Rating of zodiac signs from pure angels to real devils.

What demon are you according to your zodiac sign? Demons are powerful and wise entities that live in parallel worlds many thousands of years. Many people believe that demons are hostile to humans, but this is not so: rather, they are alien to our world. A demon can be summoned to our world, but it is extremely difficult to do this, as well as to achieve its favor. People with magical abilities sometimes they can attract the attention of a demon, since through them these entities can manifest themselves and act in our world. In return they will give you strength and knowledge. Ancient sages and magicians knew that each day of the week and month corresponded to its own angel and demon. Each person by birth has his own guardian angel and patron demon.

Demonic horoscope

Everyone knows what a regular horoscope with 12 zodiac signs is, but few know that there is another, dark horoscope that allows you to reveal your hidden and sometimes frightening qualities.

Why is it so important to know the dark side of your soul? There are many reasons for this:

  • By knowing your demon, you can better understand yourself and accept your dark side;
  • If you do not reject your demon, but come to an agreement with it, it will begin to help and support with its strength;
  • Those who practice magic can gain knowledge and special abilities from the demon;
  • The power of the demon helps in special situations when all other means have failed.

The famous German psychotherapist Carl Gustav Jung believed that every person has a Shadow - that side of him that he himself is not aware of, but others see it well. To recognize and accept your Shadow means to gain integrity and become a harmonious person. In addition, the demonic or dark horoscope gives a person the keys to hidden power and power.

We know about demons from occultists of past centuries, who compiled special books with descriptions of demons - grimoires. Their names were listed there, appearance, character qualities and, of course, compliance with zodiac signs. The demonic horoscope, or the dark side of the Zodiac, is also called Qlippothic (from the word “Qlippoth” - that’s what they call dark worlds in the Western occult tradition). Each demon has its time and influence on a person’s life, but most of all on those whom he protects. The test “What kind of demon of Hell are you” will help you find out.

Take the test and find out your demon

Select the time period of the year in which your birthday falls:

  • from 22.12 to 19.01 (Capricorn);
  • from 20.01 to 18.02 (Aquarius);
  • from 19.02 to 20.03 (Pisces);
  • from 21.03 to 19.04 (Aries);
  • from 20.04 to 20.05 (Taurus);
  • from 21.05 to 20.06 (Gemini);
  • from 21.06 to 22.07 (Cancer);
  • from 23.07 to 22.08 (Leo);
  • from 22.08 to 22.09 (Virgo);
  • from 23.09 to 22.10 (Libra);
  • from 23.10 to 21.11 (Scorpio);
  • from 22.11 to 21.12 (Sagittarius).

Then read which demon patronizes your zodiac sign.


Unlike the regular horoscope, which begins with Aries, the Dark horoscope begins with Capricorn. This is the most demonic of all signs, since its symbol resembles the famous appearance of Satan or Baphomet. Demon of Capricorn - Dagdarion. It corresponds to red and cloudy silver colors. Its appearance is similar to that of a toothy, voracious fish; it can also take the form of a satyr or a typical devil with horns and hooves. This is a demon of coldness and indifference. He is ruled by the planet Saturn, associated with the 10th house, so it is better to call him during this period.

Dagdarion gives Capricorn resilience, but also makes him proud, arrogant and incapable of emotions. He also does not allow one to relax and over time makes his ward callous to the experiences of others. At the same time, it gives the strength to withstand other people's emotions without becoming infected by them or suffering from them. It provides good protection against so-called “energy vampirism”. However, Dagdarion himself consumes the psychic energy of the person he patronizes, so that in the worst case, he can make a person completely insensitive, and in the best, a calculating manipulator. Dagdarion helps in your career and helps you acquire useful connections. To help, it is advisable to make its symbol and carry it with you.


Aquarius is patronized by Bekhemiron. His element is Air, this is one of the forms of the demon Behemoth: the same Beast of the Apocalypse on which Satan rides in medieval images. Strictly speaking, Bekhemiron is not one demon, but many demons that have a certain characteristic appearance.

Note: The names of demons are given in ancient Hebrew - Hebrew. The endings -on, -it, -ot, -im - indicate plural(eg Nephilim). This is a feature of the Semitic languages. That is, we're talking about not about one specific being, but about many. The descriptions given correspond to each of this set.

