Is it possible to wear a lost watch? Why lose your watch on the street? Is it possible to hang someone else's wall clock in the house?

Fashion for wrist watch was introduced at the beginning of the 20th century by the military, who found it inconvenient to check the time using pocket watches. Over the past hundred years, wristwatches have become part of everyday use. Moreover, they began to more often perform not a direct function as an indicator of time, but rather stylish decoration. That is why the choice of watch is important depending on the event for which the outfit is chosen and own style person.

A universal watch for everyday wear can look quite simple: both for women and men, it can have a small square or round light-colored dial, a leather or metal strap without additional decoration, and a neutral palette. These watches can be used when creating an office wardrobe. They will also be relevant on dates, walks, meetings with friends, etc.

Executive hours are usually used for important business meetings on either receptions(if there is a need for them, of course). When choosing a watch of this class, you should remember that it must be combined with a suit for men and an outfit for women. Etiquette suggests that the strap of an executive watch should be the same color as the trouser belt, shoes, or wallet. For women, it should be combined with a bag, scarf, and gloves. It is desirable that the combination be harmonious in both texture and color. But it’s more important that the watch matches the style and shape of the whole look. Agree that large watch on a thick leather strap will look awkward with summer light dress, even if the color of the strap matches the color of the open sandals.


The watch strap should match the accessories

Sports watches, as a rule, have more functions (pedometer, navigator, heart rate monitor) and, accordingly, larger sizes than regular ones. There are specific watches for pilots, divers, runners, etc. They can be worn not only with tracksuit however, the rules must be followed very carefully color combination with clothes and shoes.

According to etiquette, women's watches made of precious metals can be combined with jewelry made of the same metal or metal of a similar color. For example, a platinum watch can be worn with silver or white gold jewelry.

The watch should fit your hand, not hang down and, on the contrary, not squeeze your wrist too much. The size of the dial depends on the owner’s hand: for a narrow, thin hand, an elegant watch with a round dial is ideal, and a square or rectangular watch will make a wide hand less massive.


Price good hours according to etiquette should be at least two months wages person. Fortunately, with the emergence of a large number of inexpensive and high-quality brands, this rule has become obsolete. However, a watch still remains an indicator of a person’s class, so you shouldn’t buy cheap fakes for expensive models - it’s better to buy an inexpensive but branded item.

Electronic watches with a plastic bracelet are intended exclusively for youth or for wearing in the gym. And they are absolutely not suitable for business meetings.

By the way, keep in mind that according to the rules of good manners it is considered impolite to look at your watch during a dialogue more than once every 15 minutes: this shows disrespect for your interlocutors.

On which hand to wear a watch: the opinion of esotericists

Esotericists believe that the perception of life depends on which hand you feel most comfortable wearing a watch on. Left-hand side is associated with the past, and the right one is associated with what will happen.

It is believed that when a person constantly looks at left hand, then he carries the burden of the past. He constantly experiences events that have already happened and can no longer be changed. He regrets his imperfect actions and missed opportunities.

If a person looks more often at right hand, then he lives with hopes for the future and is not burdened by the past. This helps him become more punctual, responsible and active.

If you experience discomfort, feel apathy and constantly remember the past, then try wearing a watch on your right hand, and your life will change for the better.

Why you should wear a watch on your right hand: Chinese version

In China, it is believed that very important energy points are located on the wrist of the left hand, which are directly related to a person’s well-being. The Tsun point is responsible for the functioning of the heart. This point is where the watch strap would normally be located. If you wear a watch on your left hand and constantly irritate the Cun point, this may interfere proper operation hearts.

Which hand should you wear the watch on: patriotic version

Russian President Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin also wears a watch on his right hand, although he explains this by saying that it is simply more convenient for him. If you wear a watch on your left hand, the crown rubs your hand, which causes discomfort. This is the simple explanation given by the President of the Russian Federation.

You can wear a watch on your right hand as a sign of solidarity with the President of Russia.

On which hand should you wear a watch: the opinion of psychologists

Psychologists believe that depending on which hand a person wears a watch on, one can determine his character. The accessory on the left hand speaks of internal dissatisfaction a person, his regrets and grievances about the past. It is difficult for such a person to rebuild and start something new.

