Orest Valerievich Fokin. Director Valery Fokin: biography, filmography and interesting facts

He studied at a Jewish school in Sebezh, and at the age of thirteen he published poems about collectivization in a children's newspaper in Yiddish.


Titles and awards


Works in the theater

Central Puppet Theater

  • - “Mowgli” by R. Kipling - reader
  • - “An Extraordinary Concert” by A. I. Vvedensky - poet, baritone singer / Eduard Aplombov, entertainer
  • - “The Devil’s Mill” by I. V. Shtok based on the play-fairy tale by J. Drda - Lucius, devil of the first category
  • - “Mine, only mine” by B. D. Tuzlukov - archivist
  • - “The Divine Comedy” by I. V. Shtok - Adam
  • “At the behest of the pike” according to a Russian folk tale - Herald / Warlord / Bear
  • "Aladdin's Magic Lamp" based on the fairy tale "Aladdin and the Magic Lamp" - Vizier / Aladdin
  • “The Night Before Christmas” by N.V. Gogol - Old Devil / Chub / Ostap / Prince Potemkin

MADT named after M. N. Ermolova

  • Costume designer R. Harwood - Norman



  1. 1972 - Extraordinary concert - Entertainer
  2. 1973 - Divine Comedy - Adam
  3. 1978 - Cousin Pons - Cousin Pons
  4. 1982 - Bird Seller - narrator, introduction
  5. 1984 - Goethe. Scenes from the tragedy "Faust" - Mephistopheles
  6. 1985 - The Fabulous Journey of Mr. Bilbo Baggins the Hobbit - narrator
  7. 1987 - Costume designer - Norman
  8. 1993 - I, Feuerbach - Feuerbach, actor

Voice acting


  1. - Golden fever - Lonely Gold Digger (Vagabond)(role of Charles Chaplin)
  2. - Girls from Plaza de España
  3. - Cops and thieves - Ferdinando Esposito(role of Toto)
  4. - 100 serenades
  5. - Powers that be - Minister of Finance(role of J. Monod)
  6. - Six transformations of Jan Piszczyk - Jelonek(role of E. Dzevonsky)
  7. 1960 - Ghosts at Spessart Castle - ghost max(role of G. Thomall)
  8. - Beautiful American - Viralo twin brothers(role of L. de Funes)
  9. - Inspector and night - inspector(role of G. Kaloyanchev)
  10. - Go ahead, France!
  11. - Air adventures - Sir Percy Ware-Hermitage(role of Terry-Thomas)
  12. - How to steal a million - Charles Bonnet(role of H. Griffith)
  13. - Lion in winter - Henry II(role of P. O'Toole)
  14. - Cromwell - Oliver Cromwell(role of R. Harris)
  15. - King Lear - King Lear(role of Y. Yarvet)
  16. - Black Sun - John Bart(role of N. Grinko)
  17. - The investigation is over, forget it - Pesenti(role of R. Cucciolla)
  18. 1973 - Magnificent - Editor Sharron / Chief of the Secret Service Karpoff (Karpshtof)(role of V. Caprioli)
  19. 1973 - Broken Horseshoe - Dr. Peterson(role of V. I. Paukshte)
  20. - Adventures in a city that doesn't exist - advisor to commerce from the fairy tale play “The Snow Queen” by E. Schwartz(role of V. Skulme)
  21. - Mister McKinley's flight - Mr McKinley(role of D. Banionis)
  22. - Fifth Seal - watchmaker Miklos Durica(role of L. Eze)
  23. 1976 - Time to live, time to love - minister(role of Y. Yarvet)
  24. 1976 - Red and Black - Marquis de la Mole(role of G. Strizhenov)
  25. 1977 - Nut bread - Nut bread(role of A. Shurna)
  26. - Rafferty - Mort Kaufman, lawyer Rafferty (role of A. A. Resser)
  27. - Blonde around the corner - Gavrila Maksimovich, Nikolai's father(role of M. Prudkin)
  28. - The story of an experienced pilot - crew commander(role of G. Badridze)
  29. - On the hunt - Sir Randolph Nettleby(role of J. Mason)

In movie

In cartoons

  1. - Quiet marina - reads the text
  2. - The story of a crime - text from the author
  3. - A banal story - story teller
  4. - Malicious egg breaker - voiceover
  5. - Where are you, blue Cinderella? - reads the text
  6. - The Adventures of Dunno and His Friends (Episode 1 “Shorties from the Flower City”)
  7. - The Wizard of the Emerald City (Episode 3 “ Emerald City») - Goodwin the Great and Powerful
  8. - Black chicken - Black chicken
  9. - - The Adventures of Captain Vrungel - Captain Vrungel
  10. - Moomintroll and others - narrator / Moomintroll / Moominpappa / Morra / Brownie
  11. - Moomintroll and the comet - Moominpappa / Brownie / Morra / Snufkin / narrator
  12. - Moomintroll and the Comet: The Way Home - narrator / Moomintroll / Moominpappa / Morra / Brownie / Hemulen / narrator
  13. - Argument - voiceover
  14. 1979 - About a puppy - Wolf
  15. 1979 - Peace Pipe - text from the author
  16. - Mom for a baby mammoth - Walrus
  17. - Big and small - voiceover
  18. - Olympians - voiceover
  19. 1982 - Taming the Bicycle - text from the author, song
  20. - Astrologer's Apprentice - voiceover
  21. - About everyone in the world - Starling conductor
  22. - Brack - Black coach
  23. 1985 - Doctor Aibolit - Aibolit

Radio plays

TV projects


  1. - Parade Alley - director of puppet shows(jointly with V. A. Kusov and I. S. Gutman)


  1. - “Leonid Engibarov, meet me!” (from the series “Great Clowns”) (documentary) (co-authored with others)
  2. - On the road, on the road (documentary) (short film)
  3. - Parade-alle (jointly with A. M. Arkanov and I. S. Gutman)
  4. - We need to talk... (documentary) (co-authored with K. L. Slavin) - author of the text
  5. - I won’t do it anymore (together with M. G. Lvovsky

Audio CDs

  • 20 golden street tunes - Audio CD
    • Track 16. “Stage to the North”
  • Isaac Schwartz. Songs from Movies - Audio CD
    • Tracks 9. “Our town will not yield to Paris” (from the film “Straw Hat”)
    • Track 10. “March of the National Guards” (from the film “Straw Hat”)
  • Songs for children and their parents. Issue 1 - Audio CD
    • Track 9. “Song of Captain Vrungel” (G. Firtich - E. Chepovetsky)
  • Bulat Okudzhava. Songs from films based on poems by B. Okudzhava. Collector's Edition (4 CDs) (BOX SET) - Audio CD. CD 3
    • Track 21. “Song about Lost Hopes”
    • Track 22. “Our town will not yield to Paris”
  • Isaac Schwartz. The best songs, romances and music from films. Vereshchagin's song - Audio CD.
    • Track 3. Song about lost hopes (from the film “Straw Hat”)
  • - “Ships came into our harbor.” “Along the tundra, along the Siberian road...”. Issue 2 - Audio CD
    • Track 2. “Stage to the North”
  • - “Ships came into our harbor.” “There are corals and pearls in the holds...” Issue 3 - Audio CD
    • Track 3. “John Gray” (together with A. Kozlov and A. Makarevich)
  • - “Ships came into our harbor.” "Twenty-second June..." Issue 4 - Audio CD
    • Track 2. “Lyubo...”
  • "Ships came into our harbor." Volume 2 (mp3)
    • Track 23. “Bagels”
  • - “Stars” sing familiar and unknown songs by composer A. Zhurbin - Audio CD. CD 1 (“Melody”)
    • Track 18. “Mom from Moldavanka” (A. Zhurbin - A. Eppel)

Participation in films

  1. - I am returning your portrait (documentary)
  2. - Peace be with you, Sholom! (documentary)
  3. - Odyssey by Alexander Vertinsky (documentary)
  4. - An artist is not at all the same as an actor... (documentary)
  5. - Zinovy ​​Gerdt. Zyama. (from the film series “Life wonderful people") (documentary)
  6. - Benefit performance of Zinovia Gerdt - benefit star

Archive footage

  1. - Zinovy ​​Gerdt (from the series of programs on the DTV channel “How the idols left”) (documentary)
  2. 2008 - “The Man in the Frame. Zinovy ​​Gerdt" (CJSC "Channel One. World Wide Web") (documentary)
  3. - Once upon a time cheerful man. Arkady Khait (documentary)
  4. - Yes, I am the queen! Maria Mironova (documentary)
  5. Zinovy ​​Gerdt (from the documentary series “Islands”)
  6. 28 minutes of love. Neubileiny Zyama (documentary)
  7. Stars of the air. Zinovy ​​Gerdt (documentary)


  • On May 31, 1998, in Kyiv at 8 Proriznaya Street, a monument to Panikovsky (a character in the novel “The Golden Calf”) was unveiled; the prototype of the monument was Z. Gerdt, who played the role of the same name in the film adaptation of the novel. The authors of the monument: sculptors - V. Sivko and V. Shchur, architect - V. Skulsky.
  • In 2001, the first edition of the book “Zyama is Gerdt!” was published, in which E. Ryazanov, E. Uspensky, P. Todorovsky, A. Arkanov, G. Gorin, V. Shenderovich and others talk about the actor. The book was compiled by T. Pravdina and Y. Groysman.
  • On September 21, 2011, in Sebezh, on the eve of Gerdt’s 95th birthday, they opened sculptural composition in memory of the actor. The bronze and granite monument was made and installed at the expense of city residents. Sculptor - O. Ershov. The opening ceremony of the monument was attended by the widow of Z. Gerdt T. Pravdina and People's Artist of the RSFSR A. Shirvindt.

