What kind of good feelings are there? What are the feelings?

Many people ask what they are feelings and emotions for your loved one to a person, a guy, a girl or between a man and a woman in psychology. Since it is very useful to express and show your feelings for the person you really love for a long time. Of course, you shouldn’t express your feelings during the first 2-3 meetings, as it will seem strange. But keeping your feelings for a person locked up for several months is dangerous, as he or she may think that you have fallen out of love.

In the article you will learn what feelings and emotions really are for a loved one, between man and woman and to a guy, a girl. Learn to express your feelings, because no one but you knows what’s inside you. You can love a person very much for several years, but by hiding it from this person, this can ultimately lead to separation and divorce. Take care of your relationship and express your feelings on time, but not too early.

Feelings are different, but in order to know the whole list of feelings and emotions, you need to study practical psychology. We will list you only the most basic feelings and emotions. The first thing you need to know is that feelings and emotions are divided into two groups, positive and negative.

Positive feelings and emotions

Positive feelings and emotions include: love, happiness, joy, laughter, pleasure, gratitude, laughter, fun, surprise, reliability, success.

Negative emotions and feelings

Certainly feelings and emotions for your loved one There are different things for a person, a guy or a girl. It can be a simple passion, when there is some sympathy and interest in each other, but nothing more. There is also attachment when people already long time together, but don't love each other, but can't get rid of each other. For example, they may be restrained by the opinions of others, children, fear, habit, pity for each other.

If you want to know what are the feelings and emotions between a man and a woman, study psychology. But the most common feelings are: infatuation, sympathy, passion, love, affection, attractiveness, falling in love, betrayal, betrayal, quarrel, deception, selfishness.

After all, there are both positive and negative emotions and feelings between a man and a woman. Alas, today treason and betrayal are more common than love. People often compare each other and therefore begin to cheat, with the hope of finding someone better, which ultimately only leads to suffering and problems.

Each of us has emotions, it is a natural part of our Self that makes us who we are. Inherited by us from our distant, distant ancestors, emotions help us understand the world around us and ourselves, and even fill our lives with meaning. It is difficult to overestimate the role they play in our lives; emotions are really important for each of us, although sometimes they are the ones that cause us a lot of problems. In order to begin to benefit from our emotions, we must, at a minimum, gain an understanding of what emotions are and what emotions we can experience. In this article I will try to give the most full list human emotions. Knowing this list will help you understand yourself and develop your emotional intelligence.

There is a huge list of human emotions that we are capable of experiencing. However, we simply do not notice most of them because we often find it difficult to distinguish basic emotions such as joy, fear and anger from the many other emotions associated with them.

Researchers of human nature identify three categories of emotions:

Primary emotions are the basic human emotions that arise in response to external stimuli. Thus, we may experience fear when our well-being and life are threatened, or sadness when we learn about the death of other people or animals. Primary emotions are instinctive in nature, so we are least able to control them.

Secondary emotions are strongly expressed emotional states, intense and long-lasting, appearing after primary emotions. For example, when we are faced with a threat and we begin to feel fear, it turns into anger, which mobilizes our strength to fight this threat.

Tertiary Emotions – The third category of emotions proposed by Robert Platchik is often overlooked by researchers and serves as a complement to primary and secondary emotions. This range of emotions is represented by the greatest variety emotional states, characteristic of a person, usually these emotions are difficult to distinguish from secondary emotions for a person with undeveloped emotional awareness.

Among the characteristics, the main one is the valence or tone of an emotion - that is, its belonging to a negative or positive series. Thus, emotions are positive (positive) and negative (negative). It should be noted that there are much more negative emotions than positive ones, which is probably due to the need to survive in such complex world, like ours. In addition to valence, there are such characteristics as sthenicity, or the division of emotions into motivating and paralyzing, intensity, or the strength of the emotion, and content, or the difference between emotions from each other by the situation in which they arose.

List of human emotions

To begin with, I will give a list of emotions, ordering them by such characteristics as intensity and tone. The intensity of emotions in this list increases from top to bottom for positive and negative emotions separately.

