Where does the rooter go from the direct one? Employee of the Spas channel: Under Korchevnikov, dismissals and scandals began

Most recently, Andrei Malakhov loudly left Channel One and the post of presenter in rating show"Let them talk". This topic was actively discussed in the press, and fans of the presenter wondered where they would now be able to see their idol.

As it became known, Malakhov will take the place of Boris Korchevnikov in the TV show “Live”, broadcast on the “Russia 1” channel. Only one question remains open: what will ex-Live broadcast presenter Boris Korchevnikov do now?

Unlike his successor, Andrei Malakhov, showman Korchevnikov does not have the habit of keeping his plans for the future secret from fans. Boris almost immediately shared them with subscribers on his page in social network.

The presenter was not at all upset by the job change. According to Korchevnikov himself, the end of any life stage always wonderful because of the next start of something new. On this moment The TV presenter works on the Orthodox channel “Spas”.

Boris accepted his new job as a gift from fate, because it was on this channel that he would be able to talk about the most intimate and important things that every person has in life.

Fans of the TV presenter, who know about the idol’s reverent attitude towards religion, reacted positively to this news. Boris Korchevnikov’s social network page is literally flooded with messages of congratulations and wishes of good luck in his new job from loyal fans.

Boris Korchevnikov, latest news: Korchevnikov received a new offer

As it turned out, Boris Korchevnikov really does have cancer. AND for a long time fights this disease. Moreover, as the channel workers said, the presenter began to lose his hearing due to illness. Korchevnikov himself also admitted that he could hardly hear. Such health problems have become a serious obstacle to work.

Korchevnikov never hid his deep religiosity. He actively monitors Orthodox calendar, congratulating his subscribers on social networks on church holidays, sticks to his posts, and plunges into an ice hole on Epiphany. With his behavior, Boris brings to the masses true values and tries to popularize religion among the country's youth.

In a recent interview for a popular print publication, Korchevnikov said that he considers the real enemy of the Russian Orthodox Church (this topic is now especially popular in the media) not bloggers, nor anti-Orthodox groups, but sin.

Korchevnikov did not support the activities of Orthodox activists beating representatives of sexual minorities and St. Petersburg deputy Vitaly Milonov, who initiated a law banning the propaganda of homosexuality in St. Petersburg. And he noted that “the promised gospel apocalypse is inevitable... here on Earth, evil will win and is already winning.”

34-year-old TV presenter Boris Korchevnikov left the talk show “Live” on “Russia-1”.

It turns out that he received an offer to head Orthodox channel“Saved,” and he accepted it. According to the current general director and the producer of “Spas” Boris Kostenko, the legal registration of Korchevnikov on the TV channel will still take place, but the decision on the appointment has already been approved by the patriarch.

At first, he combined work on two channels, but he understood that sooner or later he would need to make a choice, and this choice did not fall in favor of “Live Broadcast”.

Illustrious Russian TV presenter Boris Korchevnikov recently left the “Live Broadcast” program, which he hosted on the Rossiya 1 TV channel. His place was taken by Andrei Malakhov. This change was perceived negatively by the overwhelming majority of TV viewers, because many TV viewers were accustomed to seeing Malakhov in the “Let Them Talk” program on Channel One.

As for the future of Boris Korchevnikov, the showman was not at all upset about the change of job. From now on he works for Orthodox TV channel"Saved". On the eve of Korchevnikov in social Instagram networks congratulated all my subscribers and viewers of the Spas TV channel on church holiday Assumption Holy Mother of God. Korchevnikov broadcast directly from Red Square. At the same time, the TV presenter said that he was waiting for all his fans and viewers of the “Live broadcast” on the “Spas” channel.

The TV presenter said that in his new place he will talk about the most important thing in a person’s life.

“I would really like the Spas TV channel to convey to viewers this feeling that once opened up to me when I came to church: a feeling of joy, love, freedom and a fulfilled, meaningful life. In my opinion, this is the most driving thing, “what could possibly happen,” said Korchevnikov.

