“Flower Glade” - a summary of the educational method for drawing using non-traditional techniques in the preparatory group. Notes on drawing in the preparatory group Notes on drawing in the preparatory group “Autumn in the Park”

State budgetary preschool educational institution

kindergarten No. 97 compensating type

Central district of St. Petersburg

Educator: Krylova Elena Vasilievna

Notes on drawing in the preparatory school group "Spring Melodies"

Program content:
Training tasks:
Teach children to paint a picture early spring; use different ones in the drawing art materials. Enrich children's speech with emotionally charged vocabulary.
Developmental tasks:
Develop the ability to use a palette to prepare the desired shade of color, sample paint; dilute watercolor paints with water to obtain light colors.
Educational tasks:
Develop in children aesthetic perception spring nature. Cultivate love for your native land.
Methodical techniques:
Teacher's story artistic word, questions, search questions, musical accompaniment...
Preliminary work:
Observing spring manifestations in nature while walking, looking at illustrations with spring landscapes, compiling stories based on them, reading and learning poetry.
Reproductions of paintings about spring, album sheet, watercolors, colored pencils, wax crayons, felt-tip pens, brushes, cups of water, napkins.

GCD move.
Our land is beautiful in all seasons, and each time is beautiful in its own way. But there is a time in nature when nature awakens from winter sleep and everyone lives in anticipation of warmth and sun. When do you think this happens?
This happens in the spring.
Indeed, in the spring. What an affectionate and gentle word - spring! And there is no more sleep. Something joyful and restless sounds in this name. Yes, spring brings everyone the joy of life, the joy of creativity and activity! This feeling covers all people, and poets write poetry, composers write music, artists write their paintings. Now I will read poems about spring, and you close your eyes and imagine what I will read about...
The snow is still white in the fields,
And in the spring the waters are noisy -
They run and wake up the sleepy shore,
They run and shine and shout...
They shout all over the place;
Spring is coming, spring is coming!
We are messengers of young spring,
She sent us ahead.
(F. Tyutchev)
Driven by spring rays,
There is already snow from the surrounding mountains
Escaped through muddy streams
To the flooded meadows.
Nature's clear smile
Through a dream he greets the morning of the year.
(A. Pushkin)
Have you seen spring? What mood did the poets convey?
The poets conveyed a joyful, cheerful mood.
You and I have read a lot of poems about spring, and they are all joyful. Why do you think?
Winter is ending, the cold and frost are leaving. Spring is coming. The sun is shining brighter. Thawed patches and the first snowdrops appear. Birds return from the south and sing their merry songs.
Remember what Russian poets call spring?
Russian poets call spring beautiful, rosy, young, a beautiful child.
Spring comes with its own palette of colors. What colors are on it?
The teacher draws the children's attention to the exhibition of reproductions of paintings about spring and gives them the opportunity to examine them.
Early spring - clean blue sky, on thawed patches – gray or black earth, green grass; melted snow, blue streams. Against this background, slender birches stand out with their whiteness, from which blue shadows fall, as the sun shines brightly.
Physical education lesson “We will become trees”
We will become trees
(walk in place)
Strong, big.
Feet are roots
(feet shoulder-width apart, hands on waist)
Let's space them wider
To hold the tree
(fist to fist)
They didn't let me fall
From the depths of the underground
(bent over, palms cupped)
They got water
Our body is a strong trunk.
(bend over, palms down the body from top to bottom)
He sways a little.
And with your top
(hands in a hut)
It touches the sky.
Our hands are branches
(open palms, spread fingers)
The crown is formed.
(close fingers)
Together they are not afraid
(shakes head)
If the winds blow.
(shaking hands above head)
And now I invite you to draw your own picture of spring. Think about what kind of story you want to draw and what you will use to draw it with.
Children are offered paper of various sizes, watercolors, wax crayons, colored pencils, markers, salt and semolina.
Music is playing. Children begin to draw, the teacher reminds them that the drawing must be placed on the entire sheet of paper. Clarify the rules for mixing paints, especially the use of wax crayons.
At the end of the lesson, an exhibition of works will be organized. Children are asked to talk about their drawing.
While telling the story, children can read poetry.
The sun shines brighter
There is warmth in the air.
And wherever you look,
Everything around is light.
Again there is no rest for the streams -
Day and night they murmur in the bushes.
The golden sun is walking
In pure, pure skies.
Rays pour on the snow and meadow
And all the flowers around.
The snow is already melting, the streams are running.
There was a breath of spring through the window...
The nightingales will soon whistle,
And the forest will be dressed in leaves!
No wonder winter is angry,
Its time has passed -
Spring is knocking on the window
And he drives him out of the yard.

Natalya Savinykh


Learn to convey composition in a plot drawing; draw on a wet sheet. To consolidate knowledge about the properties of watercolor paints. Develop diverse, unified, smooth movements of the hand, visual control over them. Instill in children the desire to achieve results.

