Nominations for Miss and Mister awards. Nominations for real men

When I'm on a date I swing my hips

Yesterday we had a corporate party on the occasion of New Year's Eve.
summing up the results, rewarding the most distinguished in the opinion of the authorities...
and also my friend (and at the same time colleague) found fun nominations on the Internet and awarded everyone certificates and diplomas...
I decided to post it here because... almost everything was taken from different sources.....maybe it will be useful for someone or myself (if I leave for another job)
1. If you work hard 8 hours a day, you will eventually become a boss and have the right to work 12 hours a day.
In nomination "Breakthrough of the Year" awarded......(presented to the sales representative, who with NG will be a Senior Sales Representative (something like a supervisor).
2. You cannot give everything to everyone, because there are many of them, but there is not enough of everything in the warehouse. But she copes with it. In nomination "We were daydreaming" awarded......(warehouse manager)
3. “Should I go to work?” - he thought... and didn’t go. But he doesn't think so. In the nomination "Thank God you came" awarded..... (driver who likes to disappear for a day without warning)
4. I make myself laugh with my funny face. In the nomination "Positive Attitude" The most cheerful and positive person in the company is awarded. (trade representative, the most positive)
5. If you get bored
And I've had enough of everything already,
Listen to her ringing laughter
You'll have fun.
In nomination "Antidepressant" awarded.... (cheerful employee).
6. For a responsible attitude to the work schedule: despite crazy traffic jams, world disasters, the fall in the dollar and rising prices for gold and beer, he will appear in the right place and in right time. In nomination "Keeping up with the times" awarded... (forklift driver, it was the hardest thing for them to come up with, so it’s just a general nomination that doesn’t characterize them as a person).
7. The most attentive. Nothing and no one will be missed, everything will be noticed and recorded. In nomination “And the sense of smell is like that of a dog, and the eye is like that of an eagle.”, awarded...(given to the girl Torg representative), she is like that with us))
8. She will always share the last crust of bread with her neighbor, treat her to tea, offer a drink and not only coffee…………In the nomination "Self-assembled tablecloth" awarded (they gave it to me, because you can’t think of anything special about yourself either)
9. She recently came to us. Quietly and calmly lives and works next to us. But how many ideas are stored in this head? She will definitely show herself to everyone. In the nomination "Hidden reserves" awarded... (given to the accountant-cashier, she came to us not so long ago)
10. She is the most eloquent employee, she is not afraid to speak on behalf of the team, even if her opinion goes against the opinion of the boss... In the nomination "Speaker, Voice of the People" awarded (given to the Chief Accountant (she likes to argue with the director).
11. Brilliant carelessness and absent-mindedness.
He is always late everywhere, but
always and everywhere in time, although he
never there! How is it with him
it turns out? In nomination « Unbearable lightness being" awarded... (given to the head of the transport department. This is exactly about him, he always shys away somewhere, and then pretends that he has been working all day)
12. Dedicated to the employee, by the magic wave of whose hand any office equipment will “clog” into operation. In the nomination "Master of Golden Hands", is awarded (given to our operator, this one will definitely always fix everything. He once saved us when our server crashed).
13. It is from her that you can always find out what date, who did what in the company, why it is called that way and who named it. She can endlessly tell tales from the history of the company. In nomination "Keeper of Traditions", awarded (given to the Trade Representative, she is one of those who has been working here for a very long time)
14. This is the calmest voice of the company; communication with it puts you in a state of peace. You want to communicate with him again and again. In nomination
"Mr Antistress" awarded....(given to the calmest driver).
15. This is the very, very... head of the company. This is our most intelligent employee. This is our smart girl, erudite and intellectual
She is capable of solving the most difficult problems! In the nomination "Uma Chamber", awarded (given to the manager, somehow they also couldn’t come up with something interesting).
16. Kings can do everything, kings can do everything. And sometimes they decide the fate of the whole earth. In nomination "How hard it is to be God" awarded (presented to the General Director).
17. He makes an enormous contribution to the work of our company, while remaining invisible. In the nomination "X-Men" awarded (given to the second forklift driver, it was also difficult to choose for him).
18. A real driver should not count how many passers-by he hits on the road. The driver's job is to drive the car, not to be amused by statistics! In the nomination "The cat that walks by itself" awarded (given to the driver)
19. He is engaged in expressing himself every day - he works hard and thoroughly. Not all is gold that lies poorly, but all is gold who works well! In nomination “Prove yourself - secure it” awarded...(given to the driver)

For awards. They relieve the tension and bring a festive mood to the event. Nominations for awards may reflect the personality traits of the recipient, his business qualities or rely on some isolated, but well-known case.

Commemorative figurines

For comic awards the most different ways: funny certificates are awarded, in which, in order to make them more individual, they are pasted funny photos nominated, homemade medals or Oscar-type statuettes.

The name of the award nominations can be one of the following: “A cat walking by itself” - a golden statuette; “Cat walking by himself...” - silver figurine; “Cat Walking...” - bronze prize; "Cat" - porcelain prize.

