Program schedule for 31.12 all channels. Petrovsky news

On the website there is a program schedule for December 31, 2017, a TV program for December 31, 2017 CHANNEL ONE | FIRST HD, RUSSIA 1, TV CENTER (TVC), NTV, CULTURE, MATCH TV, HOME, REN-TV, STS, TNT, STAR, CHE (PERETS), TV-3, PETERSBURG - FIFTH CHANNEL, OTR, TV1000, DISNEY CHANNEL, FRIDAY!, U, TNT4.


06.00 News
06.10 "Jumble"
06.45 Comedy "Carnival night 2, or 50 years later"
10.00 News
10.15 Film "The Irony of Fate. Continuation"
12.40 Main New Year's concert
13.40 Film " Love affair at work"
15.00 News
15.10 "Office romance." Continuation
16.50 Film " Caucasian captive, or Shurik's New Adventures"
18.25 "The best!"
21.15 Film "Ivan Vasilyevich changes profession"
23.00 New year's night on the first
23.55 New Year's greetings President Russian Federation Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin
00.00 New Year's Eve on First


04.20 "New Year's matchmakers"
06.25 Film "Girls"
08.25 "Best songs". Festive concert
10.25 Film "Operation "Y" and other adventures of Shurik"
12.20 "Kings of Laughter"
14.00 News
14.20 Film "Gentlemen of Fortune"
16.10 Film "The Irony of Fate, or Enjoy Your Bath!"
20.00 Film "The Diamond Arm"
21.55 "New Year's Parade of Stars"

00.00 New Year's Blue Light - 2018


05.40 Film "Come see me..."
07.40 Film "Casual Acquaintances"
09.35 "Injection with an umbrella." Comedy (France)
11.30 Events
11.45 "Dog Barbos and an unusual cross", "Moonshiners". Comedies by Leonid Gaidai
12.20 D/f "Yuri Nikulin. I'm not a coward, but I'm afraid!"
13.30 Film "Shirley Myrli"
14.30 Events
14.45 "Shirley-myrli". Continuation of the film
16.30 "The Taming of the Shrew." Comedy (Italy)
18.40 "New Year with home delivery." Humorous concert
20.30 "Evenings on a farm near Dikanka." Comedy
21.35 Film "Morozko"
23.00 New Year V live
23.35 New Year live

00.00 New Year live
01.00 "It can't be." Comedy
02.35 Film "Cinderella"
04.00 "Fantômas". Comedy (France)

04.50 Film "New Year's Tale for Adults"
06.00 New Year's comedy"Miracle in Crimea"
08.00, 10.00, 16.00 "Today"
08.20 "Their Manners"
08.40 "Through the mouth of a baby"
09.25 "Eating at home"
10.20 "First gear"
11.00 "Miracle of technology." New Year's edition
11.55 "Dacha response"
13.00 T/s "Dog"
16.20 T/s "Dog"
22.00 "Super New Year"
23.55 New Year's address from the President of the Russian Federation V.V. Putin
00.00 "Super New Year"
01.20 Autoradio Festival "Disco 80s"


06.30 "The song doesn't say goodbye... 1971"
07.15 Film "Volga-Volga"
09.00 Film "The Nutcracker"
10.20 "Ordinary concert with Eduard Efirov"
10.50 Film "Formula of Love"
12.15 D/f " Best dads in nature"
13.10 All-Russian festival folk art"Together we are Russia"
15.10 Film "Peter FM"
16.40 Film "Leonid Gaidai... and a little about diamonds"
17.20 "The song does not say goodbye...". Selected pages of "Songs of the Year"
19.15 International festival circus art in Monte Carlo. Anniversary gala concert
21.10 Film "Hello, I'm your aunt!"
22.50 New Year on the channel "Russia - Culture" with Vladimir Spivakov
23.55 New Year's address from the President of the Russian Federation V.V. Putin
00.00 New Year on the channel "Russia - Culture" with Vladimir Spivakov
01.20 "The song does not say goodbye... 1976-1977"
02.45 Film "Once upon a time there was a dog"


06.30 Mixed martial arts. UFC. Christiana Giustino vs Holly Holm. Khabib Nurmagomedov vs. Edson Barboza
08.30 Film "Lone Wolf McQuade"
10.30 "Football year. 2017"
11.15 News
11.20 "Mad Drying"
11.50 Everyone for the Match! Events of the year
12.20 News
12.25 Skiing. "Tour de Ski". Men. 15 km
13.55 Everyone for the Match!
14.55 Football. English Championship. Crystal Palace - Manchester City
16.55 Skiing. "Tour de Ski". Women. 10 km
18.15 Mixed martial arts. UFC. Khabib Nurmagomedov vs Edson Barboza
19.25 Football. English Championship. West Bromwich - Arsenal
21.25 Film "Highlander"
23.35 Victory mood
23.55 New Year's address from the President of the Russian Federation V.V. Putin
00.05 Hockey. World Championship among youth teams. USA - Finland
02.30 D/f "Long Exchange"
04.00 Hockey. World Championship among youth teams. Russia - Sweden


06.30 "Home cooking".
07.30 "6 frames". Sketch show
07.55 Film "Once Upon a Time Twenty Years Later"
09.25 Film "I Can't Say Goodbye"
11.10 Film "Women's Intuition"
13.30 Film "Women's Intuition"
16.05 Film "You Can't Have Mercy to Marry"
20.00 Film "2018: Predictions"
23.55 "New Year's address from the President of the Russian Federation V.V. Putin"
00.05 Concert "20 years on the road"
00.30 Concert "20 years on the road"
02.30 Drama "2018: Predictions"
06.10 "6 frames". Sketch show

