Numerological horoscope by date of birth. Numerological horoscope from Arina Evdokimova, spiritual consultant, psychologist, Vedic astrologer

We are all reasonable people, so we understand that the horoscope represents information that you simply need to take into account, comparing it with reality. Every person is the builder of his own happiness. Knowing what dangers lie in wait along the way, you can correct a lot, prevent and prevent them. The most will help with this accurate horoscope for 2018. You can find out the forecast by zodiac sign and year of birth.

Forecasts for everyone

New Year- reign time Yellow Dog. On the night from the fifteenth to the sixteenth of February, she will ascend to the throne and will rule for a whole year, protecting our well-being. Get to work on previously planned tasks, put things in order in your life after an impulsive, busy year. Already in the spring you can make a profit financially - hard work and perseverance will bear fruit. Persistent people will receive promotions and encouragement.

The selfless, generous Yellow Dog does not strive for fame. Her goal is to be there, to love, to help, to protect. The Mistress of the Year welcomes such qualities as honesty, friendliness, dedication, and devotion. She will not tolerate hypocrisy, deceit, and meanness. If someone decides to carry out a fraudulent scheme in the New Year, beware: the Dog will do everything to prevent you from achieving your plans, but will also punish you and ruin your life for the entire year of its reign.

You should be creative in implementing your plans for the New Year. It is enough to show your imagination, and you can achieve what you want. The Yellow Dog loves intelligent people. She herself is hardworking and active, which is what she demands from us. It will definitely help everyone who believes in success.

The most accurate horoscope for 2018 does not promise health problems for representatives of all zodiac signs. According to forecasts, even those who have been ill will experience serious and effective changes in their better side. Accurate predictions by year of birth await you ahead. Yellow Dog loves to travel. In 2018, you can travel all over the world, find new friends, and get a lot of impressions.

Everything will be fine in love. Mutual understanding reigns in families. Those who dream of meeting their soulmate will be able to make their dreams come true.

There are plenty of wedding ceremonies in the New Year. The most accurate horoscope for 2018 according to year of birth foreshadows a long and friendly union for those who start a family in the year of the Dog. For those who will be born during the reign of the Yellow Dog, representatives of all zodiac signs, the mistress of the year will give good health, high intelligence and a cheerful disposition. So, if you plan to conceive a baby in the New Year, this is a favorable period for such an event.

New Year - best time for communication, new friends. Friendliness and positivity are what you need to stock up on for the entire period of the reign of the affectionate ruler. The New Year will bring you happiness and love, blessings if you follow the important rules:

  1. You can't quarrel over trifles.
  2. You need to trust people.
  3. Any issues should be approached with diplomacy and patience.

By following these rules, everyone can come under the protection of the Dog, and he will make your life carefree.

Horoscope for women and men according to zodiac signs

In the new year 2018, everything will have to be controlled by the wise, morally balanced Dog. The most accurate horoscope for this year according to your zodiac signs advises you to become calmer and wiser. Regardless of who you are by year of birth, you need to be honest, straightforward, for the sake of a comfortable existence it is important to work with dignity.

  1. Aries will discover a lot of tempting prospects in the New Year. They will carefully analyze their actions, which will lead to incredible success. Your career will skyrocket. Large financial risk- taboo. Get rich quick schemes are not relevant in the New Year. A productive and calm year if you are serious in business and sincere in the area of ​​personal affection.
  2. Taurus will have to rethink many life principles. You will choose the right direction of development later life. Family and career will be of great importance, although it is unlikely that it will be possible to combine personal life and work. Therefore, you will have to choose what would be preferable for you - spending more time with your family or devoting yourself entirely to work.
  3. It won't be easy for Gemini in the New Year. They will have to change a lot in their attitude towards professional duty. They will begin to take their professional duties seriously, which will change their lives for the better very soon. Social prestige and authority will rise, and incomes will begin to grow.
  4. Cancer will find it difficult to cope with overly expressive moods. Life will be in full swing around you, and Cancers will infect everyone they come into contact with with their energy. New Year for them is the time when it becomes possible to realize their fresh ideas and projects. Thanks to sports and a balanced diet, it will be possible to prevent weakening of the immune system.
  5. Leo's internal state will change. They will no longer constantly compare themselves and their circle of more successful acquaintances. In the New Year, they will be calm about themselves and minor imperfections. The period of self-criticism will end, the time of wisdom and self-confidence will begin. A new chapter in life begins, filled with inexhaustible positivity.
  6. Calmness and sanity will always accompany Virgos. No big troubles are expected in career and financial terms. A lot depends on composure here. When coming to work, it is better to forget about personal problems and worries and fully tune in to work. For morally strong Virgos, promotion is likely. It is important to separate your career and personal life. The time when we will have to look for ways to restore moral balance.
  7. Libra will feel cold and uncomfortable morally in the Year of the Dog. In the New Year they will grow up, become more collected and serious, and more independent. Single projects will bring success. But special concentration is required here. A successful year for entrepreneurs and representatives of creative professions.
  8. For Scorpios, the Year of the Dog is a turning point and fateful one. Time to bring career success closer. Opportunities for self-development appear. You can make a springboard for an ideal future.
  9. Sagittarius in the New Year will be more restrained, strict, even selfish. They will be able to achieve career success and build personal happiness. Sagittarius will understand that they will do as they decide without listening to the opinions of others.
  10. Capricorns in the year of the Dog will become more sociable. A good time for this. Many wishes will come true. It is important to be diligent and hardworking. This will help you climb career ladder. A new hobby related to creativity will appear. The vacation promises to be bright and full of the most incredible emotions and impressions. You will be able to have quality rest and restore your strength.
  11. The Year of the Dog for Aquarius will fly by unnoticed, easily and carefree. This is the brightest and simplest period of life. You will be able to find the long-awaited emotional balance. Success in your career awaits you, rapid growth financially.
  12. A calm year for Pisces. In personal relationships, in work - everything is without any special changes, but no problems are foreseen. All worries and worries will remain in the past. A time of peace is coming.

