Dzhigarkhanyan accused his first wife Tatyana Vlasova of similar actions. Armen Dzhigarkhanyan: biography, personal life, family, wife, children - photo Theatrical biography of Armen Dzhigarkhanyan

Vitalina Tsimbalyuk-Romanovskaya went abroad with her parents. The woman feared for her life. The actor’s wife is obliged to pay off a number of debts, since loans were issued to her.

30.10.2017 18:22

The wife of the famous director and artist Armen Dzhigarkhanyan Vitalina Tsymbalyuk-Romanovskaya left the country Russian Federation. According to the pianist's father, she decided to leave because she was afraid for her life. He claims that the theater is on the verge of collapse, and she was threatened.

In the program “Andrey Malakhov. Live broadcast” Vitalina’s representative Elina Mazur appeared. She explained the situation.

“It was an emotional decision, and it depended on Vitalina. She stated that she did everything that these people demanded of her. Vitalina quit the theater and agreed to a divorce. As for the division of property, this is impossible, since a loan was received for this apartment,” Mazur noted.

The total debt is about 10 million. Tsymbalyuk-Romanovskaya needed these funds to purchase housing in the capital. The apartment in Moscow is decorated in Vitalina's name.

Vitalina left Russia, but at the same time she left the keys to the apartment on Molodogvardeyskaya. For five years, Dzhigarkhanyan’s wife cannot do anything with the property: neither sell it nor rent it out. According to Mazur, Armen Borisovich made friends who turned him against Vitalina.

In addition, according to those present in the broadcast studio, Vitalina could have been afraid of the recording with hidden cameras, which was made in the theater. The filmmaker discussed the issue of initiating criminal cases. Guests of the program believe that Tsymbalyuk-Romanovskaya acted dishonestly towards the honored artist.

Andrey Malakhov contacted Vitalina via Skype. However, the TV presenter did not disclose where Dzhigarkhanyan’s wife is. She explained that she left because she was tired of the hype surrounding their family scandal.

“I wouldn’t want to be psychologically under this pressure. I decided not to participate in everything for a while,” said Tsymbalyuk-Romanovskaya.

Lawyer Oleg Aleksandrovich Baranov said that there is a high probability of serious violations in the theater. According to him, Vitalina took the right decision, leaving the country. A lawyer who worked with Tatyana Vlasova claims that in 2007, Vitalina received a passport in the Basmanny district of Moscow, where she allegedly bought the document. All transactions were completed using it.

Tsymbalyuk-Romanovskaya tried to justify why she fled the country.

“I am surprised at the awareness of many people about theater decorations and so on. The money was budgetary, and a report was kept for every ruble. My activities were carried out absolutely within the legal framework,” said Vitalina.

It is difficult to find at least one film fan throughout the post-Soviet space who would not be familiar with this name - Armen Dzhigarkhanyan. Even if little is known about the actor himself, his famous roles made up the glory of Soviet cinema.

What comes to mind first? Of course, the leader from the film “The Meeting Place Cannot Be Changed” and the staff captain from “The Elusive Avengers”. But besides this, the actor has a huge number of other roles - not only in films, but also in theaters. What was the fate of the great artist, how old is Armen Borisovich today and what has he managed to do during his long life?

Biography of Armen Dzhigarkhanyan

He can be proud of his great fellow countryman - after all, Armen Borisovich Dzhigarkhanyan is from Armenians, his mother was from Tbilisi. He was born in Yerevan on October 3, 1935. The family had two children; he turned out to be the second child of his parents after his daughter. Unfortunately, strong family It didn’t work out - when the son was in infancy, the father left, leaving the mother to raise the children alone. As he later recalled, Armen saw his own father for the first time, already as an adult.

However, the mother, Elena Vasilievna, did not give up. She quickly got married a second time, so the children called their stepfather their father. Often in such situations, men who come to the family in this way do not find mutual understanding with their wife’s children. But here everything happened differently.