Preliminary work:

watching films about the sea and its inhabitants, conversation, looking at illustrations, drawing using the “ wet paper" "Rainy autumn"

Material: sheet of watercolor paper A-3, watercolor paints, gouache, foam sponges, brushes No. 5, napkins, coasters, water jars.


Children enter the art studio.

The teacher shows a closed box

Guys, do you want to know what is hidden in my box? then guess the riddle:

I brought it as a souvenir from the south

Best souvenir for a friend:

Not a postcard, not a toy,

And a beautiful... (shell).

Quietly echoing the wind and seagulls,

The waves whisper to the surf -

Just put it on your ear!

The sea hid in / Shell /

That's right, these are shells. There is a legend that a shell contains the sound of the sea it was on, and by placing it to your ear you can hear this noise.

The sea is full of sounds -

It's musical.

Here lies a shell like a pipe,

If you put it to your ear,

Then she will sing to you

Even a song about krill,

The splashing of fish and the rustling of the bottom -

She remembered everything.

And dolphins squabble

Repeats like a barrel organ

And the sad moan of the whales...

Not a trumpet - a tape recorder.

Let's close our eyes and listen to what the shell tells us. (Each child takes shells and tells what he heard.)

Good shell,

Whisper in my ear

Well, I’ll answer you

I'll tell you my secret:

Do not tell anybody -

The sea is inside you!

Would you like to go on a journey to the depths of the sea now?

What do you think we can use to sink to the seabed? (Scuba gear, submarine, bathyscaphe)

Today we will go down to the seabed in a submersible and observe the sea inhabitants and the beauty of the mysterious underwater world.

(Presentation “Underwater m ir")

What sea creatures did you see and recognize? (shark, stingray, octopus, jellyfish, fish, starfish, etc.)

What else is there on the seabed? (Algae, corals, stones, sea soil)

So our small, exciting journey has ended. Did you like it? Do you want to draw everything that you liked and remembered on our journey?

In order for your drawings to turn out very similar to the real thing. undersea world Today we will draw on a wet sheet. We wet the sheet with a sponge with quick movements, from left to right, the hand moves freely. We collect on a brush watercolor paint and check how the line blurs, make sure there are no puddles, excess water You can blot it with a napkin. And already on the wet sheet we apply watercolor paint with smooth movements, the paint mixes forming beautiful tints. You need to work quickly so that the sheet does not have time to dry out. Then we will paint all the inhabitants of the deep sea with gouache paints. The colors will behave unusually, they will blur, mix to form new shades, creating the feeling of a real underwater world.

Before h "Jellyfish"

Two huge jellyfish

They stuck belly to belly.

(Palms of hands pressed together)

Let's bend the tentacles stronger -

This is how we can bend!

(We tear our palms away from each other, while our fingertips continue to touch) Let’s start drawing, let’s prepare our hands and do a warm-up for them:

Children do work to the music “The Sound of the Sea”

At the end of their work, the children lay out their drawings on the table, creating a large and bright underwater world.

Were we able to create a clean sea for marine life in which all marine inhabitants will feel cozy and comfortable?

Guys, we really have a big, calm blue sea, and the inhabitants of the underwater kingdom calmly move in the water among green algae and colorful corals.

Summary of GCD for drawing in preparatory group"Autumn in the Park."

teach children to draw in an unconventional way- poke method;
strengthen tree drawing skills;
consolidate and expand the understanding of the signs of autumn and the seasons;
develop a sense of rhythm and color;
cultivate an interest in reflecting one’s impressions and ideas about nature in drawings.

Materials, tools, equipment:
gouache paint;
album sheets;
phonogram “Seasons. Autumn" by P. I. Tchaikovsky.

Preliminary work:
tree watching;
conversations about the seasons, about autumn changes in nature.

Progress of the lesson:

The teacher reads I. Vinokurov’s poem “Autumn” to the children

Autumn is coming in our park,
Autumn gives gifts to everyone:
Red beads - rowan,
Pink apron - aspen,
Yellow umbrella - poplars,
Autumn gives us fruits.

- About what time of year we're talking about in a poem? (Autumn)

— What time of year is it now? (Autumn)

— Is it early or late autumn now?
(Children's answers)

Yes, autumn has come. She pleases us with the colorful leaves and leaf fall. It's early autumn now.
Guys, look at the pictures. Looking at paintings: Isaac Levitan " Golden autumn", Ilya Ostroukhov "Golden Autumn", Vasily Polenov "Golden Autumn"

What do they show? What colors did autumn paint the trees with?

— Red are aspens, yellow are birches and lindens, orange are maples, oaks are green, pine and spruce trees remain green, just like in summer.

- What color did you see the leaves? (Yellow, red, brown, crimson, golden, yellow-green, spotted, orange.)

