Entertainment script “Ecological fairy tale. Scenario for a children's musical-ecological fairy tale – “Forest Journey”

Development creativity children through the theatrical activity “Water Sorceress”.

(ecological fairy tale for children preschool age)


1. promote the development of musical and creative abilities of preschool children.

1. to form environmental ideas in children through theater.

2.develop children's artistic abilities through theatrical activities.


1. Formation in children of a value-based attitude towards nature through theater;

2. To develop in children a sustainable interest in theatrical performances;

3.Develop the child’s emotionality, intelligence, and communication abilities;

4. Develop artistry and skills for stage embodiment of the image.


1. Flower 2. Stream 3. Fire 4. Children: Boy and Girl 5. Cloud 6. Good water 7. Rain 8. Sun 9. Droplets (2-4) 10. Tourists - 10

The hall needs to be decorated in spring style, in the form flower meadow.

The music “Sounds of Nature” plays and children tourists run in. A tourism instructor follows them(leading).

Leading. Hello little tourists!

Children. Hello!

Ved. Today we are going on a hike.

Children. Hooray!

Ved. Do you know the rules of behavior in nature?

Children. Yes!

Ved. What does a hike mean to a real tourist?

1 child For a tourist, life is a hike!

He will find a way everywhere!

Countries to conquer, mountains to conquer,

Protect our little brothers!

2 children Sun, air, river, meadow -

Our favorite best friend!

Ved. Then - let's go!

SONG OF LITTLE TOURISTS (to the melody of “Top-top”)

Ved. We came. Look how beautiful it is! (tourists sit down) Gentle music sounds.

WALTZ OF THE FLOWERS(from the ballet “The Nutcracker”) P.I. Tchaikovsky

(butterflies, dragonflies, flowers dance in the clearing, ladybug)

Suddenly the gentle music is interrupted by the harsh, disturbing music of fire.


To the music of A. Vivaldi “Music of Fire”.

(insects rush around the clearing in horror and fly away)

Ved. Guys, this is a fire in the forest, help put it out, otherwise everything will burn!

(children swing back and forth, then surround the fire, it breaks out and hides)

Ved. Well done, tourists! You guys are brave, you were able to put out the fire! (children sit down)

A fragment sounds (quartet for flute and strings, Adagio) by V.A. Mozart

(a plaintive moan is heard)

Ved. What is this???

On interactive whiteboard Flower appears. He looks exhausted

(withered grass around him, bright hot sun).

Flower:(phonogram) Oh, how thirsty! I'm dying... I can’t live without water... Help!

(girl and boy run out)

Girl: Oh, what's with the flower?

Boy: I know he was scorched by fire and burned by the sun!

Girl Does he die without water???

Ved.(sadly) Yes, he dies without water....

Boy: What should we do, what should we do? Where can we get water?

Girl: Where is the sorceress Water, we can’t live without her!


Girl: We are waiting for you like a miracle!

Ved. Let's all call together.

In chorus. Come to us quickly, Water, run and help the flower!

Ved. I hear the sound of water! We run, otherwise we will be carried away by the water flow (they run away onto the chairs).

The sound of water is heard in the audio recording.


To the music of J. Strauss “On the Beautiful Blue Danube”

Good water. You called me, what happened?

Ved. Good water, help save the flower. He dies from the hot sun and the fire that ran through here.

Good water. I see, I see….Poor Flower has no vitality left at all. You can’t do it here without my friends Brook and Droplets! Friends, hurry up, call Brook and Droplets.

To the music of “Storm” by A. Vivaldi, a boy and a girl run away.

Good water: In the meantime, I’ll call Sunny. I have a small request for him.


A ray of sunshine through the window, the earth is warm again

I’ll quickly call the sun and sing a song.

Life is beautiful, everything blooms, smiles, sings,

And it doesn’t let us be sad - Sunshine!

My dear, sunshine - ah, ah. Yay! A grain will sprout in the ground - I know!

Come quickly, Sunshine, I ask you, quickly! Help us now, sunshine! (SPEAKS) Sunny, please come out!

The music of the Sun sounds. The Sun appears.


If the morning begins, it means the sun has risen,

It warmed the Earth with a ray and everyone felt good.