Figurines for presentation are easy to buy in stores. But you can make them yourself from salt dough, or plaster. In rare cases, you can even resort to plasticine.

Medals with humor

Medals can also be ordered from special places, or you can make it from cardboard, plaster, polymer clay, plasticine, candy foil, salt dough.

As for the very moment of presenting medals, instead of string, ribbons, bandages, even tights are perfect - it all depends on what was the reason for the award.

If nominations for a medal relate to the fact that an employee is happy and quick to help fellow employees, the medal can be called “ To the best employee ambulance" and hang it on a bandage. If you give a girl who once found herself in an unpleasant situation, when during the working day she went to the store to buy tights, a medal suspended with the help of this accessory, then this will be received with delight by everyone. It is very important, however, to be sure that the girl herself will not be offended and will perceive this moment with humor.

Certificates for awarding

Often humorous ones are used to award certificates, for example: “A certificate is awarded to the best generator of creative ideas for using a natural reservoir in the yard, in common parlance - puddles, as a mini-pool.” Similar certificates can be issued for other reasons: for the original use of a screwdriver as a corkscrew or a stack of documents instead of a pillow. Of course, these texts should also only be applied to people who are able to laugh at themselves without irritation or other negative feelings.

Fun nominations for rewarding friends

Comic nominations from the series “Miss Grace”, “Mr. Know-It-All”, “Mrs. Compromise” and others are suitable here. For awards, you can use both certificates and diplomas, and statuettes.

Prizes in these categories can be purchased in stores or made independently. It can be very cool if you take children's dolls from the Barbie and Ken series as source material. For example, the “Miss Grace” figurine, which is awarded to the most charming lady in the group, can be made from such a doll, decorating it with a ribbon with the appropriate inscription.

The certificates are comic

Can be used cool nominations for awards, issuing creative certificates. A person who once started a miniature fire in an ashtray can be given a document confirming that he is a firefighter. A cat lover will be pleased to receive a certificate that she is a professional specialist top level World Organization of Cat Lovers named after. Kuklacheva. Such nominations can be used to reward both adults and children.


Using a document assigning authorship in an award ceremony is one of the options for cool awards. You can use the favorite phrases of certain individuals, for example: “Copyright of the catchphrase“I’m busy, can’t you see?” From now on, everyone who infringes on this intellectual property and uses this expression without the permission of the author is obliged to pay him a fine of 50 kopecks in currency at the current exchange rate.”

Children's awards

Children's holidays also involve the presentation of prizes, medals, statuettes, diplomas and certificates. In addition, you can choose kings and queens at fun events. Children's nominations for awards can be very different.

"King in the nomination "Most mysterious person holiday" becomes Stas Yakovets! At the matinee he wished (or guessed) the most large quantity riddles. Therefore, a royal crown is placed on his head and he is given the status of King of Mystery!”

Queen Smile, Charm, Wisdom and King Genius, Dreamer or Chipseater can be elected. And the competition that precedes the awarding of the Chipseater King will appeal to the vast majority of those present, because it involves speed-eating a portion of the chips so beloved by children.

In addition to well-known prizes, T-shirts with unique inscriptions, which you can either order or make yourself, are very positively perceived.

It is very important that nominations for presenting prizes or awarding a memorable or valuable gift are liked by everyone: the audience, the family, and the recipient himself. You should not make fun of a person with or without a sick pride, so as not to offend him or cause mental trauma.

Ideal option original congratulations With any holiday, various honors, awards of diplomas, various titles, nominations, presentation of orders and medals are considered. This form of congratulations allows you to make the heroes of the occasion the center of attention, give them honor, and say high-flown compliments, which, in this case, are smoothed over by a playful presentation and good humor.

Proposed comic nominations and medals for colleagues on March 8 full not only of humor, but also of lyrics, sincere admiration for women and the desire to bring them joy. Taking any of these options as a basis and changing them to suit your specific situation, you can easily organize a very original and memorable congratulations on Women’s Day in a team or at a friendly party e.

1. Comic presentation of fabulous nominations and medals (diplomas) to colleagues on March 8th.

This is an option for awarding titles inspired by Russian fairy tales, each of the colleagues is compared to fairy-tale heroine, presenting her with a diploma (medal) and a gift. If this ceremony takes place directly at the workplace, then a shortened version can be made: announcement of the title and congratulations. And at a buffet or corporate party, this idea can be made the basis of the scenario and titles can be presented throughout the evening in a playful, entertaining or entertaining form (an example of how to organize this is given below).


It's time to congratulate the lovely ladies!
We want to hug them tightly
And we dedicate the hit to them!

You are all so beautiful today
So charming and gentle!
If you look, it will immediately become clear:
The breath of spring is all around!

In this difficult job,
Among computers, papers
You are blooming brighter than ever,
It’s like there’s a good magician nearby,

who gave you a miracle
To be young, to live lovingly,
And laundry, kitchen and dishes
I definitely took it upon myself!