At the same time, Korchevnikov revealed all tragic truth about your health. Information about cancer the young presenter caused a flurry of emotions and discussions online. Boris Korchevnikov openly admitted what it led him to terrible disease, and also informed where he will now work.

Many network users wondered whether Boris Korchevnikov was really sick. And it’s sad to hear this, but it’s true. Rumors about the presenter's illness appeared a year ago.

Then, Korchevnikov had a brain tumor removed, but unfortunately, the cancer returned again. More recently, the program “Live Broadcast” appeared on TV screens, in which ex-host Korchevnikov and new producer and presenter Andrei Malakhov jointly revealed the truth.

As it turned out, Boris Korchevnikov really does have cancer. And he has been struggling with this disease for a long time. Moreover, as the channel workers said, the presenter began to lose his hearing due to illness. Korchevnikov himself also admitted that he could hardly hear. Such health problems have become a serious obstacle to work.

Boris Korchevnikov has a brain tumor. He openly spoke about all this, about his illness in the “Live Broadcast” studio. Korchevnikov noticed that now the illness had subsided, but when he first learned about it, his first thought was “he needs to finish all his unfinished business.”

The ex-host of “Live Broadcast”, who went to the “Spas” TV channel, noted that only in some emergency situation does a person rethink his life and try to live to the fullest, for real.

“That broadcast a year ago was incredible. Every evening my mother discusses the program “Andrei Malakhov. Live, I find her watching your program,” Korchevnikov admitted to Malakhov.

The presenters recalled that the very first episode of the updated talk show was watched by more than a million people on the Internet. They admitted that they spoke very frankly at the time in the most different topics, which have never been touched upon before. Boris recalled how he met his dad, whom he had not seen for a long time, and spoke about the tumor with which he lived for many years.

Korchevnikov noted that it was Malakhov who revealed the biggest secret. For the first time, the TV presenter’s wife Natalya Shkuleva, who was pregnant at that time, was in the studio. Andrei admitted that his wife was very inspired by Boris’s personal story and now treats him very kindly.

“I don’t remember what we said and discussed, but I know one thing: when you see a person on the screen and meet him in life, there is a stereotype of perception,” Malakhov said. “Natasha took your story so close to her heart that when she comes to church and leaves notes about your health, she always writes your name.”

After leaving the “Live Broadcast” program, Korchevnikov began working on the “Fate of a Man” program. Despite the fact that celebrities usually open their souls to him, there was one broadcast when Boris himself had to answer awkward questions. In a conversation with actress Anna Kovalchuk, they touched on the topic of family and marriage. The artist began to ask the presenter about his personal life– Boris was embarrassed and replied that he was not married. Kovalchuk shamed Korchevnikov, who was 35 years old at that time, and noted that he should take more initiative in finding a bride if he dreams of a family.

This conversation sunk into Boris’s heart; he considers Anna an amazing woman whose opinion is worth listening to. He also admires her as a mother of two children. "She will open new season on the Spas TV channel, he will read fairy tales. Anna does this amazingly. She's an amazing mom!" – revealed the secret of Korchevnikov.

Andrei Malakhov became interested in his colleague’s new project and admitted that perhaps his child would be interested in it.

“My son Sasha will be able to listen, he is nine months old. He has never seen television, but listens to music and fairy tales. We try to protect him from any gadgets. Perhaps he will like fairy tales performed by Anna Kovalchuk,” Andrey suggested.

The presenters recalled how much famous artists opened their souls to Boris during his program. However, Korchevnikov is waiting for Andrei Malakhov to visit. “I really hope that very soon we will meet at the “Fate of Man” studio. I’m grateful that you agreed to come and talk about your journey,” said Boris.

Korchevnikov admitted that he would like to remember those great people who are no longer with us - that is why in the new season he is launching the “Distant Relatives” program.

Marina Donskaya

Marina Donskaya wrote a review for Boris Korchevnikov

I join everyone positive feedback. I consider Boris to be one of the most charming, handsome, intelligent and talented presenters of our television. It would be a shame if he went to another channel. For Russia1 this will be an irreparable loss. I hope that new project will be a step up and more worthy of it than “Live Broadcast”. And Shepelev with his artistic narcissism and life experience quite suitable for communal disassemblies.

