Cheat sheet: Means of forming elementary mathematical concepts in children in kindergarten. Modern technologies in the formation of elementary mathematical concepts in middle preschool age

Tarasyuk S.K.

KSU " high school No. 26"

Akimat of the city of Ust-Kamenogorsk

mini-center teacher

Formation of elementary mathematical competencies using gaming technologies.


The concept of “development of mathematical abilities” is quite complex, comprehensive and multifaceted. It consists of interrelated and interdependent ideas about space, form, size, time, quantity, their properties and relationships, which are necessary for the formation of “everyday” and “scientific” concepts in a child.

The mathematical development of preschoolers refers to qualitative changes in the child’s cognitive activity that occur as a result of the formation of elementary mathematical concepts and related logical operations. Mathematical development is a significant component in the formation of a child’s “picture of the world.”

The development of mathematical concepts in a child is facilitated by the use of a variety of didactic games. In the game, the child acquires new knowledge, skills and abilities. Games that promote the development of perception, attention, memory, thinking, and the development of creative abilities are aimed at the mental development of the preschooler as a whole.

In the game, the child acquires new knowledge, skills and abilities. Didactic games that promote the development of perception, attention, memory, thinking, and the development of creative abilities.

Work in kindergarten requires the educator, teacher-psychologist to set such pedagogical tasks as: developing children's memory, attention, thinking, imagination, since without these qualities the development of a child is unthinkable.

Purpose of the study: studying and analyzing the effectiveness of using didactic games in the process of forming mathematical knowledge of a preschooler.

Object of study: play activities of preschoolers.

Subject of study: the process of developing mathematical abilities with the help of didactic games.

Research hypothesis: the use of various types of didactic games can contribute to the formation and development of mathematical abilities of preschoolers.

The purpose, subject and hypothesis of the study determine the formulation of the following tasks:

Study and analysis of psychological, pedagogical and methodological literature on the topic of research.

Analysis of the developmental features and maturity of preschool children’s mathematical abilities.

Selection and justification of didactic games for the formation of mathematical abilities.

Conducting experimental work and studying the specifics of didactic games in the process of developing mathematical knowledge.

Research methods:

Theoretical analysis of psychological, pedagogical and methodological literature,

Pedagogical observation of the activities of preschool children,

Studying the products of preschool children's activities,

Conducting ascertaining and training experiments.

1. Didactic game as a means of forming elementary mathematical concepts

1.1 Specifics of the development of mathematical abilities

In connection with the problem of the formation and development of abilities, it should be noted that a number of studies by psychologists are aimed at identifying the structure of schoolchildren’s abilities for various types of activities. In this case, abilities are understood as a complex individually - psychological characteristics person who meet the requirements of this activity and are a condition for successful implementation. Thus, abilities are a complex, integral, mental formation, a kind of synthesis of properties, or, as they are called, components.

The general law of the formation of abilities is that they are formed in the process of mastering and performing those types of activities for which they are necessary.

Abilities are not something predetermined once and for all, they are formed and developed in the process of learning, in the process of exercise, mastering the corresponding activity, therefore it is necessary to form, develop, educate, improve the abilities of children and it is impossible to predict in advance exactly how far this development can go.

Speaking about mathematical abilities as features of mental activity, we should first of all point out several common misconceptions among teachers.

First, many people believe that mathematical ability lies primarily in the ability to perform quick and accurate calculations (particularly in the mind). In fact, computational abilities are not always associated with the formation of truly mathematical (creative) abilities. Secondly, many people think that those who are capable of mathematics have a good memory for formulas, numbers, numbers. However, as academician A.N. points out. Kolmogorov, success in mathematics is least of all based on the ability to quickly and firmly memorize a large number of facts, figures, and formulas. Finally, it is believed that one of the indicators of mathematical ability is the speed of thought processes. A particularly fast pace of work in itself has nothing to do with mathematical ability. A child can work slowly and deliberately, but at the same time thoughtfully, creatively, and successfully progress in mastering mathematics.

Krutetsky V.A. in the book “Psychology of Mathematical Abilities of Preschool Children,” he distinguishes nine abilities (components of mathematical abilities):

1) The ability to formalize mathematical material, to separate form from content, to abstract from specific quantitative relationships and spatial forms and to operate with formal structures, structures of relationships and connections;

2) The ability to generalize mathematical material, to isolate the main thing, abstracting from the unimportant, to see the general in what is externally different;

3) Ability to operate with numerical and symbolic symbols;

4) The ability for “consistent, correctly dissected logical reasoning” associated with the need for evidence, justification, and conclusions;

5) The ability to shorten the reasoning process, to think in collapsed structures;

6) The ability to reversible the thought process (to switch from a direct to a reverse train of thought);

7) Flexibility of thinking, the ability to switch from one mental operation to another, freedom from the constraining influence of templates and stencils;

8) Mathematical memory. It can be assumed that its characteristic features also follow from the features of mathematical science, that it is a memory for generalizations, formalized structures, logical schemes;

9) The ability for spatial representations, which is directly related to the presence of such a branch of mathematics as geometry.

1.2 Didactic game as a teaching method

ON THE. Vinogradova noted that due to the age characteristics of preschool children, for the purpose of their education, didactic games, board-printed games, games with objects (plot-didactic and dramatization games), verbal and gaming techniques, and didactic material should be widely used.

The origins of the development of modern didactic games and materials are M. Montessori and F. Froebel. M. Montessori created didactic material built on the principle of autodidactism, which served as the basis for self-education and self-education of children in kindergarten classes using special didactic material (“Froebel’s gifts”), a system of didactic games for sensory education and development in productive activities (modeling, drawing, paper folding and cutting, weaving, embroidery).

According to A.K. Bondarenko, the requirement of didactics helps to separate from the general course educational process that which in educational work is associated with learning. According to the classification of A.K. Bondarenko, didactic means of educational work are divided into two groups: the first group is characterized by the fact that the training is conducted by an adult, in the second group the educational impact is transferred to didactic material, a didactic game, built taking into account educational tasks.

L.N. Tolstoy, K.D. Ushinsky, in connection with criticism of classes according to the Froebelian system, said that where a child is seen only as an object of influence, and not a being capable, to the best of his childish abilities, of thinking independently, having his own judgments, capable of accomplishing something on his own, influence an adult loses its value; where these abilities of the child are taken into account and the adult relies on them, the effect is different.

In the didactic game, the most popular means of preschool education, the child learns counting, speech, etc., following the rules of the game and game actions. Didactic games have the opportunity to form new knowledge, introduce children to methods of action, each of the games solves a specific didactic problem of improving children’s ideas.

Didactic games are included directly in the content of classes as one of the means of implementing program tasks. The place of the didactic game in the structure of the lesson is determined by the age of the children, the purpose, purpose, and content of the lesson. It can be used as a training task, an exercise aimed at performing a specific task of forming ideas.

Didactic games justify themselves in solving problems of individual work with children or with a subgroup in their free time.

According to Sorokina A.I. The value of the game as an educational tool lies in the fact that, by influencing each of the children in the game, the teacher forms not only the habits and norms of behavior of children in different conditions and outside the game.

The game is also a means of initial learning, assimilation by children and science to science. By leading the game, the teacher fosters an active desire in children to learn something, search, show effort and find, enriches spiritual world children.

According to A.I. Sorokina, a didactic game is an educational game aimed at expanding, strengthening, and systematizing children’s ideas about the environment, nurturing cognitive interests, and developing cognitive abilities. According to Usova A.P., didactic games, game tasks and techniques allow you to increase the sensitivity of children, diversify the child’s educational activities, and add entertainment.

The theory and practice of didactic games were developed by A.P. Usova, E.I. Radina, F.N. Blecher, B.I. Khachapuridze, Z.M. Boguslavskaya, E.F. Ivanitskaya, A.I. Sorokina, E.I. Udaltseva, V.N. Avanesova, A.N. Bondarenko, L.A. Wenger, who established the relationship between learning and play, the structure of the game process, the basic forms and methods of leadership.

A didactic game is valuable only if it contributes to a better understanding of the essence of the issue, clarification and formation of children’s knowledge. Thus, a didactic game is a purposeful creative activity, during which students comprehend the phenomena of the surrounding reality more deeply and clearly and learn about the world. Thanks to games, it is possible to concentrate the attention and attract the interest of even the most disorganized preschool children. At first, only the game actions captivate you, and then what this or that game teaches you. Gradually, children awaken interest in the subject of study itself.

1.3 Modern requirements for the mathematical development of preschool children

Children actively master counting, use numbers, carry out elementary calculations visually and orally, master the simplest temporal and spatial relationships, and transform objects of various shapes and sizes. The child, without realizing it, practically gets involved in simple mathematical activities, while mastering properties, relationships, connections and dependencies on objects and the numerical level.

The volume of submissions should be considered as a basis cognitive development. Cognitive and speech skills constitute, as it were, the technology of the cognition process, a minimum of skills, without the development of which further knowledge of the world and the development of the child will be difficult. The child’s activity, aimed at cognition, is realized in meaningful independent play and practical activities, in educational educational games organized by the teacher.

An adult creates conditions and an environment favorable for involving the child in the activities of comparison, counting, reconstruction, grouping, regrouping, etc. At the same time, the initiative in developing the game and action belongs to the child. The teacher isolates, analyzes the situation, directs the process of its development, and contributes to obtaining a result.

The child is surrounded by games that develop his thoughts and introduce him to mental work. For example, games from the series: “Logic cubes”, “Corners”, “Make a cube” and others; It is impossible to do without didactic aids. They help the child isolate the analyzed object, see it in all its diversity of properties, establish connections and dependencies, determine elementary relationships, similarities and differences. Didactic aids that perform similar functions include Dienesh logic blocks, colored counting sticks (Cuisenaire sticks), models and others.

By playing and studying with children, the teacher helps them develop skills and abilities:

Operate with properties, relationships of objects, numbers; identify the simplest changes and dependencies of objects in shape and size;

Compare, generalize groups of objects, correlate, isolate patterns of alternation and succession, operate in terms of ideas, strive for creativity;

Show initiative in activities, independence in clarifying or setting goals, in the course of reasoning, in carrying out and achieving results;

Talk about the action being performed or completed, talk with adults and peers about the content of the game (practical) action.

PROPERTIES. Representation.

Item size: length (long, short); by height (high, low); width (wide, narrow); by thickness (thick, thin); by weight (heavy, light); by depth (deep, shallow); by volume (large, small).

Geometric shapes and bodies: circle, square, triangle, oval, rectangle, ball, cube, cylinder.

Structural elements geometric shapes: side, angle, number of them.

Shape of objects: round, triangular, square. Logical connections between groups of quantities, shapes: low, but thick; find common and different in groups of figures round, square, triangular shape.