So be happy, healthy,
Take on everything ardently,
And we are ready to set you up
Your reliable shoulder.

We wish you good luck in your business,
Love is beautiful and big!
You smile, which means
Everything in life will be fine

Presentation of nominations

Leading: To determine the candidate for the first nomination, I propose to conduct a short quiz. Chips will be awarded for correct answers, but if a man answers correctly, he must give his chip to any of the ladies present here.

1. Which ditty mentions both women and the number 8?
(Eight girls, one me. Where the girls go, there I go!)
2. What alcoholic drink reminds you of Women's Day with its name? (Martini)
3. Remember films with the word WOMAN.
("Strange woman", " Sweet woman", "Beloved woman of mechanic Gavrilov", "A woman as a gift"...)
4. What movie titles consist of only adjectives addressed to women?
(“The most charming and attractive”, “The only one”...)
5. Which songs mention women's names?
(“Liza! Don’t leave!” “Oh, Tanya, Tanya, Tanechka!”, “Me and my Masha are at the samovar,” “Hello, hello, Alena!”, etc.)
6. Which wines are named after women?
(Lydia, Isabella, Dunyasha...)
7. What plants remind you of women's names?
(Rose, lily, pansy, daisy, Ivan and Marya...)
8. Which movies have women's names in their titles?
(“Mashenka”, “Anna Karenina”, “Valentin and Valentina”, “Zhenya, Zhenechka and Katyusha”, “Seraphim and Seraphim”...)

So , title "Vasilisa the Wise" deserved.....
(a prize is awarded for the largest number of chips and a Diploma: “To Vasilisa the Wise from admiring men”)

Leading: However, do not forget: women are given convolutions in order to go around sharp corners!

Announced musical pause, during which a jury of men most competent in this matter will choose Elena the Beautiful. The men approach a stand with children's photographs of women (without a signature), which was made in advance, for which all the women were asked to bring their childhood photographs.

Leading: Title "Elena the Beautiful" deserved photo N...
We ask the original to come forward to present the prize! The winner is awarded a prize and a similar diploma.

Leading: And now we will ask the women who sewed today’s outfit with their own hands to come here. Please walk in front of us so we can appreciate your art!

So , rank "Marya the Mistress" and ours Grand Prize deserved......
(The rest of the participants in this competition receive a chocolate bar)

Then, based on the results of various competitions or simply in the form solemn ceremony you can present medals and assign the following fabulous

For unmarried girls - title "Fun - an enviable bride";

Ladies with long hair - title “Varvara beauty - long braid”;

An avid athlete - rank “Akulina - hero”;

The most graceful - rank "Alyonushka - Swan";

The owner of the most high heels - title “Annushka - Pavushka”;

- The funniest - the title of “Marfushka - merry”

The most serious - the title of “Princess - not mocked”;

For a lover of singing - title “Maryushka the Nightingale” and so on.


2. Comic awarding of nominations for March 8th Eastern.

This is a variant of a colorful costumed congratulations to the ladies on the holiday; if desired, during the game moment, you can give each lady present the opportunity to become the very best in something. At the same time, presenters should try not to deprive anyone of their attention, so that everyone gets a nomination and a sign of attention, and not just the most active.

Leading: A guest came to us from distant countries, having heard about our holiday and the beauty of our women, welcome... .

To the music of Credo Mama Asia, the Sultan appears, dances a little, and calls the other wives.
Sultan: Wives!

The wives come out to the music of “Opa, opa, darling...” by Usmanov. They dance and run away.
Leading: Sultan Al-babet, why did you come to us?
Sultan: I'm tired of my harem,
He's already here for me!
Leading: So you came to us to recruit a new harem?
Al-babet, what kind of wife do you need?
Sultan: Sultan: “The most affectionate”
Leading: Whoever hugs the Sultan the fastest is the most affectionate.

(The game is played for the most affectionate)
Leading: Sultan, what kind of wife do you need?
Sultan:"The most graceful"
Leading: The most graceful one we have today is the one with the highest heels.
(Elections are taking place)
Sultan: I also want a wife "Unsolved Mystery"
Leading: Miss " Unsolved mystery“Today we have the one who wears the most black clothes.

(Elections are taking place)
Sultan: And now I want “The Slenderest”
Leading: Choosing Miss “Wasp Waist”

Sultan: Now let's go to "The Most Beautiful"
Leading: The most beautiful lady we have today is the one who wears the most glitter in her clothes. (Choose)
Sultan: I also want to see “The Most Generous.”
Leading: We choose a generous wife. Whoever now, among the ladies who have not yet received the attention of the Sultan, pours a drink for the Sultan, is the most generous one.

(If I give more, you can add nominations or give one to several at once)
Leading: There are many new wives in the harem, which one is your favorite? The Sultan is confused, so we will choose her by lot. Blindfold the wisest Sultan. Wives, stand around the Sultan and dance in a circle. And now the Sultan will choose his beloved wife! Choose, oh lord! The wives are waiting!

