Project “Mad Drying”: reviews, training program. Stories from our patients: Yulia Smolnaya Vasya Smolny crazy drying

Vasily Smolny, an entrepreneur from St. Petersburg, a famous blogger, a promoter of a healthy lifestyle, the author of the “#Mad Drying” project, in which people who have paid to participate must improve their physical fitness through exercise and proper nutrition. Vasily Smolny - shining example how you can successfully monetize your popularity on social networks.

Vasily Smolny was not always a charismatic “jock” and a popularizer of a healthy lifestyle. He was born in Tajikistan, where his father served at that time. He spent his youth in Orenburg. Then there was a period of formation in Samara. "I don't have one higher education– I’m a completely unsocialized dude. I don’t care about crusts or stable work. Maybe that’s why I think more freely than many,” he says about his education.

He was brought to St. Petersburg by a love named Yulia, who soon became Yulia Smolny and gave birth to two Smolny brothers, who are now four and two years old.

Vasily became a “jock” only a couple of years ago. Before that, he was a thin, long-haired DJ. “From the age of 16, I worked in nightclubs: I was a bartender, an administrator, a DJ, and something else. In the end, I settled on DJing. In St. Petersburg, music was released under my name. I had tours, radio broadcasts, my own music program on Europe Plus.

Catharsis occurred in 2011: “I suddenly realized that the drunk, smoking, schmuck leading an unhealthy lifestyle was me, and that this matter needed to be changed.” And he changed it.

Quit smoking and drinking, started a blog, became a vegan: “I stopped smoking, drinking alcohol and all sorts of substances, and started eating a certain way. I followed total veganism for several years, but gave it up because it was a real religion. People who become vegans have problems in their heads.”

Vasily described his successes in healthy lifestyle on his blog and on Instagram, and quite quickly acquired thousands of subscribers. The first set of participants was made in April 2015 - this was a test. Vasily Smolny offered participants “entrance” for 500 rubles and a percentage of total amount contributions to the winners.

Vasily Smolny is the main enemy of lazy people and those with a sweet tooth, the ruler of dumbbells and a preacher of a healthy lifestyle. Got me hooked on a needle healthy eating, Gorizhop and Sisetryasov all over the beautiful half of the RuNet. His debut book was published by Eksmo Publishing House.

Vasily Smolny, the creator of the “Mad Drying” project, an example of a correct lifestyle, was born in 1986 on February 13 in Tajikistan.

Vasily was not always a handsome, fit and pumped-up man. Before the creation of the project “Mad Drying”, he was a thin guy, with long hair, who devoted his time to being a DJ. But the healthy lifestyle specialist does not talk about his physical parameters. But he visits regularly Gym, gave up bad habits and keeps himself in sports shape.

The family fully supports Vasily. Household members lead healthy image life, go to gym.

How he lived before he became famous

The boy's father was a military man, and therefore the Smolny family constantly traveled following military career senior Smolny. He spent his youth in Orenburg, followed by a period of residence in Samara. From the education he received, Vasily only has information about graduating from high school.

The young man came to St. Petersburg after his beloved Julia.

Since 2002, Vasily has worked on the stage of DJ clubs. He did not disdain to stand behind the bar or perform the functions of an administrator. As a result, I decided and finally became a DJ. He even released his own music. He often toured, performed on the radio and led his own project on Europe-plus.

One day, looking at himself in the mirror, Vasily saw scary picture: a drinking, smoking schmuck was looking at him. Then the insight came that all this needed to change radically. Got busy with myself, quit bad habits, went to the gym, started eating right. There was even a moment of complete vegetarianism, but this culture did not take root in the body of Smolny.

Simultaneously with the formation of the new Vasily, a blog is being maintained on Instagram, where the guy’s achievements are posted. The first subscribers appear.

The “Mad Drying” project appears in 2016. This is Smolny’s direct income. Since it was the introduction of the project that increased the number of subscribers from 5,000 to 117,000.