05.00 "Territory of Delusions with Igor Prokopenko"
06.15 Film "Super-mother-in-law for a loser"
08.00 Concert "Encyclopedia of Stupidity"
11.00 Concert "Doctor Zador"
13.00 Music Marathon"Legends of Retro FM"

00.00 Music marathon "Legends of Retro FM"

06.00 Film "Keepers of Dreams"
07.50 M/s "Three cats"
08.05 M/s "Tales of Shrek's Swamp", "Kung Fu Panda. Incredible secrets", "Funny Stories"
09.10 M/f " The Snow Queen"
10.40 "Coraline in the land of nightmares." Full-length animated film. USA, 2009
12.35 "Men in Black". Fantastic comedy. USA, 1997
14.20 "Men in Black 2". Fantastic comedy. USA, 2002
16.00 Show " Ural dumplings"
16.30 "Men in Black-3". Fantastic comedy. USA, 2012
18.30 Show "Ural dumplings" New Year's marathon"
20.10 Show "Ural dumplings". Tangerines, go ahead!"
22.00 "New ode, children and all, all, all!"
23.55 "New Year's address by the President of the Russian Federation V.V. Putin"
00.00 "New ode, children and all, all, all!"
02.00 Show "Ural dumplings" New Year's marathon"
05.50 "Music on STS"

06.00 Cartoons
08.00 Program “Doctor Komarovsky’s School”
08.30 Cartoons
09.15 Film “The Secret of the Four Princesses”, Russia, 2014
11.00 Cartoons
23.00 “The best songs of our cinema”
23.50 “New Year’s address from the President”
00.00 “The best songs of our cinema”


06.10 " Scarlet Sails». Feature Film(Mosfilm, 1961)
07.35 “Restless housekeeping.” Feature film (Mosfilm, 1946)
09.00 News. Main. 2017
10.00 “Access code”
10.40 “Military acceptance. Syria. Results"
11.25 “Conspiracy theory.” "Prohibition" of war. When whiskey is scarier than guns..."
12.05 “Secret folder”. Documentary series. “Atomic breakthrough. Kurchatov's formula"
12.45 “Legends of the army with Alexander Marshal.” Semyon Budyonny
13.00 News of the day
13.15 “Legends of the army with Alexander Marshal.” Semyon Budyonny
13.40 “Legends of Space.” Alexey Leonov
14.20 “Legends of the Circus with Edgard Zapashny.” Grant Ibragimov
14.50 “Legends of Cinema”. Leonid Kuravlev
15.30 “Legends of Music”. Eduard Khil
15.55 “Last day”. Georgy Millyar
16.40 “Mysteries of the century with Sergei Medvedev.” Documentary series.”Orlova and Alexandrov. Behind the scenes of the family"
17.20 “Evidence from the past.” "The Mystery of Jesus"
18.00 News of the day
18.15 “NOT A FACT!” “Ermak. Conqueror of Siberia"
18.40 “Soldier Ivan Brovkin.” Feature film (film named after M. Gorky, 1955)
20.10 “Ivan Brovkin in the virgin lands.” Feature film (film named after M. Gorky, 1958)
21.45 “Heavenly Slug.” Feature film (Lenfilm, 1945)
23.00 “Song for all times.” Festive concert
00.00 " Big change" TV series (Mosfilm, 1972)
04.30 “The Marriage of Balzaminov.” Feature film (Mosfilm, 1964)
05.15 Cartoons

07.00 "TNT. Best". Program
07.30 "TNT. Best". Program
08.00 "TNT. Best". Program
08.30 "TNT. Best". Program
09.00 "Dom-2. Lite"
10.00 "House-2. Island of Love." Reality show
11.00 "Dancing" - "Final". Program
13.00 "Comedy Club" - "New Year's Special. Part 1." Stand-up comedy
14.00 "Comedy Club". Stand-up comedy
15.00 "Comedy Club". Stand-up comedy
16.00 "Comedy Club" - "New Year's edition of "Karaoke Star". Part 1"
17.00 "Comedy Club" - "New Year's edition of "Karaoke Star". Part 2"
18.00 "Where is the logic?" - "New Year's Edition"
19.00 "Comedy Woman" - "New Year's issue."
19.30 "Comedy Woman" - "New Year's Special".
20.00 "Improvisation" - "New Year's Edition"
21.00 "Studio Soyuz Show" - "New Year's Edition".
22.00 "Once Upon a Time in Russia" - "New Year's Edition"
23.00 "Comedy Club" - "New Year's Special"
23.55 New Year's address from the President of the Russian Federation V.V. Putin
00.05 "Comedy Club" "New Year's Special"
01.00 "Comedy Club" - "New Year's edition of "Karaoke Star". Part 1"
02.00 "Comedy Club" - "New Year's edition of "Karaoke Star". Part 2"
03.00 "Comedy Club". Stand-up comedy
04.00 "Comedy Club". Stand-up comedy
05.00 "Comedy Club" - "New Year's Special. Part 1." Stand-up comedy
06.00 "Comedy Club" - "New Year's Special. Part 2." Stand-up comedy


06.00 “100 Greats”
07.30 Cartoons
08.30 “Hearts of Three”. Adventure film Ukraine, 1997
13.40 “Visiting Mikhail Zadornov”
16.00 Concert of Mikhail Zadornov “Fun Day”
20.00 New Year's Perky Anniversary
23.55 New Year's address from the President
00.05 “Best hits of the 90s”

