Russian Koreans in South Korea. What is it like living in South Korea? We discover all the most unusual and amazing things

South Korea - mysterious country. Not as mysterious as its neighbor, North Korea, but still many aspects of life in this country remain a mystery to Europeans. Anastasia Lilienthal lived in South Korea and shared her experience of living in this country with

How to get to South Korea?

The girl lived all her life in Krasnoyarsk and did not even plan to move somewhere. She studied at university to become an accountant. At the same time, she was drawn into the Krasnoyarsk anime scene.

“I went to cosplay, sing songs, dance, and it all ended with my beloved dance team"Tiramisu." I graduated from university with honors and a presidential scholarship, got a job and worked for a month as an accountant. I quickly realized that such a job was definitely not for me, I quit and thought about the future,” says the girl.

A chance helped - she received a letter from a professor she knew, who once taught Korean at a pedagogical university.

— He offered to go to Korea for six months to learn the language. I agreed immediately - what did I have to lose? And so we, four Russian girl friends, came to study at the Busan Institute (this is the second largest South Korean city after Seoul). It was fun there, we learned the language, walked a lot, explored the city. I liked Korea so much that I decided to stay here. And she stayed, as you probably already understood, for a long time,” says Nastya.

A little later, she moved to another small town called Chungju. It looks more like a village: in the morning roosters crow and cows moo.

— I studied there for a year language courses to enroll in a master's program at the university. The most difficult thing was finding money to pay for training. Suddenly it turned out that within two days I had to transfer 10 thousand dollars to the university. I didn’t have them at that moment, but a Korean acquaintance helped me, who under honestly I just borrowed this crazy amount. Of course, I soon returned everything to him. There you are good example mutual assistance in Korean,” says Nastya.

About studying in South Korea

Nastya says that studying is very different from Russian system education.

— And to be honest, I’m very glad that I studied in Russia. In Korea, students choose their own subjects, they have a certain number of hours in their specialty and additional hours. For example, if you have a specialty in “programmer”, you gain hours in programming, but you can also sign up for Japanese, Chinese, or go to “physical education” - tennis or badminton,” says Nastya.

In Korea there are no so-called seminars: after the lecture you need to understand the material yourself.

— Exams are usually all written, sometimes there are tests. There are no oral exams. I consider this a huge disadvantage, because when applying for a job in a Korean company, you go through an interview, and many lack these oral communication skills on various complex topics, they often get into trouble,” the girl shares.

They are graded on a 100-point system, but you will never get 100 points. In Korea there is a principle - to class certain number excellent students, for example, 30%. And it doesn’t matter that there are actually more excellent students - there is a percentage, and if you don’t get into it, then that’s it. It is interesting that expressing personal opinions during studies is not allowed; you can only quote someone else’s position.

— Since I was a master’s student, we, on the contrary, had only “practices” instead of lectures. All classes were, of course, Korean, no English. We once studied children's literature under the guidance of a rather elderly teacher. I was asked to make a report on the fairy tale about Ivan the Fool, and I wrote my personal opinion - analyzed his actions and drew conclusions. When I read the report, the teacher was simply shocked and gave me the lowest grade, since I dared to express my opinion, and not what was written in the textbook. In Korea, it’s like this in everything - you don’t have your own opinion, but should only do what society tells you,” says Nastya.

About working in South Korea

All the years of her life in the country, the girl worked part-time at the same time. Sometimes in very specific jobs.

“Once I had the opportunity to work at a doshirak factory—packaged ready-to-eat lunches!” It was my first job, and the shifts there lasted 12 hours with a lunch break. They checked me all over, right down to my nails, to make sure they were trimmed and without manicure. Every half hour we were forced to wash our hands in bleach (even though we worked with gloves), it was terrible. Everyone around seems to be walled up, from head to toe in overalls - boots, suit, cap, mask, only the eyes are visible. But for me, the Koreans all looked the same, so at the factory I only recognized them by their voices! — Nastya shares.

During her life in South Korea, the girl worked as a barista, waitress, and saleswoman.

— I got a job in the billiard room. This, too, was not difficult - I wiped tables, served bowls, counted customers, washed dishes and vacuumed carpets. But most of all - for 4 whole years - I worked in a mini-market at the university. I worked the night shift because I studied during the day. She stood at the cash register, arranged the goods, cleaned, and kept track of products,” says Nastya.

Now she works part-time wherever she can. Sometimes even a model.

Minimum size wages in Korea used to be 6,480 won (340 rubles), but in 2018 it was raised to 7,500 won per hour. But many shops cannot afford such a rate; they usually pay less. It was the same for me,” says Nastya.

The Five Biggest Differences Between Russia and South Korea

First of all, Anastasia was surprised by the food.