Relationships between changes (changes) in the basis of classification (grouping) and the number of resulting groups and objects in them.

Cognitive and verbal skills. Purposefully visually and tactilely examine geometric shapes and objects in a motor way in order to determine the shape. Compare geometric shapes in pairs in order to identify structural elements: angles, sides, their number. Independently find and apply a way to determine the shape, size of objects, geometric figures. Independently name the properties of objects and geometric figures; express in speech a way of determining such properties as shape, size; group them by characteristics.

RELATIONSHIP. Representation.

Relationships between groups of objects: by quantity, by size, etc. Consecutive increase (decrease) of 3-5 items.

Spatial relations in paired directions from oneself, from other objects, in movement in the indicated direction; temporal - in the sequence of parts of the day, present, past and future tense: today, yesterday and tomorrow.

Generalization of 3-5 objects, sounds, movement according to properties - size, quantity, shape, etc.

Cognitive and verbal skills. Compare objects by eye, by superposition, application. Express in speech quantitative, spatial, temporal relationships between objects, explain their sequential increase and decrease in quantity and size.

NUMBERS AND FIGURES. Representation.

Designation of quantity by number and figure within 10. Quantitative and ordinal assignment of number. Generalization of groups of objects, sounds and movements by number. Connections between number, number and quantity: the more objects, the larger the number they are designated; counting both homogeneous and dissimilar objects, in different locations, etc.

Cognitive and verbal skills.

Count, compare by characteristics, quantity and number; reproduce quantity according to pattern and number; count down.

Name numbers, coordinate numeral words with nouns in gender, number, case.

Reflect in speech a method of practical action. Answer the questions: “How did you find out how much there is?”; “What will you find out if you count?”


Independence of the number of objects from their location in space, grouping.

Consistency of size, volume of liquid and granular bodies, absence or presence of dependence on the shape and size of the vessel.

Generalization by size, number, level of filling of vessels of the same shape, etc.

Cognitive and verbal skills to visually perceive sizes, quantities, properties of objects, count, compare in order to prove equality or inequality.

Express in speech the location of objects in space. Use prepositions and adverbs: to the right, from above, from..., next to..., about, in, on, for, etc.; Explain the method of comparison and detection of correspondence.

ALGORITHMS. Representation.

Designation of the sequence and stages of educational and game action, the dependence of the order of objects by symbol (arrow). Using simple algorithms different types(linear and branched).

Cognitive and verbal skills. Visually perceive and understand the sequence of development and execution of an action, focusing on the direction indicated by the arrow.

Reflect in speech the order of actions:

At first;

If... then.

Five-year-olds show high cognitive activity; they literally bombard their elders with various questions about the world around them. When exploring objects, their properties and qualities, children use a variety of exploration activities: they are able to group objects by color, shape, size, purpose, quantity; are able to compose a whole from 4-6 parts; master counting.

Children rejoice at their achievements and new opportunities. They are aimed at creative manifestations and a friendly attitude towards others. The teacher’s individual approach will help each child demonstrate their skills and inclinations in a variety of exciting activities.

2. Experimental work on the formation of elementary mathematical concepts in children 4-5 years old in didactic games

2.1 The role of educational games

The didactic game as an independent gaming activity is based on the awareness of this process. Independent play activity is carried out only if children show interest in the game, its rules and actions, if these rules have been learned by them. How long can a child be interested in a game if its rules and content are well known to him? This is a problem that needs to be solved almost directly in the process of work. Children love games that are familiar to them and enjoy playing them.

Didactic play is also a form of learning that is most typical for preschoolers. A didactic game contains all the structural elements (parts) characteristic of children’s play activities: intent (task), content, play actions, rules, result. But they manifest themselves in a slightly different form and are determined by the special role of didactic games in the upbringing and teaching of preschool children.

The presence of a didactic task emphasizes the educational nature of the game and the focus of its content on the development of children’s cognitive activity. In contrast to the direct formulation of a problem in the classroom, in a didactic game it also arises as a game task for the child himself. The importance of didactic play is that it develops independence and active thinking and speech in children.

In each game, the teacher sets a specific task to teach children to talk about the subject, develop connected speech, and master counting. The game task is sometimes included in the very name of the game: “Let’s find out what’s in the wonderful bag”, “Who lives in which house”, etc. Interest in it, the desire to fulfill it is activated by play actions. The more varied and meaningful they are, the more interesting the game itself is for children and the more successfully cognitive and play tasks are solved.

Children need to be taught play actions. Only under this condition does the game acquire an educational character and become meaningful. Teaching game actions is carried out through a trial move in the game, showing the action itself. In the games of preschoolers, play actions are not always the same for all participants. When children are divided into groups or when there are roles, play actions are different. The volume of game actions also varies. In younger groups this is most often one or two repeated actions, in older groups it is already five or six. In games of a sports nature, the play actions of older preschoolers are divided in time from the very beginning and carried out sequentially. Later, having mastered them, children act purposefully, clearly, quickly, consistently and solve the game problem at an already selected pace.

What is the significance of the game? In the process of playing, children develop the habit of concentrating, thinking independently, developing attention, and the desire for knowledge. Being carried away, children do not notice that they are learning: they learn, remember new things, navigate unusual situations, replenish their stock of ideas and concepts, and develop their imagination. Even the most passive of children join the game with great desire and make every effort not to let their playmates down.

In the game, the child acquires new knowledge, skills and abilities. Games that promote the development of perception, attention, memory, thinking, and the development of creative abilities are aimed at the mental development of the preschooler as a whole.

Unlike other activities, play contains a goal in itself; The child does not set or solve extraneous and separate tasks in the game. A game is often defined as an activity that is performed for its own sake and does not pursue extraneous goals or objectives.

For preschool children, play is of exceptional importance: play for them is study, play for them is work, play for them is a serious form of education. Play for preschoolers is a way of learning about the world around them. Play will be a means of education if it is included in a holistic pedagogical process. By directing the game, organizing the life of children in the game, the teacher influences all aspects of the development of the child’s personality: feelings, consciousness, will and behavior in general.

However, if for the student the goal is the game itself, then for the adult organizing the game there is another goal - the development of children, their acquisition of certain knowledge, the formation of skills, the development of certain personality qualities. This, by the way, is one of the main contradictions of the game as a means of education: on the one hand, there is no goal in the game, and on the other, the game is a means of purposeful personality formation.

This is most evident in the so-called didactic games. The nature of the resolution of this contradiction determines the educational value of the game: if the achievement of a didactic goal is achieved in the game as an activity that contains the goal in itself, then its educational value will be the most significant. If the didactic task is solved in game actions, the purpose of which for their participants is this didactic task, then the educational value of the game will be minimal.

A game is valuable only if it contributes to a better understanding of the mathematical essence of the issue, clarification and formation of students’ mathematical knowledge . Didactic games and play exercises stimulate communication, since in the process of these games the relationships between children, child and parent, child and teacher begin to be more relaxed and emotional.

Free and voluntary inclusion of children in the game: not imposing the game, but involving children in it. Children must understand well the meaning and content of the game, its rules, and the idea of ​​each game role. The meaning of game actions must coincide with the meaning and content of behavior in real situations so that the main meaning of game actions is transferred to real life activities. The game should be guided by socially accepted moral standards based on humanism and universal human values. The game should not humiliate the dignity of its participants, including the losers.

Thus, a didactic game is a purposeful creative activity, during which students comprehend the phenomena of the surrounding reality more deeply and clearly and learn about the world.

2.2 Methods of teaching the basics of mathematics through didactic games and tasks for preschoolers

In older preschool age, children show increased interest in sign systems, modeling, performing arithmetic operations with numbers, and independence in solving creative tasks and evaluation of the result. Children's mastery of the content specified in the program is not carried out in isolation, but in conjunction and in the context of other meaningful types of activities, such as natural history, fine arts, constructive, etc.

The program provides for deepening children's understanding of the properties and relationships of objects, mainly through classification and seriation games, practical activities aimed at recreating and transforming the shapes of objects and geometric figures. Children not only use the signs and symbols they know, but also find ways to symbolize new, previously unknown parameters of quantities, geometric figures, time and spatial relationships, etc.

Children denote relations of equality and inequality with the signs =, *; dependencies between quantities and numbers are also expressed in the signs “more than”, “less than” (,

In the course of mastering numbers, the teacher helps children understand the sequence of numbers and the place of each of them in the natural series. This is expressed in the ability of children to form a number greater or less than a given one, to prove the equality or inequality of a group of objects by number, and to find a missing number. Measurement (and not just counting) is considered the leading practical activity.

The limit of children’s mastery of numbers (up to 10, 20) should be determined depending on the children’s ability to master the content offered to them and the teaching methods used. In this case, one should focus on the development of numerical concepts in children, and not on the formal assimilation of numbers and arithmetic operations with them.

Mastering the terminology necessary for expressing relationships and dependencies occurs in games that are interesting to the child, creative tasks, and practical exercises. In a game setting, during classes, the teacher organizes lively, relaxed communication with children, eliminating obsessive repetitions.

In older preschool age, mastering mathematical content is aimed primarily at developing children’s cognitive and creative abilities: the ability to generalize, compare, identify and establish patterns, connections and relationships, solve problems, put forward them, anticipate the result and course of solving a creative problem. To do this, children should be involved in meaningful, active and developmental activities in the classroom, in independent play and practical activities outside of class, based on self-control and self-esteem .

The tasks of mathematical and personal development of children of senior preschool age are to develop their skills: to establish a connection between the goal (task), implementation (process) of any action and the result; construct simple statements about the essence of a phenomenon, property, relationship, etc.; find the right way to complete a task, leading to the result in the most economical way; actively participate in a group game, help a peer if necessary; talk freely with adults about games, practical tasks, exercises, including those invented by children.

Ingenuity tasks, puzzles, and entertaining games arouse great interest among preschoolers. Children can, without distraction, practice transforming figures for a long time, rearranging sticks or other objects according to a given pattern, according to their own ideas. In such activities, important qualities of the child’s personality are formed: independence, observation, resourcefulness, intelligence, perseverance is developed, and constructive skills are developed.

Entertaining mathematical material is also considered as one of the means that ensures a rational relationship between the teacher’s work in and outside the classroom. Such material can be included in the main part of the lesson on the formation of elementary mathematical concepts or used at the end of it, when there is a decrease in the mental activity of children. Thus, puzzles are useful for consolidating ideas about geometric shapes and their transformation. Riddles and joke problems are appropriate during learning to solve arithmetic problems, operations with numbers, and when forming ideas about time. At the very beginning of classes in senior and preparatory school groups, the use of simple entertaining tasks as “mental gymnastics” is justified.

