Presentation on the topic "heroes of the Russian land." Fine art lesson "heroes of the Russian land"

Extracurricular activity for younger students

Lesson summary compiled by a methodologist, teacher additional education MBOU DOD TsVR "Harmony" Tikhoretsk Krasnodar region Shilko Nadezhda Alekseevna
- show the image of the defender of the Motherland through images of real-life historical figures, epic and fairy-tale heroes, to cultivate a sense of pride in the soldiers who defended our Motherland in different periods her stories.
- develop musical thinking, sense of rhythm, imagination;
- create conditions for instilling patriotism in students using examples of historical and modern events using musical works;
- support in children the desire to be like Russian heroes;
- to instill in children pride in their people, a desire, as adults, to stand up for their country;
-revealing the images of heroes - heroes in each historical era with the help of music.
Key concepts: Russian hero, warrior-monk, temple, bell ringing, good news, Motherland, Fatherland, courage, love for the Motherland.

Equipment: multimedia projector, screen, computer presentation, children's musical instruments.

Age of students: 6-10 years

Progress of the lesson

I Organizational stage

A recording of the song “Our Heroic Strength” is playing.

Methodist: Guys, have you already guessed who we will talk about in class today? (about heroes)
That's right, today we will learn about our glorious Russian heroes.
Who are the heroes, what are they like? (strong, brave, defenders of the Motherland).

Now let’s check if you answered correctly. The meaning of the word “hero” can best be determined by a dictionary (refer to the dictionary)

II Verification stage
“Bogatyrs are defenders of the Russian land, performing military feats that are distinguished by their special strength.”
The word “hero” is very ancient, it is found in chronicles starting from the 13th century.
“A hero is a tall, portly, stalwart and prominent man;
extraordinary strongman;
brave and lucky, brave and happy warrior, knight.”

What heroes do you know? (Alyosha Popovich, Dobrynya Nikitich and Ilya Muromets).

III Preparatory stage
Look at the painting “Bogatyrs” by Viktor Mikhailovich Vasnetsov. Who is depicted on it? (Vasnetsov’s painting depicts three heroes: Alyosha Popovich, Dobrynya Nikitich and Ilya Muromets).

How are the heroes depicted? (the artist depicted the heroes in the form of fairy-tale heroes).
How did you guess that these were Russian heroes? (By appearance, according to equipment).

Please guess the riddles about the heroic equipment (guessing riddles followed by mutual testing).
1. Such a shirt is not knitted or sewn, it is woven from iron rings. (Chain mail)
2. An iron hat with a sharp end, and in front the beak hung over the face. (Helmet)
3. A weapon is not easy to pick up, not easy to pick up and hold in your hand. It was easy to blow their heads off their shoulders... Well, guess what? Of course...(Sword)
4. To protect the chest from enemy blows, you already know this for sure, the hero has a heavy, shiny and round… (Shield) hanging on his left hand.

IV Main stage
Now let's take a closer look at each character in the picture.
In the center, Ilya Muromets, a peasant son, sits on a portly, powerful black horse.
Power, strength and wisdom are felt in his entire appearance. He has a noble Russian face, a wide beard streaked with gray. The hero is well armed: a damask club hangs from his right hand, a quiver of arrows is visible behind it, a shield and a long spear are in his left hand. Mace - “stick, staff, log”, striking or throwing weapon made of durable and heavy types of wood.

What is Ilya Muromets wearing?
That's right, he is dressed in iron chain mail and has a helmet on his head. The hero loves his homeland and serves it honestly.
Why do you think it is called Muromets?
Ilya Muromets comes from the Murom village of Karacharovo, which Vladimir region. But he is not only an epic hero - he is a Russian holy warrior-monk. Memorial Day of Ilya Muromets - January 1, every New Year We begin with the memories of the great Russian warrior.

