Valentin Grigorievich Rasputin biography briefly the most important. One of the last representatives of village prose

Main events in the life of V. G. Rasputin

1954 – graduates from school and enters the first year of the Faculty of History and Philology at Irkutsk University.

1955 – acquaintance with Alexander Vampilov, who entered the first year of the Faculty of History and Philology at ISU.

1957 – Rasputin begins working as a freelance correspondent for the newspaper “Soviet Youth”.

1957, March 30– V. Rasputin’s first publication, “There’s No Time to Be Bored,” appears in the newspaper “Soviet Youth.”

1958 – publications in the newspaper “Soviet Youth”

1959 – completes the fifth year of the Faculty of History and Philology of ISU. Works for the newspaper "Soviet Youth". The pseudonym V. Kairsky appears under newspaper publications.

1961 – Rasputin’s story (“I forgot to ask Leshka…”) was published for the first time in the Angara almanac. Rasputin leaves the editorial office of the newspaper “Soviet Youth” and takes the position of editor of literary and dramatic programs at the Irkutsk television studio. The newspaper “Soviet Youth” (February 12, September 17), the almanac “Angara” begins publishing stories and essays future book"The edge near the sky."

1962 – Rasputin quits the Irkutsk television studio and works in the editorial offices of various newspapers (“Soviet Youth”, “Krasnoyarsky Komsomolets”, “Krasnoyarsky Rabochiy”, etc.) In August of the same year, Rasputin was hired as a literary employee of the newspaper “Krasnoyarsky Rabochiy” in Krasnoyarsk.

1964 – the newspaper “East Siberian Truth” published the story “A Man from This World.”

1965 – the story “A Man from This World” was published in the Angara almanac. In the same year, Rasputin took part in the Chita zonal seminar for aspiring writers and met with V. Chivilikhin, who noted the talent of the aspiring author. In the newspaper " TVNZ» the story “The Wind is Looking for You” was published. The magazine “Ogonyok” published the essay “Departure of Stofato”.

1966 – a book of essays “Bonfires of New Cities” is published in Krasnoyarsk, and a book “The Land Near the Sky” is published in Irkutsk.

1967 – the story “Money for Maria” is published, which brought fame to the writer. Rasputin was admitted to the USSR Writers' Union.

1968 – the writer was awarded the Komsomol Prize named after I. Utkin.

1969 - the beginning of work on the story " Deadline».

1970 – publication of the story “The Deadline,” which brought wide fame to the author.

1971 – trip to Bulgaria as part of the club of Soviet-Bulgarian youth creative intelligentsia. In Novosibirsk (West Siberian Book Publishing House), in the series “Young Prose of Siberia,” the book “The Deadline” is published with an afterword by S. Vikulov, which brought Rasputin worldwide fame. Awarded the Order of the Badge of Honor.

1974 - the story “Live and Remember” is published.

1976 - the story “Farewell to Matera” is published. In the same year, Rasputin travels to Finland at the invitation of a Swedish seminar on literature and culture. He then travels to the Federal Republic of Germany for the book fair in Frankfurt am Main. Rasputin's works are published abroad in various (English, German, French, Italian, Lithuanian, Hungarian, Polish, etc.) languages.

1977 - at the Moscow Theater named after. M. Ermolova is staging the play “Money for Maria” based on the story of the same name. The Moscow Art Theater staged the play “The Deadline” based on the play by V. Rasputin. The USSR State Prize was awarded for the story “Live and Remember”.

1978 – Rasputin is baptized in Yelets. The writer is baptized by Elder Isaac, who wandered a lot abroad after the revolution. At the time of emigration, he was one of the leaders of the Theological Institute in Paris. Returning to his homeland after the war, he went through camps and exile and, at the end of his life, settled in Yelets. Here it became a center of attraction for pilgrims from all over Russia.

In the same year, K. Tashkov’s television film “French Lessons” based on Rasputin’s story of the same name was released on screens across the country.

1979 - trip to France.

1981 – awarded the Order of the Red Banner of Labor.

1983 – a trip to the Federal Republic of Germany for a meeting, organized by the club"Interlit-82".