Bekhemiron are like hippopotamus elephants, with skin like cockroaches, their color is black and brown. They can take the form of a cat, dog, wolf or fox. The danger of this demon is that it tears a person away from reality and immerses him in illusions, while taking away his energy. Bekhemiron has the power to send nightmares - predictions of future disasters, and symbolic dreams, which, if interpreted correctly, can be avoided in time. They provide the power of intuition and the gift of prophecy, help develop lucid dreaming skills, and also help develop communication skills so that you become an authority on others and achieve excellence. The Bekhemiron sign must be contemplated during magical work in order to achieve quick results.


Those born under the sign of Pisces are protected by the demon Neshemiron. The vices he tells people are empty dreams, irresponsibility and lack of character. Under the power of this demon, a person can become unrecognized genius, who, lying on the sofa, has been making grandiose plans for years. These are terrible-looking demonesses, looking like a skeleton intertwined with snake bodies. They are characterized by various mutations: like water, they easily change their shape. They may look like snake women or mermaids, incubi and succubi. Their color is watery blue, sea ​​wave or muddy water. These demons are the daughters of Lilith and the patroness of secret sexual desires. They can give you a better understanding of yourself and your own emotions, and also help you feel better about other people. They are also very useful for solving mysteries and providing an opportunity to explore the depths of one’s own unconscious.


Bairiron patronizes Aries. This dragon-lion is black with a hint of dark red, the creation of the great demon Samael, prince of the fallen angels. Can also take the form of a wyvern or genie. Bairiron demons are creatures of fire, they have a fiery character: active, fearless and cruel. They are also associated with air and Dark Matter. They help their ward to raise morale and give a desire for conquest, but they can make him overly aggressive in communication. These spirits strive for absolute power and can drive a person crazy, making them obsessed with delusions of grandeur. They help to gain leadership qualities, freedom and inflexibility, insight and firmness. However, on weak person Bairiron's forces are destructive. To cope with these forces, you need to develop self-control through yoga and meditation.


The demonic side of Taurus is Adimiron. These are demonic creatures, half-lizards, half-lions, chameleons and chimeras. Colors - gray and yellow. They are very strong-willed and unyielding in character, they cannot be broken. Adimiron endows his wards with these same qualities. They give willpower, endurance and determination, and can help in working hard on something. For those who stubbornly overcome obstacles on the way to their goal, Adimiron will provide enough strength to reach the end. The lion's share gives them physical strength, and the reptile is cold and rational: they concentrate on what is useful for the business, without paying attention to the little things. They also provide a strong survival instinct. The negative side is that a person under the influence of such a demonic entity can become stubborn and completely uncommunicative, as a result losing all connections with friends and loved ones.


The demon of Gemini is Celladimiron. These entities look like dogs with triangular heads, Hells dogs or Cerberus, their colors are blood red and bronze. They correspond to the Lovers Tarot card. These are very active, restless spirits who can give a lot of information on any issue and help to see any situation from different sides. Bairiron gives the ability to negotiate so that everyone is satisfied. Like the wind, they change easily and also help a person adapt to any society. The negative influence of Celladimiron can lead to the fact that a person rushes from one extreme to another and cannot find himself. Adapting to others every now and then, he may lose his own appearance. To cope with the power of these entities, you need to engage in self-knowledge (but not self-digging, otherwise you can clearly see only your negative traits, missing out on the good).


The patron saint of Cancer is Shekhiriron. These are spirits of active Water, they manifest themselves as demonic reptiles, insects, molluscs and crustaceans. They may have a human face. Their colors are black and dark blue. Associated with the moon and the realm of dreams. These demons are under the power of Lilith, or the Black Moon, fulfilling her whims. They help a person to realize his wildest fantasies, but they also give him empty worries, obsessive thoughts, fears and phobias. If you quarrel with these demons, you can get insomnia. They feed on the energy of a person who is half asleep and half awake. This state is called “drowsy”, it is very useful for visualizing your desires. It is the Shihiriron who give these desires the strength to come true.

a lion

The patrons of Leo are known as Shelhabiron. They appear as werewolves, jackals, a cross between a lion and a snake, or a huge shadow. These are spirits of fire, but not restless, like Aries, but a stable, even flame. Their color is fiery yellow. By nature they are evil and ruthless. Their main qualities are aggression and dominance. They can give a person strength for particularly difficult tasks beyond his own capabilities. For example, crush a powerful enemy. The second side of the powers of Shelhabrion spirits is realization creative potential. They send a person a whole stream of ideas for creativity, which all that remains is to implement. The strength, rage and creative fire of these spirits help their charges to manifest themselves more clearly in this world, but they can also make a person cruel and heartless.


