Boris Korchevnikov switches to the Orthodox channel. Boris Korchevnikov will head the Orthodox TV channel

TV presenter Boris Korchevnikov decided to change the show “Live” to a program on the Orthodox channel “Spas”.

The TV presenter finally decided to leave the talk show “Live” and change his job altogether.

This was announced by TV producer Boris Kostenko. According to him, Korchevnikov was offered to head the Orthodox TV channel “Spas”, and he agreed. In the near future he will move to a new job.

“Korchevnikov will be the head of the TV channel, and I will become his deputy. We have a formal organization and production, it is not yet clear where he will officially hold what position, but in fact he will be the first person on the TV channel, and I will be the second,” Kostenko said .

Regarding the “Live Broadcast” show, it will be hosted by . This information appeared back in the winter, and then it caused a stir among TV viewers: many categorically did not want to see common-law husband Zhanna Friske in this role. Moreover, Shepelev’s story has repeatedly become the topic of talk shows, although the presenter himself did not come to the discussion. But Zhanna Friske’s parents, with whom he had a protracted conflict, were frequent guests of the “Live Broadcast.”

Korchevnikov is a very unusual TV star: private, calm, peaceful, preferring to remain silent, even when his name has been discussed in the world for months high-profile scandals. Back in February of this year, information came out like a bolt from the blue: Boris was leaving the talk show “Live”, which he had hosted for the last 4 years, and his place would be taken by Dmitry Shepelev. When it seemed that the passions around this had subsided, and it became clear that Dima would remain on First, another piece of news surfaced: at less than 35 years old, Korchevnikov was appointed head of the Spas TV channel. But this was not the last surprise: in August he lost the chair of the “Live Broadcast” host to Andrei Malakhov. And in October he presented his new program- “The Fate of Man.”

All this time, Boris practically did not comment on either the scandalous information, or the stunning appointment, or the appearance of Malakhov on the “second button”.

“Spas” is the main thing of my life.”

Borya, before our meeting, I leafed through the interview you gave me two years ago. In the end I ask you: “What’s next? After all, you will eventually leave “Live”. It turns out that she prophesied?

- (smiles.) She prophesied... I then answered you quite sincerely that when you trust yourself to God, you don’t worry about anything.

Who do you primarily feel like? Are you the presenter of the Rossiya 1 TV channel or the head of Spas?

I am a television journalist who now runs the Spas TV channel.

So, after all, “Spas” is in first place for you?

This is the main thing, perhaps, of my whole life. I have just started it, but I understand that I have never had a more complex and responsible task - in terms of professional, human, creative, spiritual choice - in my life and it is unlikely that I will ever have one.

Why did you stay on “Russia” then?

How do you, as a manager, see the Spas TV channel?

Joyful. This is how I see the church. And the Spas TV channel should convey this feeling of life in the church - where everything is authentic, for real. Where there is light and there is always hope.

What new can we expect on this channel? What haven't you implemented yet?

I'll tell you what already exists. A project that I value very much is the “I don’t believe it” program. Conversation with an atheist." Understand why a person does not know God, which is obvious to the majority? To have the courage to answer sometimes very fair questions and even claims to us, believers, from people far from the church. And together find the answers to them.

We also try every day live to look at the events of the day or the phenomena of our lives through the eyes of Christians. Finding God where there seems to be none. Understand His logic.

The stars themselves talk about this - about the life of the spirit in the fate of a famous person - every day in the “Word” program! And not a single person - there have been so many of them already: from Shakhnazarov to Pevtsov or Fetisov - not a single person talks in the same way about the main thing in his life and about God. Everyone has their own very personal Path to Him. And this is endlessly interesting...

“Malakhov on “Russia” is the best thing that could happen”

Scandals over the upcoming reshuffles on “First” and “Russia” began back in February, when information appeared that Dmitry Shepelev would replace you on “Live”. And since then, no one has commented on what is happening. Except you. Why did you remain silent?

Because don't say hop until you jump over. You see how differently everything turned out.

But was Shepelev really aiming for your place?

I think it’s better to ask him himself about this.

But who made the decision to leave Live Broadcast: you or your management?

You know that for the last three months, while working at Live, I was already in charge of Spas. I came to this TV channel in May, and left “Live Broadcast” in August. From the very beginning, as soon as I started working at Spas, it was clear that I would not be able to do both. This is unrealistic.

But now you combine “Savior” and “The Fate of Man.”

Now the format is completely different. But it was impossible to combine this with “Live Broadcast,” because it is a topical daily talk show that requires all the time and all the effort. It was clear that at some point I would have to make a choice. I'll tell you one thing... When "Live" was interrupted for the summer holidays, I thought a lot about what to do? Leaving and letting your colleagues down - that was out of the question!

In those days, I found myself in Diveevo (Serafimov Diveevo Convent in the name of the Holy Trinity, located in the village of Diveevo, Nizhny Novgorod region. - Author). An amazing place where you can hear God in a completely special way. I asked in prayer: “What should I do next?” and heard the answer inside: don’t do anything yourself.

It's more in the heart. The thought that comes at this moment comes along with the world, and you understand that this thought is not yours. And I was calm after that. And very soon, upon my return from Diveevo, the situation was resolved in the most incredible way.

Yes, no one expected this: you were replaced by Andrey Malakhov...

It’s impossible to imagine anything better, because the number one person in this genre came to the “Live Broadcast” program, and I understood that for me, and for the team, and for the project, and for the entire VGTRK, this was the best thing that could happen.

With Andrey Malakhov // Photo: editorial archive

How were you told that Malakhov would become the host of “Live Broadcast”?

Let me keep silent about the formulations that were voiced. I can tell you about my reaction. It was a great joy for me that everything turned out this way. I speak completely sincerely.

“I stopped dreaming in recent months”

Borya, who came up with the idea to invite you to “Spas”?

I don't know. But when I received this offer, I, of course, had a lot of doubts, concerns and questions. I thought for a long time. It took me months to make a decision. Despite the fact that I had a feeling: this is mine.

And at the same time you thought for several months? Why?

Enormous responsibility. A very big challenge. Huge risks for me. Both professional and reputational. But all this pales in comparison with the fact that it is happiness to talk about God. To talk about what I, frankly, live.

Have you ever thought that you are still too young to head such a TV channel?

I didn’t think about this - there are younger leaders. I wasn’t looking for this myself. Perhaps we should be afraid of people who themselves seek power, guidance and leadership.

What else do you lack, what do you dream about?

You know, due to the nature of my work, in recent months I have stopped dreaming. I have a main task in life related to my profession. I have a task to share genuine joy through such a tool as the Spas channel. I have a task to make the project “The Fate of Man” sincere and successful...

I’m listening to you now and for some reason I imagine you in the future as a priest. Do you think this might end up happening?

I’m not a seer, and you already realized that I stopped writing scripts for myself a long time ago. It will be as it will be. But as it is written in the Gospel, every person is in some sense a priest.

But purely theoretically, do you deny such a development of the situation for yourself or not?

I cannot deny this because there is much that cannot be denied about your future. I just don't know it yet. But I’ll tell you honestly: the responsibility of serving at the altar is so much higher than anything, any responsibility that I knew before in life...

And even higher than the head of the Spas channel?