Flowers and twigs, insects and grass need me.

Boys and girls, boys and girls

The sun is needed on Earth!

Sun: Hello, friends! Did you call me?

Good water: Dear Sunshine, could you heat it less so that the poor flower doesn’t feel so hot! Otherwise the flower completely dies!

Sun: Okay, I'll try my best.

The sun leaves to the music.

The sound of water sounds. Then a cheerful melody. A Boy and a Girl, Droplets and Brook run out onto the stage.

Dance “Cheerful Rain” (1 verse and chorus)

(three pairs of children dance, then stop)

Droplets: We all sing and jump, we hardly cry,

Because, like tears, they are raindrops themselves.

We run through the puddles, have fun and shout:

“Always and everywhere, good glory to the magic water!”

Brook: Hello, friends! Did you call us? What's happened?

Together: We need to help poor Flower. He's dying of thirst!

Brook: Let's call Cloud and Rain and save the Flower together!

Good water: Cloud and Rain, we are waiting for you! (all call together)

A cloud and rain come out (quarrel)

FRAGMENT OF THE SONG “Bad Cloud” (theatricalization)

Good water. Stop quarreling, Cloud and rain! We need to save the flower!

Droplets: Everyone gather in a circle,

We will save the Flower!

Children: Silvery water, wash Flower’s face!

You can hear the murmur of water and the singing of birds.

Good water pronounces the magic words:

Cloud, cloud, get angry and turn into water! (The cloud makes an important circle)

Run droplets, call for rain! (droplets run around in hops)

Rain, rain, rain, rain! Drip, drip, don’t be sorry! (the rain splashes on everyone)

Stream, run, hurry - give the flower and the grass a drink! (a brook with a blue ribbon runs around)

Good water (waves his magic wand)

Music is playing. E. Grieg “Peer Gynt”, “Morning”

The flower on the interactive board comes to life.

To the sounds of gentle music, the Flower gradually comes to life and stands on its feet. He stretches his arms up and exposes his palms to the flowing water.

(flower girl comes in)

Ved. Friends, look around - here he is our flower.

Flower: Thank you, friends, you saved me! Good water is a symbol of life on

All: Always and everywhere good glory to magical water!!!

Ved. Guys, it’s great that you and I saved a flower???

Children: Yes!

The song “Top, top – the tourist is stomping!

Scenario of the ecological fairy tale “Adventures in the Good Forest” for children of senior preschool age

This script will be useful music directors and educators preschool institutions. Can be used as a presentation of an environmental project. Aimed at older children preparatory groups. Written in an easy poetic form, which makes it easier for children to memorize the text. When working on a production, children develop not only acting skills, but above all, by going through tests together with the fairy tale characters, they learn to appreciate and protect nature.
Target: teach to take care of natural resources, water - the source of all living things, teach to love your native land.
cultivate a humane, caring attitude towards the environment as a whole;
develop cognitive interest in the natural world;
instill in children an environmental culture of behavior;
to form the initial skills of environmentally literate behavior that is safe for nature and for the child himself.