The teacher can also use entertaining mathematical games to organize children’s independent activities. In the course of solving ingenuity problems and puzzles, children learn to plan their actions, think about them, look for an answer, guess the result, while showing creativity. Such work activates the child’s mental activity, develops in him the qualities necessary for professional excellence, no matter in what field he later works.

Any mathematical problem for ingenuity, no matter what age it is intended for, carries a certain mental load, which is most often disguised by an entertaining plot, external data, the conditions of the problem, etc. Mental task: make a figure or modify it, find a solution , guess the number - is implemented by means of the game in game actions. Ingenuity, resourcefulness, and initiative are manifested in active mental activity based on direct interest.

What makes mathematical material interesting is the game elements contained in every problem, logic exercise, and entertainment, be it chess or the most basic puzzle. For example, the unusual way of asking the question: “How can you make a square on a table using two sticks?” - makes the child think and get involved in the game of imagination in search of an answer. The variety of entertaining material - games, tasks, puzzles - provides the basis for their classification, although it is quite difficult to divide such diverse material created by mathematicians, teachers, and methodologists into groups. It can be classified according to various criteria: according to content and meaning, the nature of mental operations, as well as the focus on the development of certain skills.

Based on the logic of actions carried out by those who solve the problem, a variety of elementary entertaining material can be classified into 3 main groups:


Mathematical games and problems,

Educational (didactic) games and exercises. The basis for identifying such groups is the nature and purpose of the material of one type or another.

During mathematics classes in kindergarten, teachers can use mathematical entertainment: puzzles, puzzles, mazes, spatial transformation games, etc. (Appendix). They are interesting in content, entertaining in form, distinguished by their unusual solutions and paradoxical results. For example, puzzles can be arithmetic (guessing numbers), geometric (cutting paper, bending wire), or alphabetic (anagrams, crosswords, charades). There are puzzles designed only for the play of fantasy and imagination.

Math games are used in kindergarten. These are games in which mathematical constructions, relationships, and patterns are modeled. To find an answer (solution), as a rule, a preliminary analysis of the conditions, rules, and content of the game or task is necessary. The solution requires the use of mathematical methods and inferences.

A variety of mathematical games and tasks are logic games, tasks, and exercises. They are aimed at training thinking when performing logical operations and actions: “Find the missing figure”, “What are the differences?”, “Mill”, “Fox and Geese”, “Four by Four”, etc. Games “Growing a Tree”, “Miracle Bag” ", "Computing machine" assume a strict logic of action.

Mathematical fun can be presented various kinds tasks, exercises, games for spatial transformations, modeling, recreation of silhouette figures, figurative images from certain parts. They are exciting for children. The solution is carried out through practical actions in compiling, selecting, and arranging according to the rules and conditions. These are games in which you need to create a silhouette figure from a specially selected set of figures, using the entire proposed set of figures. In some games, flat figures are made: “Tangram”, “Pythagoras” puzzle, “Columbus Egg”, “Magic Circle”, “Pentamino”. In others, you need to create a three-dimensional figure: “Cubes for everyone”, “Chameleon Cube”, “Assemble a prism”, etc.

The mathematical material used in classes with preschoolers is very diverse in nature, topic, and method of solution. The most simple tasks, exercises that require resourcefulness, ingenuity, originality of thinking, and the ability to critically evaluate conditions, are an effective means of teaching preschool children in mathematics classes, developing their independent games, entertainment, outside of school hours.

Teaching mathematics to preschool children is unthinkable without the use of entertaining games, tasks, and entertainment. At the same time, the role of simple entertaining mathematical material is determined taking into account the age capabilities of children and the tasks of comprehensive development and education: to activate mental activity, to interest in mathematical material, to captivate and entertain children, to develop the mind, to expand and deepen mathematical concepts, to consolidate acquired knowledge and skills, to exercise applying them in other types of activities, new environments.

Entertaining material (didactic games) is also used to form ideas and familiarize with new information. In this case, an indispensable condition is the use of a system of games and exercises.

Children are very active in the perception of tasks - jokes, puzzles, and logical exercises. They persistently search for a solution that leads to a result. When an entertaining task is accessible to a child, he develops a positive emotional attitude towards it, which stimulates mental activity. The child is interested in the final goal: folding, finding the right shape, transforming - which captivates him.

In this case, children use two types of search tests: practical (actions of shifting, picking) and mental (thinking about a move, predicting the result, guessing a solution). During the search, hypotheses, and solutions, children also make guesses, i.e. as if suddenly they come to the right decision. But this suddenness is certainly apparent. In fact, they find a way, a solution, only on the basis of practical actions and deliberation. At the same time, preschoolers tend to guess only about some part of the solution, some stage. Children, as a rule, do not explain the moment when a guess appears: “I thought and decided. This must be done."

In the process of solving ingenuity problems, children’s thinking about the process of searching for a result precedes practical actions. An indicator of the rationality of the search is the level of its independence and the nature of the samples produced. Analysis of the ratio of tests shows that practical tests are typical, as a rule, for children of the middle and older groups. Children in the preparatory group search either through a combination of mental and practical tests, or only mentally. All this gives grounds for the statement about the possibility of introducing preschoolers to elements of creative activity while solving entertaining problems. Children develop the ability to search for a solution by making assumptions, carry out tests of different natures, and guess.

Of all the variety of entertaining mathematical material in preschool age, didactic games are most used. Their main purpose is to ensure that children practice distinguishing, isolating, naming sets of objects, numbers, geometric figures, directions, etc. Didactic games have the opportunity to form new knowledge and introduce children to methods of action. Each of the games solves a specific problem of improving children’s mathematical (quantitative, spatial, temporal) concepts.

Didactic games are included directly in the content of classes as one of the means of implementing program tasks. The place of a didactic game in the structure of a lesson on the formation of elementary mathematical concepts is determined by the age of the children, the purpose, purpose, and content of the lesson. It can be used as a training task, an exercise aimed at performing a specific task of forming ideas. In the younger group, especially at the beginning of the year, the entire lesson should be conducted in the form of a game. Didactic games are also appropriate at the end of a lesson in order to reproduce and consolidate what has been previously learned. So, in middle group For classes on the formation of elementary mathematical concepts, after a series of exercises to consolidate the names and basic properties (presence of sides, angles) of geometric figures, a game can be used. (Application)

In developing children's mathematical understanding, a variety of didactic game exercises that are entertaining in form and content are widely used. They differ from typical educational tasks and exercises in the unusual way of setting the problem (find, guess), and the unexpectedness of presenting it on behalf of some literary fairy-tale character (Pinocchio, Cheburashka). Game exercises should be distinguished from didactic games in structure, purpose, level of children's independence, and the role of the teacher. As a rule, they do not include all the structural elements of a didactic game (didactic task, rules, game actions). Their purpose is to exercise children in order to develop skills.

Often in the practice of teaching preschoolers, didactic games take the form of a gaming exercise. In this case, children’s play actions and their results are directed and controlled by the teacher. So, in the older group, in order to train children in grouping geometric shapes, the exercise “Help Cheburashka find and correct a mistake” is carried out. Children are asked to consider how geometric figures are arranged, in what groups, and by what criteria they are united, notice the error, correct it and explain. The answer should be addressed to Cheburashka. The error may be that there is a triangle in the group of squares, a red one in the group of blue shapes, etc.

Thus, didactic games and game exercises with mathematical content are the most well-known and frequently used types of entertaining mathematical material in modern preschool education practice. In the process of teaching preschoolers mathematics, play is directly included in the lesson, being a means of forming new knowledge, expanding, clarifying, and consolidating educational material. Didactic games justify themselves in solving problems of individual work with children, and are also carried out with all children or with a subgroup in their free time.

In an integrated approach to the education and training of preschool children in modern didactics, an important role belongs to entertaining educational games, tasks, and entertainment. They are interesting for children and emotionally captivate them. And the process of solving, searching for an answer, based on interest in the problem, is impossible without the active work of thought. This situation explains the importance of entertaining tasks in the mental and all-round development of children. Through games and exercises with entertaining mathematical material, children master the ability to search for solutions independently. The teacher equips children only with a scheme and direction for analyzing an entertaining problem, which ultimately leads to a solution (correct or incorrect). Systematic exercise in solving problems in this way develops mental activity, independence of thought, and a creative attitude towards learning task, initiative .

Solving various kinds of non-standard problems in preschool age contributes to the formation and improvement of general mental abilities: logic of thought, reasoning and action, flexibility of the thought process, ingenuity and ingenuity, spatial concepts. Particularly important should be considered the development in children of the ability to guess the solution at a certain stage of the analysis of an entertaining problem, search actions of a practical and mental nature. A guess in this case indicates a depth of understanding of the problem, a high level of search actions, mobilization of past experience, and transfer of learned methods of solution to completely new conditions.

In teaching preschoolers, a non-standard task, purposefully and appropriately used, acts as a problem one. Here, the search for a solution is clearly presented by putting forward a hypothesis, testing it, refuting the wrong direction of the search, and finding ways to prove the correct solution.

Entertaining math material is good remedy instilling in children, already at preschool age, an interest in mathematics, logic and evidence-based reasoning, a desire to show mental effort, and focus on the problem.

The development of mathematical concepts in a child is facilitated by the use of a variety of didactic games. Such games teach the child to understand some complex mathematical concepts, form an understanding of the relationship between numbers and numbers, quantities and numbers, develop the ability to navigate in the directions of space, and draw conclusions.

When using didactic games, various objects and visual material, which ensures that classes are held in a fun, entertaining and accessible way.

If your child has difficulty counting, show him, counting out loud, two blue circles, four red, three green. Ask him to count the objects out loud himself. Constantly count different objects (books , balls, toys, etc.), from time to time ask the child: “How many cups are there on the table?”, “How many magazines are there?”, “How many children are walking on the playground?” and so on.

Acquiring skills oral counting helps teach children to understand the purpose of some household items on which numbers are written. Such items are a watch and a thermometer.

Such visual material opens up space for imagination when playing various games. After teaching your baby how to measure temperature, ask him to measure the temperature on an outdoor thermometer every day. You can keep a record of the air temperature in a special “log”, noting daily temperature fluctuations in it. Analyze the changes, ask your child to determine the decrease and increase in temperature outside the window, ask how many degrees the temperature has changed. Together with your child, draw up a graph of air temperature changes over a week or month.

When reading a book to a child or telling fairy tales, when numerals are encountered, ask him to put aside as many counting sticks as, for example, there were animals in the story. After you have counted how many animals there were in the fairy tale, ask who there were more, who were fewer, and who were the same number. Compare toys by size: who is bigger - a bunny or a bear, who is smaller, who is the same height.

