What are some jokes for relatives on April 1st? We invite our friends and classmates to wash down delicious pillows with Coke and ice on April Fool's Day

Everyone needs positive emotions. Humor helps a person maintain health and increase vital energy. We offer fresh ideas so that you can create witty pranks on April 1st to cheer up your friends and relatives.

April 1st draws for friends

Good wet friend

Consider a charming April Fool's prank on friends; it works flawlessly in any room. Our loved ones are always happy to help, but at the beginning of April this desire can turn into embarrassment for them. To pull off this cute prank for a helpful friend, you will need the following items:

  • plastic container with water;
  • ladder, chair or stool;
  • a mop or similar long object;
  • a room where there are no objects that can be damaged by water.

To prevent the joke on April 1 from being harmful, think in advance where exactly it can be done. Take a container and fill it with water - warm or cold at your discretion. Stand on a ladder or chair and press the container tightly against the ceiling. Now seriously turn to your friend and ask for urgent help, explaining to him what to do - rest the mop standing next to the bottom of the bowl. The main thing is to do this quickly so that the “victim” does not start asking questions and senses a catch.

As soon as your friend “bought” your request and securely propped up the container while standing on the floor, quickly get off the ladder or chair, take this pedestal with you and immediately leave. So, we get the result: the friend was left holding a container of water leaning against the ceiling. My hands gradually go numb, and no one comes to help. At this moment, you can simply contemplate the situation from an inconspicuous place or create a video clip for YouTube. Have no doubt, many people will watch this clip, likes are guaranteed.

At one point, very soon, your friend will get tired of holding the mop and drop the plastic container, water will flow down. Don’t forget to sincerely congratulate your wet comrade on the first of April.

Smartphone broken by emotions

For this prank show, choose a friend who has the most cool phone, smartphone or small tablet. What you will need for this show:

  • find a gadget case for sale (it should be the same as your friend’s case or very similar to it);
  • find a place where you could “break the phone,” for example, against a wall or the floor.

So, politely ask your friend for his expensive gadget to make a call. While simulating a conversation, move away a little and quietly replace his device with an empty case. You can also use a suitable old phone that has fallen into disrepair. Carefully put the real gadget in your pocket.

When talking, pretend that you are quarreling with someone. At the right moment, when the owner of an expensive phone becomes alert and begins to listen, create the impression that you are furious, then smash the imitation gadget with all your might against any object or trample it under your feet. Anyone will believe such a realistic joke.

Eater of the inedible

We are conducting a super-daring experiment on particularly naive friends on the street. For this event, prepare this kit:

  • squash caviar (or other substance that resembles feces, such as chocolate spread);
  • pieces of toilet paper or napkins stained with the same food;
  • spoon.

We post in the selected clean place squash caviar or any other product that looks like excrement. Place dirty toilet paper nearby. We take a friend and go for a walk in the prepared area.

As soon as your portion of caviar or chocolate spread catches your eye, you can immediately run up, take a spoon out of your pocket and start your meal right in front of your friend. Just don't explain anything. Less words. And don’t forget to say that you need to try this “dish” while it’s fresh. Your friend will be shocked.

Draws for April 1: telephone jokes are rightfully considered one of the funniest

Pranks by phone

Electric shock to telephone operator

To create funny situations, all you need is a landline telephone, which is gradually going out of circulation, but is still found here and there. Call one or more people and seriously ask them not to do anything for 10 minutes. phone calls, explaining this by saying that a communications repairman working on the line could suffer from this - he would get an electric shock.

Call this subscriber back in 5 minutes. As soon as he decides to pick up the phone and you connect, you need to let out a terrible scream. Next, we wait for a reaction or interrupt the connection.

Calling a friend April 1

You can record a humorous message on any topic, change your voice using audio processing programs, of which there are many for Android. After calling a friend, we immediately press play, the friend listens to your recording, and we wait for a reaction.

For example, you can announce in an official voice that within an hour or a few minutes your friend will be transferred to the Double tariff, where the cost of all services doubles. The operator can also inform you in a calm, official tone that all funds to help planet Earth have been debited from the account.

Calls from the police also work well in a male voice, where the crime is narrated. It consists in the fact that too little attention is paid to certain to a loved one, catastrophically few gifts are given, and the like.

For people with a stable psyche, messages that his car was scratched or his phone was stolen are suitable. The choice of topics is endless, depending on the person you want to make fun of. Think about how he will perceive this or that message. Record the voice prank yourself, applying the necessary effects and noise, or download such a track on the Internet. Of course, some people expect such pranks and immediately expose them, but many get caught.