Armen liked his stepfather, and friendly and even family relations were immediately created between them. Therefore, the boy, as expected, received a male upbringing. In the future, in all interviews, he spoke about his stepfather exclusively warmly and respectfully.

The family was intelligent. My mother loved the theater and tried not to miss a single performance; she attended and dramatic performances, operas. It was she who instilled in her son an interest in the theater, for which he remained forever grateful to Elena Vasilievna. After all, she was not only a theatergoer herself, but she also brought her son to performances.

In such an atmosphere, the young man could not help but become interested in the world of theater. He was helped in many ways by the fact that from childhood he was influenced not only by national, but also by Russian culture. I went to a Russian-language school and read the works of Russian classics with great interest. Studying literature and visiting theatrical productions helped him with early years get into the spirit of the internal culture that distinguishes great actors and talented people.

The question of choosing a profession did not arise before him. He knew for sure that he would be an actor, so after graduating from school in 1952, he immediately went to Moscow, hoping to enter GITIS. However, disappointment awaited him here. Despite the fact that already in his youth he had a textured appearance, admissions committee I failed. The teachers firmly stated that it would be almost impossible to correct the guy’s Armenian accent, and hinted that actor career- this is not what he should choose in life.

However, Dzhigarkhanyan thought differently. He returned to Yerevan and without much difficulty became an assistant cameraman at the Armenfilm film studio. This experience was useful to Armen Borisovich in the future. He got the opportunity to see acting and filmmaking life from the inside, and made acquaintances. All this helped him enter the Yerevan Art and Theater Institute two years later.

Initially, I took the course of theater director Vartan Ajemyan. However, he soon switched to another course, under the guidance of Armen Gulakyan, an actor, director and playwright who made a significant contribution to Armenian culture.

He graduated from the institute in 1958, by that time he was already a theater actor, first appearing on stage in the play “Ivan Rybnikov”, which was staged on the stage of the Yerevan Russian drama theater.

Creative path in theater and cinema

You can talk a lot about Armen Dzhigarkhanyan and the roles he played in films. However, we must not forget that, first of all, it took place as theater actor. According to him, he received incredible pleasure every time he went on stage. And his roles were very different, since he turned out to be a versatile actor. He could play both dramatic and comedic roles with equal success.

Moreover, in his creative baggage there are both central and episodic images. During the ten years that he served at the Yerevan Theater, young Armen managed to play at least 30 different roles. He was involved in such plays as “At the Depths”, “The Thunderstorm”, “Irkutsk Story”.

Thus, he was equally in demand in both modern and classical productions. Moreover, he even managed to play Lenin in the play “In the Name of the Revolution.” While working in national theater Armen Borisovich never heard any reproaches addressed to him regarding his accent, but still worked to eliminate it. Therefore, his speech, as a Russian-speaking actor, was quite clear and pure when in 1967 he was noticed at one of the performances by the famous Soviet director Anatoly Efros.

At that time, he played not only in the theater, but also tried himself in cinema. Talented actor with his bright appearance, he was popular with the audience, and film directors gradually began to invite him. By the time he met Efros, he had already starred in the films “Collapse,” “At Dawn,” and “The Waters Rise.”

However, real success came to him after the film “Hello, it’s me!”, where the actor got the role of a talented physicist. Dzhigarkhanyan played this role masterfully, managing to convey the full range of emotions and demonstrating his acting skills. Today, probably only he himself and some film experts remember Armen Borisovich’s first film roles. But this film remained in the memory of the audience. Therefore, many believe that this film was their first experience in cinema.

And in 1967 he starred in another film - “Triangle”. This film also enjoyed great success. For his role as a blacksmith, Usta Mukucha received State Prize Republic of Armenia. This alone indicates that the actor’s skill was recognized by film critics and millions of viewers. By the way, the actor himself still considers this role one of the best in his career and is very proud of it.

Work in Moscow theaters

Anatoly Efros appreciated the talent young actor and invited him to move from Yerevan to Moscow. Thus Dzhigarkhanyan’s dream came true. At the invitation of this famous director, he came to the capital and entered the Moscow Theater. Lenin Komsomol. The actor had high hopes for cooperation with such a famous director, but everything turned out differently.