1984 - awarded the Order of Lenin.

1984 – trip to Mexico at the invitation of the Institute of Fine Arts.

1985 – elected as a member of the Board of the Writers' Union of the USSR and the RSFSR.

1985 – trip to Kansas City (USA) at the invitation of the university. Lectures on modern prose.

1986 – trip to Bulgaria, Japan, Sweden.

1986 - title of Honorary Citizen of Irkutsk.

1987 – The USSR State Prize was awarded for the story “Fire”.

1987 – awarded the title Hero of Socialist Labor and the Order of Lenin. Trip to West Berlin and Germany as part of a delegation studying environmental and cultural problems.

1989 – publication in the Pravda newspaper (01/18/1989) of a letter condemning the liberal position of the Ogonyok magazine.

1989–1990 – People's Deputy of the USSR.

1990–1991 - Member of the Presidential Council under USSR President M. S. Gorbachev.

1991 – signed the address “Word to the People.”

1992 - laureate of the award. L. N. Tolstoy.

1994 – speech at the World Russian Council (“The Path of Salvation”).

1994 – Winner of the Prize of the Foundation for the Development of Culture and Art under the Committee of Culture of the Irkutsk Region.

1995 – by decision of the Irkutsk City Duma, V. G. Rasputin was awarded the title “Honorary Citizen of the City of Irkutsk.” At the initiative of the writer and the administration of Irkutsk, the first holiday “Days of Russian Spirituality and Culture “Radiance of Russia”” took place, which from that time began to be held in Irkutsk annually, and since 1997 throughout the region.

1995 - Winner of the award named after. Saint Innocent of Irkutsk.

1995 – Winner of the Siberia magazine award named after. A.V. Zvereva.

1996 – Moscow schoolchildren and students of humanities universities acted as the main arbiters in awarding V. G. Rasputin the International Prize “Moscow-Penne”.

1997 – V. Rasputin was awarded the Prize of the Foundation of the Holy All-Praised Apostle Andrew the First-Called “For Faith and Fidelity.” A two-volume volume was published in the same year. selected works V. Rasputin.

1998 – awarded the title of Honorary Citizen of the Irkutsk Region.

1999 – performance “Farewell to the carried away?” in Italy on International conference on issues modern world and forecasts for the future.

2000 - the prize was awarded to them. Solzhenitsyn.

2001 – signed the Appeal of the 43 “Stop Death Reforms.”

2002 – awarded the Order of Merit for the Fatherland, IV degree.

2002 – at the celebration of the First International Days of F. Dostoevsky in Estonia, V. G. Rasputin was awarded the F. Dostoevsky Prize. In the same year he took part in the World Russian People's Council. The text of the speech was published in Russian Bulletin and Rodnaya Zemlya.

2002 - Russian Orthodox Church awarded V. G. Rasputin one of the highest distinctions - the Order of St. Sergius of Radonezh, II degree.

2003 – laureate of the Presidential Prize of the Russian Federation in the field of literature and art.

2004 - laureate of the award. Alexander Nevsky "Russia's faithful sons."

2005 - laureate of the All-Russian literary prize them. Sergei Aksakov.

2005 - laureate of the "Best" award foreign novel of the year. XXI Century".

2007 – awarded the Order of Merit for the Fatherland, III degree.

2010 – laureate of the Russian Government Prize for outstanding achievements in the field of culture.

2010 – appointed member of the Patriarchal Council for Culture of the Russian Orthodox Church.

2011 - awarded the Order of St. Alexander Nevsky.

2010 – award winner International Fund unity of Orthodox peoples.

2012 - laureate of the Yasnaya Polyana Prize.

2012 – the conference “Valentin Rasputin and eternal questions"as part of the Books of Russia book fair.

2012, March 15– 75th birthday, congratulations from the Prime Minister of the Government Russian Federation V.V. Putin.

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The chronological table of Rasputin will tell about the life and work of the famous Russian writer, public figure, publicist.

