounced without errors or difficulties. It is advisable that it be short. Let's say aspiring blogger Diana Elias often gets offended because her viewers mispronounce her fictitious last name. What was written in the comments under her video! “Alice”, “Elies”, “Elise” - this is what her new subscribers usually call her.
  • Also, choose an adequate pseudonym for yourself, within the bounds of decency! Your subscribers or readers will not take you seriously, and may not even want to see your work. Remember the old saying: “Whatever you call a ship, that’s how it will sail!”
  • It is not recommended to use several words for a nickname, the limit is a maximum of 2 or 3 words. Although, sometimes there are long nicknames, one of them is “Lonely Old Lady Hip-Hop.” Quite an unusual read, isn’t it?
  • You can't choose a nickname that doesn't suit you. If you are a guy, then the female nickname “Alevtina” or “Beautiful Chick” is unlikely to suit you. Although if this reflects you as a person, then you can experiment. An example is the performer Sonya Marmeladova, who is a man.

Now let's look at how to come up with a creative name . Take a piece of paper and a pen and write down!

Which individuals used fictitious names?

It's no secret that many creative figures used pseudonyms. They are still called by fictitious names. We suggest that you familiarize yourself with the names of these people.


So our article has come to an end. In it you learned how to come up with a pseudonym. In addition, the text highlighted examples of real pseudonyms different people from certain cultures.

Top tip: choose the most unique and easy readable name. We hope you liked the article. Remember one expression: “It’s not the name that makes a person, but his actions and talent!” Whatever nickname you have, it will not make you any better. Thanks for reading and for your attention!

A pseudonym can be used anywhere - on the Internet, cinema, music. A spectacular, memorable nickname can attract attention to its owner, which is what most owners of interesting nicknames strive for above all. In order for a fictitious name to work the way its owner intended, you need to pay attention to the possible options.

A pseudonym is an invented name, a nickname is from foreign word nickname A fictitious name serves as a substitute for the real one. IN modern world behind the nickname are Internet users who strive to be remembered. Often a pseudonym is used to hide behind it.

There are many reasons that force people to hide behind made-up names:

  • desire to avoid persecution;
  • through class prejudices;
  • fear of revealing one's social position;
  • fear of failure;
  • the desire to stand out, be remembered, attract attention, etc.

Also - come up with a new, better benefit sonorous name those who have an uninteresting, or even indecent surname strive.

Nicknames on VKontakte (VK)

On VKontakte, most account holders have nicknames. Wise users do the right thing when they do not link their real data to their VK account. But at the same time, you need to remember that it is not advisable to make a fake name the most unusual.

Administrators of this social network quickly identify such account owners. The page is marked with a shameful label, which indicates that the information provided on the page is untrue. If the name is chosen incorrectly, the page may be blocked.

For girls (women's)

A girl’s nickname should be some kind of reflection of her interests, preferences, or simply be original.

In addition, many people strive to decorate their nickname with symbols that make the fictitious name beautiful to look at, for example, you can use the following nicknames:

  • .*.*LOVED_IN_the_Sun.*.*
  • I-B-L-O-C-C-O
  • ☜ My ♡ is busy☞
  • YES ★ SHA
  • KruTyshKa
  • ~Bitch~
  • ジ҉Д҉А҉Н҉Э҉Ч҉К҉Аジ
  • Ålεkšลµdra
  • ☜AnGeL..♡..DнЯ☞
  • ♪In rhythm with mine
  • ۩۞۩ SyanchIk ۩۞۩
  • ~Whisper of Rain~
  • Dreams come true

For guys (male)

A nickname for a guy has a more serious meaning than for a girl. A guy should strive for originality, be distinguished by unusual thinking, his nickname should evoke respect from friends and delight among girls.

Nicknames that may be interesting are:

  • Dreamer
  • lion soul
  • tempter
  • owner of the world
  • guardian of humanity
  • Sunny guy
  • Veselchak
  • Lyricist
  • Star Warrior
  • Invader
  • I'm a cool guy
  • Pioneer
  • _*very nice king*
  • CKa3o4HuK
  • Executor
  • Mentor
  • The wind of change
  • adept of justice
  • smoky Wizard
  • The boss came in quietly *_*
  • The One

Beautiful nicknames for Instagram

When choosing a nickname for Instagram, you need to look at possible nicknames already used by other users. When registering an account, you must enter your chosen name. If it is already occupied by someone, you need to continue searching for a new one. It is not advisable to use aliases that are too long - more than 20 characters. If your nickname contains several words, you need to separate them with an underscore or a dash. If you combine characters that are not on a regular keyboard, other users will see empty spaces instead - white squares.

