Summary of the music lesson "there are different sounds." Synopsis of a music lesson for older preschoolers “Paper stories Synopsis of a music lesson

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"Land of Good Deeds"
(for children of senior preschool age)
Target: teach children to determine their emotional state by external signs (facial expressions); establish a connection between different feelings and the reasons that cause them.


  • To consolidate children’s knowledge and ideas about the nature of music (cheerful, sad, angry); reflect the mood with movements, facial expressions, and gestures; lead children to understand the connection between the nature of music and the means of musical expression.
  • Encourage children to actively express creativity in tasks and musical games.
  • To cultivate an aesthetic perception of the world around us through music.
  • Teach children to establish a connection between voice-creative movements and volumetric-spatial concepts.
  • Development of children's auditory attention, speech breathing, purity of intonation; practicing clear articulation, “opening” the sound apparatus.
  • Improve your singing skills.
  • Enrich children with musical experiences.


  • tape recorder, cassettes with children's plays and birdsong;
  • didactic doll Bim-Bom,
  • musical and didactic manual “Magic Glade” with three seasons (summer, autumn, winter), chips - cards with images of animals (bird, hare, bear, wolf, hedgehog);
  • a magic bag, a heart, a basket with “treats” for animals;
  • noise instruments, hammers - sticks.


Language - rhythmic exercise “Walk” (“Free March”, music by V. Verkhovynets; “Dancing and high step”, music by V. Kosenko; “Smooth dance step”, music by B. Lyatoshinsky; “Butterflies”, music by S. Maikapara; music by P. Tchaikovsky; music by L. Beethoven; music by T. Lomovoi; music by P. Tchaikovsky; winter”, music by D. Kompaniets; “Our Garden”, music by V. Gerchik.

Progress of the lesson.

(Children enter the hall, stand in a circle, greet in musical language, that is, the music director sings: “Good afternoon, kids! Boys and girls!”

Children They answer: “Good afternoon!”

Musical director: “Good afternoon to all guests!” (Good afternoon!))

Musical director: Children, do you like to do good to people? And why? (Children answer) Today we were visited by the famous merry fellow, kind-hearted, wizard - the clown Bim-Bom. Look how beautiful he is... (Children look at the toy)
Did you like Bim-Bom? Let's show each other how a clown smiles (widely, even wider).

Articulation gymnastics for the mouth “Smile”.

Well done.
Guys, what do you think, how will Bim-Bom greet us? (cheerfully, smiling, loudly) Who will show? (Children are greeted one by one - they sing or say): “Good afternoon, kids!”, “Everyone, everyone, good afternoon!” etc. Everyone else with that facial expression answers: “Good afternoon, Bim-Bom!” The music director pretends that Bim-Bom is telling him something/)

Musical director: Bib - Bom really liked your congratulations. For your open hearts and kind smiles, he invites everyone to the Land of Good Deeds to introduce you to its inhabitants. Are you ready for unusual adventures? So, let's go.

Language-rhythmic game “Walk” (varieties of walking).

Musical director: Children go on a journey
They walk on the grass
And a funny song
Everyone sings together (normal walking).

So that we don’t crush the flowers
You need to raise your legs (walking with high knees).

Be careful between the bushes
We walk like a snake (walking like a snake).
We walk lightly and quietly,
We don't make any noise (easy running at a medium pace with transitions on the go).

(Children perform various types of walking; they stop when the music ends. The music director suggests resting a little.)

Musical director: I see we can’t do it without the help of a wizard. The road is long, but we will still need our strength for good deeds. How will we get to Fairytale Land? (Children offer different types of transport. Bim - Bom seems to whisper something to the music director.)

Musical director: Children, Bim-Bom invites us to continue our journey on a real cart. But where can we get it? (Bim - Bom gives a magic bag)
Yes, of course, Bim-Bom has a lot of magic hammers in his bag that will help you quickly make a cart.

Language-rhythmic exercise “Merry Hammers”.

(Children sit on chairs and use hammers to convey the rhythm, which is applied by the music director, while simultaneously pronouncing rhyming lines.)

Children and music director:

Knock, knock, hammer,

Knock-knock, knock-knock-knock,

Knock more cheerfully. Hit it more accurately with a hammer.
This and this and this carnation

Knock-knock, knock-knock-knock,
Hit it harder.

We made a cart.

Musical director: We made a nice cart together, take your seats:
Therefore, go on the road and look at everything carefully.

Onomatopoeia exercise “We are riding in a wheelchair.”

(The exercise is performed at a moderate pace. Children independently select the sounds of the environment (the creaking of a cart, the whisper of the wind, the rustling of leaves, the singing of birds, the gurgling of a brook).)

1. We are traveling in a wheelchair
Visit the fishing line. (Creak - creak, creak - creak)

2. The breeze greets us, (Fu – fu – fu...)
He plays hide and seek with the leaves. (Sh – sh – sh...)

3.And the fun of the bird
They started their own songs. (Fit - fit, chiv - chiv, tech - tech...)

4. A squirrel sits on a branch,
She can’t wait to eat the nuts (clack-clack-clack...)

5. Here the stream flows, gurgling,
He wants to run away to the river. (Brr-brr...)

6. We drove for a very long time,
Finally we arrived. Wow! (Together.)

(The music director opens page 1 of the didactic manual “Magic Glade”. A phonogram of birdsong sounds.)

Musical director: Guys, where did this cart take us? So, to the magic clearing. Look how beautiful it is. Although it’s a bitter winter outside, there are flowers and butterflies everywhere, everything is blooming.