Comic SMS

To arrange an SMS prank, you will need an unfamiliar number. Here are examples of April Fools' messages:

  • Attention, subscriber! You are in an area of ​​network inactivity. Please cross the road. Otherwise, 100 (or another amount, depending on the account status) rubles will be immediately debited from your account.
  • Dear (name), you have been put on the criminal wanted list! IN this moment intelligence agencies have determined your location via satellite. Order to remain in place until the operatives arrive.
  • Adjustments have been made to the system of payment for housing and communal services by the population. Dear subscriber, please deposit money in your mailbox. Our employees will do the rest of the work for you. Thank you for your understanding, Bank of Russia.
  • Hello, today before 23.00 the sofa and wardrobe you ordered will be delivered to the address: ( the exact address the person being played). Prepare the full amount to pay for your furniture. We also inform you that the cost of delivery is 3 thousand rubles, each floor of work of loaders is 1 thousand rubles.
  • Dear (name), come to the clinic urgently (indicate room number). Until the end of the week (or day), free vaccination of the population against cat flu is being carried out.
  • Attention! Your body weight exceeds 50 kilograms. Urgently send an SMS message with the text 50+ to number 03, and you will receive a guarantee of completely free delivery of weight loss products. City Ambulance Service.
  • Now (or immediately) raise your head. You can't be seen well in a crowd, and I might accidentally catch others. Sniper.

Or come up with something of your own, unique, in the same spirit. The main thing is for the person to believe, make a puzzled face, and maybe take some actions or return calls. Then he will be fully congratulated on April Fool's Day.

Draws for April 1st at school

Tea with washing powder

Let us immediately note that school pranks should be the most harmless, not bring disastrous consequences, not violate safety, not spoil aesthetic education children and teenagers. Eat cool idea for the canteen or holiday tea party at school. What you will need:

  • empty box from the famous washing powder;
  • new plastic bag;
  • granulated sugar or dry baby food.

Let's describe the first option. First we prepare the props. To do this, in a box where there is not a single gram of washing powder, we discreetly place a plastic bag and fill it with sugar. The ends of the bag need to be secured somehow so that they are not visible, and at the same time, the powder particles do not accidentally come into contact with the sand and do not get into food or drink.

We take as an accomplice the school cook, who will demonstratively pour the contents of the box into a common teapot, from which delicious tea is about to be poured for everyone. This can be done at tea time with the whole class or during a regular lunch break. The main thing is that all the conspirators have serious faces and do not show that they know anything.

Option two is to replace the powder not with sugar, but with baby food. Any dry formula for babies will serve excellently for this purpose. At the right moment, we take the box out of our backpack and enjoy the contents. Such an eater is guaranteed to attract the attention of classmates and teachers.

Believe in telepathy

We're having a joke at recess. What you will need:

  • paper;
  • pen.

What you need to do is to seriously tell your classmate that you have developed telepathic abilities to guess numbers. For example, he needs to say any number in the range 1-9. Next, ask him to look into specific place, where the piece of paper with the corresponding number will be located. And in addition, tell him that you knew what he would wish for.

To carry out this draw, you need to make several cards with numbers and hide them in different places, making sure to remember their location. For example, put pieces of paper in your pockets or in books, under your desk.

Children's prank in class

Try to ensure that funny pranks do not violate general school discipline. Write a note with the text “look, there are socks on the ceiling, give it to someone else.” It will be funny for the whole class, as well as for the teacher who takes this note and also looks at the ceiling.

Draws for April 1: will lift the mood in any team

Big-eyed products greet mom

What you will need:

  • refrigerator filled with food;
  • many funny pairs of eyes;
  • glue.

All pranks on April 1 for mom should concern her usual activities - housework and cooking. Imagine how surprised a housewife will be when a huge number of eyes look at her when she opens the refrigerator door. Prepare the eyes in advance, cut them out from cartoon publications, magazines, or draw them on paper yourself. You can also take voluminous eyes from old toys, they look even better.

We glue our organ of vision to every product, every jar, to everything that is in the refrigerator. The main thing is that all eyes are clearly visible and stand out, numerous glances are directed at the person who opens the refrigerator. This harmless prank is perfect for women and always works like a charm.

Breakfast replacement for parents or children

  • canned peach;
  • yogurt or mayonnaise;
  • ginger or apple.