The material will introduce you to the dates of graduation, studies at Irkutsk University, places of work and residence of the writer. Using the table, you can find out about the first publications of Valentin Grigorievich, the dates of publication of his novels and short stories. The story “Live and Remember” received the State Prize. At the beginning of the 2000s, a collection of the writer’s essays was published. In 2010, he was nominated for Nobel Prize. It so happened that the date of birth and death of Rasputin coincided, this is March 15. The writer was buried in his homeland, in the city of Irkutsk.

The main dates in the life and work of Rasputin Valentin Grigorievich will help you independently consolidate the material you have covered and prepare for the test.

1937, March 15– was born in the regional village of Ust-Uda, Irkutsk region. The writer’s father was a peasant, worked in a timber industry enterprise, his mother was a housewife.

1954 – graduates from school and enters the first year of the Faculty of History and Philology at Irkutsk University.

1955 – acquaintance with Alexander Vampilov, who entered the first year of the Faculty of History and Philology at ISU.

1957 – Rasputin begins working as a freelance correspondent for the newspaper “Soviet Youth”.

1958 - in the newspaper “Soviet Youth” Rasputin publishes articles, sketches, reports, critical correspondence about student life, about the activities of pioneer squads, about the work of the police, about the life of the school;
published in collaboration with R. Grad, M. Voronin, under the pseudonym R. Valentinov, but most often under own name– V. Rasputin.

1959 – completes the fifth year of the Faculty of History and Philology of ISU;
works for the newspaper “Soviet Youth”. The pseudonym V. Kairsky appears under newspaper publications.

1961 – Rasputin’s story (“I forgot to ask Leshka…”) was published for the first time in the Angara almanac;
Rasputin leaves the editorial office of the newspaper “Soviet Youth” and takes the position of editor of literary and dramatic programs at the Irkutsk television studio;
in the newspaper “Soviet Youth” (February 12, September 17), in the anthology “Angara” the publication of stories and essays of the future book “The Land Near the Sky” begins.

1962 – Rasputin quits the Irkutsk television studio and works in the editorial offices of various newspapers (“Soviet Youth”, “Krasnoyarsky Komsomolets”, “Krasnoyarsky Rabochiy”, etc.)

1962, August– Rasputin was hired as a literary employee of the newspaper “Krasnoyarsk Worker” in Krasnoyarsk.

1964 – the newspaper “East Siberian Truth” published the story “A Man from This World.”

1965 – the story “A Man from This World” was published in the Angara almanac;
Rasputin takes part in the Chita zonal seminar of aspiring writers, meets with V. Chivilikhin, who noted the talent of the aspiring author;
the newspaper “Komsomolskaya Pravda” published the story “The Wind is Looking for You”;
The magazine “Ogonyok” published the essay “Departure of Stofato”.

1966 – a book of essays “Bonfires of New Cities” is published in Krasnoyarsk.

1967 – the story “Money for Maria” is published, which brought fame to the writer;
Rasputin was admitted to the USSR Writers' Union.

1968 – the writer was awarded the Komsomol Prize named after I. Utkin.

1969 – beginning of work on the story “The Deadline”.

1971 – trip to Bulgaria as part of the club of Soviet-Bulgarian youth creative intelligentsia. In Novosibirsk (West Siberian Book Publishing House), in the series “Young Prose of Siberia,” the book “The Last Term” is published with an afterword by S. Vikulov, which brought Rasputin worldwide fame.

1974 - the story “Live and Remember” is published (State Prize, 1977).

1976 - the story “Farewell to Matera” is published;
Rasputin travels to Finland with the prose writer V. Krupyan at the invitation of the Swedish seminar on literature and culture;
travels to the Federal Republic of Germany together with Yu. Trifonov to the book fair in Frankfurt am Main.

1977 - at the Moscow Theater named after. M.N. Ermolova is staging the play “Money for Maria” based on the story of the same name;
The Moscow Art Theater staged the play “The Deadline” based on the play by V. Rasputin.

1978 – Rasputin is baptized in Yelets;
K. Tashkov’s television film “French Lessons” based on the story of the same name by Rasputin is released on the screens of the country.

1979 - trip to France.

1981 – Rasputin was awarded the Order of the Red Banner of Labor.

1983 – a trip to Germany to a meeting organized by the Interlit-82 club.