Predictions based on the year a person was born

  1. For those born in the year of the Rat, the year is not particularly pleasant and stressful. There is every chance to overcome obstacles on the way to achieving your goals and avoid problems. The main thing is to treat everything philosophically. By taking care of yourself and devoting a lot of time to solving important matters, you can achieve harmony. This is not the best year to be seduced by passionate love affairs.
  2. For people born in the year of the Ox, the most accurate horoscope for 2018 according to the year of birth promises a favorable period during the reign of the Earth Dog. She is very favorable towards all zodiac signs born this year. The time when troubles will go away, clearing the way for love and joys. There will be an opportunity to see many new, interesting places.
  3. Fate will protect those born in the year of the Tiger all year. Happiness and success await them. You will be able to achieve your plans. In the New Year, you need to pay as much attention as possible to your family.
  4. The year will also be pleasant for those born in the year of the Cat. No obvious changes are expected, but there will be no disappointments either. Profits await the cats. You will need to devote as much time as possible to work matters. Luck will accompany you in everything.
  5. Difficult times are coming for the Dragon. Difficulties will arise in different areas. By moving to a new place, the tension will ease. At the very beginning of the new year, the most accurate horoscope by year of birth promises financial difficulties. But starting from the spring of 2018, the Dog will change its anger to mercy and will help all zodiac signs born in the year of the Dragon to receive significant monetary profits. New friends will appear - according to forecasts, everything will be exactly like this.
  6. Snakes will have excellent prospects in the year of the Dog - confidence in deeds and feelings. An excellent period to introduce new ideas. You can make your dreams come true. It is important to beware of petty theft and deception. Health problems are possible, albeit minor ones. Preventive measures will help prevent them. If you have the opportunity to travel, the trip promises to be unforgettable. A great year for active communication and receiving guests. Throw away laziness - the time has come for success, which will not take long to arrive if you are persistent and persistent.
  7. People born in the year of the Horse will experience commercial success. The time is coming favorable for changing your occupation and academic achievements. It is important not to be selfish, to take care not only of yourself, but also of others. This will help attract the attention of important people. In a family, separation from a person close and dear to the heart is possible. There is a possibility of lawsuits and legal proceedings. There will be no health problems, and everything will be fine financially. Workaholics can achieve great success, will enjoy the results of their labors.
  8. It's coming for Goats difficult year when you have to try your best to cope with problems and troubles. Troubling times are coming - in the family and on the love front. This is not the best time to travel to another country. There may be a feeling of loneliness. Pay more attention to your family.

  9. For the Monkey, the period of financial difficulties expected next year will be helped by the ability to put everything in its place. Don't rely on others to help you, you should always have a backup plan. The time is coming when you will see who is a true friend for you, who will help you figure out your mistakes and correct them.
  10. Those born in the year of the Rooster will have a good year. Active Savor. This is a time of travel, exciting travel. Profits will be average in size, but losses will be kept to a minimum. Plans are easily implemented. Secret torments appear in your personal life. Due to mental breakdowns, health problems are possible.
  11. For those born in the year of the Dog, their own year will be calm. Health is in perfect order, worries will not spoil your nerves. The year is favorable for making useful contacts. In the New Year you can improve and develop. Do something you enjoy. Excellent results at work await you.
  12. Those born in the year of the Pig must firmly decide on the feasibility of their projects in the year of the Dog. It's a good idea to consult with professionals. The ability to cope with difficulties will help solve many problems that arise. Problems regarding financial matters and health are excluded.

Don't let others rule over you - this is the motto of the coming year. His lucky number is two, but each of us has our own. It all depends on the date of birth.

Movement and energy will rule the world in the next 12 months. To succeed, you must demonstrate honesty and sincerity. You will need the ability to compromise. It becomes especially relevant family theme. The main priority is preserving home traditions. Devotion to feelings, loyalty, gentle and attentive attitude towards loved ones are qualities that are important to remember. In general, 2018 is energetically changeable and, of course, still unstable. But at the same time, it is the final year of transition from difficulties to renewal. It promises to be easier, more positive and more comfortable compared to the previous one.

How to calculate a number?

Add up the number of the day and month of your birth, add 2 to the result - the date of 2018. If you get a double number, reduce it to a single digit by adding both digits.


Heavenly body: Sun. Colors: golden, orange. Keyword: Start.

For people of the year 1, 2018 becomes the foundation for the next nine years. The period is favorable to leaders, strong personalities, and those who strive to be noticed by everyone. Selfishness and arrogant opinions about others are completely unacceptable. If you are ready to think constructively, the year will bring prospects and lucrative offers. Success is on the side of people who are able to accomplish good deeds. The energy of one can support everyone who relies only on themselves, but at the same time does not devalue the actions of their partners. To achieve your goal, you have to keep your emotions under control, no matter what happens. When starting any project, you need to carefully calculate your strength and plan any actions. And many new proposals and topics are expected, so you will have to learn to prioritize correctly. If we talk about novels, dating in the first six months is unlikely to have a chance for a long-term relationship. The second half of the year is much more suitable for dating and love.

Recipe for success: I make my first endeavors and accept success.


Heavenly body: Moon. Colors: grey, silver, blue. Keyword: expectation.