Let the preschooler come up with fairy tales with numerals himself. Let him say how many heroes there are, what kind of characters they are (who is bigger - smaller, taller - shorter), ask him to put down the counting sticks during the story. And then he can draw the heroes of his story and talk about them, make their verbal portraits and compare them.

It is very useful to compare pictures that have both similarities and differences. It’s especially good if the pictures have a different number of objects. Ask your child how the pictures differ. Ask him to draw a different number of objects, things, animals, etc.

The preparatory work for teaching children the basic mathematical operations of addition and subtraction includes the development of skills such as parsing a number into its component parts and identifying the previous and subsequent numbers within the first ten.

IN game form Children have fun guessing the previous and next numbers. Ask, for example, which number is greater than five but less than seven, less than three but more than one etc. Children love to guess numbers and guess what they have in mind. Think of a number within ten, for example, and ask your child to name different numbers. You say whether the named number is greater than or less than what you had in mind. Then switch roles with your child.

To parse numbers, you can use counting sticks. Ask your child to place two chopsticks on the table. Ask how many chopsticks are on the table. Then spread the sticks on both sides. Ask how many sticks are on the left and how many are on the right. Then take three sticks and also lay them out on two sides. Take four sticks and have your child separate them. Ask him how else you can arrange the four sticks. Let him change the arrangement of the counting sticks so that there is one stick on one side and three on the other. In the same way, sequentially sort out all the numbers within ten. The larger the number, the correspondingly more parsing options.

It is necessary to introduce the baby to basic geometric shapes. Show him a rectangle, a circle, a triangle. Explain what a rectangle (square, rhombus) can be. Explain what a side is and what an angle is. Why is a triangle called a triangle (three angles). Explain that there are other geometric shapes that differ in the number of angles.

Let the child make geometric shapes from sticks. You can give it the required dimensions based on the number of sticks. Invite him, for example, to fold a rectangle with sides of three sticks and four sticks; triangle with sides two and three sticks.

Make shapes too different sizes and figures with different numbers of sticks. Ask your child to compare the shapes. Another option would be combined figures, in which some sides will be common.

For example, from five sticks you need to simultaneously make a square and two identical triangles; or make two squares from ten sticks: large and small ( small square made up of two sticks inside a large one). Using chopsticks is also useful to form letters and numbers. In this case, a comparison of concept and symbol occurs. Let the child match the number made up of sticks to the number of sticks that makes up this number.

It is very important to instill in your child the skills necessary to write numbers. To do this, it is recommended to spend a lot of time with him preparatory work aimed at understanding the notebook layout. Take a squared notebook. Show the cell, its sides and corners. Ask your child to place a dot, for example, in the lower left corner of the cell, in the upper right corner, etc. Show the middle of the cage and the midpoints of the sides of the cage.

Show your child how to draw simple patterns using cells. To do this, write individual elements, connecting, for example, the upper right and lower left corners of the cell; upper right and left corners; two dots located in the middle of adjacent cells. Draw simple “borders” in a checkered notebook.

It is important here that the child himself wants to study. Therefore, you cannot force him, let him draw no more than two patterns in one lesson. Such exercises not only introduce the child to the basics of writing numbers, but also instill fine motor skills, which will greatly help the child in learning to write letters in the future.

Logic games Mathematical content instills in children cognitive interest, the ability to creatively search, and the desire and ability to learn. An unusual game situation with problematic elements characteristic of each entertaining task always arouses children’s interest.

Entertaining tasks help develop a child’s ability to quickly perceive cognitive problems and find the right solutions for them. Children begin to understand that the right decision a logical problem needs to be concentrated, they begin to realize that such an entertaining problem contains some kind of “trick” and to solve it it is necessary to understand what the trick is.

The didactic game promotes a better understanding of the essence of the issue, clarification and formation of knowledge. Games can be used on different stages knowledge acquisition: at the stages of explaining new material, consolidating it, repeating it, monitoring it. The game allows you to include a larger number of children in active cognitive activity. It should fully solve both the educational tasks of educational activities and the tasks of enhancing cognitive activity, and be the main step in the development of the cognitive interests of preschool children. The game helps the teacher convey difficult material in an accessible form. In mathematics classes I use a game to develop logical thinking: “Which figure is extra?” Children find an extra geometric figure based on certain characteristics: color, shape, size.

When we reinforce the topic “Geometric Shapes,” we play the game “Find the Patch.” The game can be built in the form of a story.

Once upon a time there lived Pinocchio, he had a beautiful red shirt and pants. One day Pinocchio went to the theater, and at that time the rat Shushara gnawed holes in his clothes. Count how many holes there are in your clothes. Take your geometric shapes and help Pinocchio fix his things.

During this game of “What does it look like?” Material: a set of ten cards with various figures. Each card has a figure drawn on it, which can be perceived as a detail or an outline image of an object. The teacher strives to ensure that each participant in the game comes up with something new that none of the children have yet said.

Research results

Comparing the amount of children's knowledge at the beginning, middle and end school year, there are significant changes in the development of children, which is reflected in the monitoring “Formation of mathematical, spatial, constructive data”, which clearly shows that “Ignorance is decreasing, and knowledge is increasing.” Monitoring is carried out in the 5-6 years-1st grade system. At the same time, I would like to note that children develop a strong interest in learning and a desire to learn as much as possible. If at the beginning of the year, six-year-olds are characterized mainly by visual-effective thinking. Then at the end of the year, visual-figurative thinking predominates and the rudiments of theoretical, conceptual thinking develop.


So, a didactic game is a complex multifaceted phenomenon. In didactic games, not only educational knowledge and skills are acquired, but all mental processes of children, their emotional-volitional sphere, abilities and skills develop. The didactic game helps to do educational material exciting, create a joyful working mood. Skillful use of didactic games in educational process makes it easier. The didactic game is part of a holistic pedagogical process and is combined and interconnected with other forms of teaching and upbringing.


1. Amonashvili Sh.A. “To school from the age of six” M., 1986

2. Anikieva N.P. “Education by play” M., 1987

3. Geller E.M. “Our friend the game” Minsk, 1979

4. Games and exercises in teaching six-year-olds Minsk, 1985

5. Nikitin B.L. "Educational games" M., 1981

6. Pedagogy and psychology of play. Edited by Anikieva I.P. Novosibirsk, 1985.

7. Stolyar A.A. “Let's Play” M., 1991

8. Usova A.P. The role of play in raising children” M., 1976

9. Shvaiko G.V. “Didactic games in kindergarten” M., 1982

10. Elkonin D.B. “Selected psychological works” M., 1989

11. Yanovskaya M.G. " Creative play in the education of younger schoolchildren" M., 1974

on the topic “Use of educational gaming technologies in the formation of elementary mathematical concepts in preschool children”

teacher MBDOU Kindergarten No. 5 Tymovskoye

Dubtsova Irina Nikolaevna

Mathematics occupies a special place in science, culture and social life, being one of the most important components of world scientific and technological progress. A quality mathematics education is necessary for everyone to live a successful life in modern society. In accordance with the Concept for the Development of Mathematical Education in the Russian Federation, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of December 24, 2013 No. 2506-r, increasing the level of mathematical education will make the lives of Russians more fulfilling and will meet the needs for qualified specialists.

The basis of human intelligence, his sensory experience is laid in the first years of a child’s life. In preschool childhood, the formation of the first forms of abstraction, the generalization of simple conclusions, the transition from practical to logical thinking, the development of perception, attention, memory, and imagination occur. It is better to carry out learning in a natural, most attractive form of activity for children - play.

Currently, there are very few technologies that make it possible to fully build the process of joint and independent activity in a playful form, as required by the new standard.

One of these technologies is Voskobovich games. These are extraordinary benefits that meet modern requirements in the development of a preschooler. The child folds, unfolds, exercises, experiments, creates, without causing damage to himself or the toy. During the game, goal setting and the symbolic function of consciousness develop, and the internal nature of motivation is formed. The game is significantly complemented by a fairy tale. It introduces the child into the extraordinary “world” of possibilities and plans, forces him to cooperate and empathize with the characters and events.

By playing Voskobovich puzzle games with your child, we develop sensory abilities, intelligence, fine motor skills hands, creative abilities of children.

These games are based on two principles of learning - from simple to complex and “independently according to ability.” This union allowed us to solve several problems in the game related to the development of intelligence and analytical abilities.

His work using the technology of V.V. Voskobovich, I structured it this way: I introduced games to the group one by one, said the name of the game, but did not explain how to play it, giving the children the opportunity to come up with the rules of the game themselves. So, for example, when introducing the game “Two-Color Square” into the group, I gave the children the opportunity to examine the game and try it by touch. During independent play activities with a square, children received figures of the same color; they noted that a small figure was obtained from a large square.

Children had an interesting encounter with the games “Miracle Crosses” and “Miracle Honeycombs”. At the initial level, children assembled fragments of figures into a single whole, and then the tasks became more complex. Children, using diagrams, collect various images figures and objects.

Designer V.V. Voskobovich “Geokont” undoubtedly attracted the attention of the guys. With the help of magic rubber bands, children completed tasks. At the first stage, they construct geometric shapes without relying on digital and letter designations. They get acquainted with such a property as elasticity (an elastic band stretches and returns to its original position.) During the game, “obstacles” arise in front of children in the form of a task, a question, a task. The personification of this obstacle is an elastic band stretched across the Geokont field. It “disappears” if the problem is solved correctly.

After the presentation of each game, I introduced the children to the fairy tales that accompany the games. These are fairy tales of the Violet Forest, the plot of which is organically “woven” with intellectual and creative tasks. The Purple Forest is a kind of fairy-tale space in which each game has its own area and its own hero. At this stage, a special role in organizing gaming cognitive activity is assigned to the teacher. I introduced children to fairy tale characters, selected game tasks depending on the age capabilities and interests of the children in the group, played and studied with them. The children enjoyed listening to fairy tales, solving intellectual problems and performing creative tasks together with the hero and me.

The children got acquainted with the game “Transparent Square” with no less interest. The fairy tale story of Baby Geo serves as an excellent motivation for the child to perform various intellectual tasks and at the same time, is material for the development of speech. This game provides great opportunities for children to come up with their own creative ideas.

All parents want their child to memorize numbers as early as possible, learn to count, understand the composition of numbers, and easily master the multiplication table at school. To achieve these goals, “Mathematical Baskets” help me in my work, where, without didactic pressure, children master the composition of numbers within five, ten and two tens, learn to count, add and subtract. Get to know these concepts , as a complete, incomplete and empty set. The highlight of this didactic game is the integrated use of the child’s three analyzers: auditory, visual and tactile-tactile. This helps them to better master the composition of numbers and counting activities.

