Russian folk corner in kindergarten. Corner of the group “Russian Izba”

Albina Bezrukova

Purpose of the exhibition:

To form children’s ideas about traditions and life Russian people; awakening interest in one of the most beautiful pages of human life, nurturing an aesthetic sense, developing emotional perception and artistic taste.

Considering that interest in understanding, strengthening and active promotion of national cultural traditions is currently beginning to grow, I chose the topic of my work “Formation of children’s knowledge about culture and life Russian people" I considered it necessary to start by introducing children to the culture, way of life and traditions Russian people, since from communication with parents it turned out that many of them cannot talk about the life of our ancestors and what household items they used, they do not know Russians folk tales , nursery rhymes, tongue twisters.


I have identified the following in working with children: tasks:

1 Introduce children to the peculiarities of life and everyday life Russian people.

2 Give an idea of ​​the wise science of construction Russian hut, the traditional purpose and use of each part of the hut, its everyday and festive decoration; Russian costume.

3 Give an idea of ​​traditional character traits Russian person: hospitality, hard work, kindness, respect for elders.

4 To help, through acquaintance with the hut, to understand the fairy tale, to reveal some unfamiliar aspects of the life of a village person to a child living in modern urban conditions.

5 Instill in the child an interest and love for the history, culture, customs and traditions of their people, and cultivate patriotic feelings.

6 Instill love for native nature, the desire to cherish and protect its beauty.

7 Expand and activate children’s vocabulary through native Russian words and concepts, instill a love of beauty and wisdom Russian speech.

The main directions of our work:

1. Creating an atmosphere national life- interior creation Russian hut"Upper Room"

Everyone knows that surrounding objects have a great influence on the formation of a child’s mental qualities - they develop curiosity, cultivate a sense of beauty. We decided that the children should be surrounded by objects characteristic of Russian folk life. This will allow children from an early age to feel like they are part of a great nation.

We tried to recreate the main details and setting Russian hut, conveying the spirit and atmosphere Russian life. In our room there is a samovar, a cast iron pot, a grip, wooden spoons and bowls, an iron, a comb, a spindle, a ruble, a rocker, embroidered tablecloths, napkins and other household items, and there are also exhibitions « Russian folk costume» , "People's toys", national embroidery, knitting, weaving, folk patterns trades: "Khokhloma", "Gestures", "Gorodets".

With what interest the children looked at the antiques.

Children enjoyed using folk items in role-playing games and playing didactic folk games, looked at illustrations, drew, sculpted and much more.

Publications on the topic:

Lesson-excursion “Russian hut” Topic: “Russian hut”. Objectives: - continue to form an idea of ​​​​the appearance of the Russian village; - generalize and systematize ideas.

To introduce children to the origins of Russian folk culture necessary from childhood. We often forget about our roots, we don’t know our customs and folk traditions.

I would like to offer you a photograph of a Russian hut. This hut was not created in one day. It was needed as a setting for a Russian folk tale.

I made a mini-museum based on a magnetic board in the shape of a house. I glued a magnetic board onto cardboard, glued windows, a roof, and a pipe. All details.

Hello dear colleagues! I present to your attention the museum of our kindergarten. Our museum is a small room in a kindergarten. Now.

Here is a beautiful hut - it is full of warmth. There is a bench by the window, a spinning wheel lies on it. Just say chok-chok-chok And the chest opened! Full.

Svetlana Isaeva

Childhood is a flourishing period in a person’s life. Children react very sensitively to every word spoken by adults. Therefore, the task of adults is to instill in children a love of beauty, to develop in children a sense of patriotism for the Motherland and native origins.

Young children should be approached with the simplest and most accessible to them. Therefore in our folk art corner household items have found their place (made using papier mache technique), painted under Khokhloma and Gzhel.

Of great importance in a child’s life is folk toy. Bright, unusual toys activate independent activity baby, they're playing big role V aesthetic education, create a positive emotional microclimate, form positive attitude To environment. Together with the children, we made toys from plasticine.

Having rolled them in flour, the children painted them based on Russian folk art - Dymkovo, Gorodets and Bogorodsk paintings.

In addition to these crafts in our corner Kuvadka dolls are presented.

Publications on the topic:

When implementing a project on moral- patriotic education"Russian folk art- the basis for the formation of patriotic feelings.

The goals of creating the museum are to introduce children to folk crafts, deepen and expand knowledge about the culture of the Russian people, and cultivate respect.

To be a patriot means to feel like an integral part of the Fatherland. This complex feeling arises even in preschool childhood, when it is formed.

Project “The Wealth of Russian Folk Art” Project for middle group“The wealth of Russian folk art” Project type: educational - patriotic, creative, short-term.

Project in the junior mixed-age group “Development of children’s speech through oral folk art” Project in the younger mixed-age group: “Development of children’s speech through oral folk art.” Prepared and conducted by: Mishchenko.

Oral folk art in scientific literature is called Russian folklore, Russian oral folklore. They exist in folk art.

Creative project “Russian Folk Art Week” Video“The beauty of music has its source in the beauty of the surrounding world. Let the child feel beauty and admire it, even in his heart.

