Why Russian girls love Caucasians - there are several obvious reasons. Passion for the Caucasus or why Russian girls love Caucasians

Speaking about the national psychology of Caucasians, about the peculiarities of their psyche, only the lazy, perhaps, do not mention their supposedly extraordinary “militancy,” rage, courage, despair, “animal instinct,” etc. They themselves actively strive to maintain a similar image in our society, so that the Russians would not have any thoughts about the possibility of resisting the invaders - the image of these berserkers, infinitely warlike and cruel, not feeling pain, not knowing fear and not knowing pity. Unlike, of course, from us, cowardly and intimidated in life. Here, for example, is the most typical reasoning on this matter: “What do you think is the main reason for Russia’s defeat in Chechen war? Of course, many of them can be named, these reasons are political, economic, social, and some others. But I will name one single reason, which is quite enough. In Russia, they begin to instill in a person almost from the cradle: you are no one, you are nothing, at best you are just a cog in the machine, and at worst you are just an empty place. And what are our proverbs worth, like “Don’t sit in your own sleigh”, “Every cricket knows its own nest”, etc. and so on.! I am convinced that Chechen people There are no such proverbs and there cannot be. In the Caucasus, almost from the cradle, a boy is taught: you are a man, you are a warrior, you cannot be afraid, you should not cry, let girls cry, you are fearless, you are invincible... From the age of two or three, they are constantly introduced into the child’s consciousness similar installations. Therefore, it is almost impossible to defeat such a people. You can only exterminate him to the last warrior. But as long as this warrior is alive, he will fight.” (Vadim Shlakhter)

It would be good if only representatives of the “progressive” nationality had such an opinion, one would not expect anything else from them, since a significant part of Russians perceive a similar attitude! And Russian proverbs are always selected accordingly in order to “prove” our supposed natural laziness, cowardice, passivity, meanness and the like, and thereby program our public consciousness to further self-destruction. After all, Mr. Schlachter did not remember such proverbs as “Die from your land - and do not leave”, “Die yourself - but help your comrade”, and many others similar. And then, if we are such a lousy people, then how can we explain all our military victories - from the campaigns of Svyatoslav Igorevich to the defeat of Nazi Germany? How can we explain that a nation of cowards and nonentities created and defended for a millennium the largest state in the world? The Jews, of course, have no answers to this question and cannot have them. By the way, to the question that, as Mr. Schlachter put it, “at best you are just a cog in the machine, and at worst you are just an empty place.” The only reason the Russian people have worked miracles in history is because Russian people are distinguished by their high ability to interact. Why did the Chechens - “a proud nation of warriors” - achieve nothing, why didn’t they create a state, didn’t create an empire, since they are such brave warriors, why can they only destroy? And they don’t fight that well, more simply instilling fear in the enemy with their savage cruelty. Because each of the proud, by and large, is always on his own. Each of the proud men does not recognize command, shuns menial work, “unworthy of a real man,” and strives to act alone in battle. When such an army of proud people meets a truly serious force, it crumbles to smithereens. Our army, welded together by the invisible bonds of duty, honor and camaraderie, defeated any enemy - subject to skillful command, of course. The Chechen bastard would have won, even in the first campaign, if not for the mediocre cowardly generals, the generous assistance to the Chechens from the anti-Russian “democratic” government, and from the entire world Judeo-community. And of course, if it weren’t for the hardest spiritual crisis, which crippled the entire society, and the army, as part of it.

The “bravery”, “rage” and “militancy” of the Caucasians is as much a myth as their “nobility”. It is known for what purpose this myth was created, but in practice we see either the “bravery” of idiots pumped up on drugs (it’s hard for Chechens to fight without drugs), or the “bravery” of scoundrels hiding behind hostages, or, most often, elementary intimidation and demoralization of the enemy through demonstrative cruel treatment with prisoners, and inhuman terror against “non-combatants”. Batu used this “know-how” against us, and the Chechens did not come up with anything new here. We survived Batu and his horde, and we will survive the Chechens too. You just need to know your enemy well. Therefore, let's talk about what it was somehow not customary to talk about until now: about what psychological picture“average” Caucasian, what type of psyche is more typical for Caucasians? Let's look at the problem from a “scientific” point of view, from the point of view of psychophysiology.