The blindfolded Sultan chooses one of his wives.

Sultan: Here it is, my favorite! My Gulchatai is appointed on duty for the harem. And now I want to see what kind of dancers my wives are.

Dancing to oriental music
Sultan: Ah, good! Gifts of the East to all wives!
And I want to make a toast.

An astrologer served me for many years, he made good predictions, wow, and everything came true. I decided to reward him and offered him a choice of any of my wives. He asks his first wife: “What is two and two? “Five,” she answered. “What a generous wife”: said my astrologer. He asks the second: “What is two and two? “Three,” she answered. “What a thrifty wife”: said the astrologer. He asks the third: “What is two and two? “Four,” she answered. “What a smart wife,” the astrologer admired. Which one do you think he chose? (Answer from the audience)
He chose the most beautiful one! And I propose to raise a glass of wine to the most beautiful women who came to the holiday today.

The song “Oh, what a woman” is playing

(Source: forum.

3. Congratulating colleagues using a flower lottery.

It's very spring and lyrical spring holiday. You can add your own gift to each flower. The lottery will decide everything.

Leading: Since the Middle Ages, there has been a tradition of giving people flowers, without which it is difficult to imagine any holiday. But not everyone realizes that a bouquet of flowers is not just a sign of attention, but a whole message that you need to be able to read. And today we invite men to talk to ladies in the language of flowers. Everyone chooses an image of a flower from our basket and gives it to the lady; it is advisable to distribute who gives it to whom in advance, so as not to leave anyone out. Then the lady loudly reads the text of her card on the back of the card.

Men take turns choosing cards without looking at the back, ladies read out the texts.

Rose. You are so beautiful and proud
It drove me crazy for a long time.
I’ve been walking for a long time and I’m not myself,
Either with a hangover or sick.
Primrose. I dream about meeting you
Under the silent moon.
I will give you the whole world:
And the stars, and the night, and the moon.
Peony. I love! I love! And I’m not hiding it!
I only dream about you!
I'll run around tonight
I'll steal you from home.
Tulip. I'm so jealous of you, darling,

That he was emaciated, burning with passion.
Sit with me for a while
And feed it yourself from a spoon.
Gladiolus. Your eyes captivated me
Your smile attracted me
Your flying gait
It drove me crazy for a long time.
Lily of the valley. My dreams are about you
My thoughts are about the same thing.
You broke my heart
It's so difficult for me without you.
Narcissus. Do you remember how you kissed me?
Let's do it again today from the beginning!
Let our friends envy us -
You can't hide your love!
Orchid. You're so charming
Flying and attractive.
And, like candy, it’s true, sweet.
That's how I would eat you on the sly!
Chamomile. Slender legs smooth silk
I could iron for hours.
And now you sat in the corner:
Like, I don’t care about all of you.
Lily. You have such shapes
Seductive breasts.
I spend very long nights
I can't sleep at all.
Aster. I want more than once
To meet you on a dark night,
So that in silence alone
They whispered to me about love.
Chrysanthemum. Tell me, do you feel bad with me?
Why torture so cruelly?
I suffered it yesterday for the last time!
I expect a dance from you as a reward.
Mimosa. I want to dedicate poems
I won’t keep silent about love.
Let's sit next to each other at the table,
I'll tell them in a whisper.
Zinnia. You surprise me, friend,
Why, tell me, are you hiding it from everyone?
That you love me, but you hide it,
Aren't you screaming at the whole world with passion?
Violet. I don't come to see you often -
In an evening or two.
As soon as I see you
I'll lose all my words.
Forgive my silence
Just come for a date.
Poppy. I don't spend the whole evening
My eyes are on you, beautiful,
Look at me
You are kind, my dear.
Gardenia. I composed a song for you myself,
Only I'm embarrassed to sing.
I will be silent, with a breath,
Look at you for a long time.
Lilac. I love your eyes
Crazy, with a drag.
But I'm afraid of you, you bad one,
Here I stand and groan.
Daisy. For me you are the most beautiful of all,
Dearest and sweetest of all.
I'll stop by when I happen to -
Pour a glass of vodka.

We learned about all the secret thoughts of our men. It's a pity that the flowers weren't real, but there's still more to come.
Give women flowers -
Carnations, cacti, gillyflowers...
After all, beauty is three times more beautiful
Against the backdrop of new beauty.

