KVN for the preparatory group of kindergarten. Mathematical KVN for the preparatory school group Questions for the “Gramoteyka” team

Goal: to consolidate children's knowledge about the composition of numbers and adjacent numbers.


1. Practice solving addition and subtraction problems, independently composing problems, counting in direct order to consolidate numbers

2. Check the correctness of the image of geometric shapes and their location on a sheet of paper.

3. Develop attention and intelligence.

Equipment: silhouettes of two houses: four-story and five-story. Two sets of cards with numbers: from 0 to 5 and from 0 to 6. Square sheet of paper, felt-tip pens. Ball. 10 laps – “bumps”. Two sets of paper “petals” and “centres” of daisies.

Direct educational activities.

Educator: Guys, soon you will become first graders. Today we will find out how you prepare for school. For this purpose, we gathered at the Club of the Cheerful and Resourceful. You will solve problems and perform tasks with ingenuity. Two teams take part in the Club meeting: “Znayki” and “Pochemuchki”.

The jury consists of the head, senior teacher and teacher of the senior group.

We invited clowns Lepa and Klepa to our Club, but they could not come, since they are currently studying at a circus school. But they have prepared a task for you in advance. To successfully complete it, we will do a warm-up. Guess the riddles and answer the questions.

1. Five steps - ladder,

There is a song on the steps. (Notes)

2. Two in the hands, two in the legs,

Don't fall through the snow

And you will pass without difficulty -

There will only be two traces. (Skis)

3. There are 4 fish in one aquarium,

And in the other - not a single one.

How many fish are there in two aquariums? (4)

4. There are 4 apples on the table.

One of them was cut in half.

How many apples are on the table? (4)

5. A chicken standing on two legs weighs 2 kg.

How much does a chicken weigh standing on one leg? (2 kg)

6. Three people waited for the train for 3 hours.

How long did everyone wait? (3 hours)

V.: Well done! Now you can easily complete the clowns' task. It says that Lepa and Klepa live on Merry Men Street: Lepa in house No. 5, Klepa in house No. 6 (attach houses). Numbers are going to move into these houses. The clowns are asked to distribute the numbers across the floors so that on each floor of house No. 5 there live the numbers that make up the number 5, and in house No. 6 there live the numbers that make up the number 6. (2 people from each team work at the board). Checking with children.

And now the captains competition. Now we will check whether you are friends with geometric shapes. You need to draw different geometric figures, color them, name and describe the location of the figures on the square.

V.: While the captains are completing the task, the teams will remember the riddles and tell them to their opponents.

1. Who has one leg,

And even without a shoe? (At the mushroom)

2.Two twins - two brothers

They sit astride the nose. (Glasses)

3. Five brothers - they all have the same name,

Equal for years, different in height. (Fingers)

4. Four, but can’t walk. (Table)

5. Grandfather has four names in a year.

What is this? (Winter, Vienna, Summer, Autumn)

6. I'm so sweet, I'm so round,

I consist of two circles.

I'm so glad I've already found it

For myself, friends like you. (Number 8)

7. There are exactly seven of these brothers,

You all know them.

Every week around.

The last one will say goodbye -

The front one appears. (Days of the week)

8. Four ears, two bellies. What is this? (Pillow)

Checking the assignment with the captains.

Jury result.

V.: Let's play the game “Days of the Week”. I will throw an egg and tell you some day of the week. You must catch the ball and name all the days that follow this day. (In a circle)

Entrance of the clown Lepa.

Phys. just a minute. One, two - head up,

Three, four - arms wider,

Five, six - sit down quietly,

Seven, eight - let's throw away laziness,

Nine, ten - we work together.

V.: Lepa, what happened? After all, you should be in a circus school, right? And what are you looking for?

Lepa: I was in Coke. Now there is a mathematics lesson, and the teacher gave the task to find funny numbers. That's what I'm looking for.

V.: You got everything mixed up. Not funny numbers, but adjacent numbers.

Lepa: But aren’t they all equally funny and related?

V.: Guys, please explain to Lepa what adjacent numbers are.

Children: These are the neighbors of a given number.

Lepa: I don’t understand anything. Explain it some other way.

Game “Name the neighbors” (the teacher names the numbers)

Q: Do you understand, Lepa, what numbers are called adjacent?

Tepa: Now I understand.

Game "Don't get your feet wet"

V.: Now we will check how you solve problems. Imagine that you were given five sweets. You gave one candy to Klepa. How many candies do you have left?

Lepa: Five.

Lepa: Five.

V.: Well, why five, because you gave one away?

Lepa: I won’t give it to anyone, I love candy myself!

Children: No!

Q: How many candies should he have left?

Children: Four.

V.: Correct! Lepa, you need to share it with your friends. Are not you ashamed?

Lepa: It's a shame.

V.: Okay, we’ll believe you. Listen to the problem. You have two hot air balloon and Klepa has one. How many balls do you both have together?

Lepa: What are we going to do with these balls?

Q: Why do you need to know this?

Lepa: We must!

V.: Imagine that you go to the parade with them.

Lepa: Will there be wind outside?

V.: Let’s say it will be.

Lepa: Strong?

V.: Strong.

Lepa: Then we won’t have a single ball.

V.: Why?

Lepa: Because the wind will carry you into the sky.

Q: Children, did Lepa solve the problem correctly?

Children: No!

Q: Tell me, how many balls do Lepa and Klepa have in total?

Children: Three.

V.: Lepa, you, of course, amused us, but you did not solve this problem.

Lepa: Some of your tasks are incorrect. Let the children come up with problems themselves (diagrams for addition and subtraction) (three problems from each team, solving 1 problem at the board).

After the decision. What does the task consist of?

Jury result.

Lepa: Praises the children. I want to see how you can collect flowers from paper petals. One team has numbers of 7, and the other - 8 (2 people per team).

Game "Collect a flower".

Checking the task. The clown praises the children.

Lepa: I realized that I still need to study and study in order to become as smart and quick-witted as you. Goodbye!

V.: Well done, guys! You all tried not to let your team down. They were good at inventing and solving problems, counting, placing geometric shapes on a sheet of paper and describing their location. You already know what adjacent numbers are, you know how to form a number from two smaller ones. Each of you can proudly bear the title of a member of the Cheerful and Resourceful Club. The jury's word.





Math lesson notes

in the preparatory school group (final)

game "KVN" ("Club of Young Experts")

Compiled and conducted


Mazurenko V. A.

March, 2016 year


Training tasks:

Continue learning to solve arithmetic examples and write down their solution using numbers.

Train children to compose and solve problems using pictures.
Practice forward and backward counting within 20, and the ability to distinguish between quantitative and ordinal counting within 20.
Reinforce knowledge of the composition of numbers within 10 of the two smaller numbers.
To consolidate knowledge about the sequence of days of the week, seasons, months of the year.
Strengthen the ability to distinguish between concepts: higher - lower, wider - narrower, longer - shorter, thicker - thinner, older - younger.

Compare groups of objects using greater than, less than, and equal to signs.

Expand and activate children's vocabulary (communication)

Use geometric shapes to create planar images.