Homemade pranks for parents on April 1 work best if they are related to nutrition. You can make good scrambled eggs if you buy yogurt of a suitable color and replace the yolk with a canned peach (half a peach is enough). The resemblance is amazing. Also, don't forget to add apple slices to replace the French fries. And also the role of potatoes can be played by ginger, the role of protein by mayonnaise, and the yolk by a piece of gelatin.

Colored tap water

What do we need:

  • plumbing and tap;
  • coloring tablet or dye in liquid form.

The plumbing prank for mom and sister (or other family members) has been known for a long time, but still everyone falls for it and it turns out very funny. You can apply liquid coloring to your home faucet divider, or get even smarter by unscrewing the divider and placing food coloring on it in tablet form.

When your relative opens the tap, he will be shocked by the colored water. Better take red for maximum effect. In addition to other dyes, blue, iodinol and the like are suitable.

Miracles with socks

Set of items:

  • all the socks of the family member being pranked;
  • sewing machine or needle and thread.

What you need to do: sew each sock across the middle. Thus, a person will insert his foot and not understand why it does not go further as usual. Then he will take another pair, and there will be a similar problem - a line in the center. Try to make a light stitch so that the socks can later be restored without disastrous consequences.

Draw for April 1st at work

Cat treat for colleagues

Required items:

  • cat food in the form of pads;
  • dry breakfast in the form of pillows.

Positive communication between colleagues and a cheerful corporate spirit are irreplaceable things for a company in any field of activity, but humor should not interfere with work. For this giveaway, purchase a box of breakfast cereal in the shape of chocolate pillows and another box of cat food, also in the form of delicious pillows.

Ruthlessly replace the contents of the box and enjoy the effect of a delicious snack for your colleagues.

Computer problems

When your colleague leaves the workplace, we begin working with his computer. Make sure your friend is away right time, ask him to do a favor or send him to lunch. Open any program, minimize it to a small window and place it in the center of the desktop or anywhere else so that it does not overlap the icons.

Now you need to take a screenshot - that is, a screenshot. To do this, press alt and PrintScreen, then paste the image into graphics editor, save it and set it as your desktop wallpaper.

Your colleague arrives and tries in vain to close the program. Then he begins to worry and think that the operating system has frozen. After a reboot, nothing will change. During this time, you will have time to make fun of your colleague.

Congratulations-prank at the workplace

What you need for the joke:

  • plastic cups;
  • foil, wrapping paper (toilet paper, colored stickers or the like).

You simply have to come up with jokes for your work colleagues so that they will remember your pranks for a long time. Option one: purchase a large quantity plastic cups, completely cover everything with them workplace and properly block off the entire surrounding area. To do this, carefully place the cups on the floor, table, chairs, windowsill, office equipment and other objects. They must certainly stand close to each other. You can place glasses on the bottom or on the neck, it doesn’t matter.

Your colleague will not be able to get to his territory until he removes the entire arsenal of cups. He will get a lot of physical work, and you will have a lot of laughter.

Also not bad funny prank You can make it at work using foil. Your task is to wrap literally everything in foil. All the furniture, the computer, all the items on the table, work supplies. We also lay a shiny carpet on the floor.

You can also cover the entire car body with colored stickers. Looks amazing.

Universal April Fool's prank in the subway

When thinking about what pranks you can come up with on April 1, you shouldn’t limit yourself to home and work. Go outside to congratulate people on the holiday of laughter. Next, we’ll describe a wonderful prank on the subway that can be done by a couple.

This joke requires a person with a serious face and a respectable appearance. If you are one, then confidently enter the carriage at any stop. As soon as the train has started, demonstratively go to the place where the button to call the driver is located. Simulate pressing the button and say impressively: “Please, a hamburger and 2 Cokes for the carriage (state the carriage number).” After making your speech publicly, wait for the next stop, at which your accomplice enters and loudly asks people: “Whose order is 2 Coke and a hamburger?”

As soon as you pay the “delivery guy”, pick up the food, he leaves. The train starts moving again. At this moment, playfully use the button again, only this time say loudly and clearly: “We are going further to the final destination without stopping!”, or offer some other route option that is definitely unacceptable for all passengers. Don't forget to organize video filming - a third accomplice can discreetly film everything on his phone. This creative approach will be well received by any audience.

Don't forget to give your loved ones funny gifts on April 1st. Create an uplifting mood for yourself and others. Happy holiday to you, and by the way, urgently look back, your entire back is white.