The watch on the right hand indicates that its owner is creative personality. Many poets, musicians and artists wore watches on their right hand. People who wear a watch on their right hand are also punctual and are not afraid to take responsibility.

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A watch is an everyday indispensable accessory for active people who do not waste time and cherish every minute. The most popular watches as an accessory to a suit are wrist and pocket watches.


The wristwatch is worn on the wrist, not too high, but also without catching part of the palm with the strap. People usually wear watches on their left hand, but most left-handed people wear watches on their right hand. Also, watches are often worn on the right wrist by traders, speculators in the foreign exchange market, large deputies, in a word, all people who have any business, trading, or operation planned at certain minutes of every hour.
The wristwatch should not be completely covered by the sleeve of the shirt, as it shows status. Dark hours good with dark bottom and light top. Light watches are in harmony with almost any suit, with the exception of completely black and very dark ones.
Notice the clock, which has a turn on the left side of the dial. This watch was created specifically to be worn on the right hand. The watch winding crown on the right side indicates classic watch to be worn on the left wrist.

Very popular look Among the watches, especially in Europe, are pocket watches. They are worn only with suits or vests, usually excluding T-shirts and casual ones, as well youth clothing. Pocket watches are never worn without a chain and key fob.
Chains can be attached or a button. At the opposite end of the chain there may be a small elegant keychain. The material and color of the chain should at least visually match the pocket watch. The keychain is placed in one inner pocket of the top, and the watch in the other, thus, when unbuttoned or in a tailcoat, it will look like a separate decoration.
The keychain can be leather, then it is used separately from the chain, or it can be used together as a load.

A familiar everyday and very convenient accessory. At the same time, it is also a stylish fashionable decoration. On which hand - right or left - is it customary to wear this item?

Facts in favor of wearing a watch on your left hand

If we look at history, we can see that wristwatches became widespread during the First World War. Back then they were worn mostly by officers. Due to large quantity people are right-handed, their right hand is involved in performing a huge number of actions. In order not to damage such an expensive and valuable accessory as a watch, they began to be worn on the left hand. Mass production of watches gradually improved, and manufacturers produced mainly left-handed models. Later, right-handed watches began to appear.

Another, even simpler and more transparent argument in favor of wearing a watch on the left hand is related to the fact that it is much easier to fasten the strap or wind the winding mechanism with the right hand.

Reasons to wear a watch on your right hand

An accessory worn on the right hand is more noticeable to others precisely because large number movements made by this hand. Therefore, if a person wants to show his interlocutor an expensive, luxurious watch, he puts it on his right hand.

In order to stand out from the crowd, not to be like everyone else, to become more vibrant and unique, to emphasize their individuality, people take actions that deviate from the generally accepted. That is why some young people prefer to wear a wrist accessory on their right hand, contrary to the usual principles.


In the middle of the twentieth century, after the end of the war, an interesting idea appeared, according to which among thieves it is customary to put a watch on the right hand. In this way, they identified “their own” people in the crowd. Therefore, by changing your watch from your left hand to your right, you could protect yourself from unexpected pickpocketing.

Present tense

Today it is impossible to clearly answer the question on which hand it is correct to wear a watch. There is no answer in the rules of etiquette. And, therefore, you can wear the wrist accessory in a way that is convenient for you. Most often, right-handers wear a watch on their left hand, and left-handers on their right. There are right-handed and left-handed models, which differ from each other only in the location of the winding mechanism. The watch, which does not require winding, can be worn freely on any hand. More conservative members of society prefer to wear the accessory in question on their left hand, according to generally accepted habit. However, there are exceptions to any rule.

A person is inclined to attach a certain mysterious meaning to various simple situations, to see hidden messages in them. Many superstitions have become a part of life, and many people still believe in them.


Friday 13. Many people, seeing this number, will rush to postpone all important matters to another day, because this one is considered unlucky. Today you cannot establish exactly where this came from, but still there is a legend that on this day there was a massacre of the Templars. Whether Friday the 13th’s bad reputation is due to this or not, alas, no one knows.