Developmental tasks:

Create conditions for the development of logical thinking, intelligence, and attention.
Develop ingenuity, visual memory, imagination, goodwill and the desire to help.
Contribute to the formation of mental operations, speech development, and the ability to give reasons for one’s statements.

Promote the formation of educational skills and abilities, the ability to work in pairs

Educational tasks:

Develop independence, the ability to understand a learning task and complete it independently.
Cultivate interest in mathematical studies, the ability to act together, and bring the job started to completion

Create an emotionally positive attitude in children (socialization)

Foster a sense of camaraderie, mutual assistance, collectivism, and the spirit of competition (socialization)

Integration educational areas:


- "Communication"
- "Socialization"

Innovative technologies:"Columbus Egg", "Tangram"

Equipment: emblems for teams, a set of numbers and signs, cards with digital houses, a puzzle game “Week”, d/i “Correct a mistake”, cards with tasks, example cards, pictures with a task of connecting the dots, sets of “Tangram” and “Columbus Egg” ", a model of a clock, markers for each person, 2 easels, cards for physical exercises, sheets for mathematical dictation, diplomas for awards.

The participants of the game enter the hall to the music “We are starting KVN...”.


Everyone! Everyone! Everyone! Let's start our KVN. Today we are holding a real, very serious and very responsible KVN - KVN for preschool children. Two intelligent and attentive teams will compete with each other and go through several stages of testing.

Guys, soon you will become first graders. Today we will find out how you prepared for school. For this purpose, we gathered at the Club of the Cheerful and Resourceful. Today you will solve problems and perform tasks using ingenuity.

Then we will sum up the results, and at the end there will be an awards ceremony for the participants. Our competition will be judged by a competent jury (the name and patronymic of the head of the kindergarten and the children’s parents are announced). And now - the command presentations.

Welcome to the team "Why Chicks" (represents the team captain)!

Members of the Pochemuchki team:

We are preschool children,
We are not afraid of obstacles.
We love to play KVN,
Together, win fairly!

Team "Know-it-alls." Welcome her! (Represents the team captain).

Members of the "Curious" team:

We are funny guys
We don't get bored in kindergarten
We play different games
We are winning in KVN!

So here we go! I invite the teams to take their places.

At the beginning of the game, I suggest you spend

First competition- warm up.

“Why”: How many ears do two hedgehogs have?

"Know-it-alls": How many tails do four cats have?
“Why”: How many noses do three elephants have?
"Know-it-alls": How many paws do two cubs have?
“Why”: How many nuts are there in an empty glass?
"Know-it-alls": Which tree does a crow sit on when it rains?
“Why”: If the tree is taller than the bush, then the bush... (below the tree)
"Know-it-alls": If the ruler longer than a pencil, then a pencil... (shorter than a ruler)
“Why”: If the rope is thicker than the thread, then the thread... (thinner than the rope)
"Know-it-alls": If sister older than brother, then brother... (younger than sister)
“Why”: What day comes after Wednesday?
"Know-it-alls": What day is before Tuesday?

“Why”: Count to 20 by counting.

"Know-it-alls": Count up to 20.

“Why”: Count backwards from 10 to 1.

"Know-it-alls": Name the “even” numbers up to 10.

“Why”: Name the “odd” numbers up to 10.

"Know-it-alls": Name the days of the week.

“Why”: Name the seasons.

"Know-it-alls": Name the months of the year.

Leading: We continue KVN. I invite the teams to take their places.

Second competition – “Find the mistake”(in pairs)

(Children come to the table. There are cards with objects, and numbers next to them, but something is confused here. Check and correct errors. Correct errors, if any).

Well done, you completed this task.

Third competition – “Count and compare”(individually)

(children compare the number of objects using signs (, =) and read equality or inequality)

Fourth competition – game “Tangram” (in pairs)

(Using a tangram, children collect cut-out pictures, and call them when they are collected)

And now we will take a wellness break.

Exercise for the eyes:

(Children accompany eye movements with words)

Oh, how long have we been writing?
The guys' eyes are tired.
(Blink your eyes)
Look all out the window
(Look left - right)
Oh, how high the sun is.
(Look up.)
We'll close our eyes now,
(Close your eyes with your palms)
Let's build a rainbow in the group,
Let's go up the rainbow,
(Look in an arc up, to the right and up - to the left)
Let's turn right, left,
And then we'll slide down
(Look down)
Squint your eyes hard, but hold on.
(Close your eyes, open them and blink them)

And we continue our KVN.

And the next one fifth Competition "Riddle - Solution"

Guys, let's remember what geometric shapes there are, with the help of riddles (teams ask each other riddles about geometric shapes).

Three peaks are visible here,

Three corners, three sides, -

Well, perhaps that’s enough! -

What do you see? - ...( Triangle)

He's been my friend for a long time,

Every angle in it is right.

All four sides

Same length

I'm glad to introduce him to you,

And his name is ……(square).

No corner, no side,

And my relatives are nothing but pancakes... (circle)

Four corners, like a square I have,

But I dare not call myself a square,

And yet, it looks like a square,

by the way, two long sides and two shorter ones. (Rectangle)

If I took a circle,

I squeezed it a little on both sides,

Answer children together -

It would work out ... (oval)

If all the squares stand up

To the tops at an angle,

Guys should have seen it

We are not squares, but... (rhombus)

Leading: Guys, you are great, you solved all the figures.

Sixth competition -"Fill the House"(individually)

You have upside down “number houses” on your tables.

You will need to make a “number house” from two smaller numbers. You will “write” numbers using numbers from a pencil case. You will check with each other. If your friend does not agree with your remark, then prove your opinion.

Seventh competition - "Solve the problem"(for captains)

(each team captain receives a picture from which he must compose and solve problem 2 me ways: drawing and example)

Captains, each of you has a task card. You will look at it carefully, make up a problem, and use the numbers from your pencil case to solve it.

..., tell me the conditions of your task?

..., ask a question about your problem?

..., what is the answer to your solution?

Leading: In the meantime, our captains are preparing, the teams will begin to do this task - “Connect the numbers by dots”(children must connect the numbers by dots: within 20).

Seventh competition – game “Columbus Egg”

(On the trays are parts of the “egg” folded into a whole. Children are invited to use all the parts to put together the shapes according to the complete images.)

Guys, now let's carry out dynamic pause (by cards)

Eighth competition – “Week”

Guys, now I suggest you remember the days of the week. Team captains, choose one of the participants from your team for this task. They will work at the board. And the remaining players - divide into two more teams. (children need to collect a cut picture according to the days of the week in a certain sequence)

Ninth competition – “Tick-tock”

Leading: Guys, you will soon go to school and should be able to tell the time by the clock so as not to be late for class.

Set a time when we get up in the morning? (7:00)

What time do we go for exercise? (8:00)

What time do we have lunch? (12:20)

What time do we go to bed in the evening? (21:00)

Tenth competition "Solve an example"(individually)

Guys, you have examples on your tables. You need to solve them and use a mathematical pencil case to provide the answer.

And the last, eleventh competition - “Mathematical dictation”

Sit up straight and place a piece of paper in front of you. Take a pencil. Be careful!

Graphic dictation – “House”.

