Relationships on stage: Ekaterina Reshetnikova and Max Nesterovich. Katya Reshetnikova: dancing, biography, personal life and interesting facts Are you ready for them

Ekaterina Reshetnikova – Russian actress, performing on the MDT stage since 1999. However, she has a lot of memorable film work behind her: the series “Foundlings”, the serial detective story “Leningrad 46” and others.

early years

Ekaterina Dmitrievna Reshetnikova was born in Leningrad on July 23, 1976. The girl's parents divorced when she was a 5-year-old child.

The baby was raised mainly by her mother, who worked at the Gatchina Institute at that time. nuclear physics. The formation of the worldview of the future actress was greatly influenced by her stepfather, an artist by profession and wonderful person through life, as Catherine herself later said.

Creative skills girls appeared in early childhood. Katya painted beautifully and secretly dreamed of becoming a great artist. She enjoyed learning to play the piano in music school, and the teachers could not be happier with their diligent student.

However, later, as a high school student, Katya found a new hobby for herself: she began to attend theater studio. And the stage charmed her so much that in her senior year, Katerina firmly decided to connect her life with the theater forever. Her talented performance at the entrance rounds won the hearts of even the most severe examiners of the Moscow Theater School. Boris Shchukin - and the girl was accepted.

Actor career

After graduating from university in 1997, Ekaterina returned to St. Petersburg. Creative path actresses began in Maly drama theater. Her notable works of this period are “Moscow Choir” (2002, Olga), “Weightless Princess” (2003, Earth, Weightless Princess, Queen), “The House of Bernarda Alba” (2006, Magdalena, Angustias), “The Little Mermaid” (2010, Princess). The audience was amazed by the variety of interesting acting colors that the young performer found to characterize each of her heroines.

Reshetnikova was often invited to play in the Baltic House theater. The audience completely filled the hall if a performance with her participation was on stage (“Moscow - Petushki”, 2011; “Madame Bovary”, 2013).

In parallel with theatrical activities Katerina began acting in films. Her first roles, talentedly played in the TV series “Deadly Force-2”, “I’ll Decide Everything Myself-2”, “Men Don’t Cry”, attracted the attention of many directors to the actress.

Ekaterina’s participation in such projects as “The Age of Sagittarius” (2007-2008), “Streets of Broken Lanterns” (2008), “The Story of a Convict” (2009), were steps to the pinnacle of resounding success in the film “When the Snow Melted” ( 2009). The complex image she created of the outwardly soft and gentle, but with a tough character, intelligence officer Anna Arsenyeva revealed the versatility of the actress’s talent - and invitations to star in films fell one after another.

Ekaterina, who is distinguished by her incredible hard work, filmed a lot, polishing and honing her acting skills from picture to picture. The series and films “Liteiny, 4” (2011-2012), “Cop Wars-6” (2011), “I Believe Him” (2011), “Shaman” (2011), “Mary’s Fate” (2012) increased its number fans eagerly awaiting the release of the next film featuring their favorite actress. And she lived up to the expectations of the audience, shining in such films as “Exclusion Lane” (2014), “Shards of Happiness” (2015), “Foundlings” (2016-2017), “Olyushka” (2017).

Separately, it is worth noting the series “Foundlings”, where Ekaterina embodies the image of Vera, the head of the maternity ward. She is a neonatologist who saves newborns. Many of them are left by their parents in the hospital forever. Vera worries about each of them and tries to arrange their fate.

20 actresses auditioned for the role of the selfless Vera, but the creators of the series realized that Catherine would become her just by looking at her. By the way, the series was filmed in a real hospital, and more than once the actress was mistaken for a real doctor and asked to sign a certificate or asked about treatment.

According to Reshetnikova herself, when reading scripts for future films, she always passed through her heart the fate of each character that she had to play. That’s why they believed the actress from the first minute of her appearance on the screen, that’s why her performance touches the soul so much: after all, Ekaterina Dmitrievna is absolutely organic and reliable in the images of those heroines in which she reincarnated.

Personal life of Ekaterina Reshetnikova

The first husband of Ekaterina Reshetnikova was director Sergei Lesogorov. Married to him in 1996, the actress gave birth to her first child, son Ivan. However, the birth of a son did not save the couple from divorce.

Remarkable fact: Ivan made his film debut when he was only 4 years old! The boy successfully played two roles in the film “The First of May”. At the age of 11, he repeated his successful experience: together with his mother, he participated in the filming of the multi-part film “When the Snow Melted.” In high school, he acted in films twice more, and after graduating from school he entered the St. Petersburg Theater Academy.

For the second time, Ekaterina Dmitrievna married famous actor Igor Chernevich, who was 10 years older than her. They served together at the Maly Drama Theater, where they met romantically.