Tsefariron is the patron saint of those born under the sign of Virgo. These entities look especially unpleasant: half living, half decomposed corpses. They are earthy in color and are closely associated with the earth, cemeteries and other places of Death. They tear off everyone's masks and show the inner essence of all things. These demons impart honesty and impartiality, indifference to the opinions of other people. They also teach you to highlight the really important things in any situation, and not to pay attention to the unimportant ones. They constantly remind a person that in the face of Death, all problems turn out to be petty and insignificant. Their Negative influence in that they make a person indifferent to the joys of life and can plunge them into depression. After all, only strong-willed ready to see all things as they are.


The patron saint of Libra is named Obiriron. These are terrible-looking spirits that look like gray swollen goblins, golems and leprechauns. Their color resembles a thundercloud: dark gray with shades of purple and lilac. These spirits give a person stability and help him become balanced in order to achieve his goal. They have power over time and give it as much as is needed to achieve what they want. Their negative impact is that a person completely calms down and stops making any efforts, begins to think that everything will work out on its own. Obiriron forces him to strive for balance and immobility. Thanks to the qualities of these spirits, you can also gain power over your emotions and learn not to react painfully to irritants. They give the magician a calm, clear mind during magical operations.


Nekheshitiron are the patrons of those born under the sign of Scorpio. These terrible demons look like devilish insects with human heads. Perhaps they are mentioned in the Revelation of John the Theologian as locusts with human faces. Their color is copper. These are aggressive and strong creatures, but at the same time completely reckless: acting together, they sweep away everything in their path. Neheshitiron are demons of destruction, that's all they can do. If a person does not follow his own path, then they begin to actively destroy his life. They can make a person a maniac or psychopath, but they can also help achieve inner transformation. True, in a very painful way - through the complete destruction of the old personality. Devilish insects do not have pity; they obey only blind instinct. To cope with their power, you need to learn to listen to your heart.


The patron demon of Sagittarius is Nahashiron. These are entities that have a strange reptilian appearance with dog heads. Their colors are yellow and various shades green. They help their ward in the fight against their own negative character traits. To work out those traits that prevent one from becoming strong and holistic, Nahashiron is brought into a person’s life difficult situations, where he has to make a choice and overcome himself. Their food is the emotions that a person experiences during this overcoming. They support continuous and passionate movement towards a goal, providing fire energy for positive change. Their negative impact is that a person may not be able to withstand such rapid progress and acquire various diseases in the process, including nervous exhaustion. To cope with their power, you need to streamline your life as much as possible.

Note: For full development you need to know both sides of yourself - the light and the dark. To turn to the light and see the positive sides of your personality, you can take the “What kind of angel are you” test. Angels balance the influence of demonic entities on a person, care and support in difficult moments of life.

They say that people live on the edge between good and evil, and only they can choose which way to turn. True, there is another opinion - an angel and a demon always follow a person, guiding him in the direction they need. It is difficult to say who is right, but each zodiac sign has its own guardian angel and patron demon, and this is a fact.

Nobody's alone

Angels and demons are immortal spirits who try to drag a person’s soul into the kingdom of Good or Evil. It is believed that those who are on the side of Light have higher spiritual abilities than those who go over to the side of Darkness. Each person has his own personal angels and demons, but their zodiac counterparts are more powerful, and therefore are considered the masters of a particular zodiac sign. Angels and demons who patronize a particular sign endow a person with the corresponding character traits and vices.

And even if someone vehemently objects, saying that I’m not like that and all this is fiction, so be it. But no one dares to complain about loneliness, because behind everyone there live two powerful and immortal beings with whom it is better to find a common language.

And now to the main thing: what are the angels and demons of the zodiac signs?


Behind the backs of the representatives of this sign, the demon of Cowardice and Hatred and the angel of Sincerity are constantly fighting. Thanks to the influence bright side Aries do not tolerate lies and treat people very warmly. All these are manifestations of the angel Bakariel. You can turn to him for help at any time, especially in matters where luck is needed. In addition, Bakariil protects the children of Aries, charges him with energy, helps in any matters and gives him optimism.

