Advertising megaphone with a little girl. What does the word "oxymoron" mean? Examples of oxymorons in Russian

Is fried ice cream an oxymoron? Oxymorons are often used in advertising and not always in good faith. And before the advertisement I thought that the emphasis on o was Oxymoron, but the girl correctly said oxyHumoron. April 1, 2016. Residents of the Middle Urals have become 25 times more interested in the meaning and pronunciation of the word oxymoron.

After the advertisement aired on television, philologists and language-sensitive representatives of the telecom industry criticized the company for being illiterate. This prompted Megafon to re-voice the video with the correct emphasis. We were sure that two types of pronunciation were possible, and we chose an oxymoron with an emphasis on the last syllable as the most common.

She said the incorrect ad prompted people to turn to search engines to find out how to correctly pronounce the word "oxymoron." Am I the only one who got fed up with the megaphone commercial where a little girl was harnessed to play like an indigo child beating up an adult?

Megafon re-voiced an advertisement about an oxymoron for the sake of Grammar Nazi

UPD. Yeah, my previous comrades supported me - everyone is sure that the oxymorOn is correct. In the new video “Philologist,” a father and his precociously smart daughter talk about the intricacies of the Russian language and try to choose the appropriate epithet for an advertising slogan.

An oxymoron is a type of figure of speech (a phrase usually consisting of two words) that is “all so contradictory” (just like a woman) that it really gets under your skin. No, really. An oxymoron (this spelling is acceptable in Russian along with oxymoron - emphasis on the letter Y) combines seemingly incompatible qualities and essences. This is what makes these figures remarkable.

Oxymoron - what is it, examples in Russian, as well as the correct stress and difference from an oxymoron (or axemoron)

So what is an oxymoron (sometimes misspelled in queries as an axemoron) if you try to define it? All these are examples of oxymorons, but more and more of them are appearing, because they are very catchy and attract attention. And here it turns out very briefly (just two words) and at the same time so succinct...

Advertisers use oxymorons ( smart nonsense, if we translate this word from Greek literally) also because this kind of phrase is very well remembered (literally ingrained into consciousness). I'm waiting for your examples of illogical, but such charming phrases, ala oxymoron... 2016-03-26 22:13:30 — Alexander Vladimirovich Serolapkin Compared to the new meanings of the words “fuck” and “cum”, this is an insignificant trifle.

Moreover, it just might seem incompatible small child according to the advertising script. It seems to me that the concept of “Oxymoron” also has a subjective component. Oxymoron. Fried without dependent words, without a prefix is ​​written with one -N-. Marina Viktorovna, it’s okay.

But then it turned out that only one thing was permissible - on the second syllable. We re-voiced the advertisement as soon as possible. Now we, like millions of TV viewers, will know exactly how to pronounce this word correctly,” Yulia Dorokhina, head of the operator’s press service, told Such queries were included in the top 10 topics of the penultimate week of March in Yandex search.

Examples of oxymorons in Russian

The new tariffs apply to trips within Russia, include more minutes and messages, and are noticeably cheaper in price. This helps you always stay in touch with your family.

Well, how could it be possible to fix it like that? But even this lag in advertising with dad and daughter is garbage compared to what was happening when advertising first appeared on television. As a result, the megaphone, hoping to attract attention with a not very common term, used it inappropriately and incorrectly. Although it’s clear that the money rules, the Russian language is mutating...

I thought making a decision in favor of one operator or another was simple: *once upon a time, fuck - when I bought my first SIM card and could not change the number (no longer relevant) *the whole family is on one operator; *stupidly cheaper. This is crazy!!! This is the flight of the poet’s soul! TS, if you knew how much time and ordeal it takes from the idea to the production of the video (with all the approvals and checks)… And, yes, proof with the accents! And, yes, I would put a dot in your title placed between the first and second three words.

Oxymoron - stylistic device, built on a combination of words with opposite meaning. Oxymorons are also often used to create some kind of drama - for example, “cruel kindness” or “deafening silence.”

– Is 50% a drop or another decline?
“Probably a fall,” the father answers.
– Can it be called grandiose?
– I think it’s possible.
– It seems to me that a different epithet is needed. For example, fantastic or stunning.
- Or maybe a bad fall?
- No, that would be an oxymoron.

In advertising, the image of a child prodigy began to be used quite often. Usually it is used to send the message “even a child can do this...”, which looks quite primitive, but has the right effect on the consumer.