Due to the weakness of his legs that struck him from childhood, Ilya lived motionlessly for 30 years in humility, love and prayers to God. Legends have brought to us the miracle of healing of the future defender of the Russian land. One day, when the weak young man was alone, the holy elders appeared to him and said authoritatively: “Go and bring us something to drink.” Having cultivated monastic meekness and obedience, Ilya sincerely desires to fulfill the will of the elders and gets to his feet, having received strength from above. And throughout his life he carries faith like a strong sword, helping not only to fight the enemies of the Fatherland, but also to establish himself on Russian soil Orthodox faith. Ilya Muromets is a holy warrior revered on Russian soil.
Ilya Muromets built churches in his native land, as well as a cathedral church in the city of Kyiv.

The Trinity Church in the village of Karacharovo, according to legend, was founded by a hero. Currently, the temple is under restoration. Local legend says that at the base of the church lie three centuries-old oak trees, torn out of the ground and brought into the mountain by Ilya Muromets himself.

What does the shape of the dome remind you of? The dome shape also has symbolic meaning. The helmet-like shape was reminiscent of the army, of the spiritual warfare (battle) waged by the Church with the forces of evil and darkness.
The bell rings.

Music teacher: There are several types of ringing. Blagovest is a ringing in which one bell is struck rhythmically. The striking of different bells in turn is called chiming or ringing. The word "ringing" also has a narrow meaning, meaning the ringing of several bells at the same time.

In its external form, a bell is nothing more than an overturned bowl, from which sounds seem to pour out, carrying God’s grace.
Let's play together now. We will call one bell Don. And two bells - Ding-Ding. We will call their names one by one, and now we will use musical instruments to depict a bell ringing.
Now let's try to transmit the ringing of a bell to musical instruments.

Playing musical instruments “Bell chime”.
Methodist: Guys, there is an expression “Ring all the bells.” It comes from ancient times and means to sound the alarm, to gather everyone to defend the Motherland.
Let's return to the heroes of the film “Bogatyrs”.

By right hand from Ilya Muromets - Dobrynya Nikitich, a famous and beloved warrior by the people. Dobrynya is skilled in fighting, swimming, and archery.
The youngest hero, who stands to the left of Ilya Muromets, is called Alyosha Popovich. He is distinguished not by strength, but by courage and daring, on the one hand, and resourcefulness, sharpness, and cunning, on the other.
Russian heroes have one goal - not to miss the enemy, to stand firmly guard over the Motherland.
Vasnetsov asserts with his painting that the heroes of the Russian land are always ready to stand up for the honor of the Motherland against an enemy, to lay down their lives for the Fatherland, if necessary.

Guys, what does the word Fatherland mean to each of us? That's right, this is the place of our birth, this is our country, this is our people.

What word is close in meaning to it? (Motherland). What well-known native words do we hear in the words MOTHERLAND and FATHERLAND? (give birth - mother, father)
How to become heroes? That's right, you need to play sports. But first, get used to doing exercises. Now we will do it and become a little stronger.

Physical education lesson “Bogatyrs”
The hero - this is what he is: (Show the strong man)
He shot from a bow, (Imitate movements)
He threw his club accurately,
Standing on the border
Vigilantly - vigilantly observed, (Palm to the eyes)
We grow up and, look, (Raise our hands high up)
Let's become like heroes!

Do you think the heroes remained in ancient times, in fairy tales, or did they live on Russian soil at all times?
Look at the slide. Before you are paintings depicting warrior-heroes of the Great Patriotic War. Can these people be called heroes?
These are heroes because they loved and defended their Motherland during the war. Strong-willed and brave, they sacrificed their lives for the sake of a dignified and peaceful life for other people.
And in our time, are there now heroes who are defenders of Russia? Who stands to defend the Motherland? Who guards its borders and protects restful sleep her children? Who fights in modern wars?

These are young soldiers who fought in Chechnya, who laid down their heads for a peaceful sky. These are our paratroopers and sailors. And now modern boys dream of becoming such heroes; these are our future warriors.

So, a hero is not necessarily a strongman. A person who has great willpower and spirit, who loves his homeland, is also a hero.
Now let's listen to music.

The “Heroic Symphony” sounds (main theme)
Listening to the “Bogatyr Symphony”.