1 class to the right, 1 cl. down, 1 class. to the right, 1 cl. down, 1 class. to the right, 1 cl. down, 1 class. to the right, 1 cl. down, 1 class. left, 3 cells down, 5 cells left, 3 cells up, 1 cl. left, 1st cell. up, 1 cl. to the right, 1 cl. up, 1 cl. to the right, 1 cl. up, 1 cl. to the right, 1 cell. up. Step back 2 squares from the center of the roof. down, draw a window in one cell, move 2 cells down from this window, draw 2 windows so that 1 cell is missing between them.

What did you get?

If you were careful and followed all the rules, then you should end up with the same house as mine. (Self check children).


Our wonderful KVN has come to an end. The distinguished jury will have to sum up the results of the game, and at this time we will relax and play the “Person to Person” MPI. (children are divided into pairs and, at the teacher’s command, touch those parts of the body that the teacher names: back to back, knee to knee,hand to hand, head to head, knee to knee, ear to ear, elbow to elbow, nose to noseetc. On the command “person to person”, couples exchange partners).

The jury sums up the results and announces the winners of KVN, and the winners are awarded prizes (children are awarded diplomas (certificates, medals) “For the pursuit of knowledge”).

This concludes our club of cheerful and resourceful people.

Greetings from the teams.
Warm up.

Summary of the lesson.



Mathematical KVN in the preparatory group kindergarten.

Evdakova Olga Stepanovna, first category, teacher of MBDOU No. 41 d/s "Snowdrop" Anapa Art. Anapa.

Training tasks:

Continue learning to solve arithmetic examples and write their solutions using numbers.
Continue learning to solve inequalities.
Continue to teach children analysis and synthesis, constructive thinking: to build new, more complex ones along a given contour from the simplest geometric figures.
Practice counting within 10, and the ability to distinguish between quantitative and ordinal counting within 10.
Reinforce knowledge of the composition of numbers within 10 of the two smaller numbers.
To consolidate knowledge about the sequence of days of the week, seasons, months of the year.
Strengthen the ability to distinguish between concepts: higher - lower, wider - narrower, longer - shorter, thicker - thinner, older - younger.
Strengthen the ability to use tables to solve logical problems.

Developmental tasks:

Create conditions for the development of logical thinking, intelligence, and attention.
Develop ingenuity, visual memory, imagination.
Contribute to the formation of mental operations, speech development, and the ability to give reasons for one’s statements.

Educational tasks:

Develop independence, the ability to understand a learning task and complete it independently.
Cultivate interest in mathematical studies.

Preliminary work with children:

guessing riddles, solving logical problems, solving constructive problems, observing the calendar, individual lessons.

Preliminary work of the teacher:

Prepare demonstration and handout materials.
Prepare visual aids “Azbukoved”, “Robot+”, “Robot-”.
Prepare a soundtrack.

Methodical techniques:

Calming exercises before class.
Game (trip to the land of Mathematics).
Visual (use of illustration).
Verbal (reminder, instructions, questions, individual answers from children).
Encouragement, lesson analysis.


Magnetic board, numbers, signs.

Demo material:

“Number Track”, “Azbukoved”, “Robot+”, “Robot-”.


task cards, envelopes with geometric shapes, pencils, cards with logic symbols, train sets.

Lesson structure:

Game situation: a journey to the land of mathematics.
Greetings from the teams.
Warm up.
Selecting lanes for teams to occupy their starting positions.
Finding a pair (composition of a number).
Logical trains - definition of loads.
Construction of a “SCHOOL” from geometric shapes.
Solving examples, identifying a letter, composing a word.
Coordination and development exercise “Japanese car”
Summary of the lesson.

Progress of the lesson:


Today we are holding a real, very serious and very responsible KVN - KVN for preschool mathematics students. Two intelligent and attentive teams will compete with each other and go through several stages of testing. Then we will sum up the results, and at the end there will be an awards ceremony for the participants. I would like to introduce you to the members of the jury. (Introduces the jury members.) And now - the team presentations. We welcome the team “Pochemuchki” (represents the team captain)!

Members of the Pochemuchki team:

We are preschool children,
We are not afraid of obstacles.
We love to play KVN,
Together, win fairly!


Team "Curious". Welcome her! (Represents the team captain).

Members of the "Curious" team:

We are funny guys
We don't get bored in kindergarten
We play different games
We are winning in KVN!



Let's do a warm-up: If a tree is taller than a bush, then the bush...?


Below the tree.


If the ruler is longer than the pencil, then the pencil...?


In short, rulers.


If the rope is thicker than the thread, then the thread...?


Thinner than a rope.


If a sister is older than a brother, then the brother...?


Younger than my sister.


If a river is wider than a stream, then the stream...?


Already rivers.


Is March the second month of spring?
Will spring be replaced by winter?
What day of the week is it today?
What day of the week comes after Wednesday?
So, the teams are ready to compete.


And now our teams have to choose a playing track for their competition tasks. Teams can confer and explain their decision.


In order to go to your gaming tables and take your jobs, you need to split into pairs and make a pair of numbers that add up to the number 8.


In a few days there will be a graduation party in our kindergarten group, you will go to school life. Each of you will have to go to school. Let's build ours future school. You need to distribute cargo among logical trains (solving inequalities).


To build a school, building materials must be brought to the construction site. To do this, teams receive “Real Estate Catalogues”, fill out order forms, calculate what and how many building materials are needed, receive building materials (geometric shapes) and begin building a school (based on the model of a real estate catalogue).


Well done, you completed the task. You can enter the school building by reading the encrypted word. Our faithful friends: Grandfather-Azbukoved, Robot+, Robot -. (Children solve examples, find a number, the number corresponds to the letter of the ABC, find all the letters, read encrypted words).


Well done, teams. And now I suggest you relax while the jury sums up the results and play “Japanese Car”.

Japanese car

Everyone stands (or sits, as desired) facing in a circle. Each player receives his own serial number, according to the number of players. A person is chosen to start the game. His task is to pass the move to another player as follows. He says his number, and then the number of the person to whom he wants to pass the move. He, in turn, pronounces his number, and then the number of any of the players. The transfer of power is accompanied by movements that simulate the sound of a typewriter: everyone simultaneously hits their knees 2 times, then lifts them up right hand(here we say our number), then left (we say the number of the person to whom we are passing the move). The rhythm becomes faster with each move. If a person makes a mistake, he is eliminated from the game, and so is his number. The game is played until the most attentive ones remain, this is 2-5 people. Give them a round of applause.
This warm-up game trains: a) coordination of movements, b) the connection between coordination and pronouncing words, c) the ability to distribute attention. Not all students manage to quickly master the sequence of movements; they confuse the order of gestures, do not fall into the general rhythm, and cannot cope with its changes. But this only stimulates their interest. The introduction of a number, a number, that is, speech on clicks when passing the baton with the eyes of “one-one”, “two-two”, etc., creates a new difficulty. Then the “voice” transmission begins - “five-five, five-one”, “one-one, one-seven”, etc., here you already need to send the word and be ready to receive the “voice”; both require organized attention and allow you to learn to distribute it correctly.

A comprehensive lesson in mathematics in a preparatory school group.