— They season the salad with vegetables with yogurt, and the fruit salad with mayonnaise:) There’s a lot of fresh seafood that was swimming in front of your eyes five minutes ago, but now it’s already moving in your plate. You won't see this in Russia! Cooking at home can sometimes be even more expensive than eating at a restaurant, because food in Korea is really expensive. And the strangest thing is that their beef is fattier than pork! Because cows in Korea never graze on pastures. They just stand or lie in stalls all day long and that’s it,” says Nastya.

And yes, they eat dogs in Korea too.

— Usually all people know about food in Korea is that it’s spicy! And it is true. But living here, you get used to this sharpness. Many people are also surprised by how Koreans eat all sorts of strange larvae such as silkworms and dogs. It's also true about dogs. As far as I know, this dates back to the time when Korea was occupied by the Japanese. They had nothing to eat, so they got to the dogs. It is also believed that dog meat helps with tuberculosis,” says the girl.

The second difference is respect for age.

— For us, age is just a number in a passport. In Korea, this is one of the the most important aspects life. When you first meet a Korean, he may not even ask your name, but he will definitely ask about your age, because the entire communication system is based on it. For example, you meet an interlocutor who is older than you - and you must show very great respect for him. Even if he is only a couple of months older than you! I’ll give you an example (it’s a little shocking, but believe me, this is how it all happens!). Let's say two guys (one slightly younger than the other) like the same girl. They both know this and want to confess their feelings to her. So, until the elder proposes to the girl, the younger simply does not have the right to do it first. And it works! Nobody argues with grandparents here either - they are simply kings in Korea. You listen and remain silent.

But Korea is very safe. You can walk at night and not be afraid of anything.

— The crime rate here is very low. Therefore, even at one in the morning I can calmly walk around the city, and all these years I was not afraid to work in a minimarket at night. Here's an example of how the police work here. One evening, a group of Chinese bought a tidy sum of goods, I paid them, and 20 minutes later the police arrived. They asked me to show the camera footage. It turned out that one Korean had lost his card, and they had just used it to pay at this store. And they show me the time and amount. Then they see the Chinese on the tape, immediately break them through the base and detain them. This is how crimes are solved here with lightning speed.

Another fun difference is the public toilets. It turned out that they are everywhere in South Korea.

“This is another indicator of how much the country has done for its residents. We can say that, compared to Korea, there are simply no public toilets in Russia. They are everywhere: at every metro stop, in any public place, park, shop and so on. Wherever you feel the urge, you can go to the toilet without fear or doubt. Normal, clean, decent. In Korea, everyone usually brushes their teeth in these toilets after lunch, and Korean women put on makeup in the morning and evening - there are clean and large mirrors,” says the girl.

Koreans have a different view of relationships. It is quite difficult for a foreigner to find friends in this country.

— I’ll be honest: I don’t have real friends among the Koreans and I can’t have them. Because guys see me as a girl, huh korean girls- only a rival. And in general, you won’t be able to just have a heart-to-heart talk with Koreans. They are very secretive and cunning people by nature. Very closed. Of course, everyone has their cockroaches, but Koreans, in principle, have a lot of psychological blocks and complexes. They are very dependent on other people's opinions, many have low self-esteem. That’s why they have the highest suicide rate in the world,” says Nastya.

It's especially difficult to make friends with guys.

“It’s also difficult for me to make friends among Korean guys, because if they have a girlfriend, then he has no right to be friends with me, or even talk to me.” If he didn’t have a girlfriend and we communicated normally, and then he started a relationship, then that’s it, the friend immediately erases mine and in general all the girls’ contacts in his phone, and cannot call or write to them. This is considered treason. Korean couples generally love all sorts of romantic things - matching T-shirts, sneakers, rings. They can spend 24 hours together, as if they are stuck to each other. If you missed a call or SMS, get ready for a major quarrel. Lovers simply do not have personal space. Korea has a real romantic cult! All holidays are made for couples. On Valentine’s Day, girls are obliged to give boys chocolate, but on March 14 (not 8!) it’s the other way around - guys give girls caramels and lollipops,” the girl shares.

The tragedy of life for a Korean is to be alone. That's why everyone is constantly dating someone.

— If you don’t have a status relationship, you are officially recognized as a loser, you are branded. In Korea it has a very great importance. And it doesn’t matter whether your relationship is long or you change it like gloves!

About nostalgia for Russia

Nastya admits that, despite 5 years spent in the country, she still feels like a stranger.

