Who is Vyacheslav Maltsev, Parnas Party. "Field Commander" live

It doesn’t make much sense to discuss ParNaS’s election program in the context of the presence of any breakthrough points for the development of the state and society, since the ideological stagnation in the liberal environment, which began in the late 90s, has now reached a certain apogee. Political science experts note that in the non-systemic opposition environment, a clear and logical answer for the voter has not been found to the question of how can the ideological followers of the group of people who managed the economy during the period of privatization, and also retained certain levers in government and business -environment, already in the 2000s, act as representatives of the interests of broad groups of the electorate from liberal reforms and from the liberal vision of Russia’s place in the world of those most affected.

The response to this ideological vacuum, which constantly led and is leading the non-systemic opposition to failures in the elections, was a course towards flirting with extreme nationalists, which began with Navalny’s campaigns on the “Russian Marches”, and then continued during the period of the “Swamp” protests and the subsequent formation of Opposition Coordination Council. Observers noted that attempts to incorporate representatives of the nationalist camp into liberal opposition structures were determined by the hopes of the leadership of these structures to use nationalists as street infantry, as well as attempts to go beyond the boundaries of the marginal electoral field and appeal to people in the outback and on the regional periphery.

As a result, ParNaS attempted to play democracy and hold a preliminary vote to nominate candidates for federal list The party first ended with the victory in these primaries of the famous nationalist video blogger Vyacheslav Maltsev, who during the party congress was included in the federal troika along with party chairman Mikhail Kasyanov and ex-professor at MGIMO historian Andrei Zubov. The inclusion of the rabid nationalist Maltsev caused considerable disagreement among the delegates during the congress, as Life has already covered.

Maltsev, who is a veteran of Saratov politics and has been repeatedly elected to the Saratov Regional Duma, is known primarily for his outrageous video blog, where he periodically expresses openly xenophobic and nationalist ideas, and also calls for a revolution, the date of which he set for November 5, 2017. Maltsev’s words about a “worldwide Masonic conspiracy,” as well as about the “Jewish mafia,” which, according to the politician, controls the medical industry, also became widely known.

Maltsev’s victory in the ParNaS primaries and his subsequent nomination to the federal troika of the party testifies to the deep ideological crisis of this structure. Following the results of the congress, it is completely unclear what to do for the base, “core” electorate of liberals, who are called upon to vote for an outright marginal and a person who, by and large, has no resource other than media recognition in some circles.

The pre-election configuration determined by the congress thus reduces the already extremely low chances of ParNaS to overcome the five percent barrier and enter the State Duma of a new convocation. Against the backdrop of an extremely ambiguous attitude towards Mr. Kasyanov after the scandal with the publication of video recordings of his meetings with party comrade Natalya Pelevina, as well as Andrei Zubov’s position on Crimea, in which he condemns its reunification with Russia, Vyacheslav Maltsev becomes the de facto media headliner of the party . And now, logically, one of the leaders of the list of the key liberal party will tell a “Masonic conspiracy” and promote a nationalist agenda to those party supporters who stood at Bolotnaya and Sakharov and advocate tolerance and multiculturalism.

Meanwhile, the party itself does not seem to see any problems and internal conflict The fact is that ParNaS will be led to the elections by a person like Maltsev, as the deputy chairman of the party, Konstantin Merzlikin, told Life:

There was no conflict. And a dispute is a normal democratic procedure: yes, someone doesn’t like something, someone, on the contrary, likes it. Voting took place and the decision was made. “I personally have a positive attitude towards Maltsev and have not heard any nationalistic statements from him,” says the politician.

