A note in a wallet to attract money. Ritual for a new wallet

At all times people have done magical rituals, followed certain rules and signs to attract money.

The wallet has always received special attention:

And, besides choosing a wallet, there is one more important point: what to put in your wallet to attract money?

What needs to be done to ensure that our financial home has rich internal content in every sense?

Of course, first of all, money!

After buying a wallet, you need to immediately put money in it and imagine that there will be a lot more of them in it, and always.

Money should be sorted by value, folded on one side. Don't fold them in half.

For a wallet to attract money, it should never remain completely empty. There should always be something left in it “for divorce.”

Can also be kept in your wallet bank cards, just not credit.

Now let's move on to things like talismans that attract cash flows.

Fortunately, there are quite a lot of them to suit every taste.

What to put in your wallet to keep money flowing

You can put the following talismans for your wallet in one of the compartments:

2. Rare, collectible coin or a bill. Irreplaceable bills and coins are considered a good source of wealth.

3. A banknote with the number 8 at the end of the serial number. It will be simply wonderful if the number contains, in addition to the eight, also a 9.

6. Heather leaf.

7. Acorn - it is believed that it concentrates material energy.

8. A piece of horseradish root - with this you will never be able to say that you don’t have horseradish. It is advisable that this horseradish be grown with one’s own hands or in the garden of a person who does not suffer from lack of money. By the way, saving a financial situation with horseradish is an old Russian custom.

10. Scales of carp or other fish served at the Christmas table. This custom is practiced by Catholics in Western Europe(as well as the previous one) - who knows, maybe it will help you too?

It is also recommended to monitor eastern calendar and every year put in your wallet for wealth an image or some symbol of the patron animal of the current 12 months (for example, a feather or something similar in the year of the Rooster, etc.).

11. Three tied with a red ribbon.

Well, let’s go find a new home for big money It's best when the Moon is in Taurus.

Is it possible to somehow control the magical energy of abundance? If you know what to put in your wallet to attract money, this possibility will no longer seem so unrealistic. Magical fluids tend to accumulate in certain material objects - talismans.

Once you put something like this in your wallet, attracting money will start working almost instantly.

See also To be happy, in modern world, it is necessary to get rid of many restrictions. And only money can help with this. Therefore, whatever one may say, happiness depends on finances.

The results will be impressive! You may get an unexpected salary increase or get some forgotten debt returned. Perhaps you will make a profitable deal, receive an inheritance, or even win the lottery. At a minimum, your income will increase significantly.

The main condition for launching the mechanism for attracting money is that you must believe in the power of your amulet. Let the talisman appeal to your views and beliefs.