There is an opinion among people that personal items absorb the energy of the owner, and therefore it is not worth giving and wearing someone else’s clothes, underwear, and accessories. You can only exchange things with very close people when you know that there is no malicious intent in them.

Folk signs

Much depends on the mood of the person who transfers the items for use. It would be better if you personally knew the owner of this or that item. If the watch has been inherited, then you need to pick it up and listen to your feelings.

If your relative lived decent life, did not suffer from serious illnesses, then the watch will not be able to transmit negative energy. Moreover, if the thing is pleasant to you, then feel free to put it on and wear it.

According to signs, it is not advisable to buy and wear used watches purchased in pawn shops and other places when you know who their owner is. If you bought such an accessory, then it would be correct to consecrate it in a church or carry out a cleansing procedure with holy water.

Perhaps there is no living object on the planet that could do without this rightfully named substance. People are no exception. Water is life. Few of us are puzzled by thinking about this pattern. Water is omnipresent. This is probably why it has become something ordinary and familiar to us. Only a few remember its unique properties.

The miraculous properties of water were noted by our distant ancestors. For this reason, ancient peoples worshiped bodies of water. In the Middle Ages, water was used to remove damage and the evil eye, treat mental and other ailments.

The ancestors were sure that water had a positive effect on youth and beauty if it was properly spoken, consecrated, and charged with silver. By the way, some of these rituals are integrated into leading religions. True, many past ideas about this mysterious substance have been superseded by universal education.

According to the results of research by modern scientists, the magic of water has acquired a scientific character. At the beginning of this century, Japanese researcher Emoto Masaru discovered that water has memory - it stores and transmits information.

Somewhat later, the ability of water to understand the data stored by it was confirmed. This probably explains the unique property of water as cleansing from physical, energetic and spiritual dirt. To do this, you need to immerse the object that needs to be cleaned in water for three days. The effect will be obvious only if the water is changed daily.

Running water is also applicable, in which the item is kept for half an hour. In any case, you cannot do without reading “Our Father”. Blessed salt is often added to water for purification purposes. In this way, amulets, watches, amulets, and jewelry are cleansed of negativity.

If you feel overwhelmed with negative energy, regular dousing will help get rid of it. cold water. A contrast shower would be a good solution. This is important to know: this procedure is contraindicated for people suffering from cardiovascular diseases, asthma, and diabetes.

How to cleanse yourself in this case? It is enough to lie in a warm bath and imagine how the water rids your spirit and body of illness. This procedure is also relevant for people who are constantly haunted by failure. Sea salt, which in itself is a good “sponge” that absorbs negativity, would be useful in a bath with water.

Flowing water is an excellent remedy for everyday problems. It is enough to tell her about everything that worries you. In the near future, these problems will be a thing of the past. During the ritual, running water should not hear about your successes and happiness, as it can carry them away. Therefore, our ancestors tried to avoid singing near the river. Advice: never sing in the shower, as in this case you are dealing with running water.

Water is not only a “cleaning” agent, but also an effective barrier to negative energy. A shower or bath is beneficial for depressed, nervous and often tired people.

Joint water procedures reconcile quarreling loved ones. It is known that dreams can come true, including bad ones. To avoid this “prospect”, immersing your hands in the river while simultaneously remembering the details of the nightmare will help.

If you suffer from sleepless nights, every time you put a glass of water at the head of the bed before your bed (it pours out in the morning!). Water is a reliable protection for the home from envy and the evil eye. Every time guests leave, wash the dishes and wipe the floors.

Water is a kind of wish fulfiller. Write what you want on paper (words expressing denial are not allowed) and place it under the glass clean water. Rub your palms together and place them on the sides of the glass without touching it. Say your wish out loud three times. Drink the water slowly.

You can wear someone else's watch, the main thing is to be sure that it does not contain negative information. If the watch has brought you trouble, then try to perform a cleansing ritual with water - this way you can protect yourself from destructive negative energy!

There are many different superstitions and traditions associated with watches that originated in ancient times, but are still relevant today. Is it possible to wear someone else’s watch, give it as a gift, throw it away, and many other questions may arise in your mind? modern man. The answers to them are not always clear-cut. To figure it out, you should find out as many details as possible.