Another game that helps us master the composition of numbers is the Counting Truck. An exciting educational game that develops spatial-logical thinking, attention, memory, fine motor skills in children, and introduces them to the composition of numbers.

At all stages of working with Voskobovich’s games, it is necessary to create a creative atmosphere: to encourage and support children’s initiative, it is important to interest children in these games, because if a child likes a game, then he will play it, and accordingly increase his level of development.

Using these games helps me solve educational math problems effectively. The system we developed based on Voskobovich’s technology is intended for children 5-7 years old and is designed for two years of study. The implementation of this system takes place during the joint activities of children and adults. Long-term planning has been developed, including 34 educational situations. Game educational situations are carried out within the framework of cultural practices in free time lasting 25-30 minutes. Constantly increasing the complexity of games allows you to maintain children's activity in the zone of optimal difficulty.

Using this technology, we have already been able to achieve positive results. Analysis of diagnostic results shows an increase in the number of children with an average and high level of development of intellectual abilities. Children develop their understanding, ability to analyze and compare best. The children learned to concentrate when performing complex mental operations and to complete the work they started, to easily distinguish and name: yellow, red, blue, and do not confuse green, purple, blue, orange and other colors. In addition, the guys have no problems with counting, knowledge of geometric shapes, or the ability to navigate on a plane. It is important that the children have a desire to help those who are lagging behind. The ability to work in a team is developed.

Children are observed to be interested in games in their free time when children have big choice activities, many return to "developing corner" and continue fabulous adventures .

Seeing the positive results, parents became interested in the games. At their request, a seminar was held on the use of Voskobovich gaming technology « Fairy tale mazes games » .

In the future, we plan to introduce Voskobovich’s complex of games into the educational process. For this purpose, we have already purchased sets of games for all the children in the group, the “Purple Forest” panel and fairy-tale characters. In the group we want to create a separate corner of the “Purple Forest”.

I am confident that games will help our students grow up to be intellectually developed, creative, and able to think logically, which will allow them to win competitions more than once, do well in school and be successful people in the future.

Preschool age is the beginning of a long road into the world of knowledge, into the world of miracles. After all, it is at this age that the foundation for the further development of children is laid. The challenge is not only how to hold a pen, write, and count correctly, but also the ability to think and create. Mathematical development plays a huge role in mental education and in the development of a child’s intelligence.

The Federal State Educational Standard states: cognitive development involves the development of children’s interests, curiosity and cognitive motivation. Therefore, the formation of elementary mathematical abilities is given priority important place.

This is caused by a number of reasons: the abundance of information received by the child, increased attention to computerization, the desire to make the learning process more intense, and the desire of parents in this regard to teach the child to recognize numbers, count, and solve problems as early as possible.

A child becomes involved in mathematics from a very early age. Throughout preschool age, the child begins to develop elementary mathematical concepts, which in the future will be the basis for the development of his intellect and further educational activities.

The formation of elementary mathematical concepts is a purposeful and organized process of transferring and assimilating knowledge, techniques and methods of mental activity (in the field of mathematics).

The source of elementary mathematical concepts for a child is the surrounding reality, which he learns in the process of his various activities, in communication with adults, in communication with peers.

Methods and techniques for forming mathematical concepts in preschoolers.

In the process of forming elementary mathematical concepts in preschoolers, the teacher uses a variety of teaching methods:




When choosing a method, a number of factors are taken into account:

program tasks solved at this stage;

age and individual characteristics of children;

availability of necessary teaching aids, etc.;

The teacher’s constant attention to the informed choice of methods and techniques and their rational use in each specific case ensures:

Successful formation of elementary mathematical concepts and their reflection in speech;

The ability to perceive and highlight relations of equality and inequality (in number, size, shape), sequential dependence (decrease or increase in size, number), highlight quantity, shape, value as a common feature of the analyzed objects, determine connections and dependencies;

Orientation of children to the use of mastered methods of practical actions (for example, comparison by comparison, counting, measurement) in new conditions and an independent search for practical ways to identify, discover signs, properties, connections that are significant in a given situation. For example, in a game, identify the sequence order, the pattern of alternation of features, the commonality of properties.

The leader in the formation of elementary mathematical concepts is practical method.

Its essence lies in organizing the practical activities of children, aimed at mastering strictly defined methods of acting with objects or their substitutes (images, graphic drawings, models, etc.).

Characteristics practical method in the formation of elementary mathematical concepts:

Performing a variety of practical actions;

Wide use of didactic material;

The emergence of ideas as a result of practical actions with didactic material:

Developing numeracy, measurement and calculation skills in the most basic form;

Wide use of formed ideas and mastered actions in everyday life, play, work, i.e. in various types of activities.

This method involves organizing special exercises, which can be offered in the form of an assignment, organized as actions with demonstration material, or proceed in the form of independent work with handout didactic material.

Exercises can be collective - performed by all children at the same time - and individual - performed by an individual child at the board or teacher’s table. Collective exercises, in addition to assimilation and consolidation of knowledge, can be used for control.

Individuals, performing the same functions, also serve as a model by which children are guided in collective activities.

Game elements are included in exercises in all age groups: in younger ones - in the form of a surprise moment, imitation movements, a fairy-tale character, etc.; in older children they take on the character of search and competition.

From the point of view of children’s manifestation of activity, independence, and creativity in the process of execution, reproductive (imitative) and productive exercises can be distinguished.

Game as a teaching method and the formation of elementary mathematical concepts involves the use in classes of individual elements of different types of games (plot, movement, etc.), gaming techniques (surprise moment, competition, search, etc. Currently, a system of so-called educational games has been developed.

All didactic games for the formation of elementary mathematical concepts are divided into several groups:

1. Games with numbers and numbers

2. Time travel games

3. Games for orientation in space

4. Games with geometric shapes

5. Logical thinking games

Visual and verbal methods in the formation of “elementary” mathematical concepts are not independent; they accompany practical and game methods.

Techniques for forming mathematical representations.

In kindergarten, techniques related to visual, verbal and practical methods and used in close unity with each other are widely used:

1. Show (demonstration) of a method of action combined with an explanation or example from the teacher. This is the main method of teaching, it is visual, practical and effective in nature, carried out using a variety of didactic means, and makes it possible to develop skills and abilities in children. The following requirements apply to it:

Clarity, dissection of the demonstration of methods of action;

Coordination of actions with verbal explanations;

Accuracy, brevity and expressiveness of speech accompanying the demonstration:

Activation of perception, thinking and speech of children.

2. Instructions to perform independent exercises. This technique is associated with the teacher’s demonstration of methods of action and follows from it. The instructions reflect what and how to do to get the desired result. In older groups, the instructions are given in full before the task begins; in younger groups, they precede each new action.

3. Explanations, clarifications, instructions. These verbal techniques are used by the teacher when demonstrating a method of action or while children are performing a task in order to prevent mistakes, overcome difficulties, etc. They must be specific, short and figurative.

Demonstration is appropriate in all age groups when familiarizing with new actions (application, measurement), but it requires activation of mental activity, excluding direct imitation. In the course of mastering a new action, developing the ability to count and measure, it is advisable to avoid repeated demonstrations.

Mastering an action and improving it is carried out under the influence of verbal techniques: explanations, instructions, questions. At the same time, the verbal expression of the method of action is being mastered.

4. Questions for children.

Questions activate children’s perception, memory, thinking, and speech, ensuring comprehension and assimilation of the material. When forming elementary mathematical concepts, the most significant series of questions is: from simpler ones, aimed at describing specific features, properties of an object, results of practical actions, i.e., stating, to more complex ones, requiring the establishment of connections, relationships, dependencies, their justification and explanation, use the simplest evidence.

Most often, such questions are asked after the teacher demonstrates a sample or the children perform exercises. For example, after the children have divided a paper rectangle into two equal parts, the teacher asks: “What did you do? What are these parts called? Why can each of these two parts be called a half? What shape did the parts turn out to be? How to prove that the result is squares? What must be done to divide the rectangle into four equal parts?

Basic requirements for questions as a methodological technique:

- accuracy, specificity, laconicism:

- logical sequence;

- variety of wording, i.e. the same thing should be asked in different ways

- the optimal balance between reproductive and productive issues depending on the age of the children and the material being studied;

- give children time to think;

- the number of questions should be small, but sufficient to achieve the set didactic goal;

Prompt questions should be avoided.

The teacher usually asks a question to the whole group, and the called child answers it. IN in some cases choral responses are possible, especially in younger groups. Children need to be given the opportunity to think about their answer.

Children's answers should be:

Brief or complete, depending on the nature of the question;

Independent, conscious;

Accurate, clear, loud enough;

Grammatically correct (observance of word order, rules of their agreement, use of special terminology).

When working with preschoolers, an adult often has to resort to the technique of reformulating the answer, giving it the correct sample and asking them to repeat it. For example: “There are four mushrooms on the shelf,” says the kid. “There are four mushrooms on the shelf,” the teacher clarifies.

5. During the formation of elementary mathematical concepts in preschoolers comparison, analysis, synthesis, generalization act not only as cognitive processes (operations), but also as methodological techniques that determine the path along which the child’s thought moves in the learning process.

Comparison is based on establishing similarities and differences between objects. Children compare objects by quantity, shape, size, spatial location, time intervals by duration, etc.

Analysis and synthesis as methodological techniques appear in unity. An example of their use is the formation in children of ideas about “many” and “one”, which arise under the influence of observation and practical actions with objects.

A summary is made at the end of each part and the entire lesson. First, the teacher generalizes, and then the children.

6. In the methodology for the formation of elementary mathematical concepts, some special methods of action leading to the formation of concepts and the development of mathematical relations act as methodological techniques. These are techniques of application and application, examining the shape of an object, “weighing” an object “on the hand,” introducing counters - equivalents, counting and counting by unit, etc. Children master these techniques in the process of showing, explaining, performing exercises and subsequently resort to them for the purpose of verification, proof, in explanations and answers, in games and other activities.

7. Simulation - a visual and practical technique, including the creation of models and their use in order to form elementary mathematical concepts in children. The technique is extremely promising due to the following factors:

The use of models and modeling puts the child in an active position and stimulates his cognitive activity;

The preschooler has some psychological prerequisites for the introduction of individual models and elements of modeling: the development of visual-effective and visual-figurative thinking.

Models can perform different roles: some reproduce external connections, help the child see those that he does not notice on his own, others reproduce the sought-after but hidden connections, the directly not perceived properties of things.

Models are widely used in the formation

· temporary representations: model of parts of the day, week, year, calendar;

· quantitative; numerical ladder, numerical figure, etc.), spatial: (models of geometric figures), etc.

· when forming elementary mathematical concepts, subject-specific, subject-schematic, and graphical models are used.