KVN “Mathematics – Queen of Sciences”

Program content:

Form a sense of solidarity, the ability to empathize with each other;

Exercise children in solving logical problems;

Improve skills in performing arithmetic operations;

Strengthen the understanding of the relationship between the whole and the parts;

Practice orientation on a sheet of paper;

To consolidate children's knowledge of geometric shapes, the sequence of days in the week, seasons and names of months of the year;

Get children interested in the end result.

Decor : posters, drawings, soundtrack, handouts.

Preliminary work: study of geometric shapes; conversations about the seasons, days of the week; solving mathematical problems; learning the composition of numbers; determining time by clock; working with parents - preparing collages and posters on a mathematical topic.

Activation of the dictionary: names of geometric shapes; names of days of the week, months; use of words “plus”, “minus”, “equal” in speech

Location: music hall.

Progress of the lesson

2 teams of a preparatory school group are participating, each of which has 6 people. Each team has an emblem corresponding to the team name.

Leading : Time moves, no right

We forget about this.

Time for business, time for fun,

It's time for KVN to start.

Music sounds, teams enter the hall and take their seats.

Leading : Good afternoon, dear colleagues. We are pleased to welcome you to our KVN “Mathematics - the Queen of Sciences”. Leading : I present to you the jury, which will help evaluate the completed tasks.

I present to you the jury that will evaluate the competitions:

1., 2.

Each competition will be worth 2 points. And now I would like to introduce you to the teams that will participate in the game:

1st team "CIRCLE"

Your motto:

It's easier to decide and win!

2nd team "SQUARE"

Your motto:

At our "Square"

All sides are equal.

And all our guys

Friendship is strong.

Leading : And now the teams will greet our guests


One two three four five,

We came here to play;

We will quickly shortchange you,

We know math!

I. Presenter : The first competition is “Warm-up”.

Teams are offered fun tasks that the guys must solve together in 30 seconds. After this, the captain raises the card with the required number.

1) 6 baby bears

Mom put me to bed.

One can't sleep.

How many people have good dreams?


1) Marina tore into the mug

10 raspberries,

I gave 6 to my girlfriend.

How many berries are there in the mug?


2) Nadyusha has five notebooks,

There are blots in them and a mess.

Nadya needs a draft.

Vasya, first student,

He also gave Nadya a notebook

How many notebooks does she have?


2) The squirrel sisters were sitting

Six of us in a hollow tree.

Another one rushed towards them -

She was fleeing the rain.

Everyone is staying warm now.

How many squirrels are there in the hollow?


3) The hedgehog went mushroom hunting

And I found 6 saffron milk caps

3 he put in the basket,

The rest are on the back.

How many saffron milk caps are he carrying?

A hedgehog on its needles? (6-3=3)

3) Four ripe pears

Swung on a branch

Pavlusha picked two pears,

How many pears are left (4-2=2)

II. Presenter: Second competition - “Geometric Fantasy”

Each team receives an envelope with geometric shapes. Assignment: assemble an animal from them while music plays and describe your work.

During the task, music plays (for 3 minutes).

III. Leading : Third competition - “Pick a Pair”

(highest score-2)

Each participant is given a mitten with an example written on it. Assignment: Solve the example on your mitten and find a second mitten with the same answer. Mitten colors vary.

The phonogram “Captains” plays

IV. Leading : Fourth competition. Captains Competition –

"Seasons". (highest score-2)

The task for captains consists of two parts.

I.Answer the questions:

1) How many months are there in a year? Name them.

1) How many days are there in a week? Name them.

2) How many seasons are there?

2) What are the seasons?

3) Name the autumn months?

3) What are the winter months?

II. Lay out the cards.

Assignment: Choose one picture from each season and put them in order. Explain your answer.

Physical education minute:

Leading : And now I suggest you relax a little and play with me

in the game “Arrows Walk in Circles.”

This is where your knowledge of clocks and time comes in handy.

Cards with numbers from 1 to 12 are laid out on the carpet in a circle. Children stand near the cards. The teacher stands in the center and recites poetic lines with the children (teams receive 1 point at the end of the game for correct answers).

We are a clock, our time is precise,

(Children walk in a circle holding hands.)

Arrows go around in circles

And they want to catch up with each other.

Arrows, arrows, don't rush,

Tell us the time!

Children squat next to each other

with the nearest card.

Educator. Five hours!

(Children sitting near the

cards with numbers 5 and 12).

The game is repeated several times.

V. Presenter : I announce the fifth competition - “Settled Houses”

This competition is for knowledge of the composition of numbers. Task: each player is given a “house”, it must be filled out while the music is playing (the phonogram plays for 3 minutes).

The completed cards are handed over to the jury.

VI. Leading : Sixth competition “Absent-minded Photographer”.

Children are shown a composition of three volumetric bodies.

Task: name volumetric bodies and find the correct photo of this composition.

VII. Leading : I announce the seventh “Graphic Dictation” competition

The children hand out checkered sheets of paper and markers.

Task: Draw a graphic drawing correctly.

1. Find the bottom left corner.

2. Count from the bottom left corner three cells to the right.

3. Place a dot in the upper right corner of the third cell.

4. Find the top left corner.

5. Count from the upper left corner three cells to the right.

6. Place a dot in the lower right corner of the third cell.

7. Find the upper right corner.

8. Count from the upper right corner four cells to the left.

9. Place a dot in the lower left corner of the fourth cell.

10. Find the bottom right corner

11. Count from the lower right corner four cells to the left.

12. Place a dot in the upper left corner of the fourth cell.

What kind of figure did you get? (rectangle)

Leading : Our competitions are over. In the meantime, the jury is summing up the results, the guys will sing the song “Two-two, four.” Next comes the awarding of the winners (certificates, medals).

Used Books:

1. “One is a step, two is a step” / Mathematics for children 5-6 years old / L. G. Peterson, N. P. Kholina, Yuventa, 2006

2. g-l "Preschool education"

educational field "Cognition"

Purpose of the game: to test children’s ability to independently complete tasks in a competitive environment.
Program tasks: to develop computing skills, consolidate ordinal counting, establish connections and relationships between numbers in the natural series, the composition of a number from two smaller numbers, instill interest in solving entertaining tasks with mathematical meaning, practice solving examples with missing numbers, develop logical creative thinking, attention, visual memory, competitive spirit.
Materials and equipment: gong, 15 bags, stopwatch, package, envelope with assignments, examples with missing numbers, markers, number houses, trays with geometric shapes.

Progress of the game:

Host: Hello, our dear guests! We invite you to the mathematical KVN. Let's welcome our teams!
(teams “Smile” and “Luchik” come in and stand in a semicircle)
Presenter: Team “Smile”, introduce your captain.
Captain: Our motto: Play more friendly,
Decide quickly
Smile at others!
And we will win in KVN!
Our emblem...
Presenter: Team “Luchik”, introduce your captain.
Captain: Our motto: “Ray” forward
Victory awaits us.
Strong in math
Only us, not them!
Our emblem...
Presenter: Teams, go to the tables, sit down. And now I will introduce the jury, which will observe our game and evaluate the competitions.
(jury presentation)
Host: Now listen to the rules of the game. After the task I set, the team will have time to discuss the solution and come to the correct answer. After which the captain hits the gong. Whose team hits the gong first, that team has the right to respond first. The more correct answers a team has, the more golden bags they have - like these, and each bag is an additional 10 seconds of time to complete the last most difficult task. We are starting KVN.
1 competition “Warm-up”
Five crows sat on the roof
2 more flew to them,
Answer quickly and boldly:
How many of them have arrived? (seven)

On a large sofa in a row
Tanina's dolls are standing
Matryoshka, one Pinocchio,
One bunny and another Cipollino.
Help Tanya
Count the toys. (four)
Presenter: The team hit the gong faster... She has the right to answer first. Receives a golden bag.
2nd competition “Make no mistake”
Host: There are numbers written on the easel that need to be compared. Each team member comes in turn to the easel and places the right sign between numbers: “greater than,” “less than,” or “equal to.” As soon as last participant team completes the task, the captain hits the gong. The jury checks the correctness of the signs.