In search of an answer to these questions, one can, of course, study special literature: on medicine, psychology and psychiatry - the results of these studies and “natural” comparisons will be very interesting. Just imagine, I found an almost exhaustive psychological description of the “average” Caucasian in manuals and manuals for operational personnel of law enforcement agencies. Moreover, the psychology of the enemy interests us from the “practical” side, in the sense of determining his strengths and weaknesses, as well as developing techniques and methods to combat it. And what’s interesting: when speaking about the “psychophysiology of a potential enemy,” such literature does not at all mean the psychophysiology of a representative of a particular nation. For the security forces, as is known, “bandits and terrorists have neither nationality nor religion” (this, obviously, explains the failures of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and the FSB in the fight against these same terrorists). By “enemy” there is meant, first of all, a criminal, whatever his nationality, or (in war time) a representative of the enemy’s agents, recruited from the “locals”, in his moral qualities is the same criminal. However, it is simply amazing how similar the psychological portrait of a special service operative’s “client” is to that of a typical representative of absolutely any of the “small but proud peoples"! And they are also offended when, for example, the Chechens are called a criminal nation, and the Caucasus in general is called a gangster nest. However, judge for yourself.

Actually, this is the answer to the reason for the disproportionately large participation of Caucasians in crime, and in general for their antisocial behavior, which at the everyday level has long been expressed in formulas like “all Caucasians are crooks”, “all Caucasians are psychos”, as well as in the expressions “chocks” ", "Caucasian beast", "criminal nation" and many others. “A person of Caucasian nationality” for us is a synonym for the word “criminal,” since we are already tired of hearing such a phrase in crime reports. This point of view, however, is highly condemned by the so-called “human rights activists” and “liberals”, and is for them a manifestation of “Russian fascism”. Which, however, is quite understandable: among “human rights activists”, “liberals” and other “democratic” evil spirits, the proportion of psychokinesthetics and epileptoid psychopaths also goes beyond the critical level. Especially when you consider that national composition the majority of the “democratic” camp consists of representatives of a nation very similar to the Caucasians in their life principles and installations.

And one more important point. I have already spoken about the imaginary “nobility” of the Caucasians, the mention of which usually makes any Russian person laugh through tears. Caucasians themselves are very fond of speculating on the topic of supposedly characteristic courage, honesty, decency, fidelity, devotion and other qualities that only they themselves notice in themselves. Naturally, implying that “Russian pigs” do not have these qualities, never have had them and, in principle, cannot have them. Like, only we, Chechens (Dagestanians, Ingush and others) sacredly honor our national traditions, forever devoted to the interests of their clan, their people, ready to give their lives for them, fight the enemy until last straw blood, etc., etc. In fact, everything is much more prosaic: “...Despite belonging to various political and social groups (one could add “and to national” - A.K.), in Ultimately, psychokinesthetics always stand only for themselves. Only fear can force them to work for someone. Such people do not like to obey.” (A. A. Potapov.). This is much closer to the truth. Fear of revenge from one’s own people makes a Caucasian “faithful” to the interests of his teip and his pseudo-people. Fear, and an elementary corporate, predatory calculation: if you stick to your flock, the flock will help you. The flock will snatch a piece - and you will get it. The same fear makes him “brave” in battle, and when “ field commander“Killed and this fear disappears - mass surrender begins. Fear of blood feud makes a Caucasian “noble” and “decent” when he is in his homeland. Of course, he would have tried, for example, to rape, or at least simply insult a woman - someone’s wife, someone’s sister. He would try to steal something there. I would try to sell drugs in my native village... Only fear, and not “decency” unknown to Caucasians! Fear of an efficient police force makes him "law-abiding" when he is abroad. When does he find himself somewhere in central Russia, then this fear is completely absent (we have disbanded them after all, we have taught them not to be afraid!), and any “noble” Caucasian immediately turns into a beast: he kills, and rapes, and steals, and sells drugs. Here is the solution to the notorious “Caucasian nobility”.