Few people like jokes on April 1st. Firstly, they are mostly stupid, secondly, expected and predictable, thirdly, monotonous. Only cynicism can save such a situation. And, fortunately, Russian youth are doing much better with cynicism than with wit. Even textbook pranks for classmates at school, colleagues at work, friends, children and parents on April Fool's Day can be transformed beyond recognition by showing a little imagination, composure and securing the result with dry calculation. The same applies to typical “bearded” SMS jokes: after a little editing they will again become unexpected and quite funny.

Funny jokes for classmates at school on April 1st

April 1st is the brightest and fun party per year. On this day you can joke about parents and children, friends and colleagues, close and distant relatives. Even for mom and dad, you can prepare a funny prank that they are unlikely to be offended by. On April Fool's Day, in principle, it is forbidden to harbor a grudge against comedians and jokers. Moreover, if these sophisticated pranksters are not relatives, but desk buddies. Funny jokes for classmates at school on April 1 are an integral part of communication in a team. It should not be neglected. When else will you have the opportunity to poke fun at a nerd or take revenge on a bully with impunity?

The best jokes on April Fool's Day for classmates and classmates

We suggest playing a few funny jokes on April 1 for your classmates or classmates. They will cause laughter and smiles among friends, and sincere surprise among teachers:

  1. Wash the PVA glue bottle and fill it fresh milk. Sip your drink greedily during class. Rest assured, such an action will cause a lot of suspicious looks and funny remarks from your classmates.
  2. During breaks between lessons, tape the chair to the teacher's desk with stretch film. Wrap the piece of furniture completely on all sides, including everything inside and outside. To remove all the film, the teacher will have to spend 10-15 minutes of the lesson.
  3. Persuade a classmate to take a bag with several sets of men's clothing to the lecture. After the start of the class, one of the classmates should wrap himself in a blanket and enter the classroom with the phrase: “Masha, I forgot my clothes yesterday, did you bring them?” In response, the girl must stand up and give the guy a set of socks, panties, trousers and a T-shirt. After 5-7 minutes, a second classmate enters the audience in the same way, followed by a third. There will be no limit to the surprise of students and teachers!

April 1 jokes for friends - the best ideas for pranks

On April 1, the Lord himself commands to make fun of and joke with friends. Some jokes on April Fool's Day are quite harmless and only make you smile, others force you to wash yourself thoroughly or change your jacket, and others make you think about a retaliatory joke. Just think about it! After all, finding a “fresh” good joke for April 1st for friends is not so easy: best ideas Everyone is already tired of pranks, and I’m too lazy to invent new ones!

We offer you several funny ways to take revenge on your insidious prankster friends without spending extra time or additional money.

Fresh jokes and pranks on April Fool's Day for friends

To congratulate your friends on April Fool's Day in a fun and funny way, invite them to visit. Lighten the atmosphere with a light festive dinner and cocktails, and then start the mischief. Don't forget to prepare jokes for April 1 in advance; look for the best ideas for pranks in our selection.

  1. Place in a cardboard box with low sides balloon. Better yet, tape it down. Cover the top of the figure with cream from a can. Sprinkle the resulting cake with confectionery powder. Invite one of your guests to cut the dessert sharp knife. When the balloon bursts, the cream will scatter to all the guests.
  2. Choose an object to joke about. Take a drill and run it a couple of times in front of the victim. Then go behind the guest’s back, poke him between the shoulder blades with one hand (more precisely, a finger), and start the drill with the other at the same minute. The effect will exceed all expectations.
  3. if you have Small child(up to 1 year), this joke will definitely come in handy. Seat your guests at the table and go into another room. Pour squash caviar into a clean diaper and take a spoon in your hands. Return to the table with the guests and, with the words “Mmmm, yummy,” start eating caviar from the diaper.
  4. At the end of the evening, carefully place crumpled napkins in all guests' shoes. Tipsy friends will silently try to put on their shoes. Checked!

Unusual jokes for colleagues on April Fool's Day on April 1

Unusual in most cases April Fool's jokes for colleagues are associated with a workplace, personal computer or mobile phone. There are many options for such pranks and most of them have already become outdated. Today you won’t surprise anyone with an office chair covered in toilet paper or an employee’s “canned” head. The same goes for computer accessories. It is unlikely that you will be able to discourage your colleagues with a funny screensaver on your desktop or changing the settings in the mouse control. To find truly unusual jokes for colleagues on April Fool's Day on April 1, you will have to work a little.

The best office pranks for employees on April Fool's Day

And for those who are reluctant to find fresh humor, we have selected a collection of ready-made jokes, jokes and practical jokes for employees for April Fools' Day.