Guys, today we will draw an autumn park.

Trees can be located in different ways: in a semicircle, along the road, on a hill, 1-2 trees in the foreground, and others in the distance. Tree trunks vary in thickness, height and color.

Let's start.

And we will draw to the music of P. I. Tchaikovsky “The Seasons. Autumn". Listen to how the composer “paints” autumn using sounds in his work.
Children draw trunks and branches of trees on a white album sheet, on the ground and near the trees in green yellow flowers-grass, sky -light blue.

Guys, put your drawings aside, let them dry, and now we’ll do exercises, and then draw a crown - leaves and leaf fall.

Physical education for a minute:
-Let us turn into autumn leaves.
Autumn leaves are quietly spinning (children are spinning with their arms out to the sides)
The leaves fall quietly under our feet. (squats)
And under your feet they rustle, rustle, (movement of hands to the right and left)
As if they want to get dizzy again. (they spin on their toes again)

After physical education minute children use brushes to draw the crown and
leaf fall (leaves fly off the trees and fall to the ground). Guys who have finished, put your work aside.
While the work is drying, the children are asking questions: why leaves in the fall?
fall off?

The teacher clarifies the children’s answers: “By shedding leaves, trees prepare for winter
cold weather The leaves cover the ground with a continuous carpet and protect the trees from
frosts. The ground under fallen leaves does not freeze deeply, under the weight
The snow does not compact much, it retains air, which is very important for various inhabitants of the soil - insects that loosen the soil and make it fertile. In the spring, when the snow melts, the soil retains moisture for a long time. Fallen leaves on the ground are not trash. The soil and the plants that grow on it need them.”

Now let's hang our paintings for the exhibition.

Notes on drawing in the preparatory group “Autumn in the Park.”

GCD summary for visual arts in the preparatory group “Let’s paint White City»

Educational field "Artistic and aesthetic development"
Integration of the NGO “Social and communicative development”, NGO “ Cognitive development", NGO "Speech Development"

Target. Creating a picture through joint efforts, using unusual ones.

Tasks. Educational: - improve the ability to draw with various visual materials; - continue to develop the ability to mix paints to obtain new colors and shades: - consolidate knowledge of colors.

Developmental: - develop cooperation skills, the ability to agree on the distribution of work among themselves; - develop independence in creating teamwork; - strengthen the skills of depicting flowers; - develop fantasy, creativity, imagination.

Educational:- make children want to help the inhabitants of a fairy-tale land.

Developmental environment: sheet with a silhouette image of the city, gouache, watercolor, brushes, pokes, signets, sharp sticks, rags, water jars, audio recording, bell, “letter from the inhabitants of the country.”

GCD move.
- Children, do you like fairy tales? Would you like us to visit one of them? As soon as I ring the bell, the fairy tale will immediately appear here. (The teacher rings the bell. There is a knock on the door)

- What's happened? Oh yes, they brought us a parcel and a letter. Come on, what's there? “We are residents of a magical city, asking for help. Our city is not simple, it is painted. Once upon a time it was very beautiful: flowers bloomed, birds sang, animals walked on the sunny lawns, people lived in colorful houses, everything around was bright and colorful. But one day a cloud flew over our city, and rain poured out of it, which washed away all the colors. Everything around became colorless and sad. People, birds and animals left the city. Soon he completely disappeared. Help us get everything back."

And here is the city itself. Let's see what's here. (Look at a sheet with a picture of the city)
-Yes, guys, the city is really deserted.

This city is the White City. It's under a white sheet.
Apparently this city is bewitched by a sorcerer.
We guys will not save, we will save this city.
Let's paint the white city, bring joy to the city.

Well, how can we help people, birds and animals return the magical city?
- How do we do this? (Let's color it)

How can we paint it so that it really becomes unusual, magical, and how to decorate it? (Children offer different variants, we decide to decorate with flowers).
- Yes, indeed, it will be very beautiful and unusual. What flowers do you know?
-Where should we place the flowers? (On roofs, paths, trees, etc.)

- Come on, we’ll divide the work among everyone, together we’ll do it more beautifully and faster. Is it true? -Who will decorate what?
- Here we have everything we need for work. Well, without magical music There's no way we can get by. ( We turn on the audio recording of E. Grieg “Morning”)

The teacher monitors the process of mixing paints, the correct use of visual materials, filling the entire surface and helps if necessary.

During work we give names - Cornflower Mountains, Dandelion River, Romashkovaya Street, etc.
- What should we call this city? (City Good morning, Tender song, Tender city, Flower city)
- How well everything worked out for us. Look, the city has come to life! (The sound of “The Chime of the Clock” by Yu. Entin sounds. We look at the picture)
- Do you think we managed to disenchant the city and help its residents?
- What did we do for this?
- What do you wish for the residents of this city? ( Children speak out)

Title: Notes on drawing in the preparatory group “Let's paint the white city”
Author: Ivanova Marina Vladimirovna
Position: teacher
Place of work: MDOU "Suksun kindergarten "Malyshok"
Location: Suksun village, Suksunsky district, Perm region

Abstract of GCD in the preparatory group for decorative drawing"Owl - owl."