What to put in your wallet to make attracting money work

1. The circulation of monetary energy is greatly enhanced by talismans

  • Three Feng Shui coins tied with a red ribbon or thread. Typically, such an amulet is sold in specialized stores already prepared, but the effect will be much better if you tie your coins with thread yourself. At the same time, you need to call money in affectionate words and say how much you love it.
  • A picture of grapes. Money really likes this plant. They also love mint, heather and clover. Pluck a few leaves yourself and put them in a secret pocket. In winter, it will be enough to apply 1-2 drops of mint oil to the lining of your wallet.
  • Beans and cinnamon stick. The spice attracts money, but legumes perfectly preserve the accumulated money.
  • Traditional Russian remedy– put a dried piece of horseradish root in a secret pocket. You can’t buy it on the market; be sure to dig up and dry the horseradish yourself.
  • “Unchangeable” coin. The penny should be placed in one of the deep compartments and never used. It's good if it's a coin with symbolic meaning- reminding you of some important or pleasant event.
  • One American dollar. The reverse side of this bill depicts a very strong magic sign- all-seeing eye on Egyptian pyramid, it works not only to attract money, but also generally improves your entrepreneurial abilities.
  • Runes "Feu" and "Otal". These magic symbols You need to draw it with your own hand on two different squares of paper. Take silver or green paint; markers of these colors will also work well. Runes should be visible, they increase and protect wealth - to attract money, place the squares in transparent compartments.
  • "Lucky Coin" Ideally, this should be part of the first money earned. But a banknote received as a result of a profitable transaction will also do. And one more thing: if fate brings you a meeting with a very rich and successful person, ask him to give you a coin. She will also be considered happy and will attract money to your wallet.
  • Banknote coated with honey. Do not be surprised! You need to put it in a cellophane wrapper and hide it in the far pocket of your wallet, then the money will literally “stick” to you.
  • Protects against theft and loss. Write on a piece of paper prayer of protection and put it in the plastic window of your wallet. An icon with your guardian angel is considered a very strong amulet against theft.
  • The acorn is a natural symbol of abundance and prosperity. But to attract money it is necessary that it be found by chance.
  • Green stones and crystals. According to ancient magical legends, malachite is considered the most powerful of all minerals. A small piece of this stone can not only be carried in your wallet, but also taken with you to negotiations and transactions.
  • Image showing your dream purchase. It is quite simple to explain the magic of this talisman - the picture will stop you when making unnecessary purchases, reminding you of your cherished desire.
  • Silver or gold item. A small piece of these metals in a purse activates the processes of attracting money. Like attracts like.
  • Paper of a rich red hue. This is the favorite color of money. The wallet itself should also be red.

2. DIY magic talisman

Natural symbols of money are wood, leather and fur. That's why all magicians recommend buying only wallets made of genuine leather. To attract more better luck make an amulet from these materials.

Its shape can be any - most often the talisman is cut out round, similar to a coin. It is also better to choose a fur keychain; place it close to the money.

A homemade coin is a great way to attract good luck. It is made from clay or hard dough, to which you need to add a drop of mint oil and a pinch of cinnamon. The coin is then dried and baked. To attract money, simply hide it in a secluded corner of your wallet.

The so-called banknote has enormous energy. However, it is not so easy to find. The banknote number must match your initials and date of birth. These magic numbers always play in our favor.

For example, your name is Ivanova Lyudmila Petrovna, and you were born on December 24, 1989. The number of your lucky bill will be IL (LI, LP) 24121989000 or 00024121988. Ideally, the numbers should be in order.

It’s rare that someone is lucky enough to find a complete match of the numbers on a banknote, but it’s possible to get lucky if you check all the money that comes into your hands.

  • Throw away all the trash! Remove old coupons, pieces of paper with addresses and phone numbers, notes and other garbage from your wallet immediately! Do you think money likes such a neighborhood?
  • And no checks! It is better to put all documents related to money in a red envelope or folder made of genuine leather. Then you can forget about problems with payments and debts.
  • There shouldn't be any photographs here either. You risk combining two different flows of energy: attracting money and love for loved ones cannot be mixed. The energies will cancel each other out. In addition, due to the influence of cash flows on the photo, the character of your loved ones will not change in better side. They may become too mercantile and calculating.
  • Money won, found, ill-gotten, or even given as a gift is bad for attracting wealth. Keep them away from your wallet and spend them first.
  • Get rid of bills with extraneous inscriptions and numbers as quickly as possible - they suppress the energy of wealth. Try not to take them at all.

Protect your wallet from negative energies. Store only time-tested magical talismans in it.

Perhaps one of your friends has already used the amulets we offer and will want to tell you about their experience. Share our article on in social networks– money loves when people talk about it and pay attention to it.

We wish you only full wallets and continuous cash flows!
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What you can never have enough of is money. But for some reason they are constantly found in some, while in others they never linger. But a wallet is a talisman that attracts wealth; you just need to know how to choose it correctly. We will tell you everything about it: the shape, the material from which it is made, what color it should be. We will tell you what is better to put in it to attract banknotes so that they can be found in it and not transferred.