Two – movement, energy, passion. Everything that you sowed earlier, both good and not so good, begins to bring bonuses in 2018. Therefore, in the first three months there is still an opportunity to analyze events recent years and bring things to the finish line. This is not the best time to move up the career ladder. In order not to ruin your position at work, you should show restraint and tact. Make decisions by trusting your intuition. No matter what happens, learn to be patient and know how to wait. Good luck will smile on those who are used to working in a close-knit team, because the energy of the deuce presupposes close cooperation. Look closely at the situation, pay attention to the smallest details. In personal and love relationships try to keep a balance and always find a compromise. In hopeless situations (unfortunately, there will be many of them), go with the flow. The year will delight those who are patient and delicate, kind and diplomatic. In your desire to start a family or make acquaintances, be especially careful in the spring and at the end of the year.

Recipe for success: no matter what happens, I believe in the best.


Planet: Jupiter. Color: reddish brown with gold. Key word: joy.

Three is the energy of material well-being; it promises the implementation of previously conceived plans. This year, you get what you believe in. If it brings you joy and prosperity, give it to people and you will receive it a hundredfold. For you, 2018 is a time of success and breakthrough in many areas: both business and personal. This is a period for self-expression and creative realization. In every activity it is necessary to look for a reason for joy and enjoyment of beauty. Alternate work and rest wisely - this is the only way to achieve your goal. You should not react too emotionally to some of the failures that are possible in the second half of the year. If you don’t pay attention to mistakes and try to find ways out of an unpleasant situation, then the period will be favorable for purchasing and arranging a new home. The vibration of three as a personal number of the year carries sensuality, passion, and sexuality. Therefore, there will be a temptation to have affairs and flirt. But do not forget that in everything you must observe moderation. Be careful, don’t rush headlong into the pool.

Pledge success: I love life and thank you for every joyful moment.


Planet: Uranus. Colors: emerald, green, khaki. Key word: prudence.

For fours, the time has come to celebrate new beginnings. Everything that was accumulated on the dream shelves, that was not realized, now has a chance to turn into reality. From the very beginning of the year, pleasant surprises await workaholics. And those who believed that they were victims until now will be disappointed. The reward will come to everyone who makes the effort. Taking on challenging activities, being enterprising and proactive can pay handsome dividends. But you shouldn’t forget about rest and health, especially in winter and mid-summer. The year will finally give fulfillment of desires, return lost chances, acquaintances and rehabilitate in the eyes of seemingly lost friends. But for this you should think about personal discipline and action planning. In the second half of the year, you should be careful about spending and investing money. You can only invest in reliable projects. In your personal life, 2018 is unlikely to bring an avalanche of intrigue and passion. Quite the contrary: already existing relationships will be strengthened.

Recipe for success: I use every opportunity, everything works out for me.


Planet: Mercury. Color: blue. Keyword: change.

There is a whiff of change in the air, and everyone around you begins to treat you differently. You should not break off old ties and rush into new relationships, no matter whether it concerns your personal or professional life. Victory awaits those who are not afraid of change. Already at the beginning of the year, it’s worth reconsidering your plans, clearing out your closets, doing some general cleaning, and even changing your hairstyle. Look for bold ideas in everything, this is a direct path to success. Just make sure that your actions do not harm anyone, otherwise conflicts cannot be avoided. Be active, but not fussy, and be vigilant in business. The year, of course, is not without its pitfalls, but it can bring many joyful moments to motivated people. Nevertheless, an important feature of the period is that surprises, alas, are not always pleasant. Therefore, be vigilant and careful. The proverb “God protects those who are careful” could not be more relevant. Overall, 2018 promises to be interesting and eventful. In a love relationship, it is necessary to seek compromises and not give reasons for jealousy.

Recipe for success: I welcome new things and enjoy current events.


Planet: Venus. Color: blue. Key word: responsibility.

Meetings not only with relatives, but also with friends, partners, and classmates become important. And you, if your number is 6, will be the center of communication. The world begins to revolve around you, just have time to turn in all directions of life. And it promises a lot, especially to people who think and are not lazy. This year you should be disciplined about everything: things, your own promises. In order for the period to pass successfully, it is necessary to pay increased attention to loved ones and family. Sunday lunches, dinners, joint walks and trips - all this will come back as bonuses. In 2018, taking care of the home is at the forefront. You, of course, know the expression “Happy is the one who happily devotes his energy to work and his evenings to his family.” It is in the direction of respect for loved ones and partners that all actions should be directed. Providing a reliable rear is the main task for coming year. Then the sharp corners in professional activities will be smoothed out. But the most successful period will be for people in creative and legal professions.

Recipe for success: My home is a calm haven.


Planet: Neptune. Color: violet. Keyword: spirituality.

The time has come for enlightenment and information. There are exciting travels ahead, meeting friends, understanding and discovering new qualities and sensations in yourself. This is a period for inner growth. No matter what you do, you won't be able to jump over your head. Remember, happiness is achieved by those who follow spiritual knowledge. The year is ideal for revising feelings and relationships - this applies to business, intimate, family, friendships and partnerships. Constantly engage in self-analysis, evaluate your every action. Any step now should be carefully considered. You should not show increased business and social activity, since in 2018 it is better not to count on special luck and luck in matters of career growth. It is enough just to calmly and thoughtfully do what you worked on earlier. Stop working on new projects. Don't start a business even if you wanted to run your own business. This is a period of spiritual improvement, searching for one’s purpose and learning to work in a team.

Recipe for success: I find answers to all the questions that concern me.


Planet: Saturn. Colors: lemon, brown. Keyword: well-being.

Eights is waiting big success. The year has come for achieving our goals. The period is favorable for travel, new experiences, gaining knowledge and information. Gain experience, exchange skills with colleagues, communicate with professionals. If you haven’t been able to find a job yet, rest assured that the opportunity to find a vacancy will appear very soon. Just note that inaction will not produce noticeable results. But it’s worth making an effort, and everything will work out. The main thing is not to forget: the law of profit works according to the law of return. The New Year will generously reward many. Financial opportunities will increase, and a friendly atmosphere will be felt in the house. You will have a wonderful relationship with your loved ones trusting relationship. Family will become your stronghold. 2018 is rich in romantic acquaintances for bachelors and unmarried ladies. Single people will have a chance to arrange their personal life. But remember: you should be assertive and active so as not to miss your bird of happiness.