Positive emotions





Positive emotions similar in content






Other positive emotions

Admiration Peacefulness Effectiveness Humor Charm Decisiveness Graceful Playfulness Cheerfulness Energetic Gratitude Pride

Negative emotions










Other negative emotions

Confusion Greed Jealousy Conscience Disgust Guilt Influence Vengeance Confusion Ordeal Pressure Shame Envy Humiliation Regret Extravagance

It should be noted that I do not claim the complete truth of the presentation, since, as psychological phenomenon, emotions have so far been little studied and different authors cite different ways their classifications. In addition, since each of us is unique, we experience some of the emotions, especially the third-tier emotions, differently, and some of them are not considered emotions at all. Next, I offer you Robert Platechik’s table of emotions for you to study.

Table of emotions according to Robert Platechik:

Primary EmotionsSecondary emotionsTertiary emotions
LoveAttractionattraction, adoration, affection, falling in love, tenderness, sympathy, attraction, care, sensitivity, compassion, sentimentality
Lustlust, awakening, desire, lust, passion, reckless passion
Desirepassionate desire
JoyCheerfulnesscheerfulness, fun, bliss, jubilation, sociability, pleasure, delight, enjoyment, happiness, delight, satisfaction, ecstasy, euphoria
Interestenthusiasm, zeal, liveliness, excitement, trepidation
Satisfactioncontentment, joy
Pridearrogance, triumph
Optimismzeal, hope, positivity
Reliefsalvation, liberation
AstonishmentDazedamazement, bewilderment
AngerIrritationagitation, annoyance, grumpiness, grumpiness
Bitternessbiliousness, upset
Furyanger, rage, fury, deep indignation, hostility, ferocity, bitterness, hatred, contempt, hostility, antipathy, indignation
Disgustdisgust, disrespect, disgust
Envy annoyance, jealousy
SadnessSufferingagony, pain, melancholy
Dejectionoppression, despair, hopelessness, gloom, misfortune, grief, sorrow, sadness, melancholy
Discontentdisappointment, dissatisfaction
Shameguilt, shame, regret, remorse
Neglectalienation, isolation, neglect, loneliness, rejection, nostalgia, defeat, depression, insecurity, confusion, humiliation, abuse
Compassionpity, sympathy
FearHorroranxiety, shock, apprehension, fright, panic, hysteria
NervousnessAnxiety, tension, discomfort, apprehension, excitement, malaise, fear

I will come back to finalize the list of emotions in the future and try to make it as accurate and true as possible. I hope that the following list of emotions will give you general idea about existing human emotions and their great diversity, and will also help increase your level of emotional awareness and emotional intelligence. I wish you success!


What are the feelings? | what are.rf

Feelings and emotions have a close connection with the inner world of people. Every person is very often timid and denies his own feelings, confusing them with emotions or his own state. To confuse any person, simply ask him how he feels now. This question can baffle every member of society. Many psychotherapists confirm the difficulty this issue, because it is very difficult to talk about a momentary sensation that changes instantly. People differ from machines in that they experience a wide variety of emotional sensations every second. Just as it is difficult to understand feelings and emotions, their reason remains a mystery to many.

Feelings have a stable emotional coloring of the relationship to a situation, object or subject. Feeling and thoughts are completely connected with each other.

Not only are our feelings and emotions not understood in themselves, but their causes remain a mystery to many.

Means of cognition of sensations

A person receives all information about the world through the senses. These include: eyes, skin, nose, tongue, ears. With the help of these organs, people have an idea of ​​the world around them, see them, hear them, can feel them, and distinguish taste. There are other organs, but they are not the main ones.

Classification of feelings

There is no clear classification of feelings. But there are certain sets of feelings programmed by the film industry, by the interaction of society with an individual. Thus, an established set of all the feelings that everyone should feel was developed. Without experiencing what society feels, you can very quickly fall into the category of “strange” people.