However, experts are not inclined to assess the situation within the party so optimistically. Thus, the head of the Political Expert Group, Konstantin Kalachev, questions the very effectiveness of such an instrument of political practice as Internet primaries, as a result of which the scandalous video blogger won:

Internet primaries have a serious flaw. These are not primaries like United Russia - in the mode of popular voting, where the expression of the will of the people really takes place. If we talk about online voting, then it is obvious that here you can inflate the results: there are people who have fans on social networks and they can encourage people to vote for themselves. But this does not mean that these people are popular, that they are truly respected. That is, the opinion of the Internet audience may differ from the opinion of voters. And this serious problem ParNaS that they became slaves to the procedure. Indeed, in principle, the probability of being included in the list of random people as a result of Internet primaries is very high. And it was worth just admitting the mistake, resetting the results and selecting candidates based on other principles. But Kasyanov insisted on the opposite, the political scientist notes.

As a result, ParNaS encounters an active phase of the electoral cycle without a serious socio-political program, with a sluggish internal party conflict and with nationalist Vyacheslav Maltsev in the federal top three on the list. Final score latest events will of course be given by voters on September 18, but it is already possible to predict further segmentation of the opposition electorate and an increase in apathy and reluctance among them to vote for a party that nominates such odious personalities with a position completely different from the liberal agenda in the federal elections.

Let's do this: first, let's establish what happened, and then my opinion about it.

What happened:

1. About 16 thousand people registered as voters for the primaries (with confirmed emails).

2. 4 thousand people took part in the voting, after which there was a leak that the creator of the blog wins the voting “ Artillery preparation» Vyacheslav Maltsev.

3. The next day (voting lasted two days) the news “ The second day of voting in the primaries is underway. ", the admin had to attach hash data to this news, which can be used to analyze the vote, but it is impossible to understand who voted for whom. Instead, a file was attached containing the complete, unencrypted details of all voters, including their passwords.

4. It’s clear that a terrible scandal broke out. PARNAS was silent at first, then announced an “administrator error,” and then a “hacking of the intelligence services.” Voting was stopped. A total of 7,400 people voted.

If there are no resignations and organizational withdrawals, it will be sad. How will these same people conduct the election campaign? Especially with a focus on the Internet, as stated.

The main thing now is to create an independent commission, conduct an audit of the site and honestly refute the information about the deliberate disruption of the primaries. The Central Election Commission (CEC) is normal there and will not cover up fraud.

B) The results of the primaries must be recognized. And there is no need to write “the incomprehensible Maltsev won incomprehensibly.” All clear. This Maltsev has a channel on YouTube, almost 100 thousand subscribers. The video (these are political comments) is watched by an average of 50-60 thousand people. There is a stable group of fans of his work. He bombed for two months: register and vote. I made a special video instruction.

Maltsev behaved as a candidate should behave - he worked with his support group. So, he mobilized 5,000 people, which is why he won with a low turnout.

You go to the social networks of PARNAS leaders Kasyanov and Merzlikin, count how many “come to the primaries” posts they have written over the past two months (spoiler: you won’t find ten) and compare with Maltsev. This is the answer to the question “why Maltsev won.”

If PARNAS had worked normally, as we did in the regional primaries or elections to the Constitutional Court (where there were no “hacks” and the results of the voting were not announced), and brought at least 20 thousand voters, then Maltsev would have taken a lower place, having encountered serious competition.

Vyacheslav Vyacheslavovich Maltsev is the host of the analytical program “Bad News” on the “Artpodgotovka” channel on YouTube. Periodicals nicknamed the author “a blogger from Samara.”

Vyacheslav Maltsev – candidate in the elections to the State Duma Russian Federation from the Parnassus party in 2016, public and political figure. The politician considers himself “second only to Russia.” With his provocative statements on networks and television, he made many enemies among ardent fans of the current government in the country.

Childhood and youth

Vyacheslav Maltsev was born on June 7, 1964 in Saratov. In 1981 he graduated from Saratov school No. 8. He entered the evening department of jurisprudence at the Saratov Law Institute named after. DI. Kursky. In parallel with his studies, he worked in the Kirov district Komsomol committee.

In 1982, Vyacheslav was drafted into the ranks Soviet army. Served in the border troops. After finishing his service in 1985, he continued his studies at the institute. He graduated in 1987, receiving the qualification “Lawyer”. For two years he worked at the Zavodsky District Department of Internal Affairs of Saratov as a district police officer.