06.10 “Now You See Me 2.” USA/China/UK/Canada, crime thriller, 2016
08.40 “Knight of Cups.” USA, melodrama, 2015
11.05 “Family Man”. USA, romantic comedy, 2000
13.25 “Sensation”. USA/UK, comedy, 2006
15.25 "Snow White: Revenge of the Dwarves." USA/Canada, adventure fairy tale, 2012
17.35 “Now You See Me 2.” USA/China/UK/Canada, crime thriller, 2016
20.10 " Real love" UK, romantic comedy, 2003
22.45 "Aliens 3: Taking of the Bastille." France/Belgium/Czech Republic, fantasy comedy, 2016
01.05 “Pride and Prejudice.” France/UK/USA, melodrama, 2005
03.30 “Seven years in Tibet.” US/UK, drama, 1997


07.00 Feature film “ Snow fairy tale»
08.05 Feature film “Mary Poppins, goodbye!” Episode 1 “Lady Perfection”, Episode 2 “The Week Ends on Wednesday”
10.35 Feature film “Crying Forward!”
12.15 Feature film “The Serf Actress”
15.00 News
15.05 Feature film “The Snow Queen” (continued)
15.45 Feature film "d"Artagnan and the Three Musketeers." Episode 1 "Athos, Porthos, Aramis and d"Artagnan"
16.00 News
16.05 Feature film "d"Artagnan and the Three Musketeers." Episode 1 "Athos, Porthos, Aramis and d"Artagnan" (continued)
17.00 News
17.05 Feature film "d"Artagnan and the Three Musketeers." Episode 1 "Athos, Porthos, Aramis and d"Artagnan" (end)
17.20 Feature film "D"Artagnan and the Three Musketeers." Episode 2 "The Queen's Pendants"
18.00 News
18.05 Feature film "D"Artagnan and the Three Musketeers." Episode 2 "The Queen's Pendants" (end)
19.00 Information and analytical program “Reflection of the Year”
20.10 Feature film "D"Artagnan and the Three Musketeers." Episode 3 "The Adventure Continues"
21.20 Feature film “Showcase”
22.35 Feature film “Ah, vaudeville, vaudeville...”
23.55 New Year's address from the President of the Russian Federation V.V. Putin
00.00 New Year's concert"Masquerade"
04.30 Feature film " An ordinary miracle»


05.00 “Masha and the Bear”. Animated series
11.05 “Three from Prostokvashino”, “Holidays in Prostokvashino”, “Winter in Prostokvashino”. Cartoons
12.00 “My Soviet New Year.” Documentary
13.20 “Soviet-style education.” Documentary
14.15 “Work the Soviet way.” Documentary
15.00 “My Soviet communal apartment.” Documentary
15.50 “Soviet-style stage”. Documentary
16.40 “The President and his granddaughter.” Comedy (Russia, 1999)
18.40 “Sportloto-82”. Comedy (USSR, 1982)
20.30 “It can’t be!” Comedy (USSR, 1975)
22.25 “Carnival night”. Comedy, musical (USSR, 1956)
23.55 New Year's address from the President of the Russian Federation V.V. Putin
00.00 “My Soviet Irony of Fate.” Documentary
01.05 “Drink the Soviet way.” Documentary
02.00 “Soviet-style cultural enlightenment.” Documentary
02.50 “Rock and roll in the Soviet way.” Documentary
03.40 “Soviet-style hostel.” Documentary film 06.40 “Mickey Mouse Club: Winter Bow Ball.” specialist. animated series episode
07.30 “Doctor Plyusheva.” Animated series
08.15 “Miles from Another Planet.” Animated series
08.45 “PJ Masks”. Animated series
09.10 “Elena - Princess of Avalor.” Animated series
09.40 “Sofia the First”. Animated series
10.40 “Guardian Lion”. Animated series
11.05 “Mickey and the Fun Races.” Animated series
11.35 “Friendly pugs.” Animated series
12.05 “Jingles”. Animated series
12.25 "Mickey: It's Christmas Time Again." Cartoon
13.30 “Frozen: Northern Lights.” Animated series
14.00 “Lady Bug and Super-Cat.” Animated series
14.25 "Fairies: Mystery" winter forest" Cartoon
15.55 “Fairies: The Mystery of the Pirate Island.” Cartoon
17.15 "Ratatouille". Cartoon
19.30 “Olaf and the Cold Adventure.” Cartoon
19.55 "Beauty and the Beast: A Wonderful Christmas." Cartoon
21.20 " Magic world Belle." Cartoon
23.35 “Olaf and the Cold Adventure.” Cartoon
23.55 New Year's address from the President of the Russian Federation V.V. Putin
00.05 "Rapunzel: The Road to a Dream." Specialist. animated series episode
01.05 “Rapunzel: New story" Animated series
04.55 Music on the Disney Channel

05:00 Comedy Club Classic
06:00 Comedy Club Classic
07:00 Comedy Club Classic
08:50 Comedy Club. The best
09:00 Repair school
10:00 Comedy Woman Classic
11:00 Comedy Woman Classic
12:00 Comedy Woman Classic
13:00 Comedy Woman Classic
14:00 Comedy Woman Classic
15:00 Comedy Woman Classic
16:00 "The most best movie". (16+).
17:50 Comedy Club. The best
18:00 Comedy Club Classic
18:30 Comedy Club Classic
19:00 Comedy Club Classic
20:00 Comedy Club Classic
21:00 Comedy Club Classic
22:00 Comedy Special project. Fairy tales
23:00 Our Russia
23:30 Our Russia
23:55 Speech by the President
00:00 Our Russia
00:30 Our Russia
01:00 Our Russia
01:30 Killer Night (New Year's Edition)
02:00 Killer League (New Year)
03:00 Killer League (New Year)
04:00 Killer League (New Year)

New Year is considered a family holiday, which is usually celebrated in a cozy atmosphere. During this period, New Year's programs are broadcast on all channels to improve mood.