Paid and free marathons are constantly held as part of the weight loss program and learning a healthy life.

What he does/what he is known for

Today, the 21st season of the “Mad Drying” project is already underway. Vasily Smolny is not going to stop. Releases new videos, helps people gain beautiful body and teaches a healthy lifestyle.


Vasily is married. His wife is Yulia Smolnaya. There are two children Zakhar and Seraphim. The family supports dad and also goes to the gym and eats right.

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An important component of the life of modern humanity is beautiful figure. In order to encourage a person to lead a healthy lifestyle, trainers and nutritionists use various techniques. An example of a media person showing the results of personal weight loss can be an excellent incentive. But for some, this is not enough to start working on their body.

Sometimes you need to use an additional method of stimulation - material reward for achievements. Vasily Smolny is confident that all means are good in promoting a healthy lifestyle.

People come to Vasily Smolny’s project “Mad Drying” for real changes. Looking at the participants of previous seasons and receiving gifts for their successes, people reach personal heights with daily training and proper nutrition.

Another project, “I’ll Buy Your Fat,” proved the effectiveness of an extraordinary approach. Vasily Smolny stopped people on the street and rewarded them financially for doing the exercises.

Vasily Smolny – healthy lifestyle specialist

Vasily Smolny did not immediately become a charismatic “jock” and popularizer of healthy lifestyle. In his youth, he worked as a bartender and DJ, released music under his own name, toured and broadcast on the radio.

One day, Vasily completely changed his lifestyle and plunged into a healthy lifestyle: he gave up alcohol, cigarettes, was a vegan for several years and lost 30 kg. He exhibited his successes in healthy lifestyle for everyone to see and quickly gained popularity. Now main value human health – Vasily Smolny brings to the masses.

A clear example of an opinion leader, gaming competition and financial reward - this is the kind of motivation Vasily Smolny provides in his projects. There are still many new and exciting projects ahead, the goal of which will remain the same - to promote a healthy lifestyle.

The book is designed for beginners in PP, like me. After the birth of the baby, I breastfed for another year, but the weight I gained during pregnancy hardly budged. And then the problem of losing weight, and therefore proper nutrition, arose. I bought the book by Vasily Smolny because his name has been around for a long time and the results using his method are simply amazing. It is written in simple language with sparkling humor, so I read it quickly. In the second reading I already began to slowly compose my own individual program PP using the author’s advice. This is why this book is valuable, because it does not tie you to a certain framework in nutrition. On the contrary, you can create your own PP diagram based on the information received. I have been on PP for four months now and the weight is slowly coming off. Everything is as written in the book. Losing weight quickly is contraindicated at any age, but when you get into shape wisely, everything will be fine. I recommend this book to everyone, especially those who want to start PP for the first time.

Read completely

Magic Kickoff

This book may not say anything new for some, but not for me! Smolny is great! Yes, he is rude, and maybe even boorish, but isn’t that what causes problems with excess weight? Is it not because you feel sorry for yourself, cherish and cherish? This approach is ideal for those who want to finally stop feeling sorry for themselves and take control of their own body for the sake of their own health!

Smolny puts everything on the shelf: what should you eat, how, how to train? And in general, throughout the book, he will answer all the questions about a healthy lifestyle. Along the way, he debunks various myths and misconceptions. Personally, I learned a lot of new things about k/w/w, I try to stick to proper nutrition, and I clearly realized that not a single star looks so beautiful for nothing, behind every beautiful, elastic, toned body there is a lot of work hidden on yourself!
The book is an inspiration for everyone in need!