The Demon of Hate provokes Aries into outbursts of rage and intolerance. He does not want to admit his mistakes, behaves unceremoniously and, as is usually the case, acts first and thinks later. Depending on what time Aries was born, he may also be influenced by the demon of Cowardice. Because of actions the latter representatives This sign begins to remain silent precisely when it is necessary to express their opinion. Then Aries suffers from remorse.

Aries has many demon patrons - these are dragon-lions, genies, wyverns and even the demon Bairiron.


The demon of Stubbornness and Greed and the angel of Good Nature constantly fight for the souls of representatives of this.

Taurus are phlegmatic, but often behind this calmness and detachment lies a whole storm of passions. The protective angel of this sign, Amatiila, gives him light and hope and points to the real path of life. It is customary to ask this angel for help when starting a new business. Thanks to his divine light, Taurus will forever remain faithful and devoted friends.

But the demon of Greed does not stand aside; because of him, Taurus become obsessed with material wealth and literally depend on them. Demons make Taurus stubborn and irreconcilable. Anyone who is in the power of darkness would rather waste money than donate it to someone who really needs it.

In general, the bright Taurus is more reliable than a rock and more devoted than a dog, but as soon as the patron demon Adimiron takes power over him, this calm and kind person turns into a real miser.


Cheerfulness and Cunning - these are the angel and demon of the Gemini zodiac sign. These people can turn into real flatterers, filled with lies and falsehoods, which are hidden under the guise of fun and sociability. Short-term acquaintances, frequent changes of partners - these are all the tricks of the patron demon Tselladimiron and the Cerberus.

The Angel of Cheerfulness gives to Gemini wide circle acquaintances, without which they may lose their zest for life. Thanks to the patronage of the guardian angel Bahram, representatives of this sign easily make new acquaintances, are always cheerful and easily overcome difficulties.


Demons behind Cancer are the patrons of lies, lust for power and hot temper. Dark Cancer is a person who torments his friends and relatives with tears and reproaches that they do not love and appreciate him enough. They instill feelings of guilt in those around them and make them suffer from it. Under the auspices of the demon Shikhriron, Cancer tends to lie, having started to invent unimaginable stories, he can no longer stop until he receives benefits. Overly vulnerable, emotional and wants to keep everything under control. Dark Cancer tends to rush from side to side. He wants to be able to do everything everywhere, but this is not given to him, so out of dissatisfaction and irritation he takes it out on his loved ones.

The Angel of Sympathy connects Cancer with other people and gives the ability to empathize. These people have an exceptional gift of feeling; they will always take the side of the weak and help him. Guardian Angel Dean helps this zodiac sign gain new knowledge and understand that he can only find answers when he constantly asks questions and learns.

a lion

Angel and demon of the zodiac sign Leo - Aquariel and Shelhabiron (the head of the werewolves). If at one fine moment Leo turns into a proud, arrogant and arrogant person, it means that he was under the influence of the demon of Vanity. Dark Lion he is categorical in his judgments, displays dictatorial habits and is intolerant of opinions that differ from his ideas. Such people are consummate artists for whom life is just a game.

The Angel of Heartfulness Aquariel helps this arrogant, proud man turn into a generous person. Finding himself under the influence of an angel, Leo literally begins to emit light, improves himself and grows spiritually. Becomes an attentive and kind person.


This sign is patronized by the angel of Constancy and Protection Kadmiel. Under the influence of light forces, Virgo becomes a caring person with unshakable fortitude. People around him are drawn to such a person for wise advice and protection. Angel Kadmiel is one of the strongest cherubs in the zodiac circle. He rewards his students with patience and perseverance, which help them achieve their goals.

It is logical to ask the question: if you have the strongest cherub as your patron, then what kind of demon are you according to your zodiac sign Virgo? This is the demon of Discontent and Envy Tsepariron. Being in the grip of darkness, representatives of this sign show distrust of others, dissatisfaction with what is happening and black envy. Being under the power of a demon, Virgo tries to be first in everything.

She does not tolerate competition and will give everything to show her superiority. For a representative of this sign, there are two opinions - his and the wrong. This zodiac sign needs to delve deeper into cause-and-effect relationships.


We can say that the zodiac signs Aries and Libra have common angels and demons. Behind his right shoulder stands the angel of Measure and Openness, behind his left is the demon of Mood and Selfishness.

If representatives of this sign are under harmful influence patron demon Obiriron, they begin to doubt their endeavors, feelings, friends, etc. The Demon of Moods encourages the Libra representative to play with people and their feelings, to use them for his own selfishness and benefit. Libras can become arrogant, cold and uncooperative, but at the same time remain passive and indecisive.