Music teacher: Is there any similarity between music and the image of the heroes in the picture?
What is it?
(The music is filled with powerful force, sounds courageous, stern and powerful).
Both works embody character traits that have always been inherent in the Russian people. That is why these works do not lose their impact even today. Both in the film and in the music, the main characters are people, powerful, strong, whose character is revealed in critical situations.

What can be said about the character and quality of the main theme?
(Bright, powerful, wide, decisive, stern, marching. Sounds in a low register from the strings, conveys a cry, an appeal, embodies the irresistible power of the heroes).

The “Heroic Symphony” sounds (side theme)
What is the nature of the side topic?
(Singing, light, melodious, close folk song, sounds from cellos. This is the image of the Motherland).

Which of the themes paints us a heroic image?
(The first one is the main one).
We conclude that the music conveys two images: the first is the image of a defender, a hero, and the second conveys a feeling of love, care, and reverent attitude towards the Motherland and nature.
Methodist: Tell me, guys, are there heroes in peacetime?
Who are they?

We call our athletes heroes. For example, this is Alexey Nemov, a four-time Olympic champion in artistic gymnastics, winner of the Order of Merit for the Fatherland, the Order of Courage, and the Order of Honor.
Alexander Karelin - three-time Olympic champion in Greco-Roman wrestling, Hero Russian Federation, awarded the Order of Friendship of Peoples, Honor, and “For Services to the Fatherland.”

I would like you guys to meet another “Russian hero” - Ivan Maksimovich Poddubny, a legendary wrestler who glorified Russia on the world stage with his victories.

In Poddubny’s homeland (the city of Yeisk), a marble bust of the “Champion of Champions” was installed. On the monument is carved in gold letters: “Here lies the Russian hero.”

V Control stage
Methodologist: Guys, please answer my questions.
- Who are the heroes? (Bogatyrs are defenders of the Russian land, performing military feats that are distinguished by their special strength).
- Who is depicted in the painting “Bogatyrs” by Viktor Mikhailovich Vasnetsov? (Vasnetsov’s painting depicts three heroes: Alyosha Popovich, Dobrynya Nikitich and Ilya Muromets). Tell us about them.
- What does the shape of the dome remind us of? (The helmet shape was reminiscent of the army, of the spiritual warfare (battle) waged by the Church with the forces of evil and darkness).
- What is blagovest, perezvon. (Blagovest is a ringing in which one bell is struck rhythmically. The striking of different bells in turn is called a chime or a bell).
- Guys, what does the word Fatherland mean for each of us? (This is our birthplace, this is our country, this is our people). What word is close in meaning to it? (Motherland).
- Tell me, guys, are there heroes in peacetime? (We call our athletes, world champions, heroes).

VI Final stage
Music teacher: And in our small homeland there were and are warriors and heroes of the Kuban land - the Kuban Cossacks. Let us sing the song “Kuban Cossacks” together.

Performance of the song “Kuban Cossacks”.

VII Reflective stage
Today I found out...
It was interesting…
It was difficult…
I understand that…
I felt that...
I purchased...
I will try…
I was surprised...
Gave me a lesson for life...
I wanted…
List of used literature, sites
1.Epics / Ed. Podivilova O.V., Nechaeva A.N. – M.: Samovar, 2010.
2.Ilya Muromets and Nightingale the Robber. Tales of Russian heroes. – M.: Eksmo, 2012.
3.Russian heroes. – M.: Eksmo, 2014.

Elizaveta Baykuzina
Fine art summary “Defenders of the Russian Land. The image of a hero"

Subject: « Defenders of the Russian land. The image of a hero

Type of activity: thematic drawing;

UMK: perspective;

Target: introduce students to image of a Russian hero and teach how to portray him;


Educational: to cultivate a culture of perception of works visual arts ;

Developmental: develop creative thinking , visually - figurative memory;

Educational: improve skill depict an image of a person;

Planned results:

Subject: ability to describe image of a person;


1. Educational: to create interest in visual arts;

2. Communication: improve dialogic and monologue forms of speech;

3. Regulatory: learn to analyze and evaluate the work of peers;

Personal: introduce students to a reproduction of a painting by V. Vasnetsov « Bogatyrs»

Location: MBOU Secondary School No. 1, office No. 4.