Successful wallet parameters

Do not buy a small wallet; it is already pre-programmed to ensure that there will never be large bills in it. A spacious wallet attracts money. It makes the bills comfortable, they don’t wrinkle, there is no need to bend them, which is generally extremely undesirable.

  1. If one of the sides in a wallet is 45-50 mm, then you will get rich.
  2. It is believed that the optimal size of a pocket along the edge is 27-45 mm.
  3. A wallet side size of 54-162mm brings bad luck.

Attention! Large amounts of money will never be found in an old, battered wallet. If you decide to become successful and wealthy, buy a new wallet. If buying a new wallet is difficult, and the old one has holes, sew them up with gold thread. Remember: a wallet with a hole causes a hole in your budget.

Wallet material

Only natural materials carry material energy; synthetic materials do not have this energy. You definitely won’t become rich and prosperous with a polyethylene wallet - it prevents the penetration of monetary energy and blocks it.
The best option is leather with the Feng Shui logo on it. If you have not yet earned money on an expensive, genuine leather wallet, buy a wallet made from jeans or other natural material. Wallets made of suede look solid.

Don't ignore the finishing. A wide variety of options are allowed:

  • made of gold
  • become
  • plastic, but this is a last resort - such decorations quickly break.

What color wallet do you need?

It is impossible to answer this question precisely. There are several options to choose from:

1. According to Feng Shui. It is believed that luxury is attracted by the color of metal and earth, and these are black, gold, brown, silver, yellow of all shades. At the same time, for those who want to have money that comes easily, silver and golden colors are suitable. Those hungry for stability and financial growth need a green-colored wallet.

2. By gender. For women, “rich” is a green or red wallet, and male version- dark purple, black, dark chocolate color.

3. By belonging to the elements. The same color of a purse may be successful for some, but for others, on the contrary, it will only bring misfortune. All because we relate to different elements, and there are only 5 of them:

  • fire - you should choose wallets in bright scarlet, red, burgundy colors;
  • metal - a good choice would be a purse in the color of silver, gray, white, with a metallic sheen;
  • water - corresponds to lilac, blue, black, blue;
  • wood - green, brown;
  • earth - flesh-colored, yellow, gold.

As for patterns, lightness of prints is a priority. Suitable images of bills, coins, crowns, precious stones, ribbons, as well as birds, insects, butterflies.

Advice. Never buy a “money house” in blue and gray, otherwise you won’t even notice how your finances will float away somewhere, but a white wallet is quite acceptable. The red color of banknotes attracts, but they disappear quickly, so keep in it only those funds that you plan to quickly spend. It is better to keep your stash in a brown wallet.

What should be in a rich wallet?

To ensure that the money in your wallet is never transferred, you need to place in it:

1. Money, and immediately after its purchase. Immediately set the expectation that banknotes will be there constantly and in large quantities. Turn them in one direction, under no circumstances bend them halfway. Never leave your wallet completely empty of money, leave at least something in your home for finances.

2. Talisman. The choice is quite wide, so be guided by your taste:

  • If you once get your hands on a large sum, then select one bill and place it in your wallet as a talisman. This does not apply to money found or won; it may not be useful. If your finances have only begun to melt away from such an injection, then it is better to give them to charity;
  • when there is a collectible or rare coin, then make it irredeemable;
  • check your bills, perhaps the serial number of one of them ends in 8 or 98. This talisman works well;
  • place cinnamon stick;
  • something related to legumes;
  • a sprig of mint - dried or just picked, or drop it with essential oil instead;
  • acorn;
  • heather, at least 1 leaf;
  • a small piece of horseradish root, but not just any kind, but grown with your own hands or taken from a person who always has money;
  • 4-leaf clover;
  • something to do with the symbol of the year eastern calendar. Chinese coins (3 pcs.), tied with a ribbon;
  • scales from fish present on the Christmas table;
  • talisman with hieroglyphs, graphic symbols, accumulating monetary energy;
  • symbols of Jupiter and Venus, promoting abundance;
  • a mirror that multiplies the contents of a wallet.