It is enough to correctly determine what feelings a person has - it will absolutely not work. Some sensations haunt a person since the maternity hospital, while others he learns in the process of life, from his family, friends, and acquaintances. The baby experiences innate feelings from birth. Many scientists argue that innate emotions include manifestations in a child immediately after birth, before social factor and the role of parents will play a role. Psychologists have not yet come to a single list of these feelings. But still, the majority claims that these include: pleasure, joy, excitability, interest, surprise, fear, anger, irritability, fear, disgust. Other emotions come with age.

Higher feelings can also be called moral; they indicate how a person relates to the society in which he is, to the people around him, to himself. However, they are subjective, because the individual learns to understand the interpretation of good and bad actions in his own society, in which the norm of behavior may be completely opposite to other societies.

Higher or moral feelings express a person’s attitude towards society, the people around him and himself. Higher feelings are always subjective, because we learn what is right and what is wrong from our society, and the norms of behavior can be completely opposite in different societies.

Basic feelings, human emotions, can be divided into 3 groups: positive, negative, neutral.

The positive ones include:

  • joyful emotions
  • pleasure
  • enthusiasm
  • confidence
  • satisfaction
  • tenderness
  • joy
  • pride
  • Delight
  • confidence
  • hardness
  • rapture
  • favor
  • attachment
  • respect
  • appreciation
  • moved
  • complacency
  • weasel
  • malignancy
  • complacency
  • relief
  • harmlessness.

To the negative:

  • grief
  • despondency
  • bitterness
  • insult
  • despair
  • fear
  • dissatisfaction
  • anxiety
  • fear
  • compassion
  • remorse
  • resentment
  • enmity
  • envy
  • indecisiveness
  • jealousy
  • anger
  • sadness
  • yearning
  • disgust
  • neglect
  • chagrin
  • regret
  • remorse


  • curiosity
  • astonishment
  • amazement
  • calmness
  • indifference

Every person has experienced one or another feeling at least once in their life. Positive feelings have a beneficial effect on human body, consolidate the desired form of behavior in memory. Negative ones, despite the fact that they are ignored and people try to forget them quickly, do not pass without a trace. It’s not for nothing that all doctors constantly say that you need to think only about good things, rejecting bad thoughts. If you cannot avoid negative emotions, then it is better to develop the habit of reacting neutrally. Let it be better to be indifferent if you can’t think positively. As a result, if a person constantly analyzes his behavior and attitude towards what is happening, then things can be either better or worse.


All emotions, feelings and states

I present to the attention of readers a complete list of emotions, feelings and states experienced by a person. Count how many there are. If they tell you that you are insensitive (this is such a quality or personality trait, see the full list here), then look here and you will definitely find your feeling.