Recipe for success: luck is with me, my prosperity is in my prosperity.


Planet: Mars. Colors: watercolor pastel, mixed paints bright and light tones.

Keyword: completion.

The period of assessment of the events has begun. Nine not only completes your nine-year cycle, but also brings freshness and purification. So get ready to part with the past, especially the one that weighs on you and prevents you from moving forward. Don't hold on to the impossible; perhaps your dreams are not so reasonable. Assess the situation. Get rid of unnecessary things so that you can next year do not enter with the burden of past mistakes and misconceptions. In all endeavors, listen to your intuition. The inner voice will tell you what is right in actions. You should not start projects, move to a new place of residence, or switch to another job. The year is suitable for creative ideas and causes related to charity. Don’t be afraid to share anything – neither knowledge, nor emotions, nor money. Everything you give now will come back multiplied over time. In love relationships, show wisdom and patience. Then the next nine years will be more successful than the year that is ending.

Recipe for success: I accept life with gratitude, I realize myself.

In the new numerological forecast for 2019, you can find out what stage of life you are at now, what its features are, what will go well in the coming 2019, and what you need to be prepared for. After all, according to numerology, every year of a person’s life is part of an evolutionary stage. The 9-year numerological cycle has its own rhythm of development and can be represented in the form of 9 feet:

1st year of the cycle - new beginnings and plans;
2nd year of the cycle - establishing relationships, cooperation;
3rd year of the cycle - creativity, creation;
4th year of the cycle - hard work, realization of opportunities;
5th year of the cycle - changes, new opportunities;
6th year of the cycle - responsibility, ordering of affairs;
7th year of the cycle - awareness of life, one’s position in it;
8th year of the cycle - gaining confidence in what has been achieved;
9th year of the cycle - completion of affairs and preparation for the new cycle.

How to calculate your personal numerology forecast for 2019:

1. In the first cell you must indicate the year for which calculations will be made. (For example, 2019)

2. In the second cell you must indicate the month of your birth.

3. In the third cell you must indicate your birthday.

Horoscope for 2019 – year of number 3

2019 is already upon us. For those who would like to prepare for it as best as possible, we recommend that you find out what numerology has to say on this topic - an ancient science that uses numbers to analyze events that may happen in the life of a person. Numerology claims that each number has its own vibration, carries its own emotional charge, which, in principle, has nothing to do with the numerical value assigned to it.

Numbers help us understand how we can use the universal energy of the universe, outline necessary goals and learn what actions to take to achieve them. Using numerology, you can determine the time most favorable for a particular action. Of course. Numerology is not an exact science, but an occult science, but it is the most accessible, allowing you to easily understand the principle by which cosmic energy is distributed in each specific issue.

To get an accurate prediction, first of all, you should determine the number that controls your own life– your control number. It will help you predict your future.

Let's use numerology to analyze what can await you in 2019 in the main areas of your life, such as professional activities, finances, love and health. But first you have to give general characteristics 2019.

What does the number 3 mean in numerology?

To find out the numerological meaning of the number 2019, you need to add all its numbers in a row: 2+0+1+9=12. We also add the digits of this number to get one digit: 1+2=3. The number 3 will be of decisive importance for the coming year.

Three is the number of the Holy Trinity, this lucky number is a symbol of communication, love of life, generosity. Three is a very dynamic number that does not promise us stagnation and promises change. Number 3 means that this year each of us will be filled with energy and receive the strength necessary to overcome obstacles and fight negative circumstances. Number 3 encourages you to face the problems you have without fear.

Everything seems to be fine. However, the number 3 also has its negative aspects, such as useless fuss and instability. Of course, depending on your own ruling number, the number 3 will have a different impact on the fate of each individual person. But we’ll talk about this a little later, but for now we’ll continue to look at the main characteristics of the coming 2019.

Number 3 predicts that 2019 will be a very dynamic and expansive year. This year you should not be afraid to take risks and go on adventures, especially if it gives you pleasure. However, those people who generally have difficulty making decisions, who are accustomed to weighing and thinking for a long time, may experience certain difficulties. If you consider yourself one of these, for example, you were born under the sign of Libra, you will need to relax, try to be as calm as possible, avoid stressful situations that require immediate action and trust your own intuition more.

The number 3 favors trade, travel and movement. It will give you special eloquence, the potential to persuade and attract others to your side.

In the coming year, it is likely that some scandalous secrets will be exposed, which may cause anxiety and turmoil in society. Number 3 promotes the spread of rumors and gossip, and big role The media can play a role in this.

Numerology 2019

So, as we have already said, 2019 is the year of number 3. Many people are likely to have to face critical situations or certain challenges in their lives this year. Therefore, it will be very important to learn to recognize the pitfalls that may come your way. Yes, this year it will be much easier for you to overcome various problems. However, you need to be careful not to fall into some hidden trap - be prudent and try to detect them in time.

At the same time, unlike 2018 – the year of the number 2 – now you should not be overly cautious or hesitate for a long time. Otherwise you will not be able to succeed. In 2018, you sought partnership and conservation of emotional energy, you were distrustful of many things, and you had to retreat every now and then. In 2018, it was recommended to treat everything with distrust and take care of your protection in a timely manner.

But the energy of 2019 is completely opposite. The time is coming to expand, build and promote new plans. This year you are encouraged to be more sociable, you will have many opportunities to make new acquaintances, and a wide variety of meetings await you. Therefore, for some, the coming year 2019 may seem too fussy. However, this is only at first glance.