Hundreds of times. This is a completely different way of life, a completely different responsibility for your every word - at the altar, not at the altar, in the family, and so on. It is difficult for me to imagine a person who, in his own right, would like to take on such responsibility. Something must happen from outside. It seems to me that for almost every priest who serves at the altar, something happened in his life that took him like this and put him at the altar. A person himself, when he realizes what kind of responsibility it is before God, will never accept such responsibility. Because the demand from a priest is a hundred times higher than from an ordinary person. And this life is a hundred times more difficult. We cannot even imagine what gifts, challenges, temptations and hardships a priest faces.

I hope that nothing like this will happen in your life... How did your mother perceive your career growth?

You know, with interest. She watches the Spas channel, and I’m glad when she likes something.

Did you try to dissuade me?

No. She knows me.

She understood how hard it would be for you...

Mom has a quality that I adopted - she is an endlessly risky person. The more difficult a task in life, the more likely we are to agree to it. Therefore, no, I didn’t try to dissuade her.

When there were rumors that you might leave “Live”, everyone said that your health was very bad (two years ago Boris admitted that he had a benign tumor in his head. - Author). What's really happening to you now?

If you know what an emotional, physical, and moral burden it is to work on television, then you understand that I basically wouldn’t be able to cope with it if I were actually sick. I worked, I work and all thank God. My health is not ideal after the operation, which you know about, but there are much worse stories, and there is nothing in my body that would make me unable to work.

Do you get examined by doctors twice a year, as you should?

It hasn't happened for a long time. There is no such serious need for this. Dynamics and well-being are good.

The doctors let you go, they said: if something bothers you, then you’ll come, right?

Exactly. Live and be happy!

For several months, rumors have been buzzing around the news about the departure of the host of the show “Live” on the Russia-1 channel, Boris Korchevnikov. Various reasons were discussed in the media and among fans that prompted Boris to resign from his position as TV presenter of “Live Broadcast”. Korchevnikov was credited terrible disease, however, the presenter denied the rumors.

In “Live” Boris Korchevnikov will be replaced by the symbol Russian television, host of the talk show “Let Them Talk” Andrei Malakhov, which Boris is very happy about. Boris Korchevnikov noted that now the viewer will take a different look at the usual “Live Broadcast”.

There were rumors that Korchevnikov suffers from hearing problems, the level of which is so low that the presenter cannot hear the commands and instructions of the director of the TV show “Live”. Such conversations only made the presenter smile and he hastened to assure that the poor state of his health was too exaggerated.

“Live broadcast” in its previous form is indeed ending its existence. The program that will appear in its place will not be the same, but will retain everything that made “Live Broadcast” successful and beloved by the viewer. The upcoming changes in talk shows are not related to my health. Yes, it’s difficult to call him ideal, but show me an absolutely healthy person. Those problems that happen from time to time can be solved. Everything is far from being as scary and fatal as they have written about it recently,” Boris commented.

As it turned out, for a long time, Boris Kochernikov tried to combine work on two channels - on the Rissia-1 channel and on air on the Spas TV channel. It was difficult for Korchevnikov to “split” and she prioritized the post of presenter on “Spas”.

“It seems that Blessed Augustine said that if God comes first, then everything else is in its place. “I try to follow this philosophy,” Boris noted. - No matter what I had to do, I tried to always put God first. When this proposal was made, I felt from within that this was a proposal from God. This means that it is better to take a step and make a mistake than not to take a step and make a mistake. That's why I agreed!

Recently the first program of the new “Ether” with Andrei Malakhov was released on the Russia-1 channel, in which the hero of the program was its ex-host Boris Korchevnikov. This arrangement caused cognitive dissonance among viewers. The entire program was built on a cross-interview with the new presenter Andrei Malakhov, and the already former presenter of “Live Broadcast”. During the conversations, it became clear that Korchevnikov was not completely leaving the Russia-1 channel and would soon present his new show. Andrei Malakhov’s pregnant wife came to the filming of the program to support her husband’s debut on a new channel for him.

Boris Korchevnikov

General Director, General Producer of the Spas TV channel

Russian journalist, TV presenter. Member of the Russian Television Academy.

Since 1993, he has been a TV presenter and reporter for the “Tam-Tam News” program on the RTR channel. Afterwards he became the host of the youth program “Tower” on the same channel.

Since 2001, he has been a reporter for the information service of the NTV television company, preparing reports for the programs “Today”, “Namedni”, “Personal Contribution”, “Country and World”, “Profession – Reporter”, “Today. Final program", "Main character".

2003 - graduated from the Faculty of Journalism of Moscow State University. Lomonosov

2006 - performer of one of the main roles in the TV series “Kadetstvo” on the STS channel.

Since 2009, he has been a creative producer and presenter of multi-part documentary projects on the STS TV channel.
Presenter of the six-part documentary film “Concentration Camps. Road to hell". (TV Center)

2010 - the project "Concentration Camps. The Road to Hell" (TV Center) and "The History of Russian Show Business" (hosts Boris Korchevnikov and Sergey Shnurov) (STS) - TEFI award winners.

In 2013, the NTV channel premiered the author’s investigative documentary film “I Don’t Believe!”, which caused a wide public response.

In the same year, he became the host of the talk show “Live” on the Rossiya-1 TV channel.

From October to November 2016, host of the “Team” project with Ramzan Kadyrov.

Since October 2017, he has been the host of the “Human Fate” project.

On May 3, 2017, with the blessing of His Holiness Patriarch of Moscow and All Rus', Kirill was appointed general director and general producer of the Spas TV channel.

Inna Vedenisova

TV journalist, presenter, teacher

Born and raised in Moscow. Has two higher educations.

In 2013 she graduated with honors from the Institute foreign languages Moscow City Pedagogical University. In 2012 I studied English language in London in language school St. Giles Highgate. Speaks two European languages ​​- English and French. She taught English in one of the oldest educational institutions Moscow - at the Gymnasium. Kaptsov.

In 2016 she graduated from the Humanitarian Institute of Cinema and Television named after. M.A. Lithuanian, studied at the Faculty of Journalism and Screenwriting. In my senior year as thesis At the suggestion of the management of the Russian State Archive of Film and Photo Documents, on the occasion of the 90th anniversary of its creation, she became the author of the documentary film “Seeing the Past.” In 2015, she worked as a correspondent for the News Media holding.

Since 2016, the presenter of the Spas TV channel. She teaches the discipline “Fundamentals of Television Journalism” at the children’s and youth media center of the Moscow Palace of Pioneers.

"My first course work, short film“Teddy Miracle,” as it turned out, became the harbinger of my arrival at the Spas TV channel. “Self-portrait”, a genre that all first-year students puzzle over, was embodied by me through the theme of faith. True, then I could not even think that it would become the leitmotif of my future journalistic activity. Today, working on the Spas TV channel (after a long study of Western European culture) is an amazing opportunity to be in the very center of our native culture, the grain of which is Orthodoxy, and also to be part of a soulful team, because it is for the “soul” that viewers thank our TV channel, for and to them - heartfelt thanks.”

Alena Gorenko

Russian TV presenter, journalist, actress, screenwriter.
After graduating from school, she entered Moscow State University. Lomonosov, just as Alena’s grandfather dreamed, who built the university building on Vorobyovy Gory.

At the end of her first year, she came to work for the Stolitsa TV channel, becoming the youngest information presenter.

In 2003 she graduated from the television department of the journalism department of Moscow State University, defending her thesis on the topic “Ethics of a television journalist”, and in 2010 she graduated from the Boris Shchukin Theater Institute.