“I feel special here.” In general, because of her appearance, because she is white. It also depends on the generation. The older generation does not really like foreigners, and it doesn’t matter whether you are American, Russian or from Africa. And young people are looking at you, many are trying to speak English or help. In general, Koreans know very little about Russia. Nothing but “Putin, vodka, cold and Russian girls are the most beautiful,” says Nastya.

Salaries in South Korea

Of course, salaries in South Korea are an order of magnitude higher than in Russia, but the costs are also higher. The average Korean earns 3-5 thousand dollars (170-280 thousand rubles) per month, and you can live on this money here. But by Russian standards, these salaries are at the level of 30-40 thousand rubles.

— Prices are lower here for some things, for example, for clothes, unless, of course, they are branded. Housing is expensive in big cities(Seoul, Busan). Transport is also expensive, but you can change from one transport to another with one ticket, there are transport cards. Medicine here is very expensive, so Koreans carefully monitor their health, especially their teeth (they brush after every meal). Entertainment is quite affordable, you can go somewhere to relax - to another city or abroad,” says the girl.

And in South Korea there are practically no holidays. Official vacation is only a week. And they don’t have a pension as such. Therefore, you can often see grandfathered taxi drivers in their 70s, and this is normal. Many grandmothers work in restaurants and markets. As a result, as Nastya says, the standard of living here is higher than in Russia. But there is no life itself here, because the whole life of Koreans passes under the motto “earn money.” more money and achieve high status."

Nastya sometimes comes to Russia for a month or two. There are thoughts of returning, but for now she prefers to stay there.

This country today is one of the most advanced and technologically advanced in the world. But here they do not forget about centuries-old traditions. As part of a project about people who went to live in other countries, I talked with Yana, who married a Korean and settled in South Korea.

I studied in St. Petersburg, at the Faculty of Tourism and Hotel Management. Like many graduates, she went abroad and worked as a hotel guide - first in Turkey, Egypt, then in Thailand. I came to Russia on vacation, for a month or two. I lived in Bangkok for about four years, where I met my future husband. First, he and I went to Canada, and then to Korea.

Should I bow?

My husband is a Korean citizen and works in construction company. A financier by education, he worked in a bank, then in some financial company in Canada, after which he traveled for a year, thanks to which he met me.

In Seoul, we first lived with my husband’s parents, then moved to our own apartment. His family is very conservative, and I was very worried about how I would be received. But everything turned out easy. My husband's brother lives in Canada, and their mother spent seven years there - although she never learned to speak English. Only the father of the family does not leave the country - he has his own business.

Since many in the family lived in other countries, they treat foreigners with understanding. I was lucky, I was not required to strictly adhere to traditions - for example, bowing to my parents, calling them only “mom” and “dad”. I started learning Korean with them.

Arrived in Korea - speak Korean

We have been in Korea for three years now. I became pregnant and decided that I would give birth in Russia. Korea has excellent clinics and all kinds of rehabilitation for women in labor, but at home, as they say, even the walls help: I ​​gave birth to a child in Russia, he will have dual citizenship - Russian and Korean.

In Korea, the government helps young families a lot. Locals are now not too keen on getting married, so the state even helps foreigners with family. Eat various programs for housing, you can sign up for a waiting list in a house under construction.

Photo: Won-Ki Min /

When we lived with my husband's parents, they only spoke to me in Korean - this helped a lot. Koreans believe that once you come to the country, be kind enough to study the language and customs and follow them. Even in the market and in the store it will not be possible to communicate, for example, in English, as in other countries. Koreans, even those who know English, try not to speak it.

In every city there are public centers where foreigners can learn the language; to obtain citizenship and registration they must pass an exam. These same courses teach you how to cook local food and serve it as it should be here. I learned how to make kimchi, which I am very happy about.

Your boss is god

When I arrived in Seoul from Thailand, I looked for work at job fairs. Easy to find, lots of opportunities for locals and foreigners. They offered me a job at a hotel, but I didn’t like the conditions there. They also hired me at Marriott, but I didn’t have enough knowledge of Korean - despite the fact that you work with foreign tourists, you need to have excellent knowledge of the local language.

During this time, my husband showed me all of Korea, we traveled a lot. In the end, work didn’t work out, and while I was expecting a child, in addition to studying the language, I went to fitness classes and courses for pregnant women.

In Korea, the labor market is overloaded. Just change your sphere professional activity will not work. You must first unlearn, acquire qualifications, and be sure to get a “correction.”

In Korea, respect for superiors at any level is very developed. Your manager is your god. You cannot leave work before him; when you greet him in the team, you bow to him. If you're at a corporate party, he needs to be served. The manager is always right. I call this “collective slavery.”

Outside of work, if you communicate with a person older than you, even if you are friends, you address him only as you. You can't argue with him. Many young Koreans migrate to the United States and other countries in search of work. At work, Koreans try to hone their skills like a robot; they are completely dedicated to their work.