Try not to miss opportunities to travel and communicate with new people. If you're still single, end it, come out of the shell you've been in throughout 2018. Now she will only bother you. Leave the house more often, go to museums, cinemas, restaurants, go on a trip to another country. You will have many meetings, but try not to lose your head and not fall into euphoria from your own conquests.

2019 will bring you many different surprises and changes. According to the eastern horoscope, the mistress of the coming year is the yellow earthen pig. People born under this sign tend to get along easily with others and are respected by everyone, but they are modest and self-disciplined. Lucky numbers for this sign are 2, 5,8,18, 28. Unlucky numbers are 1, 7,11, 17, 21,27.

2019 is the year of inspiration and motivation

The coming year will provide you with many opportunities for new experiences that will not only give you pleasure, but also lead to personal growth. However, first of all, you yourself will have to believe in your own strength. This will allow you to cope with your fears, even if some situation turns out to be quite uncertain or you need to take risks.

This year, do something that truly inspires and motivates you. Listen to your own feelings. If something makes you tremble internally with anticipation, if the strings of your soul begin to vibrate with joy and pleasure, follow in that direction. You can't go wrong.

Time to discover a new path

Don't be afraid to start new projects or take on new, untested challenges. In 2019, you will be able to significantly expand your horizons and get new sensations. It is possible that someone will discover something new this year spiritual teaching. This may be due to finding a new religion, a guru, or you will join some kind of community. However, you can start studying a new philosophy on your own, for example, learn and try out some new meditations or rituals.

The most important thing is that this allows you to move forward and leads to your self-development. If you already tried to do something new for yourself in 2018, but you didn’t succeed, don’t be surprised. 2018 had a different, closed energy, which hindered expansion. Give it another try in 2019 and you may be pleasantly surprised.

Sagittarians should be a little more reserved this year. This is an extremely fast and impulsive sign, accustomed to acting depending on their emotions. However, if in 2019 they encounter a manifestation of some kind of authoritarianism, for example, from management, their own parents or government agencies, this will be perceived especially negatively by you and can lead to an explosion and clashes, which, in turn, can have unpleasant consequences. consequences for you. Be careful.

Please note that in 2019 it will be more difficult for you to fulfill your obligations. You will be determined to do something new, move forward, try some new methods in work or relationships. Try to show wisdom and understanding, do not neglect the interests of other people.

If in 2018 it was difficult for you to advance to some new positions because you experienced too many restrictions, now everything will change for the better for you. You may feel as if wings have suddenly grown behind your back, allowing you to soar freely.

If your existing obligations begin to weigh you down and pull you down, try to find a more creative approach to them. Get creative, use your imagination. This will make even the most boring work more enjoyable and joyful.

A period of particularly intense emotions

Strengthening emotions is another characteristic of the number 3. This will especially apply to Scorpios. They are already extremely emotional, and in 2019 they will constantly face situations in which emotions will be in full swing. From the outside it may seem that representatives of this sign themselves are constantly looking for situations in which they can show themselves in all their glory. It is possible that this will indeed be the case - boredom for Scorpios will be unbearable. And what they cannot get in life, they will try to get by watching emotionally stimulating films, reading books or participating in computer game. In general, 2019 will definitely not be boring for you.

Emotions are not always bad. They are often the driving force that allows us to achieve success and make our dreams come true. cherished dreams. Emotions add flavor to our lives, like seasonings in food, but if there are too many of them, the food will be over-salted or over-peppered. Emotions should give us a certain push, but then we need to move on independently. Therefore, you should learn to manage them so as not to become a hostage to the situation.

Love, joy, communication with loved ones, even sadness - you need to learn to make the most of all this, enjoy your feelings, but not let them control you. Even negative emotions can be helpful, but if you feel like you're having too much of them, remember to manage wisely.

It is possible that someone will argue that emotions make our lives more vibrant. And we will not argue with this. However, try to maintain a reasonable proportion. Do not turn a sad situation into a tragic one for yourself, and do not fall into euphoria with joy.

Excess energy can cause life instability

The number 3 in 2019 will fill us with energy. However, its excess can lead to the fact that it cannot be used in real life, you will find yourself thinking too much about imaginary possibilities. There is a great danger that you will completely move into this imaginary world, and this will lead to instability and unreliability in reality.

It is very important to try to maintain the right balance. This can be helped by turning to some spiritual practices. In general, in 2019 it will be necessary Special attention devote yourself to developing your spirituality. Strive for self-knowledge, learn to relax, try to clear your mind. To preserve mental and physical health do meditation, yoga, or some other alternative practices. This will help you maintain peace of mind and find harmony in your life in 2019.

Learn to communicate correctly, remember that words can have dangerous power

As we said above, number 3 develops the ability and desire to communicate. So it's no surprise that your communication skills will be at their best in 2019. The problem may be that it's too much. It is very important that you keep your urge to communicate under control.

Number 3 will make you more talkative. If you wish, you can convince anyone of the correctness of your point of view. You will always be able to find the necessary arguments. Communication can help you form new friendships or, if you are single, you can find a life partner.

However, a troika can also make you overly talkative. Someone will chatter incessantly, without thinking at all about what he is actually saying, without choosing the words. This can be especially dangerous against the backdrop of intense emotions, which we have already discussed above. It is not surprising that you may find yourself in a situation where you simply offend people, without meaning to. Remember that even if you are absolutely sure that you are right, the same truth can be expressed in different words. Emotions and thoughtless words can lead to numerous and protracted conflicts. Cancers should be especially careful, otherwise they may fall into complete despair.