In 2003, Gorenko and her friends came up with and began filming the program “Travel with Taste” for DTV-Viasat, where Alena was a presenter and correspondent, and together they also made a tourism section on M1.

She worked as an editor on the Rossiya TV channel for two years, after which she hosted the Star City program on the Zvezda TV channel. Start".

Since August 2006, she worked as a presenter of the news program “Events” on the TV Center channel. From February 2010 to August 2015, she hosted the morning information and educational program “Mood” on the same channel.

In 2013, she worked on the KHL-TV channel, where for the project “13” she did a series of interviews with show business stars about hockey.

Since May 2015, she has been the host of several projects on the Tsargrad TV channel.

In December 2017, she came to work for the Spas TV channel.

She played a dozen roles in films and TV series. Author of scripts for television films.

“Spas” for me is a platform for like-minded people. Creative, subtle, deep, intelligent, modern, open, absolute professionals in their field, but at the same time Orthodox people who speak the same language. Whose hearts beat in the same rhythm. People asking questions. Those who seek, but have already found the most important thing - faith. And those who recognized with their hearts the most joyful thing - His love. And I really want this love to touch everyone who watches “Spas.”

Natalya Moskvitina

Presenter of the SPAS TV channel
At the age of 15, I began publishing weekly in the local Volgograd newspaper. “Gender U-turn” about culture gave me a good impetus in choosing a profession. A year later, I received an award from the mayor of the city for “Achievement in Youth Journalism” and immediately entered the journalism department of Volgograd state university. Then there was work as a news correspondent and a Volgograd magazine with monthly business trips to Moscow. And a year later Moscow itself.

There was a production center in Moscow, but I was struck by the mercantile relationship between clients and performers and... deception. We ourselves came up with news for the stars, competing in originality, and the next day we published the news in the media. This disappointed me for a while, but pushed me to look for a job “with my soul.”

I began to look for it in the field of charity and social service. Charity, it seems to me, gives “a little” more than just implementation. This is an opportunity to remain human. She is outside of salaries, shifts, schedules and vacations. This is service. God, people, homeland, everyone has their own. But then there was little such work, it was 2003. I found an opportunity to help conscientious objectors and on the website of survivors of unsuccessful suicide.

She gave birth to three children (the birth of the first coincided with the end of the journalism department) and began to help the homeless at the station: clothes, food. Every time while feeding the homeless, I read to them the life of the holy day.

In 2010, a referendum was called in Kosovo on the separation of the region from central Serbia. Ordinary people protested and came to the barricades with icons and stood there in shifts for days. I began to think about how to help them. First I sent the icon there, then the money. But I felt that more could be done, but I didn’t understand how. On the Internet I met journalist Natalia Batraeva, who wrote a book about Kosovo. We decided to go there together and bring icons donated by ordinary Russian people. In 14 days, they collected 11 painted icons and took them away. The icons were analogous and larger; we donated them to the destroyed monasteries of Kosovo and Metohija.

After Kosovo, I entered missionary courses in Moscow. Having finished them, she gave birth fourth child. Own motherhood and constant assistance to women in difficult times life situation gave impetus to the creation of a fund in 2016 to help save children from abortion.

And then suddenly such an unexpected and so expected offer to come to Spas. I doubted that I would be able to combine the heavy workload of the foundation and work on the TV channel. But it seems that this is exactly what I prayed for all the years, searching for myself between journalism and charity, heaven and earth. What “saved” for me was the opportunity to give the love of God to people. And believe, love and pray every day, forgetting that you are at work.

Veronica Ivashchenko

Presenter of the SPAS TV channel

Russian actress and TV presenter. Graduated from the acting department of VGIK. S.A. Gerasimova made her film debut in 2005, played more than 15 roles in feature films and TV series. Worked in Moscow drama theater them. M.N. Ermolova.

In 2015 she graduated from the Faculty of Journalism of Moscow State University. M.V. Lomonosov. She worked on the Tsargrad TV channel and hosted the “Image” program. She currently works as a news anchor on the Moscow 24 TV channel. Since 2017 - presenter on the Spas TV channel.

“The Lord brought me to the Temple, then gave me the opportunity to communicate with many amazing, smart, wise and kind clergy, among whom I found a confessor. Three times in a year I had the opportunity to personally communicate with His Holiness Patriarch Kirill of Moscow and All Rus', who blessed me and thanked me for my work on the Spas TV channel. This job is happiness. I am glad to be part of a team of professionals led by Boris Korchevnikov! Without Orthodoxy, without faith in God, life has no meaning, and we are trying to convey this to our viewers.”

Peter Romanov

Roman Golovanov

TV and radio presenter, journalist

Born August 26, 1994.
Graduated from Tula State Pedagogical University.

Since 2016, he has worked as a correspondent for the domestic policy department at the Komsomolskaya Pravda newspaper. He hosts weekly programs on radio "Komsomolskaya Pravda" with Vitaly Milonov, Natalia Poklonskaya, Maxim Shevchenko. Prepared reports from hot spots in Donbass.

Since September 2018 - host of the "Testament" program on the "Spas" TV channel

Yanis Politov

Anna Kovalchuk

Russian theater and film actress, Honored Artist Russian Federation

Born in the city of Neustrelitz (GDR), in a family of hereditary teachers. She spent her school years in Leningrad. After graduating from school, where Anna was especially good at exact sciences, she planned to enter a technical specialty in order to study cybernetics in the future. However, at the suggestion of a friend, she applied to the theater institute and successfully passed the exams.

In 1998 she graduated from the St. Petersburg Academy of Theater Arts, course of Professor Anatoly Shvedersky. While still a student, she joined the troupe of the Lensovet Theater, where she was noticed by director Gennady Trostyanetsky, who at that time was looking for a young heroine for the play “The Imaginary Invalid” based on Moliere’s comedy. Anna still works in the same theater, being the leading actress. Among theatrical works– the role of Isabella in the play “Measure for Measure” by Shakespeare (dir. V. Senin), the role of Tanya in “The Reserve” by Dovlatov (dir. V. Senin), the role of Natalya Petrovna in the play “We Are All Beautiful People” based on the play by Turgenev ( dir. Yu. Butusov). In 2015, Anna Kovalchuk was awarded the Golden Sofit award for the best female role(Agafya Tikhonovna) in Yuri Butusov’s play “City. Marriage. Gogol." In the same year " Golden mask"received another performance by Butusov - "Three Sisters". In the legendary Chekhov play, Anna played the role of Natasha.

She first played in a movie in 1998 in the lyrical-comedy parable “Love is Evil” directed by Vladimir Zaikin, but she gained universal popularity after the role of investigator Maria Shvetsova in the television series “Secrets of the Investigation” (2001), thanks to which the actress became the winner of the prize “For the embodiment of the image positive hero"at the international legal film festival "Law and Society" and the winner of the prize "For Best Actress in a TV Series" at the festival "Vivat, Cinema of Russia!" In May 2018, filming of the 18th season of the series began.

In 2005, Anna Kovalchuk starred in Vladimir Bortko’s series “The Master and Margarita,” a film adaptation famous novel Mikhail Bulgakov. In creating the image of Margarita, Anna was helped by the diary of the writer’s wife Elena Sergeevna Bulgakova, which was given to the actress by her close friend, actor Alexander Novikov. After the film was released, real fame fell on Anna.

In 2014, the premiere of the musical “The Master and Margarita” took place in St. Petersburg, where Anna Kovalchuk played the role of the witch Gella, in love with Woland.