On the brink of war

When you come to Thailand, everyone smiles at you, but soon this superficial thing goes away, and they begin to hate you. In Korea they hate you right away. Although the attitude towards foreigners here is not very good, this does not affect me, because my husband has created such conditions that I am very comfortable.

I have a family visa, which we are extending, and later I can become a resident. If you come with a tourist or work visa, you feel less comfortable in this country.

There are three or four American military camps in South Korea. In theory, they perform security functions. Relations with North Korea are on the brink of war - they hate each other and are not even trying to get closer. There is a lot of talk on television that North Korea is an extremely poor country. They only show tourists there certain places, many residents are trying to escape from there to China, Thailand and other countries.

Learn, baby

I'm a biathlon fan. The Korean team in this sport has a Russian coach, preparing them for the Olympics, and they also bought two Russian biathletes. They were even given Korean passports! Koreans try to be the first in everything, and for this they need to create certain conditions, which is what they do.

It is very common practice here to find brides in neighboring countries - Vietnam, the Philippines. But Korean women are in no hurry to get married: she may be forty years old when she thinks about this question.

Korean children are special in some way - they are like kings. Their safety has been very well thought out. Even from childhood, Koreans are encouraged to study and study, otherwise you will not achieve anything in life, it will be difficult to find a job.

To the pubs

South Korea is very modern, there is a fast pace of life, people are in a hurry, they work a lot. The country is small, and land here is expensive - it is almost impossible to buy an apartment; 70 percent of the total population rents housing or takes out a bank loan.

There are five or six super rich families in Korea. They are the ones who open shopping centers, hospitals, institutes and various kinds companies.

The average salary in the country is around two to three thousand dollars, prices in stores are high. Most are sold in large supermarkets. Two liters of milk, for example, cost five dollars. Local products are more expensive than imported ones, and they are of better quality. The older generation of Koreans are obsessed with healthy eating, which cannot be said about young people who love fast food. There are special tours to the mountains where you can try salads and other things. healthy food, which is prepared by the monks.

In the evenings all the people go to pubs. They really love to sit, talk, drink local beer and sojo - this is local wine. There are many different markets, there is even a Russian quarter, but it’s more like one name: people from Kyrgyzstan, Kazakhstan, and so on live there. They run a cafe and transport things from Korea to their countries. I have a couple of friends here from Russia. One friend graduated from college in Korea and speaks the language perfectly.

After some time, my husband and child are planning to move to Canada. There are good social packages and a high standard of living. And for the child as a future schoolchild it is better there than in Korea, and higher education It is preferable to receive in Canada.

What do you know about South Korea, except that it is the birthplace of PSY, who gave the world the unforgettable “GangnamStyle” - the most viewed video in YouTube history?

We have studied the notes of those who went to live there, and are now ready to tell you about the features of life in the Land of Morning Freshness.

South Korea

"Love" for foreigners

At first, people of European appearance in South Korea considered themselves almost Hollywood stars. They literally bask in attention local residents. Koreans are quite friendly towards foreigners.

But only those foreigners who have lived in the country for more than a year or two understand: there is practically no sincerity in this “love”. Koreans are ready to call anyone they talk to for more than 5 minutes a friend. But true friendship is rare here. People smile, however, this smile is nothing more than a mask.

Despite all the ostentatious cordiality, Koreans remain very closed people. And it is impossible to know what they are really thinking about. It is fashionable to have a foreigner friend - that is why many Koreans are so enthusiastic about communicating with Europeans.

But is this the kind of friendship that every person needs?

On the other hand, if you have just arrived in the country, then such (even feigned) good nature is much better than outright hostility. Therefore, rejoice in sunny smiles, but do not hide from them.

Nobody knows what "personal space" is

A Korean resident sees nothing wrong with standing very close to you in the elevator and chewing gum loudly at the same time. And in public transport he is unlikely to “keep his distance” even if the bus is half empty.

It's hard to remain individual

There is no bet on personality here. A cohesive (even if mediocre) team is more valuable than a mass of disunited individuals. Koreans have gotten used to this state of affairs since school:

If the whole class does not know the correct answer to the teacher’s question, then it is better for one wise guy to remain silent so as not to seem like an upstart.

If it starts to rain somewhere in Seoul, everyone immediately runs to buy cheap umbrellas. If you suddenly decide not to bother and take a walk in the warm spring rain, they will look at you with suspicion: “What kind of rebel is this?!”

In the same company, people will dress approximately the same. Even among friends it is not customary to stand out. So if you are a fan of everything extraordinary and hate feeling like part of the gray mass, it will be difficult for you in Korea.