Guardian Angel Barchiil makes them beautiful both in body and soul. Sows peace, confidence and tranquility in their troubled hearts. Libras learn to empathize and do not lose hope even in the most difficult situations. difficult situations.


This is a real noble avenger, a nobleman who fights for the truth and the king. His patron is the angel of Truth Gabriel, one of the strongest angels. It will help you radically change your life and create Better conditions to implement the plan. Scorpios often fall into extreme situations, but are never seriously harmed, all thanks to Gabriel's protection. Light Scorpios always strive for truth and justice, live according to the highest Hamburg standards and demand this from their environment.

On the other hand, the demon of Revenge Necheshetiron constantly follows Scorpio. Once under its influence, a representative of this sign begins to think that everyone is deceiving him. Because of this, he begins to fly into a rage.

But the worst thing is if someone does not live up to his hopes. Scorpio's anger knows no bounds, and he begins to take revenge. It's better not to have an enemy like Scorpio. These people are very insightful, they masterfully deal with offenders with one precise blow to the very weakness. Scorpios can hold grudges for a long time, so you need to be careful with them.

Horoscope for Sagittarius

This sign is ruled by the demon of Arrogance and the angel of Cheerfulness. At heart, Sagittarius is a true fighter for justice; he always strives for something sublime and unusual. The Angel of Cheerfulness Adnachiel gives his ward many opportunities. It helps on the path to gaining freedom and independence. With the help of this angel, people will be successful both in their careers and in their personal lives.

But in the horoscope for Sagittarius there is also another side of life. The Demon of Arrogance Nachashiron makes Sagittarius arrogant, arrogant and arrogant. He stops accepting criticism and begins to feel exceptional (“the navel of the Earth,” if not more), which is why he moves away from others and looks down on them. Dark Sagittarius is ready to criticize everyone, indulge his whims and not consider others as people.


On the one hand, Strength and Endurance, on the other, Coldness and Indifference. Here they are, the angels and demons of Capricorn.

The demon Dagdagiron makes Capricorn iron man who is not affected by any emotions. When Capricorn is disappointed in people or a specific person, his demon of Cold awakens, and for Capricorn anyone ceases to exist. He will be just as polite and will not stop observing the rules of decency, which will ultimately begin to bring melancholy to those around him. Capricorn is constantly tense and stays away from large companies. He becomes reserved in his feelings and begins to look down on others.

The angel of Endurance Kambiil helps shed some light on this emotional picture, which turns Capricorn into a reliable, faithful and caring person. Under his auspices, Capricorn can start unusual things and will definitely find new friends.


Friendship and Alienation are enough unusual couple from the world of immortals. These emotions are firmly intertwined in the soul of Aquarius. On the one hand, Aquarians show warmth, sympathy and care, on the other hand, they do not care about others and overestimate their own strengths. The demon Bekhemiron does everything possible to push Aquarius away from those who wish him well. If you do not get rid of the harmful demonic influence, then there is a chance of being left alone.

The Angel of Friendship Katetil helps Aquarius to begin to value love and friendship again. People of this sign, like no other, need to communicate with nature in order to replenish energy reserves and restore strength.


Angels and demons of Pisces - Love and Vices. These people are very contradictory. They can react cruelly and with anger to insults, weave intrigues, plunge into the pool of temptation and debauchery, resort to sources of dubious pleasures - alcohol, drugs, etc. And then, as if nothing had happened, build romantic castles in the air and dream of a prince with a horse to boot.

The Demon of Vices Neshimiron is able to reward his charges with indecision and detachment. Under the influence of the demon, Pisces will stop taking responsibility and go into a sleepy state, in which they can live for years, or even decades.

On the other hand, Pisces is looked after by the angel of Love Egalmiel. He rewards his charges with boundless compassion, charm, charisma and attractiveness.

In fact, it is not so important what kind of zodiac sign you are, a demon or an angel; in most cases, it is the person himself who chooses to be good or bad. they don’t interfere here, they just help, only each in their own element.

Incredible facts

Who are you: a creature of light or darkness?

Do you think you are a pure and innocent angel in the flesh who descended to Earth, or a fiend who is on the dark side?

Angels and devils

1. Libra

You are the purest and most beautiful of all angels. God gave you unusual sins at birth, because he knew that you could not commit any of them.