1984 – trip to Mexico at the invitation of the Institute of Fine Arts.

1985 – trip to Kansas City (USA) at the invitation of the university. Lectures on modern prose.

1986 – trip to Bulgaria, Japan, Sweden.

1987 – stay in West Berlin and Germany as part of a delegation studying environmental and cultural issues.

1994 – speech at the World Russian Council “The Path of Salvation.”

1995 – by decision of the Irkutsk City Duma, Rasputin was awarded the title “Honorary Citizen of the City of Irkutsk.”

1997 – V. Rasputin and G. Galaziy were awarded the Prize of the Foundation of the Holy All-Praised Apostle Andrew the First-Called “For Faith and Fidelity”;
A two-volume volume of selected works by V. Rasputin is published.

1999 – there will be a performance “Farewell to the Gone Away?” in Italy at the International Conference on Problems of the Modern World and Forecasts for the Future.

2000 – awarded the Solzhenitsyn Foundation “Brotherhood of Conservatives” prize.

2002 – the publishing house “Yantarny Skaz” (Kaliningrad) publishes a two-volume edition of Rasputin’s collected works;
at the celebration of the First International Days F. Dostoevsky in Estonia V. Rasputin was awarded the first F. Dostoevsky Prize;
Rasputin takes part in the World Russian People's Council.

Rasputin Valentin Grigorievich
(b. 1937)

Rasputin Valentin Grigorievich (b. 1937), prose writer. Born on March 15 in the village of Ust-Uda, Irkutsk region, into a peasant family. After school, he entered the Faculty of History and Philology of Irkutsk University. IN student years became a freelance correspondent for a youth newspaper. One of his essays caught the editor's attention. Later, this essay under the title “I forgot to ask Leshka” was published in the anthology “Angara” (1961).
After graduating from university in 1959, Rasputin worked for several years in newspapers in Irkutsk and Krasnoyarsk, and often visited construction sites. Krasnoyarsk hydroelectric power station and the Abakan - Taishet highway. Essays and stories about what he saw were later included in his collections “Bonfires of New Cities” and “The Land Near the Sky.”
In 1965, Rasputin showed several new stories to V. Chivilikhin, who came to Chita for a meeting of young writers of Siberia, who became " godfather"a novice prose writer.
Rasputin's first book of stories, "A Man from This World," was published in 1967 in Krasnoyarsk. In the same year, the story “Money for Maria” was published.
The writer's talent was revealed in full force in the story "The Deadline" (1970), declaring the maturity and originality of the author.
This was followed by the stories “Live and Remember” (1974) and “Farewell to Matera” (1976), which placed their author among the best modern Russian writers.
In 1981, new stories were published: “Natasha”, “What to convey to the crow”, “Live a century - love a century”.
The appearance in 1985 of Rasputin's story "Fire", distinguished by its acuteness and modernity of the problem, aroused great interest among the reader.
In recent years, the writer has devoted a lot of time and effort to social and journalistic activities, without interrupting his creativity. In 1995, his story “To the Same Land” was published; essays "Down the Lenerek"; in 1996 - stories "Memorial Day"; in 1997 - “Unexpectedly”; "Father's Limits" ("Vision" and "In the Evening"). Lives and works in Irkutsk.
short biography from the book: Russian writers and poets. Brief biographical dictionary. Moscow, 2000.

Biography and episodes of life Valentina Rasputina. When born and died Valentin Rasputin, memorable places and dates important events his life. Writer quotes, Photo and video.

Years of life of Valentin Rasputin:

born March 15, 1937, died March 14, 2015


“Like conscience - not subject to jurisdiction,
Like light - necessary
To the Fatherland and people
Rasputin Valentin.
For many it is uncomfortable...
But he is the only one -
Always is and will be
Rasputin Valentin.
Vladimir Skif, from a poem dedicated to V. Rasputin


Valentin Rasputin was called a classic during his lifetime village prose. First of all, for the pictures of life ordinary people which he described sincerely and reliably. Secondly - for the wonderful language, simple, but at the same time highly artistic. Rasputin's talent was spoken of with great respect by contemporary writers, including A. Solzhenitsyn. His "French Lessons" and "Live and Remember" became a bright event in domestic literature.