Valentina Hadzhinova

Valentina Hadzhinova wrote a review for Boris Korchevnikov

It’s a shame that Boris is leaving... such an emotional, wise, kind and talented young man, I enjoyed listening to his programs! I have nothing against Shepelev, but it’s just that after this whole story with the showdown after Zhanochka’s death, he evokes antipathy in me... his callousness in relation to her parents... the ban on communicating with their grandson, etc. talk about a lot...

Elena Bykova-Kirillova

Elena Bykova-Kirillova wrote a review for Boris Korchevnikov

Please, Boris, do not leave the program! I live in Ukraine and watch all the Live broadcasts. I really like the way you present the show. You are a very kind, religious person. You have such a pleasant timbre of your voice. I cry and laugh along with everyone. My Life, it seems to me, is not so sad. After your programs I feel warm and I know that everything will be fine. Thank you very much! You are irreplaceable! Health and creative success!

Mila Zakharova

Mila Zakharova wrote a review for Boris Korchevnikov

It’s a pity, but apparently he felt cramped within the framework of this program. him, like anyone creative person. I want development, movement forward. We hope for it new image in new beginnings. Just don't betray human values: uncompromisingness, honesty and humanity. Good luck in your new career!

Lilya Baronova

Lilya Baronova wrote a review for Boris Korchevnikov

It is very, very unfortunate that such a sincere, decent, intelligent, intelligent, highly educated presenter Boris Korchevnikov is leaving the program... It’s even a shame that such a wonderful presenter-actor will be replaced by the extremely opposite, unpleasant type Shepelev. If this happens, there is nothing to watch on the channel - another clown with low intelligence and very much in love with himself will come. I wish Borya from the bottom of my heart health, creative success, and prosperity. Borya won the love of the audience forever.

Alexander Borisov

Alexander Borisov wrote a review for Boris Korchevnikov

The presenter B. Korchevnikov is correct, kind, talented, and skillfully conducts conversations with the guests invited to the studio. With the arrival of this presenter, the program has become interesting, exciting, it makes us sit down in front of our TVs in the evening and watch, empathize. After it ended there was a lot of talk and discussion at home.

Galina Prestavka

Galina Pristavka wrote a review for Boris Korchevnikov

It’s a shame that Boris Korchevnikov is leaving the program, which has become loved by many thanks to him. I won’t say anything bad about Shepelev, but the man is more narcissistic and I don’t think that the problems of the program participants will be close to him. I live in Kazakhstan, but this program has become my favorite thanks to the presenter who knows how to empathize!

beZ Paleva555 wrote a review for Boris Korchevnikov

what a pity that Boris is leaving, well, I definitely won’t watch “Live” anymore; with the departure of such a person, the program will no longer be in trend. And Shepelev already did what he did to Zhanna’s parents and separated him from his grandson, this is already a big minus. We are all people once you get dirty. already snowball at you. No, Shepelev is not that person.

Nasima Safarova

Nasima Safarova wrote a review for Boris Korchevnikov

In the “Live Broadcast” program they often raise moral problems. Decent, intelligent, sincere Boris Korchevnikov, despite his youth, had the right to evaluate the actions of the heroes of the program. But the audience will not believe Shepelev; an immoral person has no moral right to raise questions of morality.

Larisa Tuzhikova

Larisa Tuzhikova wrote a review for Boris Korchevnikov

With the departure of Boris, this program will lose its meaning, since the presenter has won great sympathy from the audience. He has a very important quality - genuine respect and love for people. I hope that Boris will reverse his decision and thus bring joy to his television viewers. Shepelev shouldn’t even start this losing business, the audience won’t believe him.

Tamara Kutyrina

Tamara Kutyrina wrote a review for Boris Korchevnikov

The Live broadcast program has become very popular on the Rossiya1 channel thanks to the talent of Boris Korchevnikov. I would really like the channel management to think about further ratings. The young man nurtured, found his chip and on you... Boris should remain in his program - this is the wish of many TV viewers.