What watches should you not wear?

Probably every person has found something on the street at least once in his life. Money, jewelry Cell phones- yes, whatever, because there is a rule “someone loses, someone finds.”

Not all people are prone to superstitions, so some people take the find for themselves without any doubt, while others either pass by or are tormented by the question: did they do the right thing? But any person, first of all, thinks about the safety of himself and his family. Therefore, it is quite logical to ask the question about the correctness of the appropriation of the found thing.

Many people know that picking up other people’s things on the street is prohibited, but only a few know why. Perhaps it's not so scary after all?

Watches are an integral part of most people's lives. This accessory symbolizes both the transience of time and its eternity. Very often, magical properties are attributed to this attribute.

Each item has energy received from its owner:

  • You cannot be sure that an object found on the street has absorbed only positive energy, because all people are different. Therefore, it is better not to wear them.
  • If we are talking about the thing of a loved one who does not have any malicious intent, then his watch will not cause any trouble to the new owner.
  • A watch received by inheritance will become a good amulet if it has passed on goodwill to a new owner.

Broken watches are a subject for a separate discussion. Not everything is so clear with them. With broken and damaged accessories, things are different:

  • Broken appliances have always been considered bad omen, symbolizing troubles and failures for its owner. Not only should they not be worn, but also kept at home due to the fact that they emit negative energy.
  • They say that a broken watch can stop the flow of its owner’s life, absorbing his energy and vitality necessary to move forward. A person loses interest in life, he does not have enough strength or time for anything.

But the way out of this situation is quite simple: you need to fix the broken item. This will help avoid negative phenomena associated with breakdown.

Is it possible to try on other people's accessories?

Surely many, even in childhood, loved to try on the clothes of friends and family, changing them forever or for a while. But is it possible to do this with a watch? Since this is an item for personal use, the exchange may carry some danger. This is connected not only with folk signs. Eg, It's just not hygienic. Consider:

As a present

Quite often, when choosing a gift for a loved one or to a loved one, it seems like a watch would be best. Which is not surprising, because depending on the brand and manufacturer, this can be a very stylish and status gift. But there will always be people who will insist that watches cannot be given as a gift.

Based on the signs, it is believed that neither new nor donated other people’s devices can be given to a person. But why did such a belief arise? There are a number of reasons:

To believe or not to believe in these signs depends on the person. There is a simple way out of this situation: if you really want to give a gift to a person, then you need to ask him in return for a small symbolic payment - at least a small coin itself. Then such a gift will not bring misfortune to the new owners.

Buy for yourself

In this case, there are no prejudices, and you can safely buy a watch for yourself. In this case, it is worth following some tips. Remember:

  • It is better for women and girls to give preference to models with a round or oval dial or other shapes, but always with rounded edges. This form will bring happiness and success in personal affairs to the lady’s life. But a square clock, on the contrary, symbolizes doing men’s work and “an unbearable burden.”
  • For a man, success in work and constant growth in finances will be brought by models with a square-shaped dial. This will also help avoid family problems.

Of course, it is still unknown exactly how the shape of these accessories affects success. family life And material well-being person. However, perhaps these recommendations will to some extent help you get what you want.

Alien wall “walkers”

Since both wrist and wall clocks perform similar functions, there is no significant difference in terms of energy in them. We can say that it is not worth bringing into the house not only someone else’s device that determines the exact time, but also other objects - especially in cases where you do not know the owner personally. By doing this, you can pretty much clutter your home.

If you want to hang someone else’s “walkers” in your house too much, there are some useful tips:


By buying things secondhand, you can save a lot. But is it worth it? Neither people's opinions nor folk signs do not give a clear answer.

What does losing a device mean?

It's always unpleasant to lose a watch. The sign may not be so clear. There are many different beliefs and explanations for why you can lose them. The most common are:

An unexpected find

There is also no clear opinion regarding this sign. Some sources prohibit picking up found accessories, while others say that this is a sign from above. If you find a watch, the sign reads:

Only the person himself can decide what to do if he finds a wristwatch on the street. It is better for those prone to superstitions to pass by, because all the signs may turn out to be true for him.