Oxymoron, oxymoron (ancient Greek οξύμωρον, lit. - witty-stupid) - stylistic figure or a stylistic error - a combination of words with the opposite meaning (that is, a combination of incompatible things).

It is precisely how “witty-stupid” or “a combination of the incongruous” that other sources most often explain the meaning of this word. In Megafon's commercial, they talked about the “staggering drop” (of prices). Well, yes, the word “cool” (or rather, the noun “fly” from which this adjective comes), in in a certain sense, is associated with aspiration to heights. And the “fall” is clearly tied in meaning to the loss of height.

Therefore, from the point of view of a philologist (even a future one), “a great fall” is an obvious oxymoron. We come across this figure of speech (oxymoron) not so rarely, regardless of whether we are familiar with this term or not.

Oxymoron in literature

Often, it can be found in the titles of works, and quite well-known ones at that. Here's an example:

  • L.N. Tolstoy "The Living Corpse"
  • Yu.V. Bondarev "Hot Snow"
  • N.V. Gogol "Dead Souls"
  • V.V. Vishnevsky "Optimistic tragedy"
  • A.S. Green "Running on the Waves"
  • A. Azimov “The End of Eternity”
  • B. Vasiliev “Tomorrow there was war”
  • D.E. Galkovsky "Endless Dead End"

They also resort to using an oxymoron in order to create an unusual, vivid and memorable image for the reader.

It is not so rare to find the use of this figure of speech in ordinary speech. We sometimes don’t even think about the paradoxical nature of the combination of words when we hear or say the following phrases:

  • silent cry
  • screaming silence
  • ordinary miracle
  • complete emptiness
  • new tradition
  • more than half
  • a virtual reality
  • terribly beautiful
  • pleasant pain
  • drink to your health
  • unique platitude
  • premier boyan
  • cultural boor
  • little giant
  • loyal dictator
  • conscientious freeloader
  • chilling fervor
  • burning cold
  • falling up
  • wretched luxury
  • young old man
  • honest robber
  • huge babe
  • lie honestly
  • sweet tears
  • long moment
  • dull shine
  • true lies
  • controlled chaos
  • sworn friend
  • wavy surface
  • indifferent care
  • genius sucks
  • real imitation
  • spacious cage
  • believing atheist
  • afterlife

Now, you can recognize an oxymoron and take a fresh look at combinations of words that have become familiar. Or perhaps you’ll invent your own oxymorons. Just don’t forget that this should not just be a combination of words with opposite meanings, but, first of all, a deliberate combination of contradictory images into a whole.

    IN new advertising The mobile operator Megafon is played by a fairly well-known actor, his name is Evgeny Stychkin, he has a rich filmography, so many TV viewers recognized him. But his little partner is played by Vitaly Kornienko.

    And the sweet, charming heroine is played by the young actress Vita Kornienko. She is only five years old, born on May 18, 2010, but has already managed to star in 16 films. Who watched the TV series Deceive If You Love Memorized the little heroine named Martha, it was the first big role Vitas. Before this work, she only starred in a cameo role in two films.

    Evgeniy Stychkin played daddy. The essence of the video is that the daughter asks very smart questions to her father and answers them herself.

    But the role of the daughter was played by a very young girl named Vitaly Kornienko. She was born in 2010 on May 18 in the capital of Russia, Moscow. She has already played roles in 16 films, albeit episodic ones, but still.

    Indeed, it turned out to be a funny advertisement. The girl asks her dad questions and at the same time answers them in an adult manner. One phrase Oxymoron makes you smile. So who starred in this new and funny Megafon video? This famous actor Evgeniy Stychkin(filmography) and small (but mature beyond her years) Vita Kornienko. It’s not for nothing that advertising is called a philologist.

    Well, everyone recognized Evgeny Stychkin. The actor starred in a cool Megafon commercial. And everyone liked Evgenia’s partner - young Vitalia Kornienko, who plays the inquisitive daughter. You don't have cameo roles in films, but to a wide circle she is not familiar to the audience.

    Evgeny Stychkin starred in 101 projects.

    Of course, everyone recognized dad immediately. He is played by Evgeny Stychkin, whose filmography is not even worth listing, because many people love him. But those who still don’t know this charming actor can come here. But of particular interest is a girl who is smart beyond her years. And so funny too. The daughter of Vitaly Kornienko is played by a young actress about whom we will hear more than once.

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