Another danger this year is the abundance of gossip and rumors. During this period they will spread especially quickly. People generally like to discuss other people's lives, supplementing it with their own details, which do not always correspond to reality or, at least, turn out to be too exaggerated. Geminis should be careful. They can get carried away, even when acting purely from good intentions. Try this year not to believe everything you hear. And pay more attention to what you write or say.

Overcommunication often leads to someone misinterpreting your words. You will mean one thing, but others will understand something else from your words. Try to clarify any conflict or controversial situation as much as possible; it is possible that you and your opponent will talk about completely different things without knowing it. If you have the slightest doubt, be sure to ask your interlocutor if he understands what exactly you want to say. This will be very important both in your professional field and in your personal life. This way you can avoid many annoying misunderstandings and quarrels out of nowhere.

Social environment in 2019

This year you will probably be able to fully appreciate the importance of friendships. In any case, the number 3 will greatly contribute to this. In 2019, you will actively meet not only your friends, but also new people, this will allow you to establish new connections that will benefit your career advancement and professional growth.

If you have any new ideas or projects, you will be able to bring them to life through personal communication and established contacts. You will be able to inspire people with your ideas and attract a sufficient number of like-minded people to your side. It is possible to open a new joint business in which your old or new friends will take part.

At the same time, if you feel that your current colleagues or friends are limiting you in some way or hindering your development, you can distance yourself from them and create a new circle of friends. This can be especially important if you are initially subject to some kind of bad influence, as they say - you got involved with bad company.

2019 – Don’t be afraid to follow what makes you happy

This year you will often follow your desires and do things that give you joy and pleasure. Sagittarians will be especially different in this. And this is absolutely correct. Stop being bored and limiting yourself, allow yourself to just live and enjoy life. The only remark is that in the pursuit of pleasure, try not to neglect your main responsibilities. Think about what you really want, determine your needs and move in the indicated direction. If work or any obligations seem too boring to you, use the possibilities of the number 3 and find a creative approach to them. Once you turn boring chores into creativity, they will also begin to give you a lot of pleasure.

Let's sum it up

It doesn't take much effort to understand numerology. This is an extremely simple science, with the help of which you can make some simple forecasts yourself. Having received information about the energy that numbers have, try to use it properly and with maximum benefit for yourself.

In 2019, numerology will tell you how to avoid possible obstacles, help you choose the right direction in life, help you realize your goals and improve your financial condition. This year will be creative and dynamic, it will present you with a lot pleasant surprises. However, he can seem quite fussy. This is not always a bad thing, sometimes hustle and bustle helps us expand our horizons and see new opportunities in life that we had not seen before. But at the same time, vanity leads to instability, which can cause well-founded fears in some.

To get the most out of this year, try not to spread yourself thin, don’t take on several things at once, don’t get scattered. Set priorities, determine what is really important to you and focus your efforts in the chosen direction.

Since number 3, which rules this year, often leads to misunderstandings between people, try to ensure that your words and actions are as clear as possible and do not allow for double interpretation. There should be no veil, hints or halftones here. This will be important in your professional field and, of course, when communicating with the opposite sex.

Carefully control your emotions, strive not for conflict, but for dialogue. Enjoy life, do not deny yourself pleasures. If you want to go on a trip, do it. And take your friends or loved ones with you.

The Year of the Yellow Earth Dog will be filled with positive and calm energy. The element of Earth promotes mental balance and intellectual fertility. The dog protects the family hearth, relationships will be strengthened, and mutual understanding between partners will improve.

In 2018, success will be achieved by persistent, conscientious and honest individuals. In the first months, it is necessary to complete everything started and fulfill long-standing promises. The horoscope for 2018 according to the year of birth tells most signs that they should not expect special achievements and outstanding successes, but its premises will not force them to worry too much about their fate.

Each sign always has its own special year, so for the Dog, 2018 will be marked by financial well-being, happiness and good luck. The winter and spring months will be filled with passionate and romantic feelings. By the end of summer, there is a high probability of marriage and news of an addition to the family.

In the fall, this sign will want to renew its family nest. There is a risk of getting carried away and overspending the budget. To solve them, it is better not to contact the bank; friends and family will help you cope. In November-December it will be time to focus on your career and outline horizons for future aspirations.

In January-March, the Pig will receive a large number of business proposals. It is important to carefully filter them, excluding risky ones. With a competent approach to this issue, by April your well-being will significantly improve. You definitely need to put the money into action: open your own business or purchase real estate for rent.

Summer will pass quite evenly and will not bring changes. In the fall, the Pig will want to change jobs, and some will even decide to radical change sort of professional activity, will get the second higher education. Family life will become more harmonious, old grievances will be forgotten.

The Mistress of 2018 does not like Rats; the year will not be too easy for them. However, there is quite a chance to achieve what you want - to choose the right tactics. At the beginning of the year, it is optimal not to undertake active actions, accumulate strength, choose goals and wait for the right moment to realize them.

In the summer, luck will smile on patient Rats, they will probably be offered a lucrative contract, a promotion, and the emergence of new partners. In your personal life, this is a good moment to resolve accumulated contradictions or make new acquaintances for the purpose of long-term relationships.

At the end of the year, you can relax again, but with a feeling of satisfaction from your achievements. It will be especially useful leisure Outdoors.

The Ox sometimes received privileges undeservedly and during the year of the Rooster relaxed. Now the Dog comes to power with a heightened sense of justice and from the very first months will shake up the usual way of life. Various difficulties and financial losses will be difficult.

In April-May, you should take a time out and distract yourself with something pleasant, restore your sleep and eating patterns. Having regained the vigor of body and spirit, you can start your career again. However, carefully avoid any dubious projects and achievements at the expense of others.

Having strengthened your financial foundation, you can start personal life. Attention to your significant other in the fall will very positively change the weather in the house. As November ends, there is a good chance of unexpectedly receiving a large sum of money.