Time spending: 9.45 – 10.25

Equipment: board, textbook « art» (T. Ya. Shpikalova, L. V. Ershova, visual material(paintings heroes, armor, military weapons, painting by V. M. Vasnetsov « Bogatyrs» .

Technological map of the lesson.

I. Organizational moment.

The teacher greets children:

Hello children. Today's lesson fine art I will teach art for you, my name is Elizaveta Vladimirovna. Let's turn to the neighbor on the right and smile at him, let's turn to the neighbor on the left and wave to him. I wish you creative success in our lesson, sit down.

Checking the class's readiness for lesson:

For the lesson you will need watercolor paints, brushes, a simple pencil, an eraser, a jar of water and an album.

II. Targeting.

Teacher asks a question:

Guys, do you like solving riddles?

Great, let me tell you a riddle, and you try to guess it, just listen carefully and don’t shout out from your seat.

The teacher asks a riddle:

I know adults and children

There is no one stronger in the world

I will remind you of one thing -

This is Ilya Muromets.

That's right guys, this is hero.

The teacher introduces the topic of the lesson along with children:

So, who are we going to talk about in class today?

That's right, today we will talk about Russian heroes.

III. Work on a new topic.

Teacher asks a question children:

- Bogatyr - what is he like?, how do you imagine it?

Well done, all these words, selected by you, can be found in the plot of the picture that we will consider. Open your textbooks, page 93.

Teacher working with textbook:

Here is a reproduction of a painting by V. M. Vasnetsov « Bogatyrs» . Look carefully at her and listen to what I tell you about her.

The teacher presents his story:

There are three at the outpost hero, in the center on a black horse sits Ilya Muromets - glorious hero. Him Russian face, wide beard streaked with gray. The hero is well armed: He is dressed in iron chain mail, and on his head is a helmet. Ilya peers keenly into the steppe distance. On the right hand of Ilya Muromets is Dobrynya Nikitich. He has a long nose, blond hair and beard. He is dressed rich and elegant. Sits on a white, long-maned horse. Third hero – Alyosha Popovich. He is also a brave and courageous warrior, not as strong as Ilya and Dobrynya, but he prevails with his dexterity, speed and resourcefulness. U heroes one goal is not to miss the enemy, to stand firmly guard over the Motherland. Above them is a low sky covered with cold clouds.

Teacher asks questions:

Did you like Vasnetsov's painting?

Which one of heroes did you like it better?

The teacher invites the children to draw hero:

I offer you portray your hero, the way you imagine it. He can be drawn in armor with various weapons. The hero must be portrayed on the entire sheet of paper. Can show him in motion, on horseback. Try to draw carefully; when drawing, your back should be straight.

The teacher hangs pictures of tools and clothes on the board hero. And this is what I got hero:

The teacher hangs up a picture of his drawing hero and invites the children to get to work.

IV. Physical education minute.

The teacher conducts a physical education lesson with children:

You were probably tired, and that’s why everyone got up.

Physical education minute:

One - get up, pull yourself up,

Two - quickly touch the sky.

Three white handles,

Reach your head to your shoulders.

Four arms wider -

The best protection in the world.

Look at each other - what we are not heroes?

How do we hear the number? "5"- Let's sit quietly and draw.

V. Continuation of work on a new topic.

Students sit down and continue drawing. hero. They are nearing completion of the work.

VI. Lesson summary.

The teacher summarizes lesson:

Guys, your knights turned out to be very strong and powerful. They are able to stand guard over Rus' and protect it.

VII. Reflection.

The teacher asks the students to finish the phrase.

Guys, help me finish offers:

I found it interesting during the lesson...

It was difficult for me in class...

Now I can…

The teacher ends the lesson:

It was a pleasure working with you, but our time has come to an end. The lesson is over, goodbye.