Where and what can you see?

On the First National Channel at 12:30 the “Main New Year’s Concert” will take place, at 23:00 and 00:00 “New Year’s Night on Channel One”. Channel Russia will show “Best Songs” 8:25, “Kings of Laughter” 12:20, “New Year’s Parade of Stars” 21:55 and “New Year’s Blue Light” at midnight. STS will boast the show “Ural dumplings. New Year's Marathon and Tangerines, go!”, which will take place at 17:30 and 19:10.

The television audience will be delighted by the program “New Year, children and all, all, all!” 21:00 and 23:00. NTV will give viewers a “Super New Year” at exactly 10 and 12 pm. From TV Center you can expect a humorous concert “New Year with home delivery” 18:40, “N.G. live" 23:00 and 00:00.

The Russia Culture channel will present fans with the show “The Song Doesn’t Say Goodbye...” at 17:20, while TV-3 will show off “The Best Songs of Our Cinema,” which will be broadcast closer to midnight at 11 and 12 o’clock. TNT will enchant you with the New Year's edition of “Once Upon a Time in Russia”, 22:00, and the channel CH Peretz with its “New Year's Perky Anniversary” at 20:00.

In addition to the suggested holiday programs, users of Internet resources will be able to enjoy “Full House – Old New Year”, Comedy release Club and “Humor of the Year”.

Depending on the preferences of TV viewers, you can choose any program that will improve your well-being, make you smile and take your mind off everyday life. From the color TV screens and computer monitors will pour beautiful voices stars, the curtain will open New Year's magic. For the youngest TV viewers you can watch New Year's tales and animated films.

Friends, due to technical reasons, three days were lost from the program published in the issue of “PV”. We apologize to you! We, honestly, didn't want to! We publish the three missing days on the site. Happy holidays to you! Health to you and your loved ones, peace to your home!



5.00 Good morning

9.00, 12.00, 15.00 News

9.20 Test purchase

9.50 Life is great! (12+)

10.55 Fashionable verdict

12.15, 15.10 Film " A HEDGEHOG CAME OUT OF THE MIST...» (16+)

16.00 Alone with everyone (16+)

17.00 Men's / Women's (16+)

18.00 Evening news

18.40 Man and the law

19.45 Field of Miracles

23.45 Evening Urgant (16+)

0.30 City slickers (16+)

1.30 Film « SICILIAN CLAN» (16+)

3.50 Film « LADDER» (16+)


5.00, 9.15 Morning Russia

5.07-8.35, 11.40, 14.40, 17.25, 20.45 Local time

9.00, 11.00, 14.00, 20.00 News

9.55 About the most important things (12+)

11.55 T/s " MATCHBOARDS» (12+)


16.15 Film " MISALLIANCE» (16+)

21.00 T/s " SECRETS OF INVESTIGATION-16» (12+)

0.55 Canvas " RICH MASHA» (16+)


6.30 Euronews

7.00 Good morning, Stavropol region

10.00, 15.00, 19.30, 0.15 Culture news

10.20 Film “Cinema Hero. The Age of Russian Hoax"

11.15, 20.50 Film « CINDERELLA-80»

12.50 Film “Johann Kepler”

13.00 On foot...

13.30 Remembering Ernst Neizvestny. Notorious Unknown

14.10 In the wake of mystery. Man of the Age of Dinosaurs


16.25 D/f “Stanislav Govorukhin. Monologues of a film director"

17.20 International music festivals

18.55 Film “Gwynedd. Welsh castles of Edward the First"

19.10 Good night, kids!

19.45 Main role

20.05 D/s “Vladimir Spivakov. Dialogues with Solomon Volkov"

22.30 Gala concert at Palace Square St. Petersburg


1.55 International Circus Festival in Monte Carlo


5.00 T/s « ADVOCATE» (16+)

6.00 New morning

7.30 Julia Vysotskaya Studio (0+)

8.00, 10.00, 13.00, 16.00, 19.00 Today

8.05 T/s " RETURN OF MUKHTAR» (16+)

10.20 T/s " FORESTER» (16+)

12.00 Jury trial (16+)

13.25 Review. Emergency

14.00 Meeting point

16.25 T/s " STREETS OF BROKEN LAMPS» (16+)

18.00 Talking and showing (16+)

19.40 You won't believe it! (16+)


22.40 International sawmill (16+)

23.30 Film " LIFE IS JUST BEGINNING» (16+)

3.35 Their morals (0+)

4.00 T/s « Emergency - EMERGENCY» (16+)


5.05, 10.30, 12.30, 16.00, T/s " ETERNAL CALL» (16+)

10.00, 12.00, 15.30, 18.30 Now

19.00-0.40 T/C " TRACK» (16+)

1.30-5.30 T/s " DETECTIVES» (16+)


6.00, 9.00 Documentary project (16+)

7.00 Happy morning! (16+)

8.30, 12.30, 16.30, 19.30 News (16+)