Forgetting in someone else's house

Sometimes it happens that, through negligence, you can leave your watch with one of your friends or relatives. This is not critical, because they will definitely be returned.

Such an event can tell about relationships between people, about what awaits in the future:

Broken appliances

Breaking a watch is an extremely unpleasant omen. Perhaps this is one of the most ancient and unpleasant signs. The interpretations are as follows:

  • The most common explanation: broken glass means the illness of one of your close relatives. The watch symbolizes life and its transience, and a cracked dial is a violation of integrity. But all these are just superstitions, and you shouldn’t get hung up on them.
  • Wristwatches can fall and break quite often due to problems with the clasp or strap. This is also considered a bad sign. If your watch breaks, you may experience problems at work or may not be able to get a promotion.

Each item has its own lifespan, and even the best quality watches stop working over time.

Can I throw it away?

Before asking this question, you need to make sure that the device cannot be repaired. Experienced master can fix them. Important to remember:

You shouldn’t get too hung up on signs, because any thing can fall and break without any particular reason, only due to the carelessness of the owner.

Attention, TODAY only!

Watches are not easy fashion accessory. A wristwatch can serve as a strong protective talisman, if, of course, you know how to choose it correctly. Psychics say that with the help of a wristwatch you can correct your destiny. The shape, size, history and location of a watch on the hand can influence a person’s karma, so it is important to know the rules for handling them, as well as some signs that will help you attract good luck.

The shape of a watch can influence a person's character and behavior. Square watches should be worn by those who suffer from their own disorganization and frivolity. A square watch will help you become more collected and serious.

A diamond-shaped clock will help you come to peace of mind and peace. But it is not recommended to wear them when solving serious work issues and active activities.

Round watches should be worn by those who have a conservative mindset and live according to their prejudices. Such a watch will make a person more tolerant of the opinions of other people and relieve him of criticism.

An oval-shaped watch is for those who find it difficult to build contacts with people and get their way from them. An oval watch is an excellent talisman of good luck for those who want a promotion, but the boss does not seem to notice their professionalism. They will positively influence a person's diplomatic abilities.

A watch in the shape of a triangle is suitable for those who want to develop leadership qualities. This watch gives confidence, determination and increases self-esteem. But for a long time Wearing such an accessory is not recommended, as confidence can turn into arrogance and ambition.

A hexagonal watch enhances insight, intuition and new ideas. They are suitable for those who are involved in creativity and art. The hexagonal shape of the watch also helps to achieve harmony with oneself and the world around us.

Unusual shape watch is suitable for those people who do not tolerate a measured and stable life. Such watches attract constant changes and unexpected situations. But these changes and surprises may not always be positive; you need to be prepared for this.

There are many different beliefs and signs associated with watches. For example, there is a sign that a watch cannot be given as a gift. If a watch is given as a wedding gift, then this is a sign of the newlyweds’ imminent divorce. If a watch is given as a birthday present, it will count down the time until the death of its owner. Is it worth accepting a watch as a gift then? Many psychics believe that if you give the donor a coin in return, then such a gift loses its negative aspects.

An inherited watch is a powerful talisman of protection and attracting good luck. Such watches preserve the energy of ancestors and, with the help of this energy, protect their owner from damage and the evil eye.

Which hand do you wear your watch on? It turns out that your perception of time depends on which hand your watch is on. It may seem incredible, but with the help of an ordinary wristwatch we can manage our time.

If you want to make time go faster, wear the watch on your left hand. If every minute is precious to you, wear your watch on your right hand. This is understandable: the human subconscious perceives time depending on the direction in which we turn to look at the clock. Right side is responsible for the future, and the left is responsible for the past. It turns out that when we look at our right hand, we rush into the future and wait for it, and when we look to the left, we are in the past.

And yet, there is something mystical, something unusual about the watch. They show us the time, count down weeks, months, years... A clock can move us, forcing us to run forward along with the hands of the dial, or, conversely, stop us, indicating that our time has not come yet. Do you think a watch can emit any energy and change the course of our lives? Did you like the article? Then be sure to put

15.10.2013 16:50

In the old days, the table symbolized the level of family wealth and happiness. A large number of signs and superstitions are associated with the table, which...

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