Accepting fear as the only control tool in their own environment, Caucasians sincerely believe that there are no other control tools for any society at all, or they are all ineffective and do not deserve attention. Therefore, wherever they are, they certainly transfer their own worldview to the society where they are. As they say, they judge others solely by themselves, moreover, believing that there simply cannot be a society with a better structure than their own “bandnation”, and best methods management than those accepted in their environment (i.e. based on animal fear) also cannot be. That is, it is all other societies, in the eyes of the “average” Caucasian, and not his own, that are in the “Stone Age”. It is other peoples in his eyes who are “savages”, “sheep” and “chumps”, and not his people. Caucasians didn’t care about “tolerance,” internationalist consciousness, “equality of all before the law,” respect for other people’s customs and other values ​​accepted in modern society. For them, only fear matters, and the force that causes this fear in them. At the everyday level, this feature of theirs has long been noticed by Russian people and is expressed in the formula “Caucasians respect only strength.”

Accordingly, the place where they do not experience this fear and pressure on themselves is considered suitable for their expansion. Due to known circumstances, they considered the central regions of Russia to be such a place. In accordance with your worldview and vision " historical processes“, winning for themselves a “place in the sun” from the Russians in Russia, Caucasians strive “to the fullest” to use precisely that instrument of influence that they consider the only effective one - fear. Hence the “black terror” against Russians, which, if you follow the logic of things, will intensify more and more as the number of Caucasian “diasporas” in Russia increases - according to the “Chechen” scenario. Hence the other Caucasian crime, which, according to the Caucasians themselves, also has a “useful” by-effect- intimidating Russians and depriving them of the will to resist.

So, I think the “psychological portrait” of a typical Caucasian is described very clearly. We can also talk about the reasons for the predominance of psychokinesthetic and epileptoid-psychopathic personality types among the majority of the peoples of the Caucasus, although this is somewhat beyond the scope of this work. However, I will briefly dwell on them. In my opinion, these reasons are as follows.

1. The notorious “closeness to nature” of these ethnic groups, the extremely low level of their social, spiritual, moral and intellectual development, which follows from the “childhood”, from a historical point of view, age of these ethnic groups (their society is at the level of development of the tribal system ). Thus, the Chechens, according to some sources, formed as an ethnic group no earlier than the 14th century. This “childhood” is clearly manifested, in particular, in the infantile worldview of the Caucasian peoples (for example, in their desire for “freedom” at the expense of others, in eternal search guilty of their troubles, of dislike for any order and any power), in a complete lack of a sense of responsibility. And children, as you know, must live in the “nursery” and must have severely limited rights, otherwise they will get into trouble... Which, in fact, is what is happening now.

2. The large role of violence in the life of these ethnic groups is a reason that logically follows from the first, as well as from the remoteness and isolation of the habitat of the Caucasian ethnic groups for thousands of years from more developed peoples.

3. A kind of “selection”: it is known that in the formation of these nations (for example, the Chechen one) played big role a criminal element, the dregs of other peoples, outcasts, rejected by more developed societies and who found shelter in the high mountain villages, where, in fact, the majority of the current Caucasian peoples came from.

In any extreme conditions, in particular, in the conditions of modern Russian chaos and anarchy, or, for example, in conditions of war (and we essentially have a war), psychokinesthetics and epileptoid psychopaths - i.e. types that are dominant, due to historical reasons, among mountain peoples, they have a certain “tactical” advantage over “normal” people, whose psychophysics is based on an intellectual, rational principle, and whose “animal instincts”, as unnecessary, have long been “mothballed” and dormant. Actually, soldiers at all times knew a simple truth: in battle you need to think less with your head and trust more in your instincts, natural reflexes and instincts. If you tried to comprehend any dangerous phenomenon, instead of acting “on autopilot”, using reflexes, it means you hesitated, and if you hesitated, it means you died. The lower your intellectual level, the more to a greater extent You have developed natural feelings and instincts, and the more chances you have to survive. In war, intellectuals generally do not live long, except in headquarters, away from the front line. Our Russian reality is a continuous battle, a continuous war, a struggle for existence, for a “place in the sun”, in which we are still losing, for the reasons stated above. And for now, THEY are winning. Who do you think in Russia has a better chance of surviving and leaving offspring - a university graduate specializing in quantum mechanics and working at a research institute, or a Caucasian trader with three years of education? We read from A. A. Potapov, a veteran of the special services, who is well acquainted with the “specific” contingent: “These people (psychokineesthetics - A. K.) are active and energetic, have increased observation, insight and instant intelligence. They have their own, secret, primitive, but accurate knowledge of the nature of things, based on an innate intuitive understanding weak points enemy. Psychokinesthetics themselves do not consider this knowledge; this is their vital essence to which they are accustomed. They know this and feel this way. Their unmistakable innate fighting instincts are not dormant, like those of intellectuals, but Everyday life triggered as needed on the “here and now” principle. ... They are excellent at processing close and short-term goals that immediately involve them in the life work process (in our case, for example, “making money” quickly, without any far-reaching business projects that require painstaking development and financial investments - A.K.) . For them, close goals are familiar, understandable and therefore achievable. ... For such individuals, intuition works very well for “the vital dirt of human relationships (who are our most unsurpassed masters in bribery and blackmail? - A.K.).”