12.00, 16.00, 19.00 “Information 112” (16+)

13.00 Dinner party (16+)

14.00 Film " FIRE FROM THE HELL» (16+)

17.00, 3.00 Chapman Mysteries (16+)

18.00, 1.00 The most shocking hypotheses (16+)

20.00 The Russians are coming (16+)

22.00 Everyone watch! (16+)

23.00 “We all learned a little.” Concert of Mikhail Zadornov (16+)

2.00 Strange thing (16+)

3.50 Secret territories (16+)


6.00 M/s “Little Penguin Pororo”

6.50, 8.05 M/s “The Great Spider-Man”

7.45 M/s “Three cats”

8.30, 9.00, 9.30, 19.00, 19.30 Ural dumplings (16+)

9.40 Film « MOMS-3» (16+)

11.30 T/s " SHIP» (16+)

13.30 T/s " KITCHEN» (16+)

15.30, 18.00 T/s " VORONINY» (16+)

21.00 Film " A GIFT WITH CHARACTER» (16+)

22.45 Film " ZGannet» (16+)

0.35 Canvas " HOLIDAY LOCKED UP» (16+)

2.10 Film " SWAP PLACES» (16+)

4.20 Film " JUNGLE» (12+)


6.00 Mood

8.00 New Year in Soviet cinema (12+)

8.50, 11.50 Film "BIG CHANGE"(6+)

11.30, 14.30, 22.00 Events

14.50 News City

15.15 Film " SEARCH WOMAN» (12+)

18.15 Film "PRETTERS" (12+)

20.05 Film " RANDOM ACQUAINTANCES» (16+)

22.30 Comedians' Shelter (12+)





6.00, 10.00, 12.00, 15.00 News

6.10 Yeralash

7.00 Film « STRIPED FLIGHT» (12+)

8.45 New Year's calendar

12.15 Film "" (12+)

14.10, 15.15 Film " THE DIAMOND ARM» (12+)


16.40 Film " Moonshiners» (12+)

17.00 Film " GENTLEMEN OF FORTUNE» (12+)

18.45 Film "!" (12+)

22.30, 0.00 New Year's Eve on First (16+)

2.00 Legends “Retro FM”


5.15 Film " SORCERERS» (12+)


10.00 “Best songs”. Festive concert

11.50 T/s " MATCHBOARDS» (12+)

14.00 News

14.20 Film " CARNIVAL NIGHT» (12+)

15.55 Kings of laughter (16+)

18.20 Film "" (12+)

20.00 Film "" (12+)

21.50 New Year's Parade of Stars

23.55 New Year's address from the President of the Russian Federation V.V. Putin

0.00 New Year's blue light 2017


6.30 Euronews


11.25 More than love

12.10 Kubansky Cossack choir at the concert “Cossacks of the Russian Empire”

13.30 International Circus Festival in Monte Carlo

14.30 Film " IDEAL HUSBAND»

16.05 Why are you laughing, or Classics of the genre

16.40, 1.30 Joe Dassin. Concert at Olympia

17.40 “Blue Bird”. The final

21.05 Film " LOVE FORMULA»

22.40, 0.00 New Year on the Culture channel with Vladimir Spivakov

23.55 New Year's address from the President of the Russian Federation V.V. Putin

2.25 Cartoons



8.00, 10.00 Today

8.20 Cooking with Alexey Zimin (0+)

8.50, 10.20 Film « ARGENTINA» (16+)

13.00 Food alive and dead (12+)

14.00 Own game (0+)

15.00 All stars on New Year's Eve (16+)

17.00 Film " THE BEST DAY»

19.00 Central Television

20.00 New Year's billion

22.30 Live New Year

23.55 New Year's address from the President of the Russian Federation V.V. Putin

0.00 Live New Year

0.50 Disco 80s (12+)


5.55 Cartoons

10.45 Film “My Soviet New Year”

12.00 Now

12.25-23.15 T/s " TRACK»

23.55 New Year's address from the President of the Russian Federation V.V. Putin

0.00 Legends of PETPO-FM. Disco 80s (12+)

2.05 Festive concert (12+)

4.20 Super disco of the 90s (12+)


5.00 Territory of Delusions (16+)

8.40 Film « KHOTTABYCH» (12+)

10.30 “We all learned a little.” Concert of Mikhail Zadornov (16+)

12.30 A military secret (16+)

17.00, 0.00 Music marathon “Legends of Retro FM” (16+)

23.55 New Year's address from the President of the Russian Federation V.V. Putin


6.00 M/s “Little Penguin Pororo”

6.55 Film « ISLAND OF LUCK» (16+)

8.30 M/s "Smeshariki"

9.00 M/s “Fixies”

9.15 M/s “Three cats”

9.30 Russo tourist (16+)

10.30 Catch up in 24 hours (16+)

11.30 M/s “Christmas Stories”

11.45 T/s " HOTEL ELEON» (16+)

13.45 Film " BACK TO THE FUTURE» (16+)

16.00, 18.35, 22.55, 0.00, 0.35, 4.55 Ural dumplings (16+)