(The sound of birdsong and calm music.)
In a far, far away land, where no one knows for sure, there is a wonderful forest. This forest is called Good. And in this kind forest there live good inhabitants: Hedgehog Puff, Squirrel Sonya, a magpie named Bird and a bunny Jump. In the very center Good forest A lake, round as a saucer, splashes in which lives a little mermaid named Lapushka. (the heroes come out one by one, the Little Mermaid appears last from the lake)
Mermaid: What a wonderful day it is today;
The sun is shining everywhere!
Hedgehog: But where is Kapitoshka, our little trickle?
He helped the forest lake appear here.
(the song “Kapitoshka” sounds, Composer V. Ososhnik, a stream runs in)
Brook: Hello my friends,
I'm very glad to see you!
I bring fresh water
For all the animals in the Good Forest!
Because you always need water
Everyone - from a midge to an elephant!
(scary music sounds, the evil wizard Porcupine appears)
Porcupine: Ha ha ha!
I'm an evil wizard porcupine!
I don't like fun, right!
When the grass is green
I don’t like this either!
When flowers grow all around
I don’t like this either, three!
I'll stop your fun
I will steal your stream!
All the water in the forest will disappear,
Then the lake will dry up!
And you all can’t live without water,
And there will never be a Good Forest!
(scary music sounds again. Porcupine leads Kapitoshka away)
Squirrel: What to do!
What should we do?
How to free a stream!
Magpie: I'm in kindergarten I'll fly
I'll call the guys for help.
defeat the porcupine and
Free the stream!
(3 children come out to meet Soroka)
Magpie: Help free the stream as soon as possible!
Convince the porcupine to let him go into our forest!
(everyone goes to the porcupine and sings to the music from the film “The Adventures of Masha and Viti”, music by G. Gladkov (we will find the Snow Maiden in the kingdom of the thirtieth)
- We will save Kapitoshka
In the kingdom of the Porcupine.
We will defeat the sorcerer
Without batting an eyelid!
After all, everyone needs water
And animals and midges.
To carry life again
Our Kapitoshka did it!
(music plays, Porcupine appears)
Porcupine: Who are they? What do you need?
Leave quickly!
1 child: Evil wizard, don't swear,
Don't rush to drive us away!
How do animals need water?
We want to tell you!
Porcupine: Ha ha ha! Well, they made me laugh!
What can you know!
2nd child: We learned a lot
While we were studying the water!
We learned how water
Everyone needs it for animals!
3rd child: We went on an excursion
We visited the winter garden.
Turtles, snails, fish
Everyone was glad to see you!
1 child: Read a lot of books
We also went to the reading room.
How important is moisture for animals?
The librarian said.
2nd child: Projects with parents
On the topic "Everyone needs water"
We composed, defended
The task was difficult.
3rd child: And they looked after the pets
In your favorite zoo corner
The experiments were carried out
To know how important water is to them.
1 child: We watched, we studied,
Animals were drawn together.
We can convince anyone
That you can’t live without water!
2nd child: We invite you to our kindergarten,
So that you don’t get bored here alone,
Nature will be with you together
Love, cherish and study!
Porcupine: Well, you convinced me.
Sorry! Here is your stream.
(brings Kapitoshka out by the hand)
I won't harm anyone anymore
I was able to understand the main thing:
To everyone in the world and on the entire planet,
In any year, time
Water is needed, there is no doubt about it.
All in chorus: For everyone - from midges to elephants!!!
Cheerful music plays and everyone bows.

Musical-ecological fairy tale for children of senior and preparatory groups

“How Pinocchio and Little Red Riding Hood saved nature”


Forming children's ideas about sources of pollution water resources, air, forest space, their consequences, measures to reduce pollution.

Fostering a conscious and caring attitude towards the environment.

Environmentally conscious behavior while relaxing in the forest and on the shore of a reservoir.

Development of ecological culture.

Leading :

Hello guys! Today we will see an interesting and very relevant fairy tale. Watch and listen carefully. Little Red Riding Hood had not visited her grandmother for a long time, she missed her very much and went to visit her. The road ran through the forest. Little Red Riding Hood walked and hummed her favorite song...

(The heroes of the fairy tale appear in the hall. Little Red Riding Hood sings the 1st and 2nd verses of her song, music by A. Rybnikov, lyrics by Yu. Kim from the movie “Little Red Riding Hood”. A pensive Pinocchio sits on a tree stump).

Little Red Riding Hood :

Oh, Pinocchio, hello! What are you doing here?

Pinocchio (sad):

I dropped the golden key. I asked the turtle Tortilla to help me get the key, and she replied that she couldn’t find it because there was a lot of garbage at the bottom of the pond.

(A turtle sits in the pond and sings a song to the melody of “Songs of the Tortilla Turtle,” music by A. Rybnikov, lyrics by Yu. Entin, from the film “The Adventures of Pinocchio”).

Turtle Tortilla:

Covered with dirty film

The surface of the ancient pond,

Oh, all around, wherever you look -

Only dirty water.

And the pond is a complete dump,

And at the bottom there is only garbage, rubbish:

There are bottles, cans, sticks...

It became very difficult for us.

People, people, help!

Remove this trash

Save the inhabitants

Help us, people!

(A slide with a polluted reservoir is shown on the multimedia screen).