Andrey Kochetov

How often do we see lovers on the street? different nationalities. No one is surprised at this anymore, since the policy of multiculturalism is actively developing in Russia. The largest percentage of the non-Russian population of our country are representatives of Caucasian peoples. It has been noticed that young Russian women prefer them. Why is this happening? Let's try to figure out why Russian girls love Caucasians.

Common opinions about Eastern men

There are many stereotypes about Caucasian guys: they are uneducated, arrogant, cruel, rude... But do not forget that among representatives of every nation you can meet not very good people. Each nationality is characterized by some kind of hostility towards other peoples, so they are mainly seen as shortcomings. Some people look deeper and understand that many Caucasian men have a large number of advantages, thanks to which they win the sympathy of Russian representatives of the fair sex. Now let's find the main reasons why Russian girls love Caucasians.

Reasons for relationships with non-Russian guys

Many women see in Caucasian men the embodiment of masculinity and strength, which they do not find in many other representatives of the stronger half of humanity. Indeed, Eastern guys have a completely different mentality. Since childhood, they have been harshly raised by their fathers, so they are strong in spirit, firm in their decisions, and a core is felt in them. It is this kind of determination and masculinity that often attracts Russian women. Many of them believe that Russian guys are not capable of making independent decisions. This is one of the reasons why Russian girls love Caucasians. The second explanation for this fact is that women like the temperament of oriental handsome men. Everyone famous expression“hot blood” is definitely about them. They attract girls with their unique charm and exotic appearance. Caucasians also know how to beautifully care for their lovers. When dating such a guy, you can be sure that he will shower you with flowers and gifts. Near oriental man a woman can relax and feel like a real cor

oleonic, unique and beautiful. In addition, a Caucasian man most likely will not want his woman to work, since her job is to take care of the house, children and herself. Therefore, a girl can feel comfortable and confident, without doubting that she will be provided with everything necessary for a comfortable life. That's why girls love Caucasians.

Some advice for Russian men

So, now you know why Russian girls love Caucasians. If you want women to admire you the same way they admire Oriental guys, be more attentive to your loved ones. Don’t be afraid to approach the girl you like on the street, and also don’t be shy to give compliments, because women, as you know, love with their ears. Thus, if you think that Caucasian guys and girls Slavic appearance are not very suitable for each other, you have the power to change everything! Be active and don't forget to do nice things for your beautiful ladies!

I read about another murder in the subway of a Russian guy who reprimanded some “Caucasians” for their boorish behavior. And I decided to express my opinion on the question “why Caucasians are so arrogant.”
The whole question about their impudence comes from the Caucasus and from the attitude towards Russians in the Caucasus. Attitude towards Russians in the Caucasus from the outside individual representatives of the local peoples lies in corruption multiplied by local chauvinism. Behind Lately among some Representatives of the local population have developed a strong belief that Russians can be insulted, humiliated, beaten and even killed with impunity. and they won’t do anything to you in response because supposedly “Russians are cowardly.” Is it so? No not like this.
An example from my family history.
My brother, who is still living in the Caucasus, had a minor disagreement with a local “zhigit” about Zhigit’s car parked under other people’s windows. Word for word, the disagreement escalated into a fight and the brother of the “zhigit” beat him. “Zhigit” without thinking twice called two neighboring “zhigits” and the three of them climbed on their brother. The brother, seeing such inequality, rightly decided that he, too, had the right to call someone for help. And he called... a stick. And so the two of them beat up three of them. The “zhigits” were offended and began calling other “zhigits”. As a result, they came to beat my brother in three cars...
Two ribs were broken.
Try to guess what the police said, where did he come with the statement? The application was simply not accepted!

