Battle of Dorostol (Svyatoslav on the Danube). The Battle of Dorostol and other great battles in the history of Rus' that have been forgotten

Second war with Byzantium

The first stage of the war with the Byzantine Empire ended in victory for Prince Svyatoslav Igorevich. Constantinople had to pay tribute and agree to the consolidation of Russian positions in the Danube region. Constantinople resumed paying annual tribute to Kyiv. Svyatoslav was satisfied with the success achieved and released the allied troops of the Pechenegs and Hungarians. Russian troops were mainly located at Dorostol. A new war was not expected in the near future; no one was guarding the mountain passes.

However, Constantinople was not going to adhere to peace. The Romans viewed the peace agreement only as a respite, a military ploy that made it possible to lull the enemy’s vigilance and mobilize all forces. The Greeks acted according to their old principle: if you get peace, get ready for war. This tactic of the Byzantine Empire was formulated by its commander XI Kekaumen in his work “Strategikon”. He wrote: “If the enemy eludes you day after day, promising either to make peace or to pay tribute, know that he is waiting for help from somewhere or wants to fool you. If the enemy sends you gifts and offerings, if you want, take them, but know that he does this not out of love for you, but wanting to buy your blood for it.” Numerous truces and peaces concluded by Constantinople with surrounding states and peoples, their payment of tributes and indemnities were often necessary only to gain time, outwit the enemy, deceive him, and then deliver a sudden blow.

The stay of the Rus on the Danube and, most importantly, the alliance of Bulgaria with Russia, completely contradicted the strategy of Byzantium. The union of the two Slavic powers was very dangerous for Byzantium and could lead to the loss of Balkan possessions. The Byzantine emperor John Tzimiskes was actively preparing for a new war. Troops were pulled up from the Asian provinces. Military exercises were held near the walls of the capital. Food and equipment were prepared. The fleet is prepared for the campaign, about 300 ships in total. In March 971, John I Tzimiskes reviewed the fleet, which was armed with “Greek fire.” The fleet was supposed to block the mouth of the Danube in order to stop the actions of the Russian boat flotilla.

Battle of Preslav

In the spring, the basileus, together with the guards (“immortals”), set out on a campaign. The main forces of the Byzantine army were already concentrated in Adrianople. Having learned that the mountain passes were clear, John decided to strike the Bulgarian capital, and then defeat Svyatoslav. Thus, the Byzantine army had to defeat the enemy troops piece by piece, preventing them from uniting. In the vanguard was a phalanx of warriors, completely covered with armor (“immortals”), followed by 15 thousand selected infantry and 13 thousand horsemen. The rest of the troops were commanded by Proedr Vasily, he walked with a convoy, carrying siege and other vehicles. Despite the fears of the commanders, the troops crossed the mountains easily and without resistance. On April 12, Byzantine troops approached Preslav.

In the Bulgarian capital there was Tsar Boris, his court, Kalokir and the Russian detachment under the command of Sfenkel. Leo the Deacon calls him “third in dignity after Sfendoslav” (the second was Ikmor). Another Byzantine chronicler, John Skylitzes, called him by the name Svangel and was considered “second in dignity.” Some researchers identify Sfenkel with Sveneld. But Sveneld survived this war, and Sfenkel fell in battle. Despite the surprise of the enemy’s appearance, the “Tavro-Scythians” lined up in battle formation and struck the Greeks. Initially, neither side could gain the upper hand, only a flank attack by the “immortals” turned the situation around. The Rus retreated beyond the city walls. The garrison of Preslav repulsed the first assault. The rest of the forces and siege engines approached the Romans. At night, Kalokir fled from Preslav to Dorostol. In the morning the assault was resumed. The Russians and Bulgarians desperately defended themselves, throwing spears, darts and stones from the walls. The Romans fired at the walls using stone-throwing machines and threw pots of “Greek fire” into the city. The defenders suffered heavy losses, but held out. However, the superiority of forces was clearly on the side of the Greeks, and they were able to take the external fortifications.

The remnants of the Russian-Bulgarian forces entrenched themselves in the royal palace. The Romans stormed into the city, killing and robbing the inhabitants. The royal treasury, which was safe and sound during the Rus' stay in the city, was also plundered. At the same time, the Bulgarian Tsar Boris was captured with his children and wife. John I Tzimiskes hypocritically told him that he had come “to avenge the Misians (as the Greeks called the Bulgarians), who suffered terrible disasters from the Scythians.”

The Russian troops defending the palace repulsed the first assault, and the Romans suffered heavy losses. Having learned about this failure, the basileus ordered his guard to attack the Rus with all their might. However, seeing that an attack in the narrow passage of the gate would cause heavy losses, he recalled his troops and ordered the palace to be set on fire. When it broke out strong flame, the remaining Russian troops came out into the open and launched a final furious attack. The Emperor sent Master Varda Skleros against them. The Roman phalanx surrounded the Rus. As even Leo the Deacon noted, writing about thousands of killed “Scythians” and a few Greeks, “the Dews desperately resisted, without showing their backs to the enemies,” but were doomed. Only Sfenkel with the remnants of his squad was able to cut through the enemy ranks and went to Dorostol. The remaining warriors pinned down the enemy in battle and died the death of the brave. In the same battle, many Bulgarians, who fought on the side of the Rus to the last, also fell.

The Greeks storm Preslav. A stone thrower is shown as a siege weapon. Miniature from the chronicle of John Skylitzes.

Defense of Dorostol

Having left Preslava, the basileus left a sufficient garrison there, and the fortifications were restored. The city was renamed Ioannopolis. The period of occupation of Bulgaria by Byzantine troops began. After some time the emperor solemn ceremony will deprive Tsar Boris of his royal regalia, and eastern Bulgaria will come under the direct control of Constantinople. The Greeks wanted to completely liquidate the Bulgarian kingdom, but Byzantium was unable to subjugate the western part of Bulgaria, where an independent state was formed. In order to lure the Bulgarians to his side and destroy the Bulgarian-Russian alliance, Tzimiskes, in the destroyed and plundered Preslav, announced that he was fighting not with Bulgaria, but with Russia, and wanted to take revenge for the insults inflicted by Svyatoslav on the Bulgarian kingdom. This was a monstrous lie common to the Byzantines. The Greeks actively led " information war”, declaring black to be white and white to be black, they rewrote it in their favor.

On April 17, the Byzantine army quickly marched towards Dorostol. Emperor John I Tzimiskes sent several prisoners to Prince Svyatoslav with a demand to surrender, surrender to the victors and, asking for forgiveness “for his insolence,” to immediately leave Bulgaria. The cities between Preslava and Dorostol, which did not have Russian garrisons, capitulated without a fight. The Bulgarian feudal lords joined Tzimiskes. The Romans marched through Bulgaria as invaders; the emperor gave the occupied cities and fortresses to the soldiers for plunder. John Kourkuas distinguished himself in robbery Christian churches.

Byzantine Emperor John Tzimisces returns to Constantinople after defeating the Bulgarians.

Svyatoslav Igorevich found himself in a difficult situation. The enemy was able to deliver a sudden and treacherous blow. Bulgaria was largely occupied and could not field significant forces to fight the invaders. The allies were released, so Svyatoslav had little cavalry. Until now, Svyatoslav Igorevich himself attacked and had the strategic initiative. Now he had to hold the line, and even in a situation where the enemy had all the trump cards. However, Prince Svyatoslav was not one of those who surrender to the mercy of fate. He decided to try his luck in a decisive battle, hoping to break the enemy with a fierce onslaught and turn the situation in his favor with one battle.