  1. Hide the spool of thread in the hem of the skirt, and bring the tip of the thread out with the needle. Ask a colleague to remove a thread from your skirt and enjoy the spectacle of a discouraged assistant.
  2. Before the employee arrives, cover his workplace with photo posters of Justin Biebier with cute lipstick kisses. This joke is especially relevant if your office neighbor is overly serious or brutal.
  3. Tell the late employee that the HR officer came to “his soul.” It’s as if they open a new office in a village (at a distance of at least 300 km) and transfer it as the most unpunctual one. At the same time, maintain a serious look or maintain a grimace of sympathy.
  4. Send a text message to all the men in the office with the text “Honey, I’m pregnant” at different times.

Popular April 1st jokes for mom and dad

On April Fool's Day, the one who suffers the most from jokes and pranks is the one who gets caught first. That is, mom and dad. It is with their parents that teenagers begin to hone the art of sarcasm and the skill of “pranks.” And sometimes, crossing the line of what is permitted, they offend those closest to them with unexpected unpleasant surprises in the form of mended trousers, stained toothpaste or salty tea. As a result, popular jokes for mom and dad end with mom's spoiled mood and dad's being late for work.

This year we suggest putting jokes aside and cheering up parents by reading funny poems over breakfast together. Mom and dad will probably like such comic congratulations on April 1 much more than spilled expensive nail polish or a faucet stained with food coloring.

The most harmless jokes for parents on April Fool's Day

Indeed, funny poems about April Fools' Day jokes are as amusing as the jokes themselves. See for yourself!

The rumor went to live:
Everyone will be given an apartment,
Salaries will increase significantly
And the rent will go down.
And from now on retire
Everyone will buy a car!
April 1, brothers -
A reason to laugh together!

Happy April, 1! Today is April Fool's Day,
They can push you into a puddle for fun,
Friends can play a prank without malice,
The main thing is to take everything with humor!

Joking with your boss can be expensive -
You will be fired for making jokes while smiling.

If a civil servant asks about something,
Jokes are fraught in response to questions.
Can you conceive a child today?
So that New Year meet at the maternity hospital.

Possible in public place weird -
They should be released by May 1st.
In general, don't be bored today:
It's better to laugh than to grumble gloomily!

Mom listened to the forecast:
“There will be a day without clouds and thunderstorms”...
Despite all the threats,
The daughter violated the forecasts:
Not enough for the pot
She's just two steps away -
It was as if the rain had wet my pants.
What can you do, your daughter is a baby...
The grandfather laughed until he cried:
- Apparently, the forecast was false!

The day started in the morning
It seems the same as yesterday
Got up, ate, washed,
Had a quick shave
Just started going out -
Someone started ringing the doorbell.
It turned out to be a postman,
He brought me the summons.
They summon me to court -
This is just the beginning of the day.
But he didn’t panic:
I ran to work.
Missed the bus
Okay, at least I caught a taxi.
But he turned out to be a newcomer
That taxi driver was confused,
I had to get lost with him for a long time,
But we managed to get there.
I'm running to work -
I meet strange looks:
Everyone immediately says when we meet,
It’s like I’m smeared with something.
Even though I washed my face in the morning,
But I got to the mirror:
Everything seems fine
I'll get to work.
Only on the phone
The voice is strange, unfamiliar
I was talking nonsense for a long time
So I missed lunch.
Remaining working day
I understood someone's handwriting
Someone sent me a letter
He called me on a date.
He even indicated the address
But he didn’t sign himself.
With my head already foggy
I was thinking about a strange note,
And I rushed that evening,
To make it to the meeting in time.
Walked around and along,
Even said the password
But no one met
Me in the specified coat.
I was returning home
He was hungry and angry.
Back on the phone again
A familiar voice is heard.
“Well, great, how’s it funny?
Did I trick you well?”
I grabbed my head
And he rolled with laughter,
After all, today, in fact,
It was the first of April...

Funny jokes and SMS pranks on April 1 for children from parents

Parenting is hard daily work. But if you approach a difficult mission with humor, many everyday situations are easier to overcome. Parents who know how to joke with their children at the right time easily turn educational process into entertainment. And the International Day of Humor is an excellent occasion to practice your wit using funny jokes and SMS drawings on April 1 for children from a parent.