Every nation has its own “chikatils” and therefore one should not think that this state of affairs applies ONLY to Russians. Locals also suffer from their own bandits, hooligans and corruption. But if the locals have leverage over the police and other bandits and hooligans, in the form of relatives, then the Russians simply do not have such leverage! So it turns out - well, what’s the point of rocking the boat if in the end you’ll still be guilty and beaten?
The brother is not a coward and could well have brought the matter to the point of murder. But then, in this case, he would become a criminal and ALL the local police would be hunting for him (they also need to show detection rates) plus revenge from the relatives of the “zhigits”.
My brother has a disabled father, a mother who sells for the landlady at the market, two children and a non-working wife with a higher teaching education. Is it worth being a hero in this situation? This is where the tales about the “cowardice” of Russians come from. The Russian was beaten and they got nothing for it.
And these “zhigits” come to Moscow with their kishlak morals of superhumans, and then “some” Russians (!) dare to reprimand them!!! Of course, the “proud zhigit” immediately grabs the dagger!
By the way, I had to calm down such “zhigits” a couple of times. And both times they began to be “indignant” at the fact that they dare make a remark about some Russian "women".
Well, so far everything has gone without massacres and bloodshed.))

Separately, I would like to say that I simply despise local men. Living in the Caucasus, every Russian is subjected to enormous pressure from the local environment. And being in this environment forces to be a fighter and a nationalist. A fighter because you are always under the threat of attack, robbery, insult, beating (I will brag - my personal “record” in a fight is 5 locals at once)) and a nationalist because you can ONLY rely on your own people. In Russia, men (for the most part) are passive, inert and conflict-free. But there is no need to talk about cowardice here. Most Russians (and maybe all people) have a certain “threshold of aggression”. Those. He endures up to a certain threshold and then “explodes” and responds to aggression with aggression. And the more often violence is shown against him, the lower this “threshold” drops. In Russian this is called “starting up with half a turn”.

I notice. that the Russians’ “threshold of aggression” is now decreasing. And this worries me. I can assume that after some time this “threshold” will drop so much that foreigners will simply be killed. AND the main problem The point is that they will kill those who will be easiest to kill, but such “zhigits” will simply run away to their villages and escape retribution. Therefore it is necessary press (morally) the police for their corruption and crime. Only an honest and incorruptible police will be able to pacify the “zhigits” and prevent the “Russian rebellion.”
A criminal official is worse than a common criminal.

IN last years In our country, nationality is the most discussed topic, or maybe it has always been this way? Some openly declare their dislike for people of Caucasian nationality, while others swear that they will never allow a Russian girl or boy into their family. In any case, both should understand that a bright future is prepared for Russia and the Caucasus only if they are together. Separatist and nationalist sentiments only lead to destruction. But the central topic of the article will not be politics at all, but rather personal, romantic relationships. Namely, we will discuss a question that torments many: why do Russian girls love Caucasians?

I don’t know whether such total love on the part of Russian girls towards Caucasians actually exists, but the possible development of such personal relationships can be discussed. The following text will discuss only natives of the North Caucasus. Because the author is familiar in detail with the traditions and customs accepted in these republics and because almost all of them are Muslims, which is of no small importance.

Why Russian girls love Caucasians

On the Internet you can find a million assumptions: because they drink less, they are more courageous, bolder. But excuse me, is a person loved for belonging to a certain nationality? It's the same as falling in love with a man because of what he wears. There is a strong opinion that Russians and Caucasians simply love a person because they love him.

At the same time, it is impossible to deny that almost all Caucasians are endowed with a brutal character and are not shy about expressing their emotions. Perhaps some of these features attract girls.

But still, looking for the reasons for the emergence of tender feelings in a girl for a man or wondering why Russian girls love Caucasians is pointless. However, if the nation is not a defining factor early on, then in later life it can become an obstacle to mutual understanding.

with a Caucasian

In this case, no difficulties should arise. After all, almost any Caucasian living in a society where there is a strict ban on premarital relations between a guy is happy to experience some carnal joys in the company of a Russian girl. It should not be forgotten that the beauty of Russian women is recognized by almost the entire planet. Such a relationship without any obligations will undoubtedly be a pleasant pastime for both parties.