Listening to the play “The Moth” by S. Maykapar.

Didactic game "Butterflies and Flowers".

(Didactic game: music sounds - butterflies fly, the music stops - butterflies land on flowers. Children use hand movements to reflect the beginning and end of instrumental music.)

Musical director: Children, is this play in the mood? (light, active, cheerful.) If the music is cheerful, then the day should be “sunny” (the children suggest). Let's help the sun free itself from the cloud.

Breathing exercise “Let’s free the sun from the cloud.”

(The exercise is carried out with the aim of improving speech breathing in children and developing a targeted air stream. Children blow on the cloud, the “Butterfly” play is played again - the selected child independently moves the cloud from the sun on the stand, opens it.)

Exercise “Scientific Grasshopper”.

(An exercise to develop pitch hearing, determining the movement of a melody.)

Musical director: Oh, who's that jumping on the flowers here? Show yourself to the kids!.. Yes, it’s a grasshopper on the loose. Children, this little scientist, jumps over the flowers as they tell him. Come on, little horse, jump to 3 flowers, and then down from here.

And now to the 5th flower and down again.

(Children in the Skok warehouse accompany the singing with hand movements. The music director plays a melody on a metallophone, the selected child accompanies the singing with a skate movement across the colors.)

(Bim-Bom’s face changes from cheerful to sad.)

Musical director: Children, look at our Bim-Bom, for some reason he is very sad, he’s about to cry. Buddy, what happened, why are you so upset? (pretends that he is telling something).

Bim-Bom found a small chick in the grass. It fell out of the nest and is calling for mommy. (The sounds of a minor key are heard.) Show me with your voice how the sparrow sings! (Children do the exercise and point with their hands.)

Musical director: Can we help the sparrow get back to the nest? Then take the bird in your palms and throw it like this B X (high and fast with the “x” threshold).

Exercise “Help the sparrow.”

(The main element of the exercise is rising intonation with a sharp transition from the chest “v” to the falsetto “v” register with a characteristic “break” of the “x” voice.)

(At first, excited music sounds. The music director says that he does not understand what is happening, where the strong wind came from and dispersed all the butterflies, the clouds covered the sun. Sad music from the cycle “Seasons” by P. I. Tchaikovsky “October” plays.)

Linguistic and rhythmic exercise “Song of the Rain”.

(The exercise is aimed at developing rhythmic and melodic hearing (purity of intonation), automating sounds, freeing the lower jaw for free articulation.)

Musical director: It started to rain a little. Don't be afraid, children! Let's sing his song together with the rain, like this (sings high in one sound):
Those - those - those - those - those - those - yes,
I sing the song like this!

Musical director: But the rain still doesn’t let up, but on the contrary, it gets even stronger, and now his song is like this (sings low in one sound):
Knock-knock-knock, Knock-knock-knock,
We can hear the sound of rain.

(The rain song is repeated several times so that children can remember high and low
sound position.

The music director invites the children to show with their tongue the song of a small and heavy rain - perform high and low clicks.)

Exercise “High and low clicking sounds.”

(Children click their tongues, changing the shape of their mouth

Musical director: That's it, the rain stopped falling and couldn't scare us. Pay attention, children, how the seasons have changed. Strange, instead of summer it came... (Children answer).

(The page changes. The play “October” is played again. The music director invites the children to use noise instruments from the magic bag Bim-Boma to depict the rustling of leaves, wind, rain...)

Playing noise instruments, “Eliza”, music. L. V. Beethoven, in instrumental arrangement.

Musical director: Oh, look kids, someone is hiding behind a tree, apparently some kind of animal. Help me find her.

(Explain to the children that here are several animal cards. After listening to the music, you need to choose the card about whom the music suggests.)

Listening to the play “Bunny” by T. Lomova, from the cycle “In the Forest”.

(The music director draws the children’s attention to Bim-Bom’s face, it is frightened. The figure of a wolf can be seen behind the tree.)

Exercise “Terrible beast”.

(An exercise to establish connections between voice-creative movements and volumetric-spatial representations, to develop speech hearing, purity of intonation. Children give a figurative description of the wolf: all gray, very angry - B, big scary eyes - UO, terrible fangs - UOA.

(When the wolf disappears, Bim-Bom’s face becomes cheerful again.

The phonogram of music sounds. P.I. Tchaikovsky “Winter Dreams”. The page changes to “Winter”.)

Musical director: What a miracle, the time of year has changed again. It’s white all around, and you can hear the snow rustling under your feet.

Exercise "Articulation".

(An exercise to develop singing breathing, “opening” the articulatory apparatus. The exercise consists of a strong active pronunciation of consonants. The mouth is maximally open with up and down movements of the jaw.

In this position, silently inhale through the mouth and use the movements of the limbs of the hands. The hands are raised to the level of the mouth, the limbs are opened so that the fingers are spread and tense, the palms are turned forward. The limbs work together with the pronunciation of consonants (ш, с).

(The music director invites the children to warm up with a cheerful dance.)

Song and dance by D. Kompaniyets “Zimushka - Winter”.

Musical director: Look how strange this tent is. Oh, be quiet, kids, this is a den. The bear sleeps in winter and sees honey and sweet berries in his dreams, he sucks his paw and “moans” - he begs to be given honey - “yum - yum - yum.”

Exercise “Moaning”.