You are so pure that the Lord himself asks for your advice. Looking at you, he said: “They are so good that I need to at least ground them a little, otherwise the rest will be wracked with guilt.” You have to wear heavy shoes so you don't fly back into the sky.

2. Taurus

You kind heart who knows how to forgive and never holds a grudge. Everyone calls you cute.

You will always help an old lady cross the road, save a poor kitten climbing a tree, or catch a child who has fallen from a burning building. Your only flaw is that you are too good for this world full of devils and that can be dangerous.

3. Pisces

Do you have your own ethical standards, which you adhere to. You are kind, caring, able to forgive and empathize.

Your only drawback is that you can get a little angry if people don't reciprocate your kindness and generosity. But you quickly forget about it because you realize that life is too short to be upset about bad people.

4. Sagittarius

Loving other people is like breathing for you. You go through life with a smile on your face and a song in your soul. You love being around people and you make them laugh.

For you the truth is highest virtue, and you can only lose your temper when others lie to you. That's when the little devil in you can awaken. But you never let bad mood cloud your mind. You can flare up for a minute, but immediately cool down.

5. Aquarius

Your most positive trait is a boundless desire to help others. You love to bring joy to people.

You are an honest, loving and kind person. Your only sin is strong attraction, which can cause you to make the wrong decision.

6. Gemini

You are caught in the middle. You are a classic case of someone who has an angel on one shoulder and a demon on the other who is diverting your attention.

Whether you act like an angel or a devil depends on your mood and what you ate for breakfast. You are like day and night, good and evil, summer and winter - an explosive mixture of complete contradictions.

7. Leo

Leos are noble, strong, beautiful and majestic until you encounter their dark side. That's when you show your fearless grin and let out a roar.

You like to do good deeds until someone crosses your path. You will do everything to make this person regret it for the rest of his life.

8. Cancer

You really want to be good, but life is full of temptations that are so difficult to resist. You go to work or school, then go to yoga, visit your beloved grandmother, but as soon as a beautiful and very sexy member of the opposite sex appears on the horizon, you go into all seriousness.

You sincerely hope that God knows how to forgive, because you really need it.

9. Virgo

You are friendly, funny, generous and very nice. But you are also a slave to your desires, and your irritability sometimes has no end. If someone is unfortunate enough to anger you, you will take revenge and will not rest until you humiliate the offender. But the rest of the time, you are the sweetest person.

Astrologers are now divided into many categories, some of them compile horoscopes, others are involved in the interpretation of cosmic events, but there are also those who are involved in compiling various ratings of zodiac signs. Now you can find almost any rating, but in our article we will look at which angel or demon each zodiac sign is more like.

1. Libra. Some of the purest signs of the zodiac, the holiest people and the most powerful angels can appear under this zodiac sign. You cannot commit sin because God is personally watching over your path.

2. Taurus. You have a kind heart in which forgiveness lives. You may not realize it yourself, but you can forgive almost anything, especially if the person is close to you. Nephilim are the children of an angel and a human, that’s what this zodiac sign can be.

3. Pisces. Your only vice is that you often get angry over trifles, otherwise your soul is absolutely pure in its thoughts and desires.

4. Sagittarius. Love is your element. You can literally lose yourself in this feeling with your partner. You are also a fierce defender of the truth, and you easily lose your temper when people lie to you or don’t tell you anything.

5. Aquarius. You believe that your mission on earth and in this life in particular is to bring good to people, to support them in difficult times. Honesty, kindness and the desire to help people are your credo. The only thing that distinguishes you from saints is that in your desire you can make wrong decisions.

6. Gemini. You are a human being in the full sense of the word. You are neither an angel nor a demon, you are the golden mean, your vices and sinful desires are balanced by your good deeds and the boundless light in which people around you find themselves.

7. Leo You are a symbol of peace and prosperity among people. You can help those in need in difficult times, you can sincerely repent of your deeds. There is just one thing that brought you to the other side; you don’t like being disturbed. If someone crosses your path, you will do everything to make him regret it.

8. Cancer. Perhaps you are the only person who really wants to be good. But this is not given to you. you can be wonderful person, mother with capital letters. But as soon as a very sexy person of the opposite sex appears in your life, you break down. Your mask begins to crack under the pressure of wild passion.

9. Virgo. Friendliness, sincerity, generosity, it's all about you. However, you are what is commonly called a slave to your desires. You cannot resist the temptations that our lives are full of, and you very much hope that God still knows how to forgive. Because you need it more than everyone else.