From 2010 to 2011, she worked as the host of the morning program “Subbotnik” on the TV channel “Russia-1”.

In September 2018, Anna Kovalchuk’s author’s project “Secrets of Fairy Tales” was released on the Spas TV channel. Together with her little guests, the presenter understands the meaning of the works, which include not only fairy tales, but also short stories, parables, riddles and, of course, biblical stories.

Married, has a daughter and son.

Maxim Syrnikov

Arkady Mamontov

Born on May 26, 1962 in Novosibirsk in the family of cameraman Viktor Gavrilovich Mamontov and director Alevtina Ivanovna Zimina.

From 1980 to 1982 he served as a conscript in the Strategic Missile Forces in the Trans-Baikal Military District.

In 1988, he graduated with honors from the Faculty of Journalism of Moscow State University. Lomonosov.

He began his career in journalism as a special correspondent in the video news editorial office of the Novosti Press Agency.

From 1992 to 1994 he worked as a stringer in “hot spots” in Moldova, on the border of Nakhichevan and Armenia, in Tajikistan, and the Baltic states. As part of the program " Business Russia“I did the project “Russian Calendar” about Russian merchants and patrons of the arts.

In 1994, Mamontov began collaborating with the NTV television company on a freelance basis.

From April 1995 to May 2000, he worked as a special correspondent in information programs of the NTV television company. He prepared reports for the programs “Today”, “Itogi”, “Hero of the Day”, and was one of the regular authors of the program “Profession - Reporter”.

In the spring of 2000, he moved to work for the Rossiya TV channel and became one of the authors of the Special Correspondent program. In August 2000, he reported from the site of the sinking of the K-141 Kursk nuclear submarine. Film crew RTR was the only one accredited on board the cruiser Peter the Great.

Mamontov reported for news programs from Chechnya, Abkhazia, Iraq, Kosovo, Bethlehem, Beslan, South Ossetia, the Biryulyovo Western district in Moscow after the explosion in the Pushkin crossing, after the collapse of Transvaal Park, from the Center on Dubrovka. At the same time, he worked on a series of programs called “ back side" As part of the cycle, the films “Children”, “Check”, “Yugoslavia” were released in several parts. Period of Decay”, “Brothers”, “Aliens”, etc.

In 2008, Arkady Mamontov’s first book, “Check for the Next World,” was published - a novel written in the genre of criminal investigation.

From March 2012 to July 2014, in addition to working on documentaries, he was the host of the television program “Special Correspondent” on the Russia-1 TV channel.

Winner of numerous prizes and public awards. Among them: National Award “Elite” in the “Press Elite” nomination for personal contribution to television documentaries (2002), special award“Brothers” of the All-Russian Historical and Literary Award “Alexander Nevsky” (2009), prize for the best television

analytical program at the Festival “Constellation of Courage” (2010), winner of the International TV Film Forum “Together” in the category “Publicistic Programs” for the work “Victorious” (2015), winner of the International TV Film Forum “Together” in the category “Documentary Film” for work “Athos. Abode of the Mother of God", also awarded "For careful attitude to the history of Crimea and

cycle documentaries about its reunification with Russia" with a special prize from the Yalta Administration for the documentary film "Our Crimea" (2016).

It has state awards: Order “For Personal Courage” (January 1994) - “For courage and dedication shown in the performance of professional

debt in conditions involving risk to life"; medal of the Order of Merit for the Fatherland, II degree (October 1995) - “For services to the state and many years of conscientious work”; medal “For Strengthening the Military Commonwealth” (Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, 1999); medal “For assistance to drug control authorities” (FSKN of Russia, 2009); Order of Friendship (South Ossetia, 2009) - “For assistance in objective coverage of the events of Georgia’s armed aggression against

South Ossetia in August 2008 and breaking the information blockade"; Order of Honor “For merits in the field of culture, press, television and radio broadcasting and many years of fruitful work” (November 2006); medal of the Order of Merit for the Fatherland, 1st degree (April 2014) - “For high professionalism and objectivity in covering events in the Republic of Crimea.”

« Working on the Spas TV channel is for the soul. The "Traces of Empire" program is an Orthodox view of history. We tell to the younger generation people living in our country about what history really looked like Russian Empire. What kind of state was this, where we all came from, where our ancestors, great-grandfathers and great-great-grandfathers lived. It is impossible to understand that you are Russian Orthodox without studying the history of the Russian Empire.”

Vladimir Legoyda

Church and public figure, journalist, teacher, specialist in the field of cultural studies, political science and religious studies, candidate of political sciences, professor, editor-in-chief of the magazine “Thomas”, chairman of the Synodal Department for Relations of the Church with Society and the Media.

Graduated from MGIMO (U) Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Russia. In 2000, he defended his dissertation for the academic degree of Candidate of Political Sciences. In 2005, the Higher Attestation Commission awarded the academic title of associate professor.

From 1996 to 2007 - teacher, then senior lecturer and associate professor of the department of world literature and culture at MGIMO (U) of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Russia, since 2013 - professor of the same department.
In 2007-2009 - head of the department of international journalism at MGIMO (U) of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Russia, since 2009 - professor of the same department.
From 2009 to 2015 - Chairman of the Synodal Information Department. Since 2015 - Chairman of the Synodal Department for Relations of the Church with Society and the Media.

Secretary of the Supreme Church Council, member of the Patriarchal Council for Culture, member of the Patriarchal Commission on Family Issues, Protection of Motherhood and Childhood.
Member of the Public Chamber of the Russian Federation, member of the Council under the President of the Russian Federation for the development of civil society institutions and human rights, Chairman of the Commission on the Harmonization of Interethnic and Interreligious Relations of the Council for Interaction with religious associations under the President of the Russian Federation.

One of the founders and editor-in-chief of the Foma magazine.

Married, has two daughters and a son.

Galina Teryaeva

Russian journalist, producer, TV presenter

Born in Tomsk. She graduated from school with a silver medal, and then graduated from the Faculty of History of Tomsk State University with a degree in political science.

Immediately after university, Galina was invited to work in the youth editorial office of the Tomsk State Television and Radio Broadcasting Company as an editor and presenter. For 6 years she was the author and presenter of the program on consumer rights protection “Expertise”.

In 2000, she completed an internship for Russian journalists in Germany and made a film about consumer protection. Russian citizens in Germany. After the internship, she worked as a presenter and editor of the program “German for You,” which was broadcast jointly with the German television company Deutsche Welle.

At the same time, she was the host and editor of the regional talk show “It’s up to you” (Tomsk-Novosibirsk-Barnaul) and the host of the project “Strong Half” jointly with the State Television and Radio Broadcasting Company “Kemerovo”.
Since 2001, she has headed the morning broadcasting directorate of the Tomsk State Television and Radio Broadcasting Company. For five years, she led a large team, was a creative producer, editor-in-chief and host of the “Early in the Morning” program.

In 2004 she graduated from the television school under the guidance of Vladimir Pozner.

In 2005, she received a second higher education majoring in management (Presidential Program).

In 2006, she moved to Moscow and began working as editor-in-chief of the Let Them Talk program.

In 2007 – supervising producer of the program “Morning.TNT”

Since 2008, she worked as deputy creative producer of the Zvezda TV channel.

From 2010 to 2012 – Deputy Head of the Morning Broadcasting Directorate of OJSC TV Center. At the same time, she was the director and host of the analytical talk show “Forecasts”.