(An exercise to develop singing breathing, freeing the lower jaw for free articulation.
Initial position: the face is relaxed, the mouth is slightly open, the eyes are half asleep. This is necessary to enable a relaxed voice register that does not have a fixed pitch.)

Musical director: What do you think, children, do all forest animals sleep in winter? (No.) Can you name those animals that need help in winter? (Children answer.)

(The teacher leaves a basket with gifts for the animals: honey for bears, carrots for hares, cabbage, hay for deer, moose, grain for birds, nuts for squirrels.)

Musical director: Guys, Bim-Bom says that you are great, true friends, you help in difficult times, and you haven’t forgotten about the animals.
This is because, Bim - Bom, that in our kindergarten they teach kids never to leave friends in trouble, to help each other. We are all together - one friendly family and we know what goodness is. I invite everyone to sing a song of friendship together.

Song by V. Gerchik “Our Garden”.

Musical director: For good deeds, as a real wizard, Bim-Bom rewards you with the honorary title “Good Wizard”. Stand together under his silver rain. And Bim-Bom gives you this heart as a memory of today’s meeting, may it always warm everyone with its warmth.

(The children thank Bim-Boma for the gifts, say goodbye and leave.)

Software tasks: develop in children a cognitive interest in sound reality, the ability to perceive and analyze its content; cultivate the desire and ability to cooperate; (cheerful, sad, surprised, calm, etc.).

Material and equipment: music center, audio recordings: “The First Loss” by R. Schumann, songs “Smile” (lyrics by M. Plyatskovsky, music by V. Shainsky), melodies “Dance like me” (music by V. Zolotorev), cards with images of people with different emotions, a cube with pictograms of emotions, emoticons.

Music lesson progress

Children enter the hall to the music and stand in a semicircle.

Musical director (M.r.). What kind of guests are rushing into the hall?

Children. Twenty little guys!

M.R. Stand here. Everything is in place?

Children. Yes Yes Yes.

M.R. Guys, look out the window. Today is a friendly, gentle sun! It warms everyone, gives its warmth and good mood. Let's smile at each other and say hello.

Song-chant“I say hello everywhere” (lyrics by T. Borovikova, music by A. Brazhitskaya)

I say hello everywhere:

At home and on the street,

I even say “Hello”

On nearby street.

Hello, blue sky!

Hello, golden sun!

Hello, light breeze,

Hello, little oak tree,

Hello morning!

Hello day!

I'm not too lazy to say hello.

M.R. Guys, who can tell me what emotions are? (This is when a person is sad, cheerful, angry, joyful.) That's right, emotions are the internal state of a person.

Today we will go on a train to travel into the world of emotions. Take your seats in the carriages!

Station "Znayka"

M.R. Guys, listen to the poem “The ABC of Mood”:

Animals have feelings

In fish, birds and people.

Without a doubt it influences

We're all in the mood.

Who's having fun?

Who's sad?

Who was scared?

Who's angry?

Dispels all doubts

ABC of mood.

The music director conducts a brief discussion of the poem, while showing cards with images of people with different emotions (sad, happy, angry, etc.).

Children move around the hall, singing the song “Locomotive” (lyrics by T. Volgina, music by A. Filippenko).

Station "Musical"

M.R. Here's the next stop. Here we will get acquainted with the first emotion. Which one - the music will tell you.

Listening to the work “The First Loss” (music by R. Schumann).

M.R. Tell me, what mood does this music evoke? (Sad, sad.) This emotion is sadness. Who or what can you draw to this music? (Rain, sad girl, sad bunny.) What colors would you use for your drawing to depict sadness? (Gray, black.) It's time to move on.

Children move around the hall, singing the song “Locomotive” (lyrics by T. Volgina, music by A. Filippenko).

Station "Mysterious"

M.R. At this station you need to solve a riddle:

Joy has a friend

In the form of a semicircle.

She lives on her face:

It will suddenly go somewhere,

It will suddenly return.

Sadness and melancholy are afraid of her. (Smile.)

In which cartoon did the hero sing, “A smile makes a gloomy day brighter...”? (“Little Raccoon.”) Do you know this song? (Yes.)

Listening to a fragment of the song “Smile” (lyrics by M. Plyatskovsky, music by V. Shainsky).

M.R. What is the character of the song? What mood do you get when you hear it? (Joyful, cheerful.) Let's sing it too.

Song “Smile” (lyrics by M. Plyatskovsky, music by V. Shainsky)

M.R. How joyfully you sang it! Tell me, when does a person rejoice? (When you yourself are healthy, when you receive gifts, when the sun is outside.) What emotion did we encounter at this station? (Joy.)

Joy - if the sun is shining,

If there is a month in the sky.

How much joy there is in the world

Do not measure and do not count.

I. Tokmakova

And now we move on with a joyful mood.

Children move around the hall, singing the song “Locomotive” (lyrics by T. Volgina, music by A. Filippenko).

Station "Dance"

M.R. What do you think we will do at this station? (Dance.) What music would you like to dance to? (Fast, cheerful, loud, abrupt, playful.)

Children perform a dance to the melody of V. Zolotorev “Dance like me.”

M.R. When does a person have fun? (At a birthday party, when the children are playing games.)

Children move around the hall, singing the song “Locomotive” (lyrics by T. Volgina, music by A. Filippenko).

Station "Igrovoy"

M.R. Now we will play with you.

Musical and didactic game “Mood Cube”

Target: teaching children to purely intone a melody, identifying emotion and establishing cause-and-effect relationships.