So I’m thinking, how can I get the key?

Little Red Riding Hood :

I know! Let's call the old man with the net for help.

Pinocchio (calls the old man):

Hello old man! Please help us get the key from the pond.

(The Old Man comes out with a net to the music).

Old man:

Hello, Pinocchio! Hello, Little Red Riding Hood! I will help your trouble.

Leading :

The first time the old man cast a net, he caught plastic bottles.

The second time I threw it, I caught tin cans and torn shoes.

The third time I cast it, I caught a golden key!

Old man (scratching the back of his head):

That's how it goes! Why is there so much garbage in the pond? It’s not otherwise what the vacationers sketched. So all the aquatic inhabitants will die! The pond needs to be saved. Put some kind of sign for people.


Let's call Malvina!

Old man :

Well, you call, and I’ll go home to fix the old woman’s trough.

Little Red Riding Hood:

Thanks grandpa!

(the old man leaves).

Pinocchio (calling):

Dear Malvina! We have a problem - the forest pond is littered, its inhabitants are asking for help. Come help us come up with something.

(Malvina appears, carrying prohibitory signs).


While I was on my way to see you, I figured out how to preserve the pond. Let's put up prohibitory signs. They will remind people of the rules of behavior in the forest. This is how we preserve our nature. For example, this sign prohibits throwing garbage into water bodies, otherwise they will turn into landfills, and fish and plants may die.


Great idea!

Little Red Riding Hood:

Buratino, Malvina, we saved the pond. Come with me to visit your grandmother, she will be very happy.


(The limping Fox and Wolf with bandaged paws come out to the music.)

Little Red Riding Hood, Pinocchio, Malvina (together):

What happened to you?


We walked through the forest and injured ourselves on broken glass that was scattered in the clearing. That's it forest dwellers may injure their paws.

Pinocchio (indignantly):

Who was it that scattered the broken glass throughout the forest?


Yes, the robbers came to the clearing over there to rest, littered, and broke bottles. We don't recognize our forest. And there is such smoke coming from the car that it is impossible to breathe around. If people do this, the air will become polluted, and we, animals and birds, will die.

Little Red Riding Hood and Malvina:

We need to explain to the robbers that they can’t do this. Lead us to them quickly!

(Little Red Riding Hood, Pinocchio, Malvina, Fox and Wolf go to the clearing. To the sound of an audio recording of the noise of a car engine, a “car with robbers” drives into the hall.)

1st robber:

And, as you know, we are hot people

And we cannot stand the tenderness of veal animals.

But we love to barbecue,

We love to light fires and relax!

We're having fun!

Haha, we're having fun!

2nd robber:

We scream and somersault!

And we throw garbage!

And we love to listen to music loudly

And eat kebab in nature!

We break the rules all around,

We litter around, we litter around,

We throw trash into the clearing!

(The robbers perform a dance to the soundtrack “Songs of the Robbers”, music by G. Gladkov, lyrics by Yu. Entin, from the film “The Bremen Town Musicians”).


Dear robbers! Shame on you! Look what you've done: there's trash everywhere, the music is blaring, the car is smoking! Don't you know how to behave in the forest? After all, the forest is the home of birds and animals! They got hurt because of you!


Forgive us, please, but we don’t know how to behave in the forest. Nobody told us about this.

(The multimedia screen shows slides showing garbage in the forest.)


Look at these signs and remember:

  • You should not litter the forest, because animals can mistake the garbage for food and get poisoned!
  • You cannot break or throw glass in the forest, as animals may get hurt!
  • You can’t play loud music in the forest because the animals and birds get scared!
  • You cannot make fires or leave your car running, as the air becomes polluted!


We understood everything, now we’ll fix everything: we’ll turn off the music and the car, we’ll collect the glass, we’ll burn the garbage.

Little Red Riding Hood:

In no case! Smoke from a fire pollutes the air, collect the garbage in a bag and throw it in the trash at home.


Thank you for teaching us the rules of behavior in the forest. It's time for us to leave. Goodbye!

(The robbers leave).

Wolf and Fox:

Thank you, friends, for helping. Now we will be calm in the forest. And our paws have already healed. (They dance). Goodbye! It's time for us to go to our children too.