16.30 Film " BACK TO THE FUTURE-2» (16+)

23.55 New Year's address from the President of the Russian Federation V.V. Putin (0+)

5.40 Music on STS (16+)



7.20 Film "THE SNOW QUEEN" (0+)

8.40 Film « ON THE EVE OF MAGIC» (12+)

9.45 Film « COUNT OF MONTECRISTO» (12+)

13.45 Film " ONLY GIRLS IN JAZZ» (12+)

16.10 Film " THE MAN IN MY HEAD» (12+)


19.55 Film " TIGER TAMER» (6+)

21.35 Film " MOROZKO» (12+)

23.00 New Year live

23.30 New Year's greetings from Moscow Mayor S.S. Sobyanin

23.35 New Year live

23.55 New Year's address from the President of the Russian Federation V.V. Putin

0.00 New Year live

1.00 X/f "TAMING OF THE SHREW"(12+)

2.45 Film "BLUFF"(12+)

Happy New Year! January 1, 2017



5.40 FIRST home


8.40, 10.10 Film " IRONY OF FATE OR ENJOY YOUR BATH!” (12+)

10.00, 12.00 News

12.15 Film " THE DIAMOND ARM» (12+)

13.50 Film « GENTLEMEN OF FORTUNE» (12+)

15.20 Best of all!

18.00 Evening news

18.15 KVN. Anniversary issue (16+)

20.15 Exactly (16+)




4.00 Film « ONE EVENING ON THE TRAIN» (1+)


5.00 “Best songs”. Festive concert

6.35 Film "Masha and the Bear"

7.05 Film " GOLDEN BRIDE» (12+)


11.40 Film " GIRLS» (12+)

13.25 Song of the year

14.00, 20.00 News

14.20 Song of the year



20.30 Humor of the year (16+)

22.50 Film « YOLKI-3» (12+)

0.30 Film « YOLKI-2» (12+)

2.15 Film " SORCERERS» (12+)


6.30 Euronews

10.00 Ordinary concert with Eduard Efirov

10.40 Film " SORCERERS»

13.15 World premiere. New Year's Concert of the Vienna Philharmonic Orchestra 2017

15.50, 1.55 D/f « Winter's Tale. Voyage of Polar Owls"

16.40 Film " LOVE FORMULA»

18.15 Ogonyok. Imperishable

21.20 Film " MILLIONAIRE»

22.55 Luciano Pavarotti and friends. The best

0.05 “Russian Seasons” at the International Circus Festival in Monte Carlo

1.10 Cartoons

2.40 Film “Reims Cathedral. Faith, greatness and beauty"


5.00 New Year's hit parade (0+)

5.40 Film « LIFE IS JUST BEGINNING» (16+)

8.50 “Let’s start the magic clock.” Concert of the children's ensemble "Domisolka" (0+)

10.25 Film " LOVE ME» (16+)

12.00 Lottery “Happy Morning” (0+)


16.20 Once upon a time... (16+)

17.10 Film " NEW YEAR'S TALE FOR ADULTS» (16+)

18.00 The investigation was conducted... On New Year's Day (16+)

19.00 Today

19.20 Film " IN THE ACCESS ZONE OF LOVE» (16+)

21.00 Film " THE BEST DAY» (16+)

22.40 “Hands up!” 20 years". Concert (12+)

0.15 Canvas " ZIGZAG OF LUCK» (12+)

1.40 Film « ARGENTINA» (16+)

4.45 T/s " Emergency - EMERGENCY» (16+)


6.00 Stars of “Road Radio” (12+)

8.00 Film “Masha and the Bear”

12.00, 12.50 Drama “My Soviet Childhood”

13.40, 14.30 Drama “My Soviet Youth”

15.20, 16.10, 16.55 Drama “My Soviet Youth”

17.45 Film “My Soviet New Year”

18.45 Film " CARNIVAL NIGHT» (12+)

19.55 Film " SPORTLOTO-82» (12+)

21.25 Film " MEN!..” (12+)



1.25 Festive concert (12+)


5.00 Music marathon “Legends of Retro FM” (16+)

19.00 “Russia will never be with the mind...”. Concert of Mikhail Zadornov (16+)

20.30 Film " THREE BOGATYRS: KNOW MOVE» (12+)



23.50 Film « LITTLE LONGNOSE» (12+)

1.10 The most shocking hypotheses (16+)


6.00 Yeralash

6.45 Film " A GIFT WITH CHARACTER» (16+)

8.30 M/s "Smeshariki"

9.00 M/s “Christmas Stories”

9.20 Film " BACK TO THE FUTURE» (16+)

11.40 Film " BACK TO THE FUTURE-2» (16+)

13.45 Film " BACK TO THE FUTURE-3» (16+)

16.00, 17.00 Ural dumplings (16+)

18.30 Film " FIFTH ELEMENT» (16+)


23.10 Film " EXCHANGE LEAVE» (16+)

1.45 Film « BEVERLY HILLS COP 2» (16+)

3.45 Film " BEVERLY HILLS COP 3» (16+)

5.40 Music on STS (16+)


4.40 X/F "12 CHAIRS" (12+)

7.15 Film " HIS BUTLER'S SISTER» (12+)

8.50 New Year's cartoon parade

9.30 Film « VIOLATION OF THE RULES» (12+)

12.30 Film "PRETTERS"(12+)

14.10 New Year with home delivery

15.05 Film "TOY" (12+)

16.40 Film " COUNT OF MONTE CRISTO» (12+)

19.45 Film "BIG FOOT" (16+)

21.30 Comedians' Shelter (12+)

23.05 Film "SHIRLEY-MYRLEY"(12+)

1.25 Film « GOLDEN CALF» (12+)

4.15 Lion Izmailov and all-all-all (12+)

  • Sadness 1
  • Joy 1
  • Anger 0
  • Surprise 1
  • Delight 0

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We tell you when and what buttons to press on the remote control on the last day of the outgoing year to switch to the holiday.