  • Aggression
  • Adequacy
  • Excitement
  • Antipathy
  • Apathy
  • Hopelessness
  • Safety
  • Indifference
  • Madness
  • Indifference
  • Hopelessness
  • Anxiety
  • Uselessness
  • Impotence
  • Gratitude
  • Grace
  • Benevolence
  • Wellbeing
  • Bliss
  • Cheerfulness
  • Fear
  • Disgust
  • Inspiration
  • Loyalty
  • Fun
  • Authority
  • Attraction
  • Love
  • Disturbance
  • Excitement
  • Delight
  • Delight
  • Hostility
  • Omnipotence
  • Arrogance
  • Pride
  • Bitterness
  • Sadness
  • Discomfort
  • Confidence
  • Annoyance
  • Maliciousness
  • A pity
  • Sacrifice
  • Care
  • Addiction
  • Envy
  • Confusion
  • Security
  • Malice
  • Gloat
  • Anger
  • Amazement
  • Interest
  • Irony
  • Sincerity
  • Fright
  • Earnestness
  • Frenzy
  • Coquetry
  • Comfort
  • Rejoicing
  • Love
  • Curiosity
  • Cowardice
  • Mayata
  • Suspiciousness
  • Vindictiveness
  • Hope
  • Voltage
  • Pleasure
  • Perseverance
  • Alertness
  • Indignation
  • Mistrust
  • Discontent
  • Confusion
  • Tenderness
  • Independence
  • Fury
  • Hatred
  • Dislike
  • Rejection
  • Unpleasant
  • Impatience
  • Uncertainty
  • Dissatisfaction
  • Displeasure
  • Resentment
  • Relief
  • Reproof
  • Adoration
  • Doom
  • Chagrin
  • Loneliness
  • Concern
  • Insight
  • Disgust
  • Fear
  • Danger
  • Optimism
  • Devastation
  • Insult
  • Courage
  • Rejection
  • Disgust
  • Responsiveness
  • Frankness
  • Detachment
  • Rejection
  • Despair
  • Alienation
  • Charm
  • Sadness
  • Depression
  • Suspicion
  • Climb
  • Repentance
  • Peace
  • Subsequence
  • Devotion
  • Anticipation
  • Contempt
  • Reverence
  • Neglect
  • Appreciation
  • Adoption
  • Acceptance
  • Protest
  • Indifference
  • Joy
  • Irritation
  • Disappointment
  • Repentance
  • Liberation
  • Absent-mindedness
  • Confusion
  • Jealousy
  • Complacency
  • Self-sufficiency
  • Conceit
  • Dedication
  • Self-esteem
  • Self-confidence
  • Self-satisfaction
  • Liberty
  • Love of freedom
  • Sympathy
  • Skepticism
  • Sorrow
  • Modesty
  • Boredom
  • Courage
  • Humility
  • Confusion
  • Embarrassment
  • Condescension
  • Conscientiousness
  • Regret
  • Doubt
  • Empathy
  • Rivalry
  • Involvement
  • Resistance
  • Compassion
  • Complicity
  • Sympathy
  • Calm
  • Justice
  • Suffering
  • Fear
  • Stupor
  • Happiness
  • Hardness
  • Patience
  • Tolerance
  • Languor
  • Yearning
  • Anxiety
  • Anxiety
  • Trembling
  • Belief
  • Respect
  • Confidence
  • Oppression
  • Astonishment
  • Satisfaction
  • Pleasure
  • Tenderness
  • Humiliation
  • Dejection
  • Stubbornness
  • Perseverance
  • Stubbornness
  • Fatigue
  • Disadvantage
  • Damage
  • Cold
  • Determination
  • Cynicism
  • Euphoria
  • Ecstasy
  • Empathy
  • Enthusiasm
  • Acrimony
  • Fury


What are the feelings and emotions for a loved one, boyfriend, girlfriend, between a man and a woman - a list

Many people ask what feelings and emotions there are for a loved one, boyfriend, girlfriend, or between a man and a woman in psychology. Since it is very useful to express and show your feelings for the person you really love for a long time. Of course, you shouldn’t express your feelings during the first 2-3 meetings, as it will seem strange. But keeping your feelings for a person locked up for several months is dangerous, as he or she may think that you have fallen out of love.

In the article you will learn what feelings and emotions actually exist for a loved one, between a man and a woman, and for a guy or girl. Learn to express your feelings, because no one but you knows what’s inside you. You can love a person very much for several years, but keeping it from that person can ultimately lead to separation and divorce. Take care of your relationship and express your feelings on time, but not too early.

What are the feelings and emotions - list

Feelings are different, but in order to know the whole list of feelings and emotions, you need to study practical psychology. We will list you only the most basic feelings and emotions. The first thing you need to know is that feelings and emotions are divided into two groups, positive and negative.

Positive feelings and emotions

Positive feelings and emotions include: love, happiness, joy, laughter, pleasure, gratitude, laughter, fun, surprise, reliability, success.

Negative emotions and feelings

Negative feelings and emotions include: fear, resentment, anxiety, depression, despondency, sadness, disappointment, stress, pessimism, anger, hatred, selfishness. Find out: what to do on the Internet.

What are the feelings and emotions for a loved one, boyfriend or girlfriend?

Of course, feelings and emotions for a loved one, boyfriend or girlfriend are different. It can be a simple passion, when there is some sympathy and interest in each other, but nothing more. There is also attachment, when people have been together for a long time, but do not love each other, but cannot get rid of each other. For example, they may be restrained by the opinions of others, children, fear, habit, pity for each other.