Leo Deacon reports 60 thousand. Russian army. He's clearly lying. The Russian chronicle reports that Svyatoslav had only 10 thousand soldiers, which is apparently closer to the truth, given the outcome of the war. In addition, the Rus were supported by a number of Bulgarians. From 60 thousand Svyatoslav's army would have reached Constantinople. In addition, Leo the Deacon reported that in the battle for Preslav the Romans killed 15-16 thousand “Scythians”. But here too we see a strong exaggeration. Such an army could hold out until Svyatoslav’s main forces arrived. There was a small detachment in Preslav, which could not provide a tight defense of the fortifications of the Bulgarian capital. It is enough to compare the defense of Preslava and Dorostol. Having apparently about 20 thousand soldiers in Dorostol, Svyatoslav gave the enemy battles and held out for three months. If there were about 15 thousand soldiers in Preslav, they would also have held out for at least a month. It is also necessary to take into account that Svyatoslav’s army was constantly declining. The Hungarian and Pecheneg allies did not have time to come to his aid. And Rus', in the words of the Russian prince himself, “is far away, and the neighboring barbarian peoples, fearing the Romans, did not agree to help them.” The Byzantine army had the opportunity to constantly replenish itself, it was well supplied with food and fodder. It could be strengthened by ship crews.

On April 23, the Byzantine army approached Dorostol. In front of the city lay a plain suitable for battle. Ahead of the army were strong patrols, inspecting the area. The Greeks feared the ambushes for which the Slavs were famous. However, the Romans lost the first battle; one of their troops was ambushed and completely destroyed. When the Byzantine army reached the city, the Rus built a “wall” and prepared for the battle. Svyatoslav knew that impact force Byzantine army - heavily armed cavalry. He opposed her with a dense formation of infantry: the Russians closed their shields and bristled with spears. The emperor also formed the infantry into a phalanx, placed archers and slingers behind, and cavalry on the flanks.

The warriors of the two armies fought hand-to-hand, and a fierce battle ensued. Both sides fought for a long time with equal tenacity. Svyatoslav fought together with his soldiers. Tzimiskes, who led the battle from a nearby hill, sent his best warriors to make their way to the Russian leader and kill him. But they were all killed either by Svyatoslav himself or by the soldiers of his close squad. “The Rosses, who among neighboring peoples had gained the glory of constant victors in battles,” over and over again repelled the onslaught of the Roman hoplites. The Romans were “overcome with shame and anger” because they, experienced warriors, could retreat like beginners. Therefore, both troops “fought with unsurpassed courage; the dews, guided by their innate brutality and rage, rushed in a furious impulse, roaring as if possessed, towards the Romans (Leo the Deacon tries to belittle the “barbarians”, but in fact describes an element of the military psychotechnics of the Russians. - Author’s note), and the Romans advanced, using my experience and military art."

The battle continued with varying success until the evening. The Romans could not realize their numerical advantage. In the evening, the basileus gathered his cavalry into a fist and threw it into the attack. However, this attack was also unsuccessful. The Roman “knights” were unable to break the formation of the Russian infantry. After this, Svyatoslav Igorevich withdrew the troops behind the walls. The battle ended without decisive success for the Romans or Rus. Svyatoslav was unable to defeat the enemy in a decisive battle, and the Romans were unable to realize their advantage in numbers and cavalry.

The siege of the fortress began. The Greeks built a fortified camp on a hill near Dorostol. They dug a ditch around the hill, built a rampart, and reinforced it with a palisade. On April 24, the troops exchanged fire with bows, slings and throwing weapons. At the end of the day, a Russian equestrian squad rode out of the gate. Leo the Deacon in “History” contradicts himself. He argued that the Rus did not know how to fight on horseback. Cataphracts (heavy cavalry) attacked the Rus, but were unsuccessful. After a heated fight, the parties separated.

On the same day, the Byzantine fleet approached Dorostol from the Danube and blocked the fortress (according to other sources, it arrived on April 25 or 28). However, the Russians were able to save their boats and carried them in their arms to the walls, under the protection of the archers. The Romans did not dare to attack along the river bank and burn or destroy Russian ships. The situation for the fortress garrison worsened; Roman ships blocked the river so that the Rus could not retreat along the river. The possibilities for supplying troops with provisions were sharply narrowed.

On April 26, the second significant battle took place near Dorostol. Prince Svyatoslav Igorevich again led his troops into the field and imposed battle on the enemy. Both sides fought fiercely, alternately pushing each other back. On this day, according to Leo the Deacon, the valiant and enormous governor Sfenkel fell. According to Deacon, after the death of their hero, the Rus retreated to the city. However, according to the Byzantine historian Georgiy Kedrin, the Russian soldiers retained the battlefield and remained on it all night from April 26 to 27. Only by noon, when Tzimiskes had deployed all his forces, the Russian soldiers calmly turned their formation and went into the city.

On April 28, a Byzantine convoy with metallurgical vehicles approached the fortress. Roman craftsmen began to set up numerous machines, ballistas, catapults that threw stones, pots with “Greek fire”, logs, and huge arrows. The shelling of throwing machines caused huge losses among the defenders of the fortresses and suppressed their morale, since they could not respond. Basileus wanted to move the machines to the walls. However, the Russian commander was able to forestall the enemy. On the night of April 29, Russian soldiers dug a deep and wide ditch at a distance from the fortress so that the enemy could not get close to the walls and install siege engines. Both sides engaged in a heated exchange of fire that day, but did not achieve any noticeable results.

Svyatoslav spoiled a lot of blood for the enemy with his ideas. That same night, the Russians succeeded in another idea. Taking advantage of the darkness, Russian warriors on boats, unnoticed by the enemy, passed through the shallow water between the shore and the enemy fleet. They obtained food for the army and on the way back they dispersed a detachment of Byzantine foragers and attacked enemy convoys. Many Byzantines were killed in the night massacre.

The siege of the fortress dragged on. Neither Tzimiskes nor Svyatoslav could achieve decisive success. Svyatoslav was unable to defeat the Byzantine army, which was a first-class fighting machine, in a series of battles. The lack of warriors and the almost complete absence of cavalry had an effect. Tzimiskes failed to defeat the Russian army and force Svyatoslav to capitulate in the face of superior forces.

Leo the Deacon noted the highest fighting spirit of Svyatoslav’s army throughout the siege of Dorostol. The Greeks were able to overcome the ditch and bring their vehicles closer to the fortress. The Russians suffered heavy losses. The Greeks also lost thousands of people. And yet Dorostol held out. The Greeks found women among the killed Rus and Bulgarians who fought together with Svyatoslav’s soldiers. “Polyanitsy” (female heroes, heroines of the Russian epic) fought equally with men, did not surrender, and endured all difficulties and food shortages. This ancient Scythian-Russian tradition of women’s participation in wars will continue until the 20th century, until the Great Patriotic War. Russian women, together with men, met the enemy and fought with him to the last. Svyatoslav's warriors performed miracles of fortitude and heroism, defending the city for three months. Byzantine chroniclers also noted the custom of the Rus not to surrender to the enemy even when defeated. They preferred to kill themselves rather than be captured or slaughtered like cattle in a slaughterhouse.

The Byzantines strengthened their patrols and dug all the roads and paths with deep ditches. With the help of battering and throwing weapons, the Greeks destroyed the fortifications of the city. The garrison thinned out, many wounded appeared. Hunger became a big problem. However, the situation was difficult not only for the Rus, but also for the Romans. John I Tzimisces could not leave Dorostol, as this would be an admission of military defeat, and he could lose the throne. While he was besieging Dorostol, there were constant revolts in the empire, intrigues were woven and conspiracies arose. Thus, the brother of the murdered Emperor Nikephoros Phocas, Leo Kuropalates, rebelled. The coup attempt failed, but the situation was alarming. Tzimisces was absent from Constantinople for a long time and could not keep his finger on the pulse of the empire.

Svyatoslav decided to take advantage of this. The Russian commander decided to give the enemy a new battle with the goal of, if not defeating the enemy, then forcing him to negotiate, showing that the Russian army, which was under siege, was still strong and capable of holding out in the fortress for a long time. At noon on July 19, Russian troops dealt an unexpected blow to the Romans. The Greeks were sleeping at this time after a hearty lunch. The Russians chopped up and burned many catapults and ballistae. In this battle, a relative of the emperor, Master John Kurkuas, was killed.