Progress of the game

On the sides of the cube there are pictograms of emotions (joy, anger, surprise, fear, sadness, delight). Children pass it around and sing:

Cube, pass the cube.

Choose your mood.

The one who has the cube left after singing the words throws it into the center of the circle and sees which pictogram on the cube falls on top. Names the emotion and ends with the appropriate phrase.

For example:“Joy (sadness, fear, etc.). I’m happy (sad, scared, etc.) because...”

M.R. What emotions did we encounter? (Sadness, joy, anger, delight, fear, surprise.) Now depict the emotion I will talk about:

Try to smile

Like a clown in the arena.

(They smile.)

And timidly stretch

Like a little snowdrop.

Try to get angry

Like a furious wasp.

(They get angry.)

Try to be surprised

Looking up to the heavens.

(They are surprised.)

Try the neck, it's important

How to arch a swan -

Everyone will say: “He is brave!

And they will respect you."

M.R. What emotions did we encounter along the way? (Joy, anger, surprise.) What is your mood? (Children's answers.) Take yourself a smiley face that reflects your mood and tell me how you feel. (Children describe their feelings.) It’s time for us to say goodbye. The train is waiting for you.

Children “leave” from the hall to the music.

Summary of an open music lesson for children of senior preschool age “Paper Adventures”.
(Educational field “Artistic and aesthetic development”)

Age group: senior preschool age.

Educational area:"Artistic and aesthetic development."


  • Development of a sense of rhythm in children of senior preschool age through various types of musical activities, using musical and didactic games;
  • expanding their musical horizons.

Software tasks:


  1. Develop the ability to move rhythmically and change movements in accordance with the music and lyrics.
  2. Develop the ability to play musical instruments rhythmically.


  1. Develop the emotional sphere of the child.
  2. Develop emotional and imaginative performance of musical and gaming exercises;
  3. Expand children's musical experience.


  • singing skills;
  • sense of rhythm;
  • communication skills (collaborate, listen and hear, speak).

Improve children's motor activity and coordination of movements.


  1. Cultivate a sustainable interest in musical activities.
  2. Cultivate a friendly attitude towards each other.
  3. Arouse interest in performing tasks together, create an atmosphere of cooperation between adults and children.

Demonstration material: Presentation.


  • Laptop;
  • screen;
  • magnetic board;
  • table;
  • attributes for games (cards with graphic images of rhythmic patterns - “rhythmic riddles”);
  • musical instruments (pipes, tambourines according to the number of children);
  • basket;
  • fur “fluffy”;
  • instruments for paper orchestra;
  • paper toy "Bale-Bale".

Musical repertoire and program content:

  1. Musical and didactic game "Path" - develop auditory attention, a sense of musical tempo (moderate - fast tempo, be able to convey it in movement - step, easy running), develop expressiveness of movements, creative abilities (“poses”).
  2. Game “I Walk and Sing” - creating a friendly atmosphere, developing a sense of rhythm. The ability to convey a simple rhythmic pattern in motion (hello, hello, HELLO), relieve psycho-emotional stress in children, and develop communication skills.
  3. “A Ray of Sunshine” by O. Zamuruev - develop singing skills; accurately tap, clap the rhythm of the song, using tactile sensations to convey a gentle, affectionate character in the singing.
  4. Musical and didactic game “Our flower is growing and blooming” - develop children's imagination, creativity, sense of meter and rhythm.
  5. “Children's Polka” by A. Zhilinsky. – introduce children to the rhythmic pattern of rumba and triangle parts for playing in an orchestra, using sounding gestures.
  6. Musical and didactic game “Rhythmic riddles”— develop children’s ability to independently reproduce a given rhythmic pattern.
  7. Musical and didactic game “I take, I ring, I give” - develop a sense of musical tempo, group cohesion, the ability to act together and act harmoniously.
  8. "Game with tambourines" music. M. Kraseva - to develop the ability to move rhythmically and change movements in accordance with the music, to give children joy and pleasure from the game.
  9. "Paper Orchestra"- perform a familiar piece, observing the general tempo, develop dance creativity (dance improvisation with paper ribbons).
  10. “Naughty Polka” by N. Veresokina - develop a sense of rhythm, the ability to convey the character of music through movements, navigate space, perform simple changes, change movements in accordance with musical phrases.

Preliminary work:

  • Learning the game “Path”;
  • Learning the song “Sunshine”;
  • Learning the game “I walk and sing”;
  • Introduction to the rhythmic game “Our flower is growing and blooming”;
  • Introduction to the game “Rhythmic Riddles”;
  • Learning the Paper Orchestra;
  • Introduction to “Children's Polka”;
  • Learning the game “Take, Ring, Pass”;
  • Introduction to the game “Game of Diamonds”;
  • Learning the “Naughty Polka” dance.

Vocabulary work:

  • Introduction to the words: Aristotle the elk, Tyuk-Tyuk the woodpecker, Aglaya jay, double bass, rather papery terrain;
  • pinning: composer Delibes, “Pizzicato”; part of instruments, rhythmic riddles.

Summary of the musical lesson “Paper Adventures”

Musical director: (the music director sings in rhythm) Hello! I have a magic pipe in my hands. I propose to go with her on an unusual journey along a magical path. Are we leaving? Then go ahead, and don't forget to come up with interesting poses when the pipe stops playing!

Musical and didactic game “Path”

The teacher plays the pipe, the children follow him like a snake, when the pipe stops playing, the children stop and “freeze” in place, coming up with various interesting poses.

Slide number 1 is on the screen.