10. Aries. They are often vindictive, love alcohol, play gambling, you have so many vices that sometimes it seems to you that mortal sins were written by following your adventures. The only bright thing about you is, perhaps, your sense of humor.

11. Capricorn. Perhaps, if you are not evil itself in the flesh, then you are not far from this definition. You consider kindness to be a form of some very contagious disease. Everything according to you good people weak, and you are not interested in them, there is a special place in hell for you.

12. Scorpio. Your desires are very natural and they are often aimed at destruction. Your attractiveness knows no bounds, and you can win over almost anyone to your side.

Angels and demons of the zodiac signs. It is known that every person has his own Angel and Demon - the light and dark side of one personality. Each of which can be completely open, or slightly closed from other people and from the owner himself. The openness of the parties depends on the person himself, on his desires, thoughts, lifestyle views and other factors. But everyone is given only certain Angels and Demons.


The dark side of Aries is controlled by the Demon of Hate. It is he who whispers in the ear: do not give in, argue to the last, defend your point of view, because you are always right. It is known that Aries have a hard time admitting their mistakes; they often act rashly and rudely, not wanting to correct themselves or apologize, even if the blame for the action lies entirely with them. It’s hard to blame them for this, because they are ruled by the Demon, who often forces them to submit precisely dark side of its essence.

The bright side is owned by the Angel of Openness and Sincerity. It helps a person to remain honest and prevents him from falling into depression. And although the Aries Demon also has power here, sometimes forcing others to tell the truth that hurt them, at least Aries cannot be called a hypocrite, a liar. The angel helps to maintain optimism in life and not to lose heart, so Aries always achieve what they want, despite the difficulties of life.


The demon of Taurus is called Wrath. Mostly Taurus do not allow their dark side to open up completely, but sometimes, when they lose control of the situation, their Demon takes power over the person, causing him to become enraged, angry, and desire revenge. Taurus, guided by their Demon, go to success in material terms; more often than not, these people are rich and independent. They love comfort, money, surrounding themselves with beautiful people. expensive things. Material goods for Taurus - the meaning of life; if this does not happen, the inner Demon will force them to splash out their negative emotions on others.

The Angel of Good Nature and Fidelity always rushes to protect a person. It forces Taurus to look around at those around them, open love in their hearts and understand which values ​​are truly important and which are only earthly, temporary. Because of these two opposing sides, Taurus are always in power internal struggle, but in reality, which side ultimately wins is up to the individual.


On the left shoulder of each Gemini sits the Demon of Cunning. He whispers his slippery ideas in the ear, forcing a person to do anything for favorable conditions. If Geminis are hypocritical and deceitful, it means that they are in the power of their Demon, unable to overcome it. The lies of these people are so sweet that those around them involuntarily believe them. This does not mean that people of this sign never tell the truth. But it is quite difficult to distinguish it from flattery. If Geminis succumb to their dark side, sometimes they themselves begin to get confused in their statements and do not always understand where they told the truth and where they lied.

The Angel of Cheerfulness does not allow these people to give up. With him, Geminis are always on top, they easily overcome everything life difficulties, easily get out of trouble, never lose heart. More often, people open each of their sides only halfway - this helps them not to get confused. life path, walk with your head held high, stay successful.


Succumbing to their Demon, whose name is Lie, Cancers are often able to manipulate loved ones at the expense of personal suffering, which is often ostentatious and unreal. This is done so that other people give Cancers what they want, according to at will. Led by the same Demon, Cancers cannot ask for anything themselves, especially when it comes to some minor act towards them, for example, a hug.

At the same time, Cancers are quite sensitive, they always accept, share heartache and the experiences of other people. This is the merit of the Angel of Feelings, who awarded Cancers with compassion for loved ones and the ability to empathize. Most often, Cancers succumb to the Angels, not giving the Demon the opportunity to pull themselves to the side of evil. But it also happens the other way around.


The demon under whose power Leos are is called Vanity. If a person opens his heart to him, the Demon will not allow him to live in peace, forcing him to strive for the pinnacle of glory. Because of this, most Leos not only strive for success, but actively prove to others their superiority over them. Leos should always be first. Two Leos nearby are two fires, the collision of which will start a real fire.