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  • Gerdt, Zinovy. Knight of Conscience. - M.: AST; Zebra E, 2010. - (Acting book). - 448 p. - 3000 copies. - ISBN 978-5-17-067858-7, 978-5-94663-752-7.
  • V. V. Skvortsov. Unknown Z. E. Gerdt (Zyama from Sebezh; Gerdt? - This is my uncle!; Sebezhanin Z. E. Gerdt; Z. E. Gerdt as is; Uncle Zyama nearby; Z. Gerdt. Return to Sebezh). Kazan: New knowledge, 2005. - ISBN 5-89347-275-6
  • Zyama is Gerdt! / comp. Y. Groysman, T. Pravdina. - Nizhny Novgorod: Dekom, 2007. - (Names). - 280 s. + DVD. - ISBN 978-5-89533-177-4.
  • M. M. Geyser. Zinovy ​​Gerdt. ZhZL. M.: Young Guard, 2012.


  • Biographies:
  • Zinovy ​​Gerdt reads David Samoilov's poem "Let's go to the city..." https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qK7jkuo85GE
  • Zinovy ​​Gerdt performs a friendly parody of Leonid Utesov -

Excerpt characterizing Gerdt, Zinovy ​​Efimovich

- Well, we forgot that we have our “witch” here with us! Well, come on, light it up...
They often called me “Witch,” and on their part it was more of an affectionate nickname than an offensive one. So I wasn’t offended, but, to be honest, I was very confused. To my great regret, I never lit a fire and somehow it never occurred to me to do this... But this was almost the first time they asked me for something and I, of course, was not going to miss this case, and even more so, “to lose face in the dirt.”
I didn’t have the slightest idea what to do to make it “light”... I just focused on the fire and really wanted it to happen. A minute passed, then another, but nothing happened... The boys (and they are always and everywhere a little angry) began to laugh at me, saying that I could only “guess” when I needed it... I felt very offended - because I honestly tried my best. But of course, no one was interested in this. They needed results, but I didn’t have any results...
To be honest, I still don’t know what happened then. Maybe I just felt very indignant that they laughed at me so undeservedly? Or did a bitter childhood resentment stir up too powerfully? One way or another, I suddenly felt like my whole body was frozen (it would seem that it should have been the other way around?) and only inside my hands, real “fire” was pulsating with explosive shocks... I stood facing the fire and sharply threw my left hand forward... A terrible roaring flame seemed to splash out of my hand straight into the fire the boys had built. Everyone screamed wildly... and I woke up at home, with very strong cutting pain in my arms, back and head. My whole body was burning, as if I was lying on a hot brazier. I didn’t want to move or even open my eyes.
Mom was horrified by my “antics” and accused me of “all worldly sins,” and most importantly, of not keeping my word given to her, which for me was worse than any all-consuming physical pain. I was very sad that this time she did not want to understand me and at the same time I felt unprecedented pride that I still “didn’t lose face in the dirt” and that I somehow managed to do what I wanted expected.
Of course, all this now seems a little funny and childishly naive, but then it was very important for me to prove that I could possibly be useful to someone in some way with all my, as they called it, “things.” And that these are not my crazy inventions, but the real reality, which they will now have to take into account at least a little. If only everything could be so childishly simple...

As it turned out, not only my mother was horrified by what I had done. Neighboring mothers, having heard from their children about what had happened, began to demand that they stay as far away from me as possible... And this time I was truly left almost completely alone. But since I was a very, very proud person, I was never going to “ask” to be someone’s friend. But it’s one thing to show, and quite another to live with it.....
I really loved my friends, my street and everyone who lived on it. And I always tried to bring everyone at least some joy and some good. And now I was alone and only myself was to blame for this, because I could not resist the simplest, harmless childish provocation. But what could I do if I myself was still just a child at that time? True, as a child, who has now begun to understand little by little that not everyone in this world is worthy of having to prove something... And even if you prove it, it still does not mean at all that the one to whom you are you prove, you will always be understood correctly.
After a few days, I completely “moved away” physically and felt quite tolerable. But I never had the desire to light a fire again. But, unfortunately, I had to pay for my “experiment” for quite a long time... At first I was completely isolated from all my favorite games and friends. It was very offensive and seemed very unfair. When I told my mother about this, my poor kind mother did not know what to say. She loved me very much and, naturally, wanted to protect me from any troubles and insults. But, on the other hand, she was also starting to feel a little scared because of what was almost constantly happening to me.
This, unfortunately, was that “dark” time when it was still “not customary” to speak openly about such “strange” and unusual things. Everything was very strictly kept within the framework of how it “should” or “shouldn’t” be. And everything “inexplicable” or “extraordinary” was categorically kept silent or considered abnormal. Honestly, from the bottom of my heart I envy those gifted children who were born at least twenty years later than me, when all these “extraordinary” abilities were no longer considered some kind of curse, but on the contrary, it began to be called a GIFT. And today no one poisons or sends these poor “unusual” children to a mental hospital, but they are valued and respected as amazing children gifted with a special talent.
My “talents” at that time, unfortunately, did not evoke such admiration among anyone around me. Once, a few days after my “scandalous” adventure with fire, one of our neighbors “confidently” told my mother that she has a “very good doctor” who deals with exactly the same “problems” as mine and if my mother wants, then she will be happy to introduce her to him. This was the first time my mother was directly “advised” to put me in an insane asylum.
Then there was a lot of this “advice,” but I remember that it was then that my mother was very upset and cried for a long time, locking herself in her room. She never told me about this incident, but a neighbor boy “initiated” me into this secret, whose mother gave my mother such precious advice. Of course, they didn’t take me to any doctor, thank God. But I felt that with my last “actions” I had crossed some kind of “line”, after which even my mother was no longer able to understand me. And there was no one who could help me, explain or simply reassure me in a friendly way. I'm not even saying - to teach...
So I “floundered” alone in my guesses and mistakes, without anyone’s support or understanding. I tried some things, I didn’t dare to do others. Some things worked out, some things worked out the other way around. And how often have I felt simply humanly afraid! To be honest, I was also still “floundering in guesses” even until I was 33 years old, because I never found anyone who could at least explain anything. Although there were always more “willing” people than needed.
As time went. Sometimes it seemed to me that all this was not happening to me or that it was just something I had invented. strange tale. But for some reason this fairy tale was too real a reality... And I had to reckon with it. And, most importantly, live with it. At school everything went as before, I received only A’s in all subjects and my parents (at least because of this!) did not have any problems. Quite the opposite - in the fourth grade I was already solving very complex problems in algebra and geometry and I did it playfully, with great pleasure for myself.
I also really loved music and drawing lessons at that time. I drew almost all the time and everywhere: in other lessons, during breaks, at home, on the street. On sand, on paper, on glass... In general - wherever it was possible. And for some reason I only drew human eyes. It seemed to me then that this would help me find some very important answer. I have always loved observing human faces and especially eyes. After all, very often people don’t like to say what they really think, but their eyes say everything... Apparently it’s not for nothing that they are called the mirror of our soul. And so I painted hundreds and hundreds of these eyes - sad and happy, mourning and joyful, good and evil. For me, this was, again, a time of learning something, another attempt to get to the bottom of some kind of truth... although I had no idea what it was. It was just another time of “search”, which continued (with various “branches”) for almost my entire adult life.