4. Congratulations to colleagues on playing off the name.

Personalized congratulations for women's holiday will certainly please the ladies, and you can make personalized orders or arrange a real personalized presentation - a targeted congratulation for everyone. You can start with a comic performance by a “real gentleman”, and then arrange a slideshow with photographs of each employee and a poetic dedication for her. Or order from a printing house for each postcard, which tells about her hobby or passion in a humorous way. You can also make a star description of each name, read out personal horoscope, which can be found in or named

But the most touching option is to write a congratulatory poem for each person, albeit not super perfect, most importantly, sincere and sinceremake a peculiar

How many different women there are,
Beautiful, charming, sometimes beautiful:
Olya, Marina, Victoria, Sveta
(The names already warmed my heart!).
Alina, Tanyusha, Natasha, Alisa,
Christina, Evgeniya, Masha, Larisa,
Ulyana, Regina, Lydia, Anna,
Olesya, Matilda, Evlampia, Zhanna,
Galina, Juliet, Love, Veronica,
Lyudmila, Oksana, Ruth, Angelica,
Elvira, Gertrude, Valeria, Inna,
Anastasia, Edith, Valentina,
Daria, Camilla, Polina, Renata,
Elizabeth, Clara, Agatha,
Rita, Nadezhda, Sofia, Albina,
Praskovya, Tamara, Ekaterina,
Arina, Varvara, Khavronia, Yana,
Diana, Taisiya and Yuliana,
Raisa, Elena, Aida, Zemfira,
Constance, Bella, Zoya, Glafira,
Tonya, Tomila, Aksinia, Zina,
Julia, Silva, Adele, Alevtina,
Snezhana, Faina, Lilia, Kira,
Eleanor, Claudia, Ira,
Berta, Anfisa, Ruslana and Vlada,
Greta, Malvina, Olympics,
Agnia, Inga, Allochka, Frida,
Thekla, Isolde, Adelaide,
Alena, Milana, Rose, Lyubava,
Nina, Louise and Yaroslava,
Ophelia, Ada, Capitolina,
Victory, Charlotte, Laura, Selina,
Flora, Venus, Ninel, Dominica,
Marfa, Susanna, Florence, Nika,
Anfisa, Roxana, Olivia, Lada,
Maya, Aurora, Emma, ​​Pallas,
Toma, Amalia, Bela, Deborah,
Wanda, Simona, Vita, Fedora,
Vera, Ursula, Vladlena, Karina,
Leah, Augusta, Ksenia, Mila...
There is also Sylvia and Vasilisa,
There is also Ella, and Beatrice...

One hundred and forty-three names - affectionate, different,
Hundreds of girls, beautiful women,
My beloved, desired, beautiful,
Unique, unique, lovely...

I wish you all: happiness, success,
Let the world drown with your laughter
Let life go, and not pass by,
And let only joy always happen!

P.S. And if I suddenly missed someone -
Sorry, I haven’t forgotten about you in my heart!

Sketches for the portrait (examples)

Olga- Volga, moisture, water (Slavic) - movie buff

Libido torments Olya -

The heart will be forgiven freely.

She manages to dream

Three or four princes per night,

D'Artagnan without boots

And Nikita Mikhalkov.

It's not good to sleep so much!

Open your eyelashes

Wipe your eye sockets -

There are living princes nearby.

Oksana- wanderer (ancient Greek)

Children don't like Piggy so much,

How men love Ksyusha.

More than getting to nirvana

The men want Oksana.

And Oksana is a wanderer.

Few people like her

In general, she is strange.

And she has only one love.

Alla- goddess of sky and rain among the ancient Arabs. - goal-oriented and loves to travel

So Alla grew up.

Where I wanted, I was,

What I wanted, I saw,

But this is not enough.

Became a beauty

Like a magazine model

I lost all the weight

And she still doesn’t have enough.

And wise and strong,

Like a bear, like a koala.

Always full of plans -

There's never enough for her.

Julia- curly (ancient Greek). - lover of cooking

Love overtakes Julia -

It collects water there

And makes a liter of food.

Paving the way with food

A man's heart is heavy.

Be straightforward -

Open your curls, etc.

5. Congratulating colleagues using a comic skit

Congratulating men depict the “pangs of creativity” in a smoking room or other place of communication of the stronger sex. At some point, they freeze in the flight of searching for at least one more or less sane thought.


There is an eternal problem
It makes your blood boil,

Men come alive

The whole topic rests -
How to give your love?

Dress it up with perfume
Or infuse roses?..

Maybe let them buy everything themselves,
Take it... and give them the money?..

Somehow all this is banal,
Where is the intrigue, where is the impulse?..
Although the move is material
Would heal our abscess...

God gave me torment
To be men in life...

(pointing to the sky)
Interesting, but there too
Thinking about what to give?

Well, now! They have by state
Department planned
There are winged guys in it -
All specialists in amorous affairs!

They throw their arrows accurately,
Love awakens in us without words...

But it happens, although rarely,
They are making... goats out of us!

Your speeches are annoying!
Well... love can be evil,
The woman doesn’t know that!
...Before becoming a wife...

Okay guys, cool down.
We can't get by with an arrow,
There is no angelic power in us,
Even if they're guys, have a blast!

Showcasing the vessel ( possibly with alcohol)
But we can still shoot,
And don’t prick with an arrow -
It depends on what we put into the charge,
To be sure to make fun!

(Takes out his “flask” and pours it into a common vessel)
Exactly! Let it be banal
But a man's reliability
Our might is official
Not canceled yet!