Since 1989, Vyacheslav Maltsev has been in charge of the Allegro detective bureau. According to ill-wishers, Allegro was a protection company for entrepreneurs. Maltsev himself claims that he was presumably the richest man in the 90s Saratov region.

At the same time, Vyacheslav Maltsev became interested in politics. In 1994 he became a deputy of the Saratov Regional Duma. In 1996, he sold the Allegro agency, later blaming the governor of the Saratov region, Dmitry Ayatskov, for the collapse of the business. He was re-elected to the regional Duma in 1997 and 2002, each time running in a single-mandate constituency. In the first convocation of the regional parliament he worked as head of the committee on legality and the fight against crime. He was secretary of the regional Duma and its deputy chairman.

In 1999, Vyacheslav Maltsev was nominated to the State Duma from the Fatherland - All Russia party, but did not make it. In 2001, the politician took part in the creation of a regional branch of United Russia in Saratov. In 2003, he left the ranks of the party, and in 2006 he wrote the “Manifesto of the struggle against the United Russia party.” In 2007, he headed the Great Russia party in Saratov. As Vyacheslav Maltsev himself noted, despite the frequent change of parties, he did not change his beliefs and remained a national democrat.

In 2003, Vyacheslav Maltsev began an open war with the then governor of the Saratov region, Dmitry Ayatskov, by organizing the “Fund for the Fight against Ayatskov.” The foundation collected signatures in favor of the governor’s resignation, organized pickets and hunger strikes near the regional Duma. Ayatskov, in turn, sued Maltsev for 100 thousand rubles for slander against him. In one of his interviews, Ayatskov said about Maltsev:

“It was just a clown show. But it didn’t give him any political dividends.”

Since 2006, Vyacheslav Maltsev has been the president of the Saratov regional public organization “Ecological Organization “Future”. Fought against the opening of a destruction plant in the Saratov region chemical weapons. Since 1995, Vyacheslav Maltsev was a member of the Congress of Russian Communities, and in 2006 he became its president. In 2007 and 2012, Maltsev was unable to get into the elections to the regional Duma (in last time came from the Communist Party of the Russian Federation and lost to the nominee from United Russia, Alexei Mazepov).

On the eve of the State Duma elections in 2016, Vyacheslav Maltsev participated in the primaries from the Parnas party. The first place in the list was occupied by surname by default. The survey was stopped ahead of schedule due to identified violations. At the time of the suspension, Vyacheslav Maltsev was in the lead by a large margin.

Party colleagues Natalya Pelevina explained Maltsev’s leading position by low voter turnout. The leadership of Parnassus decided to count the results of the primaries, despite the suspension. However, many in the party were unhappy, accusing Maltsev of anti-Semitism and populism. Maltsev himself explained that the purpose of his nomination to the Duma is the abolition of anti-constitutional laws in Russia and the preparation of the impeachment of the president.


The first comments are mostly regarding foreign policy Russia, Vyacheslav Maltsev has been posting on his website since 2008. The Artpodgotovka channel appeared on YouTube in 2011. At first, small videos were released in which Maltsev talked about politics and the current government. Later, Maltsev’s program took on the form of an hour and a half program with questions from viewers, discussions in live on political and economic topics that concern the author and the audience.

The program on the channel was called “Bad News”. The “Bad News” episodes were initially watched by 5-10 thousand people. Today, 100 thousand people are subscribed to the Artpodgotovka channel. Every new broadcast Vyacheslav Maltsev begins “Bad News” by announcing the number of days remaining, as the author says, until the “beginning of a new historical era" The blogger states:

“The era will begin on November 5, 2017.”

On this day, according to Maltsev, a revolution will take place that will overthrow the power of the current president of Russia. He chose November 5 not by chance - Maltsev believes that unrest will occur after the Russian march on November 4, 2017.

Personal life

Vyacheslav Maltsev is married to Anna Maltseva. The family has three children: Roman, Valery and Varvara. The biography of the oppositionist is not without extreme.