The next day, Russian soldiers again went outside the walls, but in larger forces. The Greeks lined up in a “thick phalanx.” A fierce battle began. In this battle, one of the closest associates of the great Russian prince Svyatoslav, governor Ikmor, fell. Leo the Deacon reported that Ikmor, even among the Scythians, stood out for his gigantic stature, and with his detachment he defeated many Romans. He was hacked to death by one of the emperor's bodyguards, Anemas. The death of one of the leaders, and even on the Day of Perun, caused confusion in the ranks of the soldiers, the army retreated beyond the walls of the city.

Leo the Deacon noted the unity of the funeral customs of the Scythians and Rus. Reported the Scythian origin of Achilles. In his opinion, this was evidenced by the clothes, appearance, habits and character (“extravagant irritability and cruelty”) of Achilles. The Russians contemporary to L. Deacon - the “Tavro-Scythians” - preserved these traditions. The Rus are "reckless, brave, warlike and powerful, they attack all neighboring tribes."

On July 21, Prince Svyatoslav convened a military council. The prince asked his people what to do. Some suggested leaving immediately, boarding the boats at night, since it was impossible to continue the war after losing the best warriors. Others suggested making peace with the Romans, since it would not be easy to hide the departure of an entire army, and Greek fire-carrying ships could burn the Russian flotilla. Then the Russian prince took a deep breath and exclaimed with bitterness: “The glory that marched behind the army of the Rus, who easily defeated neighboring peoples and enslaved entire countries without bloodshed, has perished, if we now shamefully retreat before the Romans. So, let us imbue ourselves with the courage that our ancestors bequeathed to us, remember that the power of the Rus has so far been indestructible, and we will fight fiercely for our lives. It is not proper for us to return to our homeland, fleeing; we must either win and survive, or die in glory, having accomplished feats worthy of valiant men!” According to Leo the Deacon, the soldiers were inspired by these words and happily decided to engage in a decisive battle with the Romans.

On July 22, the last decisive battle took place near Dorostol. In the morning the Russians went outside the walls. Svyatoslav ordered the gates to be locked so that there would be no thought of going back. The Russians themselves struck at the enemy and began to violently push back the Romans. Seeing the enthusiasm of Prince Svyatoslav, who cut through the enemy ranks like a simple warrior, Anemas decided to kill Svyatoslav. He rushed forward on his horse and struck a successful blow at Svyatoslav, but his strong chain mail saved him. Anemas was immediately struck down by Russian warriors.

The Rus continued their attack, and the Romans, unable to withstand the onslaught of the “barbarians,” began to retreat. Seeing that the Byzantine phalanx could not withstand the battle, Tzimiskes personally led the guard - the “immortals” - into a counterattack. At the same time, heavy cavalry units launched strong attacks on the Russian flanks. This somewhat straightened the situation, but the Russians continued their offensive. Lev the Deacon calls their onslaught “monstrous.” Both sides suffered heavy losses, but the bloody battle continued. The battle ended in the most unexpected way. Heavy clouds hung over the city. A strong thunderstorm began, a gusty wind, raising clouds of sand, hit the Russian soldiers in the face. Then a heavy downpour came. Russian troops had to take refuge behind the walls of the city. The Greeks attributed the violence of the elements to divine intercession.

Vladimir Kireev. "Prince Svyatoslav"

Peaceful agreement

In the morning, Svyatoslav, who was wounded in this battle, invited Tzimiskes to make peace. Basileus, amazed by the previous battle and wanting to end the war as soon as possible and return to Constantinople, willingly accepted this offer. Both commanders met on the Danube and agreed on peace. The Romans allowed Svyatoslav's soldiers through without hindrance and gave them bread for the journey. Svyatoslav agreed to leave the Danube. Dorostol (the Romans called it Feodoropol) was abandoned by the Rus. All prisoners were handed over to the Greeks. Rus' and Byzantium returned to the norms of the treaties of 907-944. According to Greek authors, the parties agreed to consider themselves “friends.” This meant that the conditions for the payment of tribute by Constantinople to Kyiv were restored. This is also stated in the Russian chronicle. In addition, Tzimiskes had to send ambassadors to the friendly Pechenegs so that they would not obstruct the Russian troops.

Thus, Svyatoslav avoided military defeat, peace was honorable. The prince planned to continue the war. According to the Tale of Bygone Years, the prince said: “I’ll go to Rus' and bring more troops.”

To be continued…

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Siege of Dorostol

The siege of Dorostol began, which lasted 65 days.

The city was completely blocked. The Romans dug up all the roads with ditches, and guards were posted everywhere. Reinforcements approached John almost daily.

The Rus were not prepared for a long siege. Food supplies in Dorostol soon became depleted, and the Russians had to organize forays to get food for themselves. Skylitsa reports that one of these forays (on the twentieth of July) was led by Svyatoslav himself. On a dark night, under pouring rain, 2000 Rus got into boats and sailed out of the city. Having freely robbed the inhabitants of the coastal villages, on the way back they also killed the Roman baggage servants, who led the horses to the Danube for watering. The angry Tzimiskes threatened the commander of the fleet with death if the Russian boats appeared on the Danube again.

The Roman siege engines bombarded the city with piles of stones every day. The powerful walls of Dorostol (up to 4.7 m thick) withstood the impacts of projectiles without much damage. But the Rus who were on the walls suffered severe damage from them.

Svyatoslav decided to destroy the enemy’s siege equipment. On July 19, a strong Russian detachment left the city and moved straight towards the Roman guns. These cars were guarded by a relative of the emperor, Master John Kurkuas. “Noticing the daring attack of the enemies,” writes Leo the Deacon, “Kourkuas, despite the fact that he had a severe headache and that he was sleepy from wine (it was after breakfast), jumped on his horse and, accompanied by chosen warriors rushed towards them. While running, the horse stumbled into a hole and threw the master off. The Scythians saw magnificent weapons, beautifully decorated plaques on horse harnesses and other decorations - they were covered with a considerable layer of gold - and thought that it was the emperor himself. Closely surrounding the master, they brutally chopped him down along with his armor with their swords and axes, impaled his head on a spear and began to make fun of the Romans, shouting that they had slaughtered their emperor like a sacrificial animal.” The Russians were about to set fire to the siege engines, but the Romans arrived in time and defended them.

Encouraged by this victory, the Russians the next morning (it was July 20, according to the Slavic pagan calendar - Perun's Day) left the city and lined up in battle formation. The Romans “also lined up in a deep phalanx and moved towards them.”

In this battle, the Rus were led by a certain Ikmor (possibly the governor of the Tauride Rus). According to Leo the Deacon, he was “a brave man of gigantic stature, the first leader of the army after Sfendoslav, whom [the Scythians] revered in dignity as the second among them. Surrounded by a detachment of warriors close to him, he fiercely rushed against the Romans and defeated many of them. Seeing this, one of the emperor's bodyguards, the son of the archig [emir] of the Cretans Anemas, was inflamed with valor of spirit, pulled out the sword hanging on his side, galloped on his horse in different directions and, spurring him, rushed at Ikmor, overtook him and struck him in the neck with the sword - the head of a Scythian, cut off along with right hand, rolled to the ground. As soon as Ikmor died, the Scythians raised a cry mixed with a groan, and the Romans rushed at them. The Scythians could not withstand the enemy's onslaught; greatly depressed by the death of their leader, they threw their shields behind their backs and began to retreat to the city, while the Romans pursued them and killed them.” According to Skylitsa, among the killed Rus there were several women dressed in men's clothing.

At night, the Russians left the city and began to pick up their fallen soldiers. Leo the Deacon described in some detail the terrible picture of the pagan funeral: the Russians piled corpses in front of the wall, “made many fires and burned them, slaughtering many prisoners, men and women, according to the custom of their ancestors.