Publications on the topic:

Summary of the lesson “Bogatyrs of the Russian Land” Lesson plan for fine arts, dedicated to the Day Defender of the Fatherland. Tverdokhlebova Irina Aleksandrovna, teacher. Objectives: introduce children to...

Lesson on the topic “Epic heroes - defenders of the Russian land.” Intellectual game tournament of erudites “Clever and smart girls”. Goal: inclusion.

Summary of direct educational activities on speech development in the senior group “Defenders of the Russian Land” Integrated areas: speech development, social and communicative development, artistic and aesthetic development, cognitive development.

Summary of direct educational activities in the preparatory group “Defenders of the Russian Land” Goal: To develop children's interest in the heroic past of their country. Objectives: Educational: introduce children to some events.

Abstract of the NOD “Heroes of the Russian Land” Topic: Bogatyrs of the Russian land. Integration: Cognition, communication, socialization. Purpose: to summarize and systematize children’s knowledge about.

Target: To form an idea of ​​the heroic past of the Russian people of Ancient Rus', the great Russian heroes - defenders of the Russian land.


  • Educational: define the epic; introduce a work of oral folk art- epic “Ilya Muromets”; teach to characterize heroes and their actions; generalize knowledge about the history of the emergence of Rus', introduce Russian epic heroes, how our ancestors defended their Motherland.
  • Educational: develop interest in reading; the ability to listen carefully and with concentration; visual attention.
  • Educational: to cultivate civic and patriotic feelings through oral folk art; a feeling of pride and admiration for the exploits of Russian heroes.

Equipment: reproduction of the painting by V.M. Vasnetsov “Three Heroes”; cut pictures; illustrations with the image modern species weapons and weapons of Russian heroes, details of clothing of Russian heroes.

Children's age: preparatory groups.

Direction:“Cognitive and speech development.”

Main educational area: “ Cognition” (formation of a holistic picture of the world).

Integration educational areas: “Cognition”, “Communication”, “Socialization”.

Form: subgroup.

Methods and techniques:

  • examination;
  • display;
  • surprise moment;
  • guiding questions for children;
  • gymnastics “Miracle Yudo”;
  • Russian folk tale“where there is work, there is food”;
  • quiz;
  • viewing of the film “Ilya Muromets and the Nightingale the Robber” (2nd issue)

Preliminary work: examining a reproduction of the painting by V.M. Vasnetsov “Three Heroes”, folding cut pictures; illustrations of weapons of Russian heroes; proverbs.

Lexical work:

  • Bylina is a Russian epic song about heroes.
  • A hero is a hero of Russian epics who performs military feats.
  • Ancestors are people who lived on earth many, many centuries ago.
  • The club is an ancient weapon - a heavy club with a thickened end.
  • Wanderers - a person who wanders, travels on foot.
  • A blessing is a parting word, words of wishes for someone who sets out on a journey to perform feats of arms.
  • Voivode is the commander of an army.
  • Serve with faith and truth - honestly, without sparing your life.
  • To greet with bread and salt is to show honor and respect.
  • Chainmail, mace, spear, shield, armor, helmet, bow, arrows.

Progress of the lesson

“Morning” by E. Grieg sounds.

Children come in and sit on chairs.

Speech therapist. Hello, good fellows and beautiful girls! We gathered not for an honest feast, but for a kind and orderly conversation, so that we could have peace, harmony, and agreement, and our conversation would be conducted in smooth speech.

And we will talk about the heroes, the defenders of the Russian Land, who lived a thousand years ago, and the glory of their exploits has survived to this day. How did we learn about the Russian heroes who lived in the old days and became famous for their exploits?

Children. We learned about heroes from epics.

Speech therapist. Right. What is an epic? What word does this name come from?

Children. The word "epic" comes from the words "byl", "was". An epic is a work that tells about events that actually happened.

Speech therapist. Right. An epic is a heroic song about heroes.

The creator of the epics was the people, and the storyteller told the epics. That was the name of the man who told the Russians folk epics and fairy tales. How did the storyteller tell the epics?

Children. He spoke it like a song and played it on the harp.