Since 2012, she has worked as a creative producer at Krasny Kvadrat LLC. She developed and launched such projects as “Time for Lunch”, “Ideal Repair” and others.

“At some point in my life, I realized that it was time to change... That’s when “Spas” appeared in my life. Now I say this: “Saved” saved me. But that’s exactly what happened. And this is now the meaning of my life - to wake up with God every day, to discover something important for myself, something very deep and unusually heartfelt, and most importantly, to try to convey to people what I myself have not been able to understand for so long and feel."

Elena Zhosul

Presenter of the SPAS TV channel

Graduate of the Faculty of Philosophy of Moscow State University. M.V. Lomonosov, majoring in political science. He has a PhD in political sciences - awarded for his dissertation on the religious factor in the process of European integration. Throughout his professional life he has been involved in the relationship between religion, politics and society.

Since 2010, head of the department of journalism and public relations at the Russian Orthodox University, advisor to the chairman of the Synodal Department for relations between the Church and society and the media, member of the Inter-Council presence of the Russian Orthodox Church. Founder and director of the first online school of Orthodox culture, Pravoslavie.School.

“The TV channel “Spas” today is the first opportunity in the entire modern history of Russian television journalism to talk about the problems of our society in such an open, modern and close format and to deeply analyze these problems through the prism of the values ​​of the Church. We are the only ones in the federal TV space who cover all significant social, political, cultural processes in the context Orthodox tradition. And with this we respond to the urgent need of the audience. People want to hear from the television screen an Orthodox assessment of what is happening in Russia and in the world. “Spas” gives this opportunity to millions of its viewers.”

Alla Mitrofanova

Presenter of the SPAS TV channel

At the age of 20, when I was still studying at the institute, I was invited to work for the magazine “Foma” and I realized that this is where I belong. It’s worth a lot to do work that brings joy and pleasure, and allows you to talk about the most important things - about meaning, about love, about the relationship between man and God. I was happy because I found MYSELF. When I first saw “Thomas” on the magazine kiosk at our institute, on the cover I was struck by a graphic in the form of a seal with the words: “For those who are tired of the nonsense...” That was it for me. Even then I knew this very clearly.

I worked at Foma magazine for a happy 14 years. Now on radio “Vera” I do essentially the same thing as in “Foma”, only in radio format. And this is also happiness. And working on the Spas TV channel in the project “And There Will Be Two” is an opportunity for me to speak on another very important topic, about the relationship between a man and a woman. How often today do people want to be happy in their families and it doesn’t work out... Why is this so and what to do? In my opinion, today this topic is much more important than any breaking news. Many have forgotten how to be happy and rejoice in their love. And this is not only possible - it is the natural state of man. The heroes of our programs share their difficult long-term experience of family life. They are all happy in different ways, and their examples give us a lot to think about.

Konstantin Matsan

Born in 1986 in Moscow. In 2009, he graduated from the Faculty of International Journalism at MGIMO.

From 2006 to 2014 he worked at the Foma magazine. He is the author of the books “Holidays that are always with you” and “Miracle. Testimony and experience of modern priests" (Nikeya publishing house).

Married, has two children.

“Chesterton has these words: “Faith cannot be dismissed, for it includes everything in the world.” I would put these words as a secret epigraph to every program on the Spase TV channel. Making programs and talking about the most important things, about faith, is a joy. Perhaps the greatest joy available in the profession.”

Archpriest Igor Fomin

Born on February 25, 1970 in a family of employees. Heavenly patron- Holy Right-Believing Prince Igor of Chernigov, memory - June 18 (n/st).

Baptized at the age of nine in the Church of the Transfiguration of the Lord (Novaya Derevnya, Moscow region).

From the age of 14 he served at the altar in the Church of the Intercession of the Mother of God in the village of Aleksino, near Moscow, where Archpriest Vasily Vladyshevsky, who later became confessor, served as rector.

After returning from the armed forces, violating the blessing of his confessor, he tried to enter a medical institute, failed, and a year later the blessing was fulfilled - in 1991 he entered the Moscow Theological Seminary, which he graduated in 1994.

In 1994, he married his future mother.

On June 25, 1995, he was ordained a deacon. On December 6, 1995, on the day of memory of the Holy Blessed Prince Alexander Nevsky, he was appointed full-time deacon of the Kazan Cathedral on Red Square in Moscow. And exactly a year later, on December 6, 1996, he was ordained a priest of the Kazan Cathedral.

Since 2003, since the publication of the first issues of the Orthodox magazine “Thomas,” he became a member of the editorial board of the publication. Since the leadership and staff of the magazine “Foma” left the corridors and classrooms of MGIMO, the question arose about the construction of a temple at this educational institution. The issue was resolved positively.

On January 9, 2007, by Decree of His Holiness Patriarch Alexy II, in addition to the obedience of the full-time priest of the Kazan Cathedral, he was appointed rector of the church of the Holy Blessed Prince Alexander Nevsky under construction at MGIMO.

On June 17, 2013, in connection with the start of regular services in the church at MGIMO, by the Decree of His Holiness Patriarch Kirill, Archpriest Igor Fomin was released from obedience in the Kazan Cathedral on Red Square.

From 2013 to the present, he has been the rector of the Church of the Holy Blessed Prince Alexander Nevsky - the Patriarchal Metochion at MGIMO.

On December 22, 2016, at the annual final Diocesan meeting, he was elected Chairman of the Commission for Missionary and Catechesis of Moscow.

Has four children.

Liturgical awards:
1998 - leg guard;
2001 - Kamilavka;
2006 - pectoral cross;
2010 - elevated to the rank of archpriest.
2015 - the right to carry a club.

Church awards:
- in 2004 he was awarded the medal of St. Sergius of Radonezh, 1st degree.
- March 6, 2016, in consideration of the work on the construction of the Church of St. blgv. book Alexander Nevsky - Patriarchal Metochion at MGIMO was awarded the Order of St. Seraphim of Sarov, III degree.

Archpriest Artemy Vladimirov

Senior priest and confessor of the Alekseevsky stauropegial convent in Moscow. Member of the Patriarchal Commission on Family Issues, Protection of Motherhood and Childhood, spiritual director of the Orthodox Missionary School at the Synodal Missionary Department of the Moscow Patriarchate. Teacher of the highest category. Member of the Russian Writers' Union.

In 1983 he graduated from the Faculty of Philology of Moscow State University. Lomonosov. Conducted teaching activities in secular schools.

In 1988, he took holy orders and simultaneously taught at the Moscow Theological Seminary and Academy. He served in Moscow in the Church of the Resurrection of the Word on the Assumption Vrazhek, in 1990-1991 - in the Church of St. Mitrophan of Voronezh.

In 1990, he hosted the children’s program “A Holiday Every Day” on Central Television, and participated in Vladislav Listyev’s programs “Rush Hour” and “Theme”. Thanks to this experience, I acquired my own individual style of communicating with the audience.

In the spring of 1991, he was appointed rector of the Church of All Saints in Krasnoe Selo of the former Novo-Alekseevsky Convent.

From 2013 to the present – ​​senior priest and confessor of the Alekseevsky Stavropegial Convent in Moscow.

Nowadays he also teaches at Orthodox schools capital, in higher educational Orthodox institutions of the Moscow Patriarchate. Participates in the programs “Family Hour” by Tutta Larsen on radio “Vera” and “Direct Line. The priest's answer" on the Spas TV channel.