The older the better

Perhaps one of the first questions you'll hear in Korea will be about your age. There is a cult of respect for elders here. Moreover, even a minimal difference in years between interlocutors matters. Geminis are also divided into older and younger!

Here's an example from one blogger. In their company, the entire department goes to lunch together. Ordinary employees only pretend to study the menu, but in fact they always take the same thing that their boss chooses. He sometimes asks the opinion of his youngest subordinate (not by position, but by age):

she always lowers her eyes to the floor and says that she doesn’t know how to make such a difficult choice.

The elders can afford whatever their heart desires: slurping at the table, talking with their mouths full, and spitting at the feet of others. And this will be considered quite decent.

No one says directly what they want

The average Korean resident will never directly say what they need from you. He will beat around the bush, express himself allegorically. But if you don’t understand his thirty-three hints, the Korean will be sincerely offended:

how come he half an hour crucified in front of you, and you are not able to understand the most basic thing?!

This also works in reverse side. If you need to ask a local for something, try not to speak directly. Try to express yourself figuratively. This is a sign of good upbringing.

But if you nevertheless voiced a request, there is a very high probability that it will be fulfilled. For example, you could walk into a police station and ask to visit their restroom.

One of the LiveJournal users talked about how he asked the police for directions, and they promptly drove him to his destination.

One of the traditions of South Korea is eating with family, sitting at a miniature table on small legs, of course, on the floor. Photo:

Please also take into account the following nuance: Koreans do not like to publicly express their point of view. It is easier for them to agree with the words of the speaker. But when he leaves, people will throw out all their indignation.

Study, study and study again

A creative person is unlikely to appreciate the Korean education system. There educational process is built on thoughtless memorization, there is no room for flight of fancy.

During final exams, panic begins in the country: parents pray in churches, asking higher powers to help their children get the highest scores, and children frantically try to memorize everything.

Universities have a cult of learning. Many libraries are open 24 hours a day, allowing students to study their textbooks until dawn. However, in Korea there is a chance to make a career without any relatives and acquaintances: if you study diligently, you can then get a job Good work and quickly move up the career ladder.

College student

Decent salary

The standard of living in South Korea is quite high. Here you can really not only work, but also earn money. But if you are seriously thinking about moving to Korea for permanent residence, keep in mind:

This country has the shortest holidays in the world. According to the law, the employee is entitled 10 days of vacation per year, but in practice people usually take no more than 3 days.

The average South Korean works 2357 hours per year(for comparison: in Denmark, citizens work on average 1,391 hours a year), and he has no more than 15 minutes a week to communicate with children. Koreans have 11 public holidays a year.

Hiring in South Korea

Journalists from Forbes magazine asked Koreans about their authoritarian corporate culture. They admitted: if you go home at 6 pm, the boss will definitely notice, which means that you can forget about a raise or promotion for a while. for a long time.

And if you “be insolent” and take a month’s vacation at least once, then you can be sure: when you return to work, you will see a different person at your desk.

Workers who live without breaking laws and do their jobs well receive up to 1 thousand grams of rice, meat and eggs in return. They constantly report on TV that residents of other countries do not have all this and live much worse. Check it out to an ordinary person impossible, since only trusted individuals are allowed to communicate with foreigners.

Life in North Korea is about complete obedience. If a person keeps a radio in his house, listens to the music of foreign performers, or watches foreign TV channels (although this is practically impossible), he will be sent to hard labor or prison. The situation is worsened by the fact that repression is imposed not only on the offender, but also on his entire family. And the whole family ends up on the so-called black list. This is fraught with the fact that no one will be accepted into the university, there will be no work, and entry into the capital is also prohibited. For particularly serious crimes, a person is publicly executed.

There is one huge advantage to such laws: there is virtually no crime. The nation is growing healthy and strong, because from childhood everyone attends classes, is regularly examined by doctors and does not eat much. No woman has the right to pick up a cigarette.

Fertility North Korea exceeds the birth rate of the South. But these numbers will soon become equal, as the country’s government is pursuing a policy to reduce the number of children in families.

Decrease in life expectancy

No matter how strange it may sound, even though Koreans often do not have bad habits, their life expectancy decreases. Now he is 66 years old. This figure is constantly falling due to the fact that women and children suffer from the general situation in the country.

Expert on international affairs The United States stated that the amount of food allocated per person is not enough to restore vital energy. Therefore, life expectancy in North Korea, especially for ordinary workers, is only falling.

The problem with this system is that some areas of the country simply do not receive it. This is due to the fact that the state has a basic rule - to notify the government of your intentions to visit any area.