Days followed days, months passed, and I continued to surprise (and sometimes terrify!) my family and friends, and very often myself, with my many new “incredible” and not always entirely safe adventures. So, for example, when I turned nine years old, I suddenly, for some reason unknown to me, stopped eating, which greatly frightened my mother and upset my grandmother. My grandmother was a truly top-notch cook! When she was about to bake hers cabbage pies, our whole family came to them, including my mother’s brother, who at that time lived 150 kilometers from us and, despite this, came specifically because of grandma’s pies.
I still remember very well and with very great warmth those “great and mysterious” preparations: the dough, smelling of fresh yeast, rising all night in a clay pot near the stove, and in the morning turning into dozens of white circles laid out on the kitchen table and waiting for the hour of its miraculous transformation into lush, fragrant pies will already come... And the grandmother with her hands white from flour, working intently at the stove. And I also remember that impatient, but very pleasant, wait until our “thirsty” nostrils caught the first, amazingly “tasty”, subtle smells of baking pies...
It was always a holiday because everyone loved her pies. And no matter who came in at that moment, there was always a place for him at the large and hospitable grandmother’s table. We always stayed up late, prolonging the pleasure at the “tea” table. And even when our “tea party” ended, no one wanted to leave, as if grandmother “baked” a piece of her good soul there along with the pies, and everyone also wanted to sit and “warm up” by her warm, cozy hearth.
Grandma truly loved to cook and whatever she made, it was always incredibly tasty. It could be Siberian dumplings, smelling so much that all our neighbors suddenly began to salivate with “hungry.” Or my favorite cherry-curd cheesecakes, which literally melted in the mouth, leaving for a long time the amazing taste of warm fresh berries and milk... And even her simplest pickled mushrooms, which she fermented every year in an oak tub with currant leaves, dill and garlic, were the most delicious that I have ever eaten in my life, despite the fact that today I have traveled more than half the world and tried all sorts of delicacies that, it would seem, one could only dream of. But those unforgettable smells of grandma’s stupendously delicious “art” could never be overshadowed by any, even the most exquisitely refined foreign dish.
And so, having such a homemade “sorcerer”, to the general horror of my family, one fine day I suddenly really stopped eating. Now I no longer remember whether there was any reason for this or whether it just happened for some reason unknown to me, as it usually always happened. I simply completely lost the desire for any food offered to me, although I did not experience any weakness or dizziness, but on the contrary, I felt unusually light and absolutely wonderful. I tried to explain all this to my mother, but, as I understood, she was very frightened by my new trick and did not want to hear anything, but was only honestly trying to force me to “swallow” something.
I felt very bad and vomited with every new portion of food I took. Only pure water was accepted by my tormented stomach with pleasure and ease. Mom was almost in a panic when, quite by chance, our then family doctor, my cousin Dana, came to see us. Delighted by her arrival, my mother, of course, immediately told her our whole “horrible” story about my fasting. And how happy I was when I heard that “there’s nothing so bad about it” and that I could be left alone for a while without food being forced into me! I saw that mine caring mother I didn’t believe it at all, but there was nowhere to go, and she decided to leave me alone at least for a while.
Life immediately became easy and pleasant, because I felt absolutely wonderful and there was no longer that constant nightmare of anticipation of stomach cramps that usually accompanied every slightest attempt to take any food. This lasted for about two weeks. All my senses became sharper and my perceptions became much brighter and stronger, as if something most important was being snatched out, and the rest faded into the background.
My dreams changed, or rather, I began to see the same, repeating dream - as if I suddenly rose above the ground and walked freely without my heels touching the floor. It was so real and incredible wonderful feeling that every time I woke up, I immediately wanted to go back. This dream was repeated every night. I still don't know what it was or why. But this continued after, many, many years. And even now, before I wake up, I very often see the same dream.
Once, my father’s brother came to visit from the city in which he lived at that time and during a conversation he told his father that he had recently seen a very good film and began to tell it. Imagine my surprise when I suddenly realized that I already knew in advance what he would talk about! And although I knew for sure that I had never seen this film, I could tell it from beginning to end with all the details... I didn’t tell anyone about it, but I decided to see if something similar would appear in something else. Well, naturally, my usual “new thing” didn’t take long to arrive.
At that time in school we studied old ancient legends. I was in a literature lesson and the teacher said that today we would study “The Song of Roland.” Suddenly, unexpectedly for myself, I raised my hand and said that I could tell this song. The teacher was very surprised and asked if I often read old legends. I said not often, but I know this one. Although, to be honest, I still had no idea where it came from?
And so, from that same day, I began to notice that more and more often some unfamiliar moments and facts were opening up in my memory, which I could not have known in any way, and every day more and more of them appeared. I was a little tired of all this “influx” of unfamiliar information, which, in all likelihood, was simply too much for my child’s psyche at that time. But since it came from somewhere, then, in all likelihood, it was needed for something. And I accepted it all quite calmly, just as I always accepted everything unfamiliar that my strange and unpredictable fate brought me.
True, sometimes all this information manifested itself in a very funny form - I suddenly began to see very vivid images of places and people unfamiliar to me, as if taking part in it myself. “Normal” reality disappeared and I remained in some kind of “closed” world from everyone else, which only I could see. And that's how I could stay for a long time standing in a “pillar” somewhere in the middle of the street, not seeing anything and not reacting to anything, until some frightened, compassionate “uncle or aunt” began to shake me, trying to somehow bring me to my senses and find out if everything was wrong I'm fine...
Despite my early age, I already (from my own bitter experience) understood perfectly well that everything that was constantly happening to me, for all “normal” people, according to their usual and customary standards, seemed absolutely abnormal (although regarding “ normality” I was ready to argue with anyone even then). Therefore, as soon as someone tried to help me in one of these “unusual” situations, I usually tried to convince them as quickly as possible that I was “absolutely fine” and that there was absolutely no need to worry about me. True, I was not always able to convince, and in such cases it ended with another call to my poor, “reinforced concrete-patient” mother, who after the call naturally came to pick me up...
This was my complex and sometimes funny childhood reality in which I lived at that time. And since I had no other choice, I had to find my “bright and beautiful” even in what others, I think, would never find it. I remember once after my next unusual “incident”, I sadly asked my grandmother:
– Why is my life so different from everyone else’s?
Grandmother shook her head, hugged me and quietly answered:
– Life, my dear, consists of a tenth of what happens to us and nine-tenths of how we react to it. React cheerfully, baby! Otherwise, at times it can be very difficult to exist... And what is different is that at the beginning we are all different in one way or another. You will just grow and life will begin to “tailor” you more and more to general standards, and it will depend only on you whether you want to be the same as everyone else.
And I didn’t want to... I loved my unusual colorful world and would never trade it for anything. But, unfortunately, every beautiful thing in our life is very expensive and we need to really love it very much so that it doesn’t hurt to pay for it. And, as we all know very well, unfortunately, you always have to pay for everything... It’s just that when you do it consciously, you remain satisfied free choice when your choice and free will depend only on you. But for this, in my personal opinion, it is truly worth paying any price, even if it is sometimes very expensive for oneself. But let's get back to my fasting.
Two weeks had already passed, and I still, much to my mother’s chagrin, did not want to eat anything and, oddly enough, physically I felt strong and absolutely wonderful. And since I looked, in general, quite well then, I gradually managed to convince my mother that nothing bad was happening to me and, apparently, nothing terrible was in danger for me yet. This was absolutely true, as I truly felt great, except for that “oversensitive” thing. mental state, which made all my perceptions maybe a little too “naked” - the colors, sounds and feelings were so bright that it sometimes became hard to breathe. I think this “hypersensitivity” was the reason for my next and yet another “incredible” adventure...