Attention! Do not keep used tickets, receipts, prescriptions, or business cards in your wallet. All this just clutters it up. And photographs of family members, which we so love to put in our wallets, interrupt money rivers. If you absolutely want to have a photo of someone, then let it be a person who personifies well-being for you.

Even in ancient times, people wondered: why are some people lucky with money and others not? The answer was most often given the simplest: money has magical power, and many rich people know how to lure them to themselves using various witchcraft techniques. Many current sorcerers and psychics have no doubt about the existence of special, monetary magic...

Banknote as an energy object

Money, like all those things on which many people pay close attention, has its own energy. And quite high. And this means that money really has magical properties. Here we are talking, of course, about cash - coins and bills. By performing certain transactions with them, buying something in a store, lending money, opening a bank account, we, without noticing it, perform real magical actions.

The fact is that everything on Earth is connected by energy interactions, so subtle that modern instruments are not yet able to detect them. Money takes an active part in these interactions. For example, they are sensitive to extraneous energy - former, current and even future owners. Money enters into complex mental relationships with them, influencing them in different ways: attracting someone to itself, repelling someone. To an ignorant person, it really looks like magic.

It is believed that the energy of banknotes is subject to certain laws. Based on them, rules and techniques for handling money were developed. Some will call this superstition, but those who use very simple techniques of money magic believe in their effectiveness and believe that their use really helps attract money and improve financial affairs.

We do not encourage the reader to blindly follow them, but it is still sometimes useful to know about them. Moreover, these techniques largely correspond to folk signs and centuries of life experience. Their use will not be difficult, and in any case they will not cause harm. But the benefits from them can come out tangible.

What do you guys have in your wallet?

Any more or less experienced magician will tell you that cash must be handled very carefully. It is advisable to start communicating with them by choosing a wallet.

The right wallet should not only store money, but also “attract” it. You should not buy a cheap wallet. He will attract not wealth, but poverty, since like is drawn to like. At the same time, the wallet should not be too expensive. It is best to buy a solid, comfortable wallet with compartments for bills and small change. made from genuine leather. Artificial leather is dead and does not transmit energy, and this is what the wallet needs to “recharge”, allowing it to constantly work to attract money. The wallet should be earth or gold color - from black, brown, dark gray to red and golden yellow, maybe even with an orange tint.

It's a good idea to use your intuition when purchasing a wallet. Hold it in your hands, imagine that it is full of money, that it has become thick and heavy. If you feel this, then the wallet is right for you. Such a wallet can take care of your money and support you in difficult situations. If you don’t feel the heaviness and filling of your wallet, then it’s better to refrain from buying it. Such a wallet is unlikely to bring you wealth.

After purchasing a wallet, you should “revive” it. In order for money to always go into it, you must always keep a lucky coin in one of its branches (the first one you earned, received from good people, consecrated in holy water, etc.), and at the same time an irredeemable banknote of the lowest denomination. Irreplaceable - that is, one that you will never spend. A coin and a bill, constantly stored in your wallet, will protect and guard your money and serve as conductors of monetary energy. These are lucky talismans of prosperity. For Americans, the first dollar they earn acts as such a talisman. It is believed to bring good luck in financial matters.

To enhance the effect lucky coin and it would be a good idea to keep non-changeable bills in a special compartment of the wallet and other tried and tested folk remedies, which concentrate monetary energy well. For example, an acorn (not the one you specifically went looking for, but one you accidentally found on a walk) or a piece of horseradish root. Or better yet, both together. However, these things must be periodically replaced with new ones, since natural batteries are just like artificial ones. tend to discharge.
Wool - yes, photographs - no!

Before the New Year, you should put something from an animal in your wallet - a symbol of the coming year according to the Eastern calendar. For example, a piece of cat or rabbit fur, a rooster feather, etc. (unfortunately, you will have to skip the dragon, since figures and pictures with its image do not provide anything for money magic).