Funny jokes in SMS on April Fool's Day for children from parents

Not only children are able to show off their originality and have fun making fun of their parents on the International Day of Laughter and Humor. Sometimes mom and dad, who have a bit of cynicism and creativity, are much more successful at making jokes on their children through funny SMS pranks on April 1st. Eg:

Son, don’t cut your toenails, otherwise they’ve promised ice!

(NAME), urgently buy toilet paper and run home... Otherwise something terrible will happen!!!

I am at Grandma Shura’s cemetery, today is the 5th anniversary of her death. I'll be there soon. I'll bring a lot of tasty things. Kisses, mom.

Vasya, when will the heroin shipment finally arrive?

Oh, sorry, son. It's not for you.

You are earnestly asked to go to the nearest police station and finally pick up your dog!!!

1 calls 2nd! Tomorrow at 13:00 at the same place! Password cockroach! I'll call the secret house in the evening! Let's call the operation Beaver! End of connection!!!

Preparing for the international spring marathon of humor and laughter, find the best jokes for April 1 for friends, classmates at school, and colleagues at work. Don't forget about the pranks for parents and children. Use our selection of SMS for April Fool's Day to cheer up even those who are far from you!

Dima Ivanets was slow in spirit, dull, but efficient. And then he was lucky, I don’t know, maybe for the first time in his life, maybe not, but he was lucky. At that moment he became a star for an hour, seeing THIS on our captain’s table.

In fact, we weren’t particularly burdened with our studies and the phenomenon when our captain left to tinker with his “swallow” - a green and rickety VAZ-2102 was constant and recurring. Captain Shubenkov generally had two weaknesses, at least we have calculated only them, these are his “swallow” and shooting with a slingshot at rats and crows behind the utility block. And if we observed the second passion occasionally and only in finery, walking around with a machine gun at the post, then we used the passion for the “swallow” very skillfully. As soon as we got tired of studying, when after lunch the young body simply fell asleep in classes to study the regulations or the antediluvian telegraph apparatus, as any moderately dexterous fighter from our platoon used. Any question on a car topic, such as “what is the pressure in your tires and how does this affect the car’s gas mileage” or “how to adjust the distributor,” was guaranteed to knock the teacher out of educational process and those who were especially clever could take advantage of this and sleep leaning over the mighty telegraph apparatus.

That day, the captain, as usual, was absent from classes, either grinding some crap at the RMO, or begging for gasoline from the warrant officer at the fuel and lubricants warehouse. Having given the task to study the SA regulations, he disappeared from training, leaving the sergeant of the training platoon to control us. Who periodically came into the classroom between a glass of tea in the storeroom and a cigarette in the toilet. We didn’t bother too much because it’s more important to ourselves, sit and sit and either eat or chat quietly with friends. Periodically, someone would get up and walk around the classroom. So Dima, bored and walking around the office, decided to pretend to be a captain and sit on his chair. But the playful little hands could not lie still and, having nothing to do, began to rearrange the few papers. Dima's scream woke up everyone who was sleeping.
They shushed him, “quiet, blah.” But the surprise and joy on his face, as well as the whisper “guys, come here,” forced him to get up and come closer. In the hands of the brake Dima was a simply stunning thing, a distribution sheet for the second platoon of the training company of the communications regiment. By that time, we had served for a little over 3 months and distribution to combat units was just around the corner. Finding out where fate would take you was just a pipe dream, almost like eating your fill and getting a good night’s sleep. Well, I say a pipe dream.
The platoon buzzed, everyone tried to snatch the piece of paper from Ivanets’s hands or at least look into it. The lucky ones who saw the place of their future service hurried to the map to find the villages of Mirny or Tiksi. Some were glad that they were staying in Moscow, others scolded the captain and platoon commander in advance for their place on the shores of the Arctic Ocean. Mexican passions were boiling...

The only person who remained completely calm was me. And not at all because we flew with Afghanistan to our hearts' content, because... The withdrawal of troops began back in May last year. Just as I expected, I stayed in Moscow.
There was nothing unusual in this, especially considering that I wrote the distribution sheet myself yesterday, March 31, adding good guys to good places, and idiots on Spitsbergen.
And on April 1, 1989, all I had to do was figure out how to make this document public. I didn’t think long and, taking advantage of the captain’s absence, left the corner with the names sticking out from under the papers on the table. Next, you just had to wait for a moderately curious comrade
(first and last names in the story have been changed)

Happy holiday to you guys, happy April first. DMB-90
M. Maksimov - Chelyabinsk, G. Kizhas - Siauliai, A. Batov - Perm, I. Salimgaraev - Osh, A. Ageev - Osa

If you are thinking about how best to prank your colleagues, friends and family on April 1, then this topic is for you.