He was able to take part in only one of his productions at the Moscow Lenin Komsomol Theater - he played the role of Moliere in the production of “The Cabal of the Saints.” Then a misfortune happened for the entire theater troupe - Efros was suspended from work and lost the right to direct the theater.

Armen continued to participate in productions under the direction of another artistic director and was even involved in several major roles at once. However, working here no longer brought him the same moral satisfaction as at the very beginning, when the theater was directed by Anatoly Efros.

Apparently, it was for this reason that Dzhigarkhanyan eagerly accepted the offer of Andrei Goncharov, who at that time headed the Moscow academic theater them. Vl. Mayakovsky. He moved to this theater in 1969 and served here for several decades, until 1996.

One of his first roles on new stage became the image of Levinson in the production of “Destruction” based on the work of A. Fadeev. Then the director, starting work on the play A Streetcar Named Desire, offered the actor the role of Stanley Kowalski. He gladly took on the task of bringing it to life contradictory image– first of all, because until then I had played mostly positive heroes. With this image, which turned out to have a lot negative traits, the actor did an excellent job, which critics and the Moscow theater audience were quick to point out.

Among the most notable roles played on the stage of the Moscow Theater. Vladimir Mayakovsky, we can list:

  • Stanley Kowalski (“A Streetcar Named Desire”);
  • Socrates (“Conversations with Socrates”);
  • Khludov (“Running”);
  • Nero (“Theater of the Times of Nero and Seneca”);
  • Nelson (“Victoria?”);
  • Mendel Creek ("Sunset").

In 1996 he left the Mayakovsky Theater, but did not intend to end his career. theater career. So, he took part in one of the productions of the Moscow Theater Studio under the direction of Oleg Tabakov.

Armen Borisovich was interested in gaining not only acting, but also directing experience. At that time, he was already engaged in professorial activities, teaching a course in acting at VGIK (where he worked in 1989-1987). Therefore, when he decided to create his own theater, he began to recruit a troupe from among his own institute students.

Working on stage under his direction was considered prestigious among young actors. And in 1996, the Moscow Drama Theater of Armen Dzhigarkhanyan appeared, whose productions immediately became very popular among the capital’s theatergoers. Initially, the theater had a different name – “Theater “D””, but quite quickly received its modern name.

He managed not only to create a team of like-minded people, but also helped in the formation of many actors whose names are well-known today. Among them are Andrey Merzlikin, Alexander Bukharov, Elena Ksenofontova, Alexey Shevchenkov. The theater performs both classical and modern plays, and the audience is really looking forward to each new production. Some of the most famous performances included in the repertoire of his theater include:

  • "Inspector";
  • "Crazy Day, or The Marriage of Figaro";
  • "The Thousand and One Nights of Scheherazade";
  • "Don Juan, or the Stone Guest";
  • "Ugly duck";
  • "Romeo and Juliet";
  • "Three sisters";
  • "Pygmalion".

From this list alone it becomes clear that the main direction of the selection of plays is still close to the classical one. However, Dzhigarkhanyan himself, being a supporter different styles, strives to bring as many different productions to the stage as possible. Among them there are many modern ones - here not only dramatic works, but also comic plays.

Films and roles of Armen Borisovich

The actor became famous as a performer of cinematic roles in the 70s. And today he is one of the most sought-after film actors. Almost all the roles he played in many films became noticeable.

At the same time, the actor did not always embody positive images. On the contrary, most of his most famous images in cinema turned out to be either negative or comic. However, there is also goodies, played by him, which were immediately remembered by the audience.

Perhaps his most famous film role is the leader of the gang, Karp, in the film “The Meeting Place Cannot Be Changed.” For some reason, this is the image that comes to mind for most people discussing the actor’s work. And he himself appreciates this film, saying that it was made extremely successfully, thanks to the confluence of several factors - professional directorial work, interesting scenario, general adherence to the genre, excellent casting.