In the fall of 2011, Maltsev suffered a broken jaw as a result of a conflict with Cherkez Bunyatov. Bunyatov received two wounds in the thigh from Vyacheslav Maltsev’s traumatic pistol.

Vyacheslav Maltsev now

Vyacheslav Maltsev conducts a lively discussion of the latest news in Russia and the world with subscribers in social network"VKontakte" and

Today we will tell you who Vyacheslav Maltsev is. His biography will be discussed below. It's about about the Russian political and public figure and blogger. He was elected to the regional Duma three times. In 2016 he joined the PARNAS party. He became a candidate for State Duma deputy from this political force.


Vyacheslav Maltsev graduated from Saratov Law School in 1987. From 1982 to 1984 he served in the border troops. In 1989, he held the position of district inspector at the Zavodsky District Department of Internal Affairs in Saratov. In 1989 - 1996 there was general director detective bureau called Allegro. Maltsev subsequently sold his property. In 1994, he was elected as a deputy to the Saratov Regional Duma of the first convocation. He got into the regional parliament. Re-elected twice. He was deputy chairman and also secretary of the Duma. In the nineties, he participated in the political force “Fatherland - All Russia”. There I met with Vyacheslav Volodin. In 2007, he became the head of the Saratov branch of " Great Russia" Soon he created the city branch of RNDS Kasyanov.

So we discussed how Vyacheslav Maltsev began his career. “Bad News” is a video blog that our hero has been running on YouTube since 2011. The videos are released at 21:00 on weekdays. The duration of each episode is one and a half hours. Periodically, as part of his channel, Vyacheslav Maltsev conducts joint broadcasts and debates with famous figures in various fields. Our hero believes that the revolution in Russia will begin in 2017, on November 5. In each episode of the video blog, he counts down the number of days until the set date. This man does not deny that, in essence, he is a populist, but he emphasizes that he uses this phenomenon as a method of working with his voters. In 2012, the politician tried to run for the regional Duma from the Communist Party of the Russian Federation in the single-mandate district of Saratov, but failed.

Nomination to the Duma

Vyacheslav Maltsev decided before the elections that he would take part in the primaries from the PARNAS party. Party members Natalya Pelevina and Ilya Yashin noted that the blogger managed to fully mobilize like-minded people. There were also statements that politician It was not so much the party’s supporters who cast their votes as his immediate audience. Maltsev himself noted that he was confident of victory. Although the primaries did not actually take place and were disrupted, it was decided to take their results into account. Part of the leadership of the political force was dissatisfied with the blogger’s victory.


In 2016, Vyacheslav Maltsev made a number of statements that related to the President of the Russian Federation and were particularly harsh. The candidate promised that if he took a seat in the State Duma as part of his political force, he would initiate the impeachment procedure. The blogger also connected economic problems in Russia with the head of state. Daria Mitina and note that Maltsev’s behavior and rhetoric resembles Vladimir Zhirinovsky. At the same time, the LDPR politician himself emphasized during the debate that the blogger studied his early speeches.

Vyacheslav Maltsev is a well-known political personality in the Saratov region, a non-systemic oppositionist, an entrepreneur, public figure and video blogger. Since 2011, he has run the YouTube channel “Artpodgotovka” (the movement of the same name is recognized as extremist and banned in the Russian Federation), known for the “Bad News” section. In 2016, he ran for the State Duma from the PARNAS party.

Early years and education

Maltsev Vyacheslav Vyacheslavovich, born in 1964, grew up in Saratov, graduated there high school No. 8. After receiving the certificate, he entered the evening department of the Saratov Law Institute named after D.I. Kursky, and at the same time worked as an analytical statistician in the Kirov district committee of the Komsomol.

In 1982, he decided to serve in the border troops, which he completed in 1985. After returning home, Maltsev decided to finish his studies at the institute and was reinstated in the specialty “Jurisprudence.” In 1987, he received a law degree and joined the Allegro detective bureau, which was engaged in private detective work and security. In 2 years, Maltsev managed to achieve the director’s post, which he held until 1996.