It is not recommended to place photographs of people close to you in your wallet, as their energy can “interrupt” the energy of money. But the main thing is that monetary energy will have a weak, but constant impact on the people captured in the photographs, which is why they may develop negative qualities. For example, a spiritual and exalted person can become a gross materialist; kind and sympathetic - a heartless miser. Such cases are extremely rare, but it is still better to protect your loved ones from them. In a word, photographs have no place “in the arms of banknotes.” A wallet should perform only one function - money.

So that money loves you

In the future, when dealing with money, you must follow the following fairly simple rules.

To make money love you and your home, do not spend a single ruble on your pay day. The entire amount earned should spend the night near you at your home.

Keep at home as much as possible large bills and exchange them as a last resort. Their energy is stronger than that of lower denomination bills, and they attract other money into the house.

Clean up your wallet every day. Banknotes need to be smoothed out, bent corners straightened and placed in the wallet in descending order of denomination with the front side facing the owner.

Money changes hands, and the energy imprints of their previous owners remain on them. Often this residual energy is negative. Therefore, worn-out bills should be spent first, which means keep them in your wallet before newer bills so that they are always at hand.

Folk wisdom

Get rid of banknotes as soon as possible. on which there are extraneous inscriptions or numbers. They extinguish the energy of banknotes and direct it in a direction that is undesirable for you. It cannot be ruled out that the numbers could have been placed with intent in order to extract monetary energy from other people’s wallets.

Try not to borrow money, but to lend it - by doing this, you seem to be setting it up for it to come back to you. In money magic the law is the same as in life: give money, help someone in need, and it will soon return to you a hundredfold.

Try not to buy with your last money. An item purchased with them will bring complete losses.

Money found, won and obtained dishonestly does not make its owner happy, and therefore should not linger in the wallet. They should be distributed to those in need or spent immediately.

Have not lost their relevance money signs, dating back to ancient times. Here are some of them.

Do not borrow or repay debt on Monday, otherwise you will only spend the whole week.

It is necessary to repay debts, lend money and carry out serious transactions with money in the first half of the day. Doing all this in the evening, you risk going broke. For the same reason, it is not recommended to count money after sunset.

The accumulated money should not be counted too often - this will stop it from accumulating.

It should be noted that these and other rules of money magic must be followed. -on automatic", without thinking about them. And don’t expect an influx of money every minute. It is very dangerous. You can't become slaves to money. It is important to understand that acquiring them in large quantities is not an end in itself, but a means to achieve something you dream of. For example, a decent life, purchasing some necessary things, etc. Don't forget the proverb: "If money is all you need, then that's all you'll get."

Each wallet has the ability to attract money. These products may have different shapes, dimensions, be made from various materials. But regardless of their execution the main objective and the mission is to promote the magic of wealth. Which wallet should I buy so that it contains money, and more?

Let's paint a portrait of a thing that is guaranteed to contribute to our well-being.

So, which wallet attracts money?

1. New, in perfect order

Of course, there is no need to buy another item every week. But it’s definitely worth buying a new wallet if:

  • the old one is shabby, leaky and no longer suits the status of a decent home for substantial sums;
  • if you want to start your financial life with clean slate and are determined to become more prosperous.

You also need to carefully monitor the integrity of your wallet: every hole in your wallet is a hole in your budget. If a hole appears in any place, it must be sewn up immediately (preferably with gold thread), but it is still better to recycle the old wallet and buy a new one.

2. Spacious

What size wallet attracts money? Large enough to comfortably accommodate a lot of money, so that bills do not have to “crowd” and compete for space in the sun. At the same time, the purchased wallet should be an organized space - contain enough compartments so that it is easy to keep it organized.