It is better to write long nicknames in Russian, short ones - in Latin letters.

For girls and women

On Instagram, girls and women try to use meaningful and sonorous nicknames. You can use a fictitious name that reflects the girl’s inner state, interests, hobbies.

Great options that girls and women can take note of:

  • Dikaya_k()шk@
  • 3bowka
  • I'll-survive-2018
  • House_Blue_Leaves
  • thatNavsﻉWhen
  • λφЂนრลI
  • RyaΔoM with t Fight
  • G@L@V@breaking
  • Exclusive
  • Selfie_DeByshKa
  • cute personification of evil

For boys and men

Men do not change their principles, regardless of which social network they open an account on.

The guys' nicknames are clear, succinct, and often funny:

  • )(uLiGaN
  • Proud Huλϟgɑn
  • BratoK
  • Sylvestor_with_coupon
  • clear person
  • Jedi Vasily
  • HEqpOPMaJI
  • Brucelist
  • I_Spartan_85
  • Outlaw
  • loaf
  • pro100th
  • Where_my_eat

Nicknames in English with translation into Russian

Most sites social networks offer to register nicknames exclusively on English language. This doesn't scare anyone today. In addition, you can create unique, original and interesting nicknames that will fuel the desire to know what a fictitious name means. This option will definitely attract attention, especially since there is plenty to choose from.

For girls (women's)

The flight of fancy when choosing a nickname in English is unlimited.

For girls, nicknames are suitable, in which entire phrases similar to statuses are encrypted:

· Girl Clothing (girl clothes)

Girl beauty

· Simply Girl

Better Half

· Honey Bun

· Sweetest (the sweetest)

Cherry Pie

· Specials (bargain)

· I’m so alone (I’m so alone)

· Creepy character (terrible character)

· Tsukiko (moon child)

Nicknames in the form of a name or word also sound beautiful:

· Youth (youth)

Believe (believe)



· Confident (confident)

For guys (male)

Nicknames in English for guys are perceived positively by users and cause good impressions when looking at a guy's profile.

Interesting male nicknames in English:

· cognitive dissonance (cognitive dissonance)


· karateka (karateka)

· locator (locator)

· mentality

selector (finder)

carbonate (black diamond)

· Russian vodka (Russian vodka)

· Impromptu (improvisation)

· Klondike (Klondike)



On YouTube

At first, many people visited YouTube video hosting only to watch videos, because the pseudonyms were simple and not very euphonious.

But today this is already a channel that can be developed, so the nickname plays an important role.

For girls and women

In order for your YouTube account to attract attention, it is advisable to choose a nickname that will be easy to read.

This will allow other users to find your profile faster. Girls who are interested in symbols that are not on the keyboard will have a more difficult time expanding their audience, since finding such a profile will not be easy. It is advisable to experiment with first names and surnames, choosing them alternating between Russian and English words, using names literary characters. It is advisable to make nicknames that are not very long and will be easy to remember.

· Nastya Kitty

Chocolate Elise

For boys and men

For the YouTube channel, more official nicknames that reflect the theme of this site may be suitable for guys:

How can you come up with a beautiful nickname yourself?

You need to come up with a nickname depending on what goals you want to achieve with this action. First, you need to write down on a piece of paper or in a text document on your computer the ideas that come to mind first. The selection can be made after enough has been recorded big list. This will allow you to visually and mentally select the most harmonious and outwardly attractive from the available options.

The nickname should be an incentive to take certain actions. You can choose something important for yourself, reflecting your field of activity and interests. You can rearrange the words in your name, if you don’t want to tie a fictitious name to your type of activity, try writing your first or last name backwards - it might turn out to be an interesting option.

Some nicknames of stars and famous people

Many celebrities have dissonant surnames and names that do not attract attention or are not remembered, so to enhance their stage image they use pseudonyms.