But the most strong feeling– this is, of course, love, which is given to few. Today, more than 90% of couples do not have love, or for example the guy has love for the girl, but she does not, and loves another guy. Not mutual love or complete, its absence is inherent modern people and youth. That is why today there are few successful marriages that get divorced within 2-3 years, but the children are left without parents. Find out how many sense organs there are.

What are the feelings and emotions between a man and a woman?

If you want to know what feelings and emotions exist between a man and a woman, study psychology. But the most common feelings are: infatuation, sympathy, passion, love, affection, attractiveness, falling in love, betrayal, betrayal, quarrel, deception, selfishness.

After all, there are both positive and negative emotions and feelings between a man and a woman. Alas, today treason and betrayal are more common than love. People often compare each other and therefore begin to cheat, with the hope of finding someone better, which ultimately only leads to suffering and problems.



List of feelings (table) | Owl Psychologist

Feelings table

The first five feelings are called basic - they are anger, fear, sadness, joy and love - look what they mean. The rest are shades and synonyms (shown in the table). And besides, there are also mixed feelings (presented below):



What are the feelings?

Our emotions and feelings are reactions to past or current events. They are a product of thinking, feeling and accumulated experience. Let us consider in more detail what types of feelings there are.

What are the sense organs?

  1. Vision. It is one of the most important sense organs. With its help, a person receives more than 95% of information. It allows you not only to identify an object, but also to understand its location in space, monitor its movement, determine colors and brightness.
  2. Hearing. Allows you to perceive information even at a great distance. Without it, people lose the ability to pronounce articulate speech, and animals cannot escape from predators or detect prey.
  3. Equilibrium. The vestibular apparatus allows you to determine the position of the body and navigate in space. Participates in the implementation of conscious movements.
  4. Taste. Our tongue has taste buds that respond to salty, sweet, sour, bitter, etc. Temperature, pain, olfactory and tactile receptors help recognize taste.
  5. Touch. Feeling objects provides information about the size, surface, shape, density and other properties of the object. A person can learn to recognize the vibrational feeling that he has great importance for deaf people.
  6. Smell. There are olfactory cells in the nose, each of which detects a substance of a certain composition and sends an impulse to the brain. It is worth remembering that volatile and soluble substances can irritate the olfactory cells.

What are the feelings and emotions?

Now you know what feelings are like. We have given a list of the most important emotions of Izard Carroll, a famous American psychologist.


Vladlen Pisarev, private psychologist, online consultations, Moscow: Emotions and feelings: list

In consultations, I often hear from my clients that they cannot name what is happening to them now, what feelings they are experiencing now, because they are not psychologists and do not understand this. Such words cause me a lot of surprise, since everything related to the experience of feelings and emotions is not something special and does not require special training. To realize and express your feelings and emotions you don’t have to be professional psychologist or a psychotherapist. Feelings and emotions appear in us from birth, and then form and develop throughout our lives. Therefore, everything that concerns our feelings and emotions is available to every person. This is what every person lives with.

The emotional part of human life, unfortunately, has not been studied enough. There is no consensus or approach regarding emotions. At the same time, still in some matters mutual language found. Most experts identify such a concept as basic or primary emotions. These are the emotions that represent the material from which our other feelings and emotions are built. Their various combinations lead to the formation of new emotional experiences.