Katerina did not immediately decide to remarry. In addition, she had just joined the troupe and was trying to establish herself with best side, so she had no time to “walk under the moonlight.” Therefore, only a year later they began a serious relationship.

Ekaterina and Igor made a wonderful couple. People who are different by nature: she is sociable, he is more closed - the couple nevertheless lived cheerfully and amicably, enthusiastically discussing each other’s creativity and spending free time V family circle. They raised two children - Ivan and their common son Philip.

Younger son Ekaterina Dmitrievna also chose a creative path. Masterfully playing many instruments, he became a professional musician and has already organized his own musical group.

However, 2016 turned out to be the last year in Reshetnikova’s married life: Katerina and Igor diverged. Commenting on her divorce, the actress said: “Some people say that you need to live together for the sake of the children, but my sons agree with me that when there is a tense atmosphere in the family, it is better to separate.”

Ekaterina Reshetnikova now

The actress’s career does not stand still: she continues to actively act in films. In 2018, three projects with her participation were in production - “Replacement Player”, “One Lie for Two”, “Selfie with Destiny”.

These are diverse films that tell about difficult life stories the main characters - a promising teenage hockey player; adult woman, as if returned to youth, to the times of first love; professor of physical and mathematical sciences with his outlandish hobby - solving crimes.

Thousands of fans of Ekaterina Reshetnikova are waiting for the release of her new films, in which she will again sparkle in significant roles, basking in the sincere and boundless love of the audience...

The star of the TV project “Dancing” Ekaterina Reshetnikova for a long time surprised fans with a change of image, conducting various experiments with hair color. However, now the dancer has decided to take radical measures and made herself extremely short haircut"hedgehog".

Such dramatic changes frightened fans, since people often shave their heads due to various diseases, and loyal fans were sincerely worried about their idol. But Catherine gave an official explanation of the situation, convincing viewers that she had only decided to treat her hair.

Due to constant dyeing, the condition of her hair became completely deplorable, and only a haircut could correct the situation. Reshetnikova decided not to waste time on trifles and cut off the entire length at once in order to grow her beautiful and healthy hair “from scratch” with a clear conscience.

“Well, my photos are already circulating, so there is no point in hiding, I’m just not used to it myself, that’s why I didn’t show it right away. I was just cutting off my completely damaged hair!”– the choreographer explained, urging fans not to overthink things.

Having calmed down, admirers rushed to admire Catherine’s new haircut, assuring her that she shouldn’t be dressed up because of her new look. Besides . Numerous online audiences assured Reshetnikova that she has a beautiful skull shape and a thin face, and therefore even this length of hair only makes her look better.

Plus, now nothing distracts attention from her beautiful eyes, and some found new image no less feminine than before. Subscribers also reminded the dancer that she wouldn’t have to wait long and her hair would definitely grow back soon.

“This is what experimenting with hair color leads to. It's good that this haircut suits you"

“Hair is not teeth... It will grow back!”

“A spectacular woman is spectacular in any style, this is definitely about you”

“Hair does not deprive talent and true beauty!”

“Happiness is not in the hair”

“Sometimes I also want to do this, but I can’t. Well done!”

“Hair is not your fingers, it will grow back! But they will be alive and beautiful"

“Very cool, yours will grow long and thick, you just have to wait”

Many admirers noted that with such a haircut, Catherine will be able to better fit into various non-standard images, and, therefore, will show more than one

Watch new episodes of “DANCE” on TNT every Saturday at 21:30.

You've probably already read the interview with the choreographer of the show "DANCES" on TNT, and. Today Ekaterina Reshetnikova answers your questions.

Elle Girl: At what age is it better to start dancing?

Kate: The earlier the better! But that doesn't mean you can't start dancing at 50.

Elle Girl: Which one did you start in?

Kate: I think someone, long before I was born, decided that I would connect my life with dancing. And then a chain of events just happened: the rhythm in kindergarten, where during the graduation concert I was chosen alone to perform the number “Chunga-Changa”, and I missed the whole celebration because I sat behind the stage painted with black paint; sports aerobics, which was first called “American”, which attracted me, and then dancing. And from that moment I didn’t twitch anymore. (Smiles). Apparently, she has made up her mind.

Elle Girl: There are a lot now dance styles. How do you know which one to choose?

Kate: Now, there really is a huge choice. You just need to go to a few different activities. I'm sure you'll fall in love with something!

Elle Girl: How many years of dancing do you need to perform as well as in the movie “Step Up”?

Kate: So! Well, the film “Step Up” is a film, and therefore good editing, etc. Nowadays, dancers often shoot small videos with their choreography, and often it all looks good only because of the editing. Set yourself other goals. (Smiles).

Elle Girl: Is it possible to learn to dance on your own, or do you have to attend classes?

Kate: For some, this is simply given by nature - they quickly copy and also quickly master new styles. But you will have to spend a lot of time on self-development, even at home. And if you are just starting to dance, then it is, of course, more interesting in a group!