Rasputin grew up in difficult Siberian conditions, in a poor family. He later described partly his own childhood in the story “French Lessons.” But the writer loved all his life motherland and, even while working in Moscow, he often came here. In fact, he had two houses: in the capital and in Irkutsk.

Literary talent manifested itself in Valentin Grigorievich during his student years. He began working in a youth newspaper, and after graduating from college he moved to “adult” publications. But Rasputin did not immediately come to literary prose. IN in a certain sense Participation in a literary seminar in Chita, where the 28-year-old author met the writer V. Chivilikhin, became fateful for him. From that time on, the writer’s creative blossoming began.

V. Rasputin was known for his clear civic position. Shortly before the collapse of the USSR, he entered politics, although he later spoke of this decision with bitterness, admitting that his attempt to benefit home country could be considered naive. One way or another, throughout his adult life after this, Valentin Grigorievich openly declared his beliefs, which did not always coincide with the “general line” that ruled at that time.

The writer was crippled by two tragedies: first, the death of his daughter Maria in a plane crash in Irkutsk in 2006, then, in 2012, the death of his wife from serious illness. Valentin Grigorievich himself was already seriously suffering cancer at this time, and latest events completely undermined his health. On the eve of his death, he fell into a coma, from which he did not emerge for 4 days, and died just one day short of his birth date.

Valentin Rasputin was buried in Irkutsk. More than 15,000 people came to say goodbye to the writer, and the ceremony lasted several hours.

Life line

March 15, 1937 Date of birth of Valentin Grigorievich Rasputin.
1959 Graduation from university, start working at a newspaper.
1961 Publication of Rasputin's first essay in the Angara almanac.
1966 Publication of V. Rasputin’s first book, “The Land Near the Sky.”
1967 Joining the Writers' Union.
1973 The story "French Lessons".
1974 The story “Live and Remember.”
1977 Getting first State Prize THE USSR.
1979 Introduction to lit. collegium series " Literary monuments Siberia."
1987 Receiving the second USSR State Prize and the title of Hero Socialist Labor.
1989-1990 Work as a people's deputy of the USSR.
1990-1991 Membership in the Presidential Council of the USSR.
2004 Publication of the writer’s last major form, “Ivan’s Daughter, Ivan’s Mother.”
2011 Awarding the Order of Alexander Nevsky.
2012 Receiving the State Prize of Russia.
March 14, 2015 Date of death of Valentin Rasputin.
March 18, 2015 Funeral service for V. Rasputin in Moscow.
March 19, 2015 Funeral of Valentin Rasputin at the Znamensky Monastery in Irkutsk.

Memorable places

1. Ust-Uda (East Siberian, now Irkutsk region), where Valentin Rasputin was born.
2. Village Atalanka, Ust-Udinsky district, where V. Rasputin spent his childhood (now moved from the area where the Bratsk hydroelectric power station was flooded).
3. Irkutsk State University, where V. Rasputin studied.
4. Krasnoyarsk hydroelectric power station, the construction of which V. Rasputin often visited, collecting materials for essays.
5. Chita, where the writer visited in 1965, and where his literary debut took place at a seminar by Vladimir Chivilikhin.
6. Starokonyushenny Lane in Moscow, where the writer moved in the 1990s.
7. Znamensky Monastery in Irkutsk, on whose necropolis the writer was buried.

Episodes of life

Rasputin became a laureate of more than 15 allied and Russian awards, including the government award for outstanding achievements in the field of culture, the Solzhenitsyn, Tolstoy and Dostoevsky awards. He was also an honorary citizen of Irkutsk and the Irkutsk region.

V. Rasputin was an opponent of perestroika reforms, a supporter of Stalin and subsequently an opponent of V. Putin and supported communist party up to recent years life.

V. Rasputin's books have been filmed several times. The last lifetime film adaptation was “Live and Remember” by A. Proshkin in 2008.

Film “In the depths of Siberia”, dedicated to V. Rasputin


“Don’t meddle in the people’s soul. She is not under your control. It's time to understand this."