The impact of the Korean War on the country's economic development

The war, or police operation, was carried out from 1950 to 1953. This confrontation is also called the “Forgotten War”, since it was not mentioned in official publications for a long time.

In fact, this conflict was fueled by poor relations between the United States and its allies and China. The Northern Coalition consisted of the DPRK, the army) and the USSR. The latter two countries did not officially participate in the war, but actively supplied weapons and finance. The Southern Coalition consisted of the Republic of Korea, England and the United States of America. In addition to the listed countries, the UN was also on the side of the South.

The cause of the war was the desire of the president of both North and South Korea to unite the peninsula under his leadership. This belligerent mood radically changed life in North Korea; photographs from those times are indisputable evidence. All men were liable for military service and were required to serve more than 10 years.

During preparations for the confrontation, the government of the Soviet Union feared the outbreak of the Third World War, which was their reason for not fulfilling some requests from North Korea. However, this did not affect the supply of weapons and military personnel. The DPRK gradually increased the power of its army.

The war began with the occupation of Seoul, the capital of the Republic of Korea. It ended with India making a proposal to create a peace treaty. But since the South refused to sign the document, Clark, a UN general, became its representative. A demilitarized zone was created. But interesting fact What remains is that an agreement to end the war has not yet been signed.

Foreign policy

North Korea is very aggressive, but at the same time reasonable. Political scientists in other countries suspect that the leader of the state has experts who can advise right decisions and predict the consequences in a given situation. It is worth noting that North Korea is a nuclear state. On the one hand, this forces hostile countries to take it into account, on the other hand, maintaining such weapons is quite expensive; many European countries have long abandoned them.

Relations with developed countries and their influence on the economic development of North Korea

  • Russia. After it broke up Soviet Union, relations with the Russian Federation have almost died out. Only during the reign of Vladimir Putin were cooperation agreements signed in many areas. In addition, in 2014, all debts of the north to the Russian Federation were written off. In some ways, this did little to make life easier for the North Koreans.

  • USA. Relations with the United States are still quite tense. America to this day stands on the side of South Korea and supports it in every possible way, which helps the economy develop significantly. The same cannot be said about the northern part of the state. US representatives portray North Korea as an aggressor and often accuse them of provoking their southern neighbor and Japan. Some serious publications conducted investigations and wrote that northern government tries to kill the president of South Korea, shoots down planes, sinks airliners. This American attitude is not conducive economic development country, and this does not improve life in North Korea for ordinary people.
  • Japan. Relations with this country are completely severed and could escalate into a full-fledged war at any time. Each state imposed sanctions on each other after the Korean War. And the DPRK openly stated in 2009 that if Japanese planes flew into Korean territory, lethal fire would be opened.
  • South Korea. Due to strained relations and desires to unite the peninsula, kidnappings, murders and attacks occur regularly. Shootings are often heard on the outskirts of countries, and they are also recorded on the land border. Several years ago, North Korea announced its decision to launch a nuclear attack against Seoul. However, this event was prevented. This is one of the main reasons why life in North Korea is dangerous and leads to the fact that young people try to leave at the first opportunity. permanent place residence in other countries.

Military life of men

In 2006, there were more than 1 million people in the army of the Democratic People's Republic. There were over 7,500,000 in reserve, and 6,500,000 people were members of the Red Guard. About 200,000 more work as security guards at military installations and in other similar positions. And this despite the fact that the country's population is no more than 23 million.

The contract with the ground military is for 5-12 years. A man has the right to choose where to serve: in the army, division, corps or brigade.

Service time in navy slightly less: from 5 to 10 years. Thanks to the fact that the government spares no expense in developing its army, people are fully equipped with the necessary equipment, weapons and protective suits.

Unlike other countries, the state in question is investing in intelligence development, which significantly worsens the lives of people in North Korea.

Most of the military is concentrated in the area of ​​the demilitarized zone. The People's Army has at its disposal more than 3 thousand main and 500 light tanks, 2 thousand armored personnel carriers, 3 thousand artillery barrels, 7 thousand mortars; V ground forces there are also approximately 11 thousand anti-aircraft installations. Such uniforms require the investment of large amounts of money, which could bring the country out of stagnation.

Life in North Korea (reviews) ordinary people this is confirmed) due to such a militant attitude, it makes no progress, or rather, it simply stands still. The indigenous people don’t even know that it is possible to exist in any other way. It’s not for nothing that the country’s rulers came up with a slogan, the essence of which is not to envy anyone and live only on your own. This policy helps in some way to maintain control over the common population.

What is life like in North Korea? Reviews from foreigners

Unfortunately, all people living in the country are prohibited from talking about how hard their lives are. However, tourists who have visited North Korea willingly share all their memories and impressions.