However, he speaks condescendingly about the role of Hunchback, since, according to him, playing the leader was not very interesting to him. However, it is worth looking at the photo where Dzhigarkhanyan appears in the image of Karp to make sure that he is very expressive in this role.

The actor created a completely different image in the film “Hello, I’m your aunt!” Comical, a little ridiculous and trying to seem formidable, Judge Kriegs aroused the brightest sympathy of the audience. Much more profound and even tragic in its own way is the image of Staff Captain Ovechkin from the Elusive Avengers film series, although he brought a touch of the same comedy to this role.

In his creative baggage there are also completely different roles - for example, the Kiev Metropolitan Theopempt in the film “Yaroslavna, Queen of France”, the landowner Lezhnev (“Rudin”), Commissioner Maigret (“Maigret at the Minister”). It is impossible to list all the films in which the actor starred, since Armen Dzhigarkhanyan’s filmography includes more than 200 titles. It is not for nothing that this outstanding artist is included in the Guinness Book of Records; he managed to beat many of the most famous foreign actors in terms of the number of roles.

Researchers of this man’s work say that his success is due not only to his talent, but also to his unique appearance. In his films, A. Boriosvich equally vividly played people of the most different nationalities– Russians, Jews, Armenians, Georgians, Italians... In every role he is extremely expressive, which is why any of his appearances on the screen are sure to be remembered.

In addition, he has one great quality - he knows how not to repeat himself. Therefore, each new image he embodies remains individual. Moreover, the actor also turned out to be a good singer, and Armen Dzhigarkhanyan’s songs from films different years are popular among music lovers.

Personal life of the actor, his wife and children

Today, Armen Borisovich does not have his own website. Therefore, fans of the actor are forced to look for information about his work from numerous third-party sources. Including, many are interested not only in the roles played, but also in the personal life of the actor, especially when it became known that Dzhigarkhanyan, being no longer a young man, got married again.

The actor visited the registry office three times in his life. Armen Dzhigarkhanyan's first wife was Alla Vannovskaya. They met while he was still working in Yerevan. His wife, like him, served at the Yerevan Drama Theater.

The couple lived together for several years, after which it turned out that Alla Yuryevna had mental health problems. Unable to cope with his wife’s unmotivated aggression, he was forced to break up with her. However, from this marriage the actor had a daughter, Elena, whom he loved very much. Unfortunately, a tragedy occurred. In 1987, a girl fell asleep in a car with the engine running. The car was in a closed garage, and Lena suffocated. Apart from his daughter, Armen Borisovich had no more children of his own.

The actor's second marriage turned out to be more successful. He also met his wife Tatyana Vlasova in Yerevan shortly before he decided to move to Moscow. According to his recollections, their relationship might not have worked out if Tatyana herself had not confessed her love. Their wedding took place after he began working in Moscow.

Tatyana Sergeevna had a son from her first marriage, Stepan. The actor in some ways repeated the path of his own stepfather - he also accepted the boy as his own and raised him. They still have a very good relationship with their son a good relationship, despite the fact that he and his wife are after for long years marriage ended.

In 1999, Dzhigarkhanyan received an American green card and with it the opportunity to live in the United States. However, he could not quit his job in Moscow, so he was forced to live in two houses. He either spent time in Russia or went to Garland, Texas, where he had a house, donated by one of his talent’s admirers. During this period, the wife got a job as a Russian language teacher in Dallas. These travels and constant separations caused a cooling of marital feelings, and in 2015 the couple officially divorced.

However personal life Armen Dzhigarkhanyan recently began to be widely covered in the media again. The fact is that in 2016 the actor entered into a third marriage. His chosen one turned out to be the musical director of the theater Vitalina Tsymbalyuk-Romanovskaya. The age difference between the spouses is significant - 47 years.

However, this does not bother the actor; together with his young wife they often appear on the pages of various publications and television screens. Some time ago, the media discussed a scandal in a theater troupe - the artists were dissatisfied with the fact that he allegedly unfairly transferred too many leadership functions to his wife, which only caused the theater’s activities to suffer.