Currently, more and more kindergarten teachers are noticing a lag in speech development in children 3-4 years old. Children have difficulty mastering sound.

Lyubov Shchukina

When implementing a project on moral and patriotic education " Russian folk art- the basis for the formation of patriotic feelings and universal human values preschoolers" was held large-scale work. First, the basic techniques were learned folk painting : Khokhloma, Gzhel, Dymka, Filimonovskaya.

Secondly, it was decided to create folk corner- arts and crafts and involve parents in its creation. It should be noted that parents gladly responded to the proposal to create corner and took an active part in this. As a result, the parents' robots created a layout Russian hut. Over time, its interior enriched himself: ancient household items appeared in it - a rolling pin, a spinning wheel, a samovar, a well and others.

Thirdly, a whole exhibition of clay toys, made by hand and hand-painted, was created.

Now this exhibition decorates our group and is replenished with new items.

Thank you for your attention!

Publications on the topic:

One of the most famous and beloved Russian folk holidays is Maslenitsa. Participation is always welcome in our kindergarten.

Easter is a bright holiday of the resurrection of Christ. This holiday came to us from Byzantium along with Epiphany at the end of the 10th century. From then on.

Artistic and aesthetic development of preschool children through Russian folk art Artistic and aesthetic development presupposes the development of prerequisites for the value-semantic perception and understanding of works of art.

Mini-museum of folk decorative arts applied arts. In our kindergarten, one of the annual tasks is “Introducing children to folklore.

Project “The Wealth of Russian Folk Art” Project for the middle group “The Wealth of Russian Folk Art” Type of project: educational - patriotic, creative, short-term.

Program to familiarize yourself with the basics of folk and decorative arts “Russian patterns” Ministry social development and family policy Krasnodar region State government institution of social services.

Man by nature is an artist. Everywhere, one way or another, he strives to bring beauty into his life... Beautiful things foster creativity.

Many people associate creativity with chaos. There is an opinion that the attribute creative person there is certainly a creative disorder in his space for this very creativity.
This may be true for some, but in a Montessori environment, even in the creative corner, perfect order reigns. At the same time, such a quantity truly creative works Not a single kindergarten can boast.

The environment is what is important for a child. Easels, low racks where you can find everything for drawing, sculpting, and others creative activities. Here paints and plasticine, paper and cardboard, glue, scissors, natural materials, beads, threads, etc.


It is also worth noting to stimulate development creativity The child needs several conditions:

- an environment that stimulates and advances the child’s development

- lack of regulation in the baby’s activities

- a creative personality, as an example that inspires, helps and stimulates the child to be creative

- support and constant reinforcement of creative searches, new discoveries..

As for the free creative flow, in this process, the child makes a lot of discoveries: for example, that a sharpened pencil draws, but a broken one does not, that dry paints will not leave their mark, but chalk always does. Parts and equipment during this period do not have of great importance.

And if you want to kill creativity in a child, then here are short instructions for you:

  • seat the child at the table (when you want to drive the car)
  • hand over a pencil (but I want a brush)
  • show something, explain, be indignant because the child is not doing as he would like...
    All! Done with drawing!

What do you need:

To support the child’s pleasure and joy from drawing, from the process itself

You should not attach much importance to the final drawing - the result. For a child, the process is much more important, because he masters new possibilities and comprehends the world. At the same time, you shouldn’t be delighted with every new squiggle.

M. Montessori said:

His hand is not yet perfect, and his mind is insensitive to the beautiful and the ugly... It is necessary to give an eye that sees, a hand that listens, a soul that thinks, in order to give a drawing, and all life must contribute to this.

About the emotional component of creativity and an example creative personality, I think everything is clear, but for now, a few examples organizing creative space.
Organized space itself invites the child to take action. When everything is conveniently arranged, the child’s hand reaches out to it. And importantly, maintaining order in an organized space is much easier.

Depending on the age of the child, the occupancy of the creative corner will vary. Accordingly, than smaller child, the smaller the choice of material, i.e. in the access area there is only everything necessary for drawing and modeling.

A very convenient option for arranging crayons and pencils according to the corresponding color of the cups.

Also very interesting options arrangement and storage of creative supplies

One of the compact options for a creative corner:

Well, this is a real creative station:

Of course, in Russian apartments it is not always possible to allocate even a whole corner for creativity, but you can definitely allocate at least one shelf where all the materials will be accessible and conveniently located for the child.
For example, we have a special low cabinet in the kitchen where all the paints, brushes, pencils, and paper are located. When a child wants to draw, he chooses a material and sits at the kitchen table or on the floor, depending on the scale of the project.
We also have a small box near the bed where there is an album and crayons, since the child loves to draw before bed, and so do I.
And I periodically lay out all the other “special” materials for creativity on our shelves in trays.

And as a conclusion:

One Montessori teacher who worked in different countries the world from China to New Zealand asked:

"How to develop creativity in a child in conditions of free work?

She answered:

- Leave it. The child will figure it out on his own. They just put pencils and paints in the classroom.”

More on organizing space:

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