Marriages between a Caucasian man and a Russian girl

Family is the most important thing in every person’s life, therefore, when choosing a wife or husband, you need to try to take into account all the nuances. Very often, interfaith marriage does not withstand everyday tests.

To say that it will be difficult for a Russian girl entering a Caucasian family is to say nothing! In addition to necessarily respectful attitude towards all numerous relatives, the ability to cook, you will need to learn and adhere to traditions. Traditions, by the way, are not always simple. For example, among the Karachays, after the wedding, the daughter-in-law does not speak to her husband’s relatives until a certain time, and the Chechen bride stands in the corner during the entire wedding ceremony.

Of course, you can live far from your husband’s relatives and not learn the language. But in this case, it will be very difficult for children who will be Caucasians by nationality, who do not know their customs and native language.

Thus, marriage with such a striking difference in lifestyle and mentality is a risky step. Yet loving heart cannot be convinced by logical arguments, and if there is a real feeling between two people, then they will overcome any obstacles.

So, there is simply no answer to the questions: why Russian girls love Caucasians or why girls love Caucasians. Every person in this world has a soulmate who will love him, regardless of nationality, skin color and brand of sneakers!

On the topic interethnic relations Recently, a lot of exciting and relevant things have been written, but nevertheless this does not rid Russian society of completely childish stereotypes and myths regarding its southern fellow citizens.

For example, this: Caucasians are a humiliated, powerless social stratum.

Let's understand this thesis by comparing and interpreting visual, obvious facts.

1. Biological factor. Take a look at the standard habitus of a Caucasian: he is a born warrior, a predator and a male. Complete absence of recessive genes, pack instinct, unique masculinity. The overwhelming majority of biological females of this species of homo sapiens also possess it to a large extent. Even a complete, short, weak-minded Caucasian degenerate evokes pure animal fear among the aborigines of the Central Russian Upland. As befits a more adapted and stronger species, the area is being populated at lightning speed and its genes are spreading exponentially in the gene pool of the Russian Federation.

On the other hand, let's take a typical representative of the so-called. "Russian nation". This is, on average, a degenerate, almost sexless bastard who has lost the connection of centuries and the minimum necessary channels of communication. Problems with the opposite sex, health, wide range bad habits. 100% endangered species.

2. Social factor. Caucasians are a strong, cohesive group. Clanism is woven in from birth. Avar will find mutual language always with a Chechen, but never with a Russian with a Pole. Exceptional passion and mutual assistance: even an Ingush will intervene in a street conflict for an Ossetian, and a Russian will maliciously watch how the unfortunate Little Russian is beaten. What Russians mistakenly take for a relic of the primitive communal system is the most important condition long-term survival and prosperity of this stratum. Short-term benefits, such as fighting off their guilty members from the so-called. “law enforcement” and penitentiary systems also exist, and this phenomenon is very widespread.

Russian slaves are like that social system they do not have, social elevators are closed to them, family ties are practically lost, moreover, many of them are literally in slavery to a higher race, the Caucasians.

3. Economic factor. Yes, it’s absolutely true that Caucasians are still well discriminated against in many sectors of the national economy, but this is a very short-sighted view. Caucasians occupied mainly those economic spheres which Russian aborigines consider “dirty”, “unclean”, “shameful”: street trading, pimping, drug trafficking, domestic crime, banditry. Fi. For a standard clerk in a Hugo Boss corporate suit, bought at the expense of food savings and future digestive problems, a dirty, smelly greengrocer will always evoke feelings of disgust and superiority. If you don’t know a small detail: the average monthly salary of a trader, excluding bribes and extortions, is 80-100 thousand rubles. A good place per season (the same watermelons) brings 500 thousand rubles. per month. The person did not graduate from college or, perhaps, from school. Excellent knowledge of four arithmetic operations, three dozen Russian words and three or four elementary psychological techniques. Yes, dressed like shit and sleeping in a room with fifteen others just like him. But is there not that same Protestant spirit and asceticism in this? Isn't this a sign of a Man? Sacrificing yourself for future generations?