In March 2018, Tigers will be overcome by laziness and slight apathy. They will be influenced by biorhythms and spring will awaken a craving for change. Positive energy will bring financial success.

Summer time will inflame the Tigers' feelings to a hot flame. They will finally decide to confess to the objects of long-standing and secret desire. Or they will seriously fall in love at first sight. The feelings will be mutual. In the fall there will be a magnificent wedding, and perhaps news of an addition to the young family.

By the end of the winter season, the saturation and intense rhythm of life can undermine the Tiger's health. If there are signs of discomfort, it is better to contact a specialist in order to avoid complications. You'll have to slow down a little and take a break from analyzing the prospects.

The eastern horoscope for 2018 promises Rabbits well-being in most life categories. Everything with my career was successfully established last year and is going well. In amorous affairs there is an idyll, and those who have not found their soul mate are quite happy with freedom and rich communication with friends. The only trick you should be afraid of is from your own body.

There is a high probability of problems with the gastrointestinal tract. Already welcoming 2018, you should refrain from overeating and excess strong alcohol. Prevention in the form of a healthy and regular diet (at least until spring) will help avoid serious illnesses. The summer will pass quietly, but in the fall you need to pay attention to temperature conditions: Avoid hypothermia and drafts. It is better to plan your vacation for October-November.

The year will begin without significant events or from an unpleasant surprise. Problems will be caused by the actions of one of the family members, but the Dragon will have to solve them. Since March, your career and income will begin to grow; you should save your free finances for major acquisitions. In spring, the risk of injury is significant; be careful, especially during outdoor activities.

Until summer, astrologers predict well-being for the Snakes in the material component of life. Career growth and increased income by the end of March will allow you to improve your living conditions, upgrade your car, or go to long vacation abroad. But relationships with loved ones will be tense until the middle of the year; try to understand what underlies them and correct the situation.

From July the situation will change diametrically. You will have to avoid unnecessary expenses and large purchases. Some possible conflict situations with the authorities due to unfounded claims against the Snake. To get out of them without losses, show restraint and enlist the solidarity of your colleagues. And this key stage Relatives will provide support, and the personal sphere will bring only positivity.

At the very beginning of 2018, Horses will be offered to move to a more prestigious position or decide to open their own business. If your own business has long been a fixed idea, the concept and business plan should be discussed with experienced and competent people. The dog does not like risky activities.

During the spring, everyday work and emotional stress will greatly overload the Horse - a vacation will come in handy here. And in the fall you will have a big renovation. Moreover, the closest relatives will be happy to help and the family will be able to cope.

On the personal front, everything will be calm. At the end of a period of dog power, be sure to analyze its main events and make basic plans for the next one.

Goats in the year of the Dog are destined to achieve new heights in business. Involving family or long-time friends in the business will be beneficial. Fresh ideas will significantly increase profits. Mutual understanding will reign in the family.

You should beware of hypothermia. If you have a cold, you should take sick leave and follow the doctor’s instructions so that the illness does not drag on.

In August, you can entrust all current issues to your partners and go on vacation for a couple of weeks. After the holiday, a couple of months will also be busy with business. At the end of the year, you can safely afford to update your wardrobe and purchase the latest household appliances. There will be enough money for generous gifts to loved ones.

Adventurous and restless natures - Monkeys find it difficult to concentrate on one thing for a long time. They quickly get tired of the routine both at home and at work. However, in the year of the Dog (a faithful and balanced homebody), you will have to rein in yourself. Ignoring this advice and active search adventure threatens to end in the discovery of problems, financial and other. Until the end of autumn, avoid long trips and major undertakings.

In 2018, especially the first three quarters, it is better for the Monkey to spend more time with his family and closest friends. Engage in some kind of relaxing leisure activity or health improvement. During the spring and summer you can improve your skills and learn a foreign language.

From the first months of the dog's reign until August-September, roosters will begin to waste a lot of time, moral and energy resources in the professional field. Such efforts are not in vain - monetary reward will pay for them with interest. Autumn times You will have the pleasure of catching up on lost time in communication with family and friends.

Vacation will also be optimal for recuperation. Available Roosters in September-October have a high probability whirlwind romance. Treat yourself to your treasured purchases, but don’t rush to spend it all at once - the end of the year will not replenish your budget. You will understand that work needs to be temporarily postponed long shot. The place of hard work can be filled with creativity or volunteering.

Astrologer Alexey Fandeev made a forecast for the coming year of the Yellow Earth Dog especially for Woman's Day.

Alexey Fandeev, astrologer:

Calculating numerology for 2018 is quite simple: to do this you need to add up the numbers of the new year - 2 + 0 + 1 + 8 = 11 = 2. The number 11 has great strength, in numerology it is considered magical and symbolizes global changes in society. It is worth recalling the 11-year cycle of solar activity, which, according to Chizhevsky’s discovery, has a great influence on the Earth. Therefore, people whose birthdays are multiples of 11 this year are in for a fateful year. 11−22−33−44−55−66. The number 2 is a complex, very complex number, symbolizing the feminine and masculinity with predominance feminine characteristics. It stands for Svadhisthana chakra - the chakra of well-being and sexual energy. She is like a magnet of our desires. Therefore, the coming year is the year social change and identifying our true desires. Many people can gain worldwide fame, new world spiritual leaders will appear. Someone will go into circulation. This year will provide new opportunities for real goals and desires. World discoveries and catastrophes will occur. There will be social revolutions and new ideas for the development of humanity will appear. This year is for socially active people who have been waiting in the wings. Risk, courage, turning everything around and starting again - this is the motto of this year. Let's look at the personal numbers of the year according to the zodiac signs.