At that time it was already in the yard late fall and a group of our neighbor kids after school gathered in the forest to pick the last autumn mushrooms. Well, naturally, as usual, I decided to go with them. The weather was unusually mild and pleasant. Still warm Sun rays they jumped like bright bunnies on the golden foliage, at times seeping down to the ground and warming it with the last farewell warmth. The elegant forest greeted us in its festively bright autumn attire and, as if old friend, invited you into his tender embrace.
My beloved, gilded in autumn, slender birches, at the slightest breeze, generously dropped their golden “leaves-coins” to the ground and did not seem to notice that very soon they would be left alone with their nakedness and would bashfully wait for spring will again dress them in their annual delicate attire. And only the stately, evergreen spruces proudly shook off their old needles, preparing to become the only decoration of the forest during the long and, as always, very colorless winter. They rustled quietly underfoot yellow leaves, hiding the last russula and milk mushrooms. The grass under the leaves was warm, soft and moist and seemed to invite one to walk on it...
As usual, I kicked off my shoes and walked barefoot. I always loved walking barefoot everywhere, whenever the opportunity arose!!! True, these walks very often had to be paid for with a sore throat, which sometimes lasted quite a long time, but, as they say, “the game was worth the candle.” Without shoes, the legs became almost “sighted” and especially acute feeling freedom from something unnecessary that seemed to make it difficult to breathe... It was a real, incomparable little pleasure and sometimes it was worth paying for it.
The guys and I, as always, split up in pairs and went in different directions. Very soon I felt that I had been walking alone for some time. I can’t say that this scared me (I wasn’t afraid of the forest at all), but I felt somehow uneasy from a strange feeling that someone was watching me. Deciding not to pay attention to this, I continued to calmly collect my mushrooms. But gradually the feeling of observation intensified and it became less pleasant.
I stopped, closed my eyes and tried to concentrate to try to see who was doing it, when suddenly I clearly heard someone’s voice that said: “That’s right...” And for some reason it seemed to me that it didn’t sound from outside, but only in my mind. I stood in the middle of a small clearing and felt that the air around me began to vibrate strongly. A silver-blue, transparent shimmering pillar appeared right in front of me and a human figure gradually became denser in it. He was a very tall (by human standards) and powerful gray-haired man. For some reason I thought that he looked ridiculously like the statue of our god Perkunas (Perun), for whom bonfires were lit on the Holy Mountain on the night of June 24 every year.
By the way, it was a very beautiful ancient holiday (I don’t know if it still exists?), which usually lasted until dawn, and which everyone loved very much, regardless of age and taste. Almost the entire city always gathered for it and, what was absolutely incredible, no negative incidents were ever noticed at this holiday, despite the fact that everything happened in the forest. Apparently the beauty of customs opened even the most callous human souls to goodness, thereby slamming the door to any brewing aggressive thoughts or actions.
Usually, on the Holy Mountain, bonfires burned all night long, ancient songs were sung in round dances, and all this together strongly resembled an unusually beautiful fantastic fairy tale. Hundreds of lovers set out at night to look for a blooming fern flower in the forest, wanting to secure its magical promise to be “the happiest and definitely forever”... And lonely young girls, having made a wish, lowered wreaths woven from flowers into the Nemunas River, with a candle burning in the middle of each of them. Many such wreaths were lowered, and for one night the river became like an amazingly beautiful heavenly road, softly flickering with the reflections of hundreds of candles, along which, creating trembling golden shadows, rows of kind golden ghosts floated, carefully carrying on their transparent wings other people’s desires to the God of Love... And right there, on the Holy Mountain, there still stands a statue of the god Perkunas, which my unexpected guest was so similar to.
A sparkling figure, without touching the ground with its feet, “swimmed up” to me, and I felt a very soft, warm touch.
“I came to open the Door for you,” a voice was heard in my head again.
- Door - where? – I asked.
- IN Big world, - came the answer.
He extended his luminous hand to my forehead and I felt strange feeling a slight “explosion”, after which a feeling appeared that was truly similar to a door opening... which, moreover, opened right in my forehead. I saw amazingly beautiful bodies, looking like huge multi-colored butterflies, coming out from the very center of my head... They lined up around me and, tied to me with the thinnest silver thread, created an amazingly colorful unusual flower... Vibrating along this “thread” a quiet and what It was an “unearthly” melody that evoked a feeling of peace and completeness in the soul.
For a moment I saw many transparent human figures standing around, but for some reason they all disappeared very quickly. Only my first guest remained, who was still touching my forehead with his hand and from his touch a very pleasant “sounding” warmth flowed into my body.
- Who are they? – I asked, pointing to the “butterflies”.
“It’s you,” came the answer again. - That's all you.
I couldn’t understand what he was talking about, but somehow I knew that real, pure and bright Good was coming from him. Suddenly, very slowly, all these unusual “butterflies” began to “melt” and turned into an amazing, starry fog sparkling with all the colors of the rainbow, which gradually began to flow back into me... A deep feeling of completion and something else appeared that I could not understand, but just felt it very strongly with all my gut.
“Be careful,” said my guest.
- Careful about what? – I asked.
“You were born...” was the answer.
His tall figure began to sway. The clearing began to spin. And when I opened my eyes, to my greatest regret, my strange stranger was no longer anywhere. One of the boys, Romas, stood opposite me and watched my “awakening”. He asked what I was doing here and whether I was going to pick mushrooms... When I asked him what time it was, he looked at me in surprise and answered and I realized that everything that happened to me took only a few minutes!..
I stood up (it turned out that I was sitting on the ground), brushed myself off and was about to walk, when suddenly I noticed a very strange detail - the entire clearing around us was green!!! As amazingly green as if we found it in early spring! And what was our general surprise when we suddenly noticed that even beautiful spring flowers appeared on it from somewhere! It was absolutely amazing and, unfortunately, completely inexplicable. Most likely, this was some kind of “side” phenomenon after the arrival of my strange guest. But, unfortunately, I could not explain or even understand this at that time.
- What have you done? – Romas asked.
“It’s not me,” I muttered guiltily.
“Well, let’s go then,” he agreed.
Romas was one of those rare friends of that time who was not afraid of my “antics” and was not surprised by anything that constantly happened to me. He simply believed me. And therefore I never had to explain anything to him, which for me was a very rare and valuable exception. When we returned from the forest, I was shaking with chills, but I thought that, as usual, I just had a little cold and decided not to bother my mother until something more serious happened. The next morning everything went away, and I was very pleased that this completely confirmed my “version” of the cold. But, unfortunately, the joy did not last long...

In the morning, as usual, I went to have breakfast. Before I had time to reach out to the cup of milk, the same heavy glass cup suddenly moved in my direction, spilling some of the milk on the table... I felt a little uneasy. I tried again - the cup moved again. Then I thought about bread... Two pieces lying nearby jumped up and fell to the floor. To be honest, my hair started to stand up... Not because I was scared. I wasn’t afraid of almost anything at that time, but it was something very “earthly” and concrete, it was nearby and I absolutely didn’t know how to control it...
I tried to calm down, took a deep breath and tried again. Only this time I didn’t try to touch anything, but decided to just think about what I wanted - for example, for the cup to be in my hand. Of course, this did not happen, she again just simply moved sharply. But I was jubilant!!! My whole insides simply squealed with delight, because I already realized that sharply or not, this was only happening at the request of my thought! And it was absolutely amazing! Of course, I immediately wanted to try the “new product” on all the living and inanimate “objects” around me...
The first one I came across was my grandmother, who at that moment was calmly preparing her next culinary “work” in the kitchen. It was very quiet, the grandmother was humming something to herself, when suddenly a heavy cast-iron frying pan jumped up like a bird on the stove and crashed onto the floor with a terrible noise... The grandmother jumped up in surprise no worse than the same frying pan... But, we must give her her due, right away pulled herself together and said:
- Stop doing that!
I felt a little offended, because no matter what happened, out of habit, they always blamed me for everything (although this moment this, of course, was absolutely true).
- Why do you think it’s me? – I asked pouting.
“Well, it seems like we don’t have ghosts yet,” the grandmother said calmly.
I loved her very much for her equanimity and unshakable calm. It seemed that nothing in this world could truly “unsettle” her. Although, naturally, there were things that upset her, surprised her, or made her sad, she perceived all this with amazing calm. And that’s why I always felt very comfortable and protected with her. Somehow, I suddenly felt that my last “prank” interested my grandmother... I literally “felt in my gut” that she was watching me and waiting for something else. Well, naturally, I didn’t keep myself waiting long... A few seconds later, all the “spoons and ladle” hanging over the stove flew down with a noisy roar behind the same frying pan...
“Well, well... Breaking is not building, I would do something useful,” the grandmother said calmly.
I was already choked with indignation! Well, please tell me, how can she treat this “incredible event” so calmly?! After all, this is... SUCH!!! I couldn’t even explain what it was, but I certainly knew that I couldn’t take what was happening so calmly. Unfortunately, my indignation did not make the slightest impression on my grandmother and she again calmly said:
“You shouldn’t spend so much effort on something you can do with your hands.” Better go read it.
My outrage knew no bounds! I couldn’t understand why what seemed so amazing to me didn’t cause any delight in her?! Unfortunately, I was still too young a child to understand that all these impressive “external effects” really do not give anything other than the same “external effects”... And the essence of all this is just intoxication with the “mysticism of the inexplicable” gullible and impressionable people, which my grandmother, naturally, was not... But since I had not yet matured to such an understanding, at that moment I was only incredibly interested in what else I could move. Therefore, without regret, I left my grandmother, who “did not understand” me, and moved on in search of a new object of my “experiments”...

Do you think you are Russian? Were you born in the USSR and think that you are Russian, Ukrainian, Belarusian? No. This is wrong.

Are you actually Russian, Ukrainian or Belarusian? But do you think that you are a Jew?

Game? Wrong word. The correct word is “imprinting”.

The newborn associates himself with those facial features that he observes immediately after birth. This natural mechanism is characteristic of most living creatures with vision.

Newborns in the USSR saw their mother for a minimum of feeding time during the first few days, and most of the time they saw the faces of the maternity hospital staff. By a strange coincidence, they were (and still are) mostly Jewish. The technique is wild in its essence and effectiveness.