Svyatoslav conferring with his squad (miniature from the manuscript of John Skylitzes)

Having made this bloody sacrifice, they strangled several infants and roosters, drowning them in the waters of the Istra [Danube].”

At dawn, Svyatoslav held a council with the oldest squad about what to do next. According to Leo the Deacon, opinions were divided. Some commanders insisted on boarding their boats at night and trying to sneak past the Roman ships, “because it is impossible to fight with horsemen covered in iron armor without losing best fighters" Others were afraid of Greek fire and advised to first make peace with the Romans, taking an oath from them not to interfere with the departure of the Russian flotilla. Skylitza writes that everyone was in favor of ending the war one way or another. The Tale of Bygone Years conveys the speeches of peace supporters as follows: “If we do not make peace with the king, and the king learns that there are few of us, those who have come will step on us [block us] in the city. And the Russian land is far away... and who [will] help us?”

“Then,” writes Leo the Deacon, “Sfendoslav took a deep breath and exclaimed with bitterness: “The glory that marched behind the army of the Russians, who easily defeated neighboring peoples and enslaved entire countries without bloodshed, has perished if we now shamefully retreat before the Romans. So, let us be imbued with the courage [that our ancestors bequeathed] to us, let us remember that the power of the Russians has so far been indestructible, and we will fight fiercely for our lives. It is not proper for us to return to our homeland, fleeing; [we must] either win and stay alive, or die with glory, having accomplished feats [worthy] of valiant men!”

Very similar speech the prince addressed to his soldiers, we read in the Tale of Bygone Years (where it, however, precedes some unprecedentedly victorious battle of Svyatoslav with the Greeks): “We have no children [nowhere to go], willy-nilly, against the odds; Let us not disgrace the Russian land, but let us lie down with that bone; we are dead, for we have no rubbish; If we run away, then shame on us. The imam will not run away, but we will stand strong, and I will go before you: if my head falls, then provide for yourself [if they kill me, then act as you yourself know].”

Svyatoslav's words inspired the Russians. The next day, by sunset, the entire Russian army left the city; John, for his part, led the Romans out of the camp. Skylitzes reports that Tzimiskes, wanting to finish the matter without unnecessary bloodshed, proposed a duel to Svyatoslav. “But he did not accept the challenge and added mocking words that he, they say, better than the enemy understands his benefit, and if the emperor does not want to live anymore, then there are tens of thousands of other ways to death; let him choose whichever he wants.”

At a sign from their commanders, the Romans and Rus rushed at each other. In the battle, Svyatoslav was seriously wounded. According to Leo the Deacon, it happened like this: “Now a battle began, and the Scythians attacked the Romans with force, pierced them with spears, wounded their horses with arrows and knocked their horsemen to the ground. Seeing with what frantic fury Sfendoslav rushed at the Romans and inspired his ranks to fight, Anemas, who had become famous the day before for killing Ikmor, rushed forward on his horse (it became his custom to do this, and in this way he had already defeated many Scythians), lowering the reins , rushed at the leader of the Russians and, hitting him on the collarbone with a sword, threw him head down to the ground, but did not kill him. Sfendoslav was saved by a chain mail shirt and a shield, with which he armed himself, fearing the Roman spears. Anemas was surrounded by rows of Scythians, his horse fell, struck by a cloud of spears; He killed many of them, but he himself died...”

The death of Anemas inspired the Rus. Having uttered a victory cry (to the ears of the Romans these were “wild, piercing screams”), they began to push back the faltering phalanx of the Romans. Then Tzimiskes, in order to save the situation, “called the soldiers close to him, squeezed his spear with all his might and rushed towards the enemies... Ashamed that the sovereign himself was going into battle, the Romans turned their horses and rushed forcefully towards the Scythians.”

The Russes, according to Skylitsa, “worthily accepted” the attack led by the emperor himself, and the battle continued with equal success. Unable to achieve victory by force, the emperor decided to resort to military cunning. As Leo the Deacon testifies, John noted that “the battlefield is very crowded” and “that for this reason the Scythians are pushing back the Romans.<...>And so the strategists were ordered to retreat back to the plain, moving away from the city and pretending at the same time that they were running away, but in fact not running headlong, but retreating calmly and little by little; when the pursuers are diverted to a great distance from the city, they should suddenly pull the reins, turn their horses and attack the enemy. The order was carried out, and the dews, considering the retreat of the Romans to be a real flight, rushed after them with a war cry, encouraging each other. But when the Romans reached the appointed place, they turned and bravely rushed towards the enemies. A fierce battle ensued there, and it happened that the general Theodore of Mysthia, whose horse was struck by a pike, fell to the ground. In this place a stubborn battle began to boil, for the Dews were trying to kill him, and the Romans were trying to protect him. This Theodore, falling from his horse, grabbed some Scythian by the belt and, moving it with the force of his hands in all directions like a small light shield, covered himself with it from the spears flying at him, and he himself, defending himself in this way, gradually retreated, approaching the Romans , who finally pushed back the Scythians and saved this man from danger.”

Apparently, the Russians pressed the Romans very hard, because they urgently needed help from above. By church calendar it was the day of the martyrs Theodore and George. And Leo the Deacon tells how a white horseman suddenly descended from the sky and began to strike the Rus right and left. It was, of course, impossible not to recognize Saint Theodore. True, the Russians did not see anything like this, but only noticed how “a hurricane suddenly broke out, mixed with rain; rushing from the sky, he shielded the enemies; Moreover, dust rose and filled their eyes.”

The legend about heavenly help most likely indicates that the victory was truly miraculous for the Romans. In a “hot battle,” writes Leo the Deacon, “the Scythians could not withstand the onslaught of the cavalry phalanx. Surrounded by Master Varda, nicknamed Skler, who with many warriors went around them from the rear, they fled. The Romans pursued them to the very wall, and they died ingloriously. Sfendoslav himself, wounded by arrows and losing a lot of blood, was almost captured; he was saved only by the onset of night.”

From the book “I’m coming to you!” The exploits of Svyatoslav [= Svyatoslav] author Prozorov Lev Rudolfovich

From the book Russian Heroes [Svyatoslav the Brave and Evpatiy Kolovrat. “I’m coming at you!”] author Prozorov Lev Rudolfovich

The long walls of Dorostol With the smoke of burning thefts Memory knocks on the heart. Damn you, Constantinople! The faces of the dead were frozen. There's no turning back. The winds beat against the rocks, the waves forever rage, drop splashes into the sunset. Veleslav,

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Siege It was snowing and raining, and a storm was raging. Klos raised the collar of his cloak and quickened his pace. It was quiet all around. The doors of the houses are locked, the windows are tightly closed. A girl with a “P” sign on the sleeve of her raincoat ran along the sidewalk and disappeared into the entrance. A hoarse voice was heard from

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Siege The Soviet military command had to proceed from the fact that the length of the outer ring of encirclement was more than 300 kilometers, and the defense of this perimeter became the main task of the country's armed forces. Distance between inner and outer rings,

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1. Henry IV goes on a campaign against Rome (1081). - First siege of Rome. - Second siege in the spring of 1082 - Retreat to Farfa. - Hike to Tivoli. - Clement III makes it his residence. - Devastation of the lands of the margravine. The struggle between both bitter opponents, the emperor and the pope,

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6.4. The siege and defeat of Memphis is the siege and defeat of Kazan. According to Herodotus, after the Egyptians massacred the Persian ambassadors, King Cambyses gave the order to besiege and storm Memphis. As a result of a LONG SIEGE, Memphis was taken, see above. The fall of Memphis and all of Egypt

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The siege The Japanese were helped by their traditional phenomenal hard work. They dug all the approaches to the fortress from the eastern side with underground tunnels (about 20 kilometers of underground passages), nothing could stop them, their tenacity was bottomless. They preferred