3. Dear

Another answer to the question of how to attract money to a wallet is its price. For it to become a magnet for finance, the product must look expensive. Cheap wallets carry the energy of poverty - big money won’t be able to stay in them, and you won’t be able to do anything about it. And, most likely, serious amounts will not end up there at all. Therefore, when considering which wallet to buy, it is advisable to consider only expensive options - as expensive as you can afford in your current financial situation. It is believed that buying an expensive wallet is an investment that will very soon pay off many times over.

4. Natural

What kind of wallet material attracts money - only natural! Things made from synthetic materials do not carry material energy. Moreover, they block or miss the power of wealth and prosperity. Therefore, it is best to buy wallets made of leather and natural fabrics (for example, suede).

5. Colors...

What color of wallet attracts money? There is no clear answer to this question; there are several preferable options.

How to choose the color of a wallet according to Feng Shui?

According to Feng Shui, the color of wealth is believed to be represented by all shades of earth and metal. This means that the wallet should be a color such as brown, black, yellow (from pale to orange) and, of course, gold and silver. The last two shades are good for those who do not want to work hard for the sake of wealth and are ready to be content with easy-to-come one-time injections into the budget. If you are more interested in stable financial growth, you should choose a wallet in green shades.

Considered acceptable White color houses for money. What color should a wallet not be? Any shades of blue and gray. Finances will evaporate and flow in an unknown direction.

As for the red wallet, there are nuances. On the one hand, it is the color of life, energy, so it can help you make money. On the other hand, money will not stay long in a red wallet. Therefore, it is worth keeping funds in it that will serve as an investment and will go into circulation. A wallet of this color will attract money in the hands of enterprising, inventive, and risky people. Moreover, even they are recommended, after receiving (with the help of a red wallet, of course) a serious amount new house for money. In any case, a red wallet is clearly not the thing in which you should make nest eggs and money boxes for a rainy day. A brown wallet will best serve this role.

How to choose a wallet color for men and women

How to choose a wallet by zodiac sign (color)

You can search for a wallet based on your zodiac constellation. According to astrologers, if people start buying wallets of colors according to their sun sign, then they will never face any problems with money. So, how to choose the color of a wallet according to your zodiac sign?

What kind of wallet does the zodiac sign Aries need?

These people should only have red or burgundy wallets.

What kind of wallet does the zodiac sign Taurus need?

People of this sign should use a white or silver wallet.

What kind of wallet does the Gemini zodiac sign need?

Geminis need green wallets

What kind of wallet does the Cancer zodiac sign need?

People of this sign only need light, pastel-colored wallets.

What kind of wallet does the zodiac sign Leo need?

The Sun is the ruling planet of this sign, so its representatives need wallets in red, yellow or orange colors.

What kind of wallet does the Virgo zodiac sign need?

Virgos should buy wallets in a deep dark green color.

What kind of wallet does the zodiac sign Libra need?

These people should have white, silver or mud colored wallets.

What kind of wallet does the Scorpio zodiac sign need?

Scorpios should keep money in red wallets.

What kind of wallet does the Sagittarius zodiac sign need?

Wallets yellow or orange color- this is what, according to astrologers, Sagittarius needs for financial well-being.

What kind of wallet does the Capricorn zodiac sign need?

Blue or black is the ideal color for people of this zodiac sign.

What kind of wallet does the Aquarius zodiac sign need?

These people should have wallets that are very dark in color or black.

What kind of wallet does the Pisces zodiac sign need?

Yellow wallets – the best choice for Pisces people.

6. Liked by you

To attract wealth, a wallet must please the person who wears it. You should look at a thing with pleasure, because this helps to accumulate positive energy in it.

What to put in your wallet for wealth

What needs to be done so that our financial home has rich internal content in every sense, what should we put in our wallet to attract money, and so that it will always be there?


What to put in your wallet for wealth - of course, first of all, money!