Aries: 3

Not a step in place! You begin to move forward more meaningfully, successfully overcoming obstacles. There's definitely a holiday on your street. The year of three is very suitable for finally taking care of yourself and your beloved. Everything that you have long dreamed of doing, but have never gotten around to, will be appropriate. Numerology for the year says that this is a great time to try to realize all your deepest dreams and desires. Question yourself with passion and, based on the information received, conclude: “I can achieve this!”

Pay special attention to how projects started two years ago are progressing. If there are none, then you shouldn’t start something long-lasting.

Taurus: 4

Remember the fable about the ant and the dragonfly? So, numerology for the year says that you will have to play the role of an ant with all the ensuing consequences: painstaking work With minimum quantity entertainment. I would like to remind you that the jumping dragonfly came to a rather bad end. The main task that the year of four sets for a person is to consolidate what has been accomplished, stabilize what has been achieved, strengthen the foundation on which you will then build the house of your success. You shouldn’t wait for gifts of fortune, but you can achieve a lot on your own.

Gemini: 5

Time to collect stones. Numerology for the year promises that this year you will reap a good harvest from what you sowed earlier. Admire the fruits of your efforts and move to a new level of quality of life. Don't stop there and cling to your favorite habits.

The main task of the year is to expand your horizons as much as possible and gain as much new knowledge as possible. To do this, it is absolutely not necessary to move forward. You can go right or left. Keywords 5 years: new impressions, acquaintances, travel.

Cancer: 6

It may seem to you that progress towards your goal has slowed down, but in reality this is not the case. The main task of the year is to resolve personal problems. The first numbers on the list of priorities are relatives, close people, and friends. It is absolutely necessary not only to enlist their support in all endeavors, but also to listen to their advice.

This year, the most successful plans and projects will be suggested by your inner circle. Therefore, analyze your environment. The year of six opens up the broadest prospects for you in terms of strengthening relationships. The expended energy will not go into emptiness.

Leo: 7

Seven makes it possible to understand the reasons for previously made mistakes, which will certainly help correct them. In order for this to work, it is necessary to turn off all channels of external information. Listen to other people's opinions as little as possible and trust your intuition as much as possible.

In the year of seven, she will be your best guide. Just give yourself the attitude of “trusting” your experience and instinct. The motto of the year seven is - if you don’t know what to do, don’t do anything (maybe it will work out).

Virgo: 8

Events take a decisive turn. Numerology for the year says that you need to try to take from life everything that is due to you. You deserve it, and it doesn’t really matter how: through hard work, high intelligence, innate abilities. The main thing is that the time has come to get your dues from fate.

Try not to miss any of the opportunities that loom on your horizon: in the year of eight you can take any height. Be as confident as possible in yourself, and you will very quickly see that those around you will be literally hypnotized by the power of your charm.

Libra: 9

The time has come to draw conclusions. In the year of nine, you should not take decisive steps towards career growth. You don't have enough potential for this. You are at the end of an epicycle and have almost exhausted your “well of ideas.” The Year of Nine recommends taking a close look at any changes in your life. Perhaps a person or event has already appeared on the horizon that will play a decisive role in the new epicycle.

Revisit all the projects you started a while ago. Everything that goes neither shaky nor unsteady can be finished safely and without regret. Apparently, there is no hope of getting anything from them anymore.

Scorpio: 10 – 1

Numerology for the year tells this number that it is time to move forward. 10 is fortune, 1 is leadership. A year of change, progress, implementation of the most daring undertakings. Everything that was planned, but not implemented, should be taken out of the closet of doubts, knocked out the dust, cleaned, ironed and started wearing. The key to success will be a clear formulation of the goal that needs to be achieved.

Look very carefully at any offers coming your way. Any of them could become a determining factor for success in the coming years. Your well-being depends on how attentive you are to the prospects for change. The theme of the year is independence. The style of the year is individuality.

Sagittarius: 11 – 2

Fateful year. Corresponds to the numerology of the year. You may be drawn into global social projects and movement. Time to grow socially. It’s good to reconsider your desires and start a new life. Everything that happens this year is fatal in nature and laid out for 12 years in the future. From career to personal relationships.

Don't be afraid to start from scratch. Beware of inaction. On the stage of life is your exit!

Capricorn: 12 – 3

12 signs of the zodiac, 12 hours of day and night, 12 main Olympic gods, 12 biblical tribes, 12 apostles... 12 is considered super-perfect, symbolizing the divine circle circling the Universe. This is the number of the world order of the cosmos and spirit. What created our system is beyond human logic. Therefore, advice for Capricorns: be in flow with the Universe. It is this year that you will either be taken out or introduced into the value system that you can handle.

Try to understand what is bothering you in your relationship with your partner and try to solve this problem. If you decide to break up with your partner, it is better to do it in a civilized manner, without excesses, otherwise you may acquire an enemy for the rest of your life; If you met an interesting person this year, do not expect decisive action from him and do not force events yourself. Be patient and try to get to know him better.

Pisces: 14 – 5

According to new, modern numerology, 14 can be considered as a sign of communications. It indicates the need for contacts to accomplish the plan. Its meaning must be understood literally - quickly get out of your “cocoon”, start living and communicating. A person without society loses part of his vital energy. Today society is simply necessary. Even a regular walk through the shops or the park will help replenish your energy supply, and meeting with an old friend and having a heart-to-heart conversation will be of great importance. Accidents in 2018 are not accidental.

Don't ignore the advice the numbers give you. Chance is God's pseudonym when he does not want to sign his name. And the number 5, as a set of energies of change, gives a chance for a rare case when “changing horses at the crossing” can end successfully. If you have made a firm decision to break up with your partner, it's time to start implementing your intentions. The possibility of meeting a more suitable person this year is very high. All in your hands.

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