Elle Girl: Until what age does a dance career last?

Kate: Whoever wishes, there are no restrictions. (Smiles).

Elle Girl: Should I quit school to devote more time to dancing?

Kate: Well, I wouldn’t recommend quitting school outright. But managing your time wisely in order to get everything done is what you need. And it's real.

Elle Girl: What exercises will help you stay in shape?

Kate: Don't eat. (Laughs). This is the most difficult exercise for me...

Elle Girl: Are there any common moves for all dance styles?

Kate: Of course, there are some identical steps, hand movements, etc. Of course, not everything, but there is something in common. It’s just that depending on the style, these movements are “colored” differently, so it may seem that everything is different in each style.

Elle Girl: Is it worth dancing for those who don't know how to dance? Or does it look terrible?

Kate: Everyone should dance! And you know, I really like it when people who don’t dance are not only not shy, but do it with such joy and excitement that many so-called “professional dancers” should learn from them.

Elle Girl: How to overcome the fear of public speaking?

Kate: This is one of those things - I’m afraid, but I do it. There is no special secret. I think over time the fear will develop into a desire to dance in public.

Elle Girl: Which genre most impresses the jury at castings?

Kate: I’m not on the jury if we’re talking about the “DANCE” project. I personally can be hooked by character or crazy technology. But still more character. Although if there is both, then that’s very cool!

Elle Girl: What to do if you forgot a move while dancing? Or fell on stage?

Kate: Get out. This happens, and it is not a disaster.

Elle Girl: Which dance style is easiest and fastest to learn?

Kate: I can not answer this question.

Elle Girl: You spend a lot of energy. What does your daily diet include? Where do you get so much energy?

Kate: Everything is the same as everyone else’s: fruits, vegetables, nuts, dates and fish. I haven't eaten meat for a long time.

Elle Girl: What are the most popular trends that dancers come to casting with? Why are they chosen so often?

Kate: Probably, after all, contempo. Although there is a lot of hip-hop too. The fact that people come with the style that is their profile is normal, but when people start experimenting with their skills at castings, it’s strange.

Elle Girl: What style is most difficult for the participants of the show “DANCING”?

Kate: Many people don't like it very much ballroom dancing. (Smiles). Of course, except for those who have been doing them for many years...

Ekaterina Reshetnikova was born in Russian city Novosibirsk November 1, 1982. From the early childhood Katya loved dancing and was distinguished by her mobility and flexibility. She took her first steps in this direction at a dance school, where she studied sports aerobics. Already at the age of 13, she began to successfully participate in competitions, including international ones.

Ekaterina decided to get a higher education close to her interests and hobbies: she entered the Faculty of Physical Education at the Novosibirsk Pedagogical University, which she graduated in 2003.

Choreographer's Star Trek

After graduation, Ekaterina Reshetnikova moved to Moscow, where her dancing talents helped her make bright career. Some time after moving from Novosibirsk, the young dancer appeared on the MTV channel in the then popular project “Dance Floor Star”. She was able to pass a serious casting and was noticed by the host of the television project Sergei Mandrik, who invited her to his dance group “Street Jazz”. Thanks to her talent, Katya soon became a show ballet soloist and also began working as a dance teacher.

The choreographer's career took off. The girl acted as a teacher on the show “Star Factory-6”, and was also a mentor in the television project “Another Life”, where she helped participants try a new profession. In addition, Ekaterina took part in many other TV shows, including “Song of the Year”, “Golden Gramophone”, “Old and New Songs about the Main Thing”, “Universal Artist”, “ Big change" and not only.

Ekaterina danced in many videos of Russian TV stars, and also acted as a choreographer for the Serebro group, singers Elka, Bianca and the Tootsie group. We also remember Reshetnikova in the “One to One” project and in the “Dancing” program on TNT.

By the way, Katya’s height is 165 cm.

Personal life of Katya Reshetnikova

The famous choreographer is not yet married and has no children. She is currently in a relationship with one of the participants in the “Dancing” project on TNT, Maxim Nesterovich.

Ekaterina Reshetnikova is a dancer, choreographer, concert director and sports aerobics and fitness coach. The project “Star of the Dance Floor” brought popularity to the girl. In addition to dance performances, Ekaterina is engaged in staging choreographic numbers in popular programs and in music videos. Russian musicians. Reshetnikova is a permanent choreographer for all seasons of the “Dancing” project.

Future choreographer Ekaterina Aleksandrovna Reshetnikova was born in Novosibirsk in 1982. Since childhood, Ekaterina grew up as an active and flexible child, so her parents took their daughter to the city dance school, where Katya enjoyed attending aerobics classes. The girl quickly received her first adult rank and at the age of 13 began participating in competitions and competitions, taking prizes. Soon Ekaterina Reshetnikova becomes a participant international competitions on fitness.