8. Experimentation is a method of mental education that ensures the child’s independent identification through trial and error of connections and dependencies hidden from direct observation. For example, experimentation in measurement (size, measurement, volume).

9. Monitoring and evaluation .

These techniques are interrelated. Control is carried out through monitoring the process of children completing tasks, the results of their actions, and answers. These techniques are combined with instructions, explanations, clarifications, demonstration of methods of action to adults as a model, direct assistance, and include correction of errors.

The methods and results of actions and the behavior of the children are subject to evaluation. The assessment of an adult who teaches one to be guided by a model begins to be combined with the assessment of comrades and self-esteem. This technique is used during and at the end of an exercise, game, or lesson.

These techniques, in addition to teaching, also perform an educational function: they help to cultivate a friendly attitude towards comrades, the desire and ability to help them, and form emotional responsiveness.

“The role of fairy tales in the formation of elementary mathematical concepts in preschool children”

“A fairy tale plays a vital role in the development of imagination - an ability without which neither the mental activity of a child during schooling, nor any creative activity of an adult is possible” A. V. Zaporozhets.

A fairy tale is a universal remedy. It has educational, educational and developmental potential and is very valuable for teachers and children.

With the help of fairy tales, children more easily establish time relationships, learn ordinal and quantitative calculations, and determine the spatial arrangement of objects. Fairy tales help to remember the simplest mathematical concepts (right, left, ahead, behind), cultivate curiosity, develop memory, initiative, and form improvisation skills.

The presence of a fairy-tale hero at the GCD gives the training a bright, emotional coloring. A fairy tale carries humor, fantasy, creativity, and most importantly, it develops the ability to think logically.

Therefore, it can be argued that a fairy tale and its possibilities in the formation of mathematical concepts in preschool children are limitless. Since children love fairy tales, they are familiar to them because they are used both at home and in kindergarten. The fairy tale is especially interesting for children; it attracts them with its composition, fantastic images, expressiveness of language, dynamism of events. Children themselves do not notice how concepts, including mathematical ones, penetrate their thoughts.

By opening the magical doors to a fairyland for children, we not only introduce them to mathematics, but also cultivate kindness, love, mutual assistance, and trust in the world. We develop the ability to overcome difficulties and curiosity.

The fairy tale “Teremok” will help you remember not only quantitative and ordinal counting (the mouse came to the tower first, the frog second, etc.) but also the basics of arithmetic. The baby will easily understand how the quantity increases if you add one each time. The bunny galloped up and there were three of them. The fox came running - there were four. It’s good if the book has visual illustrations that will help the child count the inhabitants of the tower. Or you can act out a fairy tale using toys.

The fairy tales “Kolobok” and “Turnip” are especially good for mastering ordinal counting. Who pulled the turnip first? Who was the third person the kolobok met? And in the fairy tale “Turnip” we can talk about size. For example: Who is the biggest? (Grandfather). Who is the smallest? (Mouse).

It makes sense to remember the order. Who is standing in front of the cat? (Bug) And who is behind the grandmother? (Granddaughter)

The fairy tale “The Three Bears” is generally a mathematical super fairy tale. And you can count the bears, and talk about the size (large, small, medium, who is bigger, who is smaller, who is the biggest, who is the smallest), and correlate the bears with the appropriate chairs and plates.

Reading the fairy tale “Little Red Riding Hood” will give you the opportunity to talk about the concepts of “long” and short,” especially if you draw long and short paths on a piece of paper or lay out cubes on the floor and see which one your fingers can run through faster, or a toy car will pass.

Another very useful fairy tale for mastering counting - “About a kid who could count to ten” It seems that it was created precisely for this purpose. Count the fairy tale characters together with your little goat, and children will easily remember counting up to 10.

Also, to develop elementary mathematical concepts in preschool educational institutions, such forms of artistic expression can be used as: riddles, sayings, proverbs, tongue twisters, poems.

In mathematical content riddles, the subject is analyzed from quantitative, spatial and temporal points of view.

A riddle can serve, firstly, as source material for introducing certain mathematical concepts (number, ratio, magnitude, etc.).

Secondly, the same riddle can be used to consolidate preschoolers’ knowledge of numbers, quantities, and relationships.

We build a house from it.

And a window in that house.

We sit down for lunch with him,

In our leisure time we have fun.

Everyone in the house is happy with him.

Who is he?

Our friend - (square)*

The mountains are similar to it.

It’s also similar to a children’s slide.

And also on the roof of the house

He looks very similar.

What did I wish for? It’s a triangle, friends.

Proverbs and sayings can be used to reinforce quantitative concepts.

Of all the variety of genres and forms of oral folk art, counting rhymes have the most enviable fate. It has cognitive and aesthetic functions, and together with games, to which it most often acts as a prelude, it contributes to the physical development of children.

Number counters are used to consolidate the numbering of numbers, ordinal and quantitative counting. Memorizing them helps not only to develop memory, but also contributes to the development of the ability to count objects and apply the developed skills in everyday life.

Counting rhymes are offered, for example, used to consolidate the ability to count forward and backward. Counting rhymes are most often used to select a leader in a game.

One two three four five,

The bunny went out for a walk.

What should we do? What should we do?

We need to catch the bunny.

One two three four five.

Widely used in GCD poems.

For example: - to get acquainted with or consolidate the counting of objects, ordinal and reverse counting: - to get acquainted with numbers.

Among the conditions necessary for the formation of a preschooler’s cognitive interests, for the development of deep cognitive communication with adults and peers, and - no less important - for the formation of independent activity, it is necessary to have an entertaining mathematics corner in the preschool group.

An entertaining mathematics corner should be a specially designated place, thematically equipped with games, aids and materials, and artistically decorated in a certain way.

(from work experience) will be useful for teachers and parents of children of older preschool age.



State budgetary educational institution
Samara region average comprehensive school them. A.I. Kuznetsova
With. Kurumoch municipal district Volzhsky Samara region
structural subdivision"Kindergarten "Squirrel"

Speech at the pedagogical council on the topic:

“The use of gaming technologies in FEMP classes in senior groups”
(from work experience)

Educator: Kuzminykh S.I.


Main view preschool activities- It's a game. While playing, a child learns about the world, learns to communicate, and learns.

Based on the age characteristics of children, I constantly use gaming technologies in my practical activities.

Gaming technologies help solve not only problems of motivation and child development, but also health care.

In play and through playful communication, a growing person develops and develops a worldview, a need to influence the world, and adequately perceive what is happening. Play is the main content of a child's life.

In my teaching activities, I use travel activities, which are based on a game form of learning.

The guests of the NOD were fairy-tale characters, heroes of their favorite cartoons, whom the children helped to understand the fairy-tale situation: they counted objects, compared numbers, named geometric figures, laid out paths along the length, solved logical problems, etc., they also used the technique of intentional errors, i.e. incorrect answers from class guests, which helped develop thinking processes. We also conducted educational activities on such topics as “Funny Adventures”, “Journey to Wonderland”, “Walks in a Fairytale Forest”, etc., where children were direct participants in the game and performed interesting, educational tasks, independently found a way out of educational situations; and also used an element of competition (who is faster, who is more correct, who knows more).

To ensure the active activity of children in educational activities, I offer them a kind of real-life motivation: participation in performing interesting, moderately complex actions; expressing the essence of these actions in speech; manifestation of appropriate emotions, especially cognitive ones; the use of experimentation, solving creative problems, mastering the means and methods of cognition (comparison, measurement, classification, etc.)

As an example, I will give fragments of the educational activity “Space Travel”, in which learning is structured as an exciting problem-based game activity. The purpose of this directly educational activities was the formation of mathematical concepts, and mathematical concepts are a powerful factor in the intellectual development of preschool children.

In order to interest children, activate the attention of preschoolers, encourage them to engage in activities, master program tasks, and increase the effectiveness of learning, it was first created gaming motivation: “we are about to make a fantastic flight into space, where you will encounter wonders, unknown discoveries, where mysterious and exciting adventures await us.”

After accepting the goal, the children were faced with a problem: “What can we use to fly into space? " Illustrations with images of an airplane, a balloon, and a rocket were shown here. Children expressed their proposals and proved the correctness of their choice, that is, they learned to think, reason, and fantasize independently. Children developed speech and thinking, and deepened their knowledge.

In the “Build a Rocket” game, children not only learned the names of geometric shapes and quantitative counting (how many squares, rectangles, etc.), but also learned to identify the elements of an object and combine them into a single whole. The game develops children’s geometric vigilance and mental actions: analysis, synthesis, comparison.

Also in the NOD, children were asked to “walk through a meteor shower.” Through the game “What does it look like? “Children learned to come up with their own variety of original answers, understand and “read” a schematic representation of an object, developed imagination, the ability to substitute, and create new images.

A new problematic situation arose before the children at the end of the NOD: “A signal was received from the Earth’s cosmic center to return home to Earth.” But in order to return, you need to give the correct answers to problems, such as: “How many suns are there in the sky? ", "How many ends does one stick have? What about two? ", "Find the difference", "Chain of patterns".

Entertaining tasks contribute to the child’s ability to quickly perceive cognitive tasks and find the right solutions for them, develop voluntary attention, mental operations, speech, spatial concepts, and learn to identify patterns based on comparison.

We make sure to include physical education minutes in the educational activities that are thematically related to educational tasks and play a positive role in mastering the program material. This allows you to switch activities (mental, motor, speech) without leaving the learning situation.

To intensify mental activity, to add interest and active participation of children in educational activities, to expand, deepen and consolidate knowledge, to give the lesson a playful nature, we use a variety of didactic, game materials and hand-made manuals.

A didactic game is a special type of gaming activity and a teaching tool. Didactic games help ensure that children exercise in distinguishing, highlighting, naming sets of objects, numbers, geometric shapes, directions, form new knowledge, and also in didactic games the acquired knowledge and skills are consolidated; perception, thinking, memory, attention develops. When using didactic games, we also widely use various objects and visual material, which contribute to the fact that the educational activity itself takes place in a fun, entertaining and accessible form.

Thus, didactic games “Show with numbers”, “Divide the square into parts”, “Help Pinocchio get to school”, “What does it look like? ", etc. - introduce children to tasks that are new to them, teach them to be smart, develop intelligence, train the child in analyzing geometric shapes, in recreating figures - symbols, and orientation in space.

Game "Find the toy".

“At night, when there was no one in the group,” says the teacher, Carlson flew to us and brought toys as a gift. Carlson likes to joke, so he hid the toys, and in the letter he wrote how to find them." He opens the envelope and reads: "You must stand in front of the teacher's desk, go straight." One of the children completes the task, goes and approaches the closet, where there is a car in a box. Another child performs the following task: goes to the window, turns left, crouches and finds a toy behind the curtain.