On the last day of the expiring year, all the main channels of Russia traditionally delight their loyal viewers with good old Soviet comedies, and also show best concerts with the brightest artists of our stage. Without this, Olivier cannot be cut, and the smell of tangerines is not so fragrant.

Channel One will launch a comedy marathon Leonid Gaidai, on “Russia 1” they will sing and laugh, and TV-3 will teach you how to make wishes correctly so that they definitely come true. But that is not all. We announce the entire list of what else you can watch on December 31 in the afternoon in our review.

The cult Soviet adaptation of the fairy tale will begin the holiday on the TV Center channel Hans Christian Andersen « The Snow Queen" IN leading role- Honored Artist of Russia Elena Proklova. The film tells about the boy Kai, who was kidnapped by the cruel Snow Queen, and the girl Gerda, who decided to return her named brother at any cost. By the way, it was this film that made 12-year-old Proklova a real movie star. As the artist admitted, after filming she was literally inundated with scripts.

Still from the film “The Snow Queen”

"The Man in My Head" is fabulous New Year's story, wherein main character faces an inexplicable phenomenon. On December 31, having fallen at the skating rink, she loses consciousness and ends up in the hospital. However, having come to her senses, the woman begins to feel the presence of an unknown male voice in your head. They begin to communicate: they quarrel, make peace, consult. Finally, she falls in love with him, and he disappears. At the same time, a famous TV presenter regains consciousness in the hospital...

Still from the film “The Man in My Head”

Still from the show “Comedy Club”

Channel "Che"

"KVN. New Year" (at 13:30)

For more than 50 years, the most talented and funniest KVN teams have taken the stage to lift the spirits of the whole country. The “Che” channel will begin the holiday by broadcasting the brightest and most memorable New Year’s episodes of the Cheerful and Resourceful Club. Contestants will make witty jokes, improvise, sing, dance and beg the jury for the highest score! And in the company of young, cheerful and resourceful people you definitely won’t be bored.

Still from the show “KVN. New Year"

“New Year’s Zadornov” (at 17:30)

After KVN, Mikhail Zadornov will continue to entertain TV viewers. The guru of humor and sarcasm will share personal observations of politics in the country, the peculiarities of the Russian New Year's table and, of course, will say a few “ kind words"about overseas neighbors.

06:00 News

06:10 New Year's Jumble

06:45 Carnival night-2, or 50 years later

10:00 News with subtitles

10:15 Irony of fate. Continuation

12:30 Main New Year's concert

13:40 Office romance

15:00 News with subtitles

15:10 Office romance

16:50 Captive of the Caucasus, or New Adventures of Shurik

18:25 "The best!" New Year's edition

21:15 Ivan Vasilyevich is changing his profession

23:00 New Year's Eve on First

00:00 New Year's Eve on First

TV program for December 31, 2017 in Russia 1

06:25 Girls

08:25 "Best songs." Festive concert

10:25 "Operation "Y" and other adventures of Shurik"

12:20Kings of laughter

14:00 News

14:20Gentlemen of Fortune

16:10 Irony of fate, or Enjoy Your Bath!

20:00 Diamond Arm

21:55 New Year's Parade of Stars

23:55 New Year's address from the President of the Russian Federation V.V. Putin

00:00 New Year's Blue Light 2018

TV program for December 31, 2017 on NTV

06:00Miracle in Crimea

08:00 Today

08:20Their morals

08:40 Through the mouth of a baby

09:25 Eating at home

10:00 Today

10:20First gear

11:00 "A miracle of technology." New Year's edition

13:00 Dog-2 (" old friend", "Mrs. X", "At the Bottom", "Star", "Game", "Movie Star", "Shine", "Ghosts of the Past")

16:00 Today

16:20Dog-2 (New neighbor)

22:00 Super New Year

23:55 New Year's address from the President of the Russian Federation V.V. Putin

00:00 Super New Year

TV program for December 31, 2017 on TV Center

05:05 Cover (Big Beauty)

05:40 Come see me...

07:40 Casual acquaintances

09:35 Injection with an umbrella

11:30 Events

11:45 "Dog Barbos and an unusual cross." "Moonshiners"

12:20 Yuri Nikulin. I'm not a coward, but I'm afraid!

13:30 Shirley-myrley

14:30 Events

14:45 Shirley-myrley

16:35 Taming of the Shrew

18:40 "New Year with home delivery." Humorous concert

20:30 Evenings on a farm near Dikanka

21:35 Morozko

23:00 New Year live

23:30 New Year's greetings from Moscow Mayor S.S. Sobyanin

23:35 New Year live

23:55 New Year's address from the President of the Russian Federation V.V. Putin

00:00 New Year live

01:00 It can’t be!

02:35 Cinderella


TV program for December 31, 2017 on the Culture channel

06:30 The song doesn't say goodbye... (1971)

07:15 Volga-Volga


10:20Ordinary concert with Eduard Efirov

10:50 Formula of love

12:15 The best dads in nature

13:10 All-Russian folk art festival "Together we are Russia"

15:10 Peter FM

16:40 “Leonid Gaidai... and a little about “diamonds”

17:20The song does not say goodbye... (Selected pages of "Song of the Year")

19:15 International Festival of Circus Arts in Monte Carlo. Anniversary gala concert

21:10 Hello, I'm your aunt!