However, apparently, he is happy in his new marriage. The actor admits that he loves life in all its manifestations and is always happy new job. Today he is over 80 years old, but Armen Dzhigarkhanyan is still in action, the public loves him and greets him with delight every time.

What a confusing story this is with the last two wives of Armen Dzhigarkhanyan, at 82 years old he is still a heroic lover and the whole country is gossiping about his once beloved women. I read an interview with his second wife, Tatyana Vlasova, and his third, Vitalina Tsymbalyuk, and listened to Armen Dzhigarkhanyan himself. Of course, all these throwings of Armen Dzhigarkhanyan are not entirely clear to the average sane man in the street, but let’s still try to understand the ups and downs of the life of the People’s Artist of the USSR.

Armen Borisovich lived with Tatyana Vlasova for almost half a century, but in the end he realized that she was not at all the woman of his dreams, and began to feel lonely, unloved and unwanted next to her. Although something brought them together, somehow they lived a long, interesting life, full of not only difficult trials, they reached gray hair and wrinkles hand in hand, they were once young, full of strength, but now both are practically weak, each of them has its own bouquet of illnesses, although she is still of sound mind, but he is no longer in a completely adequate state.

Armen Dzhigarkhanyan was drawn to young blood, and it is understandable, the story is as old as time, no matter how good the wife who is starting to grow old is, sooner or later the man will have a midlife crisis and he will begin to look to the left, he will want to fall in love again, because then they will no longer be accepted as if it were a matter of course, they will woo him, they will begin to blow on his ass with pink, tender lips, and fulfill all his desires. I don’t believe at all that if a man is going to the left, then he can be stopped from this act for a long time, it’s like life on a sleeping volcano, your beloved pensioner will get offended at you and will immediately start scouring his eyes around in search of the perfect woman, who has no cellulite, who is fresh and well-groomed, who always has time for you. After all, men are difficult to please; they spend half their lives adjusting their legal wives to suit themselves, and then they begin to understand that, after all, everything about them is not right, but not like that.

Tatyana Vlasova said that Armen Dzhigarkhanyan never confessed his love to her, it’s not in his character: sentiments, flowers, gifts, it’s all not about him, well, since it happened like this with them, it means she accepted his rules of the game, but that’s all because she loved. Many people are surprised how Tatyana Vlasova came up with this idea - she left her husband and went to live in America! But excuse me, Armen Dzhigarkhanyan himself insisted that his wife go overseas to settle them family nest, I wanted to live out my old age there, but try to cross him, I bought a house there myself, I sincerely believed that I would live in a foreign land. I also immediately decided that Armen Dzhigarkhanyan’s wife rushed there and practically didn’t see her husband, but this is not so, he spent every summer there for probably ten years, she also constantly flew to him for 2-3 months, maybe to say that husband and wife lived in two countries.

But at the same time, Armen Dzhigarkhanyan played tricks with the young Vitalina Tsymbalyuk, well, of course, she showed him so much attention, surrounded the already faded artist with care, he had never seen anything like this. How to charm an older man? You need to look into his mouth, instantly respond to all his requests and needs, he wanted some tea - he immediately brought it to him, his legs were frozen, he wrapped him in a warm blanket, he wanted to be alone - he evaporated and did not buzz, he offended him - pretend that you are guilty, lower your eyes to the floor and say that you will never do that again, let him spank bad girl on the elastic butt.

Vitalina Tsymbalyuk long years she lived according to the rules of Armen Dzhigarkhanyan, became his shadow, but her plans did not include depersonalizing herself forever. Gradually, her power over him grew, Armen Dzhigarkhanyan became a person dependent on her, they quickly get used to good things.