The Angel of Generosity comes to the aid of Leos, forcing people to be a little kinder, giving them the opportunity to love and correctly present their boastful nature to the world. Thanks to this Angel, Leos are always generous, wasteful, they great joy They give everything to other people, reserving for themselves only the opportunity to prove themselves to be the highest benefactor.


Virgos are subject to the Demon of Envy, which poisons their entire being with the poison of internal anger and contempt for others. If Virgos see someone's success, you shouldn't expect them to share the joy. Rather, they will find thousands against it, making the person less successful, at least in their own eyes. Not all Virgos succumb to feelings of envy and dissatisfaction with life, but if this happens, there will not be even a drop of kindness in their look or words.
But, fortunately, it all ends with words. The name of the Angel is Protection. He does not allow Virgos to act, causing damage to others, interfering with their development and happiness. On the contrary, Virgos are very reliable, especially when it comes to friendship and partnership. You just shouldn’t brag about your achievements in front of them, and then these people will always remain kind, support you in difficult times, and become good helpers.


An interesting Demon for Libra is Mood. The most capricious of all Demons, the most fickle, and rather not black, but gray. It envelops a person in feelings of indecision, makes him doubt the correctness of every decision, often regrets what he has done, plunging him into new doubts about whether the action was right.

But the Angel, whose name is Measure, awarded Libra with fortitude and perseverance. An Angel often has stronger power over a person than his Demon, and therefore most Libras are strong, independent people who strive for harmony and happiness.


These people are under the influence of the Demon of Vengeance, which at a crossroads forces them to reveal their dark side. Succumbing to their inner Demon, Scorpios often destroy everything good that life gives them, guided only by fear and hidden rage.

They can only find peace in their Angel of Truth, who will help them cope with their darkness and see that the world is beautiful, that there is something nearby loving people that everything bad that Scorpios have is too exaggerated. Tossing from side to side between their Angel and Demon, Scorpios ultimately completely succumb to only one of them, completely closing the other from themselves. The only question is whether a person will be wise enough to keep the Angel with him.


Behind Sagittarius is the Demon of Arrogance, who does not allow his person to accept even the slightest criticism. Sagittarians are always right - they are not only confident in this, but they vehemently prove it to others, and only let anyone try to disagree with them. Opening up to their dark essence, Sagittarius becomes too self-confident, arrogant, and domineering.

The angel behind them is Justice. It helps a person balance his capabilities and thoughts, gives rise to new aspirations, opening up incredible opportunities for Sagittarius. These people always pursue high goals, they are active fighters for righteousness, they are honest, and at the same time very principled.


Behind every Capricorn there is a Demon of Indifference, succumbing to which, people forget about their good feelings if not forever, then at least for a while, closing them deep inside. As a rule, this happens after a serious quarrel and/or offense caused to them. Often, succumbing to emotions, they reveal their dark side, which prevents them from organizing a good relationship with other people who have nothing to do with the current situation. Often Capricorns who succumb to their Demon lose friends.

Their Angel, who is Endurance, does not allow them to lose heart. Thanks to him, Capricorns do not change their opinions regarding people, even when angry, they do not allow their emotions to envelop their minds. They will not start thinking badly about others, will not change their aspirations, and will always remain themselves.


On the dark side of Aquarius is the Demon of Alienation. It is easy to understand when Aquarians succumb to it - they become indifferent, impudent, and do not show any care or respect for loved ones. People often succumb to this Demon, thinking that in this way they protect themselves from hypocrisy, falsehood, and consumerism on the part of others.

It’s hard for the Angel of Friendship, who is trying with all his might to protect Aquarius from loneliness. But if a person is wise enough to reveal his bright side, he will immerse those close to him in his care, envelop them with kindness, and be faithful and devoted. Aquarians have a hard time fighting, but more often than not, especially if you are honest with them, they will remain open to their light as much as possible, leaving the darkness far behind them.


The Demon of Vices breathes into the back of Pisces. Being quite frivolous, Pisces often succumb to it, plunging headlong into the world of drunkenness and debauchery. They can be cruel towards others, they begin to not care about the troubles and problems of loved ones. People sometimes bring themselves to a terrible state, as a result of which they lose connections with others.

The Angel of Love protects Pisces from the evil sitting inside, giving them the opportunity to be kind, be able to be compassionate, and help other people. More often, Pisces surrenders to the power of their light side, without closing the veil of the dark side. They know how to come to the rescue, moreover, they need it, but even supporting those around them, they may not care deeply about what is happening.

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