· Eva Bushmina – Layan;

· Christmas tree – Elizaveta Ivantsiv;

· Nyusha - Anna Shurochkina.

· Pink – Alicia Beth Moore;

· Carmen Electra – Tara Lake Patrick;

· Jackie Chan - Chan Kong San;

· DIDO – Florian Cloud De Bachiviel;

· Tina Turner – Anna Mae Bullock.

What is an operational pseudonym?

An operational pseudonym is considered to be a pseudonym that is selected for conducting intelligence activities, conducting any secret operations, various one-time or periodic actions.

Often operational pseudonyms are the names of cities, plants, animals, natural phenomena, a combination of numbers, or the abbreviated surname of the bearer of the pseudonym.

Do not miss. . .

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In English with translation into Russian -

People take a pseudonym for a reason: some - in order not to give out real data, others - to sign analytical and professional works, as well as in order to characterize their name from a certain angle, for example, for a children's program a pseudonym with magical or fairy tales is perfect notes, and for a fashion magazine, of course, with a fashionable and stylish name.

How to choose a pseudonym? You can use your imagination and come up with a sonorous name for yourself, you can consult with friends or use other methods. However, one of effective ways find your “name” - use the help of numerology.

To do this, you need to calculate the number of your name. For example, your name is Irina Shmatko, we count and get 12 letters: 1+2=3. This means that the pseudonym should be chosen so that in the end you get a three. If you already have a pseudonym, then thanks to numerology you will be able to find out what it means, because problems in the professional field may arise due to the wrong name.

You can calculate your nickname number and find out what it means below:

If your real name corresponds to one, then when choosing a pseudonym, stay alone, imagine yourself in front of a large crowd. Very soon you will come up with the right phrase that will bring success. By the way, the unit is shrouded in mysticism and magic, so you can choose a new name associated with literary and film characters, as well as the names of famous people, you can change a couple of letters, for example, Pinocchio can be turned into Butarino.

Before you make a choice, look at yourself from the outside, imagining how other people see you, evil or kind, white or black, warm-hearted or cold, and then choose a pseudonym. But we should not forget that it must be double, for example, Mamin-Sibiryak, Pankratov-Cherny, etc.

The main thing is that when choosing a pseudonym, “troika” people should think about themselves best quality and proceed from it. For example, you are clean, which means you can call yourself Clean, cheerful - Vesyolkina, etc. This pseudonym is often used by television presenters, models, and fashion bloggers.

When choosing a pseudonym for “fours”, be sure to pay attention to the fact that it is suitable for creative people, for example, writers, actors, artists, etc. Just be sure to imagine yourself surrounded by admirers who glorify you, hear the name pronounced by them.

Before you start choosing a pseudonym, think about whether everything suits you in your life, since thanks to a new name you will be able to make serious adjustments that will bring success and luck to your creative and business endeavors. A nickname should not be playful and cheerful - conservatism and clarity are two important components when choosing a name.

Among those who got the “six” there are many helpful and submissive people, so the pseudonym should have opposite meaning, of course, if you want to change your life. These could be the names of rebel people, you can rearrange a couple of letters, but maintaining their number, for example, Mayakovsky can be replaced with Rayakovsky, here the letter R will add an even greater rebellious effect.

The nickname should be associated with animals, then everything planned will be accomplished easily and simply. It is only important what you choose a name for, for example, for a fashion magazine something graceful, associated with cats, panthers or the sounds they make, is suitable; for a political blog it is good to choose a large animal - Elephants, Verlyudenko, etc. Imagine who you associate yourself with and use your imagination. She will suggest the correct option.

The infinity number is a symbol of people of a philosophical mindset, so it is advisable to find mystical and magical names, even if a pseudonym is chosen for Everyday life, for example, for chatting. This is the name that will bring good luck and attract large audience admirers. However, you should definitely keep the letter of your real name. For example, if your name is Natalya, then your nickname should begin with the letter N.

If the number is 9, then you need to write nine different nicknames that come to mind first, hang them around the room and periodically look at what you have written. You may like the pseudonym you came up with, or you may change it, but the basics will remain the same. Intuition will tell you what suits you best. The main thing is to believe in it and not give up on the invented name, otherwise you should not expect good luck. Quite the contrary.

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