Did Vitalina Tsymbalyuk love Armen Dzhigarkhanyan? The people agreed that most likely not, she simply had her own selfish interests and goals. It would be one thing if this promising pianist were nearby, would devote herself entirely to him, and would not climb into the chair of the director of the Moscow Drama Theater. But Vitalina Tsymbalyuk took everything into her own hands, some intrigues, showdowns, retroactive dismissal of famous artists and other personnel. Something shady was going on in that theater. And Armen Dzhigarkhanyan himself is already getting old, he can no longer give out anything sensible, his recent interviews are very confused, his speech is slurred, his thoughts are incoherent. What kind of performances should he stage? Who, besides his ex-wife, who knew him in his best young years, can love him sincerely? Even without the desire to ride and slobber on? It's time for respected Armen Borisovich to take a well-deserved rest.

About Tatyana Vlasova - the previous wife of Armen Dzhigarkhanyan, I was not at first better opinion, but then I watched an interview with her, a very pleasant, intelligent woman, she doesn’t get hysterical, doesn’t spawn, doesn’t sprinkle ashes on her hair, doesn’t speak badly about her ex. Well, yes, she lived comfortably, but was that her fault? She married Armen Dzhigarkhanyan when he was not yet so famous and wealthy, and fell in love with him young and full of strength.

By the way, Tatyana Vlasova was very beautiful in her youth and even at seventy-four years old she looks very dignified, although she has gained weight, she has long lost her figure, but her face is beautiful. Her speech and manner of communication are simply mesmerizing, so I looked at Dzhigarkhanyan’s ex-wife and understood why he loved her for so many years.

But in his old age, Armen Dzhigarkhanyan warmed “Tsambalina” on his chest. Did Vitalina Tsambalyuk really stumble or did the People's Artist of the USSR fall into insanity? It seems to me that it’s both. For so many years he did not notice what this Vitalina was doing, her intrigues behind his back were allegedly unknown to him. He saw everything, it’s just that men, when they are in love, are ready for any meanness towards dissidents, Armen Dzhigarkhanyan is not the first such person. It is possible that one day he simply realized that Vitalina Tsymbalyuk was going too far and decided to teach her a lesson, waited until she reached the peak of her desires and then he decided to throw her from heaven to earth. At the same time, he lost almost everything, but on the other hand, how much does he need at his 83 years old? Last years Armen Dzhigarkhanyan has become a laughing stock, it’s unfortunate, but true, all these photos of him with Vitalina Tsymbalyuk evoke the most unpleasant feelings. He is 83, and she is 37, she supposedly loves him since she was 16 years old. But I don’t believe it!

Well, now I suggest you look at all these photos, in them you will see the young, youthful Armen Dzhigarkhanyan, his wife Tatyana Vlasova in her youth and old age, the intriguer Vitalina Tsymbalyuk-Romanovskaya in all her glory.

In this photo, young Tatyana Vlasova.

Pay attention to these photos, Vitalina Tsymbalyuk believes that she is very similar to Marilyn Monroe, she has this actress on her T-shirt.

In this photo you see Armen Dzhigarkhanyan, his wife Tatyana Vlasova and their common favorite - the cat Phil, this fluffy lived for 18 years, the People's Artist considered him the closest creature on the planet.

In the photo is Armen Borisovich with his ex-wife Tatyana and her own son Stepan.

Young Tsymbalyuk.

In this photo is Dzhigarkhanyan's father.

Photo: Dmitry Serebryakov/TASS, Victor Velikzhanin and Lyudmila Pakhomova/TASS

Armen was born in Yerevan. Besides him, his parents also had eldest daughter. When the boy was very young, Dzhigarkhanyan’s father left the family. The upbringing was taken over by my mother, who, however, soon got married.

When the future actor turned six, the war began. With sadness, he recalls that, having survived those four years, he could never again fully enjoy holidays and gifts. Too bitter news accompanied these joyful events.

But during the war years and the post-war period there was an outlet for the Dzhigarkhanyan family - the theater. My mother’s passion for this art was inherited by Armen. Already in adolescence he knew that he would connect his fate with the acting profession.