“When everything is good, it’s easy to be together: it’s like a dream, just breathe, and that’s all. We need to be together when it’s bad - that’s why people come together.”

“A person grows old not when he reaches old age, but when he ceases to be a child.”


“In today’s literature there are undoubted names, without which neither we nor our descendants can imagine it. One of these names is Valentin Grigorievich Rasputin.”
Ivan Pankeyev, writer, journalist

“He is always active, especially with those close writers and people he likes. And in terms of creativity. And he simply did not communicate with opponents or people who stressed him.”
Vladimir Skif, poet

“Rasputin is not a user of language, but he himself is a living involuntary stream of language. He does not look for words, does not select them, he flows with them in the same stream. The volume of his Russian language is rare among modern writers.”
Alexander Solzhenitsyn, writer

The article is devoted to a short biography of Rasputin Valentin Grigorievich - famous writer and public figure.

Rasputin V.G.: the beginning of a writing career

The future writer was born in 1937 into an ordinary village family. Higher education he received at Irkutsk University. Already during these years, he showed literary talent; the future writer became a correspondent for a youth newspaper. After graduation, Rasputin continued to work as a correspondent for some time, covering large-scale construction in Siberia. At this time, Rasputin actively published essays and stories in provincial periodicals. These first experiments already bear the imprint of talent, but do not yet rise above the general mass of similar works by ordinary authors.
In 1965, V. Chivilikhin became acquainted with the work of the aspiring writer, who noticed his talent and began to care about his fate. Two years later, a collection of Rasputin's stories was published - "A Man from This World" and the story "Money for Maria", which became a certain stage in his work. For early works the writer was characterized by a touch journalistic activity. They are imbued with heroic romanticism and contain a large amount of accurate documentary data. However, a contrast was already emerging between the conquerors of nature and the spiritual world of the indigenous Siberian inhabitants. Rasputin draws attention to the harmonious life of ordinary peasants who adhere to a certain true order, established over centuries. The invasion of civilization with its thirst for profit and consumption deals an irreparable blow to the foundations of Russian life. This rethinking of one’s position is clearly expressed in “Money for Mary” when old grandfather recalls that previously helping was perceived as a natural thing, but now everything is done only for money. Rasputin considered the story the beginning of his serious writing activity.

Rasputin V.G.: period of maturity

In 1970, the story “The Deadline” was published, presenting Rasputin as a fully established writer.
The story "Live and Remember" describes last days before the death of the peasant woman Anna. This was an innovation in the literature of that time, where death was certainly heroic and occurred in the name of some ideals. A woman simply and calmly accepts death because she lived with dignity own life, fulfilled her duty. Anna unconsciously feels her involvement in a single chain of generations. However, this continuity no longer exists in the woman’s relatives gathered at her deathbed. They have broken the connection between generations; everyone is concerned only with their own well-being.
Rasputin in his works tries to describe best qualities Russian man, the wealth of his soul. The writer is on the defensive native land from the invasion of progress in the story "Farewell to Matera". The onset of technocratic civilization, with its predominance of reason and efficiency over the soul, is absolutely unacceptable for the writer. The highest value for him is a person with his feelings and experiences, on which the greatness of the country ultimately rests.
The central image of Rasputin's works - the village - has a special meaning for the writer. City life, in his opinion, leads to a decline in the morality inherent in Russian people. A city dweller, left to his own devices, moves away from his native land and the moral norms associated with it.

Rasputin after Perestroika
In 1985, Rasputin published the story "Fire", which sounds a clear warning about what is happening spiritual crisis, which will certainly be followed by a general crisis of society. In connection with Perestroika, Rasputin is actively involved in political activity, makes public speeches with patriotic statements. He did not accept the power that replaced the Soviet regime and remained committed to communist ideology. Political Views The writer's work was strangely intertwined with participation in religious affairs (publishing an Orthodox newspaper, opening an Orthodox gymnasium).
After the collapse Soviet Union Rasputin continued to write, but was published in small editions. In addition to stories and essays, he was engaged journalistic activities, nature conservation. Valentin Grigorievich died in 2015.

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