Game “Count - don’t be mistaken! »

Game "Wonderful bag"

Aimed at teaching children how to count using various analyzers and strengthening their understanding of quantitative relationships between numbers. The wonderful bag contains: counting material, two or three types of small toys. The presenter chooses one of the children to lead and asks to count as many objects as he hears the blows of a hammer, a tambourine, or as many objects as there are circles on the card. Children sitting at tables count the number of strokes and show the corresponding number.

In the game "Confusion" the numbers are laid out on the table or displayed on the board. The moment the children close their eyes, the numbers change places. Children find these changes and return the numbers to their places. The presenter comments on the children's actions.

In the game “Which number is missing?” one or two digits are also removed. Players not only notice the changes, but also say where each number is and why. For example, the number 5 is now between 7 and 8. This is not true. Its place is between the numbers 4 and 6, because the number 5 is one more than 4, 5 should come after 4.

“Tangram” and “Mongolian Game” are among the many puzzle games on plane modeling.

The success of mastering games in preschool age depends on the level of sensory development of children. While playing, children remember the names of geometric figures, their properties, distinctive features, examine the forms visually and tactile-motor, and freely move them in order to obtain a new figure. Children develop the ability to analyze simple images, highlight geometric shapes in them and in surrounding objects, practically modify the figures by cutting and composing them from parts.

At the first stage of mastering the game “Tangram,” a series of exercises are carried out aimed at developing children’s spatial concepts, elements of geometric imagination, and developing practical skills in composing new figures by joining one of them to another.

Children are offered different tasks: to compose figures according to a model, an oral task, or a plan. These exercises are preparatory to the second stage of mastering the game - composing figures using dissected patterns.

Thus, we can conclude that in a playful way, the child is instilled with knowledge in the field of mathematics, he learns to perform various actions, mental operations, develops memory, attention, thinking, creative and cognitive abilities.

And problem-based learning contributes to the development of flexibility, variability of thinking, and forms the child’s active creative position.


1. Vinogradova N. A., Pozdnyakova N. V. Role-playing games for older preschoolers. – M.: Iris-Press, 2008.

2. Gubanova N. F. Play activities in kindergarten. – M.: Mosaika-Sintez, 2006.

3. Diagnosis of a child’s readiness for school / Ed. N. E. Verkasy. – M.: Mosaika-Sintez, 2008.

4. Zhukova R. A. Didactic games as a means of preparing children for school. – Volgograd: Teacher-AST, 2005.

5. Panova E. N. Didactic games and activities in preschool educational institutions. – Voronezh: PE Lakotsenin, 2007.

6. Polyakova N. Cultivate the joy of knowledge// Preschool education. – 12/2004.

7. Smolentseva N. A. Plot-didactic games with mathematical content. – M.: Education, 1987.

Slide captions:

Seminar-workshop Using modern educational technologies as an effective means of developing elementary mathematical concepts in preschool children Kazakova E. M., Art. teacher of the kindergarten "Solnyshko" SP MBOU "Ustyanskaya Secondary School" March 2016

Goal: development professional competence, formation of personal professional growth of teachers in the use of modern educational technologies in their work (“Situation” technologies). Plan of the seminar: 1. Introductory word “Effectiveness of work on FEMP in preschool children” 2. Formation of EMF in speech therapy classes (from the experience of a teacher - speech therapist Kim L. I.) 3. Technology “Situation” as a tool for realizing modern goals preschool education» 4. Reflection.

To digest knowledge, you need to absorb it with appetite (A. France).

Conditions for teaching mathematics in preschool educational institutions Compliance with modern requirements Interaction with families of pupils The nature of interaction between an adult and a child Maintaining the cognitive interest and activity of the child Overcoming formalism in the mathematical concepts of preschoolers Using various forms of organizing cognitive activity

The game “In the right place, at the right time, in the right doses”

2. Formation of EMF in speech therapy classes (from the experience of the teacher - speech therapist Kim L. I.)

3. “Situation” technology as a tool for realizing modern goals of preschool education"


To use presentation previews, create a Google account and log in to it:

Slide captions:

Technology “Situation” as a tool for realizing modern goals of preschool education" Prepared by: Kazakova E. M., senior teacher of the kindergarten "Solnyshko" SP MBOU "Ustyanskaya Secondary School" March 2016

“The task of the education system is not to transfer a volume of knowledge, but to teach how to learn. At the same time, the formation of educational activity means the formation of the spiritual development of the individual. The crisis of education lies in the impoverishment of the soul while enriching with information.” A.G. Asmolov, head of the working group for the creation of Federal State Educational Standards of Additional Education, director of FIRO

The activity approach is understood as such an organization of the educational process in which the student masters culture not by transmitting information, but in the process of his own educational activities.

Technology “Situation” is a modification technology of the activity method for preschoolers. The teacher creates conditions for children to “discover” new knowledge

Structure of the “Situation” technology 1) Introduction to the situation. 2) Updating. 3) Difficulty in the situation. 4) “Discovery” of new knowledge by children. 5) Inclusion in the knowledge system and repetition. 6) Understanding.

I. Introduction to the game situation: - situationally prepared inclusion of the child in cognitive activity; a situation that motivates children to engage in didactic play. Didactic task: to motivate children to engage in gaming activities. Recommendations for conducting: - good wishes, moral support, motto, riddle conversation, message, etc. (Do you like to travel? Do you want to go to... etc.). Key phrases At the end of the stage are the questions: “Do you want to?”, “Can you?”

2. Updating: - updating the knowledge necessary to study new material and the subject activity of children. Didactic tasks: updating children’s knowledge. Requirements for stage 1. Knowledge, abilities, skills that are the basis for the “discovery” of new knowledge or necessary for building a new way of action are reproduced. 2. A task is proposed that requires children to take a new way of acting.

3. Difficulty in a game situation: - fixation of the difficulty; - establishing the cause of the difficulty. Didactic tasks: create a motivational situation for the “discovery” of new knowledge or a method of action; develop thinking and speech. Requirements for the stage Using the question system “Could you?” - “Why couldn’t they?” the difficulty that arises is recorded in the children’s speech and formulated by the teacher.

4. “Discovery” of new knowledge: - a new way of action, a new concept, a new form of records, etc. are proposed and accepted. Didactic tasks: to form a concept or idea of ​​what is being studied; develop mental operations. Requirements for the stage Using the question “What should you do if you don’t know something?” The teacher encourages children to choose a way to overcome the difficulty. The teacher helps to put forward assumptions, hypotheses, ideas and justify them. 3. The teacher listens to the children’s answers, discusses them with others, and helps them draw a conclusion. 4. Subject actions with models and diagrams are used. 5. A new way of action is recorded in verbal form, in the form of a drawing or in a symbolic form, an object model, etc. 6. With the help of the teacher, children overcome the difficulty that has arisen and draw conclusions using a new method of action.

5. Inclusion of new knowledge into the child’s knowledge system - assimilation of a new way of action; - consolidation of a new concept, new knowledge, new design of records, etc.; - ensuring the expression of knowledge in different forms; - deepening understanding of new material. Didactic tasks: train thinking abilities (analysis, abstraction, etc.), communication skills; organize active recreation for children. Questions are used: “What will you do now? How will you complete the task?

6. Outcome of the lesson (comprehension): - fixation of new knowledge in children’s speech; - children’s analysis of their own and collective activities; - helping the child understand his achievements and problems. Didactic tasks: children’s comprehension of activities in class. Requirements for the stage. 1.Organization of children’s reflection and their self-assessment of their activities in the classroom. 2. Recording the achieved result in the lesson - the acquisition of new knowledge or method of activity. Questions: - “Where were you?”, “What were you doing?”, “Who did you help? “Why did we succeed?”, “You succeeded... because you learned..” It is important to create a situation of success (“I can!”, “I can!”, “I’m good!”, “I’m needed!”)

Work in groups Create a lesson algorithm in stages and select appropriate didactic tasks for the parts. Working with notes. The task of teachers is to analyze the lesson, highlight the stages, and write didactic tasks for each stage.

Thanks for the work! Reflection. Method "Determine the distance"


Seminar - workshop

“The use of modern educational technologies as an effective means of developing elementary mathematical concepts in preschool children”

Target: development of professional competence, formation of personal professional growth of teachers in the use of modern educational technologies in their work (“Situation” technologies).

Seminar plan:

1. Introductory word “Effectiveness of work on FEMP in preschool children”

2. Formation of EMF in speech therapy classes (from the experience of the teacher - speech therapist Kim L. I.)

3. “Situation” technology as a tool for realizing modern goals of preschool education"

4. Reflection.

Approximate solution:

1. To increase the level of development of children’s cognitive abilities in the field of mathematical development, use effective forms of organizing joint educational activities with children both in the classroom and during routine moments. Term - constantly, resp. - group teachers.

2. In parent corners, place information on the problem of developing mathematical concepts in children (including a selection of mathematical ones). Deadline - regularly until the end of the year and beyond. Rep. - educators.

3. Continue studying and use modern technology in your work educational technology“Situation” (discovery of new knowledge) as one of the effective means of teaching preschoolers. The deadline is constant. Responsible - educators.

1. You all know that in preschool age, under the influence of training and upbringing, there is an intensive development of all cognitive mental processes - attention, memory, imagination, speech. At this time, the formation of the first forms of abstraction, generalization and simple conclusions takes place, the transition from practical to logical thinking, and the development of arbitrariness of perception.

Today, the rigid educational and disciplinary model of upbringing has been replaced by a person-oriented model based on a caring and sensitive attitude towards the child and his development. The problem of individually differentiated education and correctional work with children has become urgent.

Do the content and technologies of the implemented program meet modern requirements?

The main task was not the communication of new knowledge, but teaching how to independently obtain information, which is possible through search activities, and through organized collective reasoning, and through games and trainings. It is important not just to give a sum of knowledge, butteach a child to think creatively, maintain his curiosity, instill a love of mental effort and overcoming difficulties.

Let us highlight several important conditions for teaching mathematics in preschool age.

Condition one . Education must meet modern requirements. The readiness of a child for school, which allows him to be included in the educational system, occurs for each individual in an individual time frame. At the same time, there is a need to combine what the child can learn with what is advisable to develop, using a variety of means of preschool didactics.

Condition two . It is possible to ensure satisfaction of the child’s mathematical development needs through the interaction of preschool teachers and parents. Family more than others social institutions, can make an important contribution to enriching the child’s cognitive sphere.

Condition four. It is necessary to maintain the child's cognitive interest and activity. Scientists have noticed that in the dictionary of a five- to six-year-old child, the most commonly used word is “why.” This is where the discovery of the world begins. Reflecting on what he saw, the child seeks to explain it using his life experience. Sometimes the logic in children's reasoning is naive, but it allows you to see that the child is trying to connect disparate facts and make sense of them.