Here are little-known and popular jokes for April 1st, collected the best April Fool's pranks.

1. April Fool's Phone Prank

Call any person you know who doesn't know your voice very well on the phone. say that you are calling him about an advertisement for the sale of a rare crocodile/lizard. The man says you made a mistake. And you continue to say that you are ready to pay good money and begin to name increasing amounts. The person denies that he placed any advertisement, but you are unapproachable and beg to sell you that wonderful crocodile with the photo. The main thing is not to allow pauses and not to let the other person hang up. At the end of the dialogue, congratulate him on the first of April.)

2. Eating washing powder. We play pranks on passersby.

Take an empty packet of any washing powder, pour baby formula into it and eat it in front of everyone. You definitely won't go unnoticed)

3. The best April Fools' pranks for colleagues

  • The joke is especially good for those who are not very computer savvy. Just cover the bottom of their computer mouse with electrical tape)) They will think for a long time what is wrong, and may even call an IT specialist to solve such a complex problem).
  • Also, in some computer mice it is possible to swap the functions of the buttons (mode for left-handed people).

4. Topical joke

This year we can convince everyone that there will be a transition to daylight saving time! After all, March 31st falls on a Sunday)

5. How to prank your husband or wife on the first of April?

Take his keychain on the evening of March 31st and freeze it in a saucepan with ice (deep) so that it does not thaw quickly)). As a rule, people pay attention to the keys in a hurry, already running away from home, and then a surprise awaits their spouse. Alternatively, he will have to take the saucepan with him).

6. How to play a prank on the first of April for your beloved guy or girlfriend?

  • Take a screenshot of your loved one's laptop desktop. Save to any graphics program and set the setting to display the picture as the desktop background. Copy all the shortcuts that were there to the folder (so that the person played can quickly restore everything and not swear). Move the folder from your desktop to “my documents”, for example. At first, a person will not understand anything, he will spend a long time poking at the screenshot labels, I think that they are real)))). Congratulate me on the first of April and tell me how to quickly return everything to its place.
  • Another option, for those who are not connoisseurs of cooking (most often these are beloved men), call and ask to buy you the medicine “Tiramisu” or “Pana Cota”! Your MCH will be looking for it in pharmacies for a long time)).

7. Want to play a prank? ex-boyfriend/husband, to annoy a colleague?

The draw is relevant for those who have recently broken up or temporarily had a fight with their significant other.

From an unknown number, starting at 6 a.m. on April 1st, send him an SMS in the style: “Take your hands out from under the blanket.” (you can come up with something else).

8. How to prank your neighbors on the first of April? The best pranks for neighbors.

  • You can smear the door handle with inside toothpaste (only so that it is not visible))
  • There is much more interesting way. On March 31st in the afternoon hang from front door announcement that from April 1 to April 3, both cold and hot water in connection with repair work. Warn that it is necessary to store water in buckets, basins, saucepans). On the first of April, you can say in the same place that it was a joke and congratulate everyone!)
  • If you have neighbors in your dorm with whom it is customary to share delicacies, then try a wonderful oriental sweet together. To do this you will need: crushed cookies, soap cut into pieces and a lot strawberry jam. Naturally, soap should not differ much from cookies in appearance (you can tell them apart by size - a little larger and a little smaller). You need to greedily eat the yummy food)) and say what a great oriental dessert your parents/aunt sent you. (naturally, choose cookies for yourself, and do not confuse them with soap)). A neighbor asks for a treat - feel free to treat him)). For about five seconds the neighbor doesn’t feel anything – but then what an effect!
  • The game is especially suitable for physics and chemistry teachers. Take a large three-liter jar, fill it with water or sticky and bright lemonade)). Place a thin but thick sheet of paper/cardboard on top and quickly turn the jar over the teacher's desk so as not to spill anything)) Carefully pull out the sheet and leave the jar)))). The main rule to prevent anything from spilling is a flat surface!
  • If you have an important test, or test, or exam on April 1, then prepare in advance a cheat sheet with a meaning in the style: “Zhi and Shi write with the letter i” and regularly look at it to attract the attention of the teacher or teacher. When he comes up and asks “what is that you have there,” feel free to show it and try not to laugh loudly at his face)).

10. Best draw for students on the first of April

During the draw, it is important to be at a serious lecture. So, someone from the first or last desk sends a note with the inscription “Look at the ceiling - there are panties hanging there. Then pass it on to someone else.” The whole audience begins to look up, the teachers are perplexed).