The enterprise brought Vyacheslav good income - in the 90s he was perhaps the richest man in the region. Subsequently, he sold it and all the property for an amount that, according to him, would be enough for him to live long years forward.

Political Views

In May 1994, Vyacheslav Vyacheslavovich was elected as a deputy of the Saratov Regional Duma, and in June he took the position of chairman of the Duma Committee on Legality, Combating Crime, Security and Protection of Individual Rights, which also included deputies Anatoly Astashkin, Oleg Karpov, Vladimir Pavlov, Anatoly Sokolov and Yuri Sosedov. In April 1996, Maltsev became deputy chairman of the regional Duma.

He held this post until September next year, until the second convocation of the Saratov Regional Duma. Maltsev was re-elected “for a second term”, after which he headed the committee dealing with issues of budget policy, property and taxes. In 2002, he was again elected deputy speaker. At the elections to the Duma of the third convocation, Maltsev again found himself in the ranks of deputies, subsequently again occupying the post of deputy chairman.

From 2003 to 2005, the politician opposed the governor of the Saratov region, Dmitry Ayatskov. While running for the State Duma, he founded the Anti-Ayatskov Foundation, demanding the early termination of the governor’s powers under the slogan “Down with Ayatskov!” At the same time, Maltsev did not hide his old personal resentment and hatred, since it was the governor who once “destroyed” his company.

In the 90s, he was also a member of the Fatherland - All Russia party (the future United Russia), where he met Vyacheslav Volodin. He ran for the State Duma for the first time from this bloc (in 1999), but failed. According to Maltsev, in 2003 he himself decided to leave the party, although membership opened up great political prospects for him.

After that, he became a convinced antagonist of United Russia, and his idol was the revolutionary Che Guevara, whose portrait always hung in his office. To himself, Vyacheslav liked to say that he was a true fighter: by profession, by occupation, by character and vocation.

Debate: Maltsev VS Zhirinovsky

In 2007, Vyacheslav Maltsev became one of the co-founders of the nationalist party “Great Russia” and headed its branch in the Saratov region. However, official registration of the party was denied twice.

In parallel with his membership in Great Russia, he promoted Mikhail Kasyanov's Russian People's Democratic Union in Saratov, and in 2012 he attempted to run for the Saratov Regional Duma from the Communist Party of the Russian Federation, but was unsuccessful.

"Art preparation"

Maltsev started blogging on YouTube at the end of 2011. He recorded a video in a “talking head” format, expressing his opinion on the current political situation in the country. The channel's audience grew geometric progression– the number of viewers of his daily live broadcasts exceeded 100 thousand users. Many users noted that Maltsev is like a drug for them – it’s addictive.

The success of “Artpodgotovka” largely helped Maltsev win the PARNAS federal primaries in 2016. However, due to a personal data leak scandal, the voting results were canceled. At the party congress, about a third of its members voted against Vyacheslav’s nomination, including leader Ilya Yashin and Vladimir Kara-Murza.

Maltsev had to fight off accusations of anti-Semitism and populism. The politician himself claimed that his main goal of being nominated to the State Duma was “the repeal of Vladimir Putin’s unconstitutional laws and the impeachment of the president.”

Personal life of Vyacheslav Maltsev

For Vyacheslav Maltsev, family and children have always been a priority. His wife Anna Maltseva and three children - Roman (born 1989), Varvara (born 2009) and Valery - were always by his side.

On July 4, 2017, Maltsev managed to escape the investigation in Moscow, leave Russia and move to Georgia. After this, a criminal case was opened against him for public calls for extremist activities. In October of the same year, the court recognized Artpodgotovka as an extremist organization, thereby banning its activities in Russia. Maltsev was arrested in absentia and put on the international wanted list.

Maltsev’s “art preparation” planned a series of arson attacks on administrative buildings in major cities. The action was planned for November 4-5, on the Day national unity. The FSB prevented the action in Moscow by detaining several of Maltsev’s supporters.

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