Speech therapist. Yes, indeed, the storyteller went from village to village and chanted (similar to a song) about heroic heroes, about their exploits, about how they defeated enemies, defended their native land, showed their bravery, courage, ingenuity, and kindness.

The storyteller said so (harp sounds):

I'll tell you about old things,
Yes, about the old ones, about the experienced ones,
Yes about battles, yes about battles,
Yes, about heroic deeds!

Among the Russian people, epic stories about mighty heroes have been passed down from mouth to mouth for many centuries, from grandfather to grandson.

So who are these heroes?

Children. Defenders of the Motherland, warriors, brave, courageous people.

Speech therapist. You are right, heroes are the defenders of the Russian Land. They were famous for their unprecedented strength and boundless courage.

Who did the heroes fight with? (children's answers)

It is correct both with the enemies of the Russian land and with the dark forces.

And now let’s warm up a little and show off our heroic strength.


To the music "Once upon a time there lived a miracle"

Speech therapist. The exploits of Russian heroes are reflected not only in epics, but also in the works of artists. Please tell me which painting by V.M. Did Vasnetsova appear on our screen?

Children. Painting "Bogatyrs".

Speech therapist. Let's look at it and talk about it. Who is shown in the picture?

Children. Three heroes.

Speech therapist. Who is in the center of the picture?

Children. Ilya Muromets.

Speech therapist. How did you guess that it was Ilya Muromets?

Children. He is the oldest, powerful, wise.

Speech therapist. Who is to the left of Ilya Muromets? Who's to his right?

Children. Dobrynya Nikitich on the left, Alyosha Popovich on the right.

Speech therapist. The heroes look into the distance: are there any enemies somewhere? They defend the Russian Land and its borders. How are the heroes dressed?

Children. The body is wearing chain mail.

Speech therapist. What is chain mail and why is it needed?

Children. This is a shirt made of metal rings. She protected heroes from blows of a spear or sword, from arrows.

Speech therapist. What do the heroes wear on their heads?

Children. Helmet. He protected the hero's head from blows.

Speech therapist. What other armor do heroes have?

Children. Ilya Muromets has a spear and a mace or club, Dobrynya Nikitich has a sword, and Alyosha Popovich has a bow and arrows.

View armor

Speech therapist. Let's take a closer look at the picture. What could Alyosha Popovich play?

Children. Alyosha Popovich played the harp.

Speech therapist. You're right. The heroes not only fought, but also knew how to relax. Now you and I will rest.

Who's looking gloomy here?
The music starts again.
Get ready, kids!
A Russian game is waiting for you!
“Where there is work, there is food.”

Game “Where there is work, there is food.”

To play you need: 20 peas, 2 spoons, 4 saucers. To the music, one pea needs to be transferred from one saucer (bucket) to another.

Children sit down

Speech therapist. And now I suggest we stretch our minds and hold a competition of ingenuity based on Russian epics and fairy tales. (quiz)

  1. Name the heroes you know
  2. What is the name of the clothes of heroes, woven from metal rings? chainmail
  3. Nightingale the Robber's main weapon? whistling
  4. The main weapon of a hero? Sword, club, spear
  5. Royal headdress? Crown
  6. Hero's headdress? Helmet
  7. Robber's figure? 40
  8. A heroic figure? 3
  9. Serpent after father? Gorynych

Speech therapist. Well done. You did a great job!

Our conversation about Russian heroes has come to an end, and we will remember what covenant (rule) the heroes left us.

Love the Motherland, protect and take care of it.
Protect the weak, the elderly and children.
Be strong, brave, courageous.
And the legends of antiquity
We must not forget.
So that children can know
About business native land.
Glory to Russian antiquity! Glory to the Russian side!

And finally, let's look at a cartoon about a hero.

View m/f

Lesson in 5th grade.

Topic: Russian heroes.

Target: Introduce works of fine art, paintings V. Vasnetsov “Bogatyrs”.

Tasks: develop a creative perception of the world, a creative approach to work; improve graphic skills; cultivate interest and love for World history and history of the Fatherland. Type of lesson: thematic drawing and application.