Irina Kazarchuk

Irina Kazarchuk wrote a review for Boris Korchevnikov

How can you change Korchevnikov to Shepelev?! For anyone. just not on Shepelev!!! He can't run serious programs. He has some kind of falseness, hypocrisy in his eyes and voice. And even after the story of Zhanna’s death, the majority of viewers have a negative attitude towards him. In vain... In vain...I definitely won’t watch the show with his participation. Or let him invite Jeanne’s family to the program and finally have a heartfelt conversation with them and allow them to see Plato any time they want. Then maybe I will change my attitude towards him.

Nadezhda Mozzherina

Nadezhda Mozzherina wrote a review for Boris Korchevnikov

“Live” is our family’s favorite show! And not only ours! The popularity of the program is made by its host Boris Korchevnikov! If there is another presenter, and especially Shepelev, then no one will watch this program. If the Russia channel wants this, then it’s the right step! Do not do that! We ask the whole family to the channel management. It seems to me that Russian channels are successful because the presenters are well chosen. I also want to say about the hosts of the “60 Minutes” program. Super presenters!

Zamira Kamalova wrote a review for Boris Korchevnikov

It's a pity! We watched this program because of him, he knew how to arrange everything just right. He gave practical advice as if he had gone through it all himself. He will be missed! We hope that he will return and we will resume watching this program. Shchepelev only evokes negativity, is there really no more worthy presenter!

Yulia Zinchenko

Yulia Zinchenko wrote a review for Boris Korchevnikov

Boris Korchevnikov is truly the face of the channel. Clever, kindness and culture. How could it be possible to replace him with Shepelev - he is a hypocrite and a crook. Indeed, now the desire to watch his program is disappearing. I would like the channel’s management to listen to the wishes of viewers. I wish Boris further success and health!

Lyudmila K

Lyudmila K wrote a review for Boris Korchevnikov

Boris Korchevnikov is an excellent presenter, tactful, kind, and it’s nice to watch him visually, and with Shepelev program has outlived its usefulness (he’s a showman and there’s no “humanity” coming from him), I won’t watch it anymore, like many of my friends. Maybe the TV channel’s management won’t allow Shepelev, so as not to lose ratings

Olga Perez

Olga Perez wrote a review for Boris Korchevnikov

I watch this show only because of the host! He broadcasts with the wisdom of a man not as young as himself. I admire such talent, his warmth and kind hearted. His face is full of charm! It's a pity. But I will definitely NEVER watch with Shepelev. He doesn’t have a kind look, he’s so artistic.

Irina Pyshalko

Irina Pyshalko wrote a review for Boris Korchevnikov

It is truly a pity that the subtle, intelligent and tactful Boris Korchevnikov is leaving the program. He immediately drew attention to himself from the very first programs with his participation in the fate of the heroes of the program, and not with attempts to cause scandalous PR for its participants. We are very interested further fate Boris Korchevnikov.

Tamara Chernyshova

Tamara Chernyshova wrote a review for Boris Korchevnikov

I started watching this program only when Boris became the host. He has amazing charm, a sense of humor, and inspires trust. Probably, the new presenter, after all the scandals associated with him, will not be able to receive such attention from many viewers. It's a pity. You'll have to switch to another channel. And I sincerely wish Boris success and career growth. He deserves it.

Irina Bilkovskaya

Irina Bilkovskaya wrote a review for Boris Korchevnikov

Wonderful presenter! It’s a pity, the program will lose a sincere, sensitive, intelligent presenter who knows how to talk warmly with guests and viewers. Perhaps this is his personal desire. He can also manifest himself from other angles. The topic of the program is for intelligent and educated person often simply uninteresting. and in general I’m very tired of various conflicts, especially from the lives of dark, uneducated and unprotected people.

Olga Karpova

Olga Karpova wrote a review for Boris Korchevnikov

It's a pity that Boris decided to leave the program. Maybe he'll change his mind. We hope so! I have no desire to watch Shepelev, I can’t even imagine how he can talk about people’s problems if he himself has a lot of questions. The presenter must be neutral in the audience. And the “Live Broadcast” program itself is great!

