Participation in the competition “Police through the eyes of children” (photo report). Participation in the competition “Police through the eyes of children” (photo report) Download beautiful police day cards

Today, in the lobby of the building of the Federal State Institution of Public Education, an exhibition of children's drawings “I serve in the police...” opened, dedicated to Children's Day. The title of the exhibition was inspired by lines from Mikhalkov’s “Uncle Styopa”: “I’ll tell you a secret that I serve in the police, because I find this service very important.” Children of private security officers from 4 to 12 years old took part in the exhibition.

The drawings, made with colored pencils, watercolors, gouache and felt-tip pens, are a sincere and spontaneous children's view of the work of police officers. So, Vladik Abashev painted his dad, who guards the Novgorod Kremlin and St. Sophia Cathedral. Dima Dolikhin’s work “Through Time” represents the police in three dimensions - yesterday, today, tomorrow. The drawing by Maxim Doroshkevich shows a police officer with her faithful four-legged partner. And Ekaterina Zelina portrayed Uncle Styopa, carefully holding the whole Earth. The main thing is that children's creativity gives only positivity. There are no winners or losers here. According to tradition, all participants of the exhibition will receive gifts - drawing supplies and sweets.

The private security service of the Novgorod region congratulates fathers, mothers, grandparents and expresses gratitude to everyone who devoted themselves to working with children. Wishes adults wisdom, kindness and patience in the difficult task of parenting. And to our children - happy holidays, wonderful discoveries and a truly happy, carefree childhood!

The attitude in society towards law enforcement officers is quite diverse. Especially if we're talking about about traffic police, who in our country are the main actors jokes about corruption. I wonder what children perceive the world through the prism of innocence and lack of perception of those problems of the adult world that we often invent for ourselves.

The police drawings through the eyes of children were an excellent reflection of this truth. It is difficult to find a drawing by a small schoolchild in which a driver hands over a bribe to a traffic police inspector. Children perceive the world exactly as it should be. Perhaps we ourselves have invented all the problems that we face every day?

Children's drawings about traffic police

Most of the drawings are related to the problems that children are taught about in school from an early age. For example, you can cross the road at a crossing only if the light is on. green color, or a policeman is a true defender of law and order, dedicated to his important work.
In their drawings about the police, children tell how the world should be built law enforcement.

They have no irony towards the police or any uncertainty about protection. The world built by children's drawings about the police turns out to be ideal. The main topics to create artistic masterpieces were the following aspects:

  • pedestrian crossings and traffic lights - rules that everyone needs to know;
  • police officers who look sternly and condemningly at intruders;
  • friendly law enforcement officers showing people the right place to cross the street;
  • drawings with a chaotic depiction of the various privileges of a police officer and inscriptions about how valiantly our police work.

Of particular interest is the last type of drawing, when children completely unconsciously place inscriptions on a sheet of paper. Often such drawings come from the pens of children of police officers, and the inscriptions say that “dad is on duty, and the whole city can sleep peacefully.”

Perhaps if everyone treated the police like the children in their drawings, then law enforcement agencies would work in accordance with our expectations of their difficult and important work.

What should you do if your child was assigned a drawing about the police at school?

If from all the information above you could not find suitable topic For your child’s drawing, try to fantasize with your child about how the police should work. Think about how a police officer can benefit a child.

Such drawings often turn out to be much more colorful and interesting than a simple image of a stern policeman condemning banditry and disorder on the streets. But also last topic can be played out in a very interesting way by a child’s imagination.

Galina Krasnotsvetova

On the eve of the 25th anniversary of the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs for the city of Vladimir, among children preschool age was carried out contest« Police through the eyes of children» .

The goal is to popularize the profession of a law enforcement officer, to form a positive opinion about the activities of an internal affairs officer.

Participate in the competition Parents with children from two to seven years old or a group with a teacher could attend.

According to the conditions competition participants you must choose the subject for the craft, the technique execution: on a plane or in the form of a small sculptural form, traditional or unconventional methods. Any material.

We decided on the technology right away - "let's draw" plasticine painting.

The most difficult thing was choosing the content of the drawing. While talking with children, I realized that ideas children are limited to, What police officers are brave people who fight criminals or keep order on the roads (traffic police and traffic police officers). Therefore, it was necessary to explain that the work of a defender of law and order is much broader and more difficult: it goes on the streets, and in parks, and in in public places, both on weekdays and during holidays.

This is how the plot of our future painting. Police officer did not remain indifferent to the callous act of a boy knocking down a nest with a chick.

And we got down to business. I primed the surface of the board, then applied the design with a lead pencil. Day after day, the guys patiently applied plasticine over the drawing and sculpted small details of the picture.

And soon, through joint efforts, our picture was completed.

We displayed the finished work in the reception area so that parents could see the result of our activities; in addition, a month of road safety was held at the preschool educational institution

And what’s nice is that our work was not only adequately appreciated, but also inspired parents and children to joint creativity already at home.

As a result, we sent to competition several works, for which everyone received a Certificate participant of the competition.

Publications on the topic:

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