Professionals who study emotions have different approaches to what emotions can be classified as primary. Some believe that only innate emotions are primary. Others, along with them, also include those emotions that arise in an infant as primary. The position of the latter is closer to me. I believe that basic emotions are based on innate emotional reactions, and on emotions that arise after birth within a few months. I include pleasure (joy), interest (excitement), dissatisfaction (anger), surprise, fear (fear), disgust. Primary emotions are those emotions that arise in all people. Normally, all people experience them; this ability can only be lost due to brain injuries or in the presence of certain mental illnesses. You can see how our emotions are formed in the brain here. Their accommodation is available to everyone. The rest are formed in the process of life and growing up, therefore emotional world every person is unique. If you observe children, you will immediately notice that they are more free to express their feelings and emotions, unlike adults. This happens due to the existing ban on the expression of feelings and emotions in adults (environmental influence). This is caused by the high prevalence of alexithymia. If adults helped the development of the emotional sphere in children, and did not hinder them, then each person would be able to freely express their feelings and emotions, live them, name them, and share them with other people. People would more often like to convey their emotional experiences to others, rather than logical reasoning. The richer a person’s emotional world, the more he can get from life. This is an opportunity to live your life more fully, brighter, more interesting. It's like the difference in the sound of a certain melody when playing a guitar in a room, or when a whole orchestra performs in concert hall.

The world of human emotional experiences is very rich. You can compile a list of emotional experiences in different ways, guided by different considerations. Whatever approaches you use in creating this list, you can definitely count more than fifty different emotional states. There are about a hundred of them on my list. So much has accumulated, despite the fact that I do not include in it more complex concepts and states, such as love, excitement, honor, etc., because, along with emotions, they include a lot of other things. These states and concepts are also formed in each person in their own way. Moreover, their set is very unique. Some people have no honor and others have no dignity. Someone, on the contrary, is very proud. It's not about good and bad. It's about genes and environment, who grew up in what. Depending on the environment, the content of these states and concepts is different, in contrast to emotions, the language of which is understandable to completely different people regardless of race, nation or place of residence.

List of feelings and emotions

Hopelessness Security Anxiety Helplessness Powerlessness Frenzy Gratitude Fear Disgust Inspiration Fun Guilt Excitement Indignation Inspiration Delight Admiration Arrogance Anger Pride Grief Bitterness Sadness Trust Annoyance Pity Envy Confusion Shyness Schadenfreude Anger Interest Irony Fear Jubilation Curiosity Vindictiveness Hope Mistrust Dissatisfaction Indignation Tenderness Awkwardness Hatred Dislike Indecisiveness Indecisiveness Impatience Uncertainty Resentment Relief Doom Loneliness Bitterness Animation Puzzle Disgust Fear Emptiness Rejection Disgust Despair Numbness Dazed Panic Sadness Peace Gratitude Elation Protest Joy Irritation Confusion Timidity Sarcasm Sympathy Sorrow Boredom Humility Confusion Doubt Empathy Calm Compassion Sympathy Passion Fear Shame Solemnity Melancholy Anxiety Heaviness Respect Confidence Passion Surprise Satisfaction Pleasure Horror Peace Humiliation Dejection Rapture Damage Vulnerability Euphoria Rage

A man has lost his temper, how to get his feelings back

How to understand that a male colleague is in love but hides his feelings

Many people ask what they are feelings and emotions for your loved one to a person, a guy, a girl or between a man and a woman in psychology. Since it is very useful to express and show your feelings for the person you really love for a long time. Of course, you shouldn’t express your feelings during the first 2-3 meetings, as it will seem strange. But keeping your feelings for a person locked up for several months is dangerous, as he or she may think that you have fallen out of love.

In the article you will learn what feelings and emotions really are for a loved one, between man and woman and to a guy, a girl. Learn to express your feelings, because no one but you knows what’s inside you. You can love a person very much for several years, but keeping it from that person can ultimately lead to separation and divorce. Take care of your relationship and express your feelings on time, but not too early.

Feelings are different, but in order to know the whole list of feelings and emotions, you need to study practical psychology. We will list you only the most basic feelings and emotions. The first thing you need to know is that feelings and emotions are divided into two groups, positive and negative.

Positive feelings and emotions

Positive feelings and emotions include: love, happiness, joy, laughter, pleasure, gratitude, laughter, fun, surprise, reliability, success.

Negative emotions and feelings

Certainly feelings and emotions for your loved one There are different things for a person, a guy or a girl. It can be a simple passion, when there is some sympathy and interest in each other, but nothing more. There is also attachment, when people have been together for a long time, but do not love each other, but cannot get rid of each other. For example, they may be restrained by the opinions of others, children, fear, habit, pity for each other.