Musical director: Well done! We had a great time walking along the magical path! Look how many guests are smiling at you! I suggest smiling back at them and saying hello, look how......( using sounding gestures, the teacher shows how we will greet guests)

We greeted the guests, and now we will greet each other.

Game “I Walk and Sing”

Children walk in all directions, singing: I’m walking, I’m walking, I’m walking and singing. And I will definitely find friends and girlfriends! They find a pair, connect their right palms with clap: Hello!

They join their left palms with clap: Hello!
They hug each other: Hello!

The game is repeated 3 times, each time the children play in new pairs, for 4 times the music director suggests approaching the guests and clapping their hands together with the guests.

Children sit on chairs.

Slide No. 2 on screen

Educator: Who came into our room?

Musical director: I think I know! ( A song is being performed)

"Sun Ray"

A golden ray of sun looked through the window,
A ray of sunshine invites us to play a little.
La-la-la…..( the rhythm claps with sounding gestures: “fists”, “palms”)

He tickled our ears and stroked our cheeks,
And he put little dots on his nose.

I even looked into my eyes, oh, let’s close my eyes , (children close their eyes, the teacher runs a fur “fluffy” over the children’s palms)
He ran over my palm and told us a fairy tale. (the slide changes on the screen)

On the screen is slide No. 3 from the film “Paper”

Musical director: Not just a fairy tale begins, but real paper adventures! In one rather papery area lived Aristotle the elk and a woodpecker named Tyuk-Tyuk.

Slide No. 4

One day, friends decided to plant beautiful flowers. They took a shovel and a watering can and got to work.

Slide No. 5

I wonder what kind of flowers will grow here?

Musical and didactic game “Our flower is growing and blooming”

Children stand in a circle, hold hands, go to the center of the circle, sing:

1, 2, 3, 4, 5 - we will play the game. (The teacher chooses the child - the leader, he is the “flower”. The leading child crouches, the rest of the children from the middle of the circle disperse back into the large circle.)

Our flower is growing and blooming. (“The flower” stands up, depicting how a flower grows, opens its “petal” hands.)
And our flower, (children standing in a circle spank their knees)
called... (children standing in a circle spread both arms to the sides)

The child “Flower” comes up with the name of the flower and pronounces it, voicing it with sounding gestures.

Chamomile! (children standing in a circle repeat the sounding gestures after the leader in a given rhythm - “rhythmic echo”)

The game is repeated 2 times, each time with a different leader.

Musical director: Well done! Let's see what Aristotle and Tyuk-Tyuk grew up...

Slide number 6

Children name the flowers that grew up with Aristotle and Tyuk-Tyuk.

Slide No. 7

Aglaya's jay flew in to look at the beautiful flowerbed.

Slide No. 8

And in between times she said that today Tyuk-Tyuk and Aristotle need to go to the lake to fish! They won't be left without a catch! The friends thanked the jay for the good advice and went fishing!

Slide No. 9

Fishing is a very exciting activity, especially when fishing on paper.

And here is the catch.

Slide No. 10

Doesn't it look like our rhythmic riddles? What sound does a big fish make? What about the little one? Get your palms ready...Da-da di-di yes! Now let's clap and spank to the music!

“Children's Polka” by Zhilinsky

Polka music is playing. The children met her at the last lesson. To the music, children clap the rhythmic pattern shown on the slide.

Musical director: Guys, in the next lesson we will perform this rhythmic pattern on musical instruments. This is the rumba and triangle part for playing in an orchestra.

When you fish, you never know what kind of catch awaits you. It's quite a mystery! And here are our rhythmic riddles. Shall we play? Shall we solve it?

Musical and didactic game “Rhythmic riddles”

The music director brings out a table on which cards depicting various rhythms are laid out. The teacher invites the child; the child chooses one of the offered cards. This riddle card is attached to a magnetic board. The child solves this riddle by clapping and pronouncing the rhythm. The musical director corrects if the rhythm was incorrect. The teacher points to the card - a riddle with a pointer, all the children clap the rhythm. The game is played 2-3 times, each time with a different child leader. Then the guests guess the rhythmic riddle.

Slide No. 11

Musical director: What's going on in the rather papery terrain? (children's answers)

Yes, Tyuk-Tyuk met a sad snail.

It turns out that she is sad because she is always late for something.

Friends gave the snail a paper car, and Aristotle played cheerful music on his double bass, and the snail was no longer sad!

Slide No. 12

And I want to invite you to play the tambourines - and we are also guaranteed a good mood!

Musical and didactic game “Take, ring, give”

Children sit on their knees in a circle on the carpet. The music director is holding a basket of tambourines. At the word “Take,” the music director takes a tambourine from the basket. When he hears the word “ringing,” he raises his hand and rings the tambourine. At the word “I pass on” he places it on the carpet in front of the child who is to his right. Then he takes out the second tambourine from the basket in the same way. The child who already has a tambourine will perform the actions together with the music director. And he also passes it on to his right neighbor. Gradually the pace accelerates. They play until all the sitting children in the circle have tambourines.

Musical director: Now that everyone has diamonds, you can play our game with diamonds!

Game with diamonds

The teacher chooses the leader. They take his tambourine away. The music of the first part sounds. Children move freely around the music room, each playing their own tambourine. During the second part of the music, the children stop and freeze in different poses. The leader approaches any child, hits his tambourine on a downbeat, then goes to another, and so on, until the music of Part II sounds. The child on whom the music of Part II ended, whose tambourine was hit by the presenter, gives his tambourine to the presenter. Now he himself becomes the leader. Play 3 times while the music is playing.