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THE SIEGE OF MEAU The city of Meaux is located on the Marne River, 25 miles east of Paris. 10 miles from Paris, also on the Marne, is the city of Lagny. The importance of Meaux was that it was a powerful Dauphinist stronghold in the Paris area. Operating from this fortified point, it was possible to cut

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SIEGE OF VIENNA The famous historian A. Toynbee names several countries that, in his opinion, were the outposts of Europe in defense against certain dangerous invasions that could radically change the course of development European civilization. Among these outposts is a scientist

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5.2. THE FALL OF BYZANTIUM, THE SIEGE AND THE CAPTURE OF TSAR CITY BY MOHOMET II IN 1453 IS DESCRIBED IN THE BIBLE AS THE SIEGE AND THE CAPTURE OF THE CITY OF JERUSALEM BY DAVID The “watershed” separating the era 1334–1453 from the era 14531566 is the famous 1453 year of the fall of Byzantium, capture of Tsar Grad by the Sultan's troops

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From the book Defense of Bayazet: truth and lies author Ivanov Rudolf Nikolaevich

Siege “If only we could make nails out of these people, there would be no stronger nails in the world.” K. S. Tikhonov And it is not surprising that the Turks showed up. The command of the Russian troops assessed the premature invasion of the Turks in Bayazet and the beginning of the blockade of the citadel as a consequence of ill-conceived

From the book Book 2. We change dates - everything changes. [New chronology of Greece and the Bible. Mathematics reveals the deception of medieval chronologists] author Fomenko Anatoly Timofeevich

19. Medieval siege of Tsar Grad = Byzantium - this is the “ancient” siege of Byzantium. The fall of Byzantium in 1453 AD. e. after the siege of Tsar Grad and its capture by the Ottomans, is one of the largest events of the Middle Ages. We have already seen that it was reflected in the “ancient”

Bottom line Tzimiskes made peace with Svyatoslav Opponents Kievan Rus Byzantine Empire Commanders Svyatoslav Igorevich John Tzimiskes

Defense of Dorostol- battles in April-July 971 between the Russian army and the army of the Byzantine Empire at the Dorostol fortress, which ended a series of campaigns of Prince Svyatoslav Igorevich to Bulgaria and Byzantium. As a result of the battles, Prince Svyatoslav was forced to make peace with Byzantium and leave the Balkans.


Svyatoslav's lack of strength and the suddenness of the Byzantine attack led to the fact that he did not have time to take the necessary precautions. He did not occupy the Balkan passes, left the mouth of the Danube open, divided his army, but even in this way he could not allocate enough forces to cover Preslav. So the main forces of the Rus were in Dorostol, and the detachment under the command of Sfenkel was located in Preslav (the Bulgarian Tsar Boris II was also located there).

Battle of Preslav

Strengths of the parties

Defense of Dorostol

First fight (April 23)

On April 23, the first battle took place, which began after a Russian ambush attacked a small advance detachment of the Byzantines. They destroyed this detachment, but they themselves died.

The Rus were expecting the main forces of the Byzantines on the near approaches to Dorostol, “ closing shields and spears like a wall" The battle formation of the Byzantine army consisted of two lines: in the first line there was infantry in the center, and on the flanks were mounted men-at-arms, which made up two wings; In the second line, continuously shooting archers and slingers lined up. In a stubborn battle, the Rus repelled 12 attacks by the Byzantines. In the evening, Tsimikhsy, having gathered all his cavalry, threw it against the exhausted Russians, which forced them to take refuge behind the walls of Dorostol.

On April 24, the Byzantines erected a fortified camp near Dorostol, set up tents on a small hill, dug a deep ditch around and poured an earthen rampart, on which they stuck spears into the ground and hung shields on them.

Famine began in the city, the Bulgarians began to go over to the side of the Byzantines. Svyatoslav, realizing that if they all went over to the side of Tzimiskes, then his affairs would end badly, was forced to begin repressions - he executed about 300 in Dorostol. the famous Misyans for their birth and wealth", and imprisoned the rest.

Seeing that the situation was worsening, on July 19, Svyatoslav organized a large sortie with the aim of destroying the enemy’s siege and battering machines. Unexpectedly, after lunch, when the Byzantines were not expecting an attack, a detachment of Rus attacked the enemy and burned all the siege structures, killing the head of the siege engines.

Third fight (July 20)

This success inspired Svyatoslav. On July 20, the Russians left the city and lined up for battle. The Byzantines lined up in a “dense phalanx”. The Rus successfully repelled the attacks of the Byzantines, but during one of them the Russian governor Ikmor was beheaded by Anemas, the bodyguard of Emperor John Tzimiskes, after which the squad " threw her shields behind her back" and retreated to the city. Among the bodies left on the battlefield of killed soldiers, the Byzantines found the bodies of women, probably Bulgarian residents of Dorostol.

At the military council (comment) assembled on July 21 by Svyatoslav, opinions were divided - some suggested breaking out of the city on boats in the dark night, the other part advised starting peace negotiations. Then Svyatoslav made a speech given by Leo the Deacon:

“Glory, the companion of Russian weapons, which easily defeated neighboring peoples and, without shedding blood, conquered entire countries, will perish if we now shamefully yield to the Romans. And so, with the courage of our ancestors and with the thought that Russian strength has been invincible until now, let us fight courageously for our lives. We do not have the custom of fleeing to our fatherland, but either to live as victors or, having accomplished famous feats, to die with glory.”

After listening to their prince, the squad decided to fight.

Fourth fight (July 22)

On the morning of July 22, the Russians left Dorostol and Svyatoslav ordered the city walls to be locked so that no one would have the thought of retreating. The battle began with the Russians attacking the Byzantine positions. In a stubborn battle, by noon the Byzantines began to retreat under the pressure of the Rus. Then Tzimikhsy introduced a fresh detachment of horsemen into the battle, the attack of which he personally led. This allowed the tired Byzantines to rest. They went on the attack, but were repulsed by the Russians.

Then Tzimiskes divided his army into two parts. One detachment, under the command of patrician Roman and captain Peter, having entered the battle, began to retreat, luring a squad of Rus to an open plain away from the city. At this time, the second detachment under the command of Varda Sklir attacked the Rus from the rear. The storm that began at this time brought clouds of sand into the eyes of the Rus. Fighting bravely, repelling the constant attacks of the Byzantines, the Russians were able to break into Dorostol and take refuge behind its walls.


Leo Deacon reports that the Russians had 15 thousand killed in this battle, the Byzantines took 20 thousand shields and many swords, while the Byzantines allegedly had only 350 people killed and “ many wounded" There are doubts that these data are correct.

Consequences of the battle

The next day, Svyatoslav invited Tzimiskes to begin negotiations. The emperor willingly accepted this offer. On the banks of the Ister River, Svyatoslav met with Tzimiskes. Svyatoslav undertook not to fight with Byzantium, and Tzimiskes had to let the Rus' boats through without hindrance and give two measures of bread to each warrior for the road. Leo the Deacon reports that there were 22 thousand people who received the bread. After this, Svyatoslav's army left for Rus'. On the way to Kyiv, Prince Svyatoslav was killed by the Pechenegs.


  1. M. V. Levchenko. Essays..., pp. 277 ff.
  2. “The Tale of Bygone Years” In the year 6479 (971).
  3. Sakharov A. N. "Diplomacy of Svyatoslav" - Moscow: International Relations, 1982 - p.240

    The further course of military operations is not known to the Russian chronicler. He is also ignorant of the passage of the Greeks through the Balkans, the capture of Preslava, and the battles for Dorostol.

Defense of Dorostol- battles in April-July 971 between the Russian army and the army of the Byzantine Empire at the Dorostol fortress, which ended a series of campaigns of Prince Svyatoslav Igorevich to Bulgaria and Byzantium. As a result of the battles, Prince Svyatoslav was forced to make peace with Byzantium and leave the Balkans.