22:50 New Year on the Russia-Culture channel with Vladimir Spivakov

23:55 New Year's address from the President of the Russian Federation V.V. Putin

00:00 New Year on the Russia-Culture channel with Vladimir Spivakov

01:20The song does not say goodbye... (1976-1977)

02:45 Once upon a time there was a dog

TV program for December 31, 2017 on the Match TV channel

05:15 Mixed martial arts. Girls in MMA

06:00 Mixed martial arts. UFC. Live broadcast from the USA (K. Giustino - H. Holm. Kh. Nurmagomedov - E. Barbosa)

06:30 Mixed martial arts. UFC. Live broadcast from the USA (K. Giustino - H. Holm. Kh. Nurmagomedov - E. Barbosa)

08:30 Lone Wolf McQuade

10:30 Football year 2017

11:15 News

11:20 Crazy drying

11:50 Everyone for the Match!


12:25 Skiing. "Tour de Ski". Men. 15 km. Live broadcast from Switzerland

13:55 Everyone for the Match!

14:55 Football. English Championship. Live broadcast (Crystal Palace - Manchester City)

16:55 Skiing. "Tour de Ski". Women. 10 km. Live broadcast from Switzerland

18:15 Mixed martial arts. UFC. Broadcast from the USA (Kh. Nurmagomedov - E. Barbosa)

19:25 Football. English Championship. Live broadcast (West Brom - Arsenal)

21:25 Highlander

23:35 Victory mood

23:55 New Year's address from the President of the Russian Federation V.V. Putin

00:05 Hockey. World Championship among youth teams. Live broadcast from the USA (USA - Finland)

02:30 Long exchange

04:00Hockey. World Championship among youth teams. Live broadcast from the USA (Russia - Sweden)

TV program for December 31, 2017 on the STS channel

05:35 Yeralash

05:45 Music on STS

06:00Keepers of Dreams

07:50 Three cats

08:05 Cartoons

09:10 Snow Queen

10:40 Coraline in Nightmareland

12:35 Men in Black

14:20Men in Black-2

16:00Show "Ural dumplings"

16:30 Men in Black-3

18:30 Show "Ural dumplings" (New Year's marathon)

20:30 Premiere! Show "Ural dumplings" (Tangerines, go!)

22:00 Premiere! "New Year, children and everything, everything, everything!"

23:55 New Year's address from the President of the Russian Federation V.V. Putin

00:00 Premiere! "New Year, children and everything, everything, everything!"

02:00Show "Ural dumplings" (New Year's marathon)

TV program for December 31, 2017 on Ren TV channel

05:00 "Territory of Delusions" with Igor Prokopenko

06:15 Supermother-in-law for a loser (Episodes 1 - 2)

08:00 "Encyclopedia of stupidity." Concert of Mikhail Zadornov

13:00 Music marathon "Legends of Retro FM"

23:55 New Year's address from the President of the Russian Federation V.V. Putin

00:00 Music marathon "Legends of Retro FM"

TV program for December 31, 2017 on TNT channel

05:00Comedy Woman (Episode 184)

06:00 TNT. Best (episode 29)

06:30 TNT. Best (episode 30)

07:00 TNT. Best (Episode 31)

07:30 TNT. Best (Episode 32)

08:00 TNT. Best (episode 33)

08:30 TNT. Best (episode 34)

09:00 House-2. Lite

10:00 House-2. Island of love

11:00 Dancing (Episode 84 - “Final”)

13:00 Comedy Club (Episode 424 - “New Year’s Special”, part 1)

14:00 Comedy Club (Episode 463)

15:00 Comedy Club (Episode 464)

16:00 Comedy Club (Episode 523 - “New Year’s Edition “Karaoke Star”, part 1)

17:00 Comedy Club (Episode 524 - “New Year’s Edition “Karaoke Star”, part 2)

18:00 Where is the logic? (Episode 69 - "New Year's Special")

19:00Comedy Woman (Episode 205 - “New Year’s Special”)

19:30 Comedy Woman (Episode 205 - “New Year’s Special”)

20:00 Improvisation (Episode 68 - “New Year’s Edition”)

21:00 Studio Soyuz (Episode 22 - “New Year’s Edition”)

22:00 Once Upon a Time in Russia (Episode 106 - “New Year’s Edition”)

23:00 Comedy Club (575th episode - “New Year’s episode “Karaoke Star”, 1st part)

23:55 New Year's address from the President of the Russian Federation V.V. Putin

00:05 Comedy Club (576th episode - “New Year’s episode “Karaoke Star”, 2nd part)

01:00 Comedy Club (Episode 523 - “New Year’s Edition “Karaoke Star”, part 1)

02:00 Comedy Club (Episode 524 - “New Year’s Edition “Karaoke Star”, part 2)

03:00 Comedy Club (Episode 463)

04:00 Comedy Club (Episode 464)

TV program for December 31, 2017 on the Domashny channel

05:206 frames

05:30 Live deliciously with Jamie Oliver (episodes 21 and 22)

06:30 Home cooking (90th episode - "Eva Polna", 91st episode - "Vyacheslav Manucharov")

07:30 6 frames

07:55 One day twenty years later

09:25 "I can't say goodbye"

11:10 Women's intuition (episodes 1 and 2)

13:30 Women's intuition-2 (episodes 1 and 2)

16:05 Marriage cannot be pardoned (Episodes 1 - 4)

20:00 2018: Predictions (1st - 4th series)

23:55 New Year's address from the President of the Russian Federation V.V. Putin

00:05"Concert of Stas Mikhailov "20 years on the road"

00:30 "Concert of Stas Mikhailov "20 years on the road"

02:30 2018: Predictions (1st - 4th series)

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