Musical director: Friends came up with a paper idea! Have a paper holiday in a paper forest. What is needed for this?

Slide No. 13

Of course, papers! You can make paper decorations, or you can make instruments for a paper orchestra!

Slide No. 14

"Paper Orchestra" Delibes "Pizzicato"

To orchestrate the music, non-traditional noise instruments are used – in this case, paper instruments. Sheets of thin parchment paper, paper plumes, paper tubes, sticks with paper ribbons for girls’ dance improvisation in the lyrical part of “Pizzicato”.

Musical director: All the paper people gathered at Aristotle and Tyuk-Tyuk for the holiday!

Slide number 15

There were paper treats, paper songs were sung, and there were even paper dances while Aristotle played the double bass.

Slide number 16

You and I are not going to be sad either, boys, invite the girls to a naughty polka!

"Naughty Polka"

The polka is performed in pairs. In polka, the “rhythmic echo” technique is used: first, girls perform a rhythmic pattern with the help of sounding gestures: clapping, slapping, stamping. Then the boys do the same.

Musical director: It all ended very papery!

Slide No. 17

I would like to know what you liked the most, and Tyuk-Tyuk will help me with this. ( The music director takes a Bale-Tyuk made of colored paper, and whoever lands it on the palm of his hand, that child answers.) What caused the difficulties (children's answers) what game would you play again? (children's answers).

Tyuk-Tyuk will fly with you, remain in your group and will remind you of today's meeting. And now let's say goodbye to each other and our guests ( using sounding gestures, the music director sings in the rhythm “Goodbye!”, the children repeat).

Slide No. 18

Natalya Erypalova
Summary of the music lesson “In the world of music”

Girls, I tried to carry out an ordinary ordinary lesson using the T method. E. Tyutyunnikova at the RMO and with other people’s children whom I saw for the first time. This kindergarten is completely silent musical The worker had to maintain all the equipment and tools herself. You know, I didn’t expect it myself, I received a sea of ​​emotions both myself and the children. I recommend.

Project "B" world of music"

Target:Development musical children's abilities through play activities.



Teaching children to hear musical breaks musical instruments.

"Dance of Autumn Leaves".


Develop creative capabilities: fantasy, imagination.



Methods and techniques:


Visual:pictures depicting signs of autumn, slide show "Autumn Rondo"

Practical: music games, creative tasks, song learning "Dance of Autumn Leaves".

Preliminary work:

Creating a presentation "Autumn Rondo";

Making homemade noisemakers musical instruments;

Making attributes for the dance of autumn leaves.

Equipment: multimedia board, laptop, synthesizer, drum, tambourine, tapes according to the number of children, small and large autumn leaves, didactic material - illustrations of signs of autumn, noise musical tools for each child.

Focus: Class is integrated.

Scientific basis: Using the techniques of K. Orff,

T. A. Tyutyunnikova "Elementary music playing".

GCD move

Hello guys, my name is Natalya Alexandrovna. I invite you to plunge into the mysterious world with me music. Do you agree?

Then we all need to stand in a big circle.

(Children stand in a circle)

I invite you to greet each other and your guests.

Greeting game “Hello, palms!”

Perform movements in accordance with text:

Hello, palms,


(clap hands)

Hello legs!


(stomping feet)

Hello cheeks!


Rosy cheeks


(tap cheeks carefully)

Hello sponges!

Smack, smack, smack!

(pull their lips forward and smack)

Hello, teeth!

Clack, clack, clack!

(teeth chattering)

Hello, my nose!

Beep, beep, beep!

(touch nose)

Hello guys!

Hello! (waves hand)

Hello, guests! Hello!

(show a greeting gesture)

Guys, what kind of instrument is this?

Children - Drum.

And my drum can speak with its tongue music.

What did the drum say now?

Children - Walk, jump, run, freeze.

(First the teacher plays, then the child, the children perform the movements.)

And now he will help us move music. Only you and I will dance.

The wind plays with the leaves

Leaves are torn off from branches

Yellow leaves are flying

Straight into the hands of the guys.

When the music stops, what do we do?

Children - We will freeze.

The game is being played

And I have a song about leaves, listen...

Leaves, leaves are flying in the wind

There is a quiet rustling noise under the children's feet

And swaying smoothly, they dance in a circle

And the autumn wind sings a song to them.

Do you think this song can be danced?

(The children sing and dance without musical accompaniment.)

Everyone come to me, I want all the ears to be adjusted.

(1-2 people sing again under the piano)

Look, there are yellow and red ribbons on the table, take a ribbon for yourself. (take)

What do you think these ribbons can do?

(Children's improvisation)

And now I will sing a song, and whoever wants will sing along with me and dance with these ribbons.

(Singing and dancing - acapello)

Everyone will choose a partner, we will dance and sing together.

(Singing and dancing - acapello)

Shall we put down ribbons? Right here.

How many of you know what time of year it is now?

Children - Autumn.

What is she like?

Guys, what signs of autumn do you know?

(Gradually it becomes cold, there is less light, the sky is covered with clouds, it is drizzling rain, the soil has become damp and cold, the leaves on the trees have changed, leaves are falling, birdsong is not heard.)

Have you seen the leaves fall in autumn?

Where can you see the most autumn leaves in the fall?

Children - In the forest.

How would you like to visit the autumn forest? Will you come with me?

Stand in a circle. What will we go on?

Children's answers.