If you want to know what are the feelings and emotions between a man and a woman, study psychology. But the most common feelings are: infatuation, sympathy, passion, love, affection, attractiveness, falling in love, betrayal, betrayal, quarrel, deception, selfishness.

After all, there are both positive and negative emotions and feelings between a man and a woman. Alas, today treason and betrayal are more common than love. People often compare each other and therefore begin to cheat, with the hope of finding someone better, which ultimately only leads to suffering and problems.

Perceiving the world, a person expresses his personal attitude towards various objects and phenomena in a unique way. And these are not just judgments, but special complex experiences that are accessible to all of us thanks to a complex of different emotions. Human emotions are one of the most important components personality, performing biological and social functions: make a proactive reflection of reality, play a key role in the formation of relationships with other people.

Human emotions and feelings create a multi-level and multi-dimensional world of emotional phenomena. They characterize a person, reflecting the complexity of his interaction with the outside world. Without understanding yourself, it is impossible to understand others. Developed emotional intelligence creates the possibility of deep relationships with other people, where the highest manifestation of the emotional sphere of the individual is the ability to empathy - penetration into inner world another through an identification mechanism.

Emotions are states that are associated with assessing the significance of factors acting on a person and determining the satisfaction of current needs. They can be an internal indicator of goal achievement. The emotional sphere of a person is very diverse. To better understand it, you should know that emotional phenomena, according to their complexity, can be divided into several levels.

  • Emotional tone of sensations. This is the most basic simple form emotions in the form of fuzzy sensations, a genetically determined experience that does not relate to a specific object, but accompanies vital impressions (taste, pain, temperature). Gives a person different emotional shades.
  • Actually emotions. These are fairly specific states that arise in connection with the satisfaction of needs. They characterize a person’s attitude towards current or possible situations. Among them are the basic emotions inherent in humans. For example, it could be excitement, joy, surprise, suffering, anger, shame. Their different combinations create complex emotions or feelings: anxiety, depression, love.
  • Mood . This is a form of emotion that does not relate to a specific object or event, but has sufficient persistence and can act as an indicator of temperament. The main sign of mood is positive or negative tone.
  • Feelings . These are persistent emotional attitudes towards certain aspects of reality. They are the highest product cultural and emotional development of a person. Feelings can be divided into two groups: sthenic and asthenic. Stenic feelings are positive emotional states associated with the occurrence excitement, activity, vigor. They are a manifestation of preparation for large energy expenditures. Asthenic feelings are associated with experiencing sadness, decreased activity and decreased energy. They are evidence of a refusal to struggle with difficulties in conditions of increased emotional stress.

Now let’s take a closer look at what basic emotions a person has. The famous American psychologist Carroll Izard included the main human emotions in a list of 10 main emotions. They come together in groups and create emotional states and can become the basis psychological type personality.

  1. Interest is a positive emotion that motivates learning and promotes creative activity, has a positive effect on attention and interest in the object of interest.
  2. Joy is the most desirable emotion that appears more like a product actions and certain conditions than the result of the desire to survive it. The state of joy is associated with confidence and self-worth.
  3. Surprise - occurs under the influence of unexpected events, promotes release from previous emotions and directs all attention to the object of surprise.
  4. Suffering is an emotion that causes a state of “decline” internal forces", a feeling of loneliness and self-pity.

  5. Anger is associated with the mobilization of energy, a feeling of strength, courage and self-confidence.
  6. Disgust – causes a desire to get rid of an object, due to the physical or psychological deterioration of this object.
  7. Contempt – serves as a way of preparing for a meeting with a dangerous enemy, and is associated with a sense of one’s own superiority. This is a rather “cold” emotion, which, together with anger and disgust, are often combined in a person’s experiences and create the so-called “hostile triad”.
  8. Fear – arises under the influence of information about a real or fictitious threat, and can be associated with uncertainty and bad premonitions.
  9. Shame – causes a desire to hide, disappear, may be associated with a personal feeling of unworthiness.
  10. Guilt is associated with shame, but shame can arise due to some mistakes, and guilt arises in case of violations of a moral, ethical or religious nature in situations where a person feels personally responsible for the events that occur.