Lesson type: combined.

Teaching method: partially search, explanatory and illustrative.

Equipment: for students: album, pencil, eraser, watercolor, scissors; for the teacher: presentation.

Literary series: epics.

Visual range: V. Vasnetsov “Bogatyrs”, “Knight at the Crossroads”, “Fight of Dobrynya Nikitich with the seven-headed Serpent Gorynych”.


1. Class organization. Checking readiness for the lesson.

2. Introductory conversation.

Do not let enemies ride across our land,
Don't trample them under horses Russian land,
They will not outshine our red sun.

All of you guys are familiar with the heroes and their exploits. Today in class we will take a short trip into the past and get acquainted with the paintings of the great artist. And each of you will try to create the image of your own hero.

In the old days, enemies attacked Rus' more than once, nomads raided Russian villages - they burned and robbed, and took Russian people into captivity. To protect the Russian land from them, heroic outposts were scattered along the edge of the steppe. They protected the path to Kyiv, protected from enemies, from strangers.

And the heroes tirelessly rode across the steppes on powerful horses, vigilantly peering into the distance to see if they could see enemy fires or hear the tramp of other people’s horses. The people dedicated their epics to the defenders of their native land, bravely fighting the enslavers.

Who are they, these defenders of the Russian land? (Favorite folk heroes- Ilya Muromets, Dobrynya Nikitich, Alyosha Popovich).

What is told in epics about the Bogatyrs? (Slide 3).

What is Ilya Muromets famous for? (Ilya Muromets killed four hundred robbers, destroyed countless hordes of Tatars led by Idolisch, and defeated Nightingale the Robber) He is distinguished by his sincere devotion to the people's cause.

...I am going to serve for the Christian faith
And for the Russian land
Yes, for the capital Kyiv city,
For widows, for orphans, and for the poor people...

The fearlessness, courage and justice of Ilya Muromets deservedly made him the head heroic outpost. Dobrynya Nikitich heroically fought with the Serpent Gorynych and with Khan Batu. ( Slide 4). Alyosha Popovich defeated Tugarin Zmey. These three mighty heroes are often found in epics; they act together and help each other.

Defense of the Motherland, devoted service to it and one’s compatriots is a sacred duty. The images of epic heroes are extremely generalized, collective, but at the same time, each of the heroes has something of its own, special. (Slide 5).

3. Work based on the painting by V. Vasnetsov “Bogatyrs”

Look carefully at the picture. In the steppe, among the endless Russian expanses, three horsemen stopped, three mighty Russian heroes. Vigilantly and anxiously they peer into the distance: “is there an enemy somewhere, are they offending anyone?” The wind sways the yellowed grass, scatters the manes and tails of heroic horses. Menacing clouds are driving across the autumn sky. The knights stand firmly and unshakably.

Ilya Muromets sits in the center on a black horse. He peers intensely into the distance. Confidence, strength and power can be felt in his heroic figure. With amazing ease he holds in his hand “a damask club of forty pounds,” and his hand, raised to protect from the sun, does not bend under this weight. Wide and stubbornforehead, tightly compressed lips, direct open gaze speak of unbending willpower, the directness and honesty of his soul. Ilya has alreadynot young, his beard sparkles with silver. A gray strand came out from under the helmet - this emphasizes his wisdom. Ilya Muromets belongs to working people. And he is not dressed richly. Ilya sits heavily but confidently on his horse. And the horse matches the hero. Just as powerful and strong. He stands calmly. The hooves sank into the ground under the weight of the rider.

Another hero of the picture is Dobrynya Nikitich. Noble, he is the son of a rich prince from the city of Ryazan. This hero also became famous for his heroic fight with the serpent Gorynych. The richness of the decoration of his weapons and the elegance of his clothing makes him stand out among other heroes. The chain mail glitters with silver, the shield shimmers with semi-precious pearls, the sword is in a golden sheath. Dobrynya’s white horse matches its owner, in elegant harness with gold plaques. The image of Dobrynya Nikitich is beautiful, strict and noble. And although it does not have the power and strength of Ilya Muromets, it is his worthy brother.