Little Red Riding Hood:

Well, it's time for us to go. Grandma was completely tired of waiting.

(The Frog Princess jumps to cheerful music).

Princess Frog:

Kwa-kwa, wait! Kwa-kwa, I barely caught up with you! Help, help!


What happened, Frog Princess?

Princess Frog:

Friends, help! As soon as you cleared our pond of garbage, the robbers arrived and began to wash their car in the pond.

Little Red Riding Hood:

Why did they forget all the rules so quickly? Let's go quickly, Frog Princess.

(Robbers wash a car in a pond. On the multimedia screen there is a slide showing a car being washed in a river).


Well, robbers, have you forgotten all the rules?


What do you mean, we all remember. (List the rules).


Cars cannot be washed in a pond or river, because gasoline pollutes the water, and the inhabitants of the reservoirs may die, and people will not be able to swim.


Oh, sorry, we didn't think about that.


So be it, we forgive and remind you about the sign!

Princess Frog:

Thank you, friends, for your help! It's time for me to return to my pond.

(The frog princess leaves).

Little Red Riding Hood:

Now let’s quickly go to my grandmother.


Where does your grandmother live, where is her house?

Little Red Riding Hood:

On the outskirts of the forest, next to the factory, do you see the pipes?

(On the multimedia screen there is a slide showing a smoking factory chimney).

Why did you walk so long?

Little Red Riding Hood:

We helped the animals in the forest, cleared the forest and pond of garbage.


What a nice house you have, next to the forest, the birds are singing, the air is clean all around.


Oh, I don’t know, I don’t know Pinocchio. There is not enough clean air, they breathe heavily, because the factory chimney smokes a lot.


Let us appeal to people not to pollute environment, because water and air are the wealth of our country and the key to the health of people, animals and plants.

(Everyone shows environmental posters together).


Well done, children. Now let's go have some tea.


Well done, children! You listened carefully and watched the fairy tale, you know the rules of behavior in nature. You can be called young ecologists, environmental defenders.

Ecological fairy tale for preschoolers “Let's live together!”

Goals and objectives:
- development of cognitive interest in nature;
- fostering a caring, humane attitude towards nature, a sense of responsibility for all life on Earth;
- development moral qualities personality, sense of camaraderie, willingness to help friends;
- attraction to Russian folk art.
Activities: musical, educational and research.
Forms of organization– subgroup, steam room.
Forms of implementation of children's activities– singing, orchestration, dance improvisation. The hall is decorated to resemble a forest clearing. The music is played by G. Gladkov from the film "Plasticine Crow". Animals, flowers, mushrooms, gnomes enter the forest clearing and sing:
One a simple fairy tale,
Or maybe not a fairy tale,
Or maybe not simple
We want to tell you.
How did the animals and birds live?
Trees, flowers, insects
We didn’t think, we didn’t guess
What kind of trouble can you expect from people...
The song "The day opened at dawn" is played.
All characters disperse across the clearing and take tools.
Lesovichok-narrator (remained standing in the center): All the forest inhabitants lived very friendly, never quarreled. Therefore they had great mood.
Morning, the sun rises,
A wonderful day is coming
Multi-colored flowers
petals open.
It can be heard from all sides.
Orchestra of children's instruments "Polka Backgammon" music by Strauss.
Lesovichok: Everyone took care of their health and made sure to do exercises every morning.
A wolf trainer runs out and invites everyone to exercise to the song “Hey, couch potatoes, come on, get up!...”
After exercising to the song “Forest Dwarf,” the forest inhabitants each begin to do their own thing.
Suddenly it is heard loud music"Hali-gali" gr. Inveterate scammers. Hooligan children enter the room with a tape recorder. All forest dwellers hide behind trees and bushes; the hedgehog, fox, bear and wolf go to be bandaged.
Hooligans tear flowers, whip leaves from bushes with twigs, and kick mushrooms. They have a picnic, throw everything around after it: cans, bottles... They play football with a big ball. The picked flowers are scattered across the clearing and left. The romance of the muses sounds. Sviridova.
The animals gradually emerge from their hiding places and wander around the clearing among the scattered debris.