It is impossible to stop the crowd of students)). Then you can calmly pass this note to the teacher in response to his questions))) and laugh together!

Congratulations on the First of April!

You order a call to the person you want to prank, from a celebrity: Putin, Zhirinovsky or famous artist! You can also choose the topic of the call: April 1, birthday, some holiday. Just imagine that Putin calls your friend in the morning and personally congratulates him on the holiday, or the famous politician Vladimir Zhirinovsky. I can just imagine your friend's face. I assure you, you and your friend will get a lot of unforgettable minutes!

This prank is good for a person who often uses a computer, but is not very confident. Although an experienced user will probably also be discouraged for a few minutes.
So, step by step instructions:
Step 1. Lure the “victim” out from behind the computer and send him for a walk out of sight and earshot for 5-10 (or more) minutes.
Step 2. Create the appearance of work on the desktop. For example, we open a text editor and write the phrase “Hello, world!” there.
Step 3. Take a screenshot (press PrintScreen on the keyboard).
Step 4. Open the Paint program and paste our image from the clipboard (Ctrl+V).
Step 5. Save the document, remember the path to it, close the graphic editor.
Step 6. Find our picture in Explorer, right-click on it and select “Set as desktop background image.”
Step 7. We wait for the victim and enjoy the result at a safe distance.

You can play a very funny prank on people on the subway. Enter the carriage at one of the stops and, after waiting a little, go to the button to call the driver. Next, pressing it (of course, only pretending), you need to say loudly: “Two cokes and a hamburger, please, into the carriage numbered...”. And then calmly wait for the next stop, at which the accomplice must enter and loudly ask: “Who ordered two cokes and a hamburger?” After receiving payment, the accomplice must leave. As soon as the train starts moving, you need to go to the call button again and say loudly: “To the final station without stopping, please.”

The prank may be a little childish, but at the same time it is cruel, so if you prank someone this way, you know for sure that no one will be seriously offended... After February 14th, there was one unnecessary, but crazy beautiful valentine. Everyone in the team has guys who, one way or another, tease the “weaker” sex. In my opinion, this joke is just for them. We take a valentine and nicely cut it in the middle into two parts. We sign: “Find your soul mate!” and discreetly place it on the table, in outerwear (pocket), maybe in a bag. Where our victim will find it in a short time. Well, I think it’s clear here that we put the halves on one floor (two guys or two girls). It will be especially funny if the entire department is the audience.

With the help of this prank, the funniest thing is to joke on a person who is very scrupulous about the cleanliness of his things and appearance. You need to mix the Purgen tablet and a little ammonia, the result is a red-pink solution. It is poured into a cup and, when the opportunity arises, “accidentally” poured onto the unfortunate person being played. You can pretend that it was cherry juice, which, as you know, does not wash well.
After a few seconds, the stains will, of course, disappear as the ammonia evaporates. But it’s better, just in case, to first carry out this experiment at home on an unnecessary piece of light-colored material in order to completely eliminate the possibility of spoiling someone else’s thing.

This draw can be thought of as a bet. You hand your friend 100 rubles and say: “The store slipped a counterfeit bill. Let's bet you 100 rubles that you won't find the difference from the real thing? I searched for half a day and barely found it.” At the end of the draw, you either enjoy an extra hundred or reveal the secret.

To play the prank, you need to get up a little earlier than usual, and agree in advance with your friend’s wife to play along with you, call early in the morning and say that he is late for work, call his wife a little later and make an appointment, and before your friend arrives you set the table and look at his surprised reaction, tell him about your long-standing hidden feelings and that you have long wanted to confess to him that... today is April 1st!

We need preferably a young married couple. They are sitting at home, the windows overlook the courtyard. All conditions have been created in the room, as if there was a party going on (lights or color music). The windows are open, loud music is playing (during the day). Goal: a group of friends to prank a friend who doesn’t know the married couple. Previously, he is invited to this courtyard, they say, everyone in the apartment is going to a party. When the person being pranked arrives, he is told that there is a party in that apartment, not everyone has gathered yet, but there are very beautiful girl. She has a guy with her (someone's friend) who is trying to win her over, but she refuses him. All this time, our couple should stand at the window and pretend to have a slight quarrel. You need to briefly explain so that the person being pranked gets up, calls, and explains to the guy that he is the odd one out, and that now it’s “his turn” to win the lady. When the joyful guy gets up and rings the doorbell, during a short conversation he is shown a passport with a stamp.

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