Diana Topchiyan

Diana Topchiyan wrote a review for Boris Korchevnikov

And why do this, than Shepelev, Better, but nothing, if we watched, waited for this program, then I think it’s unlikely with such a presenter. But apparently the rating is not so important for the channel. After all Shepelev’s interviews, he simply became unpleasant for us viewers. Of course, what I write or what others write is still DECIDED and cannot be canceled

Ruslana Yakimchuk

Ruslana Yakimchuk wrote a review for Boris Korchevnikov

The transmission is very good. And necessary. I want to watch with attention and interest. Presenter Boris Korchevnikov deserves the respect of TV viewers. Kindness emanates from him. The topic of “Live Broadcast” remains relevant for discussion. I would like to see Boris Korchevnikov in this program all the time. It is unlikely that Dmitry Shepelev will be able to win such audience love and sympathy as Boris.

Karlygash Karpenova

Karlygash Karpenova wrote a review for Boris Korchevnikov

Boris Vyacheslavovich Korchevnikov – Russian actor, journalist and TV presenter. Known to viewers as one of the central characters series “Kadetstvo” and host of the “Live Broadcast” program, from which he left at the beginning of 2017.

Childhood and first roles

Boris Korchevnikova was born on July 20, 1982 in Moscow. Mom, Irina Leonidovna Korchevnikova, worked at the Moscow Art Theater: first as an assistant to Oleg Efremov, later she was the deputy director of the theater and director of the Moscow Art Theater Museum. Boris grew up without a father. With him, the director of the theater. Pushkin Vyacheslav Evgenievich Orlov, he met only at the age of 13.

As a child, Boris spent a lot of time at his mother's work. Sitting in her office, he usually drew or read, sometimes walked around the theater. He preferred to draw those he saw - mostly actors. From the age of 7 he began to appear on stage himself. His professional “baggage” includes more than ten roles played in performances of the Moscow Art Theater. A. P. Chekhov and the Studio Theater under the direction of Oleg Tabakov

Eight-year-old Bor was entrusted with children's roles in twelve productions. Of these, my favorite was “The Cabal of the Holy One” based on Bulgakov’s play. He especially liked the scene where he had to lie in the harpsichord for a long time - at this time he could look with interest at the spectators sitting in the hall through the crack. The role was small, but he had a small dialogue with Oleg Efremov, who played in this performance. Boris was also involved in the performances “My dear, good ones”, “Boris Godunov” and “Sailor’s Silence”, where he appeared on stage together with Yevgeny Mironov.

Borya began to be interested in journalism very early. When he turned eleven, his mother took him to the television center on Shabolovka, where they were recruiting for a new television show. So Boris became a reporter and TV presenter of the “Tam-Tam News” program on the RTR channel. Then he became the host of the “Tower” program on the same RTR, designed for a youth audience.

In 1998, when it was time to go to college, Boris decided to try his luck at two universities at once. The young man assured that he could prepare for two entrance exams without any problems, since he already combined work in the theater and on television. And so it happened - he entered both the Faculty of Journalism of Moscow State University and the Moscow Art Theater School, but still chose to attend Moscow State University. It wasn’t easy to get in, but it was a learning experience young man it was very interesting and easy.

Actor career. "Kadetstvo"

In 2001, the aspiring journalist became freelancer NTV, and a year later he was hired as a reporter. At the same time, he began acting in films and commercials. So, in the early 2000s, he appeared in a couple of scenes in the TV series “Thief-2” and “Happiness for Rent.”

In 2006, having successfully passed the casting, he began acting in the television series “Kadetstvo”, where he played the role positive hero- Suvorov soldier Sinitsin, the son of a hereditary military man.

Filming a series about Everyday life young cadets, walked for almost two years (2006–2007), 12 hours a day, so Boris had to take long vacation on NTV. There were other difficulties: he, a 24-year-old young man, had to play a 15-year-old teenager. Moreover, he, having long ago decided that he had completely mastered the subtleties acting profession in the theater, now he changed his point of view - it was not easy to work, he had to deal with uncertainty. The actor was helped by the advice of Vladimir Steklov, who played ensign Kantemirov and Alexander Porokhovshchikov (General Matveev) in Kadestvo.