ABOUT future profession the girl practically did not think about it: Catherine knew that her future would be closely connected with sports and dancing. After graduation high school Reshetnikova becomes a student at the Faculty of Physical Education of the Pedagogical University of Novosibirsk.


In 2003, Ekaterina Reshetnikova graduated from university and set off to conquer the capital. Already in her second year in Moscow, Katya is participating in the MTV channel’s “Dance Floor Star” project. This brings the young dancer her first success. From the first large-scale dance show the country begins creative biography Ekaterina Reshetnikova. Then, from 3.5 thousand participants, 80 of the most talented were selected, who had to compete for the prize and title of the best dancer in the country. This number included the Novosibirsk dancer.

Katya was noted by the host of the “Dance Floor Star” project, Sergei Mandrik, as one of the most promising and bright participants, and was invited to an internship in Mandryk’s team called “Street Jazz”. Just a few months later, Reshetnikova becomes a show ballet soloist. Ekaterina was also invited to teach at a dance school.

The year 2006 was extremely generous with pleasant events for Katya Reshetnikova. Ekaterina was invited to work as a teacher-tutor on the show “Star Factory-6”. In addition, in the same year, the choreographer was involved in the “Another Life” project. Within a month, 12 project participants had the opportunity to work in an industry in which they had never worked. Get comfortable in new profession The participants were helped by venerable mentors. One of the professional mentors was Ekaterina.

In the spring of the same 2006, Katya was invited to work as a choreographer in the group “Tutsi”, consisting of graduates of “Star Factory-3” and singer Tatyana Ovsienko. The choreographer also managed to work on the projects “Song of the Year”, “Golden Gramophone”, “Old and New Songs about the Main Thing”, “Two Stars” and others.

Ekaterina Reshetnikova can be seen in popular videos Russian stars stage. The dancer’s track record includes work on videos for the song “White Beach” by Bianca and Irakli, Elka “Throw Away”, Timur Rodriguez “Out in space”, the group “Silver” “Song #1” and many others.

Catherine’s career is not only about dancing. In 2012, Reshetnikova worked as a director concert program and choreographer of the Serebro group. She performed the same role for singers Yolka and Bianca. In the same year, Katya worked as an assistant to the director and choreographer on the popular projects “Universal Artist” (Channel One), “Big Change” (NTV), and the New Year’s show “Red Nick” at the Olimpiysky.

IN next year Ekaterina accepts an invitation from the leaders of the One to One project. At this show, participants tried on the images of musicians and performed cult hits. Here dance coach Reshetnikova worked together with the show director Miguel.

Nowadays, Ekaterina works in the Loony Band team, which has existed since 2010. Reshetnikova also works at the dance school “54 Dance Studio”.

Viewers watch the work of the Novosibirsk teacher on the TNT channel in the mega-popular project “Dancing”. Since October 2014, Ekaterina began working on preparing numbers for mentor Miguel’s wards.

On August 23, 2015, the video for Apashe feat. Panther Matumona & Odalisk "No Twerk". IN music video Miguel starred with the team of his charges from the first season and the choreographers of the “Dancing” project Ekaterina Reshetnikova, Alexey Karpenko and Natalya Tkachuk.

Personal life

Ekaterina has a memorable appearance; she dyes her hair either bright red or ash blonde. The choreographer loves to take pictures; there are 670 posts on Ekaterina’s Instagram. Reshetnikova’s publications are followed by 412 thousand subscribers.

Ekaterina is a perfectionist by nature. The dancer is responsible, sets challenging goals and is ready to defend her opinion. The girl is demanding of herself and those around her. The choreographer forces the dancers to work to the limit, which makes it difficult for people to work with Reshetnikova. But the result that Ekaterina produces makes the difficult preparation worth it.

Personal life of Ekaterina Reshetnikova for a long time was hidden from prying eyes.

In one of the episodes of the “Dancing” show, it became known that Katya Reshetnikova was dating one of the project participants, Maxim Nesterovich. During the finale of the second season, Maxim, who won the project, proposed to the girl. On April 7, 2016, the wedding of Nesterovich and Reshetnikova took place. After the wedding, Ekaterina took her husband’s surname and in subsequent projects introduced herself as Ekaterina Nesterovich.

Ekaterina Reshetnikova now

After the completion of the first season of “Dancing,” Reshetnikova remained in the project. The choreographer continued choreographing dance numbers in the show's second and third seasons, as well as in "Battle of the Seasons". In May 2016, Ekaterina Reshetnikova performed on the stage of the “Dancing” project in a joint performance with Vitaly Savchenko, who became one of the most striking on the project.

Pre-casting began in the spring of 2017 fourth season"Dancing." Ekaterina Reshetnikova will remain on Miguel’s choreography team.

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