According to traveler reviews, entry into the country is only possible with the help of travel agencies. All the time, a person or group of people is under surveillance and moves around the city or region only with a guide. Radios, telephones, and any other gadgets are not allowed to be imported. This goes against the government's beliefs. You can only take photographs of what is permitted by the guide. In case of disobedience, the person is added to the blacklist and is prohibited from entering North Korea.

It is immediately clear to the naked eye that people live an average life. Poorly dressed, empty roads. Cars appear very rarely, which is why many children play on the roadway.

There are a lot of soldiers on the streets, who are also forbidden to photograph, especially if they are resting.

People travel on foot or on bicycles. Tourists are given free rides near the hotel. By the way, the corridors in the building resemble horror films. There have been no renovations for a long time, people appear here extremely rarely. In addition to bicycles, residents use bulls.

Both women and children work in the fields. Abandoned areas located on military bases are rich in small decoys that look like tanks.

Some buildings have escalators, which have only recently appeared. People are not yet used to them and have little understanding of how to use them.

Electricity in houses is provided for several hours. Trees and small monuments are whitewashed not with a brush, but with hands.

In the spring, people eat ordinary grass added to dishes, which can be quickly and quietly picked from a neighboring lawn.

Economic spheres

The DPRK's economy is not well developed. Due to the fact that since 1960 the country has become closed and stopped publishing production statistics, all conclusions are given by independent experts and cannot be 100% reliable.

  • Industry. North Korea (the everyday life of citizens depends on the level of development of the state in this area) is moving well in the direction of mining. In addition, there are oil refining plants on the territory.
  • Mechanical engineering. The country produces machine tools that the Russian Federation imports. However, the models are not modern; they were produced in the USSR several decades ago. Cars, SUVs, and trucks are produced here.
  • Electronic sphere. After the DPRK imported several million more smartphones and ordinary devices in 2014 than in 2013, cell phones, everyday life things have gotten better in North Korea. Over the past 5-7 years, companies have produced tablets, several smartphones and a special computer for working in factories.
  • Agriculture. Due to the fact that the country lacks fertile land, agriculture is poorly developed. Large area countries are occupied by mountains. The main crops planted are rice, soybeans, potatoes and corn. Unfortunately, few greens and vegetables are grown there that can be eaten raw. And this leads to deterioration in health and, as a result, reduces the life expectancy of ordinary Koreans. Livestock farming is dominated by poultry and pig farming. Due to the poor development of the country, the crops are harvested by hand.

Comparison of living standards of people in North and South Korea

The most closed country is North Korea. Life for ordinary people here is not the best. You can only get around the city by bicycle. Cars are an unprecedented luxury that an ordinary worker can hardly afford.

Anyone wishing to enter the capital must first obtain a pass. However, it's worth it. There are picturesque places, various monuments and monuments, and even the only metro in the whole country. Outside the city you can hitch a ride. Military personnel must always be given a ride - this is the law.

All residents of the DPRK must wear badges with state leaders. Also, citizens who have reached working age must get a job. But since there is often simply not enough space, local authorities come up with new activities, such as baling hay sheaves or cutting up old trees. Those who have retired also need to do something. As a rule, parties are allocated a small plot of land, which the elderly undertake to look after.

Everyone has long known that North Korea, where the life of ordinary people sometimes turns into hell, has cruel laws and follows in the footsteps of fierce communism. However, there is something with which this country attracts and beckons. These are parks, nature reserves and just very Beautiful places, which you can admire endlessly. What is “Dragon Mountain” worth, which is located a 30-minute drive from Pyongyang.

Life for women in North Korea is very difficult. Mostly men are involved in the army, they have practically no benefit for the family, so the weaker sex became more active and was able to prove that they could live in such conditions. Nowadays, women are the main breadwinners. They are the ones who work around the clock due to the somewhat inadequate laws of the DPRK, aimed only at protecting the state. If we compare modern life with any historical era, then we can say with confidence that Korea is living in 1950. The photo below is proof of this.

South Korea is a country of cinema, music, prosperity. The country's main problem is alcoholism. The state ranks 7th in the world in terms of drunkenness, but this does not prevent it from advancing, expanding its sphere of influence and becoming a powerful power. The Government of the Republic conducts its foreign policy in such a way that it has a good relationship with many European countries.

The people living in the country are kind, helpful, they always bow and smile at passersby. And especially this trait manifests itself in the service sector: in cafes, restaurants, cinemas. The buyer, or rather the person who pays the money, is treated like God. Under no circumstances should he wait long for his turn. Due to such rules, service in this country is distinguished by quality and speed.

Education is what makes South Korea different. He she top level. Poor academic performance, which entails failure at university, means expulsion from society.