(Actions with the flask are repeated)
I would add more affection,
Generosity and kindness,
So that their eyes sparkle
And all your dreams came true!

(Does the same as the previous ones)
Maybe I'm not macho anymore
But I would add to the charge,
The thing that makes people cry with happiness,
Well, they don’t say it out loud!

(Looks at the vessel in the light and begins to pour it into the glasses of the ladies present)
Well, it turned out to be a shell,

It seems to me, for slaughter,

This gunpowder will come in handy
Obviously any woman!

We raise the cup for you!

And don't be mad at us!

We honestly tell you,

Not always all of us......!

(general toast and presentation of gifts)

6. Also:

You can see about the presentation of the Grace Award

The selection is posted for your reference.

Therefore, it is better not to make a candidate a person who has trouble with humor. For example, if your boss has no prejudices, you can award him this bonus. At the same time, the presentation of the prize can be accompanied by a certain text in the style: “Our director will always find his own approach to everyone: he will bring the arrogant ones back to earth, bring some sense to the dull, guide the heads of departments to the right path, etc.” As a reward, he can be given a statuette reminiscent of an Oscar award. “King of Social Networks” Such nominations for corporate events are comic, so the name of the nomination should be carefully thought out. “Speaking” names that do not need explanation are welcome. Thus, the nomination “King of Social Networks” may be a subtle hint at some employees who are only imitating a stormy labor activity, and they themselves just “sit” on VKontakte, Odnoklassniki and others.

Comic nominations for corporate honoring.

The award ceremony, as a rule, fits into some theme of the corporate event, being a cheerful and positive end to the official part entertainment program. I looked on the Internet about humanity’s experience in the matter of comic nominations for awards at corporate events and realized that everything was somehow disjointed and unsystematic. Because of this, it is difficult for you and me to take advantage of these achievements.

I’ll try to correct and somehow title the main directions of cheerful employee encouragement. More... For happy awards ceremony Don't forget to place a photographer at the stage and ask each employee to pose for the camera for a couple of seconds. The pictures turn out to be memorable, because on such a day they come with a beautiful hairstyle and the best outfit.

Accessories for nominees One day we set up a table with carnival glasses next to the stage and managed to give out an accessory to everyone who went up to collect their award. It was very impressive.

Comic nominations for employees for corporate events in poetry and prose

If you want to single out this particular employee from the crowd, make humorous nominations for rewarding employees in such a way as not to offend him, and everyone present at the corporate party can guess who he is. we're talking about. “The biggest partisan of the month” In a large team there are also people from whom, as they say, every word needs to be pulled out with pincers. They are usually laconic, but in most cases they are hardworking. Almost all representatives of the “silent people” behave like hermits.

They hardly communicate with anyone and prefer loneliness to noisy company. Comic nominations for rewarding employees: “Genius of the Year” All employees who have distinguished themselves in the workplace can take part in this category.

Madame life

Today it is not difficult to find many ready-made souvenirs with funny inscriptions that can become the basis of a nomination. In this case, of course, you don’t have to come up with them yourself - just give your employees a T-shirt, mug, magnet or notepad. The same applies to printing products. You can find certificates where it will already be written “Simply to the Goddess”, “Master “Golden Hands”, “Bright Head”, and even “Certificate given... that he is Simply Talent”.

One of the members of the Queen group, Roger Taylor, once remarked that in our world nothing goes without a reward - especially if a person tries. The reward for the manager for a properly thought-out festive corporate evening will be an increase in the efficiency and loyalty of employees, as well as an increase in the image and level of the enterprise itself.

Comic and funny nominations for rewarding employees at corporate events

For example, reward a middle manager who solved a 5th grade problem for the child of a chief engineer; for quickly and effectively finding a solution when working with a printer that has jammed paper and so on. “IT maniac of the month” This nomination is open to all employees who cannot imagine their lives without computers and other information technologies. They are usually said to be “gadget freaks.” Let us remind you that all nominations for corporate events are comic.
Jokes should not be confused with sarcasm or black humor. Remember that your nominees should not be offended or subject to ridicule or snide remarks. Therefore, be very careful when selecting names for nominations.
Use tools such as medals and certificates with humorous content. In addition, all participants and winners can be called onto the stage, taking funny photos with them.

Awards at a corporate party - comic nominations and more...

Here's an idea: ask your employees to bring their own to the table. favorite dish. You could even hold a competition best recipe your office, and reward the winner.

  • To stimulate the spirit of competition, you can announce a photography competition in advance. An employee who will do the best funny photo from office life on the phone, will also be awarded at the party in the “Best Paparazzi” category.
  • You need to worry in advance about prizes, awards, funny certificates and nominations for employees and participants of your corporate event.
  • To have fun, organize interactive games, solve charades or organize a tournament.