Anton and Victoria Makarsky

Anton Makarsky was born on November 26, 1975 in Penza. From the age of eight he took part in performances of the Penza Drama Theater.

In 1993-1998 he studied at the Higher Theater School named after. B.V. Shchukina. I played at the Mark Grigoryevich Rozovsky Theater for about two months and decided to join the army. After one and a half months of service in a convoy company, he was sent to the Academic Song and Dance Ensemble of the Internal Troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, where he sang, was the first tenor and conducted concerts for about a year.

After the service, I didn’t work anywhere for six months, I heard about the musical “Metro” and came to the casting, where I was accepted by the selection jury.

Since May 2002, he was also involved in the musical “Notre Dame de Paris”, where he played one of the main roles - Captain Phoebus de Chateaupert. Starred in a video for the Russian version of the main theme song from the musical - "Belle". It was the role of Captain Phoebus de Chateaupert that determined Makarsky’s role as a romantic hero.

In the summer of 2003 I recorded solo album. Since the fall of 2003, she has been taking part in a joint American-Russian serial project - the television novel “Poor Nastya.” In the series he played the role of Prince Andrei Dolgoruky. In addition, together with Sergei Lee and Arina, he performed the title song of the film “I’m not sorry.”

Filmography: “Classmates” (2016), “Not a Couple” (2016), “Citizen Nobody” (2016), “The Last Janissary” (2015), “Loveless” (2015), “Village Romance” (2015), “Son for father" (2014), "The Road Home" (2014), "Odessa" (2013), "Vangelia" (2013), "7 Main Desires" (2013), Breathe with Me 2 (2012), "Thunder" ( 2012), Hours of Love (2011), “Urgent! Looking for a Husband" (2011), "Heart of Mary" (2011), "Steep Banks" (2011), "The Way Back" (2010), "When the Lilac Blooms" (2010), "Breathe with Me" (2010), " Quiet Pines" (2009), "Aunt Klava von Getten" (2009), "Justice of the Wolves" (2009), "Like the Cossacks..." (2009), "Marrying Casanova" (2009), "The Golden Key" (2008), “The Return of the Musketeers, or the Treasures of Cardinal Mazarin” (2008), “Smersh” (2007), “With a Pen and a Sword” (2007), “Bloody Mary” (2007), “And the Snow Falls” (2007), “Waiting for a Miracle” "(2007), "Parisians" (2006), "The Hunt for a Genius" (2006), "Diva" (2005), "Adam and the Transformation of Eve" (2005), "My Fair Nanny" (2004), "Adventures in Love "(2004), "Sins of the Fathers" (2004), "Poor Nastya" (2003).

Victoria Makarskaya (Morozova) was born on May 22, 1973 in Vitebsk (Belarus). From the age of 15 she had already won international competitions with the State Pop Orchestra of Belarus.

Graduated from the directing department of GITIS (RATI), course of academician I.G. Sharoeva.

Winner of the rock nomination of the television competition "Stars of the 21st Century" and Laureate of the Variety Artists Award. Leonid Utesov.

Together with Vladimir Presnyakov Sr. they created a unique musical project at the Circus on Tsvetnoy Boulevard “His Majesty the Fairy Tale”, where Victoria played the main role.

She became known to the general public after the sensational musical “Metro”. In parallel with the musical, she performed solo.

Since 2002, Morozova lost her voice and stopped concert activities, but started producing her husband Anton Makarsky. Victoria Makarskaya did not appear on stage for six years. But at the invitation of the Moscow International House, Victoria returned to the stage, but with a joint project with Anton Makarsky, “Live Concert”. Since then they have been touring together. There are seven musicians in their group, but everyone has the same desire: to create high-quality music and sing it only live. The impeccable repertoire consists of the most beautiful and beloved melodies: as written especially for the Makarskys famous authors Sergei Trofimov, Irina Dubtsova, Igor Kornelyuk, Maxim Dunaevsky, Murat Nasyrov, who have already become legends - “Hug” and the aria “Belle” from the musical “Notre Dame de Paris”. In 2010, their CD “Live Concert” was released, collecting the most popular songs.

Alexander Shchipkov

Russian public figure, political philosopher

Status in science, politics, Church:
Doctor of Political Science, Candidate philosophical sciences, Professor of the Department of Philosophy of Religion and Religious Studies, Faculty of Philosophy, Moscow State University named after M.V. Lomonosov, active state councilor 3rd class; Advisor to the Chairman of the State Duma of the Russian Federation, member of the Public Chamber of the Russian Federation, First Deputy Chairman of the Synodal Department of the Russian Orthodox Church MP for relations of the Church with society and the media, member of the Inter-Council Presence of the Russian Orthodox Church MP, editor-in-chief of the analytical online magazine "Religare", honorary citizen of the city of Tarusa.

In the past - as an activist in the underground Orthodox movement. In the present - as the creator of the modern religious-political trend in Russian journalism, as the author of the concept of “social-traditionalism” in politics and the concept of “axiomodernity” in culture.

Work experience before 1992:
Loader, carpenter-concrete worker, fireman of coal and fuel oil boilers, galvanist 3rd category, steam boiler operator 6th category, mechanic for repair of medium pressure gas pipelines 3rd category.

Work experience after 1992:
Journalism (press, radio), teaching (SPbSU, RKhGA, RPU, MSU), civil service ( Federal Assembly Russian Federation), scientific activities (sociology, philosophy, religious studies, political science).

Author of six scientific monographs: “What Russia Believes” (1998), “Christian Democracy in Russia” (2004), “Traditionalism, Liberalism and Neo-Nazism in the Space of Current Politics” (2015), “ National history as a social contract" (2015), "Social tradition" (2017), "Ideology issues" (2018).

Author of five journalistic books: “Cathedral Yard” (2003), “Territory of the Church” (2012), “The Religious Dimension of Journalism” (2014), “The Bronze Age of Russia. A View from Tarusa” (2015), “Before and After Politics” ( 2016).

He has been cooperating with the Spas TV channel since 2005. Over the years, he hosted his own programs “Politics and Life”, “What Russia Believes”, “Transition Period”. Currently he presents the analytical program “SHCHIPKOV”, in which he tells the viewer the truth about the intricacies of religion, politics and culture.

Darya Dontsova

Presenter of the SPAS TV channel

Born on June 7, 1952 in Moscow in the family of the famous Soviet writer Arkady Vasilyev and the chief director of the Moscow Concert Tamara Novatskaya. After graduating from the Faculty of Journalism of Moscow State University. Lomonosov, spent two years in Syria, translating from French at the Soviet Consulate. After returning to Russia, she worked in the newspaper “Evening Moscow”, and then in the magazine “Otchizna”.

I wrote my first book in the oncology intensive care unit in order to somehow take my mind off the disease. Now the writer has more than 200 novels, the total circulation of which has exceeded 200 million copies! In 2009, she was included in the Russian Book of Records as the most prolific author of detective novels (100 detective stories in 10 years). According to the Russian Book Chamber, Daria Dontsova consistently tops the list of the most published authors in Russia. Winner of the “Book of the Year” competition, the “Author of the Year”, “Name of the Year”, “Bestseller of the Year” awards, has a book Oscar. In 2017, according to the results of a survey by VTsIOM, Russians chose Daria Dontsova “Writer of the Year” for the eleventh time.