Svyatoslav's lack of strength and the suddenness of the Byzantine attack led to the fact that he did not have time to take the necessary precautions. He did not occupy the Balkan passes, left the mouth of the Danube open, divided his army, but even in this way he could not allocate enough forces to cover Preslav. So the main forces of the Rus were in Dorostol, and the detachment under the command of Sfenkel was located in Preslav (the Bulgarian Tsar Boris II was also located there).

Battle of Preslav

Strengths of the parties

Defense of Dorostol

First fight (April 23)

On April 23, the first battle took place, which began after a Russian ambush attacked a small advance detachment of the Byzantines. They destroyed this detachment, but they themselves died.

The Rus were expecting the main forces of the Byzantines on the near approaches to Dorostol, “ closing shields and spears like a wall"(see battle formation "wall"). The battle formation of the Byzantine army consisted of two lines: in the first line there was infantry in the center, and on the flanks were mounted men-at-arms, which made up two wings; In the second line, continuously shooting archers and slingers lined up. In a stubborn battle, the Rus repelled 12 attacks by the Byzantines. In the evening, Tsimikhsy, having gathered all his cavalry, threw it against the exhausted Russians, which forced them to take refuge behind the walls of Dorostol.

On April 24, the Byzantines erected a fortified camp near Dorostol, set up tents on a small hill, dug a deep ditch around and poured an earthen rampart, on which they stuck spears into the ground and hung shields on them.

Famine began in the city, the Bulgarians began to go over to the side of the Byzantines. Svyatoslav, realizing that if they all went over to the side of Tzimiskes, then his affairs would end badly, was forced to begin repressions - he executed about 300 in Dorostol. the famous Misyans for their birth and wealth", and imprisoned the rest.

Seeing that the situation was deteriorating, on July 19, Svyatoslav organized a large sortie with the aim of destroying the enemy’s siege and battering machines. Unexpectedly, after lunch, when the Byzantines were not expecting an attack, a detachment of Rus attacked the enemy and burned all the siege structures, killing the head of the siege engines.

Third fight (July 20)

This success inspired Svyatoslav. On July 20, the Russians left the city and lined up for battle. The Byzantines lined up in a “dense phalanx”. The Rus successfully repelled the attacks of the Byzantines, but during one of them the Russian governor Ikmor was beheaded by Anemas, the bodyguard of Emperor John Tzimiskes, after which the squad " threw her shields behind her back" and retreated to the city. Among the bodies of killed soldiers left on the battlefield, the Byzantines found the bodies of women, probably Bulgarian residents of Dorostol.

At the military council (comment) convened by Svyatoslav on July 21, opinions were divided - some suggested breaking out of the city on boats in the dark night, the other part advised starting peace negotiations. Then Svyatoslav made a speech given by Leo the Deacon:

“Glory, the companion of Russian weapons, which easily defeated neighboring peoples and, without shedding blood, conquered entire countries, will perish if we now shamefully yield to the Romans. And so, with the courage of our ancestors and with the thought that Russian strength has been invincible until now, let us fight courageously for our lives. We do not have the custom of fleeing to our fatherland, but either to live as victors or, having accomplished famous feats, to die with glory.”

After listening to their prince, the squad decided to fight.

Fourth fight (July 22)

On the morning of July 22, the Russians left Dorostol and Svyatoslav ordered the city walls to be locked so that no one would have the thought of retreating. The battle began with the Russians attacking the Byzantine positions. In a stubborn battle, by noon the Byzantines began to retreat under the pressure of the Rus. Then Tzimiskes brought a fresh detachment of horsemen into the battle, the attack of which he personally led. This allowed the tired Byzantines to rest. They went on the attack, but were repulsed by the Russians.

Then Tzimiskes divided his army into two parts. One detachment, under the command of patrician Roman and captain Peter, having entered the battle, began to retreat, luring a squad of Rus to an open plain away from the city. At this time, the second detachment under the command of Varda Sklir attacked the Rus from the rear. The storm that began at this time brought clouds of sand into the eyes of the Rus. Fighting bravely, repelling the constant attacks of the Byzantines, the Russians were able to break into Dorostol and take refuge behind its walls.


Leo Deacon reports that the Russians had 15 thousand killed in this battle, the Byzantines took 20 thousand shields and many swords, while the Byzantines allegedly had only 350 people killed and “ many wounded" There are doubts that these data are correct.

Consequences of the battle

The next day, Svyatoslav invited Tzimiskes to begin negotiations. The emperor willingly accepted this offer. On the banks of the Danube, Svyatoslav met with Tzimiskes. Svyatoslav undertook not to fight with Byzantium, and Tzimiskes had to let the Rus' boats through without hindrance and give two measures of bread to each warrior for the road. Leo the Deacon reports that there were 22 thousand people who received the bread. After this, Svyatoslav's army left for Rus'. On the way to Kyiv, Prince Svyatoslav was killed by the Pechenegs.


  1. Beskrovny L. G. Atlas of maps and diagrams of Russian military history / Ed. N. M. Korobkov, G. P. Meshcheryakov, M. N. Tikhomirov. - M.: Military Publishing House of the People's Commissariat of the Armed Forces, 1946. - P. 2.
  2. Levchenko M. V. Essays... - P. 277 words.
  3. Sakharov A. N. Diplomacy of Svyatoslav. - M.: International relationships, 1982. - P. 240.
  4. “The Tale of Bygone Years” in the year 6479 (971).
  5. Sakharov A. N. Diplomacy of Svyatoslav. - M.: International Relations, 1982. - P. 240.:

    The further course of military operations is not known to the Russian chronicler. He is also ignorant of the passage of the Greeks through the Balkans, the capture of Preslava, and the battles for Dorostol.

  6. Marx K. and Engels F. Works, vol. XVI, part I. - P. 409.

Dorostol, D p i s t p (Latin Durostorum, late Greek Dristra), an ancient Bulgarian fortress and city on the right bank of the Danube, modern. Silistra. Basic in the 4th century In the military History knows the heroic. defense against the Byzantines by the army of the Kyiv prince. Svyatoslav Igorevich. Svyatoslav sought to take possession of the Danube basin in order to ensure Kievan Rus more favorable conditions for trade with Byzantium. During the 2nd campaign of Svyatoslav to Bulgaria in 970-971 Rus. The army crossed the Balkans and occupied Macedonia, but was under pressure from superior Byzantine forces. imp. John I Tzimisces went to D. But having achieved success in the battle of D. on April 23 and 25. 971, Svyatoslav was forced to retreat to the fortress. 28 Apr with the help of the approaching fleet, the army of Tzimiskes blocked D. Ok. For 3 months, the besieged defended the city, carrying out bold forays to destroy the siege equipment of the Byzantines, inflict damage on them in manpower and replenish food supplies. By the 65th day of the siege, their situation became difficult: many wounded accumulated, and famine began. On June 21, Svyatoslav gathered the military. council (“Komet”), at which it was decided to give the pr-ku the last battle. He said: “Whether or not we must fight. We will not disgrace the Russian land, but we will lie down with bones; the dead have no shame.” July 22 971 rus. the army (over 20 thousand people) led by Svyatoslav left the fortress and formed a “wall”. The Byzantines (about 45 thousand people) turned into a phalanx, having strong cavalry detachments on the flanks. At the beginning of the battle, Russian. The army launched a frontal attack and pushed back the Byzantine phalanx, but then was cut off from the fortress and surrounded by cavalry attacks on the flank and rear. However, showing great courage and bravery, Russian. The warriors broke through the encirclement and retreated back to the fortress. In the battle, Svyatoslav was wounded, and many of his commanders were killed. Realizing that in conditions of a hungry blockade, fighting against superior forces was impossible, Svyatoslav made peace with Tzimiskes. According to the agreement, Svyatoslav’s army received food and the right to unhindered withdrawal to the borders of Rus', and the Russians. merchants were guaranteed free trade with Byzantium. D.'s defense is heroic. military page history of Russia, an example of Russian courage and perseverance. warriors led by a skilled commander. The skillful organization of defense, active attacks from the fortress, and finally, a series of sexual battles and escape from encirclement in the last battle testified to the high field and fortress tactics of the Russians. 10th century troops

Materials from the Soviet Military Encyclopedia in 8 volumes, volume 3 were used.