Or maybe we can ride a horse?

(imitation of movements : jumping, clicking their tongue)

Let's sit in "cart", and listen to what we hear in the forest. You will take the tools one by one, so you need to be patient to wait for your turn. Here we go?

(Game at DMI)

"Autumn Rondo"

We are riding, riding a horse, along a smooth autumn path.

Skok, skok, skok, skok, skok, skok.

The wheels squeak

The bells are ringing.

The wheels squeak

The bells are ringing.

We are riding, riding a horse, along a smooth autumn path.

Skok, skok, skok, skok, skok, skok.

The hedgehog rustles

The woodpecker is knocking.

The hedgehog rustles

The woodpecker is knocking.

We are riding, riding a horse, along a smooth autumn path.

Skok, skok, skok, skok, skok, skok.

The squirrel on the Christmas tree gnaws all the nuts, click, click

A red fox is guarding a hare.

We are riding, riding a horse, along a smooth autumn path.

Skok, skok, skok, skok, skok, skok.

The wind is naughty

The brook is babbling.

The wind is naughty

The brook is babbling.

We are riding, riding a horse, along a smooth autumn path.

Skok, skok, skok, skok, skok, skok.

Oh, there’s a ravine in the distance, and from the cart we’re all a mess.

We've arrived.

Guys, look how beautiful it is here.

Playing with leaves "Leaf Fall"

Take yourself an autumn leaf, and once again we will sing our autumn song with you.

Children sing the song of autumn leaves

Well, what did you guys like in the autumn forest?

It's time for us to go back to kindergarten.

We are riding, riding a horse, along a smooth autumn path.

Skok, skok, skok, skok, skok, skok.

We drove, we drove, we arrived at kindergarten!

Surprise moment.

Guys, as a farewell gift I want to give you some autumn leaves. Look what I have. Each of you can choose a piece of paper according to your mood.

Dear teachers, you can also choose a piece of paper for yourself, if you like it - yellow, red, and if not - blue.


"IN world of music»

This event was planned according to the theme of my experience work: "Development musical children's abilities through play activities" as an experiment.

OD participants are children of senior preschool age. I don't know the children.

To conduct this event, a preliminary Job:

Creating a presentation;

Selection and production of noise musical instruments;

Making attributes for musical activities with children.

Prepared musical material:

Cutting for listening and performing musically- rhythmic movements,

Song "Dance of Autumn Leaves".

When planning the OD, the following goals were set: tasks:


Strengthen children's knowledge about the signs of autumn.

Teaching children to hear musical breaks, promote the development of play and improvisation of melodies on noise musical instruments.

Learn the first verse of the song "Dance of Autumn Leaves".


To develop children's sense of rhythm and hearing.

Develop creative capabilities: fantasy, imagination.

Develop coherent speech, memory, attention, thinking.


Cultivate love and interest in music.

Foster independence, activity, and a friendly attitude towards each other.

Instill a love for native nature.

What I like about T. E. Tyutyunnikova’s program is that it provides the widest range of possibilities for use musical tools and, as a consequence, the manifestation musical and creative potential of children.

I am also impressed by the principle of T. E. Tyutyunnikova’s approach to music education for children.

In accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard, the leading role in all educational areas is given to gaming activities. Therefore, throughout my educational activities I used the game.

First, I invited the children to perform a welcome song "Hello!", which set the children in a positive mood and contributed to the establishment of a friendly psychological climate.

To interest the children, I used the technique of a game situation - with a drum, ribbons, leaves. This stimulated children to be active in creativity, attentiveness, and the desire to do well.

In order to do being more productive, used the following equipment: multimedia, noise musical instruments.

During the games, she used verbal and practical methods, explained and reminded how to perform the exercises correctly.

To develop a general culture in children, she reminded children about behavior when playing noise instruments (take the instruments one at a time, you need to be patient to wait for your turn).

She used a differentiated approach - she asked children to complete tasks individually, and she activated shy children who performed them incorrectly.

The event was dynamic (which was facilitated by preliminary preparation; the change of activities did not allow the children to get tired.

There was a surprise at the end.

The children were attentive and interested in music lesson, emotional due to their capabilities. They make contact easily.

In different types musical They manifested themselves in different ways in their activities.

(Kind of activity)– was most interesting to children, and therefore found a greater emotional response from children.

I would like children to express themselves more in musical improvisation, felt more confident, and were not afraid to speak in public. For this purpose, improvisation was included. Not all (All) these tasks were completed, but for most children this condition was met.

I tried to communicate with the students calmly and kindly. To interest the children, I tried to be emotional and artistic at the right moment.

I believe, that music lesson passed at an optimal pace, in a friendly psychological atmosphere, the assigned tasks were completed by me at the required level.

Target: develop musical perception, the ability to feel moods in music and their changes.

Tasks: attract children's attention to the various intonations of music, teach them to distinguish between means of musical expression: tempo, dynamics, register, harmonization; develop children’s ability to convey the character of a musical piece through movements; teach children to convey the emotional coloring of songs through expressive means of performance: sad, lyrical - affectionately, melodiously, at a moderate tempo; cheerful, perky - with a light sound, at a lively pace.

To the music, children calmly enter the music room and sit on chairs. The music director sings the musical greeting “Hello, guys!” by degrees of a major triad. Children answer “Hello!” also by degrees of a major triad.