Next to his comrades, Alyosha Popovich is thin and slender. He often took things not by force, but by ingenuity. They say about him that he is evasive and quick-witted. Alyosha has neither a pound club nor a damask sword. He is lightly armed - “a tight, blurry bow and a hardened arrow.” And in his right hand he has a harp. Alyosha is not only capable of fighting, he also loves to sing songs. His horse, golden in color, calmly nibbles the grass. But he cannot be taken by surprise. He is cunning and swift.

Looking at the picture, you have no doubt that this is exactly what heroes should be ancient Rus'. This picture was created over 25 years, in 1871-1898. (Slide 6).

Physical education minute

4. Creative work students.(Slides 7,8).

Performance teamwork"Russian bogatyrs". L The paper lies horizontally, the drawing is placed with light pencil lines.

  • repetition of the main stages of constructing a human figure,
  • clarification of details (helmet, chain mail, shield, sword) solution in color,
  • cut along the contour, glue to the general format.

Repetition of safety precautions with cutting and piercing instruments. Job requirements:

  • performing the work accurately;
  • lucky color combinations, technique of using paints, appliqué

5. Lesson summary.

Analysis of drawings, elaboration, completeness.

Teacher: But what does our stone show?

shows: if you go straight, you will end up in the art workshop, if you go to the left, you will end up in the music room, if you go right, you will get to art gallery you'll get there.

Which arrow is blinking and where is it pointing? ( Art Gallery). What do you think we can see in the art gallery?

And what kind of paintings will we look at today?

Slide 3 (Painting by Vasnetsov V. “Three Heroes”)

This is one of the most best paintings Russian painting. Viktor Mikhailovich Vasnetsov wrote it for 27 years. In order to write it, the artist studied many epics and legends, listened to the works of musicians, and wrote many sketches.

Who is depicted in the painting by Viktor Mikhailovich Vasnetsov?

Teacher: What do heroes do in an open field?

What are the names of the heroes?

What words can describe each hero?

Which of the heroes is depicted in the center of the picture?

Why did you decide so?

Alyosha Grigoriev prepared for us short story about Ilya Muromets.

What else do you know about the hero?

In the center of the picture, Ilya Muromets, the peasant son, sits on a black horse, glorious hero. The eldest of the heroes. There is a sense of strength in his appearance. He has a stern face and a gray beard. Ilya Muromets is dressed in iron chain mail and has a helmet on his head. The hero is armed with a club, a spear and a sword. The hero peers vigilantly into the distance.

Who is depicted on the right hand of Ilya Muromets?

Let's listen to Kolya Shcherbakov's story about this hero.

Describe how he is dressed, what is his face like? Why is he dressed richly?

Dobrynya Nikitich is dexterous and brave. He has brown hair and a beard. Dressed richly and elegantly. Because he has a red shield and a white horse. He's already taking it out sharp sword from its sheath, as if it were about to rush into battle.

Who did Dobrynyushka defeat?

Teacher: And who left hand from Dobrynyushka?

What family was Alyosha born into?

What is he famous for?

How did Alyosha defeat his enemies?

Alyosha Popovich is brave and courageous, but not as strong as Ilya Muromets and Dobrynya Nikitich... And his horse looks in the other direction, but notices everything. A harp and a bow and arrows are attached to the horse.

And I also want to add. Draw your attention to the landscape. The heroes are surrounded by the steppe, hills behind them, and lead clouds all around. And above the heroes there are bright clouds.

Why do you think the artist depicted it this way?

Think about how this picture makes us feel?

An ancient legend, through the mouth of one of the conquerors, warns: “I also teach my children and grandchildren not to go to war against Great Rus', it stands for centuries without shaking and for centuries it stands without moving." Where do Russian warriors get their inexhaustible strength? They say that they inherited it from their distant ancestors, about whom songs and legends were written - from epic heroes. From time immemorial there were people whom the people loved, whose names they kept in their hearts. These are those who defended the poor, who protected the Russian land, who did not give offense to the weak.

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