Throughout your childhood, you wondered why you lived surrounded by strangers. The rare Jews on your way could do whatever they wanted with you, because you were drawn to them, and pushed others away. Yes, even now they can.

You cannot fix this - imprinting is one-time and for life. It’s difficult to understand; the instinct took shape when you were still very far from being able to formulate it. From that moment, no words or details were preserved. Only facial features remained in the depths of memory. Those traits that you consider to be your own.


System and observer

Let's define a system as an object whose existence is beyond doubt.

An observer of a system is an object that is not part of the system it observes, that is, it determines its existence through factors independent of the system.

The observer, from the point of view of the system, is a source of chaos - both control actions and the consequences of observational measurements that do not have a cause-and-effect relationship with the system.

An internal observer is an object potentially accessible to the system in relation to which inversion of observation and control channels is possible.

An external observer is an object, even potentially unattainable for the system, located beyond the system’s event horizon (spatial and temporal).

Hypothesis No. 1. All-seeing eye

Let's assume that our universe is a system and it has an external observer. Then observational measurements can occur, for example, with the help of “gravitational radiation” penetrating the universe from all sides from the outside. The cross section of the capture of “gravitational radiation” is proportional to the mass of the object, and the projection of the “shadow” from this capture onto another object is perceived as an attractive force. It will be proportional to the product of the masses of the objects and inversely proportional to the distance between them, which determines the density of the “shadow”.

The capture of “gravitational radiation” by an object increases its chaos and is perceived by us as the passage of time. An object opaque to “gravitational radiation”, the capture cross section of which is larger than its geometric size, looks like a black hole inside the universe.

Hypothesis No. 2. Inner Observer

It is possible that our universe is observing itself. For example, using pairs of quantum entangled particles separated in space as standards. Then the space between them is saturated with the probability of the existence of the process that generated these particles, reaching its maximum density at the intersection of the trajectories of these particles. The existence of these particles also means that there is no capture cross section on the trajectories of objects that is large enough to absorb these particles. The remaining assumptions remain the same as for the first hypothesis, except:

Time flow

An outside observation of an object approaching the event horizon of a black hole, if the determining factor of time in the universe is an “external observer,” will slow down exactly twice - the shadow of the black hole will block exactly half of the possible trajectories of “gravitational radiation.” If the determining factor is the “internal observer,” then the shadow will block the entire trajectory of interaction and the flow of time for an object falling into a black hole will completely stop for a view from the outside.

It is also possible that these hypotheses can be combined in one proportion or another.

Zinovy ​​Efimovich Gerdt (real name - Zalman Afroimovich Khrapinovich). Born on September 8, 1916 in Sebezh, Vitebsk province (now Pskov region) - died on November 18, 1996 in Moscow. Soviet Russian actor theater and cinema. People's Artist of the USSR (1990).

Zinovy ​​Gerdt was born on September 8 (21), 1916 in Sebezh, Vitebsk province (now Pskov region) in Jewish family. Born: Zalman Khrapinovich. Among his friends and relatives they called him Zyama.

Father - Afroim Yakovlevich Khrapinovich (d. 1933), worked as a clerk in a fabric store, then got a job as a traveling salesman, managed a grocery store and was a devout man.

Mother - Rakhil Isaakovna (nee Sekun, d. 1949), housewife.

Was the most youngest child in family. He also had a brother Boris and two sisters: Fira and Bertha (later Evgenia).

He studied at a Jewish school in Sebezh. At the age of thirteen, he published poems about collectivization in a children's newspaper in Yiddish.

In 1932, he moved to his brother in Moscow, where he entered the factory school of the Moscow Electric Plant named after V. Kuibyshev. There he began to play in the theater of working youth (TRAM) of electricians, organized by V. Pluchek.

In 1934, after graduating from college, he came to work at Metrostroy as an electrician, continuing to play in the theater.

In 1935 he was transferred to the professional theater staff.

In 1936-1937 he also played at the Puppet Theater at the Moscow Palace of Pioneers.

In 1939, he moved to the Moscow State Theater Studio (“Arbuzov Studio”), organized by A. Arbuzov and V. Pluchek, where he worked until the start of the war. Performed the role of Altman in the play “City at Dawn” by A. Arbuzov.

Initially he performed under his real surname Khrapinovich, then under the artistic pseudonym Gerdt - in the late 1930s it became his official surname. And the name and patronymic - Zinovy ​​Efimovich - appeared after the war. According to the recollections of I. Kuznetsov, who was friends with Gerdt, the pseudonym was proposed by A. Arbuzov after the name of the ballerina E. Gerdt, popular in the 1920s.

On February 12, 1943, he was wounded in the leg near Belgorod - while clearing enemy minefields for the passage of Soviet tanks by a fragment of a tank shell. After eleven operations, the most important of which were performed by the leading surgeon of the Botkin Hospital, K. Vincentini (wife of the famous designer Sergei Korolev), the actor was spared his damaged leg, which has since been 8 centimeters shorter than the healthy one and forced the artist to limp heavily. Group III war disabled person.

“Rolan Bykov brought me to the screen - he was the first to cast me in his “Seven Nannies”. And then I thanked him so much - it’s scary to remember... Volodin wrote the role in “The Magician” especially for Roland, he really loved him in his film "They're calling, open the door." I wrote it for him, but it turned out that I played. Then Roland was supposed to play Panikovsky in "The Golden Calf." ideas on the theme of the image. Roland - I really liked Panikovsky, I got carried away, began to fantasize, show what and how I could play. “Come on, let’s do your test,” said Schweitzer. And it ended with Panikovsky too. I played. And after that Roland himself invited me to star in his film “The Car, the Violin and the Blob the Dog.” I understand that I didn’t leave him without roles - he always has more than enough work. But not everyone can be so generous. “like him, so kind,” said Zinovy ​​Efimovich.

Zinovy ​​Gerdt in the film "Seven Nurses"

Zinovy ​​Gerdt in the film "The Golden Calf"

After the release of The Golden Calf, Gerdt had no end to offers to act in films, despite his limp. Due to active and rich life During filming, he suffered a heart attack. recalled: “I was terribly scared when I found out that Zyama had a heart attack. Tanya then said that the doctors urgently needed a box of good cognac. Not the easiest task at that time. I won’t reveal the technical details of the operation. But I had to sell myself a little, a little - homeland. However, I got cognac!

After treatment, Gerdt plunged headlong into work again.

The general public remembers Zinovy ​​Gerdt, in addition to those mentioned, for such films as “Walking through the Torment”, “The Meeting Place Cannot Be Changed”, “A War Romance”, “Mary Poppins, Goodbye!”, “Straw Hat”, “About the Poor Man” say a word to the hussar” and many others.

Zinovy ​​Gerdt in the film "Straw Hat"

Zinovy ​​Gerdt in the film "The meeting place cannot be changed"

In 1991 he took part in latest issue capital show “Field of Miracles” with V. Listyev.

On December 29, 1994, I visited V. Listyev in the last episode of the “Rush Hour” program of 1994.

IN ordinary life Gerdt, according to the memoirs of Alexander Shirvindt, was “wildly handy.” At the dacha I made benches, a table, and stools with my own hands.

The actor very talentedly parodied his friends. So, most of all I loved the parodies of myself performed by him.

And Gerdt's greatest passion was poetry. As he himself said, since childhood he was “drawn to everything printed in a column.” Zinovy ​​Efimovich could spend hours reading Pushkin, Samoilov and Pasternak, whose works he knew by heart.

In one of his interviews, Gerdt said: “What I would really like to do is talk about Russian poetry and read poetry to people who are interested in listening to it. I know thousands of poems. My love for poetry has connected me with friendships with many good people - with Marlen Khutsiev, with the Schweitzers, with Alexander Volodin, Vladimir Vengerov, Pyotr Todorovsky It so happened that in. last years In Tvardovsky’s life, fate gave me frequent communication with this man. We talked a lot about life, about art and, of course, about poetry. ...You know, there was once a case: Sergei Vladimirovich Obraztsov broke his leg and walked around in a cast. I composed a message for him in verse so that he would not be upset. After all, Mephistopheles was also somewhat limping. And Tamerlane? And Byron? And Gerdt?.. The poems were quite cleverly constructed, I have mastery of technique and rhyme. Obraztsov was delighted. “Listen,” he says, “why don’t you publish?” I then answered him that I take poetry too seriously, I value this gift too highly to consider myself a poet. After all, not everything is poetry that is written in a column. A well-trained hand and poetic talent are two different things. I can only be amazed at the shamelessness of writers who publish any bad poems. After all, there must be shame in front of a white sheet of paper when you are left alone with it. Here are comic, parody poems, poems “for the occasion” - that’s another matter. I can even go out in public with them. At one time I even performed on stage, parodying famous poets, both as a writer of parodies and as an actor."