Condition five . It is important to learn to recognize emerging formalism in the mathematical concepts of preschoolers and overcome it. Sometimes adults are amazed at how quickly a child learns some rather complex mathematical concepts: he easily recognizes a three-digit bus number, a two-digit apartment number, navigates the “zeros” on banknotes, and can count abstractly, naming numbers up to a hundred, a thousand, a million. This in itself is good, but it is not an absolute indicator of mathematical development and does not guarantee future school success. At the same time, a child may find it difficult to ask a simple question where it is necessary not only to reproduce knowledge, but to apply it in a new situation.

Condition six . When teaching mathematics, it is necessary to use various forms of organizing cognitive activity and methodological techniques, enrich playful communication, and diversify daily life, ensure partnership activities, stimulate independence.

At the same time, the activity of the preschooler himself is important - examination, object-manipulative, search. A child’s own actions cannot be replaced by looking at illustrations in mathematics textbooks or a teacher’s story. The teacher skillfully guides the learning process and leads the child to a result that is meaningful to him. The use of modern pedagogical technologies makes it possible to expand children's understanding, transfer knowledge and methods of activity to new conditions, determine the possibility of their application, update knowledge, develop perseverance and curiosity.

To digest knowledge, you need to absorb it with appetite(A. France).

The content of elementary mathematical concepts that preschool children learn follows from science itself, its initial, fundamental concepts that make up mathematical reality. Each direction is filled with specific content accessible to children and allows them to form ideas about the properties (size, shape, quantity) of objects in the surrounding world; organize ideas about the relationship of objects according to individual parameters (characteristics): shape, size, quantity, spatial location, time dependence.

Based on extensive practical actions with objects, visual material and conventional symbols, thinking and elements of search activity develop.

The key to pedagogical technology in the implementation of our program is the organization of purposeful intellectual and cognitive activity. It includes latent, real and mediated learning, which is carried out in a preschool educational institution and in the family.

Latent (hidden) learning ensures the accumulation of sensory and informational experience. Let us list the factors contributing to this.

Enriched subject environment.

Specially thought out and motivated independent activities (everyday, work, constructive, educational non-mathematical).

Productive activity.

Cognitive communication with adults, discussion of questions that arise in the child.

Collecting remarkable facts, observing in various fields of science and culture the development of ideas that are interesting and accessible to today’s understanding of a preschooler.

Reading specialized literature that popularizes the achievements of human thought in the field of mathematics and related sciences.

Experimenting, observing and discussing with the child the process and results of cognitive activity.

Real (direct) learning occurs as cognitive activity specially organized by an adult for an entire group or subgroup of children, aimed at mastering basic concepts and establishing a relationship between conditions, process and result. Heuristic methods help the child establish dependencies between individual facts and independently “discover” patterns. Problem-search situations enrich the application experience different ways when solving cognitive problems, they allow you to combine techniques and apply them in non-standard situations.

Indirect learning involves the inclusion of a broadly organized pedagogy of cooperation, didactic and business games, joint completion of tasks, mutual control, mutual learning in the created toy room for children and parents, and the use of various types of holidays and leisure activities. At the same time, individual dosage in the choice of content and repeatability of didactic influences is easily achieved. Indirect learning involves enriching parental experience in the use of humane and pedagogically effective methods of cognitive development of preschool children.

The combination of latent, real and mediated learning ensures the integration of all types of children's activities. It is the complexity of the approach to the education of preschool children that allows full use of the sensitive period.

An important teaching tool is widely used in the mathematical development of preschoolers - a game. However, it becomes effective if it is used “in the right place, at the right time and in the right doses.” A game that is formalized, strictly regulated by adults, drawn out over time, and devoid of emotional intensity, can do more harm than good, as it extinguishes the child’s interest in both games and learning.

Replacing games with monotonous exercises when teaching mathematics is often found in home and public education. Children are forced to practice counting for a long time, perform the same type of tasks, are presented with monotonous visual material, and use primitive content that underestimates the intellectual capabilities of children. Adults, directing the game, get angry if the child gives the wrong answer, is absent-minded, and shows outright boredom. Children develop a negative attitude towards such games. In fact, quite complex things can be presented to a child in such an exciting way that he will ask for more work with him.

We talked about the use of mathematical games in joint educational activities with children at the consultation.

2. Formation of EMF in speech therapy classes (from the experience of the teacher - speech therapist Kim L.I.) The text of the speech is attached.

3. Technology "Situation"

Method "Determine the distance".The theme “technology “Situation” (discovery of new knowledge)” is displayed on the easel.

Teachers are asked to stand at a distance from the easel that best demonstrates their affinity or distance with the topic. Teachers then explain the chosen distance in one sentence.

The practice of preschool education shows that the success of learning is influenced not only by the content of the material offered, but also by the form of its presentation.

The basis for organizing the educational process is the technology of the activity methodLyudmila Georgievna Peterson.

Its main idea is to manage independent cognitive activity children, taking into account their age characteristics and capabilities.

The activity approach puts the child in an active position of a doer; the child himself changes himself by interacting with environment, other children and adults when solving personally significant tasks and problems.

In the educational process, the educator has two roles: the role of an organizer and the role of an assistant.

As an organizer, he models educational situations; chooses methods and means; organizes the educational process; asks children questions; offers games and tasks. The educational process must be of a fundamentally new type: the teacher does not give knowledge in a ready-made form, but creates situations when children have a need to “discover” this knowledge for themselves, and leads them to independent discoveries through a system of questions and tasks. If a child says: “I want to learn!”, “I want to find out!” and the like, which means that the teacher managed to fulfill the role of organizer.

As an assistant, an adult creates a friendly, psychologically comfortable environment, answers children’s questions, in difficult situations helps each child understand where he is wrong, correct the mistake and get results, notices and records the child’s success, and supports his faith in his own abilities. If children are psychologically comfortable in kindergarten, if they freely turn to adults and peers for help, are not afraid to express opinions, discuss various problems, then it means that the teacher has succeeded in the role of an assistant. The roles of the organizer and the assistant complement each other.

One such technology istechnology "Situation"which we will meet today.

Presentation is used.

Structure of the “Situation” technology

The holistic structure of the “situation” technology includes six successive stages. I want to briefly highlight them.

Stage 1 "Introduction to the situation."

At this stage, conditions are created for children to develop an internal need (motivation) to participate in activities. Children record what they want to do (children's goal). The teacher includes children in a conversation that is personally significant for them and related to their personal experience.

The key phrases for completing the stage are the questions: “Do you want? Can you?” By asking “would you like”, the teacher shows the child’s freedom of choice of activity. It is necessary to make sure that the child gets the feeling that he himself made the decision to get involved in the activity; based on this, children develop an integrative quality, like activity. It happens that one of the children refuses the proposed activity. And that's his right. You can invite him to sit on a chair and watch the other guys play. BUT if you refuse activity, you can sit on a chair and watch others, but there should not be any toys in your hands. Usually such “strikers” return because sitting on a chair and doing nothing is boring.

Stage 2 "Update".

Preparatory to the next stages, in which children must “discover” new knowledge for themselves. Here, in the process of didactic play, the teacher organizes the children’s objective activities, in which mental operations (analysis, synthesis, comparison, generalization, classification) are purposefully updated. Children are in the game plot, moving towards their “childish” goal and have no idea that the teacher is leading them to new discoveries.

The actualization stage, like all other stages, must be permeated with educational tasks, the formation in children of primary value ideas about what is good and what is bad.

Stage 3 "Difficulty in the situation."

This stage key. Within the framework of the selected plot, a situation is simulated in which, using the questions “Could you?” - “Why couldn’t they”, the teacher helps children gain experience in recording the difficulty and identifying its causes. This stage concludes with the teacher’s words, “So, what do we need to find out?”

Stage 4 “Discovery of new knowledge (method of action) by children.”

The teacher involves children in the process of independently solving problematic issues, searching for and discovering new knowledge. Using the question “What should you do if you don’t know something?” the teacher encourages children to choose a way to overcome the difficulty.

At this stage, children gain experience in choosing a method for solving a problem situation, putting forward and justifying hypotheses, and independently “discovering” new knowledge.

Stage 5 Inclusion of new knowledge (method of action) into the child’s system of knowledge and skills.

At this stage, the teacher offers situations in which new knowledge is used in conjunction with previously mastered methods. At the same time, the teacher pays attention to the children’s ability to listen, understand and repeat the adult’s instructions, apply the rule, and plan their activities. Questions are used: “What will you do now? How will you complete the task?” Particular attention at this stage is paid to developing the ability to control the way they perform their actions and the actions of their peers.

Stage 6 “Comprehension” (result).

This stage is a necessary element in the structure of reflexive self-organization, as it allows you to gain experience in performing such important universal actions, as recording the achievements of a goal and determining the conditions that made it possible to achieve this goal.

Using the questions “Where were you?”, “What were you doing?”, “Who did you help?” The teacher helps children comprehend their activities and record the achievement of children's goals. Next, using the question “Why did you succeed?” The teacher leads the children to the fact that they have achieved their children's goal due to the fact that they have learned something new and learned something. The teacher brings together children's and educational goals and creates a situation of success: “You succeeded because you learned (learned).”

Considering the importance of emotions in the life of a preschooler, special attention should be paid to creating conditions for each child to receive joy and satisfaction from a well-made conclusion.

So, the technology situation is a tool that allows preschoolers to systematically and holistically form the primary experience of performing the entire complex of universal educational activities, while maintaining the originality of a preschool educational institution as an educational institution whose priority is gaming activities.

Watch a video recording of the lesson.

Practical work of teachers.

1. Dividing into 2 teams using the “Choose a strip” method.Working at the easel.

Strips are available short and long. Teachers choose a strip and form a team (all long ones - one team, all short ones - the second).

Work in groups. Create a lesson algorithm in stages and select appropriate didactic tasks for the parts.

Envelopes with stages and didactic tasks.

Control : The presenter reads out the correct answer, the teams check the execution.

2. Division into 4 teams using the “Find the number” method.Teachers choose a card with images of objects from 1 to 4. Find a table with a number corresponding to the number of objects.

Work in groups. Working with notes.Teams are given notes of lessons compiled on the basis of this technology, but without marking the stages of the lesson. The task of teachers is to analyze the lesson, highlight the stages, and write didactic tasks for each stage.

Control: After completing the task, the teams are given a sample note with the marked stages and didactic tasks. Teams test themselves.

4. Reflection.

Method "Determine the distance".Teachers are again invited to stand at a distance from the easel with the topic of the seminar,which can best demonstrate their proximity or distance in relation to the topic. Teachers then explain the chosen distance in one sentence.

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