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Cry from the heart

Dear those who comment on the book as “Nothing new.” Excuse me, but what new did you want to know? How to keep your butt off the chair and become a jock? Dear Vasya, he didn’t discover a new continent to expect something new in this book, and he didn’t position it that way at all. PP for TP is exactly what I want to think about, especially for TP like me, who don’t know what to do and what to grab hold of when you decide to change your life. Vasily speaks simply and clearly, with a moderate number of numbers and terms, about the basics, about the most basic thing that is known to any person who has been involved in sports for a long time. What if you don't study? If you just started, but the Internet is pure slag and you don’t know what to believe, but people... I have a friend with a physical education education, a friend who works in fitness and a marketer friend from Herbolife - she knows everything about the biochemistry of the body. And that's not counting the guys who are athletes. They all have a ton of knowledge, and I asked them a bunch of questions, but only one Vasya was able to clearly explain to me why cellulite doesn’t go away when I need to exercise, why I want to eat so badly, but the diet only makes it worse. And what is the nutritional balance in numbers and how to count calories. Maybe he lied about something, please, smart guys, refute it. Yes, he’s not a doctor, but it’s unclear who the pop guy is, but the guy speaks briefly and to the point about his proven experience, confirmed by simple equipment, and he says quite sharply - and rightly so, how many fat-bass can you feel sorry for? These are not disabled children. In short, dear Vasily, if you read the reviews of your book, I, like a terrible layman, whom everyone criticizes for being dark, but no one wants to enlighten, say a big THANK YOU to you. Today I already went for a run in the morning, not in the evening, and I understood why it was so hard and what to do next. True, I still put jam in the porridge, but not all at once))) Although now the jam has a completely different taste - with a taste of thigh fat...

Yulia Smolnaya, the wife of Vasily Smolny, the famous organizer of the world’s first healthy lifestyle game “Mad Sushka”, celebrated the first days of the new year at Frau Klinik.

* Married couple For several years, Smolny has used its example to motivate people to switch to a healthy lifestyle and include sports in their lives.

Operation history

Today Yulia Smolnaya is a wonderful wife and mother of two sons, a role model for many, but, like all people, she is, first of all, a woman with her own advantages and disadvantages. Julia admits that with young age dreams of getting rid of overhanging upper eyelids, which always made her look sad and tired.

“The hard century effect is precisely the problem we had to solve in this case,”– comments on the situation plastic surgeon, Professor S.N. Blokhin. “In consultation with Yulia, it was decided to perform classical upper blepharoplasty, which made it possible to make the look open and more expressive by removing excess overhanging tissue, as well as forming a fold of the upper eyelid.”

Just a few hours after the operation, performed under general anesthesia, Yulia posted a post about her positive condition on her Instagram. Yulia also noted the high speed of the surgeon’s work and the absence of swelling and hematomas. Now the wife of Vasily Smolny willingly shares all the details with her followers on her Instagram page, answering all questions about the operation, its cost and features. She also does not hide the fact that in 2015 she underwent another operation - mammoplasty (breast surgery) after the end of the breastfeeding period.

Bottom line: “before” and “after” photos

Due to the increasing number of questions about blepharoplasty, I’ll tell you an upcoming bedtime story about sad eyes and drooping eyelids with a happy ending.
In a certain kingdom, in a certain state, there lived a girl. The girl was cheerful, funny, and playful in disposition. However, it's a strange thing. Day after day, year after year, the same question haunted the girl. Either friends and acquaintances will ask casually, or Instagram subscribers: “Why are you sad, beautiful maiden? Why are your eyes filled with melancholy and death? And then one day the girl looked at her sad eyes in the mirror, stamped her foot, raised her eyebrow, and decided that it was time to hit the road. To the Far Far Away Kingdom to the sorcerer. The magician-sorcerer waved his light hand and turned the tired girl’s eyes into open eyes. The girl thanked good wizard, hugged me goodbye and set off on my way back. A day passed, another... a fifth... On the 7th day the girl looked in the mirror, and was amazed - not a bruise, not a scratch, just wide-open eyes, and a smile from ear to ear. This is where the fairy tales end, and whoever listened - well done!
Well, now seriously - almost 2 years have passed since my blepharoplasty - the flight is normal. More precisely perfect! The gaze is still open, the eyes are closed, they do not go to the forehead. And most importantly, you know what? - There is not a trace left of the seams! The operation was performed by

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