5 8 7 1
3 5 6 8
6 6 2 5
7 4 8 8
4 0 5 6
1 7 9 10
9 6 4 8
4 4 6 0
2 3 2 2
10 9 3 1

(the jury sums up the results of the “Make No Mistake” competition, hands over a golden bag)
Presenter: The team receives the golden bag... The next competition for captains.
3 Captains competition (music sounds)

(knock on the door, postman Pechkin comes in)

Postman Pechkin: Is this a kindergarten?
Children: Yes.
Postman Pechkin: Preparatory group?
Children: Yes.
Postman Pechkin: So I got there. A letter to you for the team captains.
Presenter: Postman Pechkin, you are just in time.
Postman Pechkin: Well, okay, I gave the letter, I’ll go to other addresses to deliver letters.
(Postman Pechkin leaves)
Host: What kind of letter is in the envelope? Task: connect the dots with numbers in the correct order and see what happens. Captains, here is your task on the easel. Get started, and the other team members and I will play the “Get in order” game.
Game "Get in order"
(numbers from 1 to 9 for each team are laid out on the floor; at a signal, the child picks up any number and stands in the right place in the number line)
Presenter: Team “Smile” pay off in order (team “Luchik” pay off in order). Eighth in the “Smile” team, who do you stand behind? (behind the seventh). Third in the “Luchik” team, who do you rank after? (after the second one). Fourth in the “Smile” team, who are you standing between? (between the third and fifth). Sixth in the “Luchik” team, who are you standing in front of? (before the seventh). Well done team, take your seats while we test our captains.
(the jury sums up the results of the Captains' competition and hands over a golden bag)
3rd competition “Empty Window”
Presenter: I will distribute sheets of paper to the teams on which examples with missing numbers are written. Task: enter the missing number to get the correct answer. As soon as the team completes the task, the captain hits the gong and reads out the examples, and we check everything together.

(the jury sums up the results of the “Empty Window” competition and hands over a golden bag)
Host: And now a task for ingenuity, quick wits. If the team knows the answer, the captain quickly hits the gong.
How many ears do two mice have? (four ears)
How many paws do two cubs have? (eight paws)
January has arrived. First, 3 apple trees bloomed, and then another apple tree. How many apple trees have blossomed? (none)
A cat has two left paws, two right paws, two front paws, and two back paws. How many paws does a cat have? (Four paws)
Musical pause.
4 competition " Number houses»

Presenter: Numerical houses for each team are written on the easel. Each team member comes to the easel and writes down the correct answer. The team that quickly and correctly completes the task will be rechecked by the captain and hit the gong.

(the jury sums up the results of the “Number Houses” competition and hands over a golden bag)
Host: And now we have come to the most difficult competition, but first we will count the bags. The “Smile” team earned an additional ... seconds, the “Luchik” team earned an additional ... seconds. You have 1 minute to complete the task. Thus, the “Smile” team has so much time to complete the last task, and the “Luchik” team has so much time to complete the last task. The jury will use a stopwatch to record the time. Assignment: There are geometric shapes on the trays. Within the allotted time, teams need to place a cat and a hare on a tray according to the pattern.

(children complete the task, at the end of the allotted time the jury sums up: which team won in KVN, awards medals to the winners for 1st place and the losers for 2nd place)

There is a knock on the door and Postman Pechkin appears.
Postman Pechkin: I completely forgot to give you the parcel, I had to come back a second time.
Host: Thank you, Postman Pechkin, you really got carried away.
(Postman Pechkin leaves).
Host: And on the package it says: do the countdown, otherwise it won’t open. Guys, let’s all count backwards together: 10, 9,….1.
(the presenter gives gifts to the children)
Host: Dear guests! Thank you for attention. Let's welcome our teams again!
(children leave the music room to the music)

KVN in mathematics (FEMP) in the preparatory school group

"Journey to the Kingdom of Mathematics"

MDOU "Kindergarten No. 215"

Educator: Bykova E. G.

Target :

To support children's interest in intellectual activity, the desire to play games with mathematical content, showing persistence, determination, resourcefulness, ingenuity, mutual assistance, and understanding of humor. Bring children joy and pleasure from educational games.

Training tasks:

  • Continue to develop the ability to solve arithmetic problems.
  • Practice counting within 10, and the ability to distinguish between quantitative and ordinal counting within 10.
  • To consolidate knowledge about the sequence of days of the week, months of the year, seasons.
  • Strengthen the ability to distinguish between concepts: older - younger, longer - shorter, thicker - thinner, higher - lower, wider - narrower.

Developmental tasks:

  • Contribute to the formation of mental operations, speech development, and the ability to give reasons for one’s statements.
  • Create conditions for the development of logical thinking, intelligence, and attention.
  • Develop ingenuity, visual memory, imagination.

Educational tasks:

  • Develop independence, the ability to understand a learning task and complete it independently.
  • Cultivate interest in mathematical studies.

Preliminary work with children:

conversations about the seasons, days of the week; solving mathematical and logical problems; telling time by clock, solving riddles, solving constructive problems.


Magnetic board, numbers, stopwatch, balloons.

Demo material:

Cards with numbers (for physical training),


Counting sticks, cards with numbers, “daisy” with tasks, “mittens” (example and answer) - for each child (12).

Activating the dictionary:names of geometric shapes; names of days of the week, months; use of words “plus”, “minus”, “equal” in speech

Progress of the event:

The music is playing and the audience is in their seats.

Leading: You all know that KVN is a game of cheerful and resourceful people. Two intelligent and attentive teams will compete with each other and go through several stages of testing. Mathematics is a wonderful science, it develops logical thinking, attention, brain. It’s not for nothing that they call it “mental gymnastics” and doing it is as exciting as playing KVN.

Leading: Time moves, no right

We forget about this.

Time for business, time for fun,

It's time for KVN to start.

Music sounds, teams enter the hall and take their seats.

Now I will introduce the jury, which will monitor our game and evaluate the competitions, and at the end of the game will sum up the results and determine the winning team. Let me introduce the members of our jury: 1.,2.,3..

Each competition will be worth 2 points. And now I want to introduce

Here are the teams that will participate in the game:

1st team "CIRCLE"

Your motto:

It's easier to decide and win!

2nd team "SQUARE"

Your motto:

At our "Square"

All sides are equal.

And all our guys

Friendship is strong.