DOROSTOL (Russian-Byzantine War, 970-971). A fortress on the Danube (now the Romanian city of Silistria), in which the squad of the Kiev prince Svyatoslav (up to 30 thousand people) withstood a 3-month siege (April 23 - July 22, 971) of the Byzantine army under the command of Emperor John Tzimiskes (40-45 thousand people). Completely blocked from the land by a strong army, and from the Danube by the Byzantine fleet (300 ships), Svyatoslav’s soldiers suffered hunger and destitution.

Despite the hardships, they steadfastly repelled all attacks and continuously made bold forays. One of them was carried out on boats. A 2,000-strong detachment of Rus, on boats, secretly passed by the Byzantine fleet on a dark rainy night and unexpectedly attacked the Greeks. During this sortie, one of the Byzantine detachments was defeated, and the Rus captured a large amount of food and returned unharmed to the fortress.

The battles were especially fierce on July 20 and 22, when the Russian squad attacked the Byzantines in last hope to win. In the battle on July 22, Svyatoslav was seriously wounded, but continued to fight, inspiring the soldiers. Having waited until the troops of the Kyiv prince moved away from the walls of the fortress, Tzimiskes attacked them from the flanks with the forces of his cavalry. As a result, the Russian army was cut off from Dorostol and surrounded. However, the wounded Svyatoslav managed to keep the soldiers from panicking. Leading a counterattack, he broke through the encirclement and made his way back to the fortress.

After this failure, the Kiev prince finally lost faith in success and entered into negotiations with the Byzantine emperor. Under the terms of the concluded peace, the Russians freely left Bulgaria, and the Greeks supplied them with food for the journey. The Battle of Dorostol ended the Russian-Byzantine War of 970-971. On the way home, at the Dnieper rapids, Prince Svyatoslav’s detachment was attacked by the Pechenegs, and the prince himself was killed in this battle (see Dnieper rapids).

Book materials used: Nikolai Shefov. Battles of Russia. Military-historical library. M., 2002.

Detailed progress of military operations

Prince of Kyiv Svyatoslav , son Igor And Olga, was distinguished by courage and endurance; he spent his life in campaigns and battles. Svyatoslav was always ready to take the fight. The chronicler writes: “I sent to the countries the verb: “I want to go to you.” This technique of Svyatoslav excluded strategic surprise, but had a moral effect on the enemy and ensured the initiative, which Svyatoslav always tried to keep in his hands.

Svyatoslav continued the policies of His predecessors, seeking to increase the territory of the ancient Russian state, protect its borders, secure the Volga trade route and take control of the entire great trade route “from the Varangians to the Greeks.” As a result, Svyatoslav rushed to the Balkans, wanting to conquer Constantinople and transfer the political center of the ancient Russian state to the Danube. He told his mother and the boyars: “I don’t like Kiev, I want to live on the Danube, in Pereyaslavets. That town is the middle of my land. All the goods converge there: from the Greeks gold, wine, vegetables; from the Czechs and Hungarians - silver and horses ; from Rus' - furs, wax, honey, servants." In 967 during the reign of the Greek Emperor Nikephoros II Phocas An ambassador came from Constantinople to Kyiv and asked Svyatoslav, on behalf of his sovereign, to go to war against the Bulgarians. The Greeks could not overpower the Bulgarians due to the fact that they lived in mountainous areas. The Greeks brought with them rich gifts and promised even more for the capture Bulgaria. The prince agreed and began to gather an army. The glorious governor Sveneld, the heroes Sfenkel, Ikmor and others responded to his cry. Svyatoslav undertook two campaigns to Bulgaria- in 968 and 969. Having captured the capital of Bulgaria Preslava and captured Tsar Boris, Svyatoslav sent to say to the Greeks: “I want to go against you, take your city.” Following this, the Russians began to prepare for the campaign against Constantinople. They reinforced their army with the Bulgarians, who were dissatisfied with the dominance of Byzantium, and hired detachments of Pechenegs and Hungarians. At this time on royal throne joined Byzantium John I Tzimiskes, a skilled military leader and brave warrior. In 970 under Adrianople a battle took place, as a result of which the Greeks were defeated, brought gifts to Svyatoslav and promised peace. At this time, small reinforcements arrived from Kyiv to Svyatoslav. Not having sufficient forces and relying on an agreement with Tzimiskes, Svyatoslav did not occupy the mountain passes through the Balkans and left the mouth of the Danube open. This was his major strategic mistake. In addition, the army of the Rus was divided into two parts: the main forces were in Dorostol, the detachment under the command of Sfenkel was located in Preslav.

Tzimiskes took advantage of this. He assembled 300 ships armed with “Greek fire” and in 971 moved the fleet to the mouth of the Danube to block the Russians from returning to their homeland. The emperor himself set out on a campaign with a strong forward detachment of 2,000 “immortals” (well-armed personal guard), 13,000 cavalry and 15,000 infantry, etc. easily crossed the Balkans. He was followed by the rest of the forces and a large convoy with siege and flamethrower engines and food. In Bulgaria, Byzantine spies spread a rumor that Tzimiskes was not going to conquer the Bulgarian people, but to liberate them from the Rus, and the Rus soon lost support from the Bulgarians.

On April 13, 971, Tzimiskes began a battle on the outskirts of Preslava. As a result of this battle, the Byzantines captured Preslav, and only a few Rus, led by Sfenkel, managed to break through and go to Dorostol.

On April 17, Tzimiskes moved towards Dorostol, occupying a number of Bulgarian cities along the way. On April 23, the Byzantine army, significantly superior to the army of the Rus, approached Dorostol. The advance detachment of the Byzantine infantry inspected the surrounding forests and ravines in search of an ambush.

The first battle near Dorostol took place on April 23, 971. The Rus ambushed the vanguard of the Byzantines. They destroyed this detachment, but they themselves died. When Tzimiskes approached the city, the Rus were waiting for the enemy on the near approaches to Dorostol, “closed shields and spears, like a wall.” The Greeks formed a battle formation: infantry stood in the middle, cavalry in iron armor was on the flanks; in front, covering the front, there was light infantry: archers and slingers - they continuously fired arrows and threw stones. The battle was stubborn, the Russians repelled 12 attacks. Victory fluctuated: neither side gained the upper hand. By evening, Tzimiskes himself led his entire cavalry against the weary enemy. Under the blows of the numerous cavalry of the Byzantines, the Russian infantry retreated and took refuge behind the city walls of Dorostol.

Battle 23.04 on the outskirts of Dorostol:

On April 24, the Byzantine army was building a fortified camp near Dorostol. Tzimiskes chose a small hill on which tents were erected, a deep ditch was dug around and an earthen rampart was poured. Tzimiskes ordered spears to be stuck into the ground and shields to be hung on them. On April 25, the Byzantine fleet approached Dorostol and blocked the city from the Danube. Svyatoslav ordered to pull his boats ashore so that the enemy would not burn them. The Russians found themselves surrounded. On the same day, Tzimiskes approached the city, but the Russians did not go into the field, but only threw stones and arrows at the enemy from the city walls and towers. The Byzantines had to return to their camp.