Dontsova's works are translated and published in countries former USSR, Western Europe and China. Based on her novels, the series “Private Investigation Lover Dasha Vasilyeva” and “Evlampia Romanova. The investigation is being conducted by an amateur,” “Viola Tarakanova. In the world of criminal passions" and "Gentleman of Detective Ivan Podushkin".

Daria Dontsova successfully hosts TV programs: “Before everyone else” (Channel One), “Cheap and cheerful” (Channel One), “You suit us” (Domashny), “ Fashionable verdict"(Channel One), "I really want to live" (Spas).

Daria Dontsova actively helps people facing cancer diagnoses. In 2008, she became the Ambassador of the international charity program AVON “Together against breast cancer” in Russia. In 2010, she took part in the social campaign “Protect what is dear to you,” aimed at supporting the world’s first vaccine against cervical cancer.

In 2013, the book “I really want to live,” which became an absolute bestseller, was published. My personal experience”, written to support cancer patients and their relatives. And in the spring of 2018, the Spas TV channel aired a program of the same name, hosted by Daria Dontsova herself. The project “I really want to live” is a very honest conversation, a confession of the most ordinary people, those who courageously walk or have already walked along the road of illness. This is a story about how to overcome fear and begin your path to recovery.

“Working on the project “I really want to live” is a great joy for me. This is an opportunity to help people, explain to them that cancer can be treated, this is an opportunity to tell patients: “Never give up, everything will certainly be fine!”

On June 7, 2017, in honor of the birthday of the writer beloved by millions of readers, Minister of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation V.A. Kolokoltsev signed an order awarding Daria Dontsova the medal of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia “For her contribution to strengthening law and order.”

Married to Alexander Dontsov - Doctor of Psychology, Professor at Moscow State University. Lomonosov, academician of the Russian Academy of Education. The Dontsov family has three children: Maria, Dmitry and Arkady, and three grandchildren: Mikhail, Anastasia and Arina.

The writer's main hobby is animals. Five dogs live in her house - pugs Musya, Fira, Kuki and Josie, puggle Mafi, British cat San Sanych and turtle Ge.

Boris Kostenko

Soviet and Russian journalist and media manager, reporter and TV presenter. Member of the Union of Journalists of Russia. Master of Sports of the USSR in modern pentathlon.

Born on September 14, 1960 in Voronezh. In 1981 he graduated from the Moscow State Institute physical culture. In 1986 - the international department of the Faculty of Journalism of Moscow State University. M. V. Lomonosov. Speaks English, Hungarian and Serbian.

Since 1986, he worked at the USSR State Television and Radio Broadcasting Company, was the host of the “Time” program, “International Panorama”, and a special correspondent for the programs “Seven Days”, “Before and After Midnight”, “Sunday”.

As a special correspondent, he prepared reports from abroad (Great Britain, Spain, USA, France, Switzerland, Japan) and from “hot spots” (Nagorno-Karabakh, Transnistria, etc.).

In 1992, he co-authored with I. Mikhailov and director E. Pozdnyak the television documentary “Who Needs This War. Transnistrian Diary”, after the broadcast of which he was removed from hosting the “News” programs. The film “The Island of Serbia”, shot in 1993 by Kostenko and director Pozdnyak, was awarded a special jury prize at international film festival"Golden Knight" in Yugoslavia.

In 1992, together with TV journalist A. Denisov, he created the “Russian World” program, for which in 1995 he was awarded the award of the Patriarch of Moscow and All Rus' Alexy II with the wording “For creating the best national program.”

From 1997 to 1999 – general producer of the Moskovia television company.
In 2000-2001, he held the position of Director of the Directorate of Information, Socio-Political and sports programs TV channel "TV Center".

One of the creators of the sports television channel 7TV, where he worked as first deputy from 2003 to 2005 general director.

From 2007 to the present - presenter of the television cycle “Hour of Truth” on the TV channel “365 Days TV”.

Since April 2008, he has been the author and producer of the documentary film “The White Angel of Moscow” about Grand Duchess Elizabeth Feodorovna and the live broadcast of the Easter service from the Martha and Mary Convent and the Church of Mary Magdalene in Gethsemane (Jerusalem) on the TV Center channel. The broadcast received the TEFI-2008 award in the “Director of a television program” category. In October 2008, the film was awarded a 1st degree Diploma International Festival films and radio programs “Radonezh” - “For revealing the Christian feat of the Holy Martyr Grand Duchess Elizaveta Fedorovna”, as well as a Diploma of the 1st degree and a Gold Medal of the All-Russian festival “Orthodoxy on television, radio and in the press” - “For a work that has high artistic merit and affirms Christian values.”

Since January 2008, he has been the author and producer of a live broadcast of the Nativity service from the Sretensky Monastery on the TV Center channel. Since 2011 - producer of the live broadcast of the Christmas service from the Temple of the Icon of All Who Sorrow Joy on Bolshaya Ordynka on the same channel.

In April 2009, he headed the Spas TV channel, where he also hosted the programs “Conservative Club”, “Ukrainian Question” and “Russia and the World”. Since May 2017 – Deputy General Director of the channel, host of the programs “Eternity and Time”, “Shchipkov”.

Boris Kostenko is the winner of numerous international and domestic awards and prizes. Based on the results of 1993, he was named “Person of the Year” by the Russian Biographical Institute in the “Journalism” category. In 1994 he was awarded the medal “Defender of Transnistria” for the documentary film “Who needs this war? Transnistrian diary". In 1997, he was awarded the Order of Njegos, Second Class (Republic of Srpska - Bosnia and Herzegovina) for a series of documentaries and reports on events in Yugoslavia and Bosnia in 1993-97. In 2005, he received the Ivan Ilyin commemorative medal for the film “Return.” In 2007, he became the winner of the medal of the All-Russian public movement “Orthodox Russia” - “For sacrificial service”, III degree. In May 2010, he was awarded the highest order of the Serbian Orthodox Church - the Order of St. Sava, First Class.

On September 25, 2005, he was ordained as a deacon and appointed deacon of the Church of the Icon of the Mother of God " Life-Giving Spring» in Tsaritsyn, Moscow.

Since 2007, he was sent to the Intercession Convent in Moscow, where the relics of St. bliss Matrona of Moscow.

In 2011, His Holiness Patriarch Kirill of Moscow and All Rus' ordained Fr. Gregory was ordained a priest and appointed rector of the Church of the All-Merciful Savior under construction in Mitino. Now it is a large multi-clerical parish with a strong community and a variety of active activities.

O. Grigory is a Member of the Council of the North-Western Vicariate of Moscow, responsible for catechetical and missionary activity in the North-Western Vicariate of Moscow, Member of the Commission for Missionary and Catechesis at the Diocesan Council of Moscow, confessor of the ANO “Srednyaya” comprehensive school"Spas" of Moscow."

O. Gregory is married and has six sons.

“For me, participation in the projects of the Spas TV channel is, first of all, an opportunity to publicly discuss with TV viewers and guests of the programs issues that seem to me the most interesting and significant in our lives. These are questions that concern our faith, our participation in the life of the Church, our relationships with God and our neighbors, and the life of our souls. I am grateful to the authors and organizers of the channel’s programs, guests and, of course, television viewers for very interesting topics, which are aired daily. Sometimes it happens that I continue to reflect with interest on some question asked during the broadcast of a program, long after I have left the Spasa studio. And sometimes I come to new conclusions that are meaningful to me. Well, probably, like any priest, any opportunity to preach is very important to me. I always want to share the most valuable and dear thing that I have - the gospel joy of Christ the Savior.”