Lesovichok: Somehow the rest of the day passed in the forest especially quietly and sadly.
The animals gradually go to bed. Sounds "Morning" music. Griga.
Lesovichok: And the next morning...
A wolf trainer runs out, blows a sports whistle, inviting everyone to exercise: Hey, couch potatoes, come on, get up!
Some animals are limping, some are holding on to their paws. The main characters' wounds are bandaged.
Hedgehog: My poor nose! How painful! I was looking for mushrooms in the forest, but I found a jar and got stuck in it.
Bear: And I was digging roots in the ground and injured my paw with glass!
Wolf: I decided to drink some water in the river, who would have known how much harm could be done! I swallowed about a dozen nails, they pierced my throat, I couldn’t stand it!
Fox: And now I have a broken head. But where can we animals find peace? I was just walking in the forest, slipped on something and fell!
Little gnome: Where do the banks come from? Where did the glass come from? What about nails and bags? What kind of miracle?
Squirrel: This is not a miracle, but people are simply very big and short in stature!
Ladybug: Here they are again coming here in a crowd, so they can carry off your legs with you and me.
The soundtrack "Voices of Nature" is playing. All the forest inhabitants again scatter to their shelters.
The hooligans enter and sit down on the grass in the clearing.
First bully: As luck would have it, the tape recorder broke. Shall we rest in silence? Well, the birds sang quickly for us, more beautifully and loudly!
Second bully: Why haven’t new flowers bloomed, only dried ones are lying around?! Totally lazy!
Third bully: And I would be singing a sweet berry right now, but not a single one is visible! Why is everyone hiding in the grass?
The forester comes out to them.
Lesovichok: Will not reserved forest share my gifts with you. Look what happened after your visit yesterday.
Sick animals come out.
Hedgehog: My poor nose...
Bear: It hurts like a paw...
Wolf: And there are nails in my throat...
Fox: My head hurts - woe!
All the forest inhabitants come out to them and say in unison: You and I are not different, don’t come to us anymore!
All forest inhabitants advance menacingly on the hooligans, gradually narrowing the circle.
Hooligans take turns. First: Forgive us, animals!
Second: We were so wrong!
Third: We harmed you...
Fourth: And now they paid!
Hooligans all together:
We'll clean it all up
And let's not forget the lesson
And from now on we promise
We will be good!
The finale of Mozart's Symphony No. 40 plays. Hooligans remove trash.
The animals take turns saying:
-Now remember the rules of behavior in the forest!
-Don't litter, don't make noise, don't kill!
-Don’t pick armfuls of flowers, don’t ruin anthills, don’t throw stones at frogs, don’t ruin birds’ nests!
-There is nothing superfluous in the forest, everything is interconnected and everything complements each other!
All together: Remember?
We promise you animals,
Do not spoil the forest, do not break it
And don't hurt animals.
We will be friends with the forest,
We will love him.
We will take care of birds, insects, animals,
This will only make us kinder,
We will decorate the earth with gardens, flowers,
You and I need such a planet.
Let's save the planet
There is no other like it in the world,
Let's scatter the clouds and smoke over it,
We won’t let anyone offend her.
Everyone sings the song "Colorful Planet".
Let's strive for this
So that both animals and birds love us.
And they trusted us everywhere,
Like your closest friends!
General dance to the song by gr.Barbarika “If a friend doesn’t laugh.”

Galina Pyatkina
Entertainment scenario “Ecological fairy tale”

Children sit on chairs

Reb. Watch the fairy tale, Would you like?

There are many fairy tales in the world,

You won't read it right away

But like ours

You won't find it in the world!

This tale is not easy

About nature - that's what it is!

Reb. We cannot live in the world without miracles,

They meet us everywhere.

In the summer, magical, fairy forest

He invites us to visit him.

Walks in to the music "Little Red Riding Hood" sings a song

Reb. Little Red Riding Hood:

How nice it is in the forest in the spring,

What a beauty!

The birds sing merrily,

That sun is shining brightly!

I'm in a hurry to see my grandmother

I bring her pies,

And I rejoice at the flowers around,

And butterflies in the forest.

I walk boldly along the path,

No one is afraid of me

And my favorite song

I always sing everywhere.