Presenter: And now the teams will greet our guests


One two three four five,

We came here to play;

We will quickly shortchange you,

We know math!

The first competition is “Warm-up”.

Questions for the first team:

1. Name the shortest month of the year.

2. Name last month of the year.

3. How many days are there in a week?

4. How many seasons are there, name them?

5. Name the neighbors of the numbers 15 (14 and 16).

6. Sparrows were sitting on the tree. After 2 more flew to them, there were 4 of them. How many sparrows were sitting on the tree?

Questions for the second team:

1. What is the shortest month of the year?

2. What is the first month of the year?

3. How many months are there in a year?

4. Name the days of the week.

5. Name the neighbors of the number 18 (17 and 19)

6. The kittens drank milk from a saucer. After 1 more approached them, there were 5 of them. How many kittens drank milk?

Leading: Guys, the warm-up went well, you showed excellent knowledge. Now let's count the points. The jury's word. After warming up, the team ahead...

Second competition - “Pick a Pair” (highest score - 2)

Each participant is given a mitten with an example written on it.

Exercise: Solve the example on your mitten and find a second mitten with the same answer. Mitten colors vary.

Third competition: “Chamomile” ( captains pull out a petal with a riddle from a flower)

1. One evening to the bear

Neighbors came to the pie:

Hedgehog, badger, raccoon, “slanty”,

A wolf with a tricky fox.

But the bear couldn't

Divide the pie among everyone

The bear was sweating from labor -

Help him quickly -

Count all the animals. (7)

(B. Zakhoder)

2. Grandma baked a sweet pie

I called all my grandchildren and granddaughters,

Grandma had many grandchildren

I divided the pie into ten parts.

A piece for Marina,

A piece for Svetlana,

A piece to Danila,

A piece - Maryana

Ilyusha, Kiryusha, Alena and Masha

To our youngest granddaughter.

And Vova just sat down at the table

I ate two pieces at once.

How many grandchildren did grandma have?
Did she treat everyone to pie? (9 grandchildren)

3. Ignat went out into the yard,

I saw guys I knew

And there were exactly 5 of them

Ignat got some candy

And he gave each one two.

And there are no more candies left

Even he didn't get it

Give me a quick answer:

How many candies were there in total? (10)

4. There were 10 cones hanging on the tree,

A couple of boys were walking through the forest.
The boys picked two cones each.

How many cones are left on the tree?

When did the boys leave the forest? (6)

5. There is a kind hedgehog at the market

I bought boots for the family.

Boots that fit your feet,

A little less - for my wife,

With buckles - for my son,

With clasps - for my daughter.

How many legs does a hedgehog have in a family?

And how many boots did he buy? (Legs - 16, boots - 16)

6. Hares ran through the forest,

Wolf tracks on the road counted,

A pack of wolves passed here

Every paw is visible in the snow.

The wolves left eight tracks,

How many wolves, tell me, were there here? (2)

Physical education minute:

Leading: And now I invite teams to play with me

V game “Arrows go in circles.”

This is where your knowledge of clocks and time comes in handy.

Cards with numbers from 1 to 12 are laid out on the carpet in a circle. Children stand near the cards. The teacher stands in the center and recites poetic lines with the children (teams receive 1 point at the end of the game for correct answers).

We are a clock, our time is precise,

(Children walk in a circle holding hands.)

Arrows go around in circles

And they want to catch up with each other.

Arrows, arrows, don't rush,

Tell us the time!

Children squat down next to the nearest card.

Educator. Five hours!

(Children sitting near the cards with numbers 5 and 12 should stand up.)

The game is repeated 3 - 4 times.

Fourth competition: “Guess the numbers” ( Establishing connections and relationships between numbers in the natural series)

Leading: I will tell you the numbers, and you, taking the desired card with numbers, show which number is greater (less) than the one named by 1. (the numbers are called 5, 6, 7). So:

Which number is greater than 3 or 5? (5)

What number comes before 7? After 7? (Children show cards with numbers 6 and 8).

Tell me, which number is greater than 6 and less than 8? (Children show the number 7).

Name the neighbors of the number 8. (7 and 9)

Leading: Well done! You know that KVN is a game of cheerful and resourceful people. Therefore, I offer you fun tasks for ingenuity.

Blitz survey.

Questions for the first team:

1. What comb can you use to comb your head? (rooster).

2. How many ears do two mice have? (Four).

3. How do day and night end? (soft sign).

4. How many legs does a chicken have? (the chicken has no paws).

5. Grandma Dasha has a granddaughter Masha, a cat Fluff, and a dog Druzhok. How many grandchildren does grandma have? (one granddaughter Masha).

6. The rooster laid an egg. Who will get it? (to no one).

7. There were 4 bears and 3 rams in the zoo. How many wild animals were there in the zoo?

8. There were 5 apples growing on the birch tree. 3 apples fell to the ground. How many apples are left on the birch tree? (not at all, apples don’t grow on birch trees)

Blitz survey.

Questions for the second team:

1. What animal helps you cross the road? (Zebra).

2. How many tails do two donkeys have? (Two)

3. What bird is called a postman? (Dove).

4. How many nuts are there in an empty glass? (the glass is empty, which means there is nothing in it).

5. The animal has 2 right legs, 2 left legs, 2 legs in front, 2 in back. How many legs does an animal have? (4 legs).

6. Which animals always sleep with their eyes open? (Fish).

7. Can a rooster call itself a bird? (No, because he can’t speak).

8. The long-awaited January has arrived. First, 1 apple tree bloomed, then 3 more plum trees. How many trees bloomed? (Trees do not bloom in January).

Leading: You completed your assignments well. Well done! And our game continues. Guys, a wise owl has come to visit us. She also wants to take part in our game.(The owl greets the children and offers them their tasks)

Owl: Guys, I flew to you from the forest. I know every corner of my forest. I know where my squirrel friends live, my hares friends live and where the bear sleeps in his den. Guys, you can find out too. If you complete my tasks correctly, you will get a map of our forest.

(sheets of paper lie in front of the children.)

Draw 3 squares in the upper right corner, squirrels live here. In the lower left corner draw 5 triangles, hares live there. In the upper left corner, draw a large circle - this is the bear’s den. In the lower right corner, draw 4 rectangles - the hedgehog’s family lives there, and in the center of the sheet, draw an oval - this is a forest lake. Now, guys, you won't get lost in our forest.

Leading: Thank you, wise Owl, for participating in our game.

Owl: Well, it's time for me to go home, goodbye guys.

Leading: While the jury sums up the Owls' competition, I'll ask some fun questions to the fans.

Game with fans:

1. How many angles does a circle have?

2. How many stars are there in the sky during the day?
3. How many ears do three mice have?
4. How many horns do two cows have?

5. How many sides does a rectangle have? (Four).
6. How many giraffes swim in the Black Sea? (No one).
7. Mom knitted three scarves and three mittens for the children. How many mittens does she still have left to knit? (Three).
8. Which fairy tales have numbers in their titles? (Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs, Three Little Pigs, Three Fat Men, Three Bears, the Tale of dead princess and 7 heroes)

9. How many characters lived in the tower? (6)

10. How many characters pulled out turnips in the fairy tale “Turnip”? (6)

Physical education for everyone:"Pinocchio"

Pinocchio stretched

One - bent over, two - bent over

He spread his arms to the sides,

Apparently I couldn't find the key.