After graduating from school, she entered the All-Union State Institute of Cinematography. She studied in the workshop of People's Artist of the USSR Boris Andreevich Babochkin. Having started her cinematic career in 1961 as a first-year student, Olga Gobzeva, an actress of the highest category, starred in 42 films. She starred with many famous directors, such as M. Khutsiev, A. Smirnov, L. Shepitko, E. Klimov, L. Osyka, P. Todorovsky, A. Voitetsky and others. Her partners were N. Mordvinov, O. Borisov, N .Mikhalkov, V.Ivashov, Z.Gerdt, I.Smoktunovsky. I. Savina, B. Stupka. Most famous films: “Ilyich’s Outpost”, “Not the most successful day”, “Magician”. “Ilf and Petrov were traveling on a tram”, “The Adventures of a Dentist”, “Once Upon a Time, Twenty Years Later”, “Boys”, “Wings”, “Sketches about Vrubel”.

Since 1977, Olga Gobzeva has been under the spiritual guidance of Archpriest Georgy Breev, rector of the Church of the Nativity of the Virgin Mary in Krylatskoye. Having worked in cinema and theater for more than 30 years (1961-1992), on March 7, 1993, she was tonsured into the ryassophore by Archbishop Ambrose of Ivanovo and Kinishema at the Holy Vvedensky Convent in the city of Ivanovo.

In 1994, nun Olga (Gobzeva) was sent from the monastery for obedience to the Department of Church Charity and Social Service of the Moscow Patriarchate, under the leadership of the chairman of the department, Metropolitan Sergius of Solnechnogorsk, manager of the affairs of the Moscow Patriarchate. With the blessing of His Holiness the Patriarch of Moscow and All Rus', Alexia was elected chairman of the Coordination Council of Women's Charitable Organizations of the Russian Orthodox Church. Bishop Sergius of Solnechnogorsk appointed head of the Patronage Service.

From 1997 to 2003 she was a member of the Government Commission on the Status of Women in the Russian Federation.

From 1987 to 2012 she held educational charity evenings in the House of Unions, the hall named after. P.I. Tchaikovsky, the Russian Cultural Foundation and other venues. The evenings were attended by: clergy, prominent figures of science and art, such as Pitirim, Metropolitan of Volokolamsk and Yuryev, chairman of the Publishing Department of the Moscow Patriarchate, writers V. Rasputin and V. Krupin, film director N. Mikhalkov, famous scientist I. Shaforevich, people's artists : N. Vedernikov, V. Matorin, A. Mikhailov, N. Fateeva, N. Arinbasarova, L. Zaitseva, T. Petrova and others.

Priest Pavel Ostrovsky

Rector of the St. Nicholas and Sretensky churches in Krasnogorsk. Member of the Missionary Department of the Moscow Diocese.

In 2008 he graduated from Kolomna Orthodox Theological Seminary.

On September 14 of the same year, in the Transfiguration Church in the city of Lyubertsy, he was ordained to the rank of priest by Metropolitan Juvenaly of Krutitsky and Kolomna.

Has been involved for more than ten years educational activities among young people.

Participates in the Direct Line program. The priest's answer" and other projects of the Spas TV channel.

“I don’t work on the Spas TV channel, but serve. This is one type of service that should be used. Considering that people today are not sitting in churches and libraries, but are buried in televisions and tablets, this is another way to talk about Christ.”

From 2012 to 2015 he worked at the St. Andrew the First-Called Foundation and the Center for National Glory of Russia.

Since 2015 - Head of the Information Service of the Youth Department of the Moscow City Diocese. In the same year he became coordinator mass events movement "Orthodox Volunteers", as well as a member of the Youth Chamber from the Basmanny District at the Youth Parliament of the city of Moscow.

Since January 2018 - presenter of the #TochkaRu column on the Spas TV channel.

Since July 2018 - manager educational programs Youth Department of the Moscow City Diocese.

In April 2018, he was awarded the Jubilee Medal of the Russian Orthodox Church “In memory of the 100th anniversary of the restoration of the Patriarchate in the Russian Orthodox Church.”

“For me, working on the Spas TV channel is an opportunity to show modern, bright, successful and promising Orthodox youth, to tell how they live, what they are interested in, what youth projects they are implementing and planning to implement.”

Boris Korchevnikov, a famous TV presenter and general director of the Spas channel, was born on July 20, 1982. In his youth, Korchevnikov had to choose between acting and journalism: he studied in Tabakov’s studio and played many children’s roles. Then he entered the Moscow Art Theater School-Studio, acting, and at the same time the Faculty of Journalism of Moscow State University. Korchevnikov chose journalism - having received his diploma, he worked for RTR and NTV.

In the thirteen years that have passed since graduating from the journalism department, he has risen to the rank of general director and general producer of the Orthodox channel, received the “New Name in Journalism” award and two “Tefi” awards - a more than impressive career. At the beginning of the 2000s, when the situation on the channels changed dramatically, the former masters lost their positions and new rules of the game came into force, many young people quickly took off on television. But Korchevnikov is different from them: firstly, he is truly talented. Secondly, most of these characters clearly know the boundaries of what is permitted and do not cross them, and Boris often gets into scandalous stories.

It was not by chance that Korchevnikov became the general director of the Spas TV channel. Someone is counting Orthodox faith his personal, intimate matter, and he carries her like a banner. Korchevnikov is a fierce opponent of those whom he considers atheists and liberals. He often talks about his path to Orthodoxy in interviews. And this story is very revealing.

Korchevnikov believed before filming the series “Kadetstvo”. He saw God's providence in the fact that his superiors, an NTV reporter, released him to a long period on film set. The TV presenter also became famous for his public statement made in 2012 that his father is Jesus Christ and his mother is the Virgin Mary. And in the program “I don’t believe it!” In 2013, Boris denounced the enemies of the church, including his teacher Leonid Parfenov.

Most recently, Korchevnikov published a video where he, dressed in shorts and a T-shirt and wrapped in a Russian flag, baptized players of the Russian national team standing on the football field in front of the home TV screen. Then he pressed his palm to each person’s forehead - this is how the general director of Spas blessed them. Apparently, Korchevnikov sincerely believed that by blessing the television picture, he was helping the football players win.

Nowadays, faith can help a career and give social weight. It is used very strange people- There is a known psychic, for example, who calls himself an Orthodox priest. Of course, no one compares Boris Korchevnikov and his faith with this - and yet there is something unusual in it. He flaunts it too clearly, and at the same time behaves in a non-Christian way. In 2014, television historian Zaikin claimed that on the set of a talk show, Korchevnikov pushed him off the stage, as a result of which Zaikin broke his arm. As the media wrote, in 2018, during a planning meeting, Korchevnikov beat editor Dobrodeev: in public, in his office.

Once upon a time he was a completely different person, he worked at Namedni and was considered a “Westerner.” Boris Korchevnikov was a student and colleague of Parfenov, and then moved to other positions. Nowadays, people change at the speed of light: the uncompromising Orthodox militant Enteo unexpectedly turns out to be the boyfriend and ally of Alyokhina, convicted of blasphemy. Pussy Riot. You won’t be surprised if Korchevnikov again performs some kind of phantasmagoric metamorphosis. If social conditions change, he may well become an atheist: he does not seem to have a strong internal foundation.

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