Comic nominations for men. comic nominations for corporate events

Nominations are selected in accordance with Hollywood (all positions are very cleverly deciphered on this website -

  • Main director
  • Screenwriter
  • Production designer
  • Best Actor
  • Best Actress
  • Best Sound
  • Costume designer

You can find actresses for a cameo role (often absent from the workplace), and supporting actors (inconspicuous rear workers). The main thing here is to provide the external attributes of the ceremony comic award- the red carpet, outfits, camera flashes, words of gratitude with tears in the eyes. Awards Option 1. Cheap and impressive Now there are a lot of original cups, certificates and medals on sale, which will be delivered in one box in one day.

Just choose the appropriate inscriptions.
The certificate must be:
  • funny;
  • such that you want to hang it on the wall (or above the desktop);
  • related to the specifics of the work of an office or enterprise;
  • unique (take the time to come up with words that will set each employee apart from the rest).

In addition to diplomas, you can present diplomas and certificates and even certificates; it all depends only on your imagination and the format of the award ceremony. If you won’t surprise anyone by presenting certificates, then presenting various certificates, permits and permits may surprise employees, especially when you present one or another employee with certificates such as “City Mayor”, “Killer” or permission to “Fly into space while intoxicated” " and so on.

Nominations for corporate events, comic in prose

Russian football from TV reports and their daily dubbing

  • for the kind words she says to her computer when she boots up every morning
  • for alternative coverage of traffic jams, of which special services, radio and the Internet are not aware
  • for a gentle voice on the phone, after which the interlocutor cannot concentrate on performing official duties for a long time
  • for good knowledge about personal life employees
  • for the ability to communicate on all known social networks
  • for drinking a record number of cups of coffee in a workday
  • for organizing a magnificent celebration of the “Day of Remembrance of the Transition to winter time» during lunch break
  • for recognizing any problem as the end of the world, nomination - “Full Armageddon”

Oscar This is perhaps the most common type of award.


For example, “Elena the Beautiful” is a title for the most attractive lady in the office, and the option “Marya the Artisan” is suitable for a woman who loves to make gifts with her own hands. Women should be rewarded with champagne and a delicious cake.

  • Professional holidays. If the company consists of builders, and the day before this holiday is celebrated, you can play with the names of the awards.

The nomination “What should we build a house” will go to the architect, “I can see everything from above, you know that” - to the bosses, and “To drive it into paint” - to the painters. Accompany the award presentation with poems or songs. You can also use the audio systems and play themed tunes for the occasion of the banquet. Important! Don’t forget to say compliments and nice words when presenting prizes - this will significantly increase trusting relationship a team.

You can add the word “Best...”. Or “The Most”, “Avid”, “Desperate”. Dry Gnawer, Coffee Lover, Chips Eater, Feng Shui Master, Goddess of Social Networks, Photo Monster, i-Maniac (Apple Product Admirer), Long Distance Runner (courier), Short Distance Runner (this is anyone with the task “take this piece of paper"), DJ (music is always with him - with or without headphones), Bird Talker (no comments...). We use phrases from songs and films Since last year, the nomination “Oh, God, what a man” appeared.

Don't forget about "Beauty Queen", "Accountant, My Dear Accountant". Award the nomination “Where are your 17 years old” carefully - maximum, to 18-year-olds. “Chocolate Bunny” (then let him finish singing), “And I want to fly”, “Let me go to the Himalayas” (for those who often ask), “A Poet’s Dream”, “I will command the parade!”, “Tsar, it’s nice meet me, king”, “I’m all so sudden”, etc.

If you think that a corporate party can do without an impressive final chord in the form of a comic reward for employees, you are mistaken. A cheerful, positive and bright end to the official part holiday program Everyone is waiting. Therefore, the main thing is not to disappoint the expectations of employees and to develop an award ceremony that will highlight the ideas of the corporate event and, at the same time, will become one of the most memorable and key moments of the holiday.

However, it is not easy to think through such a conclusion, and the advice that can be found on the Internet is unsystematic and fragmented, which is why achieving the necessary results is immediately under threat. big question. eventspro has systematized the network experience of conducting humorous corporate awards to help you choose the right areas of corporate employee recognition.

Miss, Mister and even Mrs.

Remember the famous Hollywood blockbuster with Sandra Bullock “Miss Congeniality”. You just gathered employees for festive table? There's nothing better than a fun award comic awards and titles.

Mr. Idea Generator, Miss Grace, Mrs. Originality... You can cover all the traits of human nature: Mister Dreamer, Visionary, Optimist, Miss Mystery, Wisdom, Sociability... Nominations of this type are as diverse as possible scenarios, and the presentation of prizes and souvenirs will be enjoyable addition to a corporate evening.

By the way, character traits and human qualities are far from the only possible nominations. You can use well-known phrases, quotes or even phraseological units: Mr. “Like a fish out of water”, “Call me back”, “I’m busy”, “War is war, but lunch is on schedule”, “It’s hard to be a god” and Ms. “All men are... ", "Blonde behind the wheel."