To get us the key

We need to stand on our toes.

Fifth competition. Foremost - captains competition.(highest score-2)

The task for captains consists of two parts.

1. “Make a figure.”

Each person has 5 counting sticks. The captain of the “Circle” team must assemble 2 rectangles from them, and the captain of the “Square” team must assemble 2 triangles from them.

2. “A fun challenge.”

Captains are given fun problems that they must solve in 30 seconds. Then give the correct answer.

1) The hedgehog went mushroom hunting

And I found 6 saffron milk caps

3 he put in the basket,

The rest are on the back.

How many saffron milk caps are he carrying?

A hedgehog on its needles? (6-3=3)

1) Four ripe pears

Swung on a branch

Pavlusha picked two pears,

How many pears are left (4-2=2)

2) Nadyusha has five notebooks,

There are blots in them and a mess.

Nadya needs a draft.

Vasya, first student,

He also gave Nadya a notebook

How many notebooks does she have?


2) The squirrel sisters were sitting

Six of us in a hollow tree.

Another one rushed towards them -

She was fleeing the rain.

Everyone is staying warm now.

How many squirrels are there in the hollow?


Leading: Well done! We completed the tasks.

Sixth competition "Continue the sentence"

Circle. If a tree is taller than a bush, then the bush...?

Children: below the tree.

Square. If the ruler is longer than the pencil, then the pencil...?

Children: shorter than a ruler.

Circle. If the rope is thicker than the thread, then the thread...?

Children: thinner than a rope.

Square. If a sister is older than a brother, then the brother...?

Children: younger than sister.

Circle. If a river is wider than a stream, then the stream...?

Children: already rivers.

Square. How many nuts are there in an empty glass?

Circle. Which tree does a crow sit on when it rains?

Square. Who can swim across the river faster, the chicken or the duckling?

Didactic game with fans:

Objects that surround us come in different sizes: large, small, long, short, low, high, narrow, wide. I will name the word, and you will list which objects can be called by this word.

Long - river, road, tape, rope, etc.

Round – ball, sun, orange, apple, etc.

Low – bush, house, table, child, etc.

Tall – house, table, chair, etc.

Presenter: So the game is over

It's time for us to part.

We say thank you to everyone,

Thank you for the game.

In the meantime, the jury is summing up the results, we havemusical break “Balloon Song”. At the end of the song, the participants of the game throw balls to the spectators.

the guys will sing the song “Two-two, four.”


Novikova V.P. “Mathematics in kindergarten” (preparatory group) M. “Mosaic - Synthesis”

Kuvaeva N.L. “Lesson notes in mathematics” M. 2008.

“One is a step, two is a step” / Mathematics for children 5-6 years old / L. G. Peterson, N. P. Kholina, Yuventa, 2006

Goals: introduce preschoolers to national culture and traditions of the Russian people; during the game, consolidate and deepen children’s knowledge about objects of folk and applied art.

Tasks: evoke positive emotions; develop creative potential personalities; develop speech activity and memory.

Children are pre-divided into two teams: a girls team - “Pretty Girls” and a boys team - “Good Fellows”. Teams must have an equal number of participants. The rest of the children will be spectators - fans.


When I came to the hall, don’t frown!

Be cheerful until the end!

You are not a spectator, you are not a guest,

And our program is the highlight!

Don't be shy, smile

Obey all laws!

Today, at a meeting of the club of cheerful and resourceful people, two teams are competing: the “RED GIRLS” team - let’s welcome them! — and the “GOOD WELL DONE” team! They, too, are looking forward to your stormy but short-lived applause.

It has long been known to everyone in the world

The art of Russian masters.

They contain the beauty of their native nature

And the ancient wisdom of centuries.

The theme of today's game is “We remember antiquity, we honor antiquity.” Now we will see how much we remember her and how much we honor her. And your knowledge and skills will be assessed by a respected jury (the jury reads out).

Let's start the warm-up with the Russians you know well. folk proverbs. But call one by one famous proverbs- it would be too simple and uninteresting. We decided to confuse you a little. You need to choose the correct answer from the three offered. Raise your hand, answer quickly, and now we’ll ask the jury - assign points! For each correct answer, the team receives 1 chip. At the end of the game, we will count all the chips the teams received and determine the winner.

So, the “Proverb Test” competition.

You can't even pull a fish out of...


From under the ice;

If you have patience, there will be...

Lots of money;

Good weather.

Living without anything is heaven...



Do not see.

A bird is recognized by its flight, but a person...

In the teeth;

By hairstyle;

On business.

A craftsman and a craftsman both for himself and for others...

He’ll throw something in;

Brings joy;

Creates trouble.

The sun colors the earth, and man -

Pretty haircut;

New dress.

Well done! The Russian people have always been hardworking, which is why they have written a lot of proverbs about work. Since ancient times, Russian people loved to decorate their everyday life with artistic creations. What Russian folk crafts do you know?

A “Homework” competition is being held.

Teams take turns talking about ancient folk crafts.


1st child of the Red Maidens team.

Russia was famous for its miracle masters.

Wood and clay were turned into a fairy tale,

They created beauty with paints and brushes,

The young were taught their art.

E. Churilova

2nd child.

What is Dymkovo famous for?

With your toy!

There is no smoky color in it,

What grayness is gray.

There's something of the rainbow in her,

From drops of dew,

There is something of joy in her,

Thundering like bass!

3rd child.

They loved songs and dances there,

And fairy tales were born in the village.

The evenings are long in winter,

And they sculpted there from clay

All toys are not simple,

And magically painted.

4th child. Clay is one of the most common natural materials. A very long time ago it was used to make various items everyday life.

5th child. The first Vyatka brightly colored figurine is a whistle. It was made in honor of the Pandemonium holiday. On this day, city residents commemorated their ancestors in the morning, and in the afternoon they walked the streets and whistled small whistles to scare away evil spirits.

Leading. What kind of toys were Dymkovo craftsmen famous for?

Children's response. Young lady water-carrier, turkey, horse, lamb-whistle, deer - golden antlers, etc.

Leading. And why Dymkovo toy Always white?

Children's answer. Because it is painted with white gouache diluted in milk.

Leading. What elements of painting did Vyatka craftsmen use to decorate their toys?

Children's response. Circles, dots.


1st child of the team“Good fellows.” Gzhel products are easy to distinguish from others - they are made of white clay and painted with bluish-blue patterns.

2nd child. Famous Gzhel masters made various pottery: mugs, plates, jugs, flower pots. These products were very popular throughout Rus'.

3rd child. The craftsmen made not only dishes, but also figurines fairy-tale heroes, and toys: horses, roosters, cats, dogs.

4th child.

Gzhel painting on white porcelain -

Blue sky, blue sea,

The blue of cornflowers, ringing bells,

Bluebirds on thin branches.

5th child.

Blue deep lakes, white snow

Gzhel was given by Mother Earth.

Colors intertwine in a delicate pattern,

And magic comes to us from fairy tales.

E. Churilova


1st child"Red Maidens" team. Even in ancient times, people loved to decorate their lives with wood carvings. Russian wood carvings decorated the doors of the hut, window frames, and various furniture.

2nd child. Everyday objects were also decorated with carvings: spoons, cups, rockers and other objects.


1st child of the “Good fellows” team. In the old days, craftsmen not only loved to carve wood, but also beautifully painted wood products. Khokhloma painting was considered the most famous in Rus'. They painted dishes: dishes, plates, spoons, glasses, salt shakers. As well as boxes, trays and furniture.

2nd child.

Khokhloma painting -

In the green grass.

And nowhere in the world

There are no such inflorescences

The most wonderful of all miracles

Khokhloma colors!

P. Sinyavsky

3rd child.

Khokhloma painting, like witchcraft,

She asks for a fairy-tale song herself.

And nowhere in the world are there such inflorescences,

Our Khokhloma is the most wonderful of all miracles!

Leading. Guys, do you know why this painting is called Khokhloma?

Children's answer. Because this style of painting was born in the Russian village of Khokhloma.

Leading. What colors do craftsmen use to paint their products?

Children's answer. Red, yellow, green, black, gold and silver.

Leading. What exactly is customary to draw on dishes and other products?

Children's response. A plant pattern is always used here - ears of corn, berries, currants, leaves and flowers.

Leading. Yes, we can talk about Russian folk crafts for a very long time. This includes Gorodets painting, Zhostovo trays, Vologda lace, famous Russian nesting dolls, Filimonov whistle toys. The products of Russian craftsmen have always been famous throughout the world. After all, they are made by the hands of masters who put all their love, creativity and skill into them.

We are proud of antiquity

She became like family to us.

Always makes someone happy

Our great-grandfathers' work.

Let's continue our competition in knowledge of antique household items. Now you will name them one by one. And the jury will note which team can name the most objects.

Competition “Do we remember the old days?”

Children take turns naming objects of ancient Russian life.

Tub, spinning wheel, dokha (fur coat), zhupan (antique short caftan), wire rods (felt boots), onuchi (foot wraps), casing, valance (lace fabric on the bed), chest, splinter, susek (box made of thick boards), rocker, tub (wooden bucket), vat, tyn, wattle fence, loaf, tuesok, ruble, sickle, basket, box, washstand, mortar, trough, samovar, bast shoes, etc.

The jury sums up the results of the competition.

Leading. People in Rus' have always loved laughter and fun. Loved to work, you can have fun! After intense workdays, the Russian people were satisfied happy holidays. And what would a holiday be without a lively dance?!

The following competition is not new -

We have a dancing competition!

You play, my accordion,


We'll see you now,

How they danced in Rus'!

Competition "Dance"

All team members are accompanied by a Russian soundtrack folk song“Lady” is danced dashingly, using familiar dance movements. The jury evaluates the coherence of the players, diversity dance moves, their expressiveness.


Now please return your attention!

Let's continue our competition.

Tales in faces

They sit in the lighthouses,

Nuts are cracking

Yes, they create ridicule.

Want to know which ones? And here they are!

Teams take turns reading fables in their faces.

- Mashka, Mashka, it’s time to visit.

- What should we go on?

- On the matting.

- It’s no good on matting.

- And you’re on the basket.

“Suddenly I’ll fall down the path.”

- Tie yourself with a strap.

- No, I’d better go on foot!

- Fedul, why are you pouting your lips?

- The caftan burned through.

- How big is the hole?

- One gate left!

- Masha, why aren’t you coming out of the forest?

- Yes, I caught a bear!

- So bring him here!

- Yes, he’s not coming.

- Well, then go yourself.

- But he won’t let me in!

- Son, go get some water.

- My belly hurts.

- Son, go eat some porridge!

-Where is my big spoon?


Now the battle of tongue twisters

Let us begin

Let the captains speak quickly

I ask the rest to be silent!

Competition “You Can’t Talk All the Tongue Twisters”

Team captains compete.

Three little birds are flying through three empty huts.

The ship was carrying caramel and the ship ran aground.

Our Masha was given semolina porridge.

Senya is carrying hay in the canopy; Senya will sleep on the hay.


We know you love games

Songs, riddles and dances.

But there is nothing more interesting

Russian ancient fairy tale.

How can we manage without Russian folk tales today? In the old days they loved fairy tales. Now the teams have to guess fabulous riddles.

Competition "Fairytale Riddles"

Girl sitting in a basket

Behind the bear's back.

He, without knowing it,

He carries her home.

Well, did you guess the riddle?

Then answer quickly

The title of this book is... (“Masha and the Bear”).

He rolled out of the house

On an unfamiliar road...

Did you recognize him, my friend?

This is the most naughty one,

Talkative, simple-minded

And ruddy... (“Kolobok”).

Near the forest, on the edge,

Three of them live in a hut.

There are three chairs and three mugs,

Three beds, three pillows. ("Three Bears")

The apple tree helped us

The stove helped us

Good help

Blue River.

Everyone helped us

Everyone sheltered us

To mother and father

We got home. ("Swan geese ")

An arrow fell straight into the swamp.

And in this swamp the princess lived. ("Princess Frog")

How cunning is the fox?

These are simply miracles!

Outwitted the guy

She stole the fish from the cart.

Deceived the wolf

Also very clever! ("The Fox and the Wolf")

The beautiful maiden is sad -

Spring is coming.

It's hard for her in the sun

She's shedding tears, poor thing! ("Snow Maiden")

The frog has found a home for itself:

The mouse was kind.

In that house, after all,

It became crowded with residents. ("Teremok")

Along the path, walking briskly,

The buckets carry the water themselves. ("By magic")

Pounded and pummeled

On the plate with your nose -

Didn't swallow anything

And he was left with his nose. ("The Fox and the Crane")

P. Naydenova

Leading. The next competition is a ditty one! The distinguished jury will evaluate this competition not only by musical abilities, but also in terms of the cohesion of the players, fun and enthusiasm.

Competition of ditties.

Both teams stand up and sing, alternating, one ditty at a time.


Let's stand, girls, side by side

Let's sing ditties!

Well done.

Yes, and we, perhaps, will get up,

Let's not leave the girls behind!


We are fighting girls

We don't sit idle.

We compose ditties,

We follow fashion!

Well done.

Let's start having fun

We start singing songs.

Shut your ears

So as not to fall off the chairs!


I dressed up today

In a sundress with a frill.

Enjoy it all, guys!

On my frills!

Well done.

I combed my head

I even tied a tie.

And, it seems, all the girls

I charmed everyone around!


I am a master of dancing,

Knock your heels.

The legs dance on their own -

I'll show you the class now!

Well done.

Singing songs is crooked,

I would go to visit Masha,

I don’t know where he lives!


We respect antiquity

We preserve the antiquity.

We dance better than the fellows,

Let's sing louder than the fellows!

Well done.

Eh, girls, you girls,

You argue in vain:

We're still ahead

You won't overtake us!

Leading. Of course, you are eager to find out which team won today? And we will find out now. Dear jury, please summarize the results of all competitions.

The results are summed up and the winners are awarded.


The competition is over

The meeting ended

The hour of parting has come.

We're all a little tired

But they kept us warm

Smiles and sparkle in your eyes.

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