Dzhigarkhanyan studied at a Russian-language school, and the environment formed around him was also mostly Russian. He studied languages, Armenian and Russian, equally. Therefore, a trip to the capital of the USSR after graduating from school did not frighten him - he was confident in his abilities.

At GITIS, where Armen Borisovich decided to enroll, the young man’s talent was appreciated, but they were afraid they wouldn’t be able to cope with his bright Caucasian accent. Due to a poorly delivered Russian speech, the young man did not pass the competition and was forced to return home.

However, the young man was still drawn to this area. At home, in order not to waste a year, he got a job at the Armenfilm film company as an assistant cameraman. This was his first experience working in films, and also - whole year to improve the language.


film "Hello, it's me!" (1965)

On next year the man entered the Yerevan Art and Theater Institute, the acting department. Already in his second year, he began to be offered roles in the Yerevan Russian Drama Theater, and upon graduation, he became one of the most sought-after actors.

Over the next nine years, he would be included in almost thirty new productions of this theater, and in 1967, Armen Dzhigarkhanyan again went to the capital - this time by invitation legendary Anatoly Efros will work at Lenkom until his departure from the post of artistic director.

Moscow helped the actor not only in creative self-realization. There he forgot his first, unhappy marriage.


film "Crown" Russian Empire or Elusive Again" (1970−1971)

The actor’s first wife was his colleague at the Yerevan Russian Theater Alla Vannovskaya. The love story developed very romantically: the lovers met, confessed their feelings to each other, got married...

A charming daughter of young artists was born, named Elena in honor of Armen Borisovich’s mother. But Alla suddenly discovered a dangerous incurable psychological disease.

At first, Armen was condescending towards her sudden attack of jealousy. After all, indeed, he is a prominent man, there are legends about Dzhigarkhanyan’s charm, it is no wonder that his beloved is jealous.

Then the attacks became more frequent and brighter, which made the man worry. The marriage had to end when Alla, for no apparent reason, began to throw herself at her husband with her fists, inventing a lot of it for herself. love stories, of which there was no trace and turning family quarrels into endless hysterical scandals.

The woman herself understood that something was wrong with her and, turning to specialists, she found out that she was suffering from a certain pathology. The marriage broke up, the man took his daughter for himself. But another tragedy awaited Armen Borisovich. In two decades, when Lenochka turns 23, she will fall asleep in a car with the engine running and will never wake up.


film "Men" (1972)

Dzhigarkhanyan met his second wife, Tatyana Vlasova, when he was getting ready to leave for Moscow. The woman on the contrary had just moved from Russia to Yerevan and, in love with the temperamental and talented Armen Borisovich, fell into despair only when she thought that she would have to part with her beloved.

Unable to bear the sad thoughts, she herself confessed her love to the man, talking about strong and tender feelings, giving him the opportunity to do as he pleases. Armen Borisovich by that time was in love with a girl, but did not want to fool his head - the capital was waiting for him.

And then, after her confession, it turned out that the feelings were mutual! Tatyana again had to change her place of residence - Dzhigarkhanyan took her to Moscow. Lived friendly family: Tanya adopted Lenochka, Armen adopted Tatyana’s son from her first marriage, Stepan.

The career of the charismatic actor was going uphill. Over and over again he was invited to filming, they began to recognize him on the street, they gave positive reviews. In the mid-80s, Armen Borisovich was lucky to receive a housing quota in the USA.

The actor’s wife really liked it in America, but here he is for a long time lived in two houses. I couldn’t give up my activities in Russia, especially since over time I became not only famous actor, but also an excellent teacher.

Officially, they lived together for almost forty years, but Dzhigarkhanyan never hid the fact that for the last six years he had not communicated with ex-wife, and feelings began to fade even earlier. He decided to pursue a divorce only in 2015, when there was a good reason for this.


IN theatrical circles They don’t hide: they have been talking about the romance of the director of Theater “D” - the theater Armen Dzhigarkhanyan, and the musical director of the same theater Vitalina Tsymbalyuk-Romanovskaya for a long time. Gossips attribute to them a fifteen-year-long affair, while the actors themselves give a lower figure.