Feeling is the highest manifestation of emotions

Feelings are selective and persistent emotional attitude person. Feelings reflect the basic higher social and spiritual needs of a person. You already know what types of emotions a person has, and now let’s look at the main types of feelings.

Emotional Intelligence and Empathy

Emotional intelligence is a characteristic of the degree of development of a person’s emotional sphere. It includes such personality abilities as recognition of emotional states, accurate assessment of emotions, a tendency to report on the various states of other people, attention to them, and high sensitivity to the needs and feelings of other people.

It ensures the use of knowledge that is based on emotions. This is a special ability to encode and reveal emotional phenomena. A person with highly developed emotional intelligence is able to listen to his own feelings, control emotional outbursts, and be optimistic.

An important trait of a person with developed emotional intelligence is the ability to empathize.

Empathy is feeling, penetration into the inner world of a person, which is based on an intellectual and emotional component. An empathic person is able to perceive the experiences of another person from his position, identifying himself with this person, without losing the clarity of understanding of his own personality. Empathy is an extremely valuable quality in people, professional activity which is associated with close interaction with other people.

Video about human emotions.

The desire to care, protect and give all of oneself is not love as such or feelings, it is rather a consequence of love.

Let's figure out what feelings you may have for your loved one.

Yearning. It's very complicated state of mind. Melancholy - when you spend the day flying by, you think about him and cannot fall asleep until he wishes you pleasant dreams. Melancholy is when you quarreled, and you want to howl because of it. That he is terribly missed.

While experiencing a feeling of melancholy, you may also feel indifference to the world around you, loneliness, grief and sadness,

Joy. Very wonderful feeling, which can be experienced for a loved one.

You rejoice at every little thing that happens in your destiny. In the morning you woke up and the first thing you saw was how sweetly he smiled in his sleep. Isn't this a reason for joy?

Anxiety. When you care what happens to him. You worry about his health and mental state. After all, you love him and wish him only the best.

Confidence. The foundation of a strong and reliable relationship for every couple. Trust is a very fragile feeling that can be lost in one second. And sometimes it can be very difficult to earn it. But, loving hearts able to cope with any difficulty.

Jealousy- the reason for the breakup of loving couples. But this feeling is different quantities inherent in every person. It is necessary to fight it when emotions and feelings of jealousy literally prevent you from living to the fullest. And a very small drop of jealousy can only make a relationship more piquant.

In fact, the list of feelings experienced for a loved one is huge. It will be very difficult to list it in one article. Moreover, each person has his own special ability to feel. Each of us has our own limit of feelings and emotions.

When you love, you can simultaneously feel: love and hate, joy and anger, euphoria and melancholy, sadness and disappointment, gratitude, lightness, trust, or vice versa, Jealousy and fear of losing a loved one, peace or suspicion.

As you can see, the list is varied, although not all feelings are represented. Many people can live their entire lives and, for example, never experience feelings of jealousy or disappointment in a loved one.

It can be argued that there are feelings experienced for a loved one about which we still know nothing, since no one has had to experience it.

It is also very difficult to describe feelings. Using a sea of ​​words to express this or that feeling is stupid. You can communicate your feelings best by simply naming him at the exact moment you feel him.

With age, it becomes more and more difficult for a person to describe his feelings. Whereas small children are simply professionals at this, they do not use loud phrases, but simply sincerely talk about their feelings.

Feelings - they contain limitless energy. When experiencing a feeling of love, a person is capable of the most incredible things. Fragile woman, experiencing a feeling of jealousy, is capable of immobilizing a huge man with one blow.

We can safely say that feelings are not subject to reason. They are so strong that a person loses the ability to think and reflect. He is completely at the mercy of the senses. A person capable of feeling is also capable of changing under the influence of feelings and emotions.

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