Defense of Dorostol by the Rus from 23.04 to 23.07:

The second battle near Dorostol took place on April 26. The army of the Rus went out into the field and lined up on foot in their chain mail armor and helmets, closing their long shields that reached their very feet and putting out their spears. After the Byzantine attack, a stubborn battle ensued, which lasted for a long time without any advantage. In this battle, the brave commander Sfenkel fell. On the morning of April 27, the battle resumed. By noon, Tzimiskes sent a detachment to the rear of Svyatoslav’s squad. Fearing that they would be cut off from the city, the Rus retreated behind the fortress walls. After the ships arrived and blocked the exit to the sea, Svyatoslav decided to settle in a strong siege. On the night of April 29, a deep ditch was dug around Dorostol so that the besiegers could not get close to the fortress wall and install siege engines. The Russians had no food supplies, and on the dark night of April 29, they made their first big foray for food on boats. The Russians managed to search all the surrounding places and returned home with large supplies of food. At this time, they noticed a Greek baggage camp on the shore: people were watering horses and cutting wood. In one minute the Russians landed, surrounded them with forest, defeated them and returned to the city with rich booty. Tzimiskes, amazed by the audacity of the Rus, ordered to increase vigilance and not let the Rus out of the city. From land, he ordered all roads and paths to be dug up and guards posted on them.

The siege continued. At this time, the Greeks used battering and throwing machines to destroy the city walls and kill their defenders. One day after lunch, when the enemy’s vigilance was weakened, Svyatoslav made a second sortie. This time the Russians set fire to the siege works and killed the head of the siege engines. This success inspired them.

The third battle took place on July 20. Svyatoslav's warriors left the city and lined up for battle. The first attacks of the Byzantines were repelled, but after the Russians lost one of their major military leaders, they “threw their shields behind their backs” and began to retreat. The Byzantines found among the killed Rus women who, in men's equipment, fought as bravely as the men.

The next day, Svyatoslav gathered a military council and began to think with his squad, what should they do and what to do next? Some suggested fleeing in the dark of the night, others advised starting peace negotiations. Then Svyatoslav, sighing heavily, answered like this: “Grandfathers and fathers bequeathed brave deeds to us! Let us stand strong. We do not have the custom of saving ourselves by shameful flight. Either we will remain alive and win, or we will die with glory! The dead have no shame, but having run away from battle How will we show ourselves to people?!" After listening to their prince, the squad decided to fight.

The fourth and final battle was fought on July 22. The army of Rus went out into the field, and Svyatoslav ordered the city gates to be locked so that no one could think about salvation outside the fortress walls. The army of Tzimisces also left the camp and lined up for battle.

At the first stage of the battle, the Rus attacked the Byzantine troops. Around noon the Greeks began to retreat. Tzimiskes, with a fresh detachment of horsemen, delayed the advance of the Rus and ordered the tired soldiers to refresh themselves with water and wine. However, the Byzantine counterattack was unsuccessful: the Rus fought steadfastly.

The Byzantines could not use their numerical superiority, since the Russians did not move far from the city. As a result, Tzimiskes decided to use cunning. He divided his army into two detachments. One detachment under the command of the patrician Romanus and the captain Peter was ordered to engage in battle and then retreat to lure the enemy onto the open plain. At this time, another detachment under the command of Varda Sklir was supposed to come from the rear and block the enemy’s retreat to Dorostol. This plan of Tzimiskes was successfully carried out: the Byzantines began to retreat, and the Rus, carried away by success, began to pursue them and moved away from the city. However, the battle was stubborn, and victory tilted in one direction or the other for a long time. Varda's detachment attacked the exhausted Rus from the rear, and a storm that began at that time carried clouds of sand into the eyes of Svyatoslav's army and helped the Byzantines. Frustrated by the onslaught from the front, pressed from behind, amidst a whirlwind and rain, the Russians fought bravely and with difficulty made their way to the walls of Dorostol. Thus ended the last battle near Dorostol.

The next day, Svyatoslav invited Tzimiskes to begin peace negotiations. Despite the fact that the Byzantines had numerical and technical superiority, they were unable to defeat their enemy in a field battle and take Dorostol by storm. The Russian army steadfastly withstood the three-month siege. The enemy was forced to agree to the conditions proposed by Svyatoslav. After the conclusion of peace, Svyatoslav undertook not to fight with Byzantium, and Tzimiskes had to freely let the Rus' boats through and give them two measures of bread for the journey. Both parties sealed their obligations with oaths.

After the conclusion of peace, a meeting between Svyatoslav and Tzimiskes took place. They met on the banks of the Danube, after which the army of the Rus moved towards Pontus. The treacherous Byzantines warned the Pechenegs that the Rus were coming in a small force and with rich booty. The Pechenegs were waiting for Svyatoslav’s army at the Dnieper rapids, the most dangerous place along the entire route. “Don’t go, prince,” said the old governor Sveneld, “don’t go to the rapids: the Pechenegs are standing there...” The prince did not listen. He went to the rapids and, seeing the Pechenegs, went back down again. After a hard winter on Beloberezhye, the squad went again. In a fierce battle with the Pechenegs, Svyatoslav and almost his entire squad fell. Only one governor, Sveneld, returned to Kyiv with a small army. The Pechenezh prince Kurya made a cup-cup from Svyatoslav’s skull and drank from it in memory of the victory over the Russian prince.

Svyatoslav undertook a campaign against Byzantium in order to establish itself on the Danube, which at that time had important political, economic and military significance for the Russian state. Foreign policy Svyatoslav was aimed at expanding Old Russian state, to strengthen its power and ensure security. The Russian prince persistently strove to take possession of the Danube basin in order to reliably secure the route “from the Varangians to the Greeks.” Occupying the Balkans, the Rus created a springboard for attacking Byzantium from land. In addition, Svyatoslav’s attempt to stay in Pereyaslavets on the Danube shows the desire to move the political center of the Old Russian state closer to the rich countries of the south and to unite all the Slavic tribes.

Materials used from the book: "One Hundred great battle", M. "Veche", 2002

First stage of the battle 07/22:

Second stage of the battle 07/22:


Belov E.A. The struggle of the Grand Duke. Kyiv Svyatoslav Igorevich with Emperor Tzimiskes // Journal of the Ministry of Public Education. - 1873. -No. 12.-S. 168-192.

Military encyclopedia: In the 8th volume / Ch. ed. commission P.S. Grachev (prev.). , - M., 1995. - T.Z. - pp. 127-128.

Military encyclopedia. SPb., Ed. I.D. Sytin, 1912. - T.9. - pp. 195-196.

Heroes and battles. Publicly available military-historical anthology. - M., 1995. S. 234-240.

Golitsyn N.S. Russian military history. - St. Petersburg, 1877. -4.1. - P. 80-83.

Leo Deacon. Story. - M., 1988. P. 126-133.

Ipatiev Chronicle // Complete collection of Russian chronicles. - Ed. 3rd T.2.-Issue.2.-L., 1923.

History of naval art / Rep. ed. R.N. Mordvinov. - M., 1953. -T.I. -WITH. 73-76.

Karamzin N.M. History of Russian Goverment. - M., 1989. - T.I.-S. 133-139.

Laurentian Chronicle // Complete collection of Russian chronicles. - 2nd ed. -T.I. -Issue 1. -L., 1926.

Complete collection Russian chronicles. T. 1. St. Petersburg, 1846, p. 29-31;

Puzyrevsky A.K. History of military art in the Middle Ages (V-XVI centuries). - St. Petersburg, 1884. -4.1. -WITH. 76-85.

Razin E.A. History of military art. - St. Petersburg, 1994. - T.2. - pp. 86-94.

Skrynnikov R.G. Russian history. IX-XVII centuries - M., 1997. P. 44-46.

Chertkov A.D. Description of the campaign of the Grand Duke. Svyatoslav Igorevich against the Bulgarians and Greeks // Russian historical collection. - T. VI. - Book 3-4. - M., 1843.

Encyclopedia of military and maritime sciences: In the 8th volume / edited by. ed. G.A. Leera. - St. Petersburg, 1888. - T.Z. - pp. 93-95.

Read further:

Karamzin N.M. History of Russian Goverment Chapter VII. Prince Svyatoslav. 945-972 .

Soloviev Sergey Mikhailovich - History of Russia since ancient times Volume 1 chapter 6 .

Sakharov Andrey Nikolaevich Diplomacy of Svyatoslav M., 1991

Possible topics for coursework on the history of Constantinople(with lists of sources and monographs).

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