New professions

The most important thing in this comic nomination is the use of professions that simply do not exist in your team. This is where observation and good knowledge of your employees will come to the rescue. How have they proven themselves? For example:

  • makeup artist (likes to do makeup for his colleagues);
  • the head physician (in his desk drawer you can find medicines for any occasion);
  • master of "sado" (no, not at all what you think about! "Sado" is japanese art tea ceremony. If your employee likes to brew a variety of teas and serves them to his colleagues, he is fully worthy of such a nomination);
  • rescuer of the year (an employee who managed to eliminate the consequences of any difficult situations);
  • the best in plates, a chef (one who has the skills to quickly put together a wonderful corporate buffet out of literally nothing);
  • taster (who likes to try sweets from each table);
  • a psychotherapist (for example, your system administrator or programmer, who gently explains to each employee the reasons for the Internet or database not working);
  • supermodel (it also happens that beauty replaces working qualities);
  • political or sports commentator (maybe you are used to listening to the praises of Cristiano Ronaldo in the morning or listening to the indignation about the laws “about these guest workers”);
  • Privy Councilor (or eminence grise- as you wish. A person who can, as if by chance, throw out a couple of phrases that can change the company’s policy. And, at the same time, his position in it);
  • National Geographic correspondent (someone who loves to travel and talk about it, and his desk is littered with souvenirs from other countries).

Of course, you know your employees better than we do. Therefore, perhaps other fun and more suitable nominations will come to your mind.

Hobby nominations

Feel free to use your employees' passions and habits! And for greater effect, do not forget to add the word “Best”, “Diligent”, “Brave” and other similar epithets.
The name of the nomination depends only on your imagination and observation. So: Bird-talker (it happens), Feng Shui Master, MMORPG-lover (fan of online games), DJ (always with headphones), Anecdotal Man (has fun with jokes), coffee lover and much, much more! We are confident that your employees are very versatile people.

Smart guys and smart girls

Collect in this category all the actions of employees (both serious and funny) related to any discoveries and ideas. Simply Talent (for solving crossword puzzles or successfully solving 4th grade problems for the director’s son), “Kinder Surprise” (for the youngest and most active employees), Breakthrough of the Year, Idea Generator, etc. fit perfectly here.

Golden Oscar

The simplest and most common type of comic award. The nominations correspond to the nominations of the famous Hollywood event and look like:

  • best director;
  • best script;
  • nomination for unusual role;
  • nomination for best role background;
  • nomination for best cameo role;
  • for the best sound;
  • head of costumes.

With this type of award ceremony, it is necessary to provide Hollywood attributes (red carpet, outfits, camera flashes).

The “Oscar-winning” theme will be perfectly complemented by high-quality and bright show program, you can find out about various show programs and their advantages in the article “Show for a corporate party. Whom to invite? ".

We present certificates

Of course, the most highlight is the presentation of certificates. The certificate must be:

  • funny;
  • such that you want to hang it on the wall (or above the desktop);
  • related to the specifics of the work of an office or enterprise;
  • unique (take the time to come up with words that will set each employee apart from the rest).

In addition to diplomas, you can present diplomas and certificates and even certificates; it all depends only on your imagination and the format of the award ceremony. If you won’t surprise anyone by presenting certificates, then presenting various certificates, permits and permits may surprise employees, especially when you present one or another employee with certificates such as “City Mayor”, “Killer” or permission to “Fly into space while intoxicated” " and so on.

Souvenirs, ready-made certificates and cups

We offer approximate text content:

Awarded to (such and such) for:

  • …entertaining employees from other organizations who come to the office with anecdotes;
  • ...successful color scheme makeup that fits perfectly into the office interior;
  • … daily familiarization of colleagues with the political events of our (and not only!) country;
  • ...a gentle voice on the phone, zombifying enemies and turning them into friends of the company;
  • ...the best cabbage grown on a farm on social networks during working hours;
  • …excellent awareness of the personal lives of all colleagues;
  • ...saving colleagues from the harmful effects of nicotine (for constantly “shooting” cigarettes in the smoking room);
  • ...improving the atmosphere of the office (respectful attitude towards colors in the hall or office).

Come up with your own wording that will make employees laugh, while at the same time (in a non-offensive and humorous manner) revealing their passions, strengths, or even shortcomings (the latter is the most important because it helps people work on themselves and improve themselves).

Today it is not difficult to find many ready-made souvenirs with funny inscriptions that can become the basis of a nomination. In this case, of course, you don’t have to come up with them yourself - just give your employees a T-shirt, mug, magnet or notepad. The same applies to printing products. You can find certificates where it will already be written “Simply to the Goddess”, “Master “Golden Hands”, “Bright Head”, and even “Certificate given... that he is Simply Talent”.

One of the members of the Queen group, Roger Taylor, once remarked that in our world nothing goes without a reward - especially if a person tries. The reward for the manager for a properly thought-out festive corporate evening will be an increase in the efficiency and loyalty of employees, as well as an increase in the image and level of the enterprise itself.

To ensure that the event goes off with a bang, we suggest that you familiarize yourself in advance with the mistakes that are often made when organizing corporate events “

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