Under what circumstances did such a resonant relationship begin (Vitalina younger than spouse for 47 years!), unknown. But one fine day, Armen proposed to the girl, as soon as he announced his official divorce, and she accepted him.

The wedding took place in 2016 in the narrowest circle, allowing only the closest friends from the press into the registry office. The date was specially set for the middle of the week so that fans would not stare at the star couple.

In her interview, the girl recalls how they tried to hide the relationship: only a narrow circle of Armen Borisovich’s friends knew. But one day Dzhigarkhanyan fell ill, consulted with an academician he knew and was immediately taken to the hospital.

At night he felt uneasy and, calling Vitalina, he admitted that he would feel calmer if his beloved were nearby. To enter the clinic at night, you needed permission from the academician himself. This is where I had to confess. He first gave the girl a beating - they say it’s not right for fans to interfere with the artist’s recovery, but, understanding the situation, he agreed to let Vitalina see Armen.

Now Armen Borisovich does not act in films, has stopped acting on stage, and has given the reins of the theater management to his wife. But he keeps a close eye on theatrical life, and also smiles at the gossip in the media: either everyone is discussing his marriage, or predicting an early pregnancy for Vitalina. Well, we'll wait and see...

Aw! Train Robbery (1991)

Prince Luck Andreevich (1989)

The end of the world followed by a symposium (1986−1987)

Armen Borisovich Dzhigarkhanyan was born in Yerevan on October 3, 1935. Armen was not even a year old when his father left the family and the boy remained with his mother, Elena Vasilievna. Later, his stepfather took up raising the child, with whom the boy developed the warmest relationship. Armen grew up in a Russian-speaking environment, studied at a Russian school and learned the basics of Armenian and Russian culture with equal diligence.

Like many brilliant figures, the fate of Armen Dzhigarkhanyan was not always successful. The first marriage with the actress of the Yerevan Russian Drama Theater Alla Vannovskaya ended in tragedy - after the birth of her daughter Elena, named after Armen’s mother, it turned out that the actor’s wife was suffering from an incurable mental illness. The actor, unable to withstand the terrible attacks during which the young woman, in a fit of jealousy, attacked her husband with her fists, was forced to file for divorce and take his daughter.

In 1987, the actor suffered another blow of fate: his 23-year-old daughter Elena died after falling asleep in a car with the engine running. Armen Borisovich entered into a second marriage with actress Tatyana Vlasova, whom he met shortly after breaking up with his first wife. According to Dzhigarkhanyan, the wedding took place so unexpectedly for both that they didn’t even have time to buy rings for the upcoming ceremony, and Armen put his grandmother’s wedding ring, which he inherited, on Tatyana’s finger.

In 1999, Armen Borisovich received a US residence permit under the quota for outstanding artists and began to live “in two houses,” staying in his mansion in America for several months a year with his wife. Circumstances developed in such a way that Tatyana chose to stay on another continent forever, and Armen spent most of his time in Russia. For the last 6 years of their forty-year relationship, the spouses practically did not communicate. In 2015, Dzhigarkhanyan announced the official end of his second marriage. Tatyana remained to live and work in the USA, getting a job as a Russian language teacher at the University of Dallas. The couple did not have children together, but at one time Armen Borisovich adopted Tatiana’s son from his first marriage, Stepan.

In one of the interviews, Armen said that the latter great love actor - Siamese cat Phil ( full name- Philosopher). Unfortunately, he passed away in 2006. In recent years, the pet lived in America with Tatyana, and every conversation between Dzhigarkhanyan and his wife began with the phrase: “How is Phil?”

At the beginning of 2015, everyone was struck by the news about the romance between Armen Dzhigarkhanyan and Vitalina Tsymbalyuk-Romanovskaya, music director Moscow Drama Theatre. Many were shocked by the significant age difference: the girl turned out to be 47 years younger than the theater master. In February 2016, Armen and Vitalina formalized their relationship. Well, we all know what happened next...

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