Trade is just that, little flowers; both this and everything else are EXTREMELY attractive sectors of the economy for capital with sky-high rates of return and prohibitive barriers to entry for Russian fraters and sufferers. As for appearance- this is mimicry and is evolutionarily justified in a (still) hostile environment. In principle, a merchant on a bet can throw off the mask of obsequiousness and businesslike efficiency right on the spot and have a choice - either kill the snob with one blow, or buy it completely with a mortgage and other consumer debts in a heap of crumpled and dirty dozen and fifty dollars.

This is just one aspect. Let's consider something else - subsidies to the republics of the North Caucasus. Yes, it has become common place to call this not subsidies, but tribute. And indeed it is. I beg you, subsidies are for the Pskov region, where there are old people, old women and disabled people. And those cash flows, who are sent to the North Caucasian republics, where healthy, beautiful black-haired children are born many times, living in the most picturesque place on earth, breathing fresh mountain air, where their parents en masse build two-three-story houses with huge garden plots cultivated by Russian slaves, where even their great-grandfathers and great-grandmothers receiving $200-300-400 state pensions, where the population literally basks in the bliss of idleness (as if “unemployment” is 20-25%), where sport is religion, and religion is sport... No, gentlemen, These are not subsidies, these are reparations. Yes, we live poorly, a Caucasian friend of mine complains to me, I’ve been servicing the Urus market for two years without a vacation, I can’t humanly finish the whole sauna in my homeland in Kabarda, I’m ashamed of my neighbors who have swimming pools in their yards.

You see, gentlemen, these Caucasian households are the economic type of the Roman villa, with distilleries and oil presses, with its agriculture, which has always been considered the occupation of noble patricians.

About the all-encompassing shadow tax system(“by buying shawarma, you are sponsoring jihad”), about a parallel economy that sucks in young, strong, healthy guest workers, founding fathers from all over the area (in literally) Russian society 22nd century, I won’t go into detail - you have to understand everything yourself.

4. Let's turn to sports. Not to filthy chess and other tabletop rubbish, which, due to their feeble-mindedness, are recorded in this category by feeble-minded Russian “Luzhins,” but to natural animal acts of will and violence: Greco-Roman wrestling, judo, taekwondo. Look at the tournament tables - and everything will immediately become clear to you. Did you understand why three Dagas, placed in an army company, instantly crystallize the Russian environment around them from pale, slender bodies, and the company becomes “Dagestan”? You don’t have any questions for the so-called. Caucasian “junior” wrestlers (according to documents), bearded and with broken ears, whose real age is approaching 30 years old and literally bending over 17-year-old Russian dummies in the rings? Any questions for their sports patrons?

Caucasians easily accept Aristotelian ideal society with its three castes: military, priests and slave-workers, and with dignity they take their rightful place. Therefore, you can’t blame Caucasians for spending all day in the gym while you spend your days and nights balancing the annual balance sheet or making the fifteenth version of a presentation for some bullshit. Just understand: everything is in its place.

5. Religion crowns the above factors with valuable moral quality– a fair sense of one’s own superiority and contempt for the herd surrounding the predator. Those same migrant workers do not experience the slightest complex of a stranger and a guest. Although they feel humiliated, they feel like masters. For them, everything is “the land of Allah.” Everything for them is subject to conquest for the glory of Islam. And what about our society? It respects this civilizational choice. Even in Europe, Muslims are treated with trepidation, but very respectfully; large Islamic families are often placed on welfare and protected by law. I won’t talk too much about Russia with its official state Islamic educational programs, the construction of mosques at state expense, and Islamic programs on state channels. What benefits are you entitled to if you declare your Orthodox affiliation? Stupid question. Obviously.

It's time to take stock. Everything is before your eyes: the facts are objective, all-encompassing, without distortion or cheating. Therefore, I ask you to accept the following calmly, without hysterics, as an objective, iron law.

You need to accept one simple and self-evident fact: you are a trembling little shit in the face of the great Caucasian race. You have no future, and only decision What remains for you is to quickly choose a Caucasian owner, serve him, seek the right to raise his children, eat from the same bowl with his livestock and pets. Only in this capacity can you be useful to a Caucasian. And perhaps then you will be allowed to mate with a Russian female servant and have serf children. I have no other choice for you.

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