Musical director. Guys, what do you think, when I said hello to you, what was my mood? (Children answer: the mood is cheerful, joyful.) That's right! I’m in a very good, cheerful mood, because I’m very glad to see you at this music lesson. What if I suddenly said hello like this? (Repeats the greeting in a minor key. Children answer: sad, sad.)

That's right, guys. After all, you and I already know that music has a magical property - it can convey a person’s mood, express different feelings and experiences: tenderness, excitement, sadness, pity. Now we will listen to a play called “The Doll’s Disease.” It was composed by the great Russian composer Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky. Listen carefully and you will understand what feelings the composer wanted to express in this music.

A comparative analysis of two works of contrasting nature is carried out.

A fragment of P. I. Tchaikovsky’s play “The Doll’s Disease” from “Children’s Album” is played.

Who can tell us what music was played now?

Children. This music is sad, mournful, gloomy, anxious, plaintive, melancholy, offended, crying.

1st child.

Very sad music

In it we hear sadness.

And I don't want to laugh

And we feel sorry for someone...

Musical director.

It's right. Sounded here

Notes of sadness and sadness.

But the melody is different -

Will you tell us which one?

The play “New Doll” by P. I. Tchaikovsky from “Children’s Album” is playing.

Children. This music is cheerful, joyful, playful, perky, bouncy, lively, mischievous, sunny.

2nd child.

Very joyful music -

The legs dance on their own.

Both boys and girls

Now they're dancing here!

Musical director.

I'm satisfied with your answer.

Well, friends,

Let's dance!

The “Change Pair” dance is performed. For the dance, you can use the melody of G. Struve’s song “About the Goat” or any other two-part polka.

A. Children run in circles in pairs. The boys sit on one knee and the girls run around them.

B. Standing facing each other, children make three claps at the right and left ears.

The boys do a “spring”, and the girls run to the next boy at a side gallop.

After the dance, the children sit down. The music of P. Tchaikovsky “Morning Reflection” sounds quietly.

Musical director. Do you guys remember the wonderful fairy tale about Thumbelina? Look what a beautiful flower is in front of you! Maybe we'll find her there, inside? (Opens the petals and takes out the doll.) Here comes Thumbelina! (Places the doll between the flowers, which lie scattered on the table.) Remember, in the fairy tale, Thumbelina dreamed of a land of elves? We will help her get there if we complete all the musical tasks that are under these colors.

The music director turns over the flowers one by one and invites the children to complete the task. Small flat flowers are made of colored cardboard. On the back of each flower there is a musical task and a drawn elf doll with wings. The elf is attached so that when the flower turns over, the elf figurine rises perpendicular to the flower.

Musical director.

We will take the first flower

And we’ll find out what’s in it?

“To sing loudly, clearly,

You need to know a lot.

Right from the morning

There are kids at the choir.”

Exercise for developing musical ear and voice “Here I go up, here I go down. Top-top-top-top-top. Top-top-top-top-top! The exercise is performed with various tasks. You need to sing: sad, cheerful, gloomy, affectionate, angry, drawn out, at a fast pace, etc.

Musical director.

We raise the second flower,

Let's find out what is asked there...

"Early in the morning in a bright house

We all go joyfully.

In this house...

Children. Kindergarten!"

Musical director. It's designed...

Children. For the guys!

The song “Kindergarten” is performed, words and music by N. Ponomareva

Musical director.

We raise the second flower,

We will find out what we are given.

“Oh, what a pity -

It's already four days

I had a fight with the doll

Doesn't listen to me."

Girls soloists perform the song “Oh, what a pity,” lyrics and music by T. Kopylova.

Musical director. What a sad song. It’s not good to swear, children, we urgently need to make peace!

We'll take the third flower

And we’ll find out what’s in it?

“The forest is friends, and the meadow is friends,

The sun is also our friend!

You children need to stand in a circle

And talk about friendship."

A cheerful dance “You are my friend, and I am your friend” is performed to the song “One Hundred Friends” by A. Pugacheva. Movements by choice of music director.

Musical director.

We raise another flower.

Now we will find out the task...

“What’s that noise, what’s that ringing?

It can be heard from all sides.

So these are cuties -

Our tumblers!

Dance "Tumblers".

Musical director.

It's time to take another flower,

What are we asked again?

"Farewell once again

Dance for us!”

The dance “We Wanted to Dance” or any other general dance chosen by the music director is performed. After the dance, the children sit on chairs.

Musical director. Our lesson is coming to an end, and I would really like to please you. Look how many balloons I have! Today we talked a lot about mood in music. What color do you think is a sad mood? What about fun? Dreamy? Angry? (Children answer.)

Let's try to “revive” these balloons! We will choose “eyes”, “eyebrows”, “mouth” for them and try to more accurately express the “mood” of the ball of each color.

“Morning Reflection” by P. I. Tchaikovsky plays, the children complete the task. It is convenient to use colored self-adhesive film to make eyes, mouths, eyebrows, and noses. The eyes and noses can be glued on in advance so that the “face” does not spread beyond the bounds of reason. The “face” expression of the ball is achieved by gluing eyebrows and mouths in different positions.

Musical director. Now it’s clear that this is a sad ball. And this one is thoughtful, dreamy. And this one was very angry about something. But this one is a cheerful laugher! They are as different as our moods are. Take these balls with you to the group, where you can play with them some more. And it's time for us to say goodbye. (Sings.) Goodbye, children! Children (singing). Goodbye!

The children leave the hall to a calm melody.


Kaznacheeva T. N. Abstract of a musical lesson. / Musical palette. No. 1. 2007. Root 3. Musical and didactic games.

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