The army is not as well developed as in the north, but everyone is required to serve here - from workers to pop stars. The consequences that await after attempts to evade service are reminded of the constantly flying North Korean planes in the sky. Men are drafted closer to the age of 30. As a rule, Koreans get married very late, often after demobilization.

Their apartments look sparse. Only those who work tirelessly can afford houses. The citizens themselves laugh at the apartments and other housing that is shown on TV and published in magazines, saying that this is just a game of fantasy.

North and South Korea, whose living standards vary greatly, unfortunately, do not even think about uniting with the world. Some kind of conflicts and risks of renewed war constantly arise, which greatly impacts ordinary citizens of the north and forces them to migrate to other countries.

The Republic of Korea is one of the most economically developed countries. The per capita income level is incredibly high, which forces many Russians to look for high-paying jobs there. South Korea is the world's largest manufacturer of ships. Cars from Korea, which are distinguished by their enviable quality, beauty and reliability, are extremely popular today.

Evening view of lights and fountains on a bridge in Seoul

Many tourists note that life in the southern Republic cannot be called cheap. Food prices, high taxes - everything seems not only expensive, but very expensive to the average Russian who goes on a trip here. On average, prices in this country are slightly higher than Chinese, but lower than Japanese.

If we talk about comparison, the prices here can be compared with the cost of current goods in Southern Europe.

Road traffic in Seoul

There is an opinion that it is high prices played a negative role in underdeveloped tourism. So, Russian tourists note that life here should be incredibly economical - this is the only way to see the main natural and historical attractions and fully enjoy your vacation.

So, in 2018-2019, the life of a tourist in this southern country will cost approximately 2.8 thousand rubles per day. The only good news is that .

Cost of products

But residents of large Russian cities, such as Moscow and St. Petersburg, life in this southern republic seems very acceptable.
Thus, in South Korea in 2019, food prices are as follows:

  1. Milk (1 liter) - 8-124 rubles.
  2. Bread (1 loaf) - 110-130 rubles.
  3. Eggs (12 pieces) - 132-162 rubles.
  4. Cheese (1 kilogram) - 700-850 rubles.
  5. Potatoes - 102-135 rubles.
  6. Oranges - 120-148 rubles.
  7. Apples - 164-203 rubles.

Increase in Korea's GDP compared to other countries

This is practically a cult: when choosing what to save on - food or clothing, the average Korean citizen will prefer the first. It justifies itself, and on average salary It's a sin to complain. In addition to external data, connections and recommendations play an important role. Owner large company will prefer to a person from the street someone for whom the citizens of his country can vouch.

Under no circumstances should you respond to offers to find employment illegally, tourist visa. This is fraught not only with constant delays in payment wages, but also serious problems with the state authorities. In 2019, both highly qualified specialists and those who are not super-professionals in a particular industry will be able to.

Vacancies for professionals

The following vacancies are relevant in 2019:

Requirements for applicants are standard. First of all, the specialist must have certain experience. He also undertakes to provide the employer with proof of his qualifications. Equally important is excellent knowledge of spoken, written and technical language. in English. Well, if the applicant speaks Korean, then his chances increase noticeably.

Job vacancies for non-professionals

Also in 2019, as before, work is relevant for those who cannot confirm their qualifications.

The most popular in 2019 are:

  • working in a factory;
  • farm work (with accommodation);
  • work at a construction site.

Also in South Korea, someone who is ready to fulfill seasonal work.

Salary level

The average South Korean salary in 2017 is approximately 3,350 USD. e. per month or $40,000 per year.

Shoe factory in South Korea

According to local residents, this is a low salary, since for a decent living in the capital and other major cities, a person needs at least five thousand dollars a month.

It is important to know

There is a lot in the mentality of the people of South Korea that surprises and amazes not only Europeans, but also Russians who are accustomed to everything. But the fact that there is no pension in this prosperous country is very difficult for a Russian person to understand.

But from the point of view of Koreans, there is nothing strange here. These are hardworking people, accustomed to work. When a person becomes incapacitated, he simply switches to providing for his children.

Features of the tax system

The tax system is based on the separation of all types.
Taxes collected in South Korea are divided into 2 groups:

  1. Local.
  2. National.

Today, national taxes are 80.2 percent. Local taxes are no more than 19.8 percent. Taxes on income and added value of the population are considered to be the real “heavyweights”. At the end of last year, the issue of introducing ten percent taxes on certain types of cosmetic procedures. The proceeds were planned to be used to solve acute social problems.

In 2019, there are taxes on breast augmentation, facelifts and three other popular cosmetic procedures.

Similar taxes in Russian Federation not observed yet.

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