In 2010, the AST publishing house published the book “Knight of Conscience” by Z. Gerdt.

Zinovy ​​Gerdt - documentaries

Height of Zinovy ​​Gerdt: 163 centimeters.

Personal life of Zinovy ​​Gerdt:

The first wife was actress Maria Ivanovna Novikova (1918-2003). They married in 1941, having met at the studio where they played together.

In this marriage, in 1945, a son was born, Vsevolod Zinovievich Novikov, a thermal physicist, candidate of technical sciences. Has a daughter, Ksenia (born 1977).

Since 1960, he was married for the second time to Tatyana Aleksandrovna Pravdina (born 1928), a translator from Arabic.

They met when the Puppet Theater, where the actor worked, was touring the Middle East. To help the theater they gave an Arabic translator, Tatyana Pravdina. After returning to the USSR, Gerdt and Pravdina left their families and began to live together.

Tatyana Pravdina said: “Love is like a talent that is given to a very small number of people. Zinovy ​​Efimovich and I were lucky. We got married when we were no longer quite young. We had families by that time. When we met, I was 32, he - 44. And it soon turned out that this rare happiness, like talent, was given to us. We met thanks to the tour of the Obraztsov Theater in Egypt, Syria and Lebanon. Then I was introduced to Zinovia Gerdt, I was supposed to translate “The Extraordinary Concert We” into Arabic. We traveled around these countries for a month and a half, and at first I perceived Zinovy ​​Efimovich’s advances quite negatively, since I had the feeling that this was an attempt to start a tour romance. By that time I was mentally free from. own husband, to whom I said a year before: “I’m not your wife anymore.” On tour, the romance with Zinovy ​​Efimovich proceeded quite lyrically and was not completed. My husband met me at the airport and his wife met him. We agreed to meet the next day at the Kyiv district party committee - it was not far from the publishing house where I worked. Everything developed quickly: he announced his decision to his wife, I announced my decision to my husband, and then a real romance began. Zyama was not handsome - he was short and lame. But there was an extremely powerful masculine element in him - what is called “sexy” - and the ladies could hardly resist. I was often told: “What a wonderful husband you have!” - to which I replied: “I understand you.”

He raised his adopted daughter Ekaterina (Pravdina) Gerdt (born 1958). Ekaterina was married to V. Fokin, then to D. Evstigneev, has a son, Orest Valerievich Fokin (born 1978), he is a lawyer.

Filmography of Zinovy ​​Gerdt:

1958 - Man from Planet Earth - episode
1961 - Yurka - the pantsless team (short film)
1962 - Seven nannies - Shamsky, Maya’s father
1963 - Newton Street, house 1 - neighbor with gumboil
1964 - Wick (film No. 22 “Why would this be?”) - Thin
1965 - A Year Like Life - Bornstedt
1965 - City of Masters - artist
1966 - Avdotya Pavlovna - Samuil Yakovlevich Gorbis, breeder
1966 - July Rain - episode
1967 - Magician - Viktor Mikhailovich Kukushkin, magician
1968 - Golden Calf - Mikhail Samuelevich Panikovsky
1969 - At thirteen o'clock at night - Baba Yaga
1969 - Parade-alley - commentator
1970 - Taimyr is calling you - a man in a checkered coat
1970 - Urban Romance - front-line veteran, “old sick economist”
1971 - Dauria - General Semenov, chairman of the tribunal
1971 - Ilf and Petrov were traveling on a tram - Captain Masuccio, trainer
1971 - Living water- episode
1971 - The life and death of nobleman Tchertopkhanov - Moshel Leiba
1971 - Shadow - Minister of Finance
1972 - Carnival - Skukin, chairman of the jury
1972 - Light Water - episode
1972 - Large-scale guys - Alexander Mikhailovich, hairdresser
1972 - Stove-benches - a friend of Professor Stepanov
1972 - Taming the Fire - Arthur Matveevich Kartashov, head of GIRD
1973 - Heavenly Apples - conductor
1974 - Car, violin and dog Klyaksa - drummer / David's grandfather
1974 - Straw Hat - Monsieur Tardivo, accountant at Madame Beaucardon's store
1974 - Strange adults - Oleg Oskarovich Kuks
1974 - Walking through torment - Leon Cherny, anarchist
1976 - Non-transferable key - Oleg Grigorievich, physics teacher
1976 - Prank - Karl Sigismundovich Yolikov, chemistry teacher
1977 - Walnut Krakatuk - master watchmaker
1978 - The Life of Beethoven - Nikolaus Zmeskal
1979 - Wife Left - Neighbor
1979 - The meeting place cannot be changed - Mikhail Mikhailovich Bomze, Sharapov’s neighbor
1979 - Particularly dangerous... - Schwartz, jeweler
1979 - Nightingale - Boms, advisor
1979 - Three in a boat, not counting the dog - gravedigger
1980 - Adam marries Eve - judge
1980 - Piggy Bank - narrator
1980 - Say a word for the poor hussar - Pertsovsky, parrot seller
1981 - Meeting at the High Snows - Nathan
1982 - Donkey skin- Orevoir, poet
1982 - Fairy tales... fairy tales... tales of the old Arbat - Christopher Blokhin
1982 - I’ll wait for you - Arkady Lazarevich Dalmatsky
1983 - War novel - cinema administrator
1983 - Mary Poppins, goodbye! - Admiral Boom
1983 - Boys - assessor
1984 - Without a family - Espinassou, musician-hairdresser from Chartres
1984 - The hero of her novel - Prudyansky
1984 - And then Bumbo came... - Franz Ivanovich, director of the traveling tent circus
1984 - Obstacle Course - Mikhail Sergeevich
1984 - Monday is an ordinary day - Samuil Yakovlevich Fainstein, circus director
1986 - My dearly beloved detective - a member of the bachelors club
1986 - They sat on the golden porch - The Water King
1987 - Somersault over the head - the owner of the rat
1987 - Wick (film No. 300 “Autograph”)
1988 - Thieves in law - lawyer
1988 - Wick (film No. 307 “Did you call the doctor?”)
1989 - The Binder and the King - Arie-Leib
1989 - Intergirl - Boris Semyonovich, head physician
1989 - The art of living in Odessa - Arie-Leib
1989 - Trip to Wiesbaden - Pantaleone
1989 - Do you remember our meetings... (short film) - presenter
1990 - Tyoma's Childhood - Abrumka
1991 - Lost in Siberia - Levenzon, Bukharinist
1992 - Manuscript
1993 - I am Ivan, you are Abram - Zalman, Aron’s father
1993 - The life and extraordinary adventures of soldier Ivan Chonkin - Moses Stalin
1994 - Anekdotiada, or the History of Odessa in anecdotes - artist from Moscow
1994 - Simple-minded - Francois-Marie Arouet, prisoner of the Bastille
1994 - Overture
1995 - Butt and happiness - role
1996 - Inspector - Luka Lukich Khlopov
1996 - Wind over the city - Mesmer, actor and director
1997 - The war is over. Forget...

Teleplays by Zinovy ​​Gerdt:

1972 - Extraordinary concert - Entertainer
1973 - The Divine Comedy- Adam
1978 - Cousin Pons - Cousin Pons
1981 - 50 years of Sergei Obraztsov’s puppet theater
1982 - Bird Seller - narrator, introduction
1984 - Odessa stories Isaac Babel
1984 - Goethe. Scenes from the tragedy "Faust" - Mephistopheles
1985 - Fabulous journey Mr. Bilbo Baggins The Hobbit - Narrator
1987 - Costume Designer - Norman
1993 - I, Feuerbach - Feuerbach, actor

Scoring of films by Zinovy ​​Gerdt:

1951 - Fanfan-tulip - text from the author
1956 - The Gray Robber - reads the text
1959 - Hunchback - narrator
1960 - Leon Garros is looking for a friend - commentator, voice-over
1961 - Nine days of one year - text from the author
1961 - No matter how the rope twists... (short film) - text from the author
1961 - Attention, tigers! (documentary) - reads the text
1961 - Michelle and Mishutka (short film) - text from the author
1961 - Career of Dima Gorin - voiceover
1961 - Quite seriously (film almanac) - author's text behind the scenes"
1963 - Attention! There's a wizard in town! - reads the text
1964 - Believe it or not... - reads the text
1964 - Returned music - reads the text
1964 - Green Light - the voice of the Moskvich-402 car
1965 - Paris...Paris (documentary)
1966 - The Ballad of the Attic (short) - reads the text
1966 - Great Clowns (documentary) - commentator
1966 - Labyrinth (film-play) - reads the text
1967 - Die Hard - voice-over translation of a German officer
1968 - Pitsunda? Need to think! (documentary) - voiceover
1969 - Family happiness - reads the text
1968 - Zigzag of luck - reads the text
1970 - Two days of miracles - text from the author
1970 - The Adventures of Aldar Kose - narrator
1970 - Sports, sports, sports - reads the text
1970 - Step from the Roof - Blue Crow
1971 - Ilf and Petrov were traveling on a tram - voice-over
1971 - Not only the circus (documentary) - reads the text
1972 - To love a person - the narrator in the cartoon
1972 - Men - reads the text
1972 - A zebra was stolen - text from the author
1973 - A sad story with a happy ending (short film) - voiceover
1973 - Salty Dog - reads the text
1973 - Counting chickens in the fall - text from the author
1974 - Monkey Island (documentary)
1975 - Polar Bear (documentary) - reads the text
1975 - A Place in the Sun - reads the text
1975 - Love at first sight - reads the text
1976 - Deniska-Denis (documentary) - voiceover
1976 - 12 chairs - reads the text
1976 - My wife - grandmother - reads the text
1977 - Oh, the bike! (documentary) - reads the text
1977 - The Legend of the Brave Knight Fat-Frumos - text from the author
1978 - Younger sister - narrator
1979 - Playing four hands - voiceover
1979 - A trip through the city (short story in the film almanac of the same name) - text from the author
1980 - Krosh’s Holidays - text about netsuke figurines
1980 - The story of one slap on the head (short film) - voiceover
1981 - Be healthy, dear - voiceover
1981 - Which would you choose? - voiceover
1981 - The Adventures of Tom Sawyer and Huckleberry Finn - voiceover
1981 - Comet - dog Tuzik
1984 - White Rose immortality - voiceover
1988 - The story of one billiard team - a voice from a radio
1992 - Manuscript - reads the text

Scoring of cartoons by Zinovy ​​Gerdt:

1957 - Quiet Marina - reads the text
1962 - The story of a crime - text from the author
1962 - A Banal Story - Story Teller
1966 - The Malicious Egg Breaker - voiceover
1971 - Where are you, blue Cinderella? - reads the text
1971 - The Adventures of Dunno and His Friends (1st episode “Shorts from the Flower City”)
1974 - The Wizard of the Emerald City (3 episode "Emerald City") - Goodwin the Great and Terrible
1975 - Black Hen - Black Hen
1976-1979 - The Adventures of Captain Vrungel - Captain Vrungel
1978 - Moomintroll and others - narrator / Moomintroll / Moominpappa / Morra / Brownie
1978 - Moomintroll and the Comet - Moominpappa / Brownie / Morra / Snusmumrik / narrator
1978 - Moomintroll and the Comet: The Way Home - narrator / Moomintroll / Moominpappa / Morra / Brownie / Hemulen / narrator
1978 - Quarrel - voiceover
1979 - About a puppy - Wolf
1979 - Peace pipe - text from the author
1981 - Mom for a baby mammoth - Walrus
1981 - Big and small - voiceover
1982 - Olympians - voiceover
1982 - Taming the Bicycle - text from the author, song
1983 - Stargazer's Apprentice - voiceover
1984 - About everyone in the world - Starling Conductor
1985 - Brack - Black Coach
1985 - Doctor Aibolit - Aibolit

Dubbing by Zinovy ​​Gerdt:

1925 - Golden fever- The Lonely Gold Miner (The Tramp) (the role of C. Chaplin)
1951 - Girls from Plaza de España
1951 - Policemen and Thieves - Ferdinando Esposito (role of Toto)
1954 - 100 serenades
1958 - Powerful of the world this is the Minister of Finance (role of J. Monod)
1960 - Six transformations of Jan Piszczyk - Jelonek (role of E. Dziewoński)
1960 - Ghosts at Spessart Castle - ghost Max (role of G. Thomall)
1961 - Beautiful American - twin brothers Viralo (role of L. de Funes)
1963 - The Inspector and the Night - Inspector (role of G. Kaloyanchev)
1964 - Go France!
1965 - Aerial Adventures - Sir Percy Ware-Hermitage (role of Terry-Thomas)
1966 - How to steal a million - Charles Bonnet (role of H. Griffith)
1968 - Lion in Winter - Henry II (role of P. O'Toole)
1970 - Cromwell - Oliver Cromwell (role of R. Harris)
1970 - King Lear - King Lear (role of Y. Yarvet)
1970 - Black Sun - John Bart (role of N. Grinko)
1971 - The investigation is over, forget it - Pesenti (role of R. Cucciolla)
1973 - Magnificent - Editor Sharron / Chief of the Secret Service Karpoff (Karpshtof) (role of V. Caprioli)
1973 - Broken Horseshoe - Dr. Peterson (role of V.I. Paukshte)
1974 - Adventures in a city that does not exist - a commerce advisor from the fairy tale play " The Snow Queen» E. Schwartz (role of V. Skulme)
1975 - The Escape of Mr. McKinley - Mr. McKinley (role of D. Banionis)
1976 - The Fifth Seal - watchmaker Miklos Duritsa (role of L. Eze)
1976 - Time to live, time to love - minister (role of Y. Yarvet)
1976 - Red and Black - Marquis de la Mole (role of G. Strizhenov)
1977 - Nut bread - Nut bread (role of A. Shurna)
1980 - Rafferty - Mort Kaufman, lawyer Rafferty (role of A. A. Resser)
1984 - The Blonde Around the Corner - Gavrila Maksimovich, Nikolai’s father (role of M. Prudkin)
1984 - The story of an experienced pilot - crew commander (role of G. Badridze)
1985 - On the Hunt - Sir Randolph Nettleby (role of J. Mason)

Directed by Zinovy ​​Gerdt:

1969 - Parade-alle - director of puppet sideshows (together with V. A. Kusov and I. S. Gutman)

Scripts by Zinovy ​​Gerdt:

1966 - “Leonid Engibarov, meet me!” (from the series “Great Clowns”) (documentary)
1969 - On the road, on the road (documentary) (short film)
1969 - Parade-alle (together with A. M. Arkanov and I. S. Gutman)
1971 - We need to talk... (documentary) (co-authored with K. L. Slavin) - author of the text
1975 - I won’t do it anymore (together with M. G. Lvovsky

He dragged me to hell in the middle of nowhere, led me to a creepy, lopsided shack that was about to collapse: “Someday there will be a memorial plaque hanging here: “Zinovy ​​Gerdt lived here and died from this.” A man of extraordinary wit, he knew how to dress up even an unsightly reality in a sparkling joke. Did it with ease.

I didn’t see any of the Khrapinovichs. Recently, St. Petersburg television crews asked me about my life, among other things, about Zyama. They shared what a wonderful interview Orest Fokin, the son of Katya, Gerdt’s adopted daughter, gave. He said, for example, that during the war Zyama participated in the interrogation of a captured fascist. Then he was ordered to take him out of the outskirts and shoot him, but Gerdt could not do this and released the German on all four sides. I have no doubt at all about Orik’s sincerity, but this story seems dubious to me. My friend was not the right character to be entrusted with conducting an important interrogation: too frivolous and carried away. Besides, I never heard that he knew German or anything else foreign language. Or maybe he just didn’t tell, didn’t share? The life of another person remains a mystery even after half a century of friendship.

However, I will return to the day we met. The guests left only closer to morning. But the owner allowed Zyama to stay: despite his lameness and poor appearance, he won her heart. The matter was not limited to one night; Gerdt “dug in” thoroughly in the apartment. Natasha lived with her father, a famous Moscow lawyer, who was on a business trip. He returned only a week later, and it was not dawn. Seeing a stranger in the house young man, and even in a rather piquant form, I was terribly surprised:

What are you actually doing here?

“I came to ask for your daughter’s hand in marriage,” Zyama answered calmly.

Dad looked expressively at his watch:

Is it too early?

I was afraid that she might be intercepted.

This instant improvisation was all Zyama. His novels, as a rule, were colored with entertaining drama. Gerdt immediately admitted to Natasha: they couldn’t sign because he was... married. It was strange to hear this: Zyama behaved like a single man and the ladies treated him accordingly. Lord, when did you have time? Who's that girl? It turned out that I was present at this statement, and Natasha and I bombarded Zyamka with questions. It turned out that the wife's name is Maria. I asked:

And why is this Masha interesting? Are you pretty?

She has unusually beautiful knees. This is very important for a woman.

Unfortunately, he never explained what was so special about a girl's kneecaps. And he outlined the essence of his marriage rather sparingly; I learned the details only years later. Just before the war, Arbuzov met a young studio student, Masha, and began a fleeting romance. Already in June 1941, Gerdt went to the front, and the relationship took an epistolary form. This was typical of wartime: it was always important for soldiers to know that they were remembered and loved at home. Maria kept her husband's letters, and today they are printed. But after Zyama was wounded in February 1943, treated and he returned to Moscow, love faded.