Description: This master class is intended for children from 6 years old, educators, teachers additional education, loving parents and creative people.
Lesson objectives: Learn to draw an owl in gouache on a sheet of paper.
Educational: Expand children's ideas about the forest bird-owl, about the features of external
appearance, lifestyle.
Artistic: Introduce techniques for filling the background (painting the background with lines in one direction), learning to draw without prior pencil sketch. Brush training different sizes. Learn to create a composition using your existing skills and abilities in working with gouache. Develop creative imagination.
Educational tasks: Cultivate accuracy and love of creativity,
fantasy and imagination.
Material for the lesson: Watercolor sheets, set of gouache 12 colors; dry bed, squirrel brushes No. 5 and 2, napkin for the brush, a jar of water, an illustration of an owl or a toy owl.
Preliminary work: reading the book “About Birds” by G. Snegirev, “The Owl” by V. Bianchi.
Progress of the lesson.
1. Organizational part.
Educator: I want to tell you a riddle:
Her eyes are big
A predatory beak is always hooked.
At night she flies
He sleeps on a tree only during the day.
Children: Owl.
Educator: That's right, it's an owl. The teacher shows the children an illustration of an owl.
Educator: “The owl has a large head, which it can turn in all directions, there is almost no neck, or rather, it is not visible due to the lush motley plumage, which saves the owl from the winter cold. Rounded wings and wide short tail help her fly silently. The owl is a predator that hunts only at night. Nature has awarded this bird with one feature: the owl’s huge eyes do not like bright daylight, and if it is pulled out of the nest during the day, it will be helpless, since in the light it big eyes They practically don’t see. Therefore, during the day she sleeps and does not crawl out of her hollow, and at night she sees perfectly in the dark. The bird has sharp claws and a crooked beak. Most of these birds of prey feed exclusively on rodents and bring great benefit. “At night, an owl silently flies over the night clearing. A mouse will dart, rustle the leaves, the owl will catch it and return to the hollow again.”
G. Snegirev
Educator: Let's play with you a little.
Physical education lesson “Owl”
It's dark in the forest (raise your hands up, move your fingers)
Everyone has been sleeping for a long time, (close your eyes, hands under your cheeks)
All the birds are sleeping
One owl doesn't sleep (arms to the sides, wave up and down)
He flies and screams.
Big head, (show a big circle with your hands)
Sits on a branch
Turns his head (turn head left - right)
Looks in all directions
Yes, suddenly - how it flies (waves arms, runs in place)
2. Practical part
Educator: I propose to depict this amazing bird. We will not draw an owl, but a polar one.
Stages of work execution.
First we need to draw the snow over which our owl flies. What colors do you think we can use? What color is snow at night?
Children: Blue, light blue, violet, lilac, emerald.
Educator: These are the colors we will take. We need to fill the entire sheet with stripes of cool shades of blue.

Then we will take white paint and draw an oval in the center of the sheet, this is the body of our owl.

Then we draw the head and color it white.

Then we draw the tail.

Now the wings.

Now we need to draw the feathers on the chest and neck of our owl.

Feathers on the wings and tail.

Now the feathers are at the ends of the wings and tail

Now we paint all the white feathers blue.

Our head is dry. Now you can draw the eyes. The owl's eyes are large so that it can see in the dark. Let's also draw the beak and eyebrows.

Since our owl is polar, snowflakes fly around it.

So that the owl can see, let’s draw its pupils.

Educator: Now our owl is ready! And now our hands will rest.
Warm up your arms while working
1, 2, 3, 4, 5 - alternately bend the fingers on one hand
1, 2, 3, 4, 5 - alternately bend the fingers on the other hand
Ten fingers, two hands, - twirl your hands “like lanterns”
All your helpers!

3. Final part.
The drawings are posted on the board. Let's look at our owls and see how they turned out. In which picture do you think the owl is the most cheerful? Which one is the angriest? Which one is sad?
Why do owls have long claws and a sharp beak? What benefits do you think owls bring?
At the end of the lesson, the game “Owl - Owl” is played.
One of the children puts on a hat - an owl mask. An owl sits on a stool (in a hollow).
Children-birds run out into the center of the free space of the group - “into the clearing”, and fly.
Owl - owl, big head,
During the day he sleeps soundly and sits on an oak tree.
And when the night comes,
Wakes up
He's going hunting.
He flies and shouts: “Oooh!”
The owl flies out, the birds freeze in place or sit down. The owl looks for children who are moving and takes them with them into the hollow.
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