Boris Korchevnikov on television

In 2009, Boris became the author and host of the television program “I Want to Believe!” on STS. The essence of the program was to investigate historical myths like the Holy Grail or Atlantis. Comments on air were given by famous scientists and world-renowned experts. To create each issue, Boris had to travel a lot and communicate with people.

“I want to believe” with Korchevnikov. "Mozart was poisoned by the Freemasons"

In 2010, Korchevnikov, together with Sergei Shnurov, became the host of the series of television programs “History Russian show business"- 20-episode documentary project. The presenters managed to sort out the domestic music scene: the rock wave of Andrei Makarevich and Viktor Tsoi, the phenomenon of Yulia Volkova and Lena Katina from Tatu, the popularity of Zemfira, and the decline of show business, which, according to the creators of the documentary series, occurred in 2010 due to oversaturation of the public.

In the same 2010, Boris played in the historical and documentary television film for children “Guys and Paragraph”. Korchevnikov played Paragraph, a well-read character who told children about Orthodox culture, the most ancient cities of Russia and the boyar republic.

In 2011, Boris and Vasily Utkin began hosting the television program “The History of Russian Humor.” The format was similar to “The History of Russian Show Business” - the same 20 episodes, the narrative began again in 1987. The heroes of the program were Evgeny Petrosyan and the contingent of “Full House”, “Town” represented by Yuri Stoyanov and Ilya Oleinikov, characters from the most popular sitcoms of the 2000s, sketch shows like “Our Russia” and humorous programs like Comedy Club. Even a transition to a new format of humor was considered - funny pictures in social networks.

At the beginning of 2013, an NTV journalist showed an investigative film with the provocative title “I Don’t Believe!” It shows the personal vision of the journalist (Korchevnikov is Orthodox) - he believed that they were trying to deliberately denigrate the Russian Orthodox Church. Among these “militant anti-clericals” he listed Vladimir Pozner, Leonid Parfenov, blogger Rustam Adagamov and philanthropist Viktor Bondarenko.

"I do not believe!". Film by Boris Korchevnikov

In May 2013, Korchevnikov began hosting the “Live Broadcast” program on the Rossiya 1 channel, replacing Mikhail Zelensky, who moved to the “Vesti” program. Moscow". “Live” is a talk show with a format similar to “Let Them Talk” with Andrei Malakhov. The studio discussed “hot” topics: violence, murder, betrayal and other sensational social events.

Fight between Boris Korchevnikov and Dzhigurda

So, in " Live"discussed jokes about the death of Zhanna Friske, the divorce of Alexander Kerzhakov and Ekaterina Sofronova, the death of a Russian orphan adopted by Americans.

The creators of the program were often accused of unprofessionalism. Among the particularly high-profile cases is the program about ex-wife

Boris would really like to play on stage, but he understands that, not being a certified specialist, he will not be suitable for any talented director, and he does not want to act in low-quality films.

In 2015, doctors suspected Boris Korchevnikov had a brain tumor. He did a tomogram and the diagnosis was confirmed. The tumor was identified as benign, but surgery was still necessary. During surgery, a nerve was damaged, which caused Boris to have hearing problems.

Boris Korchevnikov now

In February 2017, Boris Korchevnikov announced his resignation from Live Broadcast. He did not name specific reasons, but the media began to circulate rumors that the tumor had returned, and this time in a malignant guise.

However, the presenter himself did not give any comments about the “illness”; it is likely that the departure was caused by other personal reasons. Or perhaps the offer to head the Orthodox channel “Spas” seemed more profitable to him. One way or another, in August 2017, Andrei Malakhov took the place of the “Live Broadcast” host. The new presenter invited Boris Korchevnikov to the first episode of Live Broadcast,

In September of the same year, the media reported the imminent launch of a new author's program by Boris Korchevnikov on Rossiya 1. The show called "The Fate of Man" is dedicated to amazing stories interesting people.

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