Zinovy ​​Gerdt - Soviet actor theater and cinema, People's Artist of the USSR, recognized master of episodic comedy roles. Years of life: 1916 -1996. Over the eighty years of his life, Gerdt played in more than seventy projects, and in some films the actor played more than one role.

Childhood and youth

Zinovy ​​Efimovich Gerdt (real name Zalman Afroimovich Khrapinovich) was born on September 21, 1916. Gerdt spent his childhood in the town of Sebezh, Pskov province. Zinovy's father made money as a traveling salesman, like many Jews at that time. During the NEP period, the head of the family died - the mother was left with four children in her arms.

Until the age of 11, Zyama, as the boy was affectionately called in his family, lived in hometown. Gerdt attended a Jewish school and knew Yiddish. The boy was fond of poetry, a love for which was instilled in Zinovia by his school teacher. Zinovy’s mother Gerdta sang beautifully: he listened to melodic lullabies and comprehended the world of music.

When the boy turned eleven, Gerdt's older brother moved to Moscow and got married there. As the actor said in an interview, they expected from Zinovy ​​the same seriousness and prudence as his brother. Gerdt went to him and entered school at the electrical plant, where he studied to become a metalworker. After studying, Zinovy ​​attended the Theater of Working Youth.

During the Great Patriotic War, the young actor came to the military registration and enlistment office voluntarily, although he had a reservation. Gerdt persuaded the military commissar to send him to the front. The Theater of Working Youth became a front-line theater, but Gerdt did not join the old troupe. Zinovy ​​stopped being an actor during the war, did not participate in amateur performances, and did not talk about his past stage experience even to visiting theater crews.

During the first year of the war, Zinovy ​​served in a sapper company, received the rank of lieutenant, and then commanded a sapper company. In February 1943, near Belgorod, senior officer Zinovy ​​Gerdt was seriously wounded in the leg. The future actor was carried from the battlefield on the shoulders of a nurse.

Then there was a year in the hospital and 10 operations that did not produce results. The eleventh surgical intervention was supposed to be amputation of the leg, but the surgeon at the Botkin Hospital tried to save the guy’s leg. She succeeded, but the bad leg became 8 centimeters shorter than the healthy one. Zinovy ​​Efimovich limped all his life.


During treatment, Moskovsky arrived at the military hospital puppet show. Zinovy ​​Gerdt liked the theater performance. After the war, in 1945, Zinovy ​​Efimovich came to the head of the theater Sergei Obraztsov.

The actor came to the theater while still on crutches. Gerdt recited poetry for an hour, and as a result, the actor was accepted into the troupe. So it began theatrical biography Zinovy ​​Efimovich.

The artist gave 40 years of his life to the Central Puppet Theater. Gerdt voiced the Poet and Singer-Baritone in the “Extraordinary Concert”, the Bear, the Voivode and the Herald in the fairy tale “Po pike command", Vizier and Aladdin in "Aladdin's Magic Lamp" and other characters. The dolls that spoke from the stage in Gerdt’s voice were loved not only by Soviet audiences. The theater successfully toured in Japan, the USA and other capitalist countries.

By 1975, the theater had toured 23 countries. “An Extraordinary Concert” was played in 110 cities in the USSR and in 109 abroad. Gerdt performed the role of the Entertainer in the native languages ​​of the foreign audience, the actor worked with translators and memorized the text of the role transliterated in Russian letters.

Leaving the puppet theater had a beneficial effect on the career of Zinovy ​​Gerdt. The audience listened with bated breath as he read from the stage, imbued with their poetry and charged the hall with energy.

Then there was work at the Sovremennik theaters, the Ermolaeva Drama Theater and much more.


Zinovy ​​Gerdt’s film career was supposed to begin with episodes in the films “The Magician” and “The Golden Calf,” but both times chance intervened. The directors saw enormous potential in the actor. creative potential. The magician Kukushkin and the old man Panikovsky predetermined the actor’s creative destiny.

Panikovsky was originally supposed to play in The Golden Calf, but due to the fact that he was busy, Gerdt was asked to play along at the audition, to portray Panikovsky. Zinovy ​​Efimovich played a role that was not his own so heartfelt that even “competitor” Rolan Bykov persuaded Gerdt to repeat this game in the film.

Zinovy ​​Gerdt never played strictly according to the script. The actor always managed to find something new, multifaceted in the characters. Gerdt set a condition for his participation in “The Golden Calf”: Panikovsky will not be nasty or insignificant, as the character is shown in the original by Ilf and Petrov. Gerdt wanted to show the swindler Panikovsky as a funny, lonely, touching and lonely person - the actor succeeded.

After the release of The Golden Calf, the directors flooded Zinovy ​​Gerdt with offers. The actor did not spare himself film set, suffered a heart attack there. But after illness, the actor again took up what he loved.

Zinovy ​​Gerdt starred in the films “A Year Like Life”, “City of Masters”, “Seven Nannies”, “Stove-Benches”, “Taimyr is Calling You”, “Practice”, “Nightingale”, “Straw Hat”, “12 Chairs” , “The meeting place cannot be changed”, “Interdevochka”.

In 1959, Gerdt was awarded the title "Honored Artist of the RSFSR", ten years later Gerdt received the title "People's Artist of the RSFSR", and in 1990 he became People's Artist of the USSR.

A television

On television, Zinovy ​​Gerdt hosted the program “Kinopanorama” from 1962 to 1966. Due to an inconvenient schedule, the artist left the TV show, Zinovy ​​Efimovich was replaced by Alexey Kapler.

In the 1990s, Gerdt was the host of the “Tea Club” program on TV-6, and participated in the capital show “Field of Miracles” with. On December 29, 1994, he starred in the Rush Hour program.

The last time on television Zinovy ​​Gerdt was seen in the “Tea Club” program on October 21, 1996.

Personal life

Zinovy ​​Efimovich met his first wife Maria while still in the theater studio. In 1945, the couple had a son, Vsevolod, but by that time the couple had already separated. Rumors about the actor’s further personal life vary; Gerdt is credited with many common-law wives; the media wrote either about the terrible or exemplary relationship between the actor and his son. Vsevolod hardly knew his own father, but, as the actor’s colleagues say, Zinovy ​​Gerdt ordered that his entire salary at the Obraztsov Theater be transferred directly to his son’s name.

According to rumors, the actor was married to Ekaterina Semerdzhieva for the next eight years.

Gerdt's second famous marriage happened when the actor was already 44 years old. In the 1960s, Obraztsov's Puppet Theater toured Syria, Egypt, and Lebanon. Gerdt was introduced to Tatyana Pravdina, an Arabic translator. Tatiana had to translate the play “An Extraordinary Concert” into Arabic. This is how Zinovy ​​met his new wife, who was 12 years younger than Gerdt and at first was skeptical about the advances of the lame actor.

After the tour, a romance began between the actor and the translator. At that time, both were not free, but decided to leave their families. According to Tatyana, she became the third official and fifth unofficial wife of the actor. The couple lived happily for 36 years. As Tatyana Pravdina says, Gerdt always felt masculinity- no woman could resist him. There was never suspicion or jealousy in the house, but there were always guests, laughter and goodwill.

Zinovy ​​Efimovich adopted Ekaterina, Tatyana’s daughter from her first marriage. The girl considered only Gerdt as her father, and later took her stepfather’s surname. Ekaterina Gerdt married the director.


Zinovy ​​Efimovich lived for eighty years, the actor was seriously ill at the end of his life - neither his arms nor his legs obeyed Gerdt. The artist knew about the disease, but lived as if none of this existed, even his humor and intelligence remained the same.

On November 18, 1996, Zinovy ​​Gerdt died; the actor’s grave is located at the Kuntsevo cemetery in Moscow.

In 1998, a monument to the artist’s character, Panikovsky, was unveiled in Kyiv. In 2006, a monument was erected in the city of Sebezh to mark the 90th anniversary of Gerdt’s birth. In 2010, the AST publishing house published the book “Knight of Conscience,” written by Zinovy ​​Gerdt.


  • "Magician"
  • "Strange Adults"
  • "Meeting place can not be Changed"
  • "At thirteen o'clock in the morning"
  • "Boys"
  • "Thieves in Law"
  • "Mary Poppins, goodbye!"
  • “The war is over. Forget..."
  • "Inspector"
  • "The Hero of Her Novel"
  • “Anekdotiada, or the History of Odessa in anecdotes”
  • "The Bandit and the King"
  • "The Fabulous Journey of Mr. Bilbo Baggins the Hobbit"
  • "I'll wait for you"
  • “Say a word for the poor hussar”
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