Disturbing music sounds "Wolf" Little Red Riding Hood is hiding

Wolf: Well, I've finally arrived,

It's so nice to relax here.

Sits on a stump, eats, scatters garbage, goes to bed

Under cheerful music pop up "Bunnies"(3 boys)

1 Hare: Oh, how nice it is for us to catch,

Summer ray of sunshine!

We love to run and jump,

Play hide and seek with each other.

2 Hare: Play naughty, laugh, laugh

And never lose heart.

Dancing to fun music

3 Hare: Oh, trouble, quickly, save me,

Call the doctor here.

I stepped on something

My poor paw.

Comes in "Bear"

bear: Good afternoon animals,

Cute bunnies.

Why don't you download?

And what are you crying about?

2. Hare: We hurt our paws

About tin cans.

Someone broke the glass here

It crashed into my paw.

bear: Oh, how disgusting!

Oh, how bad!

Someone is probably very evil

I visited the forest here,

Garbage was scattered everywhere.

We'll take the bunnies to the doctor,

And then we’ll clean it up together.

The bear takes the bunnies to the doctor and bandages their paw

The fox went to the forest and punishes the children

Fox: I got up early today,

To go into the forest for food.

I ask you: be obedient,

Clean everything up.

Don't pick up matches,

Don't joke with fire!

1st fox.

We promise: foursome

We will clean everything in the house!

Fox: Well, look, don’t be naughty

And expect me at lunchtime.

Lisa leaves.

2nd little fox.

Mom left home -

We need to get down to business!

I'll water the flower now.

To the music the fox cubs begin work: putting away toys, watering flowers, sweeping the floor.

4th little fox

Well, it's all done

Let's drink some tea!

1st fox

But what about the kettle?

Shall we warm it up?

After all, mom is strict

She didn’t tell me to take matches!

2nd little fox

Just think! What nonsense!

We only need one match

Moreover, I have seen many times

How mom lit the gas in the kitchen.

3rd little fox

Or maybe it’s not necessary?

4th little fox

Yes, I see you are just a coward!

The 4th little fox enters the house and takes a box of matches.

3rd little fox

Our brother took the matches after all!

fox cubs (together) .

Oh, there wouldn't be a fire!

The cry of a fox cub is heard from the house

Oh-oh-oh-oh! I got burned!

My match fell!

Our house is on fire! Hurry here!

the foxes run into the house, on the roof of which flames appear. (They can be made from red paper or fabric.)

fox cubs (loud). Fire! Fire!

3rd little fox

No! We can't cope with such fire!

You'll have to leave home and run away!

Suddenly a cloud appears with thunder and it starts to rain

Oh, the weather is gloomy,

The cloud is approaching

You need to stand under a birch tree

Wait out the summer rain. (hides)

They run to the music "Droplets"(2 girls) and put out the fire

Children read

1. The light is always like this -

Both good and bad:

It shines, it warms,

And he knows how to play pranks.

2. So that the forests can bloom,

And gardens and rivers,

Take care of all living things

You are in this world.

3. Don’t leave trash, friend,

In a clearing in the forest.

Don't pollute the rivers.

Let's declare a fight to the bottle.

We will love nature

Let's live together with nature

All (together): And then at any time of the year,

Nature will delight us!

All children: Always remember this!

Publications on the topic:

Scenario of educational activities on cognitive development “Ecological fairy tale “About a little drop”“Ecological fairy tale “About a little drop” Program content: Introduce children to natural phenomena: rain, water.

Ecological fairy tale There lived an old man, old man Ekovichok. He loved the Earth very much and wandered through the forests and fields. All the insects and bugs, bees, butterflies, flowers adored the old man and sang.

Ecological fairy tale “Take care of the forest!” for participants of the project “Flora and Fauna of the Tomsk Region” A red fox was walking along a forest path.

Ecological fairy tale "Nature's Complaint Book". This performance was staged in our kindergarten for the city theater festival, which.

Ecological fairy tale “Forest Pharmacy” Program objectives: fostering respect for nature, animals, love and care for all living things on the planet. Ved: The forest is not only.

Once a month, the Kineshma Theater comes to our kindergarten with its performances. This time they came to us with environmental concerns.

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