  • After buying a wallet, you need to immediately put money in it and imagine that there will be a lot more of these in it, and always.
  • Money should be sorted by value, folded on one side; Don't fold them in half.
  • For a wallet to attract money, it should never remain completely empty. There should always be something left in it “for divorce.”

Talismans that attract cash flows to your wallet

Fortunately, there are quite a lot of them to suit every taste. You can put the following talismans for your wallet in one of the compartments:

    • lucky money - for example, one of the bills that was once in your hands large sum, a gift from a wealthy person, etc. However, you need to be careful with the coins and banknotes that you win or find. In this case, you need to monitor how your budget reacts to such a replenishment. It may turn out that the “freebie” will not be beneficial, and then the money that has fallen out of the blue needs to be disposed of in favor of those in need.
    • a rare, collectible coin or banknote. Irreplaceable bills and coins are considered a good source of wealth.
    • a banknote with the number 8 at the end of the serial number. It would be simply wonderful if the number contained, in addition to the eight, also a 9.
    • cinnamon stick.
    • something from legumes: beans, beans.
    • fresh or dried mint. Instead or in addition to the leaves, you can drop literally a couple of drops of mint essential oil onto the material. You can use patchouli oil for the same purpose.
    • heather leaf.
    • acorn - it is believed that it concentrates material energy.
    • a piece of horseradish root - with such a talisman for your wallet, you will never be able to say that you don’t have a horseradish. It is advisable that this horseradish be grown with one’s own hands or in the garden of a person who does not suffer from lack of money. By the way, saving a financial situation with horseradish is an old Russian custom.
    • Four-leaf clover
    • scales of carp or other fish served at the Christmas table. This custom is practiced by Catholics in Western Europe (as well as the previous one) - who knows, maybe it will help you too?
    • It is also recommended to follow the eastern calendar and every year put an image or some symbol of the patron animal of the current 12 months in your wallet for wealth (for example, a feather or something similar in the year of the Rooster, etc.).
    • three Chinese coins tied with a red ribbon.
    • runes, hieroglyphs and other graphic symbols that bring prosperity. In particular, a very good choice is a talisman with the Fehu rune, which effectively accumulates financial energies.
    • symbols of the planets Venus and Jupiter (in astrology they symbolize abundance).
    • a tiny mirror - it is designed to increase your fortune. The main thing is not to forget to take it out when your wallet is temporarily empty.

What should not be in a wallet that attracts wealth?

What doesn't belong in a wallet that's tasked with making you rich? Anything that has nothing to do with money or amulets.

  • The checks, tickets, and business cards that we tend to litter our wallets with are clearly not suited to the role of a talisman.
  • invalid, expired bank cards.
  • prescriptions for medicines, especially expired ones: they can prevent us from getting better, and money will be spent on medicines.

Can you carry photographs in your wallet?

This is a controversial topic, and the main thing here is who is depicted in the photographs. If this is a photo of the very rich, successful people who are for you the personification material well-being, then - unlike photographs of loved ones (more on this below) - such a photograph in a wallet would be quite appropriate. It won't hurt the rich, but it can help you.

But the photographs of loved ones in the wallet are not the best best idea: The snapshot interrupts cash flow. In addition, it is not recommended to carry a photograph of a loved one in your wallet because the person depicted on it will either be greedy or, conversely, prone to spending too frivolously.

There is also a compromise option: if you definitely want to carry photographs of loved ones in your wallet, then these should be people you love, whom you want to surround with care, including financial ones. But you should not carry in your wallet photographs of relatives (even loved ones) who are extorting money from you or who once became the cause of your difficult financial situation. This could leave you in debt. Are you ready to make such sacrifices for them? It’s up to you to decide.

When to deal with your wallet

On the waning Moon, clean out your wallet and clear it of paper trash. On the waxing Moon, it is good to put things in order in your wallet talismans: put new ones, check the condition of existing ones, etc. Well, it